Ohio History Journal







Abbot, Capt ........................     275                    history 105; nationalism, 133; education,

Acoustic sound .........................355                   185-90; mobilization for war, 249-61; re-

Adams, Alice Dana, cited .............160-1                    sources, 252; culture, 261; Swiss, 281,

Adams, C. F., cited.................... 50                    284, 286; cholera, 378, 383; frontier, 404,

Adams, John ...........................                          408; life, 405. See also British America,

Adams, John Quincy, 44, 50, 52-3, 56,                        Central America and South America.

163, 304                                                                                      American    and   Foreign   Anti-Slavery

Adams,  Dr.  R.  E.  W  ..................342-3                   Society   ...............................162

Adams Co., 0 ................... 19, 232          American    Anti--Slavery   Society, 161,

Adams   family  ...........................223               162,  304-5

Adams twp., Washington Co., O., pop-            American   Archaeologist, cited .........120

ulation study of, 10-2, 14, 17, 19, 22,            American Association for the Advance-

25, 27, 31, 37                                                                               ment of Science, Section on Anthro-

Advocate       ofM oral        Reform,  cited  ...... 58                     pology             .................................226

African      Squadron          .....................274    American         Association  of  Museums,

Ahonpaa,       John    .........................154                     Council,  meeting .....................226

Akron, 0., 83, 228, 244,    262; Beacon            American Board of Missions..........296

Journal, 233; Art Institute. 239; Old             American Colonization Society.......303-4

Stone School, 239 40; University, 239                    American Confederation ...............293

Akuoxylon     ..............................355       American Council of Learned Societies,

Alabam      a             ............................14,  304                          cited  ................................ 7,  16

Alaska       .................................102        American Dental Association.........395-7

Albany, N. Y ......................78, 398-9     American Dental Convention ...........395

Albert J. Beveridge Memorial Fund...303        American Expeditionary Force ........257

Alcock family .......................... 21          American     Friend, cited..............19, 21

Alcott, Dr. William   A ...............60, 67 American    Hellenic  Educational Pro-

Alexander the Great...................            82                 gressive Association (Ahepa) .......147-8

Alexandria, Va., Swiss in..............283   American    Historical Association, 230,

Alger, General R. A., cited ............252           330; Annual Report, cited, 6-7, 16,

Algonquins, 399; confederacy .......... 106                  164, 172, 244-5; Committee on     His-

Alien Act .............................. 50             torical Manuscripts, 234

Alilunas, Leo    ..........................220       American Hungarian     Federatio .......146

Alinen, Isaac ........................... 154        American Indians, see Indians.

Allee, Marjorie Hill ..................217-8    American Institute of Homeopathy... 412

Alleghenies ......3, 39, 49, 89, 102, 200, 410    American Journal of Dental Science,

Allegheny Co., Penna ................. .. 15-6                    389, 394

Allegheny   River ....................... 13       American Journal of Science......... 316

Allen, Colonel .......................... 42         American Medical Association, 206, 366,

Allen,  Dr.  Peter ........................357     373

Allen Co., O., Mennonites in...282-8, 314       American    Military  Institute, Journal,

Allen County    Historical and Archaeo-                                  314; cited, 255

logical Society ................221, 241, 244        American Museum     of Natural History,

Allentown,    Pa.    .........................339             117-8

Allentown Academy    ...................340  American Naturalist, cited.............119

Alliance, 0. ........................228, 232       American Orthodox Messenger .........132

Alliance Historical Society .............239          American Physiological Society ......58, 60

Alliance of Poles........................146      American Revolution, 42, 78, 213, 293,

Allies............................255 , 257-8                  297, 299, 386-7, 398

Allison, Richard ........................369       American Russian Messenger..........132

Allopathy .......................342-3, 383       American Society of Dental Surgeons,

Alsace, Mennonites in...........282-4, 286                    389, 392, 395

Altenburg,  Germany    ...................73  Americanization   ....................106, 134

Altgeld, John    Peter ....................310   Amerikan Sanomat, cited ...............158

Altick, Arthur R ........................241       Ameryce, Polonia W...................131

Altrocchi, Julia Cooley .................408   Amherst, General Jeffery .............. 41

Amboy,   N.  J.,  Swiss  in................284           Amity, Pa   .. ..........................263-4

America and Americans, 21, 24-5, 41-2, 44,  Amstutz family ...................283, 286

