Ohio History Journal




NOTE: -That portion        of this volume embracing         the monograph

entitled "A History of Banking and Currency in Ohio Before the Civil

War," contained in pages 235-533, is separately indexed on pages 534-539

and is therefore not included in the General Index of this volume.

A.                       Articles, Editorialana - Concluded.

First Catholic Church in Ohio, 226.

Adair, Gen. John, Burr's associate, 121,                                           History of Banking and Currency Be-

123.                                                                                             fore the Civil War, 235.

Adams County, Early political activity                                            History of Democratic Party organi-

of, 8.                                                                                           zation in the North West.

Adams, John, 170.                                                                              Hull's Trace or Trail, 583.

Adams, J. Q., 30.                                                                               Isaac Newtol Walter, 187.

Political opinions on, 19.                                                            "Masters of Men," review of, 234.

Algonquins, Families of, in Sandusky, 143.                                      Ohio cave dwellers, 594.

Aliens, disfranchisement of, 117.                                                     "Origin of name Yankee," 233.

Allen, William Gov., 110.                                                                 Recent   donation  to   Library  and

Americana presented to Library, 231.                                                 Museum, 231.

"American Desert," Irving's account of,                                          Recently appointed trustees of So-

171.                                                                                             ciety, 591.

Americanists, Meeting of, prevented, 563.                                      The Aaron Burr Conspiracy in the

American history, The West in, 170.                                                   Ohio Valley, 121.

Americans, a new race, 185.                                                            Thirtieth annual meeting of the Ohio

Antioch College, Decline of, 222.                                                         State Archaeological and Historical

Founding of, 199, 221.                                                                   Society, 541.

Rev. Walter's books given to, 192.                                            The West in American history, 170.

Asbury, Bishop, First in America, 199.                                             Where did Eliza cross the Ohio? 588.

Archaeology, Banner stones, 232.

Carved deer horn, 233.' ,,0Art, History perpetuated by, 183.

Carved deer horn, 233.

Celt, unique, 233.

Collections of, 231.                                       B.

Copper nugget, 231.

Crematories discovered, 568.                                                   Ball's battlefield, 140.

Effigy pipe, 232.                                                                        Banking, History of, in Ohio, 235.

Field work in, by Society, 561, 567.                                          Index to articles on, 534.

Iroquoian culture, 232.                                                              Baptists, "Christian" Church withdraws

Jade specimen, 233.

Ohio cave dwellers, 594.Newspapers of 211.

Overturf collection given to Museum,

232.                                   Bascom, Henry Bidleman, Chaplain of

Panama collection in Museum, 232.            Congress, 189.

Pink flint spear point, 233.                                                         Battles, Fallen Timbers, 159.

Pipe, 232.                                                                                    Beans, 228.

Pipe collection found, 568.                                                        Belmont County, Campaign, 1828 in, 31.

Tremper Mound opened, 567.                                                  Democratic Club in, 1828, 30.

Westenhaver Mound opened, 567.                                           Democratic Party in, 1829, 14, 35.

Archer, Senator W. B., "First Catholic                                              Jackson Convention in, 22.

Church" by, 226.                                                                    Jackson supporters in, 17.

Articles, Editorialana, 231, 591.                                                        Bible, The, as history, 181.

Evolution of Sandusky County, 138.                                         Bibliography, Democratic Party, 3.


606 Index

606                                   Index.


Blennerhassett, Herman, Burr visits, 122,   Burr, Aaron - Concluded.

126.                                                                                          Second western journey of, 125.

Explains Burr's plans, 129.                                                         Smith's suspicious letter to, 130.

Flees from home, 132.                                                               Trial of, in Mississippi, 134.

Mrs. Blennerhassett sends messenger                                       Unfolds plan, 126, 130.

for, 129.                                                                                  Visits Blennerhassett, 122.

Writes Burr, 124,                                                                        Visits Cincinnati, 122, 126, 131.

Bobst, Judge Daniel, presents copper                                                Visits Col. Morgan, 125.

nugget to Museum, 231.                                                         Visits Gen. Jackson, 123, 124.

Books, Biography of Isaac Newton Wal                                           Visits John Smith, 126.

ter, Pioneer Preacher, 193.                                                    Visits Louisville and Frankfort, 123.

"Masters of Men," Review     of, 234.                                        Visits Nashville, 127.

"The Pioneer Preacher," 187.                                                   Visits New Orleans, 124.

Brady Island, 140.                                                                              Visits Pittsburg, 122.

Braeckline, J. C., Archaeological speci-                                           Visits St. Louis, 124.

mens presented to Museum by, 231.                                     Western trips of, 122.

Wilkinson's intimacy with, 121.

Brinkerhoff, Gen. Roeliff, heirs present                                                il,                     12

,ooks to Library, 231.                                                          Wilkinson writes to, 125.

books to Library, 231.                                                                .            T

Writes to Gen. Harrison, 127.

Brown, John, Burr's associate, 121, 122.       Wr       t    . Harri   ,

Burr, Theodosia, 127.

Kansas estimate of, 175.

Bryant, William Cullen, 189.               Butler County, Jackson convention held

Bryant, William  Cullen, 189.

Burr, Aaron, Appears in Federal Court,

128.                                                      C.

Arrest of, 134.

Associates of, 121, 134.                Calhoun, John C., nominated for Vice-

Bibliography on conspiracy, 136.              President, 33.

Blennerhassett writes to, 124.          Campaign 1840, Democratic state conven-

Buys Red River lands, 127.                                                           tion, 114.

Complaint against in Federal court,                                          Hickory Clubs formed, 108.

127.                                                                                         Indiana in, 110, 112.

Conspiracy of, 121.                                                                   Mass meetings held, 110.

Daniel Clark associated with, 123.                                            Michigan in, 117.

Dayton writes to, 125.                                                               Ohio county organizations active in,

Duel with Hamilton, 121.                                                              110.

Estimate of plans of, 135.                                                          Organization for, in Michigan, 119.

Expedition of, starts, 131.

Expedition of, starts, 131.          Canal projected around Falls of Ohio,

Followed by spy, 129.                                                                              1

Gov. Tiffin apprised of plans of, 131.                                           ,

Hopes to be returned to Congress, 122.                                    Catholics, First in Ohio, 226.

