Since the annual meeting of the society held on June 5, 1903, the proceedings of which were published in volume twelve, pp. 187-218, the meetings of the trustees have been as follows; |
that of the executive committee held June 30, (1903) in the rooms of the society, Page Hall, Ohio State University. After the determination of the compensation to be accorded the different sal- aried officers of the society, the standing commit- tees for the year were agreed upon as follows: finance, S. S. Rickly, G. F. Bareis, D. J. Ryan; Serpent Mound, John W. Harper, A. R. McIntire, R. Brinkerhoff; Fort Ancient, B. F. Prince, J. P. MacLean, G. F. Bareis; Museum and Library, G. F. Wright, B. F. Prince, W. H. Hunter; publication committee, E. O. Randall, D. J. Ryan, J. Warren Keifer; St. Louis Exposition, G. F. Wright, W. C. Mills, E. O. Randall; memorial committee, R. Brink- |
erhoff, George B. Wright, D. J. Ryan. General Wright made a verbal report of a visit which he and the Secretary made to Serpent Mound on June 9th. The Mound Park was never in more excellent condition. Mr. Daniel Wallace, the custodian, was greatly interested in his work and took pride in having everything in tip-top order. Prof. Mills submitted his proposed plans for the summer's explora- tions at the Gartner mound in the vicinity of Chillicothe, Ross County. The executive committee met again at the office of the secretary in the Judiciary Building on September 3, (1903). The trustees present, with the officers of many other organizations, had just attended the funeral services at the First Congregational Church of General George B. Wright, trustee and first vice-president of the society. An obituary notice of General Wright appeared in the Quarterly for October 1903. The vacancy created in the memorial committee by the death of General Wright was filled by the appointment of Mr. D. J. Ryan. Mr. G. F. (118) |
Editorialana. 119
Bareis was elected first vice-president
of the society, to fill the place
also made vacant by the death of General
The secretary was authorized to make a
contract with Mr. Daniel
Wallace as custodian of Serpent Mound
for two years from September
1, 1903, on the terms of the previous
contract with him. The secretary
was also directed to terminate on
October 1, (1903) the privilege hitherto
existing of permitting Mr. George W.
Seaman, of West Union, to have a
right of way from his land east of the
Park through the same to the
pike running north and south west of the
Serpent Mound Park.
Prof. B. F. Prince reported that some
weeks previous he and
Prof. MacLean had visited Fort Ancient and
made an inspection of its
condition and the care being given it by
Warren Cowen. The superin-
tendence of Mr. Cowen was every way
satisfactory, and many improve-
ments and some expenditure of funds
therefor were advised.
Prof. W. C. Mills made an extended
verbal report of his explora-
tions at the Gartner mound. That report
will be published in due time
in the society's publications. Messrs W.
C. Mills and E. F. Wood were
authorized to visit St. Louis at their
earliest convenience for the purpose
of arranging for the proposed exhibit by
the society at the Louisiana Pur-
chase Exposition in 1904.
Mr. Vause Harness, of Chillicothe, and
Mrs. Jessie M. Davis, of
Columbus, were elected life members of
the society.
On November 17, (1903), there was held
in the society rooms, Page
Hall, Ohio State University, a special
meeting of the entire board of
trustees. Those present were Messrs J.
H. Anderson, M. R. Andrews, R.
Brinkerhoff, G. F. Bareis, J. W. Harper,
R. E. Hills, W. H. Hunter, J.
P. MacLean, B. F. Prince, H. A.
Thompson, E. O. Randall, G. F. Wright,
E. F. Wood and W. C. Mills.
Prof. G. F. Wright was elected second
vice-president to fill that posi-
tion made vacant by the promotion of Mr.
