Ohio History Journal







Abolition's Axe: Beriah Green, Oneida

Institute, and the Black Freedom

Struggle, by Milton C. Sernett, rev.,


Above and Beyond: A History of the

Medal of Honorfrom the Civil War to

Vietnam, edited by Gordon Hardy, bk.

note, 170-171

Accounting reform, "Chapters in Ohio

Progressivism: The Cincinnati and

Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research

and Accounting Reform," by Richard

K. Fleischman and R. Penny

Marquette, 133-144

Adams, (Captain) John C., 44

Adams, John Quincy, The Life and

Times of Congressman John Quincy

Adams, by Leonard L. Richards, rev.,


AEF. See American Expeditionary


Afghanistan, 69

Age of Reform, The, by Richard

Hofstadter, 134, 135

Agricultural Experiment Station

(Wooster, Ohio), 51

Agriculture, "Ohio Agriculture Since

World War II," by R. Douglas Hurt,

50-71; 106-108

Ague, 15, 16, 17-18

Airplanes, WWI, 42, 37-49 passim

Aisne-Marne Offensive, WWI, 29

Albrecht, Carl W., book notes, 170-173

Allen, Maria, 114

Alvord, Clarence W., The Illinois

Country, 1673-1818, 74

American Agricultural Movement, 64

American Association of Public

Accountants, 135

American Business History Case Studies,

edited by Joseph Pusateri and Henry

Dethloff, 147

American Expeditionary Forces (AEF),

29-49; illustrations, 35, 41

American Institute of Certified Public

Accountants, 135

American Professors: A National

Resource Imperiled, by Howard R.

Bowen and Jack H. Schuster, rev.,


American Revolution, The, 7

American Universal Geography, by J.

Morse, 16

Amherst (Ohio), 30

An American Art Student in Paris: The

Letters of Kenyon Cox, 1877-1882,

edited by H. Wayne Morgan, rev.,


Andrus, [Mrs. ?], 116

Anopheles mosquito, 16-17

Antiabolitionists, 122-132

Aquitania, 31

Arab-Israeli War (1973), 63

Argonne-Verdun-Meuse, WWI, 46

Armistice, WWI, 46, 47

Armstrong family, 117

Ashtabula Abolitionist Society, 125

Ashtabula Colonization Society, 125

Ashtabula County Anti-Slavery Society,


Ashtabula County (Ohio), 122-132 passim

Ashtabula (Ohio), 125

Ashtabula Sentinel, 125, 129

Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History,

edited by Helen Hornbeck Tanner,

cartography by Miklos Pinther, rev.,


Augusta County, Virginia 1865-1955, by

Richard K. MacMaster, 147

Axtell, Silas, 127


BAILEY, Gamaliel, Gamaliel Bailey and

Antislavery Union, by Stanley Harrold,

rev., 155-156

Banking in the American South from the

Age of Jackson to Reconstruction, by

Larry Schweikart, 147

Banner, [?], 42

Barber, (Major) Frank, 29, 34, 36, 37, 38,

39, 40, 41, 44, 45

Bar-le-Duc (France), 46, 47

Basinger, Jeanine, The World War II

Combat Film: Anatomy of a Genre,

rev., 83-84

Batavia Township (Ohio), 126

Baughman, James L., book rev., 76-77

Beacham, [?], 38, 41, 42

Beatty, Elizabeth Grover and Marjorie S.

Stone, Getting to Know Athens

County, bk. note, 171-172

Index 175

Index                                                      175

Becker, Carl M. and Patrick B. Nolan,

Keeping the Promise: A Pictorial

History of the Miami Conservancy

District, 147

Beelen, George, Harding and Mexico:

Diplomacy by Economic Persuasion,

1920-1923, 147

Belknap, Michal R., book rev., 151-152;

book rev., 168-169

"Benjamin Wade's Strange Defeat," by

Vernon L. Volpe, 122-132

Berlin (Germany), 47

Bibliography of American County

Histories, A, compiled by P. William

Filby, bk. note, 171

Bierley, Paul E., The Music of Henry

Fillmore and Will Huff, bk. note, 172;

Hallelujah Trombone! The Story of

Henry Fillmore, bk. note, 172

Biographical Directory of the Indiana

General Assembly, A, Volume 1:

1816-1899, 74; Volume 2: 1901-1984, 74

Black, Gregory D. and Clayton R.

Koppes, Hollywood Goes to War: How

Politics, Profits, and Propaganda

Shaped World War II Movies, 147

"Black Laws," 127

Black stem rust, 52

Blackwell, Antoinette Brown, Friends

and Sisters: Letters Between Lucy

Stone and Antoinette Brown Blackwell,

1846-1893, co-edited by Carol Lasser

and Marlene Deahl Merrill, 147

Bloom, Alexander, Prodigal Sons: The

New York Intellectuals & Their World,

rev. 76-77

Blue, Frederick, Salmon P. Chase: A

Life in Politics, 147

"Bluff Ben." See Wade, Benjamin

"Boche." See German soldiers, WWI

Bouquet, Henry, The Papers of Henry

Bouquet, Volume 5: September 1,

1760-October 31, 1761, edited by Louis

M. Waddell, John L. Tottenham, and

Donald H. Kent, bk. note, 170

Boston Massacre, The, 7

Bovine tuberculosis, 52

Bowen, Howard R. and Jack H.