Meets Wilkinson, 123, 124.                                                        Noble county, in, 227.

Militia ordered to seize expedition                                            St. Michael's Church, 230.

of, 132.                                                                                   Cavaliers, The, 173.

Movements of, on Mississippi River,                                        Champaign County, 106.

132.                                                                                         Chicago Convention 1835, Delegates to, 75.

Newspaper comments on, 122, 125.                                        Chicago, Democratic meeting in 1835, 74.

Opposition meeting in Lexington, Ky.,                                     Chiefs, Blue Jacket, 159.

129.                                                                                         Little Turtle, 159.

Plans, probable, of, 121, 123.                                                    Nicolas' conspiracy, 148.

Plans canal around Falls of Ohio,                                             Old Britain, 149.

121, 123.                                                                                 Tarhe, 159.

Plans revealed by Morgan, 136.                                               Tecumseh, 159.

Plans, suspicioned, 127.                                                             "Christian Church," The, 193.

Plans to meet Spanish Commissioner                                       Antioch College founded by, 199.

of Louisiana, 124.                                                                  Bad management of, 217.

Returns from Western trip, 124.                                                Beliefs and practices of, 201.

Scheme of, in cipher letter, 133.                                               Creed of, 199.


Index.                                    607


"Christian Church" - Concluded.                                                       Contributors - Concluded.

Divinity of Christ denied by, 21.                                               Henshaw, Miss Leslie, 121.

First American religious paper by, 199.                                   Huntington, C. C., 235.

Founding of, 199.                                                                       Kennedy, Gen. Robert P., 583.

Graham Institute, 217.                                                               Koch, Felix J., 588.

"Jerks" in, 201.                                                                            Long, Byron R., 187.

Newspapers established, 210.                                                   Meek, Basil, 138.

Persecuted by other denominations,                                        Randall, E. O., 231.

201.                                                                                         Webster, Homer J., 1.

Slow growth of, 216.                                                                 Webster, John Lee, 170.

Walter, Rev., unites with, 201.                                                  Crawford, Col. William, Expedition and

Why named, 200.                              death of, 157.

Churches, Baptist, 199.                                                                      Croghan Township, 166.

Catholic, 226.                                                                             Crystal Palace, The, MilDurn's address

"Christian," founding of, 199.               in, 188.

Growth of, 193.                      Curry, W. L., History of Ohio in Civil

Congregational, 203.                          War prepared by, 546.

New Lights, 200.

Presbyterians, 199, 200.

Unity of, 203.

Cincinnati, "Hickory Clubs" in, 44.         Dayton, Gen. Jonathan, Burr's associate,

Jackson committee in, 15.                    122, 125.

Jackson party in, 1829, 36.             Declaration of Independence, broadened

Circuit Riders [see "Pioneer Preachers."]        scope of, 175.

White Pilgrim, The, 206.                                                           Delaware County, 107, 163.

Walter's itinerary, 201.                                                             Democratic Party [See Jackson.]

Civil Service, Employees of Society not                                          Activity of in campaign of 1838, 90.

amenable to, 548.                                                                  Activity of in campaign of 1840, 108.

Civil War, Books on, 231.                                                                  Admission of Michigan secured by,

"History of Ohio," in, 546.                                                            82.

Plans of Ohio history of, 547.                                                   Beginnings of organization of, 6.

Clark, Daniel, associated with Burr, 123,                                          Beginnings of, in Illinois, 68.

124.                                                                                         Campaign of, 1824, 6.

Clark, George R., Conquests of, 156.                                                Campaign of, 1836, 62.

Clay, Col., Trial of, 583.                                                                    Campaign of, 1836, in Illinois, 79.

Clay, Henry, 30.                                                                                Campaign of, 1836, in Michigan, 85.

Changes mind about Burr, 129.                                                 Campaign of, 1828, 27.

Defends Burr, 128.                                                                    Campaign of, 1828, in Indiana, 25.

Clinton County, Jackson Convention in,                                            Campaign of, 1832, 43.

22.                                                                                           Campaign expenses, 43.

2"   ,^2.  .                                                                                 Chicago meeting, 1835, 74.

Cockerell, Clinton, specimens presented                                           Cheage of 1in83, 46.

~to Museum by, 233.                                    Cleavage of 1833 in, 46.

tCoal in the Wes , 12.                                                             Conditions for solidarity in Illinois,

Coal in the West, 178.

Cole, W. H., Sketch of, 591.81

Congressional Conventions, 1830, 37.

Colleges, Founding of Antioch, 199, 220.                                         Congressional   Conventions   gaining

Ohio, in, 1850, 220.                                                                       favor in Illinois, 95.

Colorado, Coal in, 178.                                                                      Congressional District Conventions of,

Columbiana County, Jackson delegate se-                                           1828, 29.

lected in, 20.                                                                           Contest in, for admission of Michi-

Columbus, Christopher, Inspiration   of,                                               gan, 86.

170.                                                                                         Continued organization of, 1829, 35.

Columbus, Democratic meeting, 1835, 50.                                      Convention system, 77, 79.

Jackson meeting, 1829, 35.                                                         County  activities for campaign   of

Contributors, Archer, W. B., 226.                                                         1837, 89.

Galbraith, J. H., 594.                                                                  County conventions, 21.

608 Index

608                                   Index.


Democratic Party - Continued.                                                         Democratic Party - Concluded.

County conventions of, in 1828, 28.  Logan county, in 1832, 44.

County conventions of, in 1830, 36. Michigan campaign of, in 1838, 102.

County conventions of, in 1834, 48. Michigan campaign of, in 1839, 104.

County conventions of, in 1837, ill   Michigan campaign of, in 1840, 117.

Illinois, 94.                                                                              Michigan, elections of, 99.

County meetings for campaign, 1832,               Michigan, in, 98.

39.                                                                                           Michigan newspapers active for, 102.

County organizations, for campaign                  Michigan state convention, 1837, 99.

1836, 65.                                                                                Michigan young men for, 84, 87, 99,

County tickets of, 1830, 37.                                                       101, 103.