46,         68,                     70,     72,75,  78,     84-7,  89,          102,                 105,            Anabaptists                             .............................282

133-4,   138,        140,    142,   144,     150,   192,    222,        Anderson,       slave  ........................175

241, 263, 274, 277-80, 291-2, 296-7, 307-8,          Anderson, Antti ........................150

310, 317, 329, 330-1, 855, 357, 361-3, 366,           Anderson, Ind .........................297

398-400, 402; composers, dean of, 68;        Andral, Gabriel .........................270





Andrews, Frank De Wette .............214                                    Baas, J. II., 353; cited ..................360

Andrews, Israel Ward, cited, 2, 11,                                         Baba, Gul .................................146

20-1,  38                                                                                 Babylon      ................................. 78

Andrews, Martin R., cited....2, 19-21, 33                                 Bach   .................................... 69

Angiometer  .............................353                                           Backus,       Clarina  ........................                    1

Anglo-American   ........................312                                      Backus, Elijah ..........................                           1

Anglo-Saxon .......................103, 307                                        Backus, James ........................1,3

Ankenbrand, Frank, Jr.................220                                        Backus, Lucy Woodbridge.............. 1

Ann Arbor, Mich...................75, 366                                        Baehr Group of earthworks,   112-4,

Annals of Medical History, cited ...... 59                                   Plate I

Annapolis,   Md.   ....................393                                            Bailey,  E.  P  ........................... 25

Anti-German Language Law ...........105                                 Bailey, Gamaliel ......................304-5

Antilla,  Pekka  ..........................154                                          Bailey,        W . H.,  cited ....................119

Antrim Co., Ire ......................20                                               Bailey,        William D...........................25

Apaches ................................. 79                                              Bain, D. E............................117

Appalachians  ...........................409                                          Bainbridge, O ....................391, 394-5

Appleton-Century Co. .................99, 303                                  Baker, Miss, of Mason Co., Ky .......173

Appletons'    Cyclopaedia    of  American                                 Baker, John    ............................385

Biography, cited......................213                                         Baker, Newton D., 251, 259; cited.......236

Arabians, 351; musicians, 72; language,                                   Baldwin, Charles C., cited  ........... 241

333                                                                                          Baldwin, Leland D................  100-1

Archaeologist, cited ...................120                                         Baldwin, Michael ...................... 51

Archives ........................... 242-3                                              Balkan States ................... ..... 143

"Arealite" ....................... 318                                                    Ballard, G. E., cited....................119

Arkansas ........................ 90, 125-6, 177-8                               Ballinger, Richard    A ..............290

Arkansas River and Valley ........... 99, 122                                         Ballis,            Eunice Schuster ...........  412

Baltic ports, cholera in .................378

Armenians ..............................104        Baltimore, Md., 201; Sun, 255; cholera

Baltimore, Md., 201; Sun, 255; cholera

Armstrong, John     ..................... 2                                            in, 379, 389, 393-4

Army, see Great Britain and U. S.                                            Baltimore and Ohio Railroad......152, 154

Army and Navy Club..................257                                         Baltimore College of Dental Surgery,

Army Industrial College ............257                                         386, 388, 392, 394

Army War College.................254, 257                                     Baptists .....................263-4, 278, 292

Arndt-Schulz law   ......................335                                        Baracs, Dr. Henry......................146

Arnold, Benedict .............42, 214, 398                                                 Barber, David, lawyer.................. 24

Ashtabula, O., 82; Telegraph,   cited,                                        Barber, David, merchant............... 25

151-3, 157-9; St. Peter's Church       152                               Barber, Levi .......................... 25

News, cited, 152-3, 157                                                          Barker Ca..............................25

Asbtabula Co., 9; Finns in .............157                                                   Barker, Joseph        .                                  ........................ 4

Ashtabula Fork and Hoe Co ...........152                                    Barlow    twp.,         Washington     Co.,   O.,

Ashtabula Harbor, O., Finns in, 150-8;                                     population   study  of, 10, 12, 14, 17,

Bethany Finnish Lutheran Church, 151            22, 25, 27

Ashtabula, Lake,and Geauga Medical                                     Barnard, Harry   ........................310

Society   .......................   376                                                 Barnard, W. C..........................121

Ashtabula, Youngstown and Pittsburgh                                     Barnes, A. S., & Co.................... 93

Railroad   ..............................151                                           Barnes,  Gilbert  H.,  303;  cited..........163