Schuster, American Professors: A

National Resource Imperiled, rev.,


Boyce, (Captain) William E., 36, 37

Bradford (Ohio), Bradford The Railroad

Town: A Railroad Town History of

Bradford, Ohio, A Pennsylvania

Railroad Town, by Scott D. Trostel,

rev., 163-164

Bradford The Railroad Town: A Railroad

Town History of Bradford, Ohio, A

Pennsylvania Railroad Town, by Scott

D. Trostel, rev., 163-164

Bread Upon The Waters, by Rose

Pesotta, 74

Breckinridges of Kentucky, 1760-1981,

The, by James C. Klotter, rev., 86-87

Breen, T. H., Tobacco Culture: The

Mentality of the Great Tidewater

Planters on the Eve of Revolution,

rev., 88-89

Brockman, Paul and Eric Pumroy, A

Guide to Manuscript Collections of the

Indiana Historical Society and Indiana

State Library, 73

Brownell, Blaine, 144

Brucellosis, 52, 66

Bryce, James, 133

Buck, A. E., 141

"Buckeye Doughboy in the Great War:

The Wartime Diary and Letters of

John J. Miller, A," edited by Helen

Wingate and Donald Smythe, S.J.,


Buenker, [?], 135

Burns, (Lieutenant) Harry H., 31, 36, 44

Burt [?], 47

Burton (Ohio), 108, 109, 114

Byrne, Frank L. and Jean Powers

Soman, editors, Your True Marcus:

The Civil War Letters of A Jewish

Colonel, rev., 80-81


CAFE de Centre, 36

Camp Merritt (New Jersey), 30-31

Camp Sherman (Chillicothe, Ohio), 30

Carter administration, 69

Carter, Harvey Lewis, The Life and

Times of Little Turtle: First Sagamore

of the Wabash, rev., 156-158

Carter, Lorenzo, 12, 21

Carter, Mrs. Lorenzo (Rebecca), 11-12

Carter, Rebecca (Mrs. Lorenzo Carter),


Cayton, Robert Frank, The City of

Marietta, Ohio: 1788-1987, A

Bibliography, 73

CBMR. See Cincinnati Bureau of

Municipal Research

Centennial History of the Indiana

General Assembly, 1816-1978, The, by

Justin E. Walsh, 74


176                                            OHIO HISTORY

Center Street (Claridon, Ohio), 109, 111,

117, 119, 120

Century of Achievement: Black Hoosiers

in the Indiana General Assembly,

1881-1986, A, by Alan F. January and

Justin E. Walsh, 74

Cerillo, Augustus, 135

Certified Public Accountant (C.P.A.),

133-144 passim

Challenges to Deterrence in the 1990s,

edited by Stephen Cimbala, 147

Chambers, John W., 134

Champagne-Marne Defensive, WWI, 29

Chance, Holder, 109

"Chapters in Ohio Progressivism: The

Cincinnati and Dayton Bureaus of

Municipal Research and Accounting

Reform," by Richard K. Fleischman

and R. Penny Marquette, 133-144

Chardon (Ohio), 29, 114, 118, 125

Charteves (France), 44

Chase, Salmon P., Salmon P. Chase: A

Life in Politics, by Frederick Blue, 147

Chateau-Tierry (France), 38n.5, 40, 49

Chatham (Ohio), 29

Chemical technology in agriculture,

51-52, 64

Chemin des Dames front, WWI, 38n.5

Chester Township (Ohio), 128

Cholera, 16

Cimbala, Stephen, editor, Challenges to

Deterrence in the 1990s, 147

Cincinnati Bureau of Municipal Research

(CBMR), "Chapters in Ohio

Progressivism: The Cincinnati and

Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research

and Accounting Reform," by Richard

K. Fleischman and R. Penny

Marquette, 133-144

Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, 138

Cincinnati City Auditor, 139

Cincinnati City Club, 138

Cincinnati Enquirer, 140

Cincinnati Municipal Exhibition, 140-141

Cincinnati (Ohio), "Chapters in Ohio

Progressivism: The Cincinnati and

Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research

and Accounting Reform," by Richard

K. Fleischman and R. Penny

Marquette, 133-144

Cincinnati Parks Department, 138-139

Cincinnati Purchasing Department, 139

Cincinnati Times-Star, 140

City administration, 133-144

City manager system, 142-143; City

Manager in Dayton, by Chester E.

Rightor, 141

City Manager in Dayton, by Chester E.

Rightor, 141

City of Marietta, Ohio: 1788-1987, A

Bibliography, The, by Robert Frank

Cayton, 73

Claridon Center (Ohio), 109-121; map,


Claridon Congregational Church, 101-121

passim; illustration, 111

Claridon Congregational Society, 109

Claridon Methodist Church, 110-121


Claridon Methodist Society, 110-112

Claridon (Ohio), "Land and Community

in Rural Nineteenth Century America:

Claridon Township, 1810-1870," by

Robert A. Wheeler, 101-121;

illustration, 107, 111, 115, 117,

summer-autumn cover

Claridon Township (Ohio), "Land and

Community in Rural Nineteenth

Century America: Claridon Township,

1810-1870," by Robert A. Wheeler,


Cleaveland, Moses, 8, 9, 19, 11, 14, 15

Clements, Barbara Evans, book rev.,


Cleveland Centennial Celebration, 9-10

Cleveland (Ohio), 5-28 passim, 29-49

passim, 136

Cobb, Irvin S., 43

Cobb, Margaret, 9, 12-13, 17, 18, 21, 26

Coblenz (Germany), 46, 48

Coffman, Edward M., The Old Army: A

Portrait of the American Army in

Peacetime, 1784-1898, rev., 81-82

Cole, Arthur C., The Era of The Civil

War, 1848-1870, 74

Cole, [Mr. ?], 114

Colonial American English: A Glossary,

by Richard M. Lederer, Jr., bk. note,


Columbia (Ohio), 27

Columbus (Ohio), 65

Committee on Economy and Efficiency,


Commodity Credit Corporation, 65

Conneaut Gazette, 129

Conneaut (Ohio), 130

Connecticut Land Company, 5, 8, 10,


Continental Congress, The, 7

Contract farming, 56

Cooney, (Lieutenant) Thomas E., 43

"Cost-price" squeeze, 50-71

Cowles family, 108

Index 177

Index                                                      177

Cox, "Boss" George, 136, 138

Cox, Kenyon, An American Art Student

in Paris: The Letters of Kenyon Cox,

1877-1882, edited by H. Wayne

Morgan, rev., 153-154

C.P.A. See Certified Public Accountant

Craig, Gordon A. and Felix Gilbert,

collaborators with Peter Paret, editor,

Makers of Modern Strategy from

Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age, rev.,


Creation of Patriarchy, The, by Gerda

Lerner, rev., 150-151

Crezancy (France), 41, 43, 44

Crile, George W., 46

Crops, 50-71 passim

Crowley, Martha, 30

Crucible of Socialism, The, edited by

Louis Patsouras, 147

Cutler, Julia Perkins and William Parker

Cutler, Life, Journals, and

Correspondence of Rev. Manasseh

Cutler, LL.D., Volume I, rev., 149-150

Cutler, Manasseh, Rev., Life, Journals,

and Correspondence of Rev. Manasseh

Cutler, LL.D., Volume I, by William

Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler,

rev., 149-150

Cutler, William Parker and Julia Perkins

Cutler, Life, Journals, and

Correspondence of Rev. Manasseh

Cutler, LL.D., Volume I, rev., 149-150

Cuyahoga River, 8, 11, 103, 108

DAIRY farming, 50-71 passim, 106,


Dancevoir (France), 35

Daugherty, Robert L., book rev., 83-84;