"Delegate system," 14.                                                             Michigan victorious in 1836, 87.

Development from    1825 to 1828, 13.             Ohio activity for, in 1832, 45.

Development of, in Illinois, 1836-36,                                       Ohio and Indiana, in, 6.

73.                                                                                            Ohio and Indiana victory in, 1832, 45.

Development of, in Ohio, 1837-39, 89.                                   Ohio campaign, in 1830, 36.

Douglas nominated for Congress in                                         Ohio campaign, in 1840, 106.

Illinois, 75.                                                                               Ohio state convention, 1828, 23.

Douglas factor in Illinois, 77.                                                   Ohio state convention, 1836, 66.

Early development in Michigan, 81.hio state covetio, 18,

Election of, 1835, 52.                                                                  Organization, 35, 50, 104.

Election of, 1835, 52.                                                                  "                 .      -

Factions of, in Illinois, 71.                                                         Organization in Illinois, 97, 113.

Factions of, in Illinois, 7l.

Organization in Indiana, 32.

Germans active in, 91, 104.

Germans active in, 91, 104.                                                     Organization of, in 1836, 54, 61, 63.

Governor nominated, 1828, 25.                                               O            o   i     ,         .

"Hickory Clubs" in, 44.                                                               Organization in Michigan, 81, 83, 99.

History  of organization  in  North-                                         Organization in Ohio, 1840, 107.

west, 1.                                                                                    Period of, from 1829 to 1832, 35.

Illinois ill, 1837, 93.                                                                    Progress of, from 1833 to 1836, 46.

Illinois in, 1837, 93.

Illinois campaign, 1840, 113.                                                   Prominent newspaper of, in Ohio, 88.

Illinois campaign, 1840, 113.        t e c o n v

Illinois debate on convention system,                                     Rejoicings of, in election of 1836, 67.

78.                                                                                           Results of, in Ohio and Indiana, 34.

State central committee of, in In-

Illinois controlled by, 1824-40, 69.          diana 18 32.

Illinois holds first congressional dis-,                ,  .

trict convention, 80.

trict convention, 80.                                                               State Convention in Indiana, 1828, 25.

Illinois legislature  opposes conven-                                       State Convetio   of, in 1832, 39.

tion system, 69, 79.                                                                State Convention of, in 1833, 47.

Illinois          supports  Van              BIuren       and                  State Convention of, in 1836, 53, 85.

Illinois          supports Van               Buren         and                  S

Johnson, 76.                                                                            State Convention suggested, 20.

Johnson, 76.

Tariff discussion in, 18.

Illinois victory of, in 1838, 96.                                                Township orgaization, 1836. 61.

Indiana Assemblymen meet, 41.                                           Township representation in Michigan

Indiana campaign, 1840, 110.                                                 State Convention, 100, 103.

Indiana in, 1833-36, 35, 54.                                                    Van Buren endorsed for President

Indiana, inactivity of, in 1829, 40.                                          by, 49

Indiana, lost to, in 1837, 92.

Indiana newspapers for, 40.                                                   Vandalia, Ill., convention, 78.

Indiana organization  for campaign,                                      Western Reserve, in, 30.

1836, 6.                                                                                  Wins in Michigan campaign, 1838, 104.

diana rergnze  ll1 9Whigs condemned by, in Michigan, 84.

Indiana reorganized inl 1839, 93.                                           Young men of Illinois organize, 1840,

Indiana state convention, 1831, 42.                                        116.

Indiana state convention, 1836, 59.

Indiana state convention, 1837, 62.                                        "Young   Mel's Central Committee"

Indiana state convention, 1840, 111.                                      i, 66.

Irish organize in 1840, 109.                                                    Young men's organizations in, 64.

Jackson nominated by, 8, 9.                             Deserts, Place in history, 172.

Laxity of, in Indiana, 1837, 62, 91.                  Detroit, Americans capture. 161.


Indcx.                                    609


Dix, Dorotny, 215.                                                                     Forts - Concluded.

Douglas, Frederick, estimate of man's                                              Sandoski, 141.

liberty, 175.                                                                            Stephenson, 140.

Douglas, Stephen A., approves conven-                                   Franklin  Co. Democratic lethargy    in

tion system, 79.                                                                      1836, 64.

Debates with Lincoln, 111.                                                        Jackson Convention in, 22.

Defeated for Congress in 1838, 96.                                          Jackson partisans in, 10.

Defends disfranchisement of aliens,                                        Organization and boundaries, 162.

117.                                                                                         Sandusky County part of, 162.

Illinois politics in, 77.                                                         Fremont, Naming of, 169.

Supports convention nominees, 80.                                           Indian plans to overthrow, 118.

Dublin, O., "Christian Church" at, 200.

Site chosen for Ohio Capitol at, 202.                      G.

Union of churches at, 203.              Gallia County, Archaeological specimens

View of, 202.                                from, 231.

Card, D. H., Books presented to Library

E.                            by, 231.

Library presented to Museum by, 569.

Earthworks, Elephant Mound, 568.r                         presented to Muse     b,

Explorations in, 567. .Specimens presented to Museum                         by,

Explorations in, 567.

Tremper Mound, 567.

Westenhaver Mound, 567.                                                Geauga, Democratic party in, 7.

Education, Rev. Walter's interest in,                                         Geology of Great Plain, 171.

208, 210.                                                                         Germans, Democratic party in, 91.

Effigy Mounds, Elephant Mound, 568.                                     Girty, Simon, 228.

England restricts colonial migration, 152.                                Glacier, Effect of, 138.

English, Build fort in Sandusky Valley,                                    Gladden, Dr. Washington, 203.

147.                                                                                 Gold in West, 178.

Ohio forts held by, 158.                                                     Gospel Herald, contents of, 211.

Ohio Valley claims of, 147.                                              Government, Elasticity of, in U. S., 179.

Pickawillany, at, 149.                                                                Migration of, 174.

Erie Co., Organization of, 168.                                                  Governments inspired by history, 181, 182.

Esselborn, Paul, Archaeological collec-                                  Graham, John, Commissioned to follow

tion presented to Museum, 233.                                            Burr, 129.

Ethnology, Books on, 231.                                                                 Opinion of, concerning Burr expe-

dition, 135.

