Ohio History Journal

compiled by

compiled by



Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress

and Completed Masters and Doctors

Degrees on Topics Relating to Ohio*






ARNOLD, GARY J., An Inventory to the Microfilm Edition of the Washington Gladden

Papers at the Ohio Historical Society. MSS Processor, Ohio Hist. Society.

CHACE, LAURA L. and ALICE M. VESTAL, Guide to Manuscripts at the Cincinnati Historical

Society. Librarians, Cincinnati Hist. Society.

DITTBRENNER, CURTIS H. and PAUL D. YON, Guide to County and Municipal Government

Records in Ohio. Archives Specialists, Ohio Hist. Society.

FULLER, SARA S., A Guide to Research Materials on Ohio Black History. MSS Specialist,

Ohio Hist. Society.

GATHERUM, PATRICIA B., A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations on Ohio History. Re-

ference Specialist, Ohio Hist. Society.

GRABOWSKI, JOHN J., A Bibliography of Ethnic History Sources in the Western Reserve

Historical Society. Ethnic Project Coordinator, Western Reserve Hist. Society.

GUTGESELL, STEPHEN C. and PAUL F. HILL, A Union Bibliography of Ohio Newspapers

Available in Ohio. Newspaper Specialists, Ohio Hist. Society.

HEDLIN, EDIE M. with FRED L. HONHART and WILLIAM G. MYERS, Three separate archives

manuals for Business Records, Church Records, and Organizational Records.

Archives staff, Ohio Hist. Society.


ment Archives at the Ohio Historical Society. Archives staff, Ohio Hist. Society.

KENNY, BARBARA, A Guide to the Photograph and Print Collection of Western Reserve

Historical Society. Picture Specialist, Western Reserve Hist. Society.

LARGE, JOHN J., JR., A Guide to the Manuscripts in the Shaker Collection at the Western

Reserve Historical Society. Research Specialist, Western Reserve Hist. Society.


*This is the second checklist (see Autumn 1969 issue of Ohio History for the first list) of a

periodic series that will be published annually in Ohio History. This 1971 list includes 191 entries

(110 books and 81 doctoral dissertations) compared with the 1969 total of 116 entries (59 books

and 57 doctoral dissertations).

The data has been compiled with the aid of staff members of the Ohio Historical Society, from

records of patron registration at the eight libraries comprising the Ohio Network of American

History Research Centers, from mail and telephone reference inquiries, from published research-

in-progress lists in professional journals, and from information solicited from professors at Ohio's

fifteen history graduate universities.

Revisions, corrections, and additions should be directed to the compiler, Reference Specialist,

Ohio Historical Society, for inclusion in the next checklist.


52                                                              OHIO HISTORY


LARSON, DAVID R., A Guide to Researching Ohio Political History. Chief, Archives and

Manuscripts Div., Ohio Hist. Society.

LENTZ, EDWARD R., Guide to Urban Research Materials on Columbus, Ohio. Urban

Project Specialist, Ohio Hist. Society.

MCDONNELL, ROBERT, Calendar of American Revolutionary War Documents in Western

Reserve Historical Society. MSS Processor, Western Reserve Hist. Society.

NEWBORG, GERALD G., Archives Manual for County and Municipal Government Records.

State Archivist, Ohio Hist. Society.

ROSENBLATT, DAVID J., An Inventory to the Kingsley A. Taft Collection at the Ohio His-

torical Society. Oral History Specialist, Ohio Hist. Society.

SMITH, THOMAS H., Historical Ohio Maps. Hist. prof., Ohio Univ.

SMITH, THOMAS H., Primary Source Readings in Ohio History. Hist. prof., Ohio Univ.

SOCIETY OF OHIO ARCHIVISTS, Guide to Manuscripts and Archives in Ohio. By eight

regional editors from Ohio Network of American History Research Centers.




ABBOTT, CARL J., The Divergent Development of Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Chicago, and

Toledo, 1840-1860: Economic Thought and Economic Growth. Univ. of Chicago,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

AIELLO, JOHN, The Bank of the United States vs. Ralph Osborn. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

BARKLEY, KAY, Biographies of Pioneers in Early Cincinnati Medical History. Librarian,

Cincinnati Jewish Hospital.