book rev., 90-92; book rev., 167-168

Dayton Bureau of Municipal Research

(DBMR), "Chapters in Ohio

Progressivism: The Cincinnati and

Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research

and Accounting Reform," by Richard

K. Fleischman and R. Penny

Marquette, 133-144

Dayton City Charter Commission, 142

Dayton Department of Finance, 143

Dayton Department of Health, 142

Dayton Department of Public Safety, 143

Dayton Evening Herald, 142

Dayton Municipal Exhibition, 143;

illustration, 142

Dayton (Ohio), "Chapters in Ohio

Progressivism: The Cincinnati and

Daytop Bureaus of Municipal Research

and Accounting Reform," by Richard

K. Fleischman and R. Penny

Marquette, 133-144

DBMR. See Dayton Bureau of Municipal


Death of a child, 17-21

DeBenedetti, Charles, editor, Peace

Heroes in Twentieth-Century America,

rev., 75-76

Declaration of Independence, The, 7

Democratic party, 122-132

Demographics, 101-121

Dentistry, 29-49 passim

Dethloff, Henry and Joseph Pusateri,

editors, American Business History

Case Studies, 147

Detroit (Michigan), 27, 141

Dillon, Katherine V. and Donald M.

Goldstein with Gordon W. Prange,

Pearl Harbor: The Verdict of History,

rev., 90-92

District Paymaster, 27

"Domesticity" and the 18th century

woman, 5-28 passim

Dow, [?], 49

Dysentery, 16


EARLY Architecture of Madison, Indiana,

The, by John T. Windle and Robert M.

Taylor, Jr., rev., 161-163

East Claridon (Ohio), 109-121; map, 115

Economic Change and Family Structure

in Ottoman Aleppo, 1770-1850, by

Marlee Meriwether, 145

Economy of Claridon Township (Ohio),


Edmunds, R. David, The Potawatomis:

Keepers of the Fire, 74

Eisenhower administration, 53-54

Elections, (Ohio Guberanatorial 1808?),

25; (1838), 124; (Ohio Senate, 1839),

"Benjamin Wade's Strange Defeat,"

by Vernon L. Volpe, 122-132

Elyria High Schbol, 29

Elyria (Ohio), 29-49 passim

Encyclopedia of American Religions,

The, by J. Gordon Melton, 73

Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, The,

compiled and edited by David D. Van

Tassel and John J. Grabowski, 73

England, WWI descriptions of, 31-34

"Entangling Alliances With None":

American Foreign Policy in the Age of

Jefferson, by Lawrence S. Kaplan,

rev., 94-95


178                                        OHIO HISTORY

Ensign, Emily, 114

Ensign, T. W., 118

Era of The Civil War, 1848-1870, The, by

Arthur C. Cole, 74

Erie Company tract (Western Reserve),


Eurasian Crucible: China Between the

Soviet Union and the United States,

by Tong-Chin Rhee, 145

Exports, agricultural, 62-63, 68, 69


FAMILY life in 18th century, 18-19

Farmers Union, The, 65

Farm Labor Organizing Committee, 66

Farm Worker Movement, The Politics of

Insurgency: The Farm Worker

Movement in the 1960s, by J. Craig

Jenkins, rev., 84-86

Farming in Ohio, 5-28 passim; "Ohio

Agriculture Since World War II," by

R. Douglas Hurt, 50-71; 101-121

passim; illustrations, 57, 107,

summer-autumn cover

FDR: A Biography, by Ted Morgan,

rev., 92-94

FDR. See Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Feed Grain Program, 58-59

Field Guide to Flight: On the Aviation

Trail in Dayton, Ohio, A, by Mary

Ann Johnson, bk. note, 173

Filby, P. William, compiler, A

Bibliography of American County

Histories, bk. note, 171

Fillmore, Henry, The Music of Henry

Fillmore and Will Huff, by Paul E.,

Bierley, bk. note, 172; Hallelujah

Trombone! The Story of Henry

Fillmore, by Paul E. Bierley, bk. note,


Flack, Bruce C., book rev., 77-79

Fleischman, Richard K. and R. Penny

Marquette, "Chapters in Ohio

Progressivism: The Cincinnati and

Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research

and Accounting Reform," 133-144

Food and Agriculture Act (1965), 60

Food for Peace Program (Public Law

480), 60, 65

Francaviglia, Richard V., book rev.,


France, WWI descriptions of, 35-49


Fredriksen, John C., editor, The War of

1812: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, 72

Free Soil party, 132

Freetown (Massachusetts), 109

French Fascism: The First Wave, by

Robert J. Soucy, 147

Frey, Sylvia R. and Marian J. Morton,

New World, New Roles: A

Documentary History of Women in

Pre-Industrial America, rev., 165-166

Friends and Sisters: Letters Between

Lucy Stone and Antoinette Brown

Blackwell, 1846-1893, co-edited by

Carol Lasser and Marlene Deahl

Merrill, 147

"Fritz." See German soldiers, WWI

Frontier State, 1818-1848, The, by

Theodore C. Pease, 74


GAMALIEL Bailey and Antislavery Union,

by Stanley Harrold, rev., 155-156

Gara, Larry, book rev., 75-76

Gaylord, [Mr. ?], 23

Geauga County (Ohio), 101-121, 122-132


General Electric, 29

George [servant to Huntington family],

17, 22

German soldiers, WWI, 32-49 passim

Germany, WWI descriptions of, 32-49


Getting to Know Athens County, by

Elizabeth Grover Beatty and Marjorie

S. Stone, bk. note, 171-172

Giddings, Joshua, 124, 125, 126, 130

Gilbert, Felix and Gordon A. Craig,

collaborators with Peter Paret, editor,

Makers of Modern Strategy from

Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age, rev.,


Goldstein, Donald M. and Katherine V.