Asia, seacoast cities of, 79; Indians                                          Barnes, Harry Elmer, cited ............242

derived from, 81; movements of peo-                                   Barnhart, Harold     ...................229

ples from, 84; cholera in, 378                                                Bartholow, Roberts .....................336

Asikkala, Mikko ........................156                                         Bartlett, Dr. Elisha, 352; cited.........360

Astor, John Jacob ......................401                                          Barton, William    ........................ 2

Astoria, Ore., Finns in .................151                                        Bartram, John ..........................86

Astrom, Kustaa    ................... ....150                                         Baruch, Bernard     .......................259

Atheism   .................................266                                            Basch, Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter

Athens, O ...........................268,  369                                        von   ...................................353

Athens, Morgan and Washington Med-                                      Bascomb, Henry ........................266

ical Association   ......................376                                       Bates, Elisha ...........................267

Atlanta, Ga    ............................395                                           Bates, Dr. W. S........................   318

Atlantic, 193, 274, 378; States, 47, 391;                                    Battle Creek, Mich......................329

Coast, 96; Seaboard, 389                                                       Baum, Howard .........................247

Atlantic Monthly .......................405                                           Baxley, Dr. H. W......................394

Atwater, Caleb, cited .................... 38                                       Baxter Springs, Kan....................121

Atwood,   John   ..........................222                                        Bayard,  Belthazer   ......................41

Auenbrug, Leopold Auenbrugger von..354                              Bayard, Phoebe .................... ...41

Auglaize Co., O .........................367                                         Bayliss, Zoe ............................94

Aurelius twp., Washington Co., O.,                                          Bayreuth ................................74

population study of, 10-2, 14, 17, 22, 27                               Beach, Arthur G., cited................. 25

Aurora, Ind., cholera in................383                                       Beach, E. H .............................228

Austria  .............................141,  144                                          Beach, W   ooster ...................                            324,     328

Autio, Antti  ............................150                                             Beals, Ellis,              cited................41,                49,       57

Ayer, N. W., and Sons, cited, 129, 132,                                    Beam, Michael, fictional character......217

134                                                                                          Beard, Charles A., 278, 307; cited......242

Ayres,   Frederic  ........................  73                                        Beard,  Dan   .............................399


GENERAL INDEX                                         423


Beard, Mary R......................... 307                                            "Black  Laws" ........................ 164, 167

Beardstown, III.........112, 115-6, Plate I                                    Blackall, John .........................348

Beaumont, Dr. William ................. 94                                        Blake, William  ......................266

Beavertown, Pa., Swiss in..............285                                      Blaney, Rev.               ......................265

Becker, Carl, cited......................241                                          Blazier, George J., cited.............. 33

Beckman, Matti L ..................150, 152                                      Blegen, T. C., cited.....................245

Beckwith, Dr. David H............342, 345                                     Blennerhassett, Harman ................ 21

Beckwith,   Dr.  Seth  R ................345-6                                    Blind  Tom   .............................. 68

Bedford, Pa., Swiss in .................285                                         Bloom, Andrew          ......................150-3

Beebe,  Huron        ..........................179                                     Bloom,  John     ..........................150-2

Beebe, William             ........................  25                                Bloom field,                .......................... 393

Beecher,      Lyman      ........................263                                Blow, Martha    Ella ......................192

Beeman,      Dr.      J .........................342                                   Blue  River        Spring .....................118

Beeson, Jacob ........................171-2                                          Bluffton, 0., 276, 314; Swiss in....284, 288

Beethoven.............................. 69                                                Bluffton  College....................288, 314

Belfort Territory, Mennonites in......283                                    Blythe, James ..................... 267

Bell,  J.  P.,  Co ..........................292                                           B'nai  B'rith ........................ 131, 148

Bellamann, Henry ......................405                                         Bobbs-Merrill ......................89, 310

Belleville, W. Va ........................ 28                                          Boerhaave, Hermann ...............318, 353

Belli,  John ..............................  49                                             Boer's         Aid  Association..................142

Bellingham,   M ass.     ......................232                                  Boesch,      J.     J ............................22

Bellini,  Lorenzo    ........................348                                       Bogart,       E.    L.,      cited..................... 5

Belmont Co., O .........................375                                           Bohemian          Free Thinkers ..............135

Belmont County Historical Society....239                                  Bohrer, Dr. ...........................391