BLUMENTHALS, RITA, Early Silversmiths in Western Reserve, Ohio. Case Western Re-

serve Univ., Ph.D., art hist. dept.

BRUMM, WALTER A., Cultural Study of Shakers. Sociology prof., St. Mary's College at

Notre Dame.

DARE, PHILIP N., John A. Bingham's Years as U.S. Minister to Japan, 1873-1885. Univ.

of Kentucky, Ph.D., hist. dept.

DARLING, CHARLES W., Know-Nothing Party in Ohio. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

DAY, DONALD E., Biography of Wilson Shannon. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

DRUMMOND, JAMES E., Children of Thomas Worthington. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist.


EARNHART, HUGH, Biography of Alexander Long. Chairman, hist. dept., Youngstown

State Univ.

ELMER, FRANK L., Historical Districts in Ohio and United States. City and regional plan-

ning prof., Ohio State Univ.

FLACK, IRWIN, Study of Government and Social Structure in Cincinnati, 1820-1880.

Univ. of Pittsburgh, Ph.D., hist. dept.

FOLK, PATRICK, Riots in Cincinnati in the 19th Century. Univ. of Toledo, Ph.D., hist.


FOLK, RICHARD A., Black Man's Burden in Ohio, 1840-1862. Univ. of Toledo, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

FOX, STEPHEN C., Group Bases of Ohio Political Behavior, 1802-1848. Univ. of Cincin-

nati, Ph.D., hist. dept.

FRAYER, DAVID W., The Jonathan Hale Farm. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., hist.


GOLDFARB, STEPHEN J., History of Cincinnati Astronomical Society. Case Western Re-

serve Univ., Ph.D., sci. and tech. dept.

HALL, KERMIT, Urban Voting Patterns in the State of Ohio, 1848-1860. Univ. of Minne-

sota, Ph.D., hist. dept.

Checklist 53

Checklist                                                               53


HINE, WILLIAM C., Elizur Wright, Jr. Kent State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

HOROWITZ, ROBERT F., Biography of James M. Ashley. City Univ. of New York, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

HUGHES, DAVID F., Biography of Salmon P. Chase. Pol. sci. prof., Centre College.

HUTSLAR, DONALD A., and JEAN L. HUTSLAR, Log Structures in Ohio. Assoc. Curators of

History, Ohio Hist. Society.

KENSICKI, PETER R., Insurance Regulation in Ohio. Georgia State Univ., D.B.A., business


KESILMAN, SYLVAN H., Popular Support of the Tyler Administration from the Center:

Ohio as an Example. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist dept.

KINDIG, EVERETT W., Anti-Jacksonianism in the Ohio Valley, 1826-1836. Stanford Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

KNUTH, CLARENCE, Negro Migration in the Middle West: Ohio, Michigan, Indiana,

1820-1860. Geography prof., Univ. of North Dakota.

KOBERNA, THOMAS, Making of an Abolitionist Community: Western Reserve, 1830-

1860. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

LAKE, HERBERT M., Moravian Missions in Ohio and Pennsylvania, 1765-1782. Author,

Willoughby, O.

LEET, DON R., Ohio Economic History, 1810-1860. Univ. of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., hist.


LEVSTIK, FRANK R., Public Land Policy in Ohio, 1803-1861. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

LYON, EDMUND D., Whig Party in Ohio in the 1830's. Univ. of Kentucky, Ph.D., hist. dept.

MAIZLISH, STEPHEN, Effects of Wilmot Proviso in Ohio. Univ. of California at Berkeley,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

MULLER, EDWARD K., Urban Growth in the Ohio Valley, 1820-1860. Univ. of Maryland,

Ph.D., geography dept.

NIXON, EDGAR B., History of the Zoar, Ohio Community. Retired from Franklin D.

Roosevelt Presidential Library.

