72 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
SEPTEMBER 15, 1897.
We are engaged to-day in celebrating an
event of a hundred
years ago which was then apparently
unimportant, but which has
led on to great and permanent results. A
hundred years ago a
few intelligent and determined white men
settled here in the then
unbroken wilderness, which settlement
soon became and has
ever since remained the center of a
far-pervading salutary influ-
ence. It was one of the important and
permanent steps toward
reducing to cultivation and civilization
the great wilderness of
the Northwest, of which Ohio was a part.
When we look abroad
and behold the wondrous transformation
which has taken place
since Lucas Sullivant and his few
associates built their cabins
near this spot, our minds are filled
with amazement at the results,
and our hearts with thankfulness and
gratitude to Him who has
so wisely guided and bounteously blest
us as a community and
a people. This event was the beginning
of the settlement of
Central Ohio and the foundation of the
present City of Columbus,
which now embraces the town of
Franklinton. If there had been
no Franklinton there would have been no
Columbus; and so
those few rude cabins have within a
hundred years developed into
a great and properous city with its
trade and commerce and
thousands of happy homes.
The celebration of this event will be of
ever increasing in-
terest as the centuries go by. It marked
a new and most im-
portant era in the history of Ohio and
particularly in that of
Franklin and adjoining counties. It was
but eleven years be-
fore the settlement of Franklinton that
so intelligent a states-
man as James Monroe, after a visit to
the then wilderness of
Ohio for the purpose of informing
himself as accurately as pos-
sible as to the character and condition
of the Northwest terri-
tory, wrote to Thomas Jefferson as
"A great part of the territory is
miserably poor, especially
that near Lakes Michigan and Erie; and
that upon the Missis-
The Ohio Indians. 73
74 Ohio Arch. and His.
Society Publications.
assumed and represented. We, the white
people, have written
all the history so far, but a more
impartial review will yet be
made when it will appear that the cruel
and vindictive acts of
the Indians were largely the result of
the cruel and vindictive acts
of the white men. They were not at worst
more fierce or savage
than many of the white men with whom
they came in contact;
and in truth they could not have been,
for history records no
darker or bloodier crimes than those
which have been committed
by our race against the Indian tribes.
The massacre of the Mo-
ravian Indians in 1782 on the soil of
Ohio in the now county
of Tuscarawas, and the murder of Chief
Cornstalk and his son
Elenipsies in 1777 at Point Pleasant,
will always remain among
the darkest, most dreadful and
disgraceful pages in American
history. A thousand other atrocities of
various natures shame
and disgrace the history of our contact
with the Indian tribes
whom we call savages, and largely rob us
of the right to claim
superiority over them, save in the
matter of education and phys-
ical force.
They had no written laws, but they had
rules of tribal and
family government, which had all the
force of laws. They had
no written language and but a limited
vocabulary, but many of
them were gifted with marvelous
eloquence of speech; and it
would be easy to cite among their
reported speeches numerous
examples of eloquence, which except for
want of classic form
would rank little below the best efforts
of the best English-speak-
ing orators. They had neither courts nor
judges, but they dealt
justly with each other and guarded
individual rights with jeal-
ous care. They had no military schools,
but they developed
brave and skillful warriors, and the
names of Pontiac, Tecumseh,
Crane, Cornstalk, Solamon and many other
chiefs will remain
a permanent part of the history of the
long and bloody contests be-
tween the Indian tribes and white men
for the possession of the
territory of the great Northwest.
At the time of the first settlement
along the New England
and New Jersey shores by the white man
that portion of the
country was occupied by the Algonquin
linguistic family, divided
however into many tribes or clans. The entire
territory of New
York and the territory immediately
around the borders of Lake
The Ohio Indians. 75
Erie, including a portion of northern
Ohio, was occupied by the
Iriquois family. Both of these
linguistic families had many sub-
divisions of tribes, but all the tribes
of the same family spoke
substantially the same language. The
encroachments of the
white man from our Eastern shores
westward gradually drove
the Algonquin Indians to the west and
they were thus com-
pelled to seek new territory whereon to
settle, and in doing so
they necessarily impinged upon other
tribes, particularly upon
the Iriquois. This brought on wars which
greatly disturbed the
original conditions of the tribes and
wrought great changes both
in their numbers and locations. These
conflicts were further
complicated by wars between the French
upon one side and the
English upon the other, as these two
nations were for a long
period of time actively contending for
dominion on this conti-
nent. The result of all this was broken
and disseminated tribes
of both the Algonquin and the Iriquois
families, some of which
found lodgment in various portions of
Our immediate predecessors in the
occupancy of Ohio were
the Miamis, Shawnees, Delawares and
Ottaways of the Algon-
quin linguistic family; and the Wyandots
and Mingos of the
Iriquois linguistic family. There were
also in the eastern and
northeastern part of the State a few of
the Senecas and Tuscar-
awas, who were of the Iriquois family.
