The Miami Valley properly embraces all
the country north
of the Ohio that is drained by the Great
and Little Miami rivers
and their tributaries. In this paper it
is used to designate the
southwestern quarter of the State of
Ohio, or that territory lying
west of a line drawn due south from
Columbus to the Ohio river
and south of another line drawn due west
from Columbus to the
State of Indiana. This district was
greatly excited and stirred
up by the "Great Kentucky
Revival," and its camp-meetings
lasted for a period of over fifty years.
Owing to the rapidity of the increase in
population and the
advent of foreigners with their variant
sectaries, it is difficult to
measure the depth of the influence of
the enthusiasm resultant
from the religious upheaval of 1801.
However diverse may have
been the elements to be operated upon,
there was sufficient time
and opportunity to carry out the work of
the reformers.
The year 1800 showed Ohio with a
population of about 45,-
000 and Cincinnati with about 500. In
1810 the city had in-
creased to 2,540 and the entire state to
230,760. The population
was principally made up of emigrants
from the older states.
Kentucky, with a population of 73,677 in
1790, had increased to
220,959 in 1800 and 406,511 in 1810.
These figures show both
states to have been sparsely settled,
when considered with the
present population. The settlements were
almost wholly com-
munities of farmers. Books and
newspapers were but sparingly
supplied to them, and religion was their
chief intellectual food.
Without the advantages enjoyed by their
descendants, scattered,
though naturally gregarious, a religious
revival would hold out
its allurements to all alike.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 243
STATE OF SOCIETY. The early settlers of both Ohio and Kentucky, for the most part, were Christians by profession. Different denominations of religionists were early in the field, employing their zeal in mak- ing proselytes and propagating their respective tenets. The great majority ranked among the Presbyterians, Baptists and Methodists. The first church organized in Ohio was the Bap- tist church at Columbia, near Cincinnati, in 1790, and the build- |
ing erected in 1793, which stood until 1835. In 1797, besides the Presbyterian church at Cincinnati, there were preaching points at Clear Creek (a short distance south of Franklin), Turtle Creek (now Union Village, west of Lebanon), Bethany (two miles east of Lebanon) and Big Prairie (at the mouth of Dick's Creek in Butler county, afterwards called Orangedale). Of these |
244 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
country congregations the largest and
most influential was Turtle
The various sects, acknowledging one
another as of the
same parent stock, "stood entirely
separate as to any communion
or fellowship, and treated each other
with the highest marks of
hostility; wounding, captivating and
bickering another, until their
attention was called aff by the
appearance of" deism. As early
as 1796 a religious apathy appears to
have pervaded the pulpit.
One writes, "the dead state of
religion is truly discouraging here,
as well as elsewhere;" another says
,"I have this winter past
preached with difficulty, my heart but
little enjoyed," and still
another, "I see but little prospect
of encouragement."* How-
ever dark the picture may be painted,
the despondent were soon
awakened to what they deemed a season of
During the year 1800, on the Gasper, in
Logan County Ky.,
on land now owned and occupied by the
Shakers, of West Union,
there began a religious revival, which
was the precursor of the
most wonderful upheaval ever experienced
in Christian work.
The excitement commenced under the
labors of John Rankin.
Where this awakening commenced a church
still stands, and the
Shakers allow it to be occupied by the
reformers, who look upon
it as their Mecca. Almost immediately
James McGready, also
a Presbyterian clergyman, was seized
with this same spirit as
possessed by Rankin. He has been
described as a homely man,
with sandy hair and rugged features, and
was so terrific in hold-
ing forth the terrors of hell that he
was called a son of thunder.
He pictured out "the furnace of
hell with its red-hot coals of
God's wrath as large as mountains;"
he would open to the sin-
ner's view "the burning lake of
hell, to see its fiery billows rolling,
and to hear the yells and groans of the
damned ghosts roaring
under the burning wrath of an angry
God." Under his preach-
ing the people would fall down with a
loud cry and lie powerless,
or else groaning, praying, or crying to
God for mercy. The
news of the excitement spread not only
over Kentucky, but also
*McNemar's "Kentucky Revival,"
p. 13.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 245
into Ohio and Tennessee, and people
rushed to the Gasper to
witness the scenes and returned to their
homes carrying a meas-
ure of the enthusiasm with them. Among
those drawn to the
spot was Barton W Stone, afterwards the
head of a new sect.
Early in the spring of 1801 he repaired
to the scene of excitement,
which was now carried on by several
Presbyterian ministers,
headed by James McGready. "There,
on the edge of a prairie
in Logan County, Kentucky, the
multitudes came together, and
continued a number of days and nights
encamped on the ground;
during which time worship was carried on
in some part of the
encampment. The scene to me was new and
passing strange.
It baffled description. Many, very many,
fell down, as men slain
in battle, and continued for hours
together in an apparently
breathless and motionless
state-sometimes for a few moments
reviving, and exhibiting symptoms of
life by a deep groan, or
piercing shriek, or by a prayer for
mercy most fervently uttered."*
At this time Stone was preaching at Cane
Ridge and Concord, in
Bourbon county, under the Presbytery of
Transylvania. He re-
turned home, believing that he had
"witnessed the work of God."
Multitudes awaited his return at Cane
Ridge; and he effected the
congregation "with awful solemnity,
and many returned home
weeping." That night he preached at
Concord where "two little
girls were struck down under the
preaching of the word, and in
every respect were exercised as those
were in the south of Ken-
tucky. Their addresses made deep
impressions on the congrega-
tion. On the next day I returned to Cane
Ridge, and attended my
appointment at William Maxwell's. I soon
heard of the good
effects of the meeting on the Sunday
before. Many were sol-
emnly engaged in seeking salvation, and
some had found the
Lord, and were rejoicing in Him. Among
these last was my
particular friend Nathaniel Rogers, a
man of first respectability
and influence in the neighborhood. Just
as I arrived at the gate,
my friend Rogers and his lady came up;
as soon as he saw me,
he shouted aloud the praises of God. We
hurried into each
other's embrace, he still praising the
Lord aloud. The crowd left
the house, and hurried to this novel
scene. In less than twenty
*"Biography of Stone," p. 34.
246 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
minutes, scores had fallen to the
ground-paleness, trembling,
and anxiety appeared in all-some
attempted to fly from the
scene panic stricken, but they either
fell, or returned immediately
to the crowd, as unable to get
The revival became a veritable
contagion. Its operations
flew abroad and stirred up the curious,
the sincere and the indif-
ferent. Multitudes poured into the
various meetings and the
strange exercises increasing, no respect
for stated hours was ob-
served, and then it was deemed expedient
to encamp on the
ground, and continue the meeting day and
night. To the vari-
ous encampments they flocked in hundreds
and thousands; on
foot, on horseback, and in various
By January 30, 1801, the excitement had
reached Nashville,
Barren, Muddy, Knoxville and other
places. Owing to the mul-
titudes attending the meetings, the
encampments took the name
of "Camp Meetings." The
camp-meeting once so popular had
its origin in Kentucky, in 1801. It grew
out of a necessity, but
was prolonged until its usefulness had
not only departed, but
became a stench, a byword, a
demoralizing power and a blighting
As camp meetings became the order of the
day, the first of
note began at Cabin Creek, Lewis County,
Kentucky, May 22,
1801, and continued four days and three
nights. Attending this
meeting were persons from Cane Ridge and
Concord, and also
Eagle Creek, in Ohio. The next general
camp-meeting, was at
Concord, in Bourbon county in May and
June, same year. There
were about 4,000 people present, among
whom were seven Pres-
byterian clergymen. Of these, four spoke
against the work until
noon of the fourth day, when they
professed to be convinced that
"it was the work of God." This
meeting continued five days and
four nights. The next was held at Eagle
Creek, Adams County,
Ohio, beginning June 5th, and
continuing four days and three
nights. The country being new, the
outpouring was not so great.
Following this was the one at Pleasant
Point, Kentucky, which
equalled, or even surpassed any of the
previous mentioned. This
meeting spread the work extensively
through Bourbon, Fayette
*Ibid, p. 36.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 247
and adjoining counties. The meeting at
Indian Creek, Harrison
county, began July 24th, and
continued nearly a week. Next
came the great meeting at Cane Ridge,
seven miles from Paris, be-
ginning August 6th. The number of people
on the ground at
one time was supposed to have numbered
The encamp-
ment consisted of one hundred and
thirty-five wheel-carriages,
and tents proportioned to the people.
Rev. James Crawford,
who kept as accurate account as he could
on that occasion, com-
puted there were 3,000 that fell on that
occasion, or an average
of 500 a day.
The people among whom the revival began
were generally
Calvinists, and all the principal
leaders were clergymen of the
Presbyterian church; yet other sects
were rapidly swept into
the maelstrom. Generally the first
affected were children, and
from them the contagion spread. "A
boy, from appearance about
twelve years old, retired from the stand
in time of preaching,
under a very extraordinary impression;
and having mounted
a log, at some distance, and raising his
voice, in a very affect-
ing manner, he attracted the main body
of the people in a few
minutes. With tears streaming from his
eyes, he cried aloud
to the wicked, warning them of their
danger, denouncing their
certain doom, if they persisted in their
sins; expressing his
love to their souls, and desire that
they would turn to the Lord
and be saved. He was held up by two men,
and spoke for
about an hour with that convincing
eloquence that could be
inspired only from above. When his
strength seemed quite ex-
hausted and language failed to describe
the feelings of his soul,
he raised his hand, and dropping his
handkerchief, wet with
sweat from his little face, cried out,
'Thus, O sinner! shall you
drop into hell, unless you forsake your
sins and turn to the
Lord.' At that moment some fell, like
those who are shot in
battle, and the work spread in a manner
which human language
cannot describe." *
One of the affecting speakers was Vincy
McNemar, daughter
of Richard, nine years of age. Her
father held her on his arm
while she addressed the multitude.+
* McNemar's "Kentucky
Revival," p. 25.
+ Vincy afterwards became a prominent
Shaker. I have a kerchief
owned by her, presented to me by Eldress
Clymena Miner.
248 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
The strange manifestations appertained
to all the camp meet-
ings. What would be a description of one
would be the same
recital in all, perhaps, varying only in
excess. These excesses
have thus been described by Barton W.
Stone: "The bodily
agitations or exercises, attending the
excitement in the begin-
ning of this century, were various, and
called by various names:
-as the falling exercise-the jerks-the
dancing exercise-the
barking exercise-the laughing and
singing exercise, etc.-The
falling exercise was very common among
all classes, the saints
and sinners of every age and of every
grade, from the philoso-
pher to the clown. The subject of this
exercise would, gen-
erally, with a piercing scream, fall
like a log on the floor, earth,
or mud, and appear as dead. * *
* I have seen very many
pious persons fall in the same way, from
a sense of the danger
of their unconverted children, brothers,
or sisters-from a sense
of the danger of their neighbors, and of
the sinful world. I
have heard them agonizing in tears and
strong crying for mercy
to be shown to sinners, and speaking
like angels to all around.