O'DELL, RICHARD F., The Anti-Slavery Movement in Ohio, 1787-1861. Hist. prof., North-

ern Michigan Univ. at Marquette.

PIH, RICHARD W., The Negro in Cincinnati, 1800-1865. Miami Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

RATCLIFFE, DONALD J., The Sources and Character of the Second-Party System in Ohio,

1819-1855. Lecturer in modern history, Univ. of Durham, Durham, England.

RODGERS, ANDREW DENNY III, Frontier Surveyors of the Northwest Territory. Author,

Columbus, O.

RUBENSTEIN, SAMUEL W., History of Jewish Community in Columbus, 1800-1880.

Yeshiva Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

SCHLICK, CAROL W., Biography of Lucy Stone. Kent State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

SCHNEIDER, NORRIS, National Road in Ohio. Author, Zanesville, O.

SCHROEDER, ALAN M., Public Land Records of Ohio. Kent State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

SHARP, LEWIS I., John Quincy Adams Ward, Sculptor. Univ. of Delaware, Ph.D., art hist.


SMITH, THOMAS A., History of Vermillion, Ohio, 1837-1880. Miami Univ., Ph.D., hist.


SQUIBB, JOHN R., Racial Attitudes in the Old Northwest; A Socio-Legal Study. Univ. of

Wisconsin, Ph.D., hist. dept.

STUCKEY, JAMES H., Social Order and Political Economy: The Frontier Years of an

Ohio Town, Canton, 1805-1860. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

SWABB, L. JOEL, Joseph Ruggles Wilson. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., speech dept.

SWICK, RAY, History of Belpre, Ohio, 1789-1818. Miami Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

TRUSTY, NORMAN L., Benjamin Lundy and the Great Conspiracy. Hist. prof., Purdue



54                                                            OHIO HISTORY


VANNORSDALL, MILDRED, The Development of Library Services at the State Level in

Ohio, 1817-1896. Univ. of Michigan, Ph.D., lib. sci. dept.

WELSH, GERALD D., William Woodbridge. Univ. of Denver, Ph.D., hist. dept.

WESTHEIMER, CHARLES I., History of Courthouses in Ohio. Businessman, Cincinnati, O.

WICKMAN, JOHN E., Biography of Benjamin Tappan. Director, Dwight D. Eisenhower

Presidential Library.

WIEN, GARY A., Early History of Columbus as State Capitol. Univ. of Toledo, Ph.D., hist.


WILLEY, LARRY G., The Reverend John Rankin: Early Ohio Anti-Slavery Leader, 1793-

1866. Univ. of Iowa, Ph.D., hist. dept.

ZSOLDOS, SILVIA T., Thomas Ewing, Sr.: A Political Biography. Univ. of Delaware,

Ph.D., hist. dept.




ASHER, ROBERT, Workman's Compensation in Ohio. Hist. prof., Univ. of Connecticut.

BAXTER, JOSEPH R., Urbanization in Cincinnati, 1850-1880. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

BIXLER, LORIN E., History of Aultman and Taylor Machinery Co., Mansfield, Ohio. Re-

tired educator, New Concord, O.

BRIDGES, ROGER, John Sherman, Civil War and Reconstruction. Director of Research,

Illinois State Hist. Library.

BROOKS, NEAL A., The Diplomatic Career of Whitelaw Reid. Case Western Reserve Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

BROWN, HARRY J., and FREDERICK D. WILLIAMS, eds., The Diary of James A. Garfield.

(2 vols. pub.; 2 vols. in preparation). Hist. profs., Michigan State Univ.

BYE, RONALD J., John Huntington and the Huntington Play House. Author, Cleveland, O.

CALKINS, DAVID, American Negroes and the Emergence of the Modern City: The Case

of Cincinnati, 1850-1930. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D., hist. dept.

CAMPBELL, JAMES H., Catholic Church in Cincinnati, 1875-1905. Univ. of Cincinnati,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

CHEEK, WILLIAM F., John Mercer Langston: Black Protest Leader and Abolitionist.

Hist. prof., San Diego State Univ.