Greene County, Jackson delegate selected

in, 21.

Family Names, Archer, 227.                                                    Greenville Treaty, Pipe of, 232.

Crow, 229.                                                                         Guernsey County, Jackson supporters in,

Enochs, 228.                                 17.

Kendall, Captain, 232.

Fairfield, B., Congressional delegate from,

1830, 38.                                                                         Iamilton County, Campaign in, 1828, 31.

Democratic meeting, 1835, 57.                                                County ticket nominated in, 19.

Jackson convention, 1831, 38.                                                   Democratic meeting in, 1835, 57.

Findley, James, "Jackson" candidate for                                          Democratic party in, 7, 13, 17.

Congress, 16.                                                                          Jackson committee in, 9.

Flags, Civil War, retained at Capitol, 537.                                        Jackson men elected in, 1827, 20.

Forts, Ancient, Game preserve, 546.                                                Original boundary of, 161.

Needed repairs at, 571.                                                     Sandusky County in, 160.

Report to Society on, 570.                                                 Tariff discussion in, 18.

Junandat, 141.                                                                    Harmar, Gen., Indian expedition of, 158.

Laurens, Plans to secure for Society,                               Iarrison, W. H., Burr writes to, 127.

549.                                                                                         Death of, 209.

Meigs, Plans to secure for Society,                                          Tomb of, to be secured by Society,

549.                                                                                         550.

610 Indcx

610                                   Indcx.


Harrison, W. H. - Concluded.                Illinois, Aliens disfranchised in - Con-

Trail of, 583.                                                                                 cluded.

Tribute to Circuit Riders, 189.                                                  Douglas nominated for Congress in,

Hayes, Col. Webb C., 543.                                                                  95.

Hayes Memorial Building, Dedication of,                                      Douglas   supports convention   nom-

576.                                                                                           inees, 80.

Occupancy of, 546.                                                                 First Congressional District Conven-

Progress on, 579.                                                                          tion in, S0.

"Herald of Gospel Liberty," 199.                                                    Importance of county political meet-

"Hickory Clubs," 44, 108.                                                                     ings in, 73.

Highland Co., Rev. Walter born in, 193.                                          Jackson carries, 1824, 69.

History, Definition of, 170, 179.                                                      Legislature discusses "convention sys-

European method of perpetuating, 183.                                      tem," 79.

Field of, 180.                                                                             Legislature endorses Jackson, 69, 70.

Inspiration for literature, 180.                                                  Parties slow in developing in. 68.

Inspiration for patriotism, 182.                                                 Party organization begun in, 73.

Nature of, 179.                                                                          Precinct delegate to county conven-

Repetition of, 185.                                                                         tion, 76.

Romance of, 179.                                                                     Township system lacking, 68.

Sources of knowledge, 183.                                                      Vandalia democratic convention, 75,

Value in   establishing  governments,                                          78.

181, 182.                                                                                Illinois County, 156.

Van Dyke's reference to, 170.                                                 Nominee for governor, 1838, 96.

Hull, Gen. Wm., Army of, 584.                                                       Indiana, Beginnings Democratic party in,

Markers on trail of, 587.                                                                6.

Route of army, 584.                                                                  Campaign of 1828 in, 25, 32.

Trail of, 583.                                                                              Campaign of 1832 in, 45.

Huron County, Organization of, 164.                                               Campaign of 1840 in, 110.

Sandusky Co., part of, 164.                                                       Congressional District convention in,


*~I.r~  ~Convention system established, 57.

Democratic Assemblymen meet, 1830,

Illinois, Aliens disfranchised in, 117.                                                    41.

Campaign of 1828 in, 71.                                                          Democratic candidate for governor,

Campaign of 1836 in, 79.                                                              1828, 34.

Campaign of 1840 in, 113.                                                        Democratic county conventions, 1833-

Conditions ripe for party unity, 81.                                               36, 55.

Congressional nominating conventions,                                    Democratic inactivity, 1829, 40.

95                                                                                            Democratic State committee meeting,

Convention system, 68, 69, 77.                                                     1828, 32.

Debate on convention system in, 78.                                        Democratic party, 1833, 1836, 54, 58.

Democratic control of, 1824-40, 69.                                         Democratic State Convention, 1828,

Democratic county    conventions in,                                           in, 25.

1835, 74.                                                                                 Democratic State Convention, 1831,

Democratic County Convention, 1837,                                         in, 42.

93, 94.                                                                                     Democratic State Convention, 1833,

Democratic factions in, 71.                                                           in, 55.

Democratic party, Beginnings of, 68.                                       Democratic State Convention, 1836,

Democratic party development in 1835-                                     in, 58, 59.

36 in, 73.                                                                                  Democratic State Convention, 1837,

Democratic meetings for Jackson, 70.                                          in, 92.

Democratic unity, 97.                                                                Democratic State Convention, 1840,

Democratic press in, 96.                                                                in, 111.

Democratic victory, 1838, 96.                                                   Democratic victory, 42, 45, 93.

Democratic victory, 1840, 117.                                                 Democrats of, nominate Calhoun, 33.

Douglas, active in politics of, 77.                                                   Democrats lose in, 1837, 92.


Index.                                    611


Indiana - Concluded.                                                                                                                J.

Jackson supporters in, 11.                                                                                                 . .

Jackson supporters i,~ 11.         Jackson, Andrew, Activity for, in Ohio,

Laxity in Democratic party, 1837, in,        1832 44.

1832, 44.

Burr's plans, connection with, 135.

Lethargy in 1835 campaign, 57.                                               Burr visits, 123.

Organization, Democratic, in, 35.                                             Calls for volunteers against Spaniards,

Union of parties suggested, 57.                                                  127.

Whig victory, 1830, in, 40.                                                        Election of partisans of, in Indiana,

Illustrations, Antioch College, 221.                                                    1833, 55.

Cole, W. H., 591.                                                                       Hamilton county partisans of, 15.

Congregational Church at Dublin, O.,                                       Illinois supports, 69, 70, 72.

204.                                                                                         Indiana supporters, 1828, 11, 25.

Floating ice in the Ohio, 589.                                                     Ohio Legislature solicits his candi-

Home of Rev. Walter, Dublin, 0.,                                             dacy, 38.