G. F. Bareis to the first vice-
presidency at the meeting of September
The secretary announced the death of
trustee A. R. McIntire, which
occurred on September 21, 1903. The
funeral was held at his late home,
Mt. Vernon, Thursday, September 24. The
society was represented at
the services by the secretary. Several
of the trustees expressed their
regret at the loss of their
fellow-trustee, Mr. McIntire, and paid tribute
to his worth as a man and his interest
in the affairs of the society. Judge
Rush R. Sloane was elected to fill the
vacancy in the trusteeship caused by
the decease of Mr. McIntire. The
election of Mr. Sloane would be,
however, only until the next annual
meeting (in 1904), although Mr. Mc-
Intire's term would not have expired
until the annual meeting of the
society in 1906. Colonel John W. Harper,
of Cincinnati, was chosen
a member of the executive committee in place of Mr. McIntire.
120 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
The secretary announced that on November 13th, (1903), Governor Nash had appointed Prof. Martin R. Andrews, of Marietta, trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the death of General George |
B. Wright. General Wright's trusteeship would have terminated in February, 1904. Prof. Andrews being present, he was introduced to his fellow-trus- tees, who gave him a hearty welcome. The secretary reported the publication in book form of volume twelve of the society's annual pub- lications. This volume comprised the Quarterlies for January, April, July and October, 1903. Prof. W. C. Mills made a brief report of the visit made by himself and Mr. E. F. Wood to St. Louis on September 19th. The authorities at the Exposition had accorded our society unexcelled quarters in the Jefferson University building, an- thropological department, and every opportunity |
would be afforded for a satisfactory display of our exhibit. The matter of the desired appropriations by the incoming legis- lature for the society for the years 1904 and 1905 was referred to the ex- ecutive committee. The matter of a proposed permanent building for the society, after being discussed at some length, was also referred to the executive com- mittee for it to take such initiative in the matter as it thought best. A report was made of a visit to Fort Ancient on October 17th, by Profs. B. F. Prince, J. P. MacLean, and the Secretary, accompanied by Profs. V. G. Tressler, O. F. Weaver and C. G. Shatzer, of Wittenberg College. A careful inspection was made of the work being done by Mr. Warren Cowen, and many important improvements were directed to be perfected by the custodian. The secretary reported that he had given the notice, as previously directed, to Mr. Seaman, concerning his right through the Serpent Mound Park, and had effected a contract for the next two years with Mr. Daniel Wallace as custodian of said property. At the conclusion of the meeting of the trustees, they and the officers of the society dined at the Chittenden Hotel, after which they attended a lecture given by Prof. Albert T. Clay, at the auditorium of the Ohio State University, under the auspices of the society. Professor Clay, of the University of Pennsylvania, was associated with Professor Herman V. Hilprecht in his famous discoveries in Babylonia. His lecture was an account of the explorations at Nippur, and was entitled "Recent Discoveries in the Home of Abraham." The lecture was illustrated by stereopticon views, and was exceedingly informing and entertaining. The University auditorium seating some fifteen hundred people was practically filled by an audience composed of professors and students of the Uni- versity and hundreds of cultivated citizens of Columbus. |
Editorialana. 121
On December 11, 1903, the executive
committee held a meeting in
the reference room of the Columbus
Public Library. Prof. J. P. Mac-
Lean made a tender to the Society of the
plates and copyrights of his
"Manual of the Antiquity of
Man," and "Fingal's Cave." They were
gratefully accepted. The committee
requested Professors Mills and Ran-
dall to prepare and publish concise and
convenient pamphlets descriptive
of Fort Ancient and Serpent Mound; such
pamphlets to be for sale by
the Society and at places described for
the benefit of visitors and those
who wished to obtain brief popular
knowledge of those interesting pieces
of property in charge of the Society.
The history of George Rogers Clark's
Conquest of the Illinois, pub-
lished under the auspices of the Society
was announced to appear January
1, 1904. This is the publication of the
famous manuscript history by
Consul Wilshire Butterfield, undoubtedly
the most scholarly and accurate
student that ever fully described the
unique campaign of the intrepid
Clark. This book will be an inestimable
contribution to the historical lit-
erature of the Northwest Territory.
The Secretary reported the publication
by the Society of the volume
of the complete proceedings of the Ohio
Centennial Celebration at Chilli-
cothe on May 20 and 21, 1903.