The jerks cannot be so easily described.
Sometimes the
subject of the jerks would be affected
in some one member of
the body, and sometimes in the whole
system. When the head
alone was affected, it would be jerked
backward and forward,
or from side to side, so quickly that
the features of the face
could not be distinguished. When the
whole system was af-
fected, I have seen the person stand in
one place, and jerk back-
ward and forward in quick succession,
their heads nearly touch-
ing the floor behind and before. All
classes, saints and sinners,
the strong as well as the weak, were
thus affected. I have in-
quired of those thus affected. They
could not account for it;
but some have told me that those were
among the happiest
seasons of their lives. I have seen some
wicked persons thus
affected, and all the time cursing the
jerks, while they were
thrown to the earth with violence.
Though so awful to be-
hold, I do not remember that any one of
the thousands I have
seen ever sustained an injury in body.
This was as strange as
the exercise itself.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 249
The dancing exercise. This generally
began with the jerks,
and was peculiar to professors of
religion. The subject, after
jerking awhile, began to dance, and then
the jerks would cease.
Such dancing was indeed heavenly to the
spectators; there was
nothing in it like levity, nor
calculated to excite levity in the
beholders. The saints of heaven shone on
the countenance of
the subject, and assimilated to angels
appeared the whole per-
son. Sometimes the motion was quick and
sometimes slow.
Thus they continued to move forward and
backward in the same
track or alley till nature seemed
exhausted, and they would
fall prostrate on the floor or earth,
unless caught by those stand-
ing by. While thus exercised, I have
heard their solemn praises
and prayers ascending to God.
The barking exercise (as opponents
contemptuously called
it), was nothing but the jerks. A person
affected with the
jerks, especially in his head, would
often make a grunt, or bark,
if you please, from the suddenness of
the jerk. This name of
barking seems to have had its origin
from an old Presbyterian
preacher of East Tennessee. He had gone
into the woods for
private devotion, and was seized with
the jerks. Standing near
a sapling, he caught hold of it, to
prevent his falling, and as
his head jerked back, he uttered a grunt
or kind of noise sim-
ilar to a bark, his face being turned
upwards. Some wag dis-
covered him in this position, and
reported that he found him
barking up a tree.
The laughing exercise was frequent,
confined solely with
the religious. It was a loud, hearty
laughter, but one sui generis;
it excited laughter in none else. The
subject appeared rap-
turously solemn, and his thoughts
excited solemnity in saints
and sinners. It is truly indescribable.
The running exercise was nothing more
than, that persons
feeling something of these bodily
agitations, through fear, at-
tempted to run away, and thus escape
from them; but it com-
monly happened that they ran not far,
before they fell, or be-
came so greatly agitated that they could
proceed no farther.
* *
I shall close this chapter with the
singing exercise. This
is more unaccountable than anything else
I ever saw. The sub-
250 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
ject in a very happy state of
mind would sing most melodiously,
not from the mouth or nose, but entirely
in the breast, the
sounds issuing thence. Such music
silenced everything, and at-
tracted the attention of all. It was
most heavenly. None could
ever be tired of hearing it."*
Richard McNemar, who wrote the most
complete history of
the Kentucky Revival, applies the above
exercises to the Schis-
matics, or New Lights, or Christians, as
they called themselves,
but also supplies another, which he
called "The rolling exercise."
"This consisted in being cast down
in a violent manner, doubled
with the head and feet together, and
rolled over and over like a
wheel, or stretched in a prostrate manner,
turned swiftly over
and over like a log. This was considered
very debasing and
mortifying, especially if the person was
taken in this manner
through the mud and sullied therewith
from head to foot."
(Page 64.)
While the revival was distinctively a
Presbyterian one, yet,
the Methodist Church was drawn almost
bodily into it. While
individuals from other sects
participated in the meetings and
came under the influence of the mesmeric
current, yet the re-
spective denominations of these latter
were not thereby materially
affected. Nor is it to be presumed that
every individual who wit-
nessed this carnival of folly were
deluded into the conviction
that "it was the work of the
Lord." Stone admitted+ that "in
the wonderful things that appeared in
the great excitement,'
"that there were many
eccentricities, and much fanaticism," which
"was acknowledged by its warmest
advocates." The people were
gathered into an atmosphere pregnant
with animal excitement,
mesmeric force and religious zeal which
would readily operate on
the sensitives, the impulsives, the
excitables, the ignorant and
the weak. The character of the leaders,
however, is a guaran-
tee of their honesty. Even in later
campmeetings which had a
blighting influence on community, it
must be admitted that the
intent was for the public weal.
*Biography of B. W. Stone, p. 39.
+ Biography, p. 42.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 251
It would be impossible, even to call by
name all the active par-
ticipants in the great revival. However
there are characters
that stand out conspicuously in every
movement supported by
influence and numbers. To Richard
McNemar has been as-
signed the post of first importance. He
regarded the phe-
nomena as a miraculous work. He was tall
and gaunt, com-
manding in appearance, with piercing,
restless eyes, ever in mo-
tion, with a very expressive
countenance. His manner of
preaching was fervent and exciting, full
of animation and vocif-
eration, which gave him great power over
his audiences. With
all this he was a classical scholar and
read Latin, Greek and He-
brew with ease.
Probably next in importance was Barton
W. Stone, who has
been described as a man of graet
independence of mind, and of
firmness and decision of character. As
an orator he was gifted
with the power of swaying his audience.
John Dunlavy pos-
sessed a clear, penetrating mind, was
scholarly in his habits, but
not very aggressive. He inclined to
studious habits. David
Purviance possessed energy, clear
perceptions, honesty of pur-
pose, and disinterested motives. Malcolm
Worley, possessing
much ability, was excitable and somewhat
eccentric, but never at
a loss to act when convinced of his
duties. Robert Marshall was
conservative, lenient, and somewhat
Whatever zeal may have been felt or
displayed in the re-
vival, there were elements of discord
that had their origin ante-
rior to the awakening. Heresy had been
implanted in the hearts
of certain of the Presbyterian ministers
even before the year
1800. Just what influence had been
exerted by the Methodist
doctrine of free grace, might be
difficult to fathom at this late
date; but as is well known, the
doctrinally tutored, though illit-
erate pioneer Methodist preachers did
herculean service in
storming the citadel of ultra-Calvinism.
In the year 1793 Bar-
ton W. Stone was a candiate for
admission into Orange Presby-
tery in North Carolina. Previously he
had been a teacher in a
5 Vol. XII-3.
252 Ohio Arch. and His.
Society Publications.
Methodist school in Washington, Georgia.
In 1797, we find he
was in the Presbyterian churches at Cane
Ridge and Concord, in
Kentucky, but did not receive "the
call" until 1798. "Knowing
that at my ordination I should be
required to adopt the Confes-
sion of Faith, as the system of
doctrines taught in the Bible, I de-
termined to give it a careful
examination once more. This
was to me almost the beginning of
sorrows. I stumbled at the
doctrine of Trinity as taught in the
Confession; I labored to be-
lieve it, but could not conscientiously
subscribe to it. Doubts, too,
arose in my mind on the doctrines of
election, reprobation, and
predestination as there taught. I had
before this time learned
from my superiors the way of divesting
those doctrines of their
hard, repulsive features, and admitted
them as true, yet unfath-
omable mysteries."* When the day of ordination came, Stone
frankly informed Doctor James Blythe and
Robert Marshall, the
state of his doubts. In vain they
labored to remove his diffi-
culties and objections; but when Stone
informed them that he
was willing to receive the Confession as
far as it was "consist-
ent with the word of God," upon
that admission the Presbytery
of Transylvania ordained him. By the
year 1801 he had cor-
dially abandoned Calvinism, though still
retaining his charge at
Cane Ridge and Concord.
The minutes of the Presbytery of
Washington, at its session
at Springfield (Springdale, Ohio) on
November 11, 1801, show
the decision respecting charges that had
been made against
Richard McNemar, respecting certain
doctrines advocated by
It should be specially noted that at the
commencement of the
"revival, preachers in general, who
were truly engaged in it,
omitted the doctrines of election and
reprobation, as explained in
the Confession of Faith, and proclaimed
a free salvation to all
men, through the blood of the Lamb. They
held forth the
promises of the gospel in their purity
and simplicity, without the
contradictory explanations, and double
meaning, which scholastic
divines have put upon them, to make them
agree with the doc-
trines of the Confession. This omission
caused their preaching
*Ibid p. 29.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 253
to appear somewhat different from what
had been common among
Presbyterians; and although no direct
attack was made on these
doctrines, as formerly explained; yet a
murmuring arose because
they were neglected in the daily
ministration. This murmuring
was heard in different parts of the
country; but, notwithstand-
ing, preachers and people treated with
each other with toleration
and forbearance, until a direct
opposition to the new mode of
preaching took place in the congregation
of Cabin Creek."*
These complaints, as previously noted,
were formulated against
Richard McNemar.
As the campmeetings were places where
clergymen resorted
as well as the multitude, it is but
natural to assume that kindred
spirits were attracted together, and
thus were enabled to exchange
opinions and advise with one another.
The tendency of such
communications, when free and
unrestricted, would, sooner or
later, constitute dissimilar
aggregations. Hence it is not singu-
lar that other sects should be formed.
Out of the Kentucky re-
vival there originated three sects, or
religious denominations
entirely new to the western country. The
first to notice is the
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church takes
its name from
the Cumberland Presbytery, which was a
part of the Synod of
Kentucky. This presbytery was not
constituted until 1802,
which then was struck off from
Transylvania. Cumberland
Presbytery was greatly divided on the
subject of the great re-
vival then in the full force of its
existence. The great tide of
immigration into the Cumberland
Presbytery and the interest
awakened by the revival, showed a dearth
of preachers and re-
ligious teachers. Under the advice of
Rev. David Rice, then
the oldest Presbyterian minister in
Kentucky, a number of men
were licensed to preach who did not
possess a classical educa-
tion. Against this procedure a protest
was entered by those not
in sympathy with the revival. In the new
Presbytery the ma-
jority favored the revival work and the
licensing of probationers
without a classical education.
* Ibid, p. 148.
254 Ohio
Arch. and His. Society Publications.
