Ohio History Journal

compiled by

compiled by




Checklist of Major


Relating to Ohio*





BELL, OLIVER, History of Ohio (seventh grade school text). Research Associate, Educational

Research Council.

DITTBRENNER, CURTIS H., Guide to County and Municipal Government Records in Ohio.

Archives Specialist, Ohio Hist. Society.

DOOLEN, RICHARD M., THOMAS H. SMITH, and HARRY R. STEVENS, Readings and Sources in

Ohio History. Hist. profs., Ohio Univ.

LARSON, DAVID R., Reference Guide to Researching Ohio History. Chief, Archives and Mss.

Div., Ohio Hist. Society.

LAYTON, EDWIN T., Guide to Archives of Contemporary Science in Ohio, Michigan, and

Indiana. Hist. prof., Case Western Reserve Univ.

LENTZ, ANDREA DURHAM, Guide to Manuscripts at the Ohio Historical Society. (2nd ed.)

Curator of Mss., Ohio Hist. Society.

LENTZ, EDWARD R., Guide to the Urban Research Collection at the Ohio Historical Society.

Mss. Field Rep., Ohio Hist. Society.

NEWBORG, GERALD G., Guide to the State Government Archives at the Ohio Historical

Society. Assist. Archivist, Ohio Hist. Society.

PIKE, KERMIT J., Guide to Manuscripts and Archives in the Western Reserve Historical

Society, Librarian and Curator of Mss., Western Reserve Hist. Society.

SMITH, THOMAS H., Historic Ohio Maps. Hist. prof., Ohio Univ.

SOCIETY OF OHIO ARCHIVISTS, Guide to Manuscripts and Archives in Ohio.

SWANSON, PATRICIA M., Union Bibliography of Ohio Printed State Documents, 1803-1970.

(2nd ed.) Archives Specialist, Ohio Hist. Society.

WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Guide to the Shaker Manuscript Collection.




*This 1969 checklist inaugurates an annual series that will be published in Ohio History as a com-

plement to the bibliography of completed research. The list includes 116 entries (59 books and 57

doctoral dissertations) and has been compiled with the aid of staff members of the Ohio Historical

Society from records of patron registrations at research centers in the state, from published lists in

professional journals, and from information solicited from professors at Ohio's graduate schools.

Revisions, corrections, and additions should be directed to the compiler, Chief, Archives and Mss. Div.,

Ohio Hist. Society, for inclusion in the 1970 list.


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ABELS, JULES, Biography of John Brown. Author, Washington, D.C.

ADLER, JOSEPH G., Origins of the Whig Party in Ohio. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

CARROLL, STEPHEN G., Thomas Corwin and the Whig Party. Univ. of Colorado, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

EARNHART, HUGH, Biography of Alexander Long. Hist. prof., Youngstown State Univ.

FOLK, RICHARD A., The Negro in Ohio During the 1850's. Univ. of Toledo, Ph.D., hist. dept.

GLAZER, WALTER S., Cincinnati in 1840: A Community Profile. Univ. of Michigan, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

HUFF, CAROLYN, Political Abolitionism in Ohio as Illustrated in the Career of John A. Bing-

ham. Univ. of No. Carolina, Ph.D., hist. dept.

HUTSLAR, DONALD A. and JEAN L. HUTSLAR, Log Structures in Ohio. Assoc. Curators of His-

tory, Ohio Hist. Society.

KESILMAN, SYLVAN H., Popular Support of the Tyler Administration from the Center: Ohio

as an Example. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

KINDIG, EVERETT W., Anti-Jacksonianism in the Ohio Valley, 1824-1836. Stanford Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

LAKE, HERBERT M., Moravian Missions in Ohio and Pennsylvania, 1765-1782. Author, Wil-

loughby, O.

MERRILL, JAMES M., Biography of William T. Sherman. Hist. prof., Univ. of Delaware.

MULLER, EDWARD K., Urban Growth in the Ohio Valley, 1820-1860. Univ. of Wisconsin,

Ph.D., geography dept.

O'DELL, RICHARD F., The Anti-Slavery Movement in Ohio, 1787-1861. Hist. prof., Northern

Michigan Univ. at Marquette.

PIH, RICHARD W., The Negro in Cincinnati, 1800-1865. Miami Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

POSH, JOSEPH F., Biography of Edward Tiffin. Lawyer, Willard, O.

ROBERTS, CARL, The Lives of Three Ohio Civil War Soldiers from Birth to Death. Man-

agement consultant, Ann Arbor, Mich.

RODGER, ANDREW DENNY, III, Frontier Surveyors of the Northwest Territory. Author, Colum-

bus, O.

SAMPSON, PATTI B., Biography of Arthur St. Clair. Housewife, Saratoga, Calif.

