Ohio History Journal

392 Ohio Arch

392        Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


and honor is not deserving of praise. The historical data are heavily,

conclusively against Burr. Burr was a man with the inordinate ambition

of Bonaparte and equally unscrupulous, cold blooded and selfish. There

was no sacrifice of friends or country or honor or truth or morality he

would not make for self-gratification and self-glorification. Burr was a

born intriguer and was associated with Lee and Gates in their schemes

against Washington. He was detected by the latter in gross immoral-

ities, and ever after he affected to despise the military genius and

noble character of Washington. He basely entrapped the simple minded

Blennerhasset. He wrecked his victim and cowardly deserted him when

the game was up. More than that, in the most dastardly manner he

scorned Blennerhasset in the hours of the latter's distress and disgrace.

No historical novel can right the wrongs committed by Aaron Burr,

though that novel be written by so gifted and accomplished a writer

as Mr. Pidgin.



We have frequent inquiries concerning the Coat of Arms of the

State of Ohio and especially whether Ohio ever adopted the motto

Imperium in Imperio.

On April 6, 1866, the Legislature passed the following act:

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of

Ohio, That the coat of arms of the state of Ohio shall consist of the

following device: A shield, upon which shall be engraved on the left,

in the foreground, a bundle of seventeen arrows; to the right of the

arrows, a sheaf of wheat, both standing erect; in the background, and

rising above the sheaf and arrows, a range of mountains, over which

shall appear a rising sun; between the base of the mountains and the

arrows and the sheaf, in the left foreground, a river shall be represented

flowing towards the right foreground; supporting the shield, on the

right, shall be the figure of a farmer, with implements of agriculture and

sheafs of wheat standing erect and recumbent; and in the distance, a

locomotive and train of cars; supporting the shield, on the left, shall

be the figure of a smith, with anvil and hammer; and in the distance,

water, with a steamboat; at the bottom of the shield there shall be a

motto, in these words: Imperium in Imperio.

SEC. 2. The great seal of the state shall be two and one-half inches

in diameter, on which shall be engraved the devise included within the

shield, as described in the preceding section, and it shall be surrounded

with these words: "The Great Seal of the State of Ohio."  Vol. 63,

page 185.

On May 9, 1868, the Legislature amended the above act and passed

the following:

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of

Ohio, That the coat of arms of the State of Ohio shall consist of the


Editorialana.                      393


following device: A shield, in form, a circle. On it, in the foreground,

on the right, a sheaf of wheat; on the left, a bundle of seventeen arrows,

both standing erect; in the background, and rising above the sheaf and

arrows, a mountain range, over which shall appear a rising sun.

SEC. 2. The great seal of the state shall be two and one-half inches

in diameter, on which shall be engraved the device as described in the

preceding section, and it shall be surrounded with these words: "The

great seal of the State of Ohio."

SEC. 4. The act passed April 6, 1868 (0. L. 63, 185), entitled an act

to provide the devices and great seal and coat of arms of the State of

Ohio, and said act as amended April 16, 1867 (0. L. 64, 191), be and

the same are hereby repealed.

It will thus be seen that the motto Imperium in Imperio only existed

during the short life of two years. It may not be uninteresting to note

that the Legislature which adopted the "imperial" motto was a Repub-

lican one, while the repealing assembly was Democratic, being the same

which elected Hon. Allen G. Thurman to the United States Senate.

The coat of arms practically as we now have it was originally adopted

in year 1802 or soon after the State was admitted into the Union.




Harper's Monthly for January current, has an interesting article by

Prof. Harlan Ingersoll Smith, Department of Anthropology, Ameri-

can Museum of Natural History, entitled the Great Pyramid. In this

sketch, which treats of a few of the most prominent archaeological monu-

ments in the United States, Prof. Smith describes Fort Ancient and the

Serpent Mound. After speaking of the preservation by our Society of

these valuable relics of a prehistoric day, Prof. Smith says: "It ( Fort

Ancient) is now preserved in a public park, like the Great Serpent, Ohio's

other famous aboriginal earth-work, and, like that, is controlled for the

public good and preserved for posterity by the Ohio State Historical So-

ciety. Nor should it be forgotten, that the good work initiated by Pro-

fessor Putnam of the Peabody Museum at Harvard, and followed by the

Ohio State Historical Society, is of the highest value to the country at

large and to future generations, as well as deserving of the highest praise

in our own time." We quote in full Prof. Smith's description of Serpent

Mound. "Of all these mounds, the Great Serpent appeals peculiarly to the

imagination. About its story, which is yet to be told, the fancy of the

twentieth century weaves traditions of serpent-worship in a forgotten ci-

vilization, or dreams of Eden and man's first disobedience. On the top of

a rocky promontory extending into the beautiful valley of Brush Creek, in

Adams county, Ohio, in the year 1848, Squier and Davis, the pioneers of

American archaeology, located the Serpent in a dense forest, and first de-

scribed it. An earthen effigy, complete and symmetrical, the Great Serpent