COLSTON, FREDDIE C., Black Legislators in Ohio House of Representatives. Ohio State

Univ., Ph.D., pol. sci. dept.

COVELL, VAL, Legal Profession in the Western Reserve: Formation of the Cleveland Bar

Association. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

CROUCH, THOMAS, Warren King Moorehead. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

CURL, DONALD W., Biography of Murat Halstead. Hist. prof., Florida Atlantic Univ.

DAVISON, KENNETH E., ed., The Messages and Public Papers of Rutherford B. Hayes.

Chairman, American studies dept., Heidelberg College.

DORN, JACOB H., PAUL G. MERRIAM, and CARL M. BECKER, History of Dayton, 1880-1920.

Hist. profs., Wright State Univ.

DOWNES, RANDOLPH C., Ohio and Presidential Politics. Hist prof., emeritus, Univ. of


DUNCAN, GEORGE, William Rufus Day, A Biography, 1842-1923. Case Western Reserve

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

DUSH, JOSEPH F., History of the City of Willard, Ohio. Lawyer, Willard, O.

FELT, THOMAS E., Biography of Mark Hanna. Historian, State dept. of education, New


GERBER, DAVID A., Race Relations in Ohio, 1870-1920. Hist. prof., State Univ. of New

York at Buffalo.

Checklist 55

Checklist                                                                55


GORRELL, DONALD K., Washington Gladden and the Social Gospel. Church hist. prof.,

United Theological Seminary.

GRIERSON, ROBERT, Ohio Burial Sites of Famous People. Educator, Cincinnati, O.

HARSH, JOSEPH L., Department of The Ohio, April-July, 1861. Hist. prof., Univ. of


HORTON, LARRY N., Reconstruction Years in Ohio, 1865-1872. Stanford Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

HOWSON, EMBREY B., Biography of Jacob Sechler Coxey, 1854-1951. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

JABLONSKI, JAMES L., William Dean Howells, His Life and Urban Attitudes. Marquette

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

JAMES, FELIX, The American Addition: A Black Community in Columbus. Ohio State

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

JAROS, JAMES A., Americanization in Cleveland. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D.,

American studies dept.

JEDLICKA, RON L., Ohio Electric Railways, 1880-1938. Student, Cleveland, O.

KOZLOWSKI, RONALD E., Poor Relief in Franklin County, 1867-1912. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

KUSTER, GORDON W., History of Columbus Dispatch. Retired journalist, Columbus, O.

LAMMERMEIER, PAUL, Comparative Study of the Black Communities in the Ohio Valley,

1860-1880. Kent State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

LITVIN, MARTIN J., Life of Mother Mary A. Bickerdyke. Author, New York.

MARCHMAN, WATT P., ed., Diaries and Notes and Commonplace Books of Rutherford

B. Hayes (6 Vols). Director, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library.

MATTHEWS, JOHN H., John Sherman and American Foreign Relations, 1883-1898.

Emory Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

MONZELL, THOMAS I., The Americanization of the Polish Immigrant in Cleveland, Ohio.

Kansas State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

NICHOLS, JEANETTE, Biography of John Sherman. Hist. Prof., emeritus, Univ. of Penn-


ORNDORFF, JOSEPH E., Samuel M. Jones in Toledo: The Administration of a Progressive

Mayor. Miami Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

PESKIN, ALLAN, Biography of James A. Garfield. Hist. prof., Cleveland State Univ.

PITZER, DONALD E., The Story of Professional Revivalism in Ohio. Hist. prof., Indiana

State Univ. at Evansville.

PURVIANCE, EVAN H., Weller Pottery. Author, Norwich, O.

RENDER, SYLVIA LYONS, The Writings of Charles W. Chesnutt. English prof., North

Carolina Central Univ.

RESCH, JOHN P., Ohio Prison Reform, 1850-1915. Hist. prof., Bowling Green Univ.

RHETTA, FRANCES R., Biography of Charles Waddell Chesnutt. Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

RODABAUGH, JAMES H., ed., The Correspondence of Rutherford B. Hayes and William

Henry Smith (est. 2 vols.). Hist. prof., Miami Univ.

