Ohio History Journal

84 Ohio Arch

84        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.





0 God, bless us in this hour with worthy memories. We

thank Thee for the life of this friend of ours, for his genial

presence and his noble heart. We thank Thee for his faith in

the simple virtues, for his confidence in the ways of the people,

for his trust in Thee.

Grant to us, as we think of him in this fellowship of kindred

spirits, a more steadfast loyalty to the institutions which were

dear to him, that for each of us life may hold more courage and


May Thy peace attend our thoughts of him, and may he not

have lived in vain. For Thy name's sake, Amen.

The double quartet from the Republican Glee Club, of which

Mr. Randall was an honorary member and at whose banquets

he had often served as toastmaster, then sang:



Lead, kindly light! amid th' encircling gloom,

Lead thou me on;

The night is dark, and I am far from home;

Lead thou me on;

Keep thou my feet: I do not ask to see

The distant scene; one step enough for me.


So long thy power has blessed me, sure it still

Will lead me on

O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till

The night is gone,

And with the morn those angel faces smile

Which I have loved long since and lost awhile!


Mr. Williams, in introducing Mr. Osman C. Hooper, said:

As I have have stated, Mr. Randall, at the time of his death,

was President of the Kit-Kat Club. He was one of its most

active members, and his papers, read at its meetings, were always

models of entertainment and instruction, setting a mark of per-

formance so high that they were a source of inspiration and

despair to those who followed.

Emilius Oviatt Randall

Emilius Oviatt Randall.              85


It is fitting that Mr. Hooper should speak for the Club on

this occasion. Mr. Hooper is a charter member of the Club, was

its first President, and has been for many years its Secretary and

active Executive. I have the privilege of presenting Mr. Osman

C. Hooper.





Secretary of the Kit-Kat Club.

The Kit-Kat Club meets today in sorrow. Death has entered

our circle and taken our President, Emilius Oviatt Randall who,

whether the mood was of laughter or tears, was our friend of

unfailing sympathy; a leader of our thought, and a promoter of

our companionship. His coming to the Club presidency -an

office given unanimously and joyously because there was none

other whom it fitted so well- had been the assurance to us all

of a pleasant and profitable year. He had planned the year's

schedule with care and had begun a service that promised the

fulfillment of every wish for a flawless fellowship in the consid-

eration of themes worthy of us and in full keeping with our pur-

poses as a Club. He presided at the first meeting in October,

bravely and uncomplainingly enduring, as he did so, the first

suffering of a fatal disease. When he left that gathering, it was

to return no more to our circle and never to resume the active

work of his profession. Save for a few occasions when he was

permitted to ride out, he was for weeks confined to his home or

the hospital. But his thoughts were with us as ours were with

him. Out of his weakness and pain, he gave counsel in the con-

duct of Club affairs, and did not rest till he was assured that all

was done for another successful meeting. In those days of

anxiety, members were privileged to call at his home and join

personally in the formally expressed hope of the Club that he

would soon be in his accustomed place at the head of the table.

But on the morning of December 18, death came, dissipating our

hopes and saddening our hearts by taking him from our earthly

fellowship forever.