During the controversy about the
revival, the Cumberland
Presbytery licensed and ordained a
number who took exceptions
to the idea of "Fatality" as
expressed in the doctrines of Decrees
and Election in chapter 3 of the
Confession. The Synod of 1804
cited all the members of Cumberland
Presbytery to appear at its
next meeting. The citation was disobeyed
on the grounds of
want of authority. Owing to the action
of the Synod, in other
matters, a new Presbytery was proclaimed
and met March 20,
1810. This Presbytery accepted the
Confession of Faith, ex-
cepting the idea of fatality; but in
1813 when the first Synod
was formed, a brief doctrinal statement
was adopted, which gave
the points of difference from the
Westminster Confession. The
points expressed against the idea of
"Fatality" are "(1) There
are no eternal reprobates. (2) Christ
died not for a part only,
but for all mankind. (3) That all
infants dying in infancy are
saved through Christ and the
sanctification of the Spirit. (4)
The Spirit of God operates on the world;
or, as coextensively as
Christ has made the Atonement in such a
manner as to leave all
men inexcusable."
This young denomination did not stretch
its arm into the
Miami country until long after the
ground was preoccupied.
The first church was established at
Lebanon, in Warren county,
in 1835. At the present time there are
twelve churches, seven
of which sustain preaching all the time.
Their buildings repre-
sent a value of $40,000. What influence
this church has exerted
in the Miami could not be told, or
wherein it has prepared the
way for other thought. Sometimes church
literature is more
potent than the congregation. Of the
literature of this demoni-
nation I am absolutely ignorant, not
even knowing the title of a
single volume. Hence I must rest this
part of the discussion
with the facts above enumerated derived
from sources without
the Church, excepting the statistics.
The sect, or new denomination, growing
out of the Kentucky
revival, which has exerted most power
over the Miami, is gener-
ally called "New Lights," and
sometimes "Schismatics." The
sect repudiates both these names, and
styles itself "The Christian
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 255
Church." According to Levi
Purviance it assumed the name
Christian in 1804.* The origin of this
sect in the West may be
said to date its birth at the time
charges were preferred against
Richard McNemar, although the actual
separation did not take
place until the month of May, 1803. For
some unaccountable
reason Richard McNemar passes over his
trial, but says that a
particular account of the separation
"is published in a pamphlet,
entitled, An apology for renouncing
the jurisdiction of the Synod
of Kentucky, printed in Lexington (K.), 1804." This apology
is published in full in the
"Biography of B. W. Stone," covering
one hundred pages. The historical part,
with which we are
concerned, embraces forty-four pages,
written by Robert Mar-
shall. The second part pertains to
dogma, written by Stone,
and part three by John Thompson
discusses the Westminster
Confession of Faith.
The trial of McNemar brought permanently
out the fact
that similar views were entertained by
John Thompson, John
Dunlavy, Robert Marshall and B. W.
Stone. To these must
be added David Purviance, then a
licentiate. Soon after Matthew
Houston was added to the list. At the
time of the final separa-
tion, McNemar, Dunlavy and Thompson were
in Ohio and
Stone, Marshall, Houston and Purviance
in Kentucky. As the
Apology is entirely too long to quote in this connection, an
epitome of the first part must suffice:
On November 3, 1801, three elders of
Cabin-creek Presby-
terian church, made formal charges to
the Washington Presby-
tery, against their pastor, Richard
McNemar, which charges are
thus stated:
"1. He reprobated the idea
of sinners attempting to pray,
or being exhorted thereto, before they
were believers in Christ.
2. He
has condemned those who urge that convictions are
necessary, or that prayer is proper in
the sinner.
3. He has expressly declared, at several
times, that Christ
has purchased salvation for all the
human race, without dis-
4. He has expressly declared that a
sinner has power to
believe in Christ at any time.
*Biography of David Purviance, p. 49.
256 Ohio Arch. and His.
Society Publications.
5. That a sinner has as much power to
act faith, as to
act unbelief; and reprobated every idea
in contradiction thereto,
held by persons of a contrary opinion.
6. He has expressly said, that faith
consisted in the creature's
persuading himself assuredly, that
Christ died for him in par-
ticular; that doubting and examining
into evidences of faith,
were inconsistent with, and contrary to
the nature of faith; and
in order to establish these sentiments,
he explained away these
words -Faith is the gift of God, by
saying it was Christ Jesus,
the object of faith there meant, and not
faith itself; and also,
these words, "No man can come to
me, except the Father who
hath sent me draw him," by saying
that the drawing there
meant, was Christ offered in the Gospel;
and that the Father
knew no other drawing or higher power,
than holding up his
Son in the Gospel."
At the meeting of the Presbytery McNemar
made the follow-
ing explanation of his ideas:
Upon the first charge, he observed, that
faith was the first
thing God required of the sinner; and
that he had no idea of
him praying but in faith.
On the second, that the question in
debate was, whether
any other considerations are necessary
to authorize the soul to
believe than those which arise from the
testimony of God, in
his word.
On the third, that Christ is by office
the Savior of all men.
On the fourth, that the sinner is
capable of receiving the
testimony of God at any time he heard
Upon the fifth, that the sinner is as
capable of believing as
disbelieving, according to the evidence
presented to the view of
his mind.
The first part of the sixth charge was
On the second, which respects doubting
and self-examina-
tion, his ideas were, that doubting the
veracity of God, and look-
ing into ourselves for evidence, as the
foundation of our faith, is
contrary to Scripture.
On the third part, viz., explaining away
those Scriptures,
he replied, if that was explaining them
away, he had done it.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 257
As no person present purposed to substantiate the charges, the same was dismissed as irregular. This action of the Presby- tery quenched the flame of opposition, and all parties became reconciled. In 1802 McNemar took charge of the Turtlecreek church (near Lebanon, Ohio), where his labors met with abundant suc- cess. At the meeting of Presbytery in Cincinnati, October 6, 1802, an elder of Rev. James Kemper's congregation (Cincin- nati), entered a verbal complaint against McNemar, as a propa- gator of false doctrine. The accused insisted the question was out of order, for charges must be made in writing. Nevertheless Presbytery proceeded to examine him "on the fundamental doc- |
trines of the sacred Scriptures," which were election, human de- pravity, the atonement, etc. The finding was that McNemar held these doctrines in a sense different from that in which Cal- vinists generally believe them, and that his sentiments were "hos- tile to the interests of all true religion." Notwithstanding this condemnation he was appointed one-half his time at Turtle-creek, until the next stated session: two Sabbaths at Orangeville; two at Clear-creek; two at Beulah; one at the forks of Mad river; and the rest at discretion. At the next session at Springfield* in April, 1803, a petition from a number of persons, in the congregations of Beulah, Turtle- creek, Clear-creek, Bethany, Hopewell, Dicks-creek, and Cincin- nati, was presented praying for a re-examination of McNemar,
* Springdale, some eleven miles north of Cincinnati. |
258 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
and that Rev. John Thompson undergo a
like examination. The
Presbytery refused to acquiesce. A
petition, signed by sixty
persons of the Turtle-creek
congregation, asked for the whole
of McNemar's time, which was granted.
Kemper, Wallace,
Reader, and Wheeler protested against
the action of the Presby-
tery. The sentiment of the majority of
Presbytery had changed
and was now in sympathy with the
In the interval between the meeting of
Presbytery and that
of Synod, no pains were taken by the
disaffected members to
bring about an accommodation. Through
the committee of over-
tures the matter was brought before the
Synod, held at Lexing-
ton, September, 1803. The Synod
sustained the action of the
Presbytery at Cincinnati, except that
part which assigned ap-
pointments to McNemar, and condemned the
action at Spring-
field. The Synod further voted to enter
upon an examination of
both McNemar and Thompson. While the
Synod was deliber-
ating upon the last proposition
(September 10), Messrs. Mar-
shall, Dunlavy, McNemar, Stone and
Thompson, entered the
meeting and formally protested against
its action. The protest
was read, and its advocates retired.
Synod then appointed a
committee consisting of David Rice,
Matthew Houston, James
Welsh and Joseph Howe to confer with the
aggrieved, which
latter offered to answer any questions
proposed by Synod, pro-
vided all questions and answers should
be in writing; that they
should be constituted into one
Presbytery, and that all charges
of doctrine against them should be
according to the book of dis-
cipline. On a motion to accede to these
proposals the following
voted in the affirmative: M. Houston, J.
Welsh, J. Howe, and
W. Robinson, ministers; J. Henderson, J.
Wardlow and C. Mc-
Pheeters, elders; those opposed, A.
Cameron, P. Tull, J. Blythe,
J. Lyle, R. Stewart, S. Rannels, J.
Kemper, J. Campbell, S.
Finley, ministers; J. Moore, John
Henderson and T. Benning-
ton, elders.
Immediately, after the action of the
Synod, Robert Marshall,
John Dunlavy, Richard McNemar, Barton W.
Stone and John
Thompson, withdrew from the jurisdiction
of the Synod of
Kentucky, and formally constituted the
Presbytery of Spring-
field, and formulated a circular letter
addressed to the congrega-
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 259
tions under their care. Late in the
evening a resolution was
received from the Synod which had
appointed a committee to
inquire into such objections as they
might have to the Confession
of Faith. Before the answer was received
Synod suspended the
protesting members, and declared their
parishes without min-
isters. The Springfield Presbytery was
dissolved at Cane Ridge,
Bourbon county, Ky., June 28, 1804, by Marshall,
Dunlavy, Mc-
Nemar, Stone, Thompson and David
McNemar has been described to have been
a mild and un-
assuming man up to the time of charges
of heresy being made
against him. His trials appear to have
awakened all the resources
of his strong nature. With enthusiasm he
began his work at
Turtle Creek, and in summer his
congregations were so large
that the meetings were held in the grove
near his church. The
strange physical phenomena of the
revival attended his ministra-
tions in Warren county, Ohio. At Turtle
Creek almost all the
adult persons in a large congregation
would fall in a short time
and lie unconscious, with hardly a sign
of breathing or beating of
the pulse.
The dissolution of the Springfield
Presbytery launched a new
denomination in the West. The preachers
carried their churches
with them. Every Presbyterian church in
southwestern Ohio
was swept into this new organization
except those at Duck Creek
and Round Bottom; and even the church at
Cincinnati was fairly
tainted with the new doctrines and
methods. The Turtle Creek
church, with uplifted hands, was
constituted a schismatic church.