Belpre twp., Washington Co., O., pop-                                      Bolivar, O., State Bank................236

ulation  study in, 10, 12, 14, 17, 22,                                        Bolton, Charles Knowles, cited........ 20

25, 27, 31, 37                                                                          Bond, Dr. Thomas......................394

Benford, Robert T  .................. 93-4                                          Bonn,  O ............... ...............  19

Benjamin, Samuel P.................... 33                                          Book of Mormon .......................264

Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R........228                                      Boonville, Mo...........................220

Benton,  Ill.  ............................117                                             Bosiger  family ....................283, 286-7

Berard, Auguste .......................270                                           Boston, 1, 41, 58, 69, 261, 316-7, 323,

Berard, Pierre-Honore      ................270                                      328, 337, 387-9; S. Graham at, 60; A.

Berks Co., Pa........................... 18                                                  Mahan at. 61; Gazette, 386

Berlin  ..............................350, 353                                            Botanico-Medical College   .............328

Berliner Lokal Anzeiger, cited ......... 72                                    Botanics ..........................324, 328-9

Berlioz ................................. 69                                                 Bouillaud, Arnold and Jean Baptiste..358

Berne Canton, Switzerland, Mennonites                                   Boulogne, G. B. Duchenne de..........352

in .............................282, 284, 286 Bourne, Henry C., cited..............244-5

Bernon, Morris      .........................130                                      Bouser       family       ........................18

Berry, Alfred         ..........................180                                     Bowden,    Ella ..........................228

Berry, Zenas C. and Sarah B ...........34                                     Bowditch, Henry T ......................354

Bessarabia ..............................144                                             Bowdoin,    Gov.         James.................. 41

Bethlehem    .........................296, 298                                       Bowdoin, Mary           ........................  41

"Beulah Ethiopia" ......................266                                          Bowen, Mary T          ........................228

Beveridge,  Albert   J ....... B........... .299                                  Braddee,  David         ....................100-1

Bezaleel Wells Historical Society............240                           Braddock's Defeat ......................409

Bezaleel Wells-Jefferson County His-                                     Bradford, David .......................101

torical Society .....................239-40                                       Bradford, Gov. William ............., 107

Bible  ................................ 59, 278                                            Brady,        Lake         ............................  97

Bickerton, Helen .......................  74                                         Brady's       leap           ............................97

Biedert,       Phil ......................... 354                                         Brainard,   Jehu          .......................343-4

Bigler,         Dr.      John .....................  342                               Braintree,  Vt. ..........................389

Bill of Rights .......................... 278                                             Branch Co., Mich ......................118

Bingham, Thomas ...................... 68                                          Brandeis, Justice .......................291

Binkley, Dr. Robert C., cited..........242                                     Brandywine     .......................... 43

Binning, M. B..........................228                                             Brant and Fuller, cited................373

Birchard, Judge Matthew...............180                                     Breast-pump ............................351

Birmingham, O ........................342                                           Brechbuhl family  .......................286

Birney, James G., 162-3, 168, 174, 177-8,                                Breckinridge, H ....................101, 255

303-4                                                                                      Brice,         John          J ...........................369

Birney, William ...................... 305                                            Brighton            Beach     ....................... 72

Biro,  John  ..............................130                                            Brill,           Charles     J........................  91-2

Bishop, James E........................238                                           British, see Great Britain and British

Bishop, Robert Hamilton...............267                                       "British America", 17; illiterates from. 26

Bismark, Otto Eduard Leopold........223                                    British        Broadcasting   Company ........ 74

Bissell, H. S............................228                                              Broken       Bow, Neb ......................290

Black,  Glenn A ........................117-8                                       Bromfield, Louis  ........................ 95

Black, Louis                 ............................130                            Brooke Co., Va .........................171

"Black Bill",            slave ......................17                                 Brough,   John   ...........................21

Black Hawk ........................401, 410                                        Broussais, Francois Joseph Victor.....270

Black Hawk War .......................217                                         Brown, Amy H  ........................ .228

Black Kettle ............................91                                              Brown, Charles Edward, cited .........119




Brown, E. L., cited .....................119                                         Campbell, Marion    ......................302

Brown, E. Parmly ......................390                                          Campbell, Thomas ...................... 369

Brown, George    ..................... 266                                           Campbellite ..........................264, 266

Brown, Senator John               ................ 52-3                          Campus Martius Museum..........229, 244