RODABAUGH, JAMES H., ed., Letters to Samuel M. Jones. Hist. prof., Miami Univ.

ROSSBACH, JEFFREY S., The Secret Six: A Study of the Conspiracy Behind John Brown's

Raid on Harper's Ferry. Univ. of Massachusetts, Ph.D., hist. dept.

SIMON, JOHN Y., ed., The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant (3 vols. pub.; more vols. in prepara-

tion). Hist. prof., Southern Illinois Univ.

SOLVICK, STANLEY D., Biography of William Howard Taft. Hist. prof., Wayne State


SOMMER, MARGARET F., Ohio State Bar Association, 1880-1912. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.


56                                                            OHIO HISTORY


SPEER, MICHAEL S., Businessmen and Reform in Columbus, Ohio, 1875-1914. Ohio

State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

SPONHOLTZ, LLOYD, Ohio Constitutional Convention of 1912. Hist. prof., Univ. of


STAY, CLARENCE, Theodore Burton, Legislator, 1900-1915. Case Western Reserve Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

STERLING, ROBERT, Civil War Draft Resistance in the Middle West. Northern Illinois

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

TRIBE, IVAN M., Coal Mining in Hocking Valley, 1870-1930. Univ. of Toledo, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

UNRAU, WILLIAM E., ed., Letters of Ohio 11th Volunteer Cavalry. Hist. prof., Wichita

State Univ.

ZANO, FRANK, Rutherford B. Hayes and Congress. Kent State Univ., Ph.D., hist.VAZ


VOSS, DAVID M., Dayton During the Progressive Era, 1900-1917. Indiana Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

WAKSMUNDSKI, JOHN, McKinley Politics and the Workingman, 1891-1902. Ohio State

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

WALKER, SAMUEL E., Ohio Labor History, 1870-1890. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist.


WEINER, RONALD R., Planning and Housing in Cleveland: A History of 20th Century

Land Use Decisions in the Cleveland Metropolitan Area. Kent State Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.





ALLEN, RALPH K., JR., Location of Public Health Facilities in Cincinnati, 1865-1967. Univ.

of Idaho, Ph.D., geography dept.

ANDERSON, CELESTINE E., Police in the Modern City: The Case of Cincinnati. Univ. of

Cincinnati, Ph.D., hist. dept.

ANDERSON, ELAINE S., The Jews in Toledo. Univ. of Toledo, Ph.D., hist. dept.

BASEHART, HUBERT H., Representation and Legislative Politics: A Study of the Ohio

General Assembly. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., pol. sci. dept.

BAUGHIN, WILLIAM A., Biography of Murray Seasongood. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

BRASHARES, JEFFREY R., Electric Railways in Central Ohio, 1900-1933. Student, Mans-

field, O.

BROSFIELD, JAMES M., Public Health Decision Making: A Cleveland Case Study. Ohio

State Univ., Ph.D., pol. sci. dept.

CAMERON, WILBERT J., JR., Cincinnati Public Schools, 1897-1969. Univ. of Cincinnati,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

COOK, CHARLES M., Biography of Harold H. Burton. Univ. of Maryland, Ph.D., hist. dept.

DAUGHERTY, ROBERT L., Ohio National Guard, 1920-1940. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

DAVIES, RICHARD O., Biography of John W. Bricker. Hist. prof., Memphis State Univ.

DAVIS, CHARLES R., JR., O. P. and M. J. VanSweringen. Univ. of Toledo, Ph.D., hist.


DOWNES, RANDOLPH C., Presidential Years of Warren G. Harding. Hist. prof., emeritus,

Univ. of Toledo.

DUNFEE, C. DENNIS, Harold H. Burton's First Term as Mayor of Cleveland, 1935-1937.

Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

Checklist 57

Checklist                                                               57


FLINN, THOMAS A., State Politics in Ohio. Chairman, pol. sci. dept., Cleveland State


FLOYD, JAMES, Student Protest at Kent State University, 1963-1970. Kent State Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

GALUSH, WILLIAM J., Polish Immigrants in Cleveland. Univ. of Minnesota, Ph.D., hist.