208.                                                                                         Ohio State Convention for, 23.

Meek, Basil, 38.                                                                          Partisan centers of, 19.

Old Stone Church, Dublin, O., 200.                                           Whig forecast of his re-election, 40.

View of the Ohio River, 590.                                                     Wins in Ohio and Indiana, 1832, 45.

Village of Dublin, 202.                                                      Janandat, Lake, 140.

Walter, Mrs. Lydia, 193.                                                  Jefferson County Democratic party or-

Walter, Rev. Isaac Newton, 191.                                              ganized in, 7.

Indians, Contests with, 228.                                                               State convention suggested by electors

in, 20.

Crawford's campaign against, 157.                   ,

Crawford's campaign  i , 1.      Jefferson, Thomas, Interest of, in West,

Disappearance of, 185.

English sympathizers, 148, 158.                 .

Issues proclamation   on  Burr con-

Eries exterminated, 144.

spiracy, 132.

Families of, 143.

Fie Natioe s, 143.                      "Jerks," The, 201.

Five Nations, 143.                                c    ,

Five Nati , 143.  . .,Johnson, Col. R. M., 110.

Greenville Treaty, Pipe of, 232.                  .           2,

Harmar's expedition, 158.                  Illinois supports, 72, 76.

Harmar's expedition, 158.

Iroquois, 143.

Iroquois culture, 231.

Mann's partial to England, 149.                                        Kansas-Nebraska, Geology of, 171.

Nicolas, 141.                                                                      Kansas, Opposition to admission of, 172.

Reservations for, in Sandusky Val-                                           Prosperity of, 175.

ley, 144.                                                                         Kelsey, B. C., Specimens presented to

Rights of, to land, 142.                     Museum by, 231.

Sandusky Valley, in, 142.                                                 Knights of the Golden Horse-shoe, 153.

Sandusky Valley, purchase of, 166.                                 Knox County, 107.

Sandusky Valley reservations, 160.                                 Knox, Wm. L., Archaeological collection

Trails of, 583.                              presented by, 232.

Treaties with, for Sandusky Valley,

160.                                                     L.

Treaty of Greenville with, 160.                                        Lamartine, Definitions of History, 170.

Wayne's expedition against, 159.                                     Lands, Indian reservations, 144.

Wyandots, 144.                                                                           Turnpike, 144.

Indian Trails, 139.                                                                      Lexington, Ky., Anti-Burr meeting at,

Indian Villages, Junque-In-Dundeh, 144.          129.

Intemperance, statistics on, 218.                                               Library, Society's, Donations to, 569.

Irish organize for Democratic party, 1840,                             Licking County, Jackson    partisans or-

109.                                        ganized in, 21.

Iron in the West, 178.                      Lincoln, Abraham, debates with Douglas,

Iroquois, collection of relics of, 231.          1839, 114.

Irving, Washington, estimate of Ameri-                                  Literature, Sources of, 180.

can Desert, 171.                                                             Logan County, Democratic party in, 44.

612 Index

612                                   Index.


Logan Elm Park, Condition of, 547.                                                 Michigan - Concluded.

Improvements at, 545.                                                                Whigs win, 1840, in, 119.

Report on, to Society, 575.                                                          Young Men's Democratic organization

Society gets title to, 548.                                                             in, 85.

Long, Major, Estimate of Great Plain,                                            Milhurn, William  H., 187.

171.                                                                                          Address in Crystal Palace, 188.

Lower Sandusky Township, 164.                                                      Mills, W. C., Annual report of, 561.

Lucas, Robert, Nominated for Governor,                                        Books presented to library by, 231.

48.                                                                                          Mississippi River, Free trade granted

Lumber in the West. 178.                         on, 125.

Lyon, Matthew, Burr's associate, 122.       Missionaries, Problems of, 197.

Moley, F. J., Specimens donated to

M.                            Museum by, 231.

Moore, Waldo C., Sketch of, 592.

Maine, Prohibition in, 219.                 Monroe County, Jackson convention in,

Madison, James, 171.                                                                         22.

Mann, Horace, President Antioch Col-                                           n     r      n          n r       n

Montgomery County, Jackson resolutions

lege, 220.

Maps, Early, of Sandusky Valley, 146.            in, 19.

Lower Sauk  T , 1Jackson supporters in, 18.

Lower Sandusky Township, 165.

Virginia land rights, 151.              Moravians, Site of Schoenbrunn to be

for gov-rsecured by Society, 550.

Mason, Stevens T., nominated for govred by Societ,                    0.

Masn . Stvns . nominaated        Wesley withdraws from, 198.

ernor in Michigan, 100.

McLean, Judge John, 46.                     Morgan, Col. George [See Burr.]

Morgan County, 106.

Methodists, Asbury, first bishop of, 199.   Morgan Couty, 106.

Mt. Vernon, Democratic Congressional

Kelly, Jas. O., withdraws from, 199.          Convention, 1830, at, 37.

Not permitted toadminiConvention, 1830, at, 37.

Not permitted to administer sacra-

ments, 198.  toadmnisDemocratic young men's organization,

ments, 198.

Republican, 199.                             1840, at, 108, 109.

Republican, 199.

Museum, Society's, additions to. 563.

Michigan, Ann Arbor convention, 82.

Campaign of 1835 in, 84.                                                          Copper nugget presented to, 232.

Campaign of 1835 in, 84.                                                           Donations to,   1.

Donations to, 231.

Campaign of 1836 in, 85.

Campaign of 1838 in, 102.                                                         Greenville Treaty Pipe presented to,

Campaign of 1840 in, 117.                                                         2

Keith, Dr., of London, visits, 231.

Congressional action on admission of,

86.                                     Knox collection presented to, 232.

Panama collection in, 232.

Contest in Democratic party over, 86.

, of 186   Portsmouth   collection  presented to,

Convention of 1836, 85.

Convention system in, 83.                                                          233.

De e s , 82.                     Relic room removed from Capitol to,

Delegate system, 82.

Democratic organizations, 81, 98, 104.       5

Ross county collection presented to,

Democratic state convention, 1840, in,


Democrats win in, 104, 105.                Smith, Dr. I. N., collection presented

Democrats win in, 104, 105.