Dillon with Gordon W. Prange, Pearl

Harbor: The Verdict of History, rev.,


Goodwin, Clinton, 113, 116, 118, 119,


Gordon, Steve, book rev., 161-163

Gould, Jay, The Life and Legend of Jay

Gould, by Maury Klein, rev., 154-155

Government price supports, subsidies,

embargos, 52, 53-54, 58-60, 62-63, 68,


Grabowski, John J. and David D. Van

Tassel, compilers and editors, The

Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, 73

Grand Foret (France), 39

Grand River, 23, 24

Grant, Ulysses S., The "Spider Web":

Congress and Lobbying in the Age of

Index 179

Index                                                      179

Grant, by Margaret Susan Thompson,

rev., 164-165

Green, Beriah, Abolition's Axe: Beriah

Green, Oneida Institute, and the Black

Freedom Struggle, by Milton C.

Sernett, rev., 87-88

Greenfield (Ohio), 27

Groseclose, Barbara, book rev., 153-154

Guide to Major Manuscript Collections

Accessioned and Processed by the

Library of The Western Reserve

Historical Society Since 1970, A,

compiled by Kermit J. Pike, 73

Guide to Manuscript Collections of the

Indiana Historical Society and Indiana

State Library, A, by Eric Pumroy with

Paul Brockman, 73


HAIG, (Sir) Douglas, 33n.3

Hallelujah Trombone! The Story of

Henry Fillmore, by Paul E. Bierley,

bk. note, 172

Hallin, Daniel C., The "Uncensored

War": The Media and Vietnam, rev.,


Harding and Mexico: Diplomacy by

Economic Persuasion, 1920-1923, by

George Beelen, 147

Harding, Warren G., Harding and

Mexico: Diplomacy by Economic

Persuasion, 1920-1923, by George

Beelen, 147

Hardy, Gordon, editor, Above and

Beyond: A History of the Medal of

Honorfrom the Civil War to Vietnam,

bk. note, 170-171

Harrison, (General) William Henry, 27

Harrold, Stanley, Gamaliel Bailey and

Antislavery Union, rev., 155-156

Hartford (Connecticut), 7

Hathaway family, 118

Hathaway, J. C., 118

Hathaway, Lot, 109

Hartland (Connecticut), 101, 108, 109

Hays, Samuel, "The Politics of Reform

in Municipal Government in the

Progressive Era," 134

Heitmann, John A., The Modernization

of the Louisiana Sugar Industry,

1830-1910, 147

Hellman, John, book rev., 79-80

Hendrickson, Kenneth E., Jr., book rev.,


Hindenburg, Paul von, 48n.13

Hiroshima (Japan), 50

Hofstadter, Richard, The Age of Reform,

134, 135

Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics,

Profits, and Propaganda Shaped

World War II Movies, by Clayton R.

Koppes and Gregory D. Black, 147

Holmes purchase (Western Reserve), 108

Howard, Victor B., book rev., 87-88

Howe, Frederic, 143

Hubert Humphrey: A Biography, by Carl

Solberg, rev., 158-159

Huff, Will, The Music of Henry Fillmore

and Will Huff, by Paul E.

Bierley, bk. note, 172

Hull, [General ?], 27

Humphrey, Hubert, Hubert Humphrey:

A Biography, by Carl Solberg, rev.,


"Huns." See German soldiers, WWI

Hunt, [H. L.?], 140

Huntington, Andrew, 6

Huntington, Colbert, 17, 19

Huntington, Francis, 19

Huntington, Frank, 17, 23

Huntington, Hannah (Mrs. Samuel

Huntington), "'I Would Go Wherever

Fortune Would Direct': Hannah

Huntington and the Frontier of the

Western Reserve," by Lois Scharf,


Huntington, Joseph, 7

Huntington, Julian, 9, 17, 19, 23

Huntington, Martha Devotion (Mrs. John

Henry Matthews), 17, 18, 19, 22, 23

Huntington, Mrs. Andrew (Hannah

Phelps), 6-7

Huntington, Mrs. Samuel (Hannah

Huntington), "'I Would Go Wherever

Fortune Would Direct': Hannah

Huntington and the Frontier of the

Western Reserve," by Lois Scharf,


Huntington, Robert, 17, 19

Huntington, Samuel, 5-28; illustration, 13

Huntington, Samuel (Uncle to SH), 7

Huntington, Samuel ("Sammy," son of

SH and HH), 17, 18-21

Huntsburg Township (Ohio), 114

Hurt, R. Douglas, "Ohio Agriculture

Since World War II," 50-71; book

rev., 84-86; book rev., 88-89

Huthmacher, [?], 135

ILLINOIS Country, 1673-1818, The, by

Clarence W. Alvord, 74

Illness, in early Ohio, 14, 15-18


180                                         OHIO HISTORY

Indians, in Ohio, 11-12; The Life and

Times of Little Turtle: First Sagamore

of the Wabash, by Harvey Lewis

Carter, rev., 156-158

Industrial Belt: An Annotated

Bibliography, The, by Thomas J.

Schlereth, 73

Influenza, 16

Iroquois Nation, II

Irwin [?], 22

Isle of Man (British Isles), 33

"'I Would Go Wherever Fortune Would

Direct': Hannah Huntington and the

Frontier of the Western Reserve," by

Lois Scharf, 5-28

JACKSON County (Michigan), 130

Jaffer, [?], 36

January, Alan F. and Justin E. Walsh, A

Century of Achievement: Black

Hoosiers in the Indiana General

Assembly, 1881-1986, 74

Jefferson, Thomas, "Entangling

Alliances With None": American

Foreign Policy in the Age of Jefferson,

by Lawrence S. Kaplan, rev., 94-95

Jenkins, J. Craig, The Politics of

Insurgency: The Farm Worker

Movement in the 1960s, rev., 84-86

Johnson, Andrew, 122

Johnson, Mary Ann, A Field Guide to

Flight: On the Aviation Trail in

Dayton, Ohio, bk. note, 173

Johnson, Thomas L., 136, 143

Joint Committee on the Conduct of the

War, US Senate, 122

Jones, Samuel "Golden Rule," 136

Journal of Accountancy, The, 134


KAISER [Wilhelm], 48

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 132

Kaplan, Lawrence S., "Entangling

Alliances With None": American

Foreign Policy in the Age of Jefferson,

rev., 94-95

Keep Commission, 135

Keeping the Promise: A Pictorial History

of the Miami Conservancy District, by

Patrick B. Nolan and Carl M. Becker,


Kellogg family, 108

Kent, Donald H., Louis M. Waddell and

John L. Tottenham, editors, The

Papers of Henry Bouquet, Volume 5:

September 1, 1760-October 31, 1761,

bk. note, 170

Kentuckians in Ohio and Indiana, by

Stuart Seely Sprague, bk. note, 172

Kinnison, William A., Springfield and

Clark County: An Illustrated History,

bk. note, 173

Klein, Maury, The Life and Legend of

Jay Gould, rev., 154-155

Klotter, James C., The Breckinridges of

Kentucky, 1760-1981, rev., 86-87

Koppes, Clayton R. and Gregory D.