HABERMAN, IAN S., The VanSweringens of Cleveland. Case Western Reserve Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

HAUSER, ROBERT E., Warren G. Harding and His Attempt to Rebuild the Republican

Party in the South. Pennsylvania State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

HEDDESHEIMER, JOHN, Study and Teaching of History in the Department of History at

Ohio State University and Other Related Universities, 1873-1940. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

HESS, JEAN B., Western Alaska Trip of Warren G. Harding. Secretary, Cleveland, O.

JOHNSTON, DAVID A., Legislative Policy Development in Ohio, Legislative Service Bureau.

Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., pol. sci. dept.

KELLER, ELLEN LOUISE, Cleveland Attornies. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., hist.


KLAIN, MAURICE, Study of Power and Decision Making in Cleveland Area Politics. Pol.

sci. prof., Case Western Reserve Univ.

KOCOLOWSKI, GARY P., Cincinnati's Neighborhood Organizations: A History of the

Local Response to Urbanization in the Queen City. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

KRAUSE, JOHN R., JR., The Glenville Incident in Cleveland. Case Western Reserve Univ.,

Ph.D., pol. sci. dept.

KURTZ, ERNEST E., History of Cleveland, 1912-1934. Harvard Univ., Ph.D., hist. of Amer.

civ. dept.

KUSMER, KENNETH L., A Ghetto Takes Shape, 1890-1930. Hist. instructor, Cleveland

State Univ.

LARSON, DAVID R., A Behavioral Analysis of Ohio Political Party History, 1930-1974. Ohio

State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

LENTZ, EDWARD R., A Comparative Analysis of Aspects of Urban Behavioral Development

in Ohio. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

LUCIANOVIC, WILLIAM M., Design Concepts for a Multi-jurisdictional Regional Planning

Information System: The Case of Northeast Ohio. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D.,

pol. sci. dept.

MAY, CHERYLL L., The Bricker Amendment. Tufts Univ., Ph.D., Fletcher School of Law

and Diplomacy.

MAY, JOSEPH, Bricker Amendment Controversy. Hist. prof., Youngstown State Univ.

MIHOK, JANET ANN, Women Administrators: Elementary and Secondary Schools in North-

east Ohio, 1900-1970. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., education dept.

MURPHEY, MELVIN L., The Columbus, Ohio Urban League, 1917-1967. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

NELSON, NICHOLAS D., Child Labor Reform in Ohio, 1900-1940. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

OHIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY (sponsor), Twentieth Century History of Ohio. (2 vols.


PARTHENAKIS, THOMAS, George M. Humphrey: Secretary of the Treasury, 1953-1957.

Kent State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

PATTERSON, JAMES T., Biography of Robert A. Taft. Hist. prof., Indiana Univ.

QUEENAN, THOMAS J., George White, Gubernatorial Career, 1931-1935. Kent State Univ.,

Ph.D., hist. dept.


58                                                            OHIO HISTORY


RINK, BERND, Harding Economic Policy. Univ. of Cologne, West Germany, Ph.D., hist.


RUPPEL, GEORGE J., Biography of Vic Donahey. Hist. prof., Univ. of Dayton.

RUPPEL, GEORGE J., History of the Aerospace Medical Laboratory at Wright Patterson

Air Force Base. Hist. prof., Univ. of Dayton.

SCHOFIELD, MARY PEALE, A Guide to Cleveland's Architecture. Author, Cleveland, O.

SELKER, DOROTHY K., Biography of Florence E. Allen. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.

STEGH, LESLIE J., Repeal of Prohibition in Ohio. Kent State Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

SWART, STANLEY L., The Growth of State Level Police Activity in Ohio. Northwestern

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

THOMAS, LOUIS, The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, 1890-1950. Univ of Cincinnati,

Ph.D., hist. dept.

TROLANDER, JUDITH, Social Settlements in the 1930's: Cleveland. Case Western Reserve

Univ., Ph.D., hist. dept.