The influence of Richard McNemar was
irresistible. Before the
close of the year 1804, Turtle Creek,
Eagle Creek, Springfield
(Springdale), Orangedale, Clear Creek,
Beaver Creek and Salem
had joined the new movement. A demand
for more preachers
went up. Malcolm Worley became active,
and Andrew Ireland,
John Purviance, David Kirkpatrick and
William Caldwell, were
sent out two and two as traveling
evangelists. Afterwards Nathan
Worley became a tower of strength. Camp
meetings were still
popular and were used to extend the
general influence. The cus-
tom of giving the right hand of
fellowship was introduced, and
the name of "brother" and
"sister" applied to church members.
The spirit of the Kentucky revival,
especially in camp meetings
260 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
was kept aflame. "Praying,
shouting, jerking, barking, or rolling;
dreaming, prophesying, and looking as
through a glass, at the
infinite glories of Mount Zion, just
about to break open upon the
world." "They practiced a mode
of prayer, which was as singular,
as the situation in which they stood,
and the faith by which they
were actuated. According to their proper
name of distinction,
they stood separate and divided,
each one for one; and in this
capacity, they offered up each their
separate cries to God, in one
united harmony of sound; by which the
doubtful footsteps of
those who were in search of the meeting,
might be directed, some-
times to the distance of miles." *
The year 1805 opened most favorably to
the new sect.
Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee were in
their grasp. It appeared
to be an irresistible force opposed to
the older and better organized
sects. The name of the sect (Christian)
was most charming to
the ear. It carried the believer back to
Apostolic times. Then
there was the pleasing pronouncement
that the Bible alone was its
creed. Man-made statements and creeds
must be trampled under
foot. Little did they realize that a
creed was a creed just the same
whether written or spoken. There was a
consensus of opinion,
and to this unwritten and unsigned creed
they were just as de-
voted as was the Presbyterian to his
Confession of Faith. I
have heard, myself, just as strong
doctrinal points discussed from
the Christian (New Light) pulpit as I
ever listened to from those
reputed to be most conservative in
theology. Moreover, an old
friend of mine, as firm a believer in
Christianity as it was possible
to believe, was expelled for heresy,
from one of the very churches
that was wrenched from Calvinism and
brought under the new
But the year 1805 awoke the revivalists,
or schismatics, or
New Lights, or Christians, to a sense of
their danger. The rude
awakening was sudden, powerful and
disastrous. It has been
sung that
"Five preachers formed a body, in
eighteen hundred three,
From Anti-christ's false systems to set
the people free;
His doctrine and his worship in pieces
they did tear-
But ere the scene was ended these men
became a snare;"
*Kentucky Revival, p. 73.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 261
but it was doomed that only one of this
number should continue
with the new order of things. In 1805,
both Richard McNemar
and John Dunlavy joined the Shakers, and
within a few years
Robert Marshall and John Thompson
returned to the Presby-
terian fold. Barton W. Stone-of all the
prophets - was left
to encourage the saints. The defection
placed him at the head of
the organization, and he was soon after
known as "Father Stone."
Nor was the disaster to rest here, for
calamity after calamity was
in the track of the Shaker propaganda,
for church after church,
and too the very strongest, were
swallowed up by the disciples of
Mother Ann Lee. This alarmed several of
the preachers and con-
verts "who fled from us and joined
the different sects around us.
The sects triumphed at our distress, and
watched for our fall.'
"Never did I exert myself more than
at this time to save the
people from this vortex of ruin. I
yielded to no discouragement,
but labored night and day, far and near,
among the churches
where the Shakers went. By this means
their influence was hap-
pily checked in many places. I labored
so hard and constantly
that a profuse spitting of blood ensued.
Our broken ranks were
once more rallied under the standard of
heaven, and were soon
led on once more to victory." *
The Shaker trial was "a fiery
one" to Stone and his remain-
ing coadjutors. Five years later (1810),
the defection of Mar-
shall and Thompson added to the sorrows.
They issued a pam-
phlet entitled, "A brief historical
account of sundry things in the
doctrines and state of the Christian, or
as it is commonly called,
the New Light Church. - By R. Marshall
and J. Thompson,
Ministers of the Gospel and members of
said church, containing
their testimony against several
doctrines, held in that church, and
its disorganized state. Together with
some reasons, why these
two brethren purpose to seek for a more
pure and orderly connec-
tion." This pamphlet induced
several young men who had en-
gaged in the ministry also to follow
into the Presbyterian ranks.
The pamphlet brought out a reply from
David Purviance.
During all the troubles that rapidly
accumulated upon the
infant sect David Purviance and Barton
W. Stone stood together
and defended their citadel from the
repeated assaults and rebuilt
* Memoirs of Stone, p. 62.
262 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
the ramparts as rapidly as they were
thrown down. Neither
was a leader of great ability. Their
success was due more from
the momentum created by the revival than
any special manage-
ment on their part. It is, however,
probably true the bark would
have sunk beneath the waves had they not
piloted it through
the storm. The success of this church,
during its entire history,
is unique; for never has it presented a
leader of marked ability.
Even its literature is mediocre. The
formal existence has cov-
ered a period of a hundred years, and
yet the literature of the
entire organization, East, West, North
and South, according to
the "Christian Annual for 1903,"
embraces but two books and two
pamphlets in the historical group; in
the biographical, twenty;
theological and doctrinal, thirty, and
miscellaneous, thirty-three.
The present condition of the Christian
church, as given by the
same Annual is thus related:
Miami conference -embracing parts of
Hamilton, Preble,
Darke, Shelby, Miami, Montgomery,
Warren, Green, Clark and
Champaign counties. Ordained preachers 56; licentiates 5;
churches 55, of which 25 are country.
Only 11 have preaching
full time. Membership 7,062.
Value church property $164,650.
Ohio Central Conference - comprising
churches in Cham-
paign, Clark, Clinton, Delaware,
Fayette, Franklin, Hardin, Mad-
ison, Ross, Union, Marion, Morrow and
Pickaway counties. Or-
dained ministers 21; licentiates 1;
33 churches of which 21 are
country; preaching full time, 3;
valuation church property, $51,-
750; membership, 2,160. Ohio
Conference- covering Jackson,
Vinton, Pike, Scioto, Ross, Fayette and
Gallia counties. Or-
dained ministers 32; licentiates 1;
churches 32; membership
1,900. To this array
must be added Antioch college, which under
Horace Mann attained unto great renown,
but since his death
has undergone a checkered career.
So far as the personnel of the ministry
is concerned-speak-
ing wholly from personal observation-it
has been composed of
earnest, devoted and self-sacrificing
men. Of the intellectual
caliber it has been equal to the
average, with here and there one
far above the general. In point of scholarship, especially in
oriental lore, America has not produced
a greater than Austin
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 263
Notwithstanding the fact that the
Christian church started
with established churches and possessed
with unbounded enthusi-
asm, yet the leaders were not equal to
the occasion. The early
preachers inveighed against a hireling
ministry, which forced into
the ranks many whose minds were diverted
to the question of
sufficient support; there was a want of
organization, and a wise
administration of government. The power
of other churches
forced them into intellectual lines,
which, they have not been slow,
in these later years, to take advantage.
Within the last dozen
years there has been quite a hegira into
the ranks of the ministry
of other denominations, especially the
Congregational. Some
six years ago a conference between the
Congregationalists and
Christians was held at Piqua, but with
no perceptible results.
The Miami country owes much to the
Christian church, and
the showing of that church, contrasted
with other sects, will com-
pare favorably. A Presbyterian may not
regard the coloring as
of the brightest hues; for, in all
probability, had it not been for
the "Kentucky Revival,"
Presbyterianism in Kentucky and
Southwestern Ohio, would be relatively
as strong as it is to-day
in Western Pennsylvania.
The Kentucky revival paved the way for
the establishing of
Shakerism in the West. The official
title of this sect is "The
United Society of Believers in Christ's
Second Appearing." The
name Shaker is universally applied to
them and generally used
by the members. So it is no longer
regarded as a term of re-
proach, for it is used in their
literature to designate them.
From the year 1801 to 1805, the
newspapers of the Eastern
States gave wonderful accounts of the
extraordinary revival in
Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio. This was a
theme of frequent
discussion among the then established
Shaker communities. The
Shaker authorities gave the western
movement their most care-
ful reflection. During the month of
December, 1804, it was de-
cided to send, without further delay, a
propaganda into Ken-
tucky, with ample powers to take such
action as would be bene-
ficial to their advancement. The men
selected were John
Meacham, Benjamin Seth Youngs and
Issachar Bates. They
264 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
were eminently qualified for their
mission. They were pre-
possessing in their appearance, neat and
plain in their dress, grave
and unassuming in their manners, very
intelligent and ready in
the Scriptures, and of great boldness in
their faith. The power
of Bates as a missionary, may be gained
from the statement* that
from 1801 to 1811, as a Shaker
missionary he traveled, mostly
on foot, 38,000 miles and received the
first confession of about
converts. Benjamin S. Youngs was scholarly
and inde-
fatigable in his labors. Of John
Meacham, I know but little.
From a poem I learn that he set out for
New Lebanon, August
19, 1806. He afterwards became
first in the ministry at Pleasant
Hill, Ky., but recalled to the East in
1818. He was born in
and died at Mount Lebanon, N. Y., December
26, 1854.
At three o'clock on the morning of
January 1st, 1805, the
three missionaries set out on their
mission. The first 62 miles
they were carried in a sleigh. From that
on they were afoot,
with one horse to carry their baggage.
They went by the way
of Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Washington. Arriving in Ken-
tucky they passed through Lexington,
Abingdon and Hawley;
there turning their course they crossed
the Holston into Green
County, Tennessee; recrossed the
Holston, they passed over
Clinch mountain; went through Crab
Orchard, and about the
first of March arrived at Paint Lick,
where Matthew Houston
was then stationed. From there they went
to Cane Ridge, and
were hospitably entertained by Barton W.
Stone. Whether
Stone directed their course into Ohio or
not, there appears to be
no existing evidence. On the
19th of March the propaganda
crossed the Ohio; thence to Springdale,
where John Thompson
was preaching, and on March 22d, arrived at
Turtle Creek, and
directed their steps to the house of
Malcolm Worley, having trav-
eled 1,233 miles.
On the first advent of the Shaker
missionaries, Barton
Stone's conduct was all that could be
desired. "We had much
conversation with him and a number more;
they sucked in our
light as greedily as ever an ox drank
water, and all wondered
where they had been that they had not
seen these things before.
* MS. Autobiography of Issachar Bates,
in author's possession.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 265
Barton said that he had been expecting
that it would come about
so in the end they were all filled with
joy; this is what we have
been praying for and now it is
come."* Stone requested that
they should attend the next camp-meeting
soon to begin at Cane
Malcolm Worley received the trio as
divine messengers, and
on March 27, became formally a Shaker.