Their occupancy, how-
ever, was for hunting purposes and
temporary in character, their
permanent homes being farther east in
New York and northern
Pennsylvania. Their tribal relations
were with the Six Nations
of the Iriquois. In the early part of
this century some of the
Senecas broke away from their original
tribal relations and set-
tled near Sandusky, within the territory
claimed by the Wyan-
dots. They were inconsiderable both in
numbers and influence,
and came into Ohio after the formation
of the State, and cannot
therefore be considered as having an
original occupancy of the
The Mingos were but a small tribe, a
branch of the Iriquois
which formerly occupied the eastern
portion of the State near
Steubenville, and later settled upon the
banks of the Scioto where
the City of Columbus now stands. They
had but three small
villages; one in front of and south from
where the Ohio Peniten-
76 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
tiary now stands; another was at the
west end of the Harrisburg
bridge where the City Work House is now
located and the other
was near the east end of what is called
the Green Lawn Avenue
bridge. Logan was their most noted chief
and at one time pos-
sessed great influence not only over his
own but all the other
tribes northwest of the Ohio.
The Delawares came from the region of
the Delaware and
Susquehanna Rivers in Pennsylvania and
settled for a time along
the Muskingum and later upon the
Auglaize in northwestern
Ohio on territory claimed by the Miamis
and Wyandots. Later
still they moved from the Auglaize to
the White River in In-
diana, which is a branch of the Wabash.
They were at one time
before they came to Ohio conquered by
the five nations of Iri-
quois and called women and reduced to
the grade of women;
but after their advent in Ohio they
showed themselves to be brave
in war and skillful in the chase and in
part redeemed their reputa-
tion and standing with the other tribes.
The Shawnees, after wandering over a
wide extent of terri-
tory, including the States of Florida,
Georgia and Tennessee,
from which country they were driven by
the Creeks and Semi-
noles and other Southern tribes, made
their lodgment in Ohio
along the lower Scioto in what is now
Pickaway and Ross coun-
ties and sought the protection of the
Miamis and Delawares.
At this time Black Hoof was their principal
chief, but later at
the battle of "fallen
timbers," in August, 1794, Blue Jacket was
chief in authority of this tribe. They
were exceedingly restless
and aggressive, and constantly annoyed
the early settlers in
Virginia and Kentucky, and it was as
against this tribe that the
military expedition of Lord Dunmore in
1774 was particularly
directed. When he had reached the Scioto
about seven miles
south from where Circleville now stands,
the Indians sued for
peace and the celebrated conference took
place by which the
Shawnees agreed not to again hunt or
conduct marauding ex-
peditions south of the Ohio. The Mingoes
did not attend that
conference, and while Lord Dunmore's
main army was centered
in Pickaway county, he sent a detachment
under Captain Craw-
ford to destroy the Mingo towns where
Columbus now stands.
Of this expedition the late Joseph
Sullivant, in his most excellent
The Ohio Indians. 77
address before the pioneers of Franklin
county in 1871, narrates
that he had often heard from Jonathan
Alder, who had been
long a captive among the Indians, but
who in after years lived
upon the Darby in this county, and with
whom Mr. Sullivant
had a close personal acquaintance, that
he (Alder) had heard
from the Indians that "in the fall
of 1774, when all the male In-
dians of the neighboring villages,
except a few old men had gone
on their first fall hunt, one day about
noon the village was sur-
prised by the sudden appearance of a
body of armed white men,
who immediately commenced firing upon
all whom they could
see. Great consternation and panic
ensued and the inhabitants
fled in every direction. One of the
Indian women seized her
child of five or six years of age and
rushed down the bank of the
river and across to the wooded island
opposite, when she was
shot down at the farther bank. The child
was unhurt amid the
shower of balls and escaped into the
thicket and hid in a huge
hollow sycamore standing in the middle
of the island, where it
was found alive two days afterwards when
the warriors of the
tribe returned, having been summoned
back to the scene of dis-
aster by runners sent for that purpose.
This wooded and shady
island was a favorite place for us boys
when we went swimming
and fishing, and I have no doubt but
that the huge sycamore is
well remembered by many besides
This seems to have virtually ended the
Mingos as a sepa-
rate tribe or as a tribe of influence.
They were not of the tribes
who were parties to the treaty of
Greenville in 1795, although
all the important tribes northwest of
the Ohio and east of the
Mississippi were parties to that treaty.
However, at that time
there were some of the Mingos still
living along the head waters
of Mad River in what is now Champaign
and Logan counties,
which territory belonged to the Miamis
and the Mingos had no
territorial right therein.
* * * *
The Ottawas formerly occupied the region
of the Ottawa
river of Canada, which empties into the
St. Lawrence at Mon-
treal, and which still retains the name
of that tribe. From this
region they were driven westward to the
northern portion of
Michigan, afterwards to the region of
Green Bay, Wisconsin,
Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
still later being driven from one place
to another by the Iriquois a
fragment of the tribe at last settled in
Ohio in the country of the
Maumee. They joined in the treaty of
Greenville, August 3d,
1795. They had long been considered a
cowardly tribe; yet they
produced the great Pontiac, who was
beyond question the greatest
of Indian chiefs and warriors of which
we have any accurate
* * *
The Miamis occupied all the western
portion of Ohio, all of
Indiana and a large portion of what is
now the State of Illinois.
This tribe had long occupied that
territory and were once the
most numerous and powerful of the tribes
in the Northwest.