WEISENBURGER, FRANCIS P., The Fawcett Years, 1956-1972 (continuing history of Ohio

State Univ.). Hist. prof., emeritus, Ohio State Univ.

WHITAKER, WAYNE R., Warren G. Harding and the Press, 1920-1923. Ohio Univ., Ph.D.,

journalism dept.

WILSON, TED N., Cincinnati and the New Immigration. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D., hist.


WOODS, WILLIAM K., Municipal Reform in the 1920's: Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Detroit.

Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D., hist. dept.

WYE, CHRISTOPHER G., The Negro in Cleveland, 1929-1944. Kent State Univ., Ph.D.,

hist. dept.




ADAMS, ROBERT W., Columbus, Ohio Urban Renewal Policy, 1950-1961. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., 1971.

BECKER, CARL M., The Industrial History of Dayton, Ohio, 1830-1910. Univ. of Cincinnati,

Ph.D., 1971.

BENDER, MARK L., The Failure of General William Hull at Detroit in 1812 and Its

Immediate Effects upon the State of Ohio. Kent State Univ., M.A., 1971.

BOWER, JERRY L., The Civil War Career of Jacob Dolson Cox. Michigan State Univ.,

Ph.D., 1971.

BURCHETT, RICHARD, The Political World of Nicholas Longworth, III: 1897-1903. Univ.

of Cincinnati, M.A., 1971.

BUTLER, TOD JORDAN, The Cincinnati Southern Railway: A City's Response to Relative

Commercial Decline, 1868-1880. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., 1971.

CARROLL, STEPHEN G., Thomas Corwin and the Whig Party. Univ. of Colorado, Ph.D.,


CEBULA, JAMES E., Biography of James M. Cox. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ph.D., 1971.

CHANCE, C. WILLIAM, An Analysis of Legislative Voting Agreements in the 107th Ohio

General Assembly. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., 1971.

CLOSSMAN, RICHARD H., A History of the Organization and Development of the Baptist

Churches in Ohio from 1789 to 1907, with Particular Reference to the Ohio Baptist

Convention. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., 1971.

DAVIS, CHARLES A., JR., Russell Wilson and the Charter Party, 1930-1938. Univ. of Cin-

cinnati, M.A., 1971.

DAVIS, THOMAS A., A History of Toledo Interscholastic Atheletics. Univ. of Toledo, M.A.,


Checklist 59

Checklist                                                              59


DRUMMOND, JAMES, James T. Worthington. Ohio State Univ., M.A. 1971.

DUNWOODY, DORIS L., Building a City. Youngstown State Univ., M.A., 1971. A study of

Youngstown, Ohio during the administration of President Harding.

FRY, JAMES W., A History of the Ohio State University Library, 1913-1928. Ohio State

Univ., M.A., 1971.

GEARY, JAMES W., Ohio Congressional and Newspaper Attitudes Toward the Conscription

Legislation of the Thirty-Seventh Congress. Kent State Univ., M.A., 1971.

GECKLE, SISTER MARY ROSE, O.S.B., Italian Immigration to Cincinnati: The Early Days,

Santa Maria Institute. Xavier Univ., M.A., 1971.

GLAZER, WALTER S., Cincinnati in 1840: A Community Profile. Univ. of Michigan, Ph.D.,


GRANATIR, SYLVIA JUNE, A Response to the New Immigration: A Study of the Practices

of Cincinnati Benevolent Organizations. Univ. of Cincinnati, M.A., 1971.

GRUBER, ROBERT, Political Career of Salmon P. Chase, 1808-1861. Univ. of Maryland,

Ph.D., 1971.

HOLLOWAY, KARL M., The Ideological Origins of the Cincinnati "Riot" 1967. Univ. of

Cincinnati, M.A., 1971.

HUNTER, HENRY J., The Capsulized History of Harold H. Burton. Kent State Univ., M.A.,


HUFF, CAROLYN, Political Abolitionism in Ohio as Illustrated in the Career of John A.

Bingham. Univ. of No. Carolina, Ph.D., 1969.