Complimentary copies of this volume
would be sent to the members of the
seventy-fifth and seventy-sixth
general assemblies, to members of the
Society, and speakers at the Cen-
tennial. The issuing of this volume of
seven hundred and sixty-four
pages was the final work of the Society
in connection with the State
Centennial. The total expense of the
proceedings at Chillicothe, includ-
ing the publication of the so-called
Centennial Syllabus, was $6,449.12,
the expense of the publication of the
Centennial volume amounts in toto
to $2,866.09 (this includes the cost of
plates for future issues), making
a total expenditure in connection with
the Centennial of $9,315.21. As
the appropriation by the general
assembly for the purpose in question
was $10,000.00 that will leave a balance
of $684.79 to revert to the
general fund of the state. Certainly an
economical and commendable
expenditure on the part of the Society
of the fund placed at its disposal.
Mr. Osman Castle Hooper of the Columbus
Evening Dispatch was
made a life member of the Society, as
was also the Shaker Society of
Union Village, Ohio.
Secretary Randall was requested to
represent the Society at the
annual meeting of the American
Historical Association to be held at New
Orleans, December 29, 1903 to January 1,
1904. This meeting of the
Association will be devoted to the
subject of the Louisiana Purchase.
Representatives from the various state
historical societies are expected to
be present and the plan is in
contemplation of having the state societies
effect an organization as a section or
branch of the American Historical
Association. Such a scheme would
undoubtedly be of great benefit both
to the chief association and subordinate
122 Ohio Arch. and
Hist. Society Publications.
The executive committee approved the
request of the forthcoming
(seventy-sixth) general assembly for the
following appropriations for
the continuation of the work of the
Requested for 1904.
Current expenses
................................ $2,700 00
Field work, Fort Ancient and Serpent
Mound .... 2,000 00
..................................... 2,800 00
$7,500 00
Requested for 1905:
Current expenses
................................ $2,700 00
Field work, Fort Ancient and Serpent
Mound.... 2,000 00
..................................... 2,800 00
$7,500 00
Total asked, (1904-5)
......................$15,000 00
Amounts secured in 1902 and 1903,
compared with
appropriations asked for the forthcoming
Amount secured in 1902:
$3,000 00
Field work, Fort Ancient and Serpent
Mound.... 3,750 00
Publications ..................................... 2,500 00
$9,250 00
Amounts secured in 1903:
$2,500 00
Field work, Fort Ancient and Serpent
Mound.... 2,000 00
Publications ..................................... 2,000 00
$6,500 00
Total secured (1903-4)
.................... $15,750 00
It will be observed that the items for
publications for 1904 and 1905
are placed at $2,800.00, making a total
of $5,600.00, as against $4,500.00
for 1902 and 1903. This increase is for
the purpose of sending the
Quarterly to each of the leading
newspapers of the state of Ohio, some
seven hundred and fifty in number. The
items for Field work, Fort
Ancient and Serpent Mound make $4,000
for the years 1904 and 1905, as
against $5,750.00 in 1902 and 1903. Less
is asked for in these items be-
cause special provision was made in the
previous appropriations for the
repair of Serpent Mound, and the
building thereon of a house, which cost
in the neighborhood of $900. These special
expenditures will not be re-
quired during the next two years. It
follows that the total amount desired
for the next two years (1904-5) is seven
hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00)
less than the total requested for the
same items in 1902 and 1903.