Black, Hollywood Goes to War: How

Politics, Profits, and Propaganda

Shaped World War II Movies, 147

Korean War, 53


LAFOLLETTE, [Robert], 136

Lake Erie, 8, 109

"Land and Community in Rural

Nineteenth Century America: Claridon

Township, 1810-1870," by Robert A.

Wheeler, 101-121

Land prices, 50-71 passim

Lasser, Carol and Marlene Deahl Merrill,

editors, Friends and Sisters: Letters

Between Lucy Stone and Antoinette

Brown Blackwell, 1846-1893, 147

Leach, F. R., 138

Lederer, Richard M., Jr., Colonial

American English: A Glossary, bk.

note, 172-173

LeHavre (France), 34

Lerner, Gerda, The Creation of

Patriarchy, rev., 150-151

Le Tracey (France), 38

Liberty party, 129, 131

Liberty's Daughters: The Revolutionary

Experience of American Women

1750-1800, by Mary Beth Norton, 25

Life and Legend of Jay Gould, The, by

Maury Klein, rev., 154-155

Life and Times of Congressman John

Quincy Adams, The, by Leonard L.

Richards, rev., 89-90

Life and Times of Little Turtle: First

Sagamore of the Wabash, The, by

Harvey Lewis Carter, rev., 156-158

Life Behind A Veil: Blacks in Louisville,

Kentucky, 1865-1930, by George C.

Wright, 73

Life, Journals, and Correspondence of

Rev. Manasseh Cutler, LL.D., Volume

I, by William Parker Cutler and Julia

Perkins Cutler, rev., 149-150

Linsey, (Lieutenant) Lucien N., 31

Literary Digest, 49

Index 181

Index                                                         181

Little Turtle, The Life and Times of

Little Turtle: First Sagamore of the

Wabash, by Harvey Lewis Carter,

rev., 156-158

Liverpool (England), 32, 33

Liverpool (Ohio), 27

Livestock, 50-71 passim

Lorain (Ohio), 27

Lorainne (France), 46

Lukens family, 117

Lukens, J. P., 118

Lundendorff, Eric, 48


McCLURE'S Magazine, 136

McCombs, Carl E., 142

McCormack, [?], 32, 34

McCormick, Charles, book rev., 89-90

MacMaster, Richard K., Augusta

County, Virginia 1865-1955, 147; Our

Strong Heritage: Asbury United

Methodist Church, Harrisonburg,

Virginia 1788-1988, 147

Madison, Indiana, The Early

Architecture of Madison, Indiana, by

John T. Windle and Robert M. Taylor,

Jr., rev., 161-163

Madison (Ohio), 128

Mail delivery in early Ohio, 14

Makers of Modern Strategy from

Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age, edited

by Peter Paret with the collaboration

of Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert,

rev., 167-168

Malaria, 15-17

Malvin, John, North Into Freedom: The

Autobiography of John Malvin, Free

Negro 1795-1880, by Allan Peskin, 147

Manning, Roger D., Village Revolts:

Social Protest and Popular

Disturbances in England 1509-1640,


Marne River, 38n.5, 39, 41, 43n.7, 44, 45

Marquette, R. Penny and Richard K.

Fleischman, "Chapters in Ohio

Progressivism: The Cincinnati and

Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research

and Accounting Reform," 133-144

Marriage, 18th century concept of, 5-28


"Marsh miasma." See Malaria

Marston, (Lieutenant) Frank R., 29, 31,


Mason (33rd degree), 30

Mastick, Nathaniel, 101-102, 109

Matthews, (Doctor) John Henry, 22

Matthews, Mrs. John Henry (Martha

Devotion Huntington), 17, 18, 19, 22,


Mattingly, Paul H. and Edward W.

Stevens, Jr., editors, ". . .Schools and

The Means of Education Shall Be

Forever Be Encouraged." A History of

Education in the Old Northwest,

1787-1880, 73

Mayen (Germany), 47, 49

Mazy (France), 44

Melton, J. Gordon, The Encyclopedia of

American Religions, 73

Mentor Township (Ohio), 126

Meriwether, Marlee, Economic Change

and Family Structure in Ottoman

Aleppo, 1770-1850, 145

Merrill, Marlene Deahl and Carol Lasser,

editors, Friends and Sisters: Letters

Between Lucy Stone and Antoinette

Brown Blackwell, 1846-1893, 147

Metz, Herman A., 137

Meuse-Argonne Offensive, WWI, 29

Meuse (France), 47

Middlefield Township, (Ohio), 114

Middle Street (Claridon, Ohio), 108, 111,


Migrant Workers, 61, 66

Miles, Rufus E., 138

Military Effectiveness, edited by Allan R.

Millett and Williamson Murray, 147

Military hospitals, WWI, 39, 40-44

passim; illustrations, winter-spring


Miller, John J., "A Buckeye Doughboy

in the Great War: The Wartime Diary

and Letters of John J. Miller," edited

by Helen Wingate and Donald Smythe,

S.J., 29-49; illustration, 31

Miller, Mary Elizabeth, 29

Miller, Philo K., 29

Millett, Allan R. and Williamson Murray,

editors, Military Effectiveness, 147

Modernization of the Louisiana Sugar

Industry, 1830-1910, The, by John A.