They had no tradition of ever having
lived in any other portion
of the country and so they must have
occupied this territory for
many generations. Their principal
villages were along the head
waters of the two Miamis of the Ohio,
and the Miami of the Lake
(now the Maumee) and along the waters of
the Wabash in In-
diana as far south as the vicinity of
Vincennes. At the time of
the treaty of Greenville they had been
greatly reduced in num-
bers and in power, but were the oldest
occupants of the Ohio
The Wyandots were a branch of the
Hurons, and when first
met with by the French explorers along
the St. Lawrence, occu-
pied the vast peninsula embraced between
Lake Ontario and
Lake Erie on the east and south, and
Lake Huron on the west.
Early in the seventeenth century a
fierce and unrelenting
war broke out between the Hurons and the
Iriquois. The Hu-
rons had been furnished with fire-arms
by the French, and the
Iriquois by the Hollanders, which
inaugurated among the In-
dians a new instrument and a new mode of
warfare. The result
was unexpectedly and overwhelmingly in
favor of the Iriquois;
and the Hurons were driven from the line
of the St. Lawrence
and the country of Lake Ontario and Lake
Erie over to the east-
ern shore of Lake Huron and to the
Manitoulin Islands in Geor-
gian Bay. But the aggressions of the
Iriquois did not cease there
and the Hurons were ultimately driven
further north and west
to the region of northern Lake Michigan
and western Lake Su-
The Ohio Indians. 79
perior. They were afterwards collected
and concentrated largely
about the Straits of Mackinac, and later
still found their way down
Lake Huron and took possession of the
country from Lake St.
Clair south along the Detroit river,
across Lake Erie to the mouth
of the Sandusky river, thence up that
river to the ridge of the
State in Wyandot, Marion and Crawford
counties, in which terri-
tory they had their principal villages.
They extended their occupance of the
country south as far
at least as the Shawnee settlements on
the lower Scioto. They
hunted and trapped along all the streams
between the Little
Miami and the Muskingum. They also
expanded to the west
of this general line along the southern
shore of Lake Erie as far
as the Maumee river; and to the east
almost if not quite to the
eastern boundary of the State, which
last region had once been
the home of the Eries, but they had
before this time been exter-
minated by the Iriquois. Lake Erie
obtained its name from that
tribe and still retains the same,
although the tribe has long been
The Miamis claimed the right of
possession in the territory
between the Scioto and the Miamis, and
they were at one time
in possession of and entitled to the
same but in time the Wyandots
seemed to have been accorded the right
The main villages of the Wyandots were
near the present
city of Detroit and along the line of
the Sandusky river, their
principal settlement being in Wyandot
county, Ohio, where
Upper Sandusky now stands.
The Wyandots were admitted to be the
leading tribe among
the Indians in the territory of the
Northwest. To them was in-
trusted the grand calumet which
united all the tribes in that ter-
ritory in a confederacy for mutual
protection and gave them the
right to assemble the tribes in council
and to kindle the council
fires. This confederation included in
addition to the tribes before
mentioned the Kickapoos and
Potawatamies, who lived about
Lake Michigan, and the Chippewas of the
tipper lake region.
Their entire military strength however
was not to exceed 3,000
warriors at the time of the treaty of
Greenville in 1795, although
their strength had been much greater at
a former period.
Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
General Harrison in his address before
the Historical
Society of Cincinnati in 1839, speaking
of the Wyandots, says:
"Their bravery has never been
questioned, although there
was certainly a considerable difference
between the several tribes
in this rspect. With all but the
Wyandots flight in battle when
meeting with unexpected resistance or
obstacles brought with it
no disgrace. It was considered a
principle of tactics. With the
Wyandots it was otherwise. Their youths
were taught to con-
sider anything that had the appearance
of an acknowledgment
of the superiority of an enemy as
disgraceful. In the battle of
the Miami Rapids of thirteen chiefs of
that tribe who were present
only one survived and he was badly
This battle, which is generally known as
the battle of "fallen
timbers," was farreaching in its
results favorable to the con-
quests of the Northwest by the white
man. It is here worthy
of remark that at this battle two of the
most remarkable men of
their time first came in conflict,
namely William Henry Harrison,
then a young officer, and Tecumseh, then
a young warrior. These
men were destined to be in contact and
conflict for more than
twenty years and until Tecumseh met his
death at the battle of
the Thames, October 5th, 1813, where he
was in command of
the Indian forces allied with the
English under Proctor and Gen-
eral Harrison was in command of the
American forces.
It is further related of the Wyandots
that when General
Wayne was in command of the Army of the
Northwest in 1793,
he instructed Captain Wells, who
commanded a company of
scouts and who had previously been long
a captive with the In-
dians, to go to Sandusky and bring in a
prisoner for the purpose
of obtaining information. Captain Wells
replied that he "could
bring in a prisoner, but not from
Sandusky, because there were
none but Wyandots at Sandusky and they
would not be taken
alive." (Historical Society of
Ohio, Vol. 1, page 266.)