Brown Co., Ohio                      ................... 176                         Canada and Canadians, 17, 24, 26, 28,

Browne, W. R..........................311                                            86, 168, 170, 175, 193, 297; invasion, 42;

Brownstown, Pa. .......................201                                          Mohawks, 79; cholera ..............378-9

Brush, are-light ..........................305                                         Canby, Joseph .................. .....369-70

Bryce, American Commonwealth, cited,                                  Cane Ridge, Ky ........................  263

100                                                                                          Cannonsburg, Pa       ......................265

Bucher family .....................283, 286                                        Canton, O., 95; Swiss in ................285

Buck, Elizabeth Hawthorn............. 97                                      Cape Verde Islands .....................275

Buckstaff, Ralph N., cited.............119                                      Caporetto disaster .....................257

Budapest ................................ 336                                             Captain Pipe ............................ 83

Buddhist faith ........................  79                                              Carbondale, Ill .....................117, 229

Buell, Charles F ....................... 24                                             Carmel Monthly Meeting of Friends...232

Buell, Don Carlos ....................... 2                                            Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh, cited. 15

Buffalo,  N. Y ........................80,98                                          Carner,        John   J.................. ......228

Buffalo Creek ...........................  18                                          Carolinas     ............................14,  399

Bukovina    ...............................144                                           Carpatina Society of Cleveland.........148

Bulgars, in Cleveland .................143                                         Carroll Co., 0. ...................... 373

Bullock and Crenshaw, Philadelphia...350                                Carter, Clarence Edwin, cited, 3, 44-5,

Bundesfier .............................141                                              47, 49-52, 54, 56, 289.

Bunyan, John     .....................   74                                             Carter, Major-general G. H., cited.....250

Burdette, Silver, Company ............. 92                                      Cartier ..................................102

Burgess, Dyer ........................ 161                                            Cartwright, Peter...................262 266

Case School of Applied Science, 261;

Burgoyne ...............................398-9

Burkholder, Anna ......................286       football team .............             136

Burley,  Mrs.   ...........................390

Burlingame, Roger, cited ............... 68                                      Cass, Lewis .............................2

Burlington, Vt     ........................205                                         Cass Co., Ill .........................  120

Burnell, Levi ........................... 60                                             Catholics ....................19, 79, 141, 216

Burnet, Jacob ................... ...47, 55-6                                        Catterall, Helen Tunnicliff, cited.......176

Burnett, Edmund C., cited..........43, 47                                      Caxton Printer's............87, 108, 296, 305

Burr Conspiracy     ..................... 21                                          Cayugas .............................82, 107

Burrage, W. L., cited........315, 318, 320-1                               Celebration in Cleveland ..............141-2

Burrall, Charles .........................214                                          Census Office, cited, 13, 24, 26, 154-5, 164

Burritt, Dr. Alex H  ....................343                                         Cetinel of the Northwest Territory,

Burritt, Elihu ...........................59                                               see Cincinnati.

Burroughs-Wellcome, cited ......... 348, 360                             Central America ...................123

Burton, O., Finns in...................156                                           Central Mennonite College............288

Business Week .........................110                                           Central Ohio Medical Society..........374

Butler, Dr. Nicholas Murray......... 400                                     Central State Teachers College......... 94

Butler Co., O...........................375                                             Chaddock, Robert Emmet, cited ....5-7, 38

Butler County Medical Society.........374                                   Chadwick, George ......................68

Butterfield, Dr. John.................364-5                                        Chamberlin family ....................34

Byrd, Charles Willing, secretary and                                        Champlain ..........................102, 399

acting  governor    of  the  Northwest                                   Channing, Edward, cited .............6, 43

Territory ..................51, 54, 56, 241                                      Chapin,  Harlow   ........................ 26

Chapin family ......................... 35

Cabot, Richard Clarke ..................336                                      Chardon, O., 412; Finns in........150, 156

Cadillac .................................102                                              Charleston, S. C., cholera in......380, 382

Cadiz, O. ...............................228                                              Charlestown, Va. .......................171

Caesar, Caius Julius ....................222                                        Chase, Bishop Philander ...............267

Cain, Georges, cited ....................270                                       Chase, Salmon P., 163, 305; cited, 164,

Caithness Co., Scotland ............... 41                                         168, 170, 174, 177-81, 184.