Heitmann, 147

Mohawk indians, 11

Montfaucon (France), 47

Montmirail (France), 39

Morgan, John Hunt, Rebel Raider: The

Life of General John Hunt Morgan, by

James A. Ramage, 73

Morgan, H. Wayne, editor, An American

Art Student in Paris: The Letters of

Kenyon Cox, 1877-1882, rev., 153-154


182                                        OHIO HISTORY

Morgan, Ted, FDR: A Biography, rev.,


Morse, J., American Universal

Geography, 16

Muckraking, 133

Muller, Edward, 106

Municipal exhibitions, 140-141;

illustration, 142

Municipal reform, "Chapters in Ohio

Progressivism: The Cincinnati and

Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research

and Accounting Reform," by Richard

K. Fleischman and R. Penny

Marquette, 133-144

Munson Township (Ohio), 114

Murray, Williamson and Allan R. Millett,

editors, Military Effectiveness, 147

Music of Henry Fillmore and Will Huff,

The, by Paul E., Bierley, bk. note, 172


NAGASAKI (Japan), 50

National Cash Register, 141

National Farmers Organization, The

(NFO), 60, 66

National Guard, WWI, 48

National Municipal League (NML), 136,

137, 138, 143

National Municipal Review, 137, 140,


Nelson's Ledge, 114

Newburgh Mill, 17

Newcastles disease, 52

Newell, Lectus, 113, 115, 116, 117-118,

119, 120

New Hartford (Connecticut), 108, 109

New Haven (Connecticut), 7

New World, New Roles: A Documentary

History of Women in Pre-Industrial

America, by Sylvia R. Frey and

Marian J. Morton, rev., 165-166

New York Bureau of Municipal Research

(NYB), 135, 137, 138, 140, 142

New York (New York), 30-31, 136, 137,

139, 140, 141

NFO. See National Farmers

Organization, The

NML Committee on Uniform Accounting

Methods, 136

NML. See National Municipal League

Nogent-L'Artaud sur Marne (France),

39-40, 46-47

No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism & the

Universities, by Ellen W. Schrecker,

rev., 168-169

Nolan, Patrick B. and Carl M. Becker,

Keeping the Promise: A Pictorial

History of the Miami Conservancy

District, 147

North Into Freedom: The Autobiography

of John Malvin, Free Negro 1795-1880,

by Allan Peskin, 147

Northwest Territory, 5-28 passim

Norton, Mary Beth, Liberty's Daughters:

The Revolutionary Experience of

American Women 1750-1800, 12n, 25

Norwich (Connecticut), 6, 7, 8

NYB. See New York Bureau of

Municipal Research

NYB Training School of Public Service,

137, 141, 142


OBSERVATION balloons, WWI, 39-40

Off-the-farm employment, 54-55, 62, 63,


"Ohio Agriculture Since World War II,"

by R. Douglas Hurt, 50-71

"Ohio: A Tale of Two Cities," by

Lincoln Steffens, 136

Ohio Canal Era: A Case Study of

Government and the Economy

1820-1861, by Harry N. Scheiber, 74

Ohio Code, The, (1902), 137

Ohio Constitutional Convention, 17

Ohio Farm Bureau, The, 54, 59-60, 65

Ohio Farmers Union, The, 60

Ohio Legislature, 17, 122-132

Ohio Source Records: From the Ohio

Genealogical Quarterly, bk. note, 171

Ohio Supreme Court, 17

Old Army: A Portrait of the American

Army in Peacetime, 1784-1898, The, by

Edward M. Coffman, rev., 81-82

Ordinance of 1787, 8

Ottawa County (Ohio), 66

Our Strong Heritage: Asbury United

Methodist Church, Harrisonburg,

Virginia 1788-1988, by Richard K.

MacMaster, 147


PAINE family, 127

Paine, (General) Charles C., 125

Painesville Anti-Slavery Society, 127

Painesville City Council, 125

Painesville (Ohio), 23, 109

Painesville Telegraph, 126, 127, 128, 131

Papers of Henry Bouquet, The, Volume

5: September 1, 1760-October 31, 1761,

edited by Louis M. Waddell, John L.

Tottenham, and Donald H. Kent, bk.

note, 170

Paret, Peter, editor with the

collaboration of Gordon A. Craig and

Index 183

Index                                                      183

Felix Gilbert, Makers of Modern

Strategy from Machiavelli to the

Nuclear Age, rev., 167-168

Patsouras, Louis, editor, The Crucible of

Socialism, 147

Patterson, John H., 141

Patty [servant to Huntington family], 9,

15, 17, 22-23

Peace Heroes in Twentieth-Century

America, edited by Charles

DeBenedetti, rev., 75-76

Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), 50; Pearl Harbor:

The Verdict of History, by Gordon W.

Prange with Donald M. Goldstein and

Katherine V. Dillon, rev., 90-92

Pearl Harbor: The Verdict of History, by

Gordon W. Prange with Donald M.

Goldstein and Katherine V. Dillon,

rev., 90-92

Pease, Theodore C., The Frontier State,

1818-1848, 74

Perkins, William L., 125

Perry, Oliver Hazard, 27-28

Peskin, Allan, North Into Freedom: The

Autobiography of John Malvin, Free

Negro 1795-1880, 147

Pesotta, Rose, Bread Upon The Waters,


Phelps, Hannah (Mrs. Andrew

Huntington), 6-7

Phillips, Robert L., War and Justice,

rev., 151-152

Pike, Kermit J., compiler, A Guide to

Major Manuscript Collections

Accessioned and Processed by the

Library of The Western Reserve

Historical Society Since 1970, 73

Pinther, Miklos, cartographer, edited by

Helen Hornbeck Tanner, Atlas of

Great Lakes Indian History, rev.,


"Pioneer Periphery," 106

Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), 8

Political bosses, 133, 136

Politics, 122-132

Politics of Insurgency: The Farm Worker

Movement in the 1960s, The, by J.

Craig Jenkins, rev., 84-86

"Politics of Reform in Municipal

Government in the Progressive Era,

The," by Samuel Hays, 134

Population studies, 53, 56-57, 61, 62,


Potawatomis: Keepers of the Fire, The,

by R. David Edmunds, 74

Potts, Louis W., book rev., 149-150

Prange, Gordon W. with Katherine V.