Editorialana. 123
Hon. Alfred R. McIntire died on Monday, September 21, 1903, near Jewelsburg, Colorado, while a passenger upon a train from Emmett, Idaho, to his home at Mt. Vernon. He was born July 14, 1840, on a farm near Mt. Hope, Holmes county, Ohio, and at the |
age of fourteen removed with his parents to Knox county, and settled upon a farm near Fredericktown. His ancestors on both the paternal and maternal sides were Irish. His grandfathers emigrated to America, and his parents were native Americans. His early education was obtained in the country schools of Fredericktown, but aspiring to a broader intellectual development, he taught school until he could obtain sufficient funds to jus- tify his admission, in September, 1860, to the freshman class of the Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity at Delaware, from which institution he graduated in 1865. He earned his own way through college, the continuous studies in winch were interrupted at the close of his sophomore year by his enlistment in the |
ranks of the Union Army. He was a member of company A, 96th Regiment, O. V. I. and served until March, 1863, when he was honorably discharged on account of sickness. In May, 1864, he was again mustered into service as first lieutenant, company H, 142d 0. V I., and served until the following September, when he resumed his course in the University. After his graduation he taught school for a year, and then began the study of law in the office of the late Judge Rollin C. Hurd, of Mt. Vernon, and was admitted to the bar in June, 1869, and continued with marked success the active practice of his profession until his death. The activities of Mr. McIntire's mind, however, were not restricted to the confines of his profession, but embraced a wide range of scientific, historical and literary reading. He ever kept afresh in his memory the technical learning of his clas- sics, recalling in the hours of his leisure the Latin of his Virgil and the Greek of his Homer, as well as a knowledge of the higher mathe- matics. In the later years of his life he became a devoted student of the archaeology and history of his native state, Ohio. He also added to his mental pursuits an exemplary participation in the studies of citizenship. He took an ardent part in the municipal affairs of his city and state, being a close student of the political movements of parties. He was an active and influential member of the Republican |
124 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.
party; served as a member of the Mt.
Vernon board of education for
many years, and was the Republican
candidate of his district for state
senator in 1879. His independent temperament led him to follow
his ideas of what was right rather than
what was partisan, and in
1896 he became affiliated with the Union
Reform movement, and was
the candidate of that party for attorney
general of Ohio, and later a
candidate of the same party for judge of
the Supreme Court. He
took a fearless stand in favor of
temperance and the strict enforce-
ment of law. But in all his dealings he
was genial, fair-minded, and
conciliatory, and ever made friends,
even among those whom he op-
posed in civic and political
questions. No one ever questioned the
integrity of his character or the purity
of his motives. On September
28, 1869, he was married to Helen
Richards, of Fredericktown. His
wife and two sons, Rollin R, and Heber,
survive him. His home life
was most delightful and ideal. A
faithful and discriminating biog-
rapher of Mr. McIntire states that
"his religion was that of the phil-
osopher and scientist rather than that
promulgated in creed and dogma.
He believed in purity of morals, and his
daily life was in accord with
the principles of strict
morality." Almost at the beginning
of its
organization, Mr. McIntire became a life
member of the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical
Society. At the annual meeting of the
Society held February 17, 1897, Mr.
McIntire was elected a trustee.
He was re-elected at the annual meeting
in 1900, and again at the
annual meeting held in June 1903, and
would have served, had he lived
until February, 1906. During the period
of his trusteeship he was a
member of the executive committee, which
has immediate direction of
the affairs of the society. Perhaps no
member was more faithful to, or
interested in the work and progress of
the society, and his presence
will be greatly missed by his colleagues
in their deliberations con-
cerning its affairs. The Secretary will ever recall with pleasure
personal association with the subject of
this sketch Mr. McIntire had
a natural fondness for good nature and
humor, and it often served as
a palliative in the councils of the
members of the society. He was
buried Thursday afternoon, September
24th, in the beautiful Mound
Cemetery, Mt. Vernon. His grave
was located, with no slight
significance, at the base of a graceful
and well preserved Indian mound,
and he was laid to rest beneath the
overshadowing boughs of a vener-
able tree, amid the splendor of an
autumn afternoon, surrounded by
his comrades in the Grand Army of the
Republic, and Knights of
Pythias, the members of which paid
fitting and sympathetic tribute
to their departed brother in the simple
and solemn service of their
Editorialana. 125
Hon. William Trimble McClintick, a life
member of the Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Society, a cultivated gentleman,
and one of the most distinguished
citizens of Ohio, died at his resi-
dence, Chillicothe, on October 28, 1903,
at the unusual age of eighty-
four. Mr. McClintick was a man far above
the average in ability and
intellectual achievement. His long life
spanned almost the first cen-
tury of Ohio's statehood history, and he
had the unique experience
of having known personally Ohio's first
Governor, Edward Tiffin, and
with two exceptions, all the rest to and
including Governor Nash.