The Chief Sachem of the Wyandots as far
back as the treaty
of the Muskingum (Marietta, June 9,
1789), was Tarhe (the
Crane), who was even at that remote
period the most influential
chief of his tribe, and continued to be
such until the time of his
death, which was subsequent to the peace
of 1814. He was the
leading spirit at the treaty of
Greenville and used his great influ-
The Ohio Indians. 81
ence to secure the ratification of that
treaty by the various tribes,
and continued his efforts and influence
in behalf of peace at every
treaty and conference to which his tribe
was a party, down to the
conference with General Harrison at
Franklinton, June 21, 1813,
and until his death. He never lost his
influence either with his
own or other tribes with whom they were
in confederation. He
was a wise, just and honorable chief and
at all times sought to
subserve the best and truest interests
of both the Indian and the
white race and commanded the respect and
confidence of both.
Another chief of the Wyandots who had
great wisdom and
firmness, and so great influence with
his tribe was Sha-Tey-Ya-
Ron-Yah (Leatherlips). So great was his
influence with the
Sandusky Wyandots it was deemed by the
Prophet and other
turbulent spirits that he should be
gotten out of the way, and so
they had him executed June 1st, 1810.
The pretence was witch-
craft; but the real cause was the stand
he took with his tribe to
prevent the war which Tecumseh and the
Prophets were then
endeavoring to bring about between the
Indians and the British
on one side, and the Americans upon the
other, It was simply
a political murder. The virtues of this
honorable chief have been
commemorated by a suitable monument
erected by the Wyandot
Club of Columbus in 1888 on the spot
where he was executed.
* * *
These northern tribes of which we have
been making men-
tion had long been at enmity and war
with the tribes south of the
Ohio, particularly with the Cherokees,
Chickasaws and Ca-
tawbas, and many were the fierce
conflicts which took place
between these warring people. In the
traditions which the
Miamis give of their own history they
state that they had been
at war with the Cherokees and Chickasaws
for so long a period
of time that they had no account of any
time when there had been
peace between them.
I refer to this particularly to-day as
we are assembled on the
banks of the Scioto, which was for
centuries one of the important
military highways over and along which
the northern tribes trav-
eled in their numerous war expeditions
against the tribes south
of the Ohio. The importance of this
river as a highway for the
Indians in former times can only be
understood and appreciated
Vol. VI-6
82 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
by remembering its direction and its
physical relations to other
streams and waters. If we draw a line
directly from the mouth
of the Scioto north to the mouth of the
Sandusky River it will
practically parallel the Scioto as far
north as the center of Marion
county; thence it will lead over the
divide or ridge of the State and
follow the general line of the Sandusky
River to its mouth where
it empties into the Sandusky Bay.
Continuing the line further
north across Lake Erie it will lead
directly to the mouth of the
Detroit River, by which all the waters
of the Great Northern
Lakes are reached. From the mouth of the
Detroit River there
is a chain of islands in sight one of
another which stretch en-
tirely across Lake Erie to Sandusky Bay
and the mouth of the
Sandusky River, and this was the route
of the Indians across
Lake Erie in fair weather. These islands
afforded lodging
places in the case of sudden storms and
bad weather and so made
it comparatively safe for the Indians to
cross Lake Erie in their
canoes in the summer season, which was
the season when they
went to war and on their marauding
expeditions. So it will be
seen that nature had provided a direct
water way from the North-
ern Lakes to the Ohio River by way of
the Sandusky and the
Scioto over which the operations of war
and the avocations of
the chase were carried on for centuries
by the Indians, and prob-
ably at a still more remote period by
other races of men who
preceded them in the occupation of this
portion of the country.
* * * *
As illustrating the fierce nature of the
conflicts between the
tribes north of the Ohio and those south
of it in times past, it is
an important fact that no tribes lived
along the banks of that
river or permanently occupied the
contiguous territory. The
Ohio as it flowed through the wilderness
was and has always
been considered one of the most
beautiful rivers on the globe
and its banks presented every allurement
to, and advantage of
permanent occupation. Yet, there was not
on it from its source
to its mouth, a distance of more than a
thousand miles, a single
wigwam or structure in the nature of a
permanent abode. Gen-
eral William Henry Harrison, in his
address before the Historical
Society of Ohio, says:
"Of all this immense territory, the
most beautiful portion
The Ohio Indians. 83
was unoccupied. Numerous villages were
to be found on the
Scioto and the head waters of the two
Miamis of the Ohio; on
the Miami of the Lake (the Maumee) and
its southern tributa-
ries and throughout the whole course of
the Wabash, at least as
low as the present town of Vincennes;
but the beautiful Ohio
rolled its amber tide until it paid its
tribute to the father of
waters through an unbroken solitude. At
and before that time
and for a century after its banks were
without a town or single
village or even a single cottage, the
curling smoke of whose
chimneys would give the promise of
comfort and refreshment
to a weary traveler."
This was the result of the long and
fierce struggle which was
waged between the Indians north of the
Ohio and those south
of it. Its banks were not safe for
permanent occupation by any
of the Indian tribes. Even the vast and
fertile territory of Ken-
tucky was not, so far as known or as
tradition informs us, the
permanent abode of any considerable
number of red men. It
was indeed a dark and bloody ground long
before its occupancy
by the white men. In that territory
there were great numbers
of buffalo and wild deer and other game
which made it a most
desirable hunting ground, and hither
came the Cherokees and
Chickasaws of the south, as also the
tribes north of the Ohio to
hunt and to obtain salt, and to wage war
with each other; but
it was not the permanent abode of any
considerable number of
any of these tribes. It was rather a
battle ground and seat of
conflict between the northern and
southern tribes which had been
waged for a long period of time.