Calcutta, India, cholera in..............382                                     Chautauqua Institute ...............262, 267

Caldwell, O. ..............................  4                                            Chautauquan,  cited  .....................153

Caldwell family ........................... 20                                         Chemung River ........................398

California, 69, 84-5, 189, 203; Univer-                                     Cherokees ...............................106

sity        ....................................220                                         Cheshire  Co.,  Eng...................... 21

Callery,    Joseph S.......................247                                        Chesterville, O. ......................... 83

Calvinists  .......................20, 266, 277                                        Chevreul, M. E .........................348

Cambell, David, supervises Grahamism                                   Cheyennes ..............................91

at  Oberlin .......................60-4,  66-7                                    Cheyne,  John  ...........................353

Cambell, Mrs. David.................60, 63                                       Chicago, 69, 119, 127, 130, 366; cholera

Cambridge, Md. ........................ 201                                         in  .....................................379

Cammann, G. P., 355; stethoscope ....358-9                              Chicago World's Columbian Exposition 111

Campbell, Alexander..........263, 266, 369                                 Chickering Hall ........................70

Campbell, J. C...........................229                                           Chillicothe, O., 3, 51-2, 54, 217, 229, 244,

Campbell, James Parker and        family;                                  369-70, 393; cholera in, 382; Supporter

Harriet ("Echo")     his wife; Frank,                                      and Gazette ...........................391

Nelly, Jimmy, their children.......191-212                              China, cholera in........................382


GENERAL INDEX                                        425


Chinese, instruments, 70; opinion of E.                                     Cleveland, O., 168, 204, 209, 234, 240,

Stillman-Kelley, 71; in Cleveland, 138,                                    244, 258, 320, 341-6, 356-7, 365, 396-7,

142, 147.                                                                                     400, 412;   Observer, cited, 63, 65;

Chinese Freemasons ....................147                                           Hinds party at, 82; Museum of Natu-

Chinese Student's Club .................147                                           ral History, 96-7; Foreign population

Chippewa, O., Swiss in.................283                                           and cultures, 128-49; Szabadsag, 129-30,

Chippewa Creek, Little ..................285                                         133-4;   Waechter am Erie, 129;

Chippewa River ........................266                                              Waechter und Anzeiger, 129-30, 133-4,

Chirurgien Dentiste ....................387                                             145; Magyar Napilap, 130; Uj Elore,

Chisholm   v. Georgia, case ..............294                                      130; Polish Daily News, 131; Ameri-

Choate, Rufus .......................... 88                                                 can Rumanian     Daily   News,    132;

Choctaws ................................106                                                 American Russian News, 132; Ame-

Cholera, in   Cincinnati, 193, 200-2; in                                          riska Domovina, 132; Courier del Ohio,

Ohio, 326-7, 340, 378-85; cure of....381-2                               132; Enakopravnost, 132; Svet, 132;

Chouteaus, merchants ..................102                                           Monitor Polish Daily, 134; Citizens

Christ and Christianity.....141-2, 277-8, 281                                  Bureau, cited, 135; Jewish Independ-

Christian Citizen, cited.................. 59                                             ent, cited, 137; Board of Education,

Christopher, Dr. Walter Shield........321                                        138; Plain Dealer, cited, 138, 140, 142-3,

Chronicles of America Series ..........162                                       146, 233; St. George's Syrian Orthodox

Church, Margaret B...................228                                          Church, 138; Old Stone Church, 142;

Churches ...........................139, 141                                               Public Library, cited, 143, 146; News,

Cinchona bark ..........................334                                               cited, 144-5; Press, cited, 144-5; Finns

Cincinnati, 0., 47, 105, 162-3, 173-4,                                             in, 155-6; Council for American Unity,

177-8, 180-1, 191, 192, 194, 196-7, 199-                                  220; cholera in, 379; Museum of His-

203, 205, 211, 216, 229, 244, 263-4, 267-8,                              torical and Cultural Medicine........412

305, 316-8, 320-1, 326-8, 339, 341-2,                                   Cleveland Hebrew School and Institute 137

345-6, 349, 352, 355-6, 365, 369-70, 375,                             Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital.......346

379-80, 382-5, 391, 395, 397, 406, 412;                                Cleveland Homeopathic  Medical Col-

Commercial, cited, 5; Centinel of the                                         lege..............................342-3, 345

Northwestren Territory, 48, 302; St.                                       Cleveland Jewish Society, cited...137, 148