Dillon and Donald M. Goldstein, Pearl

Harbor: The Verdict of History, rev.,


Prodigal Sons: The New York

Intellectuals & Their World, by

Alexander Bloom, rev., 76-77

Production, agricultural, 52, 56-57, 60-61,

62, 67, 68-69

Progressivism, "Chapters in Ohio

Progressivism: The Cincinnati and

Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research

and Accounting Reform," by Richard

K. Fleischman and R. Penny

Marquette, 133-144; Progressivism in

Ohio, 1897-1917, by Hoyt Warner, 137

Progressivism in Ohio, 1897-1917, by

Hoyt Warner, 137

Public Law 480. See Food for Peace


Pumroy, Eric and Paul Brockman, A

Guide to Manuscript Collections of the

Indiana Historical Society and Indiana

State Library, 73

Pusateri, Joseph and Henry Detholoff,

editors, American Business History

Case Studies, 147

Putnam County, 66

"QUEEN City." See Cincinnati (Ohio)


RABE, (Lieutenant) Edward F., 33, 36

Ramage, James A., Rebel Raider: The

Life of General John Hunt Morgan, 73

Rebel Raider: The Life of General John

Hunt Morgan, by James A. Ramage,


"Recent Progress in Municipal Budgets

and Accounts," by Chester E.

Rightor, 137, 140

Reims (France), 43n.7

Rhee, Tong-Chin, Eurasian Crucible:

China Between the Soviet Union and

the United States, 145

Rheims (France), 38

Rhine River, 46, 47, 48

Rhodes, James A., 65

Rice, Otis K., book rev., 86-87

Richards, Leonard L., The Life and

Times of Congressman John Quincy

Adams, rev., 89-90

Richmond, Thomas, 126-127, 128, 131

Riddles, [Mr. ?], 114

Riffe, [?], 36, 41

Rightor, Chester E., 141. Works:

"Recent Progress in Municipal


184                                            OHIO HISTORY

Budgets and Accounts," 137, 140; City

Manager in Dayton, 141

Riis, Jacob, 133

"Rock of the Marne." See Third

Division, U. S. Army

Rohrbough, Malcolm, 101

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR), FDR:

A Biography, by Ted Morgan, rev.,


Rose, William Granson, 8

Rouse, Rebecca, 6n.3

Royster, (Lieutenant) Thomas H., 36,

37,, 42, 43

Rural electrification, 51


ST. Clair, Arthur, 8

St. Eugene (France), 41

St. Mihiel Offensive, WWI, 29, 45, 49

Salmon P. Chase: A Life in Politics, by

Frederick Blue, 147

Sandusky County (Ohio), 66

Sargent, James E., book rev., 92-94

Scheiber, Harry N., Ohio Canal Era: A

Case Study of Government and the

Economy 1820-1861, 74

Scharf, Lois, "'I Would Go Wherever

Fortune Would Direct': Hannah

Huntington and the Frontier of the

Western Reserve," 5-28

Schlereth, Thomas J., The Industrial

Belt: An Annotated Bibliography, 73

Schrecker, Ellen W., No Ivory Tower:

McCarthyism & the Universities, rev.,


". .Schools and The Means of

Education Shall Be Forever Be

Encouraged." A History of Education

in the Old Northwest, 1787-1880,

edited by Paul H. Mattingly and

Edward W. Stevens, Jr., 73

Schuster, Jack H. and Howard R.

Bowen, American Professors: A

National Resource Imperiled, rev.,


Schwab, [M?], 139

Schweikart, Larry, Banking in the

American South from the Age of

Jackson to Reconstruction, 147

Seneca Indians, 11

Sernett, Milton C., Abolition's Axe:

Beriah Green, Oneida Institute, and

the Black Freedom Struggle, rev.,


Settlement, 5-28 passim, 101-121

Shippey, (Lieutenant) Vincent J., 39, 44

Sigourney, Lydia, 7

Simmons, David A., book rev., 81-82;

book rev., 156-158

Slavery issue, 122-132

Smith Law, Ohio, 140

Smith, Richard W., book rev., 80-81

Smythe, Donald, S.J. and Helen

Wingate, editors, "A Buckeye

Doughboy in the Great War: The

Wartime Diary and Letters of John J.

Miller," 29-49

Snay, Mitchell, book rev., 164-165

Social isolation of female settlers, 5-28


Soil Bank Program, 54

Soissons (France), 38

Solberg, Carl, Hubert Humphrey: A

Biography, rev., 158-159

Soman, Jean Powers and Frank L.

Byrne, editors, Your True Marcus: The

Civil War Letters of A Jewish Colonel,

rev., 80-81

Sondey, Meg, book rev., 154-155

Soucy, Robert J., French Fascism: The

First Wave, 147

Southampton (England), 34

Spafford, Amos, 8, 10, 21

Spafford, Anna, 21

"Specialized Periphery," 106

Spencer family, 108, 116, 119

Spencer, Elnora, 113, 114, 116-117, 118,


Spencer Street (Claridon, Ohio), 119

"Spider Web": Congress and Lobbying

in the Age of Grant, The, by Margaret

Susan Thompson, rev., 164-165

Sprague, Stuart Seely, Kentuckians in

Ohio and Indiana, bk. note, 172

Springfield and Clark County: An

Illustrated History, by William A.

Kinnison, bk. note, 173

Stacey, (Colonel) Cromwell, 36, 44

Stamp Act Crisis, The, 7

State Grange, The, 54, 60, 65

State Street (Claridon, Ohio), 111, 119

Steffens, Lincoln, 133, 136. Works:

"Ohio: A Tale of Two Cities," 136

Stevens, Jr., Edward W. and Paul H.

Mattingly, editors, ". . .Schools and

The Means of Education Shall Be

Forever Be Encouraged.' A History of

Education in the Old Northwest,

1787-1880, 73

Stone, Lucy, Friends and Sisters: Letters

Between Lucy Stone and Antoinette

Brown Blackwell, 1846-1893, co-edited

Index 185

Index                                                      185

by Carol Lasser and Marlene Deahl

Merrill, 147

Stone, Marjorie S. and Elizabeth Grover

Beatty, Getting to Know Athens

County, bk. note, 171-172

Submarines, WWI, 31-34

Superior Road (Cleveland, Ohio), 10

Sutliff, Flavel, 128-129, 131

Suzanne (France), 39


TANNER, Helen Hornbeck, editor,

cartography by Miklos Pinther, Atlas

of Great Lakes Indian History, rev.,


Taylor family, 101, 108, 114, 116

Taylor, Horace, 101-102

Taylor, Laroyal, 116

Taylor, Mary, 108, 109, 113, 114, 118,


Taylor, Robert M., Jr., and John T.