One of the most interesting portrayals
of personal reminiscence per-
haps in Ohio literature is the address
by Mr. McClintick, delivered
at the Centennial celebration of the
adoption of Ohio's first constitution,
held at Chillicothe, on November 29,
1902. Those who were present on
that occasion will never cease to
remember Mr. McClintick as he stood
before the audience, with the courtly
manner of a gentleman of the
old school, and told with genial humor,
and rare literary flavor, some
of the important events of Ohio's
history, in which he was either
spectator or participator. Mr. McClintick was the master of wide
culture; college bred, an accomplished
lawyer, and a man of wide
affairs and experience. Ever a close
observer and philosophical thinker,
he carried with him an environment of
marvelous mental acquire-
ment and trained temperament. The publications of the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society
contain some choice contribu-
tions from Mr. McClintick's pen.
Perhaps no tribute to him could
be better expressed in brief words than
that comprised in an address
by Judge Archibald Mayo before the Ross
county bar, on November
14, 1903. "Mr. McClintick's success
was manifold--that of the pro-
fessional man, the business man, the
society man, the church man.
His life was an illustration of the
health-giving, life-sustaining, hap-
piness-creating success of temperate and
regular habits: and of the
success of persevering application in
the accumulation of skill and
usefulness, knowledge and wealth. His
career manifested what good
breeding, good schooling, and an
inherited aptitude for business and
work are able to bestow upon a man of
talents in a period of such
opportunity as existed here in his
126 Ohio Arch. and
Hist. Society Publications.
The museum and library of the Society
have been greatly increased
by donations from friends interested in
the progress and enlargement of
the institution. It is but a matter of
justice to note the contributions
recently made by Prof. J. P. MacLean,
one of the trustees, who has been a
very active member ever since he joined
the Society. At different times
he has given books on various subjects,
besides quite a selection of
Shaker publications. We have just
received from him two pairs of
saddle-bags, used by the Shaker
missionaries in their journey from
Mount Lebanon, N. Y. to Ohio in 1805.
Also the family Bible of Mal-
colm Worley, the first Shaker convert in
the West. These had been pre-
sented to him by Miss Susanna C. Liddell
of Union Village. Mr. James
H. Fennessey, manager of the Shaker
community, gave the loom-sev-
enty years old--the two looms for making
bonnets, and a secretary at
Watervliet, besides the North Union and
Watervliet archives, all of
which Dr. MacLean has generously donated
to the Society. Among the
manuscripts of particular value are the
autobiographies of Richard W
and David Spinning. The list of bound volumes relating to
North Union embrace seventy in number,
comprising R W. Pelham's
diary, 1837-1840; another for 1852-1867,
which contains a journal of a
tour to the eastern societies in 1852;
and a diary from 1866 to 1872.
Samuel S. Miner's diary embraces six
volumes, covering the periods from
1847-1862; 1854-1861, with account book,
1888, and the breaking up of
North Union. Diaries without authors
named are for the years 1858-
1860; 1859-1863; 1859; 1869; Sept. 1869;
1870; 1871-1878; 1875-1877.
One diary does not designate the year.