Malcolm declared
"that his heavenly Father had
promised to send help from Zion
and I am glad, said he, that you are
Richard McNemar had fully imbibed the
idea that the Bible
alone should he the resort for religious
instructions. On the
next day (March 23) the Shaker
propaganda visited him. He
"observed that he had never
undertaken to build a church and
if we had come for that purpose he would
not stand in the way,
his people were all free for us to labor
with and he would go to
the Gentiles. We stayed that night with
Richard and the next
day which was Sabbath, we went to
meeting with him. He
preached much to our satisfaction. After
he got through I
asked liberty to speak a few words which
was granted. I spoke
but short after which Benjamin came
forward and spoke and
read the letter+ which was sent from the
On March 27, Bates started on foot to
attend the camp-
meeting at Cane Ridge, according to
request. It was at this meet-
ing where the first hostility was shown
against the Shakers, by
the new sect of Christians. It is thus
told by Bates in his MS.
"I arrived at Barton Stone's on
Saturday night and found
many of the preachers there and a number
of others. I was re-
ceived with outward kindness and a
number of the people felt
very friendly but the preachers were
struck with great fear and
concluded that if I was permitted to
preach that it would throw
the people into confusion, and to
prevent it they would counteract
their former liberality and shut out all
other sects from preaching
at that meeting and that would shut me
out. All this they did
by themselves without the knowledge of
the people, and the peo-
ple, expecting that I would preach
Sabbath morning, after much
*Ibid. +See Quarterly, Jan., 1902, p. 253.
266 Ohio Arch. and His.
Society Publications.
conversation with the people, we took
breakfast and went onto
the camping ground. Marshall and Stone
preached first and
preached the people back into Egypt.
Stone told them to let no
man deceive them about the coming of
Christ, for they would
all know when He came, for every eye
would see him in the
clouds and they would see the graves
opening and the bones
rising and the saints would rise and
meet the Lord in the air
whose names are written in the Lamb's
book of life (which is
this little book that I hold in my hand)
the Bible, and Marshall
went on much in the same track. He
warned the people not to
follow man. Keep your Bibles in your
homes and in your pocket
for in them you have eternal life. Don't
believe what man says;
don't believe me for I have told lies.
Thus they went on till
they were covered with death and even
the woods around us ap-
peared to be in mourning. A great number
paid but little at-
tention to it, but were encircling me
round, asking me questions
and testifying at every answer that is
eternal truth, that is the
everlasting gospel and many other
expressions of joy for the
truth. At length Matthew Houston took
his turn of preaching,
and he took this text: Let us go up and
possess the land for we
are fully able. And he had them across
the Red sea in short
order you may be sure; the woods began
to clap their hands,
the people skipping and jerking and
giving thanks, and a great
part of them interceded with the
preachers to have me preach,
but were put off for that day. After the
exercises of the day was
over I returned to Stone's again and
stayed all night and had
much conversation with a number of
people. The next day I
went on the ground again. There were
some preaching and a
little of everything that amounted to
nothing. The people in-
sisted on my preaching. At last eight
men went to the stand
and said I should preach, so to pacify
them they told they would
dismiss the meeting at 12 o'clock, and
then I might preach, and
they did so. Then I mounted a large log
in front of the stand
and began to speak, and altho the
preachers and many others
went to their horses to get out of the
way of hearing, yet when I
began to speak they all returned and all
paid good attention. I
spoke about one hour. The subject I was
upon was to show the
difference between the spirit and the
letter, and when I got
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 267
through and dismissed them they began
the controversy; one
cried spirit, spirit, all spirit, and
another cried I bless God for the
spirit, for it is all that will do us
any good, and so the multitude
were completely divided, so I
Owing to the spirit displayed towards
those schismatics that
afterwards became Shakers, the following
may be given to show
the estimation in which they were held
previous to their final
change in belief.
Under date of Cane Ride, April 2, 1805, Stone wrote to
Richard McNemar as follows:
- I never longed to see any person so
much. If I was not confined in this clay
tabernacle, I should be in your
embraces in less than an hour. The
floods of earth and hell are let loose
against us, but me in particular. I am
seriously threatened with impris-
onment and stripes, I expect to receive
for the testimony of Jesus. Ken-
tucky is turning upside down. The truth
pervades in spite of man-
Cumberland is sharing the same fate -
the young preachers, some of
them, will preach Jesus without the
covering put on him by the fathers -
the scribes, the disputers of this world
are gnashing upon us- Brother
Matthew Houston has clean escaped the
pollutions of this world--and
he and his people are going on to
perfect holiness in the fear of God-
a few more will soon follow - come over
and help us, is the cry made
to us from every part.- Brother
Purviance is gone to Carolina, to preach
the Gospel there, by the request of some
there. In a few weeks I start
to fulfill a long daily string of
appointments to Cumberland-by request
I go -I have appointed two
commissioners among many Christians, on
the heads of Little and Big Barrens - Brother
Dooley is among the Cher-
okees again-his last route there was
successful-some poor Indians
received the Gospel - he was solicited
to return - he is truly an apostle
of the Gentiles - some few are getting
religion amongst us. The churches
thus quid dicam? Nescio: What shall I
say? I know not, my heart
grieves within me. Certain men from
afar whom you know, inject ter-
ror and doubt into many; and now
religion begins to lament in the dust
among us. Some as I suppose will cast away
the ordinances of Baptism,
the Lord's Supper, etc , but not many
as yet. Most dear Brother, inform
me what you think of these men among
us and you, from a distant re-
gion. Thank God, he gave me his
* The italics were originally in Latin,
unquestionably to prevent Bates
from understanding the same.
6 Vol. XII-3.
268 Ohio
Arch. and His. Society Publications.
Letters show the substance and faith
eats it. We all want to meet
with you shortly. But by reason of my
absence to Cumberland - Brother
Purviance to N. Carolina, Brother
Houston in Madison, we cannot meet
on Turtle Creek, nor sooner than third
Sabbath June, and that in Ken-
tucky. Brothers Marshall and Houston
parted from us yesterday. We
administered the Lord's Supper at Cane
Ridge the day before--many
communicants - much exercise - I am
pushed for time to write to you -
We have five students of the Bible, all
but one know the language, full
of faith, and of the Holy Ghost-just
ready to preach. They all fled
from the Presbyterians, to their grief,
pain and hurt. Brother Stockwell
exceeds expectation and is beloved and
useful. Our Apology is yet living
and working, and tearing down Babylon in
Virginia. It was reprinted
there to the great injury of
Presbyterianism. It is also reprinted
Georgia. We are just publishing a short
tract on Atonement-I will
send you one soon. This truth has
unhinged the brazen gates already.-
I am hurried--pray for me--farewell.
By Friend Bates."*
As to the estimation in which
Malcolm Worley was held,
witness the following, dated Springfield
(Springdale, near Cin-
cinnati), March, 1804:
"Forasmuch as our brother,
Malcolm Worley, has made
known to us the exercises of his mind
for some time past,
expressive of a Divine call to labor in
word and doctrine; and
we being satisfied, from a long and
intimate acquaintance with
him, of his talents, both natural and
acquired, being such as,
through the grace of God, may render
him useful; and con-
sidering that the way of God is above
our ways, it therefore
seemed good to us, with one accord to
encourage our brother
to the work, whereunto we trust the Holy
Ghost is calling him;
and we do hereby recommend him to the churches scattered
abroad, to be forwarded to his calling,
according to the mani-
festation of the Spirit given to him to
profit withal. Signed in
behalf of the Presbytery, B. W. Stone,
It is foreign to our purpose to follow
the Shaker mission-
aries' peregrinations. Their success was
phenomenal. In rapid
succession they swept into their fold
the churches at Turtle Creek,
*Kentucky Revival," p. 85. + Ibid,
p. 46.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 269
Eagle Creek, Straight Creek, Shawnee
Run, Cabin Creek, etc.,
besides converts at various points. They
made it a point to
follow up the camp-meetings, where they
invariably made acces-
sions to their number. Richard McNemar
joined the Shakers
April 24; to the camp meeting at Eagle
Creek, Adams County,
Ohio, held the first Sunday in August, 1805, repaired both
jamin S. Youngs and Issachar Bates; they
converted many;
among whom was Rev. John Dunlavy;
followed by Matthew
Houston in February, 1806. Nearly every
member of the Tur-
tle Creek church followed McNemar into
Shakerism. This gave
them a solid foundation as well as
numbers. Their landed in-
terest became large. To this they added
the estate of Timothy
Sewell at a cost of $1,640.
So long as the inroads were made upon
the domain of the
Christian Church, the discomfiture was
greatly enjoyed by the
other denominations. The Christians were
grieved, chagrined,
exasperated and early became aggressive,
and took every measure
to withstand the storm that presaged
ruin to their cause. When
the Shakers began to make visible
success in other folds, then all
united to put them down. Methods of the
most questionable kind
were resorted to. In the very year of
their beginning at Turtle
Creek (now Union Village, Warren Co.,
Ohio), the Shakers had
their windows broken, their orchards cut
down, their fences cast
over, and their buildings burned. Four
days after his conversion
(April 28), Richard McNemar undertook to
hold a camp meet-
ing at Turtle Creek. On that day "a
great body of blazing hot
Newlights with John Thompson (then
stationed at Springdale)
a preacher at their head determined to
break down all before them.
Thompson mounted the stand and began his
preachment and
undertook to show how they had been
imposed on by deceivers
and how much he had borne with one
Worley and now these East-
ern men had come to tell us that Christ
had made his second ap-
pearance, (pause), but they are liars,
they are liars, they are liars.
Now I will venture to say that the
tumult at Ephesus was no
greater than was at this place, for
about half an hour it was
one steady cry glory to Jesus, glory to
Jesus, glory to Jesus and
almost every other noise; this must be
the cause of their giving so
much glory to Jesus this poor suffering
witnesses were proved
270 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
out to be liars that they might have the
privilege of enjoying the
pleasures of their fleshly lusts for a
season. I stood on a log hard
by alone, for Elder John nor Benjamin
was not there, at that time
I was ordered back to hell from whence I
came and called all the
bad names that they could think of,
after the noise began to cease
I stepped off the log and passed through
the multitude and as I
passed they cried out, see how his
conscience is seared as with a
hot iron, he does not regard it
It will not be necessary to follow this
dark picture any farther.