Early  developments   of Democratic                                      o, 232.

party in, 81.                                                                       Sunday opening of, 546, 563.

party in, 81.

Election in, 1837, 99, 10-'.            Muskingum County, Campaign of 1836 in,

History of, 82.                              63.

Mason, Stevens T., nominated for        Muskingum   River, Burr's boats on, 127,

governor of, 84.                            131.

Party organization well developed in,                      N.


Refuses terms of admission, 82.                                              Names mentioned, Blaine, James G., 234.

Results in election of 1836, 87.                                                  Curtis, George W., 234.

State Rights faction in, 99.                                                         Foraker, J. B., 234.

Whigs in, 84.                                                                               Garfield, James A., 234.


Index.                                                     613


Names Mentioned - Concluded.                Ohio, Beginning   of Democratic                                                         Party

Hanna, M. A., 234.                                                                         in -Concluded.

McKinley, Wm., 234.                                                               Democratic party in, 1833-36, 46.

Schurz, Carl, 234.                                                                      Democratic party wins, 1832, in, 45.

Sherman, John. 234.                                                                  Democratic state convention, 1828, in,

West, Judge, 234.                                                                           23.

Nebraska, Prosperity of, 175.                                                           Democratic state convention, 1832, in,

Newspapers, Canuidates department in,                                              39.

40.                                                                                          Democratic state convention, 1836, in,


Cinlcinnati-Gazette, 19.                                                                 5

Cohlmnbuis Sentinel , 46.                                                          Democratic state convention, 1837, in,

Columbus Senltilel, 46.

Cross and Journal, 211.                                                                 88.

Democratic, in Michigan, 102, 119.                                        Democratic  young   men   hold  con-

Editorials on probable western revo-                                           vention at Newark, 90.

lution, 126.                                                                             Development of Democratic      party

Gospel Herald, 210.                                                                      from 1837-39 in, 89.

Gospel Heroald, 210.

In1dian Democrat, 40.                                                              Enabling Act for admission of, 162.

Influence of, in Illinois politics, 96.                                         Field for religious experiments, 200.

List of, 4.                                                                                   Jacksonian newspapers in, 31.

National Repulblicain, 10.                                                        Legislature solicits Jackson's candi-

Ohio, in campaign of 1836, 64, 66.                                              dacy, 38.

Ohio Gazette on Burr plans, 126.                                            Part of Illinois County, 156.

Ohio Monitor, 46.                                                                     State election, 1830, 38.

Olio Statesman, 88.                                                                 Unifying Democratic party in, 35.

Political activity of, 1828, 30.                                                 Whigs carry in 1836, 67.

Religious, 210.                                                                          Ohio Company, First, 149.

Religious, first in America, 199.                                             Ohio River, Projected canal around falls

Republican Statesman, 48.                    of, 121, 123.

St. Clairsville Gazette, 14.                                                        Ohio State Audubon Society, 546.

Western Spy, 122.                                                                    (hio Penitentiary, Rev. Walter preaches

Western World suspicions Burr, 127,          in, 214.

128, 129.                                                                              Ohio Valley, Burr conspiracy in, 121.

"New Purchase," 166.                                 Colonial claims to, 150, 152.

"New Purchase," 166.                                                                 French take formal possession of, 116.

Noble County, Archer settlement in, 226.                                         Fren       e forml pses       o

First Catholic Church in, 226.                                                 Oregon, Lumber in, 178.

First Catholic Church in, 226.                                                 Overturf, Alva K., Collection presented

Settlement of, 229.                          to Museum by, 232.

Northwest, Democratic party in, 1.

Whig victory in 1840, in, 120.

Northwest Territory. Division of, 162.

Organization of, 152.                                                              Painting, Exemplar of history, 183.

Norwegians, National factors    in  Am-                                       Patriotism  inspired by history, 182.

erica, 173.                                                                           Paully, Ensign, Fort captured from, 147.

Perry County, 107.

0.                       Pickaway   County, Jackson    convention

in, 22.

Ohio, Beginning    of Democratic party                                       Pickawillany, Capture of, 149.

in, 6.                                                                                         English at, 149.

Campaign of 1832 in, 43.                                                      Pike, Lieut, Estimate of Great Plain,

Campaign of 1832 in, 43.

Campaign of 1840 in, 106.                    11.

Counties active in campaign 1840, 106.                               Pilgrims, The, 173.

Democratic activity, 1838, 90.                                             Pioneers, The, 173.

Democratic activity, 1840, 108.                                                Character of, 173.

Democratic Congressional Convention,                                    Experiences of, 187, 228.

1828, in, 29.                                                                            Influence of environments on, 196.

Democratic newspapers, 1838, in, 90.                                     Noble county, in, 226.

614 Index

614                                   Index.


Pioneers, The'-Concluded.                                                               Religion, Controversies on, 204, 211.

Preachers among, 187.                                                              Debates on, 205.

Spirit of, 173, 174.                                                                      Doctrine of Christ's divinity, 211.

Pioneer Preachers [See    Walter, Isaac                                         "Jerks," the, 201.

Newton.]                                                                                Ohio, a field for experiment in, 200.

Character and work of, 188.                                                      Pioneer preachers, 187.

Contentment of, 189.                                                                  Revolution of, 198.

Education of, 188, 196.                                                             Revolutionary Year, 1793, 198.

Experiences of, 190.                                                                 Revolutions, political, 198.

Tribute to, 188, 190.                                                                  Revolutions, religious, 198.