James S. Prescott's tour to Union
Village in September and October, 1842;
tour to eastern communities
in September and October, 1860, with an
appendix containing theolog-
ical selections. The same author has
left notes for 1886, which also gives
an account of the blowing up of the
grist mill. Besides these are his
remarkable events for 1845-1846;
selections of calamities for 1847-1850;
and abuse of dumb animals. There is an
account of a visit to White
Water, but without date. There are
nursery and garden diaries and
journals for 1856-1862; 1861-1863, and
1863-1868. There is a book
on aphorisms by R. W. Pelham presented
to Samuel S. Miner. There
are two books of poems, and a selection
in prose and poetry for 1852-
1870. The hymn and tune books number
seven, are for 1833, another
1845-1846, and another for 1855, being
funeral hymns with names of
the departed. Six volumes are devoted to
the novitiate covenant, and
contain the signatures of five hundred
and fifty-six persons, which is
exclusive of the thirty-three signatures
on loose sheets. Spiritualism that
broke out in 1837 among the Shakers,
forms an important episode in the
history of North Union. Five volumes are
preserved, which are reve-
lations in 1843; Life of Christ, January
6, 1843; Margaret Sawyer, Me-
Editorialana. 127
dium; revelations beginning March 11,
1846, closing February 28, 1847;
revelations, 1846-1847; select
communications, 1843-1859. There are
also twenty-three detached
communications. One book contains the
school record for 1869-1874; another the
business meetings for 1870-1886;
anorther the business meetings for
1870-1871, with circular epistles from
Mount Lebanon Ministry for June 23d and
July 25th, 1870; another the
tailor's book for 1849; another, the names
and ages of Believers in 1852,
1858, 1860, 1864; another, the general
index book, 1861; another on the
final sale of chattels in 1889; another
contains list of subscribers to The
Manifesto, with per capita tax for
supporting same in 1876-7; the same
1885, and another on Biblical text books
on death, 1847. Besides all
these there are forty separate
indentures of children. Much history
may be gleaned from ledgers or account
books. Of these, we find for
the East family, the ledgers for 1873-1878;
1880-1881; 1880-1884; day
book without date; and joint accounts of
East and Mill families for
1860-1863. There are ledgers for
1860-1867; 1861-1869; 1868-1869; 1874-
1881; 1882; ledger and daily journal for
1868-1879; deaconnesses of
Center family accounts for 1844-1865;
tannery accounts, 1839-1841; 1835-
1836, with Hermann Kimball's scrap-book;
office day-book, 1871, and
Saluda Iowa account book for 1867, 1868.
The archives of the Water-
vliet Community (near Dayton, Ohio), are
more defective. In short
are quite scant. Among the diaries are
those of Nathaniel Taylor, 1823-
1830; Henry Reynolds, 1853-1856; Moses
Eastwood, 1865-1868, and
1871-1877; diary author unknown,
1890-92. Ledger, 1802-1822; 1840-
1860; 1849-1882; 1857-1872; 1865-1877;
1881-1882; 1881-1884; 1888-
1891; 1892; Ledger North family, 1882;
A. E. Doyle's ledger, 1883;
Moses Eastwood's bank account, 1877;
Hester Frost's "Book of Poems,"
1846, and Frederick Kromer's "Book
of Selections," 1859. On detached
papers there are accounts of
spiritualism, 1838-1847, sixty-eight communi-
cations, Peggy Patterson being the
principal medium; thirty-seven in-
dentures of children; one binding out of
a colored girl as a servant by
trustees of Dayton township, to James Ball,
November 5, 1832; thirty-
seven indentures of children; five
novitiate covenant members; eight
testimonies to Shakerism; three court
subpoenas, etc. There should also
be enumerated thirteen other MSS. books,
such as those containing rules
and government for 1860; also 1887;
instructions concerning schools;
day journals of eight Pleasant Hill,
Kentucky, Shakers' tour through
Ohio in May, 1870; Nathan Sharp's
account book (Union Village),
1824-1829; the famous Shaker
"Harvard Book," revealed in 1841; "Holy
Laws of Zion," revealed by the
angel Vikalen in 1840; Divine Judgments
Concerning Confessions of Sins, 1859;
Youth's Guide in Zion," re-
vealed January 5, 1841;
"Instructions to Gathering Order," revealed Feb-
ruary 26, 1842; "Revelations to
Mount Lebanon Ministry on their re-
sponsibility," given May 3, 1844,
etc., etc. These MSS. contain valu-
able historical matter other than that
relating to the Shakers. The
Society is exceedingly fortunate in
securing so large an amount of mate-
rial that must be of value to the future