SCHOB, DAVID E., Agricultural Labor in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1815-1860. Univ. of

Illinois, Ph.D., hist. dept.

SHADE, WILLIAM G., Free Banking in the Northwest, 1837-1865. Hist. prof., Lehigh Univ.

STREIFTHAN, DONNA L., Cincinnati Furniture, 1800-1830. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

SWICK, RAY, History of Belpre, Ohio, 1789-1818. Miami Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

VANNORSDALL, MILDRED, A History of the State Library of Ohio, 1817-1956. Univ. of Mich-

igan, Ph.D., lib. sci. dept.

WERTHEIM, SALLY H., Educational Periodicals Published in Ohio Prior to the Civil War.

Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., ed. dept.

WICKMAN, JOHN E., Biography of Benjamin Tappan. Director, Eisenhower Presidential




BARKLEY, KAY, Biographies of Pioneers in Early Cincinnati Medical History. Librarian,

Cincinnati Jewish Hospital.

BAXTER, JOSEPH R., Urbanization in Cincinnati, 1850-1880. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D., hist.


Research-in-Progress 299

Research-in-Progress                                                        299


BECKER, CARL M., The Industrial Life of Dayton, Ohio, 1830-1910. Univ. of Cincinnati,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

BOWER, JERRY L., The Civil War Career of Jacob Dolson Cox. Michigan State Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

BROWN, HARRY J. and FREDERICK D. WILLIAMS, eds., The Diary of James A. Garfield. (2

vols. pub.; 2 vols. in preparation). Hist. profs., Michigan State Univ.

BURKE, JAMES L., The Public Career of Judson Harmon. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

CEBULA, JAMES E., Biography of James M. Cox. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D., hist. dept.

CLOSSMAN, RICHARD, History of the Baptists in Ohio. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

CURL, DONALD W., Biography of Murat Halstead. Hist prof., Florida Atlantic Univ.

DAVISON, KENNETH E., Biography of Rutherford B. Hayes. Hist. prof., Heidelberg College.

DORN, JACOB H., PAUL G. MERRIAM, and CARL M. BECKER, An Urban History of Dayton,

Ohio. Hist. profs., Wright State Univ.

DOWNES, RANDOLPH C., Ohio and Presidential Politics. Hist. prof., Univ. of Toledo.

FELT, THOMAS E., Biography of Mark Hanna. State Dept. Educ., N.Y.

FROHMAN, CHARLES E., Put-In-Bay. Businessman, Sandusky, O.

GERBER, DAVID A., The Negro in Ohio, 1870-1920. Princeton Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

GRUBER, ROBERT, Political Career of Salmon Chase, 1808-1861. Univ. of Maryland, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

HARRISON, JOHN M., Biography of David Ross Locke. English prof., Pennsylvania State


HAUPT, RICHARD W., Early History of the Ohio Historical Society, 1885-1912. Ohio State

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

HOROWITZ, ROBERT F., Biography of James M. Ashley. City Univ. of New York, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

HOWSON, EMBREY B., Biography of Jacob Sechler Coxey, 1854-1951. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

HUDSON, GOSSIE H., A Biography of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist.


HUGHES, DAVID F., Biography of Salmon P. Chase. Pol. sci. prof., Centre College.

JACKSON, W. SHERMAN, Ohio and the Thirteenth Amendment. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

JAROS, JAMES A., Americanization in Cleveland. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., Amer.

Studies dept.

MARCHMAN, WATT P., ed., Diaries and Notes of Rutherford B. Hayes. (6 vols.). Director,

Hayes Presidential Library.

MASSOUH, MICHAEL, The Business Career of Thomas L. Johnson. Case Western Reserve

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

NELSON, NICHOLAS, Child Labor Reform in Ohio. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

NICHOLS, JEANETTE, Biography of John Sherman. Hist. prof., retired, Univ. of Pennsylvania.

NIXON, EDGAR B., History of the Zoar, Ohio Community. Assoc. Director, Roosevelt Presi-

dential Library.

OATES, STEPHEN B., Biography of John Brown. Hist. prof., Univ. of Massachusetts.

PAD, DENNIS N., The Contributions of Rutherford B. Hayes to Education. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., ed. dept.

PESKIN, ALLAN, Biography of James A. Garfield. Hist. prof., Cleveland State Univ.

PITZER, DONALD E., The Story of Professional Revivalism in Ohio. Hist. prof., Indiana State

Univ. at Evansville.

RENTSCHLER, THOMAS B., Civil War Arms Manufactured in Ohio. Businessman. Hamilton, O.

RODABAUGH, JAMES H., ed., Letters of Samuel L. Jones. Hist. prof., Miami Univ.

SIMON, JOHN Y., ed., The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant. (2 vols. pub.; more vols. in prepara-

tion). Hist. prof., Southern Illinois Univ.