* * * *
The Scioto River was originally of great
importance not
only to the Indians but to the early
white settlers. The first
surveyors and the first settlers came to
this vicinity in canoes,
the Scioto then being well suited for
canoe navigation.
In a memorial of the Sullivant family
prepared by the late
Joseph Sullivant will be found (page
111) an interesting narra-
tion of his father's experience on one
of his early trips to this
localty. He had instructed the men who
had preceded him in
canoes to leave one for him at the mouth
of what is now the
Olentangy River. He came through the
forest on foot, and
84 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
found the canoe which had been left
according to his instruction.
It was toward evening when he pushed it
into the Scioto and
started up that stream for the mouth of
Mill Creek where his
party was in wait for him. He soon
perceived that he was being
followed by Indians along the north bank
of the river and as the
times were turbulent he was apprehensive
for his own safety.
By the time he had propelled his canoe
as far as the island in the
bend of the river at the stone quarries
it had become dark, and
he went upon the island as if intending
to camp for the night.
He pretended to build a fire but so
managed that it made only
smoke. When it was sufficiently dark he
took his compass and
gun and quietly waded out from the
island to the west bank of
the river and thus escaped his pursuers.
* * * *
All the tribes in Ohio had practically
the same government
or tribal organization, although they
may have differed in many
details. In the social organization of
the Wyandots there were
four groups-the family, the gens, the
phratry, and the tribe.
The family was the household. It
consisted of the persons who
occupied one lodge or wigwam. The gens
were composed of
consanguineal kindred in the female
line. The woman is the
head of the family and "carries the
gens," and each gens has the
name of some animal. Among the Wyandots
there were eleven
gentes, namely: Deer, Bear, Striped
Turtle, Black Turtle, Mud
Turtle, Smooth Large Turtle, Hawk,
Beaver, Wolf, Sea Snake
and Porcupine. A tribe is a body of
kindred, and to be a mem-
ber of the tribe, it was necessary to
belong to some family or to
be adopted into a family. The white
captives were often adopted
into families and given the relationship
of the family. The
phratry pertained to medical and
religious rites and observances.
There was practically a complete
separation of the military
from the social government. The councils
and chiefs in the
social government were selected by a
council of women from
the male members of the gens.
The Sachem of the tribe or tribal chief
was chosen by the
chiefs of the gentes. In their grand
councils the heads of the
households of the tribe and all the
leading men of the tribe took
part. These general councils were
conducted with great cere-
The Ohio Indians. 85
mony. The Sachem explained the object
for which the council
was assembled and then each person was
at liberty to express
his opinion as to what was proper or
best to be done. If a ma-
jority of the council agreed the Sachem
did not speak, but simply
announced the decision. In case there
was an equal division of
sentiment, the Sachem was expected to
speak. It was consid-
ered dishonorable for a man to reverse
his opinion after he had
once expressed it.
The wife had her separate property,
which consisted of every-
thing in the lodge or wigwam except the
implements of war and
the chase, which belonged to the men.
Each gens had a right to the services of
all its availabe male
members in avenging wrongs and in times
of war. They also had
a right to their services as hunters in
supplying game to the vil-
lages. In times of need or scarcity
whatever game was brought
to the camp or village was fairly
divided among all present. The
military council was composed of all the
able-bodied men of the
tribe. Each gens had a right to the
services of all the able-bodied
women in the cultivation of the soil. It
was considered beneath
the dignity of the Indian hunter or
warrior to labor in the fields
or to perform manual labor outside of
what pertained to war and
the chase. The children assisted the
women in the cultivation
of the crops, which consisted mostly of
corn, although they also
cultivated beans and peas, and in come
parts of Ohio at least they
had a kind of potato which the captives
among the Indians say
"when peeled and dipped in coon's
fat or bear's fat tasted like our
own sweet potatoes." They also made
considerable use of nuts
and berries, particularly of the walnut
and hickory nut and black
haw, all of which were found in almost
every part of the state.
The cranberry was also found in certain
places and much used.
The Mingo Indians at this point
cultivated the rich bottom
land between Franklinton and the river,
which was subject to
annual overflows so that it was
constantly enriched and yielded
most abundant returns for the labor
bestowed upon it.
* * * *
Their great annual occasion was the
green corn festival. For
this festival the hunters supplied the
game from the forests and
the women the green corn and vegetables
from the fields. On
86 Ohio Arch. and His.
Society Publications.
this occasion they not only feasted
themselves with plenty, but
made offerings and did homage to the
Great Spirit for his bless-
ings. At this festival each year the
council of women of the gens
selected the names of the children born
during the previous year
and the chiefs of the gens proclaimed
these names at the festival.
These names could not be changed, but an
additional name might
be acquired by some act of bravery or
circumstance which might
reflect honor upon the person.