There was that to rouse the passions of
such as cared more for
an ism than for the spirit of
Jesus Christ. But after years have
rolled away and all incentives to malice
obliterated, it is to be
expected that the vision should no
longer be obfuscated. Years
after Barton Stone did not hesitate to
libel them: "John Dun-
lavy, who had left us and joined them,
was a man of a penetrative
mind, wrote and published much for them,
and was one of their
elders in high repute by them. He died
in Indiana, raving in
desperation for his folly in forsaking
the truth for an old woman's
fables. Richard MeNemar was, before his
death, excluded by
the Shakers from their society, in a
miserable, penniless condition,
as I was informed by good authority. The
reason of his exclusion
I never heard particularly; but from
what was heard, it appears
that he had become convinced of his
error. The Shakers had a
revelation given them to remove him from
their village, and take
him to Lebanon, in Ohio, and to set him
down in the streets, and
leave him there in his old age, without
friends or money."+
I called the attention of the Shakers of
Union Village to the
above citation. They had never heard of
the charges before.
Eldress Jane Cowan, of South Union, Ky.,
probably the best
informed historian in their order in the
West, was exceedingly
indignant. Richard McNemar was ever a
trusted man among
them and died, full in the faith, at
Union Village, September 15,
1839. The old church record says of him
in noticing his death:
"One of the most zealous and loyal
believers who ever embraced
the gospel in this western land,
altogether more than ordinary
* MS. Autobiography of Bates.
+ Biography of B. W. Stone, p. 63.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 271
John Dunlavy was long the preacher for
the Shaker com-
munity at Pleasant Hill, Ky. On June 3,
1826, he arrived at
the Shaker community of West Union in
Knox county, Indiana,
on a visit. On September 8th he was
taken sick with bilious
fever and died on the 16th. On the 17th
David Price was dis-
patched to Union Village as a bearer of
the sorrowful news, and
on the 18th William Redmond started on
the same mission to
Pleasant Hill. His death was greatly
lamented by the various
communities. Summerbell, in his
"History of the Christians A.
M. 4004-A. D. 1870, Cincinnati
1873," seizes the libel of Stone
and gives it a fresh start (p. 533),
although living less than
twenty-five miles from Union Village at
the time he copied the
statements from Stone, and by next
letter could have informed
himself. He further calls Shakerism
"Only Romish monkery
broken loose from popery."
Notwithstanding the estimation in
which the Shakers were held - as quoted
above - Summerbell
thinks it best to slur them and others -
"Those who went to the
Shakers were too much inclined to
fanaticism; and had they re-
mained would have caused trouble, while
Thompson and those
who returned to the sects would not have
followed the word of
truth in baptism (Summerbell was an
immersionist), a duty in
which they would soon have been
tested." David Purviance
("Biography of David
Purviance," p. 146), speaks of Richard
McNemar as being vain or "lifted
up," after the separation in
1804. "I also discovered some of
the same detestable pride in
John Dunlavy. They were not content to
abide in the simplicity
of the truth. They became fanatics, and
were prepared for an
overthrow, when the Shakers entered in
among us and swept
them off with others who were led into
wild enthusiasm." "I
have thought there might be something
providential in the com-
ing of the Shakers, although some honest
and precious souls
were seduced and ruined by their means;
yet a growing fanati-
cism was drawn out of the church, which
threatened the most
deleterious effects" (p. 148).
When all the facts are confronted it is
not singular that
Shakerism should have been so successful
in the West. There
272 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
were certain regnant elements in
operation among the revival-
ists that were congenial to the
believers in Ann Lee. Dancing
was introduced among the revivalists in
1804; the Church in
general taught that the second coming of
Christ was yet in the
future; a community of goods could be
derived from the New
Testament; religious fanaticism was the
order of the day; a
high sense of morals and implicit faith
were specially taught.
The Shakers danced in their religious
exercises; they taught that
Adam and Eve were the father and mother
of the natural man
while Jesus and Ann Lee were the father
and mother of the
spiritual family; they held all goods in
common; the early Shak-
ers were given to fanaticism; they
practiced strictly the high-
est morals and were devout in their
worship. If they taught that
God was dual,* that was not a greater
credulity than the doc-
trine of a triune God. The simplicity of
their manners would
impress favorably those who opposed
prevailing fanaticism.
The early Shakers of the West possessed
members repre-
senting all the various professions and
trades. There were
scholars and theologians among them. It
would be no exag-
geration to say that it possessed the
flower of the Western Pres-
byterian Church, one of whom wrote a
book, which has ever re-
mained a standard of authority among
them. I refer to John
Dunlavy's "Manifesto;" written
in 1815, published in 1818, at
Pleasant Hill, and republished in 1847
in New York. It is a
royal octavo of 486 pp. The great
standard work of the Shakers
- "Christ's First and Second
Appearing" - is a western pro-
duction, and first published at Lebanon,
O., in 1808; the second
edition at Albany, in 1810; the third at
Cincinnati, in 1823, and
the fourth in Albany, in 1856. It is a
royal octavo of 631 pp.,
and was principally written by Benjamin
S. Youngs. It was
originally published under the sanction
of David Darrow, John
* Theodore Parker prayed to "Our
Father and Mother in Heaven."
I heard the same utterance in the
Universalist church, Galesburg, Ills.,
many years ago.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 273
Meacham and Benjamin S. Youngs.* The
publications of the
western Shakers have been quite
extensive. A bibliography of
Shaker literature is appended to Axon's
"Biographical No-
tices of Ann Lee," but this I have
never seen. The books I
possess, written by Shakers, number 30
bound volumes and 50
pamphlets, most of which were presented
to me by Eldress Cly-
mena Miner, who stands second in the
ministry in the Sisters'
lot, of the Western Societies.
While the Shakers own great possessions
yet their number is
greatly reduced, and their days appear
to be numbered. No ef-
forts are now made either to increase
their membership or ex-
tend their literature. They have most
thoroughly demonstrated
that men and women can live together as
a band of brothers and
The western ministry is appointed by
that at Mount Lebanon
in New York. It has not always been
wise. The making of
Elder Slingerland both first in the
ministry and trustee was most
disastrous. The particulars are too
painful to narrate. It was
a case of imbecility on the one side and
sharpers on the other.
Suffice it to say that of the $316,000 obtained for
the North
Union property, every dollar of it was
lost. Nearly $200,000
more went into wild cat speculation. The
leaders of Union Vil-
lage prayed the Eastern ministry for
redress, but in vain. As a
last recourse the law was appealed to,
and finally a new ministry
was appointed, which has all the
appearance of an intelligent con-
servatism. Through the stubbornness of
Harvey L. Eads, for-
merly chief in authority at South Union,
$80,000 was lost at one
time. The finances of Pleasant Hill are
not in good condition.
A candid study of the Shakers evokes
one's sympathy and
admiration. I confess it would be a
pleasure to me to realize
that the halls of the Shaker villages
teemed with human life as
they did at the time of my earliest
recollection. Thousands have
gone forth from these communities
schooled in the purest morals
and implicit faith in the Divine Being.
Shakerism has been
productive of good. As such it must
receive the enconiums of
the just.
* Thomas Jefferson pronounced it the
best ecclesiastical history he
had every read.
274 Ohio
Arch. and His. Society Publications.
The revivalists to a greater or less
extent were fanatical,
but time mellowed the trenchant words,
and a deeper spiritual
outlook was observed. In religious
thought the various con-
ferences differ-that known as the Miami
is reputed to contain
the broadest minds. The religious
paper-published at Dayton
-"Herald of Gospel Liberty,"
is rather conservative in its tone.
While the church, as a body, rejects the
doctrine of the trinity,
yet nowhere has it paved the way for the
Unitarian denomina-
tion. In the whole state of Ohio there
are but three churches,
viz., Cincinnati, Cleveland and
Marietta, none of which has more
than a local force. The handing over of
Antioch college proved
to be a failure, owing to the want of a
constituency. Yet the
measure of this church is most potent.
Backed by Harvard col-
lege and with the impetus of an
unrivaled ministry in education
and intellect, its advocates have gained
renown in all depart-
ments of knowledge. Its literature
stands almost alone. It keeps
abreast with human thought. All
clergymen, west of the Alle-
ghenies, may receive, gratis, an
installment of their books, which
has been largely accepted. What
influence this may have could
not even be approximated.
Although there is a large per cent. of
the clergymen of the
Christian sect that accepts the doctrine
of universal salvation, yet
it has nowhere paved the way for the
Universalist church. In
short, there has always been an
antagonism between the two.
The Universalist church in Ohio, like
the Unitarian, has been
practically a failure, although
tremendous efforts have been put
forth to gain and maintain a footing.
The first preacher in the
state was Timothy Bigelow, who removed
to Palmyra in 1814.
The first organized church was in
Marietta, in 1816, now merged
into the Unitarian. The first conference
in the Miami country was
at Jacksonsburg, Butler county, in
November, 1826, at which
were James Alfred, Jonathan Kidwell and
Daniel St. John. The
"Register" for 1903, gives for the
state 42 ministers and 80
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 275
churches, 34 of the latter being in the
Miami country. The efforts
to maintain a religious periodical have
all been failures, as the
following list demonstrates: "The
Lamp of Liberty," Cincin-
nati, 1827; "The Star in the
West," Cincinnati, 1827-1880; "The
Glad Tidings," Columbus and Akron,
1836-1840; "The Univer-
salist Preacher," Dayton, 1839-1841
; "Ohio Universalist," Cleve-
land, 1845-1846; "The Youth's
Friend," Cincinnati, 1846-1860;
"The Universalist Advocate,"
Centreburg, 1849; "Western Olive
Branch," Cincinnati, 1849-1850;
"The Guiding Star," Cincin-
nati, 1871-1880. Nor has the
denomination generally been much
more successful. The Rev. Dr. Richard
Eddy, in his "Modern
History of Universalism," appends a
list of periodicals, showing
that out of 181 journals only four are
still in existence, viz., two
family, one juvenile, and one Sunday
school. Eddy's biblio-
graphy, for and against the doctrine of
universal salvation, com-
piled in 1886, enumerates 2,096 titles.
This does not embrace
the literature in other departments.
What that bibliography may
be I am unable to ascertain.
While it has been foreign to my
intention to comment on
the subject of doctrine, for that must
require some temerity, be-
cause it is treading on delicate ground,
I will here, however,
transgress the rule for this reason: The
Universalist church
boasts it stands for that phase of
Christianity that represents all
who believes in the ultimate salvation
of all. If their boasts be
true, then they should either have no
written creed, or else one
which would cover all believers in the
Bible who accept the sal-
vation of all. This church is the only
one of the liberal sects
that has a written creed. In the year
1803, the following creed
was adopted, known as the Winchester
ARTICLE I. We believe that the Holy
Scriptures of the Old and
New Testaments contain a revelation of
the character of God and of the
duty, interest and final destination of
ARTICLE II. We believe that there is one
God, whose nature is Love,
revealed in one Lord Jesus Christ, by
one Holy Spirit of Grace, who will
finally restore the whole family of
mankind to holiness and happiness.