ISETTS, CHARLES, Women's Christian Temperance Crusade of Southern Ohio. Miami

Univ., 1971.

JACKSON, W. SHERMAN, Ohio and the Thirteenth Amendment. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D.,


JOLIVETTE, VINCENT C., Mark Hanna: His Election to the Senate in 1897. Xavier Univ.,

M.A., 1971.

JOSHUA, HEIDI, The Polly Fugitive Slave Case. Ohio State Univ., M.A., 1971.

KOCOLOWSKI, GARY P., The History of North Avondale: A Study of the Effects of Urban-

ization upon an Urban Locality. Univ. of Cincinnati, M.A., 1971.

KRUCHKO, JOHN G., History of U.A.W. Local #674, Norwood, Ohio. Univ. of Cincinnati,

M.A., 1971. Covers 1934-1938.

MCCLAY, JOHN FLOYD, Portsmouth, Ohio, and the Depression, 1929-1932. Xavier Univ.,

M.A., 1971.

MASSOUH, MICHAEL, The Business Career of Thomas L. Johnson. Case Western Reserve

Univ., Ph.D., 1970.

MUSSELMAN, BARBARA L., Trade Unionism in Turbulent Times: The Central Labor

Council of Cincinnati and Vicinity, 1889-1894. Univ. of Cincinnati, M.A., 1971.

PAD, DENNIS N., The Contributions of Rutherford B. Hayes to Education. Ohio State

Univ., Ph.D., 1971.

PRUSHA, ANNE B., A History of Kirtland, Ohio. Kent State Univ., M.A., 1971.

RESCH, JOHN P., Anglo-American Efforts in Prison Reform, 1850-1900: The Work of

Thomas Barwick Lloyd Baker. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., 1969.

SAIK, MARY, John Jay Janney, Ohio Reformer. Ohio State Univ., M.A., 1971.

SAWREY, ROBERT D., Cincinnati and the Civil War: A Study in Support of War for

Reunion. Univ. of Cincinnati, M.A., 1971.

SCHOB, DAVID E., Agricultural Labor in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1815-1860. Univ.

of Illinois, Ph.D., 1971.

SIEGEL, NANCY R., A Matter of the Public Welfare: The Temperance Movement in Ante-

bellum Cincinnati. Univ. of Cincinnati, M.A., 1971.

SMITH, THOMAS A., Harbour Town 1837: A History of Vermillion, Ohio from 1837 to

1879. Bowling Green State Univ., M.A., 1971.


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SOSLAW, RITA S., History of Western Reserve College. Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D.,


STREIFTHAN, DONNA L., Cincinnati Furniture, 1800-1830. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., 1971.

TALBERT, ROY, JR., A Study of the Career and Philosophy of Arthur E. Morgan. Vander-

bilt Univ., Ph.D., 1971.

TAYLOR, DAVID G., The Business and Political Career of Thomas Ewing, Jr., 1829-1896.

Univ. of Kansas, Ph.D., 1971.

TERPACK, PATRICIA ANN, Youngstown and the Little Steel Strike, 1937. Ohio State Univ.,

M.A., 1971.

THERRY, JAMES R., The Life of General Robert Cumming Schenck, 1809-1890. George-

town Univ., Ph.D., 1968.

WEBER, DAVID, Negro voting Behavior in Cleveland, 1928-1945. Kent State Univ., M.A.,


WERTHEIM, SALLY H., Educational Periodicals Published in Ohio Prior to the Civil War.

Case Western Reserve Univ., Ph.D., 1971.

WHITAKER, FRANCIS M., A History of the Ohio Women's Christian Temperance Union,

1874-1920. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., 1971.

WILLIAMS, JAMES R., Cincinnati and National Politics: The 1948 Presidential Election

as a Case Study. Univ. of Cincinnati, M.A., 1971.

WORTMAN, ROY T., The IWW Activities in Ohio, 1905-1950. Ohio State Univ., Ph.D.,


YERIC, JERRY L., Councilman's Roles: The Case of Columbus, Ohio. Ohio State Univ.,

Ph.D., 1971.