* * * *
The crimes generally recognized and
punished by the Ohio
tribes were murder, treason, theft,
adultery and witchcraft. In
case of murder it was the duty of the
gentile chiefs of the offender's
gens to examine the facts for
themselves, and if they failed to
settle the matter it was the duty of the
nearest relative to avenge
the wrong.
Theft was punished by twofold
Treason consisted of revealing the
secrets of the medicine
preparations, as well as giving
information or assistance to the
enemy, and was punished by death.
Witchcraft was also punishable by death
either by stabbing,
burning or with the tomahawk. As late as
June, 1810, Chief
Leatherlips (Shateyaronyah), an aged
chief of the Wyandots, was
executed under the charge of witchcraft
in this country. He was
dispatched with a tomahawk.
For the first offense of adultery in a
woman her hair was
cropped; for repeated offences her left
ear was cut off.
Outlawry was also recognized among most
of the tribes and
consisted of two grades. If convicted of
the lowest grade and
the man thereafter committed similar
crimes it was lawful for any
person to kill him. In outlawry of the
highest grade it was the
duty of any member of the tribe who
might meet with the offender
to kill him.
* * * *
When the Indians determined upon a war
expedition they
usually observed the war dance and then
started for their objec-
tive point. They did not move in a compact
body, but broke up
into small parties each of which would
take a different way to a
common point of assembly. This was
necessary, as they had to
The Ohio Indians. 87
subsist upon the game which they might
be able to take while on
the way, and it was difficult, if not
impossible, to secure game suf-
ficient to sustain a large number of
warriors on any one line of
travel. They traveled light and fast,
and this made them dan-
gerous as enemies. They would strike
when not expected and
disappear as suddenly and quickly as
they had appeared. In
this way they were able to subsist and
elude pursuit.
Their captives in war and in their
forays were sometimes
shot, sometimes burned, sometimes
adopted into a family and
converted into Indians. The white
captives as a rule soon ac-
quired the woodcraft and habits of their
captors. Some of them
became inveterate and active foes of the
white man. Simon
Girty may be mentioned as an example of
this class. He was
called the "White Indian." He
was celebrated for his cunning
and craftiness, and no Indian surpassed
him in these qualities.
He is often and usually cited as an
example of extreme cruelty,
but it is said in truth that he saved
many captives from death, and
it is probable that injustice has been
done to him by inaccurate
and prejudiced writers.
* * *
It was in the Summer season that the
Indians congregated
in their villages. That was also the
season when they went to
war or on their forays against the white
settlers. In the winter
season the villages were practically
deserted, as it was their cus-
tom to separate into small parties,
usually that of the near rela-
tives or, as we would say, members of
the household, including
the old men, women and children. They
would go into different
localities and select a spot usually
along a stream of water or by
the side of a lake or spring, where in
the autumn or early winter
they would erect a lodgment where the
old men, women and chil-
dren might sojourn through the winter.
The hunters would then
separate and go in different directions
and select a place or camp
from which to hunt and trap so as not to
impinge upon each other,
always keeping relation with the main
camp or lodge to which
they supplied meat for subsistence. They
would of course change
these camps according to their pleasure
or their necessities, but
at the end of the season they would
gather the results of their win-
ter's hunt and proceed back to their
villages. It was their custom
Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
during the hunting season to collect the
fat of the beaver, the
raccoon and the bear and to secure it in
the paunches or entrails of
large animals, which the women had
prepared for that purpose;
and this was transported or conveyed to
their villages for future
They also made sugar in the spring of
the year when the
sap began to run, and this they also put
into the entrails of ani-
mals for preservation and transportation
to their summer villages.
This sugar they mixed with the fat of
the bear and that of other
animals and cooked it with the green
corn and such vegetables
as they had, and thus made what they
considered a most savory
They were often reduced to great
distress for want of food,
and often died from hunger and exposure.
They were not only
improvident, but they had no means of
securing large stores of
provisions for future use, and never
acquired the art of so doing.
When they had plenty they would use it
with extravagance and
improvidence; but they were capable of
enduring great hunger
and fatigue. It was common for the
Indian to be days without
food of any kind, but they seem never to
have profited by such
experiences. The time when they were
most likely to be dis-
tressed for want of food was in the
winter when a crust would be
formed upon the snow, so that when in
walking such a noise
was made as to scare the game before
them. It was almost im-
possible for them to take deer, buffalo,
or other wild game under
such circumstances. They were then
required to depend upon
finding bear or coon trees. These their
quick and practiced eye
would soon detect when they came across
them, but they were
not always easily found, and it was
often days before they would
come upon one of them. They often saved
themselves from star-
vation by digging hickory nuts, walnuts,
and other nuts, out from
under the snow.
* * * *
The territory of Ohio furnished an ideal
home for the Indians.
The climate was excellent, and the
streams abounded with fish
and the forests with game. The red deer
was abundant and the
buffalo and elk were found in
considerable numbers in certain
portions of the state. These and other
large animals furnished
The Ohio Indians. 89
food for the Indians, and their hides
furnished covering for their
lodges and clothing for their persons.
The waters of the State
at certain seasons of the year were
alive with myriads of wild
fowl, of which we can now have no
conception as to numbers.