ARTICLE III. We believe that holiness
and true happiness are in-
seperably connected, and that believers
ought to be careful to maintain
order and practice good works; for these
things are good and profitable
unto men.
276 Ohio
Arch. and His. Society Publications.
Considering the purport of the
Universalist church no rea-
sonable man could take exceptions to the
above, unless it is the
grammatical error in the first article.
Yet for twenty years the
ministers wrangled over the word
"restore," when all contro-
versy was throttled and the following
theological monstrosity
was adopted at Boston in 1899:
II. The conditions of fellowship shall
be as follows:
1. The acceptance of the essential
principles of the Universalist
Faith, to-wit: 1. The Universal
Fatherhood of God; 2. The Spiritual
authority and leadership of His Son,
Jesus Christ; 3. The trustworthiness
of the Bible as containing a revelation
from God; 4. The certainty of
just retribution for sin; 5. The final
harmony of all souls with God.
The Winchester Profession is commended
as containing these prin-
ciples, but neither this nor any other
precise form of words is required as
a condition of fellowship, provided
always that the principles above stated
be professed.
2. The acknowledgment of the authority
of the General Convention
and assent to its laws.
Only a slight examination of these
conditions of fellowship
exhibits that it is:
I. Anti-Christian, for it teaches that
God is without mercy,
pity and compassion; it teaches the
doctrine of retaliation.
II. It teaches post mortem punishment, a
doctrine in which
Universalists have always been divided.
It is materialistic.
IV. It is fatalistic.
V. The word "Universal" is
all-reaching, unlimited in its
signification. Then this creed places
man on a level with the
brute and inanimate creation. Doubtless
it was intended to
mean that "God is the father of all
mankind," but the words do
not say nor mean that.
VI. It contains a gross falsehood. It states that the
"Winchester profession is commended
as containing these prin-
ciples," when the utmost stretch of
the imagination cannot make
it teach "the certainty of just
retribution for sin."
VII. One of the cardinal principles of
Christianity is for-
giveness, but here we have "the certainty
of retribution."
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 277
The adoption of such a conglomeration is
evidence that the
Universalist church has no humorist in
it, and that such theo-
logians as it may contain have their
vision obscured.
The religious, moral and intellectual
status of the Miami
country will compare favorably with any
other part of the State
of Ohio. Whatever may be deleterious in
that region may also
be found elsewhere. If other districts
are progressive, likewise
the same elements are here at work. To
speak of any particular
phase would only be to rehearse what may
be known elsewhere.
So far as the Kentucky revival is
concerned it has passed
into history never again to repeat
itself. It has been observed
that when one species of animals died
out it can never be re-
claimed, because the conditions are
against it. Likewise the Ken-
tucky revival can never be repeated. The
conditions have
changed. Society is not the same. The
standards have been
raised. In order to have a revival the
minds of the people must
be concentrated on that one point. The
daily newspaper distracts
the attention by its variety and
sensational publications. The
free schools direct the minds of youth
into various channels and
pursuits become innumerable.
In previous issues of the Quarterly I
have given sketches of
all the prominent men hereunto
mentioned, save Barton Warren
Stone. He was born near Port Tobacco,
Maryland, Dec. 24, 1772;
in 1779 the family moved near the Dan
river in what was then
the backwoods of Virginia; in 1790 he commenced the
study of
Latin at Guilford (N. C.) Academy;
active and a leader in the
Kentucky revival, during which time he
was settled at Cane
Ridge; first married in 1801 and again
in 1811; taught school;
commenced publishing the "Christian
Messenger" in 1826, and
through his efforts the New Lights in
Kentucky were turned
over to the Campbellites in 1832;
removed to Illinois in 1834;
wrote his autobiography in 1843; died at
the residence of his
daughter, in Hannibal, Mo., November 9,
1844. Besides writing
278 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
part two of the "Apology," in 1805 he published his "Letters on the Atonement," and "Address to the Christian Churches," and in 1822 appeared his "Letters to Dr. James Blythe." His au- tobiography was edited by John Rogers and published in Cincin- nati in 1847. The editor closes the volume with a lengthy and wholesome chapter upon the bodily phenomena produced during the great revival. Among other things he observes: "While it is granted that genuine Christians have been, in many instances, subjects of these strange agitations, this cannot be admitted as |
proof, that they are the offspring of proper influences: for no such cases occurred under the preaching of Christ, and His Apostles. And we cannot doubt that under their ministry, all proper influences were brought to bear upon their hearers. The conclusion therefore cannot be avoided, that the gospel, preached as it should be, never produces such results." "Where these ex- ercises were encouraged, and regarded as tokens of the divine presence there they greatly prevailed. But where they were looked upon as manifestations of enthusiasm, and fanaticism, and therefore, opposed, they did not prevail" (p. 371).
CONCLUSION. Spasmodic efforts in behalf of mankind are not to be looked upon with the eye of censure. While there may be much chaff, |
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 279
yet it is out of the chaff that the
grain of wheat is rescued.
Sometimes the cloud of dust obscures
even the brightness of the
sun, yet when that dust is settled the
road way may be more
passable. Thoughts are often quickened,
and experience is a
tell-tale for future good. I have not
condemned the Kentucky
revival. Good did flow from it. When all
the circumstances are
considered it was an effort greatly
demanded, however wild
was the revel, and grotesque the
carnival. Persecutions of all
descriptions must be condemned. The
history of man proves that
in every instance the persecuted have
been nearer the Kingdom
than the persecutors.
May 19, 1903. J. P. MACLEAN.
NOTE. On May 27th, I received
from Eldress Jane Cowan,
the principal leader of the Shaker
community at South Union, Lo-
gan county, Ky., the church records of
that society. Prefacing
these records is an autobiographical
sketch of Rev. John Rankin
written in 1845. As this throws light on
the Kentucky revival,
and what has never been published
before, I herewith transcribe a
portion of it:
"In August, 1799, a sacrament was
appointed at Gasper River, old
meeting house five miles below South
Union. The preachers attended,
gifts were given to men, their language
was clothed with power which
pervaded the congregation, many were
convicted, some called on ther
neighbors to pray for them, one under
view of his exposure to justice,
asked in consternation of soul: "Is
there no hand to stay the justice of
God?" Some few could rejoice in
hopes of mercy and promise of God,
et cetera. This same summer or early
fall, at a sacrament held at Big
Muddy River Meeting House: a work of
similar nature made its appear-
ance in a very striking manner; my text
on this occasion was Acts 40
and 41. Beware therefore, lest that come
upon you which was spoken
of in the Prophets; Behold ye despisers
and wonder and perish; for I
work a work in your days, a work which
you shall in no wise believe,
though a man declare it unto you: Due
attendance, serious attention to
preaching, and solemn inquiry, what they
should do to be saved appeared
to agitate the minds of the
congregations throughout the following winter
and spring. In the mean time, the
members of this society (Gasper) were
cordially engaged in building a
meeting-house for their future accommo-
"Sometime in the month of June in
the year 1800, the principal mem-
bers of the three awakened congregations
met together at the Red River
Meeting house, with a large accession of
citizens of every description, and
280 Ohio
Arch. and His. Society Publications.
also two zealous preachers from the
state of Tennessee, in whom we could
confide, came to see the strange work,
and take part in the labors of the
day. Believing them to be men of the
same spirit with ourselves, we
made them more than welcome to
participate on the occasion; and re-
joiced in hope that they might be
instruments, destined to transfer the
same light and power to their respective
neighborhoods, which was the
result. All our gifts and ministerial
efforts were united and tended to
the same end; the conviction, conversion
and salvation of souls.; The
surrounding multitudes sat and heard
with reverence and awe, with in-
creasing solemnity depicted in their
countenances through the meeting;
at the conclusion of which, a part of
the people went out of the house,
in order to return to their places of
residence. A large part remaining
on their seats in contemplative silence.
But wonderful to be seen and
heard; on a sudden, an alarming cry
burst from the midst of the deepest
silence; some were thrown into wonderful
and strange contortions of
features, body and limbs, frightful to
the beholder-others had singular
gestures, with words and actions quite
inconsistent with Presbyterial
order and usage-all was alarm and
confusion for the moment. One of
the preachers, a thorough Presbyterian,
being in the house beckoned me
to one side, and said, in evident
perturbation of mind: What shall we
do? What shall we do? He intimated some
corrective to quell the con-
fusion. I replied: We can do nothing at
present. We are strangers to
such an operation. We have hitherto
never seen the like; but we may
observe, their cry, and the burden of
their prayers to God is for mercy
and the salvation of their souls. This
prayer is both scriptural and ra-
tional, and therefore it is most safe to
let it work; lest in attempting to
root out the tares, we should root out
the wheat also. Let the disorder
stand to the account of human
imperfection. At this instant the other
preacher from Tennessee, a son of
thunder, came forward and without
hesitation, entered on the most heart
stirring exhortation, encouraging
the wounded of the day never to cease
striving, or give up their pursuit,
until they obtained peace to their
souls. On seeing and feeling his con-
fidence, that it was the work of God,
and a mighty effusion of his spirit,
and having heard that he was acquainted
with such scenes in another
country, we acquiesced and stood in
astonishment, admiring the wonder-
ful works of God. When this alarming
occurrence subsided in outward
show, the united congregations returned
to their respective abodes, in
contemplation of what they had seen,
heard and felt on this most oppres-
sive occasion.
The next large meeting was held on
Friday week after the before-
mentioned meeting on Red River, being an
appointment for a sacra-
mental meeting at Gasper River, at the
new meeting house one mile and
a half below South Union in the month of
July, 1800.
In the intervening two weeks, the news
of the strange operations
which had transpired at the previous
meeting had run throughout the
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 281
county in every direction, carrying a
high degree of excitement to the
minds of almost every character. The
curious came to gratify their curi-
osity. The seriously convicted,
presented themselves that they might re-
ceive some special and salutary benefit
to their souls, and promote the
cause of God, at home and abroad. The
honorable (?) but sentimental
exemplary and strictly formal
Presbyterians attended to scrutinize the
work, and judge whether it was of God
and consistent with their senti-
ments, feelings and order, or whether it
was a delusive spirit emanating
from the Prince of darkness, of which
they were very apprehensive. * * *
On Friday morning at an early hour, the
people began to assemble in
large numbers from every quarter, and by
the usual hour for preaching
to commence, there was a multitude
collected, unprecedented in this or
any other new country of so sparse a
population. The rising ground to
the south and west of the meeting house,
was literally lined with covered
wagons and other appendages--each one
furnished with provisions and
accommodations, suitable to make them
comfortable on the ground during
the solemnity. When I came in view of
this vast assemblage I was as-
tonished." On the evening of the
following Monday "inquirers began to
fall prostrate on all sides, and their
cries became piercing and incessant.