Poetry. "No foot of land do I possess,"                        Richland County, 107.


~~~189~~.~~ Richter, Henry, Archaeological specimens

Rev. I. N. Walter, on, 225.                   presented to Muse!um by, 231.

Political campaigns, 1824, 7.                                                            "Rifle, ax and Saddle-bags," 187.

Political campaigns, 1828, 27, 43.                                                   Ripley, "Eliza," crosses river at, 590.

Political campaigns, 1828, Election  ma-                    Rocky Mountains, iron il, 178.

chinery of, 31.                                                                       Ross County, 107.

Financing of, 31.                                                                         Archaeological collection  from, 231,

Influence of, in Ohio and Indiana, 33.                                     233.

Result of, in Ohio and Indiana, 34.                                           Jackson convention in, 23.

Political campaigns, organization activities

of, 44.                                Ryan, D. J., "Masters of men," by, 234.

of, 44.

Partisan bitterness of, 30.

Political Clubs, 29.                                           S.

Political "Masters of Men," review                               of,,,

q4,                                                                       ,    Sandusky County, Aborigines of, 142.


Political Parties, Campaign of, 1840, 106.       rchaeological history of, 139.

Democratic in Northwest, 1.Boundaries of, 139.

Illinois opposes convention system, 68.                Erie County formed from, 168.

Township elections based on, 109.                                            Evolution of, 138.

Preachers, Pioneer, 187, 188.                                                           General description of, 138.

Prehistoric Remains, 139.                                                                 Geology of, 138.

Presidential Campaigns, Early, 6.                                                    Organization of, 168.

Presidential Campaigns in 1824, 6, 13.                                             Origin and meaning of name, 141.

Presbyterians, "Christian Church" with-                                           art of Augusta County Va., 154.

draws from, 199.                                                                   Part of Botetourt County, Va., 154.

Prohibition, [See Temperance.] [See In                                          Part of Delaware County, 163.

temperance.]                                                                          Part of Franklin County, 162.

Maine, in, 218.                                                                            Part of Hamilton County, 161.

Puritan, The, St. Gauden's statue of, 175.                     Part of Huron County, 164.

Part of Orange County, 154.

Q.                                                             Part of Spottsylvania County. 153.

Quakers, 195.                                                                                      Part of Wayne County, 161.

Quebec Act, Passage of, 152.                                                           Slaves captured in, 28, 140.

Under Virginia rule, 153.

R.                       Sandusky River, Description of, 140.

Historic events on, 140.

Races, The, Amalgamation of, in Am-                         Sandusky Valley, British claims to, 147.

erica, 185.                                                                               Contending powers for, 142.

Radnor Township, 163.                                                                      Early forts in, 146.

Randall, E. O., Annual report of, a Sec-                        Early maps of, 146.

retary of Society, 545.                                                           English in, 147.

Editorialana by, 231, 233, 234, 591.                                          French claims to, 145.

Represents Society in court at Fre-                        Indian possessions in, 156.

mont, 543.                                                                               Indian reservations in, 160.

Relic Room    removed   rom   Capitol to                                         Indian treaties in, 160.

Museum, 550, 662.                                                                  Wyandots in, 145.


Index.                                    615


Schoenbrunn, Plans to secure, for So-                                              Society ~ Concluded.

ciety, 531.                                                                               Library of, 231.

Scioto County, Archaeological specimens                                       Logan Elm Park improved by, 545.

from, 233.                                                                               Meetings of finance committee of, 545.

Jackson convention in, 23.       Members present at 30th annual meet

Seip, John, Specimens presented to Mu-                                                       ing, 541.

seunt by, 231.                                                                         Members present at adjourned annual

Seneca County, 107.                                                                                      meeting, 544.

Serpent Mound, committee on, reports                                            Moore, Waldo C., Trustee of, 592.

to Society, 574.                                                                                   Museum of, 231, 546, 561, 563.

Serpent Mound Park, Condition of, 547.                                           Necrological report to, 573.

Snannon, Wilson, 108, 110.             New life members of, 582.

Shelby County, Democratic party in, 44.                                        New trustees of, 575, 591.

Silver in West, 178.                                                                            Officers of, 580.

Slaves, capture of, in Sandusky County,                                           Plans of Ohio history in civil war

140.                                                                                                     outlined to, 547.

Escape of Margaret Garner, 589.                                             Plans for purchase of Ft. Laurens

Fugitive, 689.                                                                                          for, 549.

Smith, Dr. I. N., Archaeological collec-                                          Plans to secure Ft. Meigs for, 549.

tion presented to Museum, 232.                                             Plans to secure Gen. Harrison's tomb

Smith, John, [See Burr.]                                                                                for, 550.

Burr's associate, 121, 122.      Plans to secure Schoenbrunn for, 550.

Social life, comment on, 218.         Policeman requested by, for Spiegel

Society, Additions to Library of, 568.                                                           Grove, 543.

Adjourned session, 544.          Preliminary meeting of, 541.

Annual appropriations for, 547.                                                             Protests against change of name of

Annual budget of, 545.                                                               street near Spiegel Grove, 543.

Annual meeting of Trustees, 541, 543,                                                 Publications of, reprinted, 579.

578.                                                                                         Publications placed in schools, 549.

Annual publications, appropriations                                                      Reports free gas for Spiegel Grove,

for, 551.                                                                                              543.

Annual volumes republished, 548.                                                        Reports of committees to, 570.

Appropriations for, 555.                                                             Secretary's annual report to, 545.

Archaeological field work of, 561.                                                        Serpent Mound     committee  reports

Auditor's annual report to, 553.                                                             to, 574.

Change of fiscal year of, 542.                                                              Spiegel Grove committee reports to,

Cole, Wm. H., Trustee of, 591.                                                             572.

Condition  of Logan   Elm  Park   re-                                                    Standing committees of, 581.

ported to, 547.                                                                                     Sundry appropriation bill for, 548.

Condition of Serpent Mound Park re-                                       Time of annual meeting of, 541.

ported to, 547.                                                                        Title to Logan Elm    Park obtained.

Constitution of amended, 542.                                                               548.

Curator's and Librarian's report to,                                                       Treasurer's annual report to, 557.

Treasurer's annual report to, 557.

561. '.                                   -..Trustees, Douglas, Albert. resigns, 545.

Directs preparation                 of "History of            Moore,      . C., appointed, 542.