These added greatly to the sustenance of
the Indians. No por-
tion of the country was more favorable
for forest life.
* * * *
After the settlement at Franklinton it
soon became a trading
point for the Indians, particularly the
Wyandots, and the hunters
of this tribe continued to maintain
their hunting camps along the
Scioto and other streams of Franklin
County for several years
after the war of 1812 was closed. I have
often heard from my
father, David Taylor, who came to this
county in 1807, that they
came to hunt in this county as late as
1820; and one hunter in
particular, with whom my father was well
acquainted and who
was known to the white people by the
name of "Billy Wyandot",
maintained his camp every winter at the
first ravine north of the
National Road on the west bank of Walnut
Creek, where there
was, and now is, a fine spring.
* * *
On the 21st of June, 1813, there was a
great council of the
chief and principal men of the Wyandot,
Delaware, Shawnee and
Seneca tribes, about fifty in number,
held in Franklinton to meet
General Harrison in a conference about
the war then in progress.
James B. Gardiner, who was then the
editor and proprietor of a
weekly paper published in Franklinton,
called the Freeman's
Chronicle, was present, and in the next
issue of his paper, which
was on the 25th of June, 1813, he made a
report of this confer-
ence. We have in, our possession a copy
of that paper, and
believing it to be the only one in
existence, we quote from it
as follows: After some preliminary
remarks of a general char-
acter General Harrison said to the
Indians: "That in order to
give the U. S. a guarantee of their good
dispositions the friendly
tribes should either move with their
families into the settlements,
or their warriors should accompany him
in the ensuing campaign
and fight for the U. S. To this proposal
the warriors present
unanimously agreed and observed that
they had long been anx-
ious for an opportunity to fight for the
Americans." The editor
90 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
adds: "We cannot recollect the
precise remarks that were made
by the chiefs who spoke; but Tarhe (the
Crane), who is the prin-
cipal chief of the Wyandots, and the
oldest Indian in the western
wilds, appeared to represent the whole
assembly and professed
in the name of the friendly tribes the
most indissoluble attach-
ment for the American government and a
determination to adhere
to the treaty of Greenville."
"The General promised to let the
several tribes know when
he would want their services and further
cautioned them that all
who went with him must conform to his
mode of warfare; not to
kill or injure old men, women, children
nor prisoners. * * * *
The General then informed the chiefs of
the agreement made by
Proctor to deliver him to Tecumseh in
case the British succeeded
in taking Fort Meigs; and promised them
that if he should be
successful he would deliver Proctor into
their hands on condition
- that they should do him no other harm
than to put a petticoat
on him. For, said he - 'none but a coward or a squaw would
a prisoner.' The council broke up in the
afternoon and the In-
dians departed next day for their
respective towns."
It will be remembered in this connection
in the last days of
April, 1813, General Harrison was
concentrating his troops for
battle with the English under General
Proctor and the Indians un-
der Tecumseh at Fort Meigs at the rapids
of the Maumee. The
English and Indians undertook to
surprise him and take the fort
before the main body of the American
troops had arrived. They
laid siege to Fort Meigs with great
determination, but were
finally defeated and compelled to
abandon the enterprise. It was
to encourage the Indians to valor at
this siege that General Proc-
tor made his promise to them to deliver
General Harrison into
the hands of Tecumseh, if he should be
successful in reducing the
* * * *
In a report made by General Harrison to
the Secretary of
War, March 22nd, 1814, he says:
"The Wyandots, of Sandusky,
have adhered to us throughout the war.
Their chief, the Crane,
is a venerable, intelligent and upright
man." In the same report,
speaking of Black-Hoof, Wolf, and Lewis,
all Shawnee chiefs,
The Ohio Indians. 91
he says: "They are attached to us
from principles as well as in-
terest. - They are all honest men."
Through the influence of Crane,
Leatherlips and others, the
Wyandots of Sandusky refused to take
part in the war, but the
Wyandots of Detroit were led away by the
influences of their
chiefs, Walk-in-the-Water and Roundhead,
and other turbulent
spirits, and furnished more than 100
warriors to Tecumseh and
the English under Proctor, but were
utterly defeated at the Battle
of the Thames in October, 1813, and
their leader killed, and their
military power broken.
* * *
It is not quite 150 years since the
first white man of which
we have knowledge passed this locality.