Heavy groans were heard, and trembling
and shaking began to appear
throughout the house; and again in a
little time, cries of penitential and
confessional prayer sounded through the
assembly. Toward the approach
of night, the floor of the meeting house
was literally covered with the
prostrate bodies of penitents, so that
it became necessary to carry a num-
ber out of doors and lay them on the
grass or garments, if they had them."
Rev. John Rankin was born November 27,
1757, in North
Carolina. He took charge of the Presbyterian church on the
Gasper (now South Union), in December
1798. Similar to the
other revivalists, his views were not in
harmony with those of
his co-religionists. On October 28,
1807, he avowed his belief in
Shakerism and confessed to Issachar
Bates, Richard McNemar
and Matthew Houston. He was the
preacher at South Union
until his death, which occurred July 12,
It may be of interest to future
investigators to know some-
thing of the books published by the
Shakers. Their literature is
extensive. A bibliography is appended to
Axon's Biographical
Notices of Ann Lee, but this I have never seen. The following
is a list of such works as the Shakers
have presented to me:
282 Ohio
Arch. and His. Society Publications.
1. The Kentucky Revival, or a Short History of the late
extraordinary out-pouring of the Spirit
of God, in the Western
States of America, agreeably to
Scripture promises, and prophe-
cies concerning the latter day: with a
brief account of the en-
trance and progress of what the world
call Shakerism, among
the subjects of the late revival in Ohio
and Kentucky. Pre-
sented to the true Zion-traveller, as a
memorial of the Wilder-
ness journey. By Richard McNemar.
Cincinnati 1807. It also
contains Shaker mission to the Shawnee
Indians, and observa-
tions on church government. Total number
of pages 143.
2. Another edition of same of 156 pp. published in New
York, 1846.
3. The testimony of Christ's Second
Appearing; contain-
ing a general statement of all things
pertaining to the faith
and practice of the Church of God in
this latter day. Published
by order of the Ministry, in union with
the church. Third edi-
tion, corrected and improved. Union
Village (Ohio), 1823.
577 PP.
4. Same. Fourth edition. Enlarged by
Benjamin S.
Youngs and Calvin Green. Albany, 1856.
631 pp. The first
edition (1808) was the work of Youngs.
5. The Manifesto, or a declaration of
the doctrines and
practice of the church of Christ. By
John Dunlavy. Pleasant
Hill, Ky., 1818.* 520 pp.
6. Another edition of same of 486 pp.,
published in New
York in 1847.
7. A summary view of the Millennial
Church, or United
Society of Believers, commonly called
Shakers, comprising the
rise, progress and practical order of
the society, together with
the general principles of their faith
and testimony. Second edi-
tion, revised and improved. Albany,
1848. 384 pp.
8. A holy, sacred and divine Roll and
Book; from the
Lord God of Heaven, to the inhabitants
of earth: revealed in
the United Society at New Lebanon,
county of Columbia, state
of New York, United States of America.
In two parts. Can-
terbury, N. H., 1843, 407 pp.
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 283
9. The divine book of holy and eternal
wisdom, revealing
the word of God; out of whose mouth
goeth a sharp sword. In
two volumes. Written by Paulina Bates,
at Watervleet, N. Y.
Canterbury, N. H., 1849. 696 pp.
10. Shaker Sermons: scripto-rational.
Containing the sub-
stance of Shaker theology. Together with
replies and criti-
cisms logically and clearly set forth.
By H. L. Eads, bishop of
South Union, Ky. Fifth edition. Revised
and enlarged. South
Union, Kentucky, 1889. 366 pp.
11. Testimonies
concerning the character and ministry of
Mother Ann Lee and the first witnesses
of the gospel of Christ's
second appearing; given by some of the
aged brethren and sisters
of the United Society, including a few
sketches of their own
religious experience: approved by the
church. Albany, 1827.
178 pp.
12. Testimonies of the life,
character, revelations and doc-
trines of Mother Ann Lee, and the elders
with her, through
whom the word of eternal life was opened
in this day of Christ's
second appearing, collected from living
witnesses, in union with
the church. Second edition. Albany,
1888. 302 pp.
13. Millennial praises, containing a
collection of gospel
hymns, in four parts; adapted to the day
of Christ's second
appearing. Composed for the use of his
people. Hancock
(Mass.), 1813, 292 pp.
14. A selection of hymns and poems; for
the use of Be-
lievers. Collected from sundry authors,
by Philos Hamoniae
(Richard McNemar). Watervleit (Ohio),
1833. 184 pp.
15. A sacred repository of anthems and
hymns, for devo-
tional worship and praise. Canterbury,
N. H., 1852. 223 pp.
16. A collection of hymns and anthems
adapted to public
worship. East Canterbury, N. H., 1892.
144 pp.
17. A juvenile guide, or manual of good
manners. Con-
sisting of counsels, instructions and
rules of deportment, for
the young. In two parts. Canterbury, N.
H., 1844. 131 pp.
18. The same. Third edition. East
Canterbury, N. H.,
1899. 79 pp.
7 Vol. XII-3.
284 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
19. Pearly gate of the true life and
doctrine for believers
in Christ. By A. G. Hollister and C.
Green, Mount Lebanon,
N. Y.,
1894. 299 pp.
The same. Second edition improved and enlarged,
1896. 255 pp.
1. Transactions of the Ohio Mob, called in the public pa-
pers, "An expedition against the
Shakers." By Benjamin Seth
Youngs, Miami county, state of Ohio,
August 31, 1810.
2. Autobiography,
by Elder Giles B. Avery, of Mount
Lebanon, N. Y. Also an account of the
funeral service. East
Canterbury, N. H., 1891. 34 pp.
3. Affectionately inscribed to the
memory of Eldress An-
toinette Doolittle, by her loving and
devoted gospel friends.
Albany, 1887. 32 pp.
4. Investigator; or a defence of the
order, government
and economy of the United Society called
Shakers, against sundry
charges and legislative proceedings. By
the Society of Believers
at Pleasant Hill, Ky. Lexington, K., 1828. 47 pp.
5. The same, enlarged. New York, 1846.
103 pp.
6. Authorized Rules of the Shaker
community. Mount
Lebanon, N. Y., 1894. 16 pp.
7. Supplementary rules. Mount Lebanon,
1894. 4 pp.
8. Sketches of Shakers and Shakerism.
Synopsis of the-
ology of United Society of Believers in
Christ's second appear-
ing. By Giles B. Avery. Albany,
1884. 53 pp.
9. A review of Mary M. Dyer's
publication, entitled "A
portraiture of Shakerism;" together
with sundry affidavits, dis-
proving the truth of her assertions.
Concord, 1824. 70 pp.
10. A brief exposition of the
established principles, and
regulations of the United Society of
Believers called Shakers.
Edited by Richard McNemar and David
Spinnig. Watervleit,
Ohio, June 30, 1832. 49 pp.
11. The same. New York, 1879. 32 pp.
The same. East Canterbury, N. H., 1895. 24
13. A discourse on the order and
propriety of divine in-
spiration and revelation, showing the
necessity thereof, in all
The Kentucky Revival, Etc. 285
ages, to know the will of God. Also, a
discourse on the second
appearing of Christ, in and through the
order of the female.
And a discourse on the propriety and
necessity of a united inherit-
ance in all things, in order to support
a true Christian community.
By Wm. Leonard Harvard: 1853. 88 pp.
14. The nature and character of the true
church of Christ
proved by plain evidences, and showing
whereby it may be known
and distinguished from all others. By
John Dunlavy. New
York, 1847. 93 PP.
15. Plain talks: upon practical,
Christian religion; being
answers to ever-recurring questions
concerning the Shakers,
prominently among which is the answer to
"What must an
individual do to be a Shaker?"
Shakers, N. Y., n. d. 24 pp.
16. The youth's guide in Zion, and holy
mother's promises.
Given by inspiration at New Lebanon, N.
Y., January 5, 1842.
Canterbury, N. H., 1842. 36 pp.
The manifestation of spiritualism among
the Shakers
1837-1847. By Henry C. Blinn. East
Canterbury, N. H., 1899.
1O1 pp.
18. Tests of divine inspiration; or the
rudimental prin-
ciples by which true and false
revelation, in all eras of the world,
can be unerringly discriminated. By F.
W. Evans. New Leba-
non, 1853. 127 pp.
19. Scientific demonstration of
theology, prophecy and
revelation. By H. B. Bear. Preston,
Hamilton Co., Ohio, 1900.
56 pp.
20. A scientific demonstration of the
prophecies of Daniel
and St. John. H. B. Bear. Preston, Ohio,
n. d. 13 pp.
Interpreting prophecy and the appearing of
Third edition. A. G. Hollister. Mount
Lebanon, N. Y., 1892.
42 pp.
22. Mission of Alethian Believers,
called Shakers. A. G.
Hollister. Mount Lebanon, N. Y.,
1892-1899. 28 pp.
23. Synopsis of doctrine taught by
Believers in Christ's
second appearing. A. G. Hollister. Mount
Lebanon, N. Y.,
second edition enlarged, 1893. 30 pp.
286 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
24. Divine judgment, justice and mercy.
A revelation of
the great white throne. A. G. Hollister.
Mount Lebanon, N.
Y., 1895. 48 pp.
25. The day of judgment as taught by the
Church. By Arthur W. Dowe. San
Francisco, 1896. 24 pp.
26. The divine afflatus: a force in
history. Published by
the United Society, Shirley, Mass.
Boston, 1875. 47 pp.
27. A concise statement of the
principles of the only true
church, according to the gospel of the
present appearing of
Christ. Bennington, Vermont, 1900. 16
28. The law of life. Extract from a
writing in the name
of the prophet Joel. Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.,
January, 1841. Calvin
Green, amanuensis. 16 pp.
Shakers: a correspondence between Mary F.
C. of Mt.
Holly City and a Shaker sister, Sarah L.
of Union Village.
Edited by R. W. Pelham. Cincinnati,
1869. 23 pp.
30. The Shaker's answer to a letter from
an inquirer. By
R. W. Pelham. Union Village, Ohio, 186*.
23 pp.
31. A Christian community. By Henry C.
Bluin. East
Canterbury, N. H., ud. 16 pp.
32. True source of happiness. Anna
White. Mt. Lebanon,
N.Y.n.d. 6pp.
33. Pearly Gate of the true life and
doctrine for Believers
in Christ. Part II. By A. G. Hollister.
Mount Lebanon, N.
Y., 1900. 18 pp.