Moore, Wm. C., appointed, 542.

Ohio in the Civil War," 546.

Ohio in the Civil War," 546.                 Treadway, Francis W., appointed,

Employees of, not subject to Civil.

Service rules, 548.

Service rules, 548.                          Yeagley, J. W., appointed, 542.

Field work of, 567.

Finance of, 541.                        Spain grants lands on Mississippi River,

Ft. Ancient report to, 1570.                 125.

"Gard library" presented to, 569.                                              Spiegel Grove, 140.

Hayes Memorial building, progress                                                      Change of street name near, 543.

reported, 579.                                                                                     Free gas for, 543.

Historical sources to be secured by,                                                     Policeman appointed for, 543.

576.                                                                                                     Report to Society on, 572.

616 Index

616                                    Index.


Spottswood, Gov., Expedition of, 153.                                      Walter, Rev. I. N. - Concluded.

State historical societies, Buildings of,                                              Church persecution and unity, on, 203.

184.                                                                                         (losing year of life, 224.

Value of, 182.                                                                            Conversion of, 197.

State Rights, Michigan, in, 99.                                                           Death of, 224.

Statues, Examplars of history, 183.                                                  Debates with Methodists, 205.

St. Clair, Arthur, Indian expedition of,                                              Editor of paper, 210.

159.                                                                                         Education on, 222.

St. Gaudens, Statue of the Puritan by,                                              Extended journeys of, 202.

175.                                                                                         Family of, 192.

Streams, Duck Creek, 229.                                                                Health breaks, 208.

Sumner, Chas., quoted in cities of West,                                          Helps found Antioch College, 221.

178.                                                                                         Identified  with  "Christian  Church"

Swartswout, Samuel, Messenger for Burr,                                       movement, 201.

125.                                                                                         Influence of, in New York, 207.

T.                                                              Incident of Christianity of, 195.

Tammany H-all, 207.                                                                        Interest in education, 209, 210.

Tariff, Early discussion of, 18.                                                          Tines on, 225.

Temperance reform, 209.                                                                 Locates at Dublin, O., 201.

Temperance, Walter, Rev., on, 214.                                                 Marriage of, 201.

Tiffin, Gov., apprised of Burr's plans, 131.                                       Meets Dorothy Dix, 215.

fodd, Dr. T. Wingate, visits Museum,                                               Noted friends of, 213.

231.                                                                                         Opposes war, 223.

Trails, Character of, 583.                                                                   Ordination of, 201.

Clay's, 583.                                                                                Orthodoxy, opposes in New York, 206.

Ilarrison's, 583.                                                                           Pastor in New York, 218.

Indian, 583, 686.                                                                         Pioneer preacher, 187.

I.abor necessary on, 584.                                                          Portrait of, 191.

Zane's, 583.                                                                                Power as a preacher, 214.

Travel, Methods of, 1836, 53.                                                            Preaching points of, 206.

Treaties, Greenville, 160.                                                                  Preachers in Ohio penitentiary, 214.

Indian, for Sandusky Valley, 160.                                             Sketch of, 193.

Trimble, Gov. Allen, 31.                                                                    Social fads, on, 218.

U.                                                              Southern trip, 215, 217.

Uncle Tom's Cabin, Eliza crossing the                                              Temperance, on, 209, 214.

Ohio, 588.                                                                               Time of service, 191.

Underground Railroad, 588.                                                              Travels of, 212, 217.

Unitarians, 211.                                                                          Walter, Mrs. Lydia A., Portrait of, 193.

United States Bank, Political issue, 49.                                      War of 1812, Sandusky Indians friendly

United States, Apparent destiny of, 179.           to Americans, 160.

Extent of, 179.

oExtent of, 179.  8War, Opinions on, 223.

Government of, 198.

mPassing   of, 185.                       Warren County, Jackson supporters in,

Passing of, 185.


V.                        Washington, Geo., Interest in the West,

Van Buren, Martin, 60.                             171.

Illinois supports, 72, 76.

Illinois supports, 72, 76.                                                      Washington, Lumber in, 178.

Van Dyke, Ienry, Definition of history,                                    Water power in West, 178.

Water power in West, 178.

,.   171 ,..0).         ,         .,    Wayne, Anthony, Expedition of, 159.

Virginia, Claims of, in Ohio Valley, 150.        Spurs worn by     32.

Spurs worn by, 232.

Virginia Military Lands, survey of, 232.

Wayne County, Adams resolutions in, 19.

W.                                                             Democratic meetings, 1835, in, 57.

Walter, Rev. I. N., Ancestry of, 194, 195.                                        Early political activities in, 8.

Biography of, 191.                                                                     Extent of, 194.

Called to "Christian Church" in New                                         Original boundary of, 161.

York, 205.                                                                               Sandusky County, part of, 161.


Index.                                     617


Webster, Homer J., History of Demo-                                    Whigs - Concluded.

cratic party in Northwest, 1.                                                       Michigan, win, 1840, 120.

Wesley, Charles, 198.                                                                         Oppose admission of Michigan, 82.

Western Reserve, Democratic party in,                                  Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. James, First

30.                                          Ohio settlers, 141.

West, The, American history, 170.                                          "White Pilgrims," The, 206.

Conception of liberty in, 174.                                            Wilkinson, Gen. James, Burr meets, 123,

Development of, 175.                                                                  124.

Early pioneers of, 171.                                                                Displeased with Spanish contract, 125.

Growth    contrasted  with  sea-board                                        Place of, in Burr conspiracy, 121, 124.

states, 174.                                                                                Writes Burr, 125.

Historical duties, 186.                                                        Woodbridge, Dudley, Associate of Blen-

H-low it was procured, 179.                    nerhassett, 127.

Jefferson's interest in, 171.             Wright, G. F., Presides at annual neet-

Invasion of, 175.                                                                          ing, 544.

Meager knowledge of, 170.                                                        "See Ohio First," by, 577.

Natural resources of, 178.

Natural resources of, 178.                Wyandots, Character of, 145.

Pioneers of, 173.

Pioneers of, 173.                            Friendly to Americans, 160.

Possibility of great cities in, 178.rominence of, 144.

Prominence of, 144.

Prosperity of, 175.

Rapid growth of, 172.                     Wyoming, Coal in, 178.

Spiritual development of, 173.

Washington's interest in, 171.                               Y.

Wetzel, Lewis, 229.                          Yankee, origin of name, 233.

Whigs, Congressman elected over Doug-

las, 96.                                                   Z.

Franklin County, in, 64.

Michigan, win, 1839, 105.                 Zane, Ebenezer, Trace of, 583.