In 1751 Christopher
Gist, accompanied by George Croughtan
and Andrew Montour,
passed over the Indian trail from the
forks of the Ohio, to the In-
dian towns on the Miami. Gist was the
agent of an English and
Virginia land company. On January 17th,
1751, he and his party
were at the great swamp in what is now
Licking County, known
to us as the "Pigeon Roost",
or "Bloody Run Swamp", which is
five miles northwest from the Licking
Reservoir and one-half
mile south of the line of the National
Road. From thence they
proceeded to the Miami Towns, which were
in the region of Xenia
and Springfield. This trail led them
over or very near to the
site of Columbus. We have reason to
believe that they crossed
the Scioto at or near the mouth of the
* * * *
The next white man that we know of who
did certainly pass
along the Scioto River and visit this
vicinity, was James Smith,
who was a captive among the Indians and
who hunted and camped
with them on the Darby somewhere in the
neighborhood of Plain
City as early as 1757. What is now
called the Darby was then the
Olentangy, and Smith with his Indian
companions hunted and
trapped along the Darby and the Scioto,
both in the winter of
1757 and 1758. In his narrative we learn
that at the end of the
first winter's hunt they made a bark
canoe and started down the
Olentangy (now the Darby), but as the
water was low they were
required to wait for high water
somewhere almost directly west
from here, where the Chief
Tecaughretanego, after having made
Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
his ablutions, prayed to the Great
Spirit as follows: "Grant that
on this voyage we may frequently kill
bears as they may cross
the Scioto and Sandusky. Grant that we
may kill plenty of tur-
keys along the banks to stew with our
fat bear meat. Grant that
rain may come to raise the Olentangy
about 2 or 3 feet that we
may cross in safety down to Scioto
without danger to our canoe
being wrecked on the rocks; - and now, O
Great Being, thou
knowest how matters stand; thou knowest
I am a great lover of
tobacco, and though I know not when I
may get any more, I now
make a present of the last I have unto
thee as a free burnt offer-
ing; therefore, I expect thou wilt hear
and grant these requests,
and I thy servant will return thee
thanks and love thee for thy
gifts." (James Smith's Captivity,
page 96.)
In a few days the rains did come and
raised the Olentangy so
that they passed safely down to its
confluence with the Scioto at the
present town of Circleville, from which
point they passed up the
Scioto and over into the Sandusky and on
to Lake Erie and De-
troit, where their stock of furs, which
they had taken during the
winter, was disposed of to traders. The
next year they hunted
along the Scioto and Olentangy, and the
following year he escaped
back to his home in Virginia. He was the
first man to de-
scribe the country and the character of
the land and the forests
along the Scioto. Speaking of the
country along the Scioto from
Circleville up to the carry in Marion
County, he says: "From the
mouth of Olentangy on the east side of
Scioto up to carrying
place there is a large body of first and
second rate land and toler-
ably well watered. The timber is ash,
sugar tree, walnut, locust,
oak and beech." In so far as we
know or can discover, this is
the first description ever written of
the country where Columbus
now stands. Just when the Darby obtained its new name and
lost its Indian name of Olentangy is not
known, but it was as
early as the year 1796, as we know by
the early surveys along that
stream. The new name was no doubt given
to it by the early
* * * *
On the 10th of May, 1803, the court
convened in Frank-
linton with John Dill, Chief Judge, and
David Jamison and Joseph
Foos, Associate Judges, who were
attended by Lucas Sullivant,
The Ohio Indians. 93
Clerk of the Court. They then proceeded
to lay off Franklin
County into four Townships as required
by an act of the Legis-
lature of the State of Ohio. It was by
that order that all of that
part of Franklin County within the
following limits was embraced,
to-wit: "Beginning at the forks of
Darby Creek (now Georges-
ville) running thence south to the line
between the counties of
Ross and Franklin; thence east with said
line till it intersects the
Scioto River; thence up the same till it
comes to a point one mile
on a straight line above the mouth of
Roaring Run (Hayden's
Falls); and from thence to the point of
beginning to constitute
the township to be called Franklin
Township." This included
the territory on which we are assembled
* * * *
In the year 1833 Colonel James
Kilbourne, then being a
member of the Legislature of Ohio, had
an act passed giving
Indian names to a number of streams in
Central Ohio and by that
act substituted the name of Olentangy
for the then common name
of Whetstone. The original Indian name
of the present Olen-
tangy was Keenhong-She-Con, or Whetstone
Creek. (See
American Pioneer, Vol. I, p. 55.)
One of the reasons stated in the act for
changing the names
was that some of them were "devoid
of modesty". A stream in
the eastern part of the County now
generally called Big Walnut
was by the early white settlers called
"Big Belly", and by this act
the name was changed to Gahannah. The
Indian name of that
stream was Whingy-Mahoni-Sepung or Big
Lick Creek. The
Indian name of what is now called Alum
Creek was Seeklic-Se-
pung or Salt Lick Creek. The term
"Sepung" was always added
to the name proper of a running stream
and means running water,
and was applied to all running streams.
* * * *
Immediately after the peace of 1814, the
settlers began to
arrive in Franklin County and Central
Ohio in considerable num-
bers. The Indians continued to trade at
Franklinton and Colum-
bus and to maintain their hunting camps
along the various streams
of the county, being at peace with the
white settlers. About the
year 1820 game had become scarce and the
Indians ceased to
94 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
hunt much so far south as Franklin
County. In 1830 the Con-
gress and Senate of the United States
adopted a policy for the
removal of the Indians to the west of
the Mississippi River and
passed a law entitled: "An act to
provide for an exchange of
lands with the Indians residing within
any of the states or terri-
tories, and for their removal west of
the River Mississippi."
This was approved by the President of
the United States May
28th, 1830, and pursuant to its general
provisions all the Indian
tribes were removed from Ohio to the
west of the Mississippi
within the next few years, and the state
of Ohio after centuries
of occupancy by the red race ceased
forever to be the home of the