SPEER, MICHAEL S., Urbanization of Columbus, Ohio. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.


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SOLVICK, STANLEY D., Biography of William Howard Taft. Hist. prof., Wayne State Univ.

SUSLAW, RITA S., History of Western Reserve College. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D.,

ed. dept.

TAYLOR, DAVID G., The Business and Political Career of Thomas Ewing, Jr., 1829-1896.

Univ. of Kansas, Ph.D., hist. dept.

THERRY, JAMES R., The Life of General Robert Cumming Schenck, 1809-1890. Georgetown

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

Voss, DAVID M., Dayton During the Progressive Era, 1900-1917. Indiana Univ., Ph.D., hist.








ADAMS, ROBERT W., Columbus, Ohio Urban Renewal Policy, 1950-1961. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., pol. sci. dept.

ALBERTSON, DEAN, Biography of Warren G. Harding. Hist. prof., Univ. of Massachusetts.

BAUGHIN, WILLIAM A., Biography of Murray Seasongood. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D., hist.


BRASHARES, JEFFREY R., Electric Railways in Central Ohio, 1900-1933. Student, Mansfield, O.

CAMPBELL, THOMAS H. and LOUIS MASOTTI, Cleveland: Tom Johnson to Carl Stokes. Hist.

prof., Cleveland State Univ. and pol. sci. prof., Case Western Reserve Univ.

CHANCE, C. WILLIAM, An Analysis of Legislative Voting Agreements in the 107th Ohio

General Assembly. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., pol. sci. dept.

CRAMER, C. H., History of the Cleveland Public Library. Hist. prof., Case Western Reserve


CUBAN, LARRY, Political Leadership in the Cleveland Negro Community, 1910-1940. Case

Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

DAVIES, RICHARD O., Biography of John W. Bricker. Hist. prof., Memphis State Univ.

DOWNES, RANDOLPH C., The Presidency of Warren G. Harding. Hist. prof., Univ. of Toledo.

DUNFEE, C. DENNIS, Harold H. Burton's First Term as Mayor of Cleveland, 1935-1937. Case

Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

FLINN, THOMAS A., State Politics in Ohio. Pol. sci. prof., Ohio State Univ.

GALUSH, WILLIAM J., Polish Immigrants in Cleveland. Univ. of Minnesota, Ph.D., hist. dept.

GOLDFARB, STEPHEN J., History of the Cincinnati Astronomical Society. Case Western

Reserve Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

HABERMAN, IAN S., The Van Sweringens of Cleveland. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

JIRRAN, RAYMOND J., Cleveland and the Negro Following World War II. Kent State Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

JOHNSTON, DAVID A., Legislative Appropriations in Ohio. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., pol. sci.


KLAIN, MAURICE, Study of Power and Decision Making in Cleveland Area Politics. Pol.

sci. prof., Case Western Reserve Univ.

KRAUSE, JOHN R., JR., The Glenville Incident in Cleveland. Case Western Reserve Univ.,

Ph.D., pol. sci. dept.

KURTZ, ERNEST E., Cleveland, 1912-1934. Harvard Univ., Ph.D., Hist. of Amer. Civilization


LOVENSTEIN, MENO, History of Ohio University During the Alden Years. Econ. prof., Ohio


Research-in-Progress 301

Research-in-Progress                                                        301


MARLOWE, BYRON H., Voter Behavior in Ohio School Tax and Bond Elections, 1946-1967.

Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D., pol. sci. dept.

MURPHEY, MELVIN L., The Columbus, Ohio Urban League, 1917-1967. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

NETHERS, JOHN L., Biography of Simeon D. Fess. Hist. prof., Ashland College.

OHIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY (sponsor). Twentieth Century History of Ohio. (2 vols. planned.)

PARTHENAKIS, THOMAS, George M. Humphrey: Secretary of Treasury, 1953-1957. Kent

State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

PATTERSON, JAMES T., Biography of Robert A. Taft. Hist. prof., Indiana Univ.

RUPPEL, GEORGE J., History of the Aerospace Medical Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air

Force Base. Hist. prof., Univ. of Dayton.

RUPPEL, GEORGE J., Biography of Vic Donahey. Hist. prof., Univ. of Dayton.

SWART, STANLEY L., The Growth of State Level Police Activity in Ohio. Northwestern Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

TALBERT, ROY, JR., A Study of the Career and Philosophy of Arthur E. Morgan. Vander-

bilt Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

THOMAS, LOUIS, The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, 1890-1950. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

WOODS, WILLIAM K., Municipal Reform in the 1920's: Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Detroit.

Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D., hist. dept.

WORTMAN, ROY, I.W.W. Activities in Ohio, 1905-1950. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

WYE, CHRISTOPHER G., The Negro in Cleveland, 1929-1944. Kent State Univ., Ph.D., hist.