Windle, The Early Architecture of

Madison, Indiana, rev., 161-163

Technology, agricultural, 53, 56, 61, 64,

66, 70

Thelen, [?], 135

Third Division, U. S. Army, 29-49

Thirston, [Mr. ?], 23

Thompson, Margaret Susuan, The

"Spider Web": Congress and

Lobbying in the Age of Grant, rev.,


Tobacco Culture: The Mentality of the

Great Tidewater Planters on the Eve of

Revolution, by T. H. Breen, rev.,


Toledo (Ohio), 136

Topics in the History of Organic

Chemistry, edited by James Traynham,


Tottenham, John L., Donald H. Kent

and Louis M. Waddell, editors, The

Papers of Henry Bouquet, Volume 5:

September 1, 1760-October 31, 1761,

bk. note, 170

Toulouse, [Madam ?], 37

Tractorcades, 65

Travel conditions, early Ohio, 9-10

Traynham, James, editor, Topics in the

History of Organic Chemistry, 147

Treat, Decon, 116

Treat, N., 116

Trefousse, Hans L., 122

Troop transport ships, WWI, 31-34;

illustration, 35

Trostel, Scott D., Bradford The Railroad

Town: A Railroad Town History of

Bradford, Ohio, A Pennsylvania

Railroad Town, rev., 163-164

Trumbull County Militia, 14

Tully, James, 23

Typhoid, 16


"UNCENSORED War": The Media and

Vietnam, The, by Daniel C. Hallin,

rev., 79-80

United States Department of Agriculture

(USDA), 62

University of Cincinnati, 138

Upson, Lent D., 140, 141, 142

U. S. Army, 29-49; The Old Army: A

Portrait of the American Army in

Peacetime, 1784-1898, by Edward M.

Coffman, rev., 81-82

USDA. See United States Department of



VAN Tassel, David D. and John J.

Grabowski, compilers and editors, The

Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, 73

Verdelot (France), 40

Verdun front, WWI, 45

Vermilion (Ohio), 27

Versailles, Hall of Mirrors, 49n. 15

Vesle River, 43n.7, 45

Vietnam War, 62; The "Uncensored

War": The Media and Vietnam, by

Daniel C. Hallin, rev., 79-80

Viffort (France), 40

Village Revolts: Social Protest and

Popular Disturbances in England

1509-1640, by Roger D. Manning, 147

Ville Maison (France), 39

Volpe, Vernon L., "Benjamin Wade's

Strange Defeat," 122-132; book rev.,



WADDELL, Louis M., John L. Tottenham

and Donald H. Kent, editors, The

Papers of Henry Bouquet, Volume 5:

September I, 1760-October 31, 1761,

bk. note, 170

Wade, Benjamin, "Benjamin Wade's

Strange Defeat," by Vernon L. Volpe,

122-132; illustration, 123

Waite, Henry M., 143

Walsh, Justin E., The Centennial History

of the Indiana General Assembly,

1816-1978, 74; and Alan F. January, A

Century of Achievement: Black

Hoosiers in the Indiana General

Assembly, 1881-1986, 74

Walworth, John, 23


186                                          OHIO HISTORY

War and Justice, by Robert L. Phillips,

rev., 151-152

War Department, The, 27

War of 1812, The, 27-28; War of 1812:

An Illustrated Encyclopedia, The,

edited by John C. Fredriksen, 72

Warner, Hoyt, Progressivism in Ohio,

1897-1917, 136

Warren (Ohio), 14, 23

Washington, D. C., 27

Wayne Township (Ohio), 126

Weinstein, [James], 135

Weld, Theodore Dwight, 125

Wells family, 107, 108

Wells, Michael V., book rev., 94-95

Western Reserve, "'I Would Go

Wherever Fortune Would Direct':

Hannah Huntington and the Frontier

of the Western Reserve," by Lois

Scharf, 5-28; 101-121; 122-132 passim

Western Reserve University Dental

School, 29

West 6th Road (Cleveland, Ohio), 10

West Street (Claridon, Ohio), 108, 109,


Wheeler, Robert A., "Land and

Community in Rural Nineteenth

Century America: Claridon Township,

1810-1870," 101-121; book rev.,


Whig county convention, 126

Whig party, 122-132

White, Andrew, 133

Whooping cough, 17

Wiebe, [Robert], 135

Wilder, Horace, 125

Wilmot, [?], 118

Winchester (England), 33-34

Windle, John T. and Robert M. Taylor,

Jr., The Early Architecture of

Madison, Indiana, rev., 161-163

Wingate, Helen and Donald Smythe,

S.J., editors, "A Buckeye Doughboy

in the Great War: The Wartime Diary

and Letters of John J. Miller," 29-49

Women, 5-28 passim; Liberty's

Daughters: The Revolutionary

Experience of American Women

1750-1800, by Mary Beth Norton, 25;

Women and American Foreign Policy,

147; New World, New Roles: A

Documentary History of Women in

Pre-Industrial America, by Marian J.

Morton and Sylvia R. Frey, rev.,


Women and American Foreign Policy,


World War I, "A Buckeye Doughboy in

the Great War: The Wartime Diary and

Letters of John J. Miller," edited by

Helen Wingate and Donald Smythe,

S.J., 29-49; 141, 143, 144; illustrations,

35, 41, winter-spring cover

World War II, 50; The World War II

Combat Film: Anatomy of a Genre, by

Jeanine Basinger, rev., 83-84

World War II Combat Film: Anatomy of

a Genre, The, by Jeanine Basinger,

rev., 83-84

Worthington, Thomas, 27

Wright, George C., Life Behind A Veil:

Blacks in Louisville, Kentucky,

1865-1930, 73

YALE College, 7

Yellow fever, 16

Youngstown (Ohio), 8

Your True Marcus: The Civil War Letters

of A Jewish Colonel, edited by Frank

L. Byrne and Jean Powers Soman,

rev., 80-81