Clair at, 52, 54; as possible capital of                                    Cleveland Jewish Society Book, cited..148

state, 53; Burnet of, 55; Conservatory                                   Cleveland Medical Library.........351, 359

of Music, 70, 73, 75; May Festival of                                    Cleveland Year Book, cited, 128, 135-7, 141

1918 at, 74; May Festival of 1919 at,                                     Clevenger, Miss Olive ..................226

75; Symphony Orchestra of, 75; Uni-                                    Clinton, Army of........................399

versity, 76, 220, 248, 265, 268, 412;                                      Clinton  Co., O.......................375

cholera   in,  193,  200-2; Unitarian                                       Clokey, Joseph ........................73

Church, 211; Enquirer, 233; Chronicle,                                 Cluny Museum   .........................273

381-2; Daily Gazette, cited, 383; Lib-                                    Coal Board, see U. S.

erty Hall and . . . Gazette............ 390                                    Coates, Dr. L. B .......................351

Cincinnati Association of Dental Sur-                                       Cobb, Jedediah .........................268

geons ..................................396                                              Cochran, William Foxcited, 160, 164, 166-8

Cincinnati, Columbus, & Cleveland rail-                                   Coggeshall Papers ......................247

way ..........................       380                                                  Cohen, Jacob da Silva Solis............336

Cincinnati Medical Society ..............368                                   Cohn, David L ..........................404

Circleville,  O ........................ 268                                             Colden,  Cadwallader  ...................106

Ciskoes .................................140                                                Coleman, Dr. Christopher B., cited....245

Citizenship  ..............................148                                             Coleridge, S. T ......................266

Civil War, 2, 6, 21, 168-9, 192, 216-7,                                      College and University Presidents As-

232, 241, 251, 260, 310, 319, 328, 330, 396                               socation ...........................246

Civilian Conservation Corps labor.....225                                      Collinson, Peter .................... 86

Civilization ........................... 3                                                   Columbia University, cited .......5, 99

Claridon, O .............................. 83                                             Columbiana Co., O., 239, 373, 375; Swiss

Clark, Alonzo ................................355                                      in ..............................283, 287

Clark, Genevieve F................... 228                                          Columbus, 0., 105, 120, 128, 163, 204,

Clark, George Rogers ...............298, 410                                      225-6, 229, 410 232, 244, 314, 324-6, 328,

Clark, James Freeman ................ 262, 267                                    341, 350, 364-5, 374, 397, 412; Fire

Clark, Joseph B....................... 64                                                   Debt.,   228;   First  Congregational

Clark, Thomas D. .....................89, 91                                            Church, 232; First   Presbyterian

Clark Co., Ind ...........................    117                                           Church, 232; Presbytery, 232; School

for Girls, 232; Ohio State Journal,

Clark County Historical Society...241, 244                                    233; cholera in ...............   .     382

Clark County Medical Society..........372                                   Columbus Genealogical Society, 9th an-

Clark's works ....................... 111, 115                                            nual meeting...................221-3, 275

Clarkson, G., cited ................253, 258-9                                   Columbus Medical Journal, cited....... 375

Classmate, cited ......................... 74                                           Committee of Council of Censors, cited 46

Clay, Clement C ........................304                                           Commons, John R., cited ...............189

Clay,         Henry .............................208                                    Communism     ........................161,  279

Cleaves,    Freem  an .......................313                                    Concord,          Calif.  .........................125

Clemens, S. L..........................   100                                           Conestoga wagon ..................... 410

Clements, Forrest E., 121, 123; cited...126                                Confucius ............................... 81

Clermont Co., O.......................375                                             Congregationalists ...................25, 263

Cleveland, Pres. Grover................310                                       Congress, see U. S.




Congress of Industrial Organizations..307                   Cutter, Monsieur .......................270

Conneaut, O., 263; Post Herald, cited,                                       Cuyahoga Co., O., 180, 400; Finns in,

153, 156, 188-9; Finns in ....... 155-8                                       155, 157.

Conneaut Dock Company..............156                         Cuyahoga Falls, O....................... 83

Connecticut, 7, 10-1, 21, 27-30, 33, 35,                                     Czechs, 104; in Cleveland, 129, 132, 135,

53, 68, 263;  Council .............214                              143; Sokols  ...........................145

Connecticut Missionary Society...... 264

Connell, John ....................... 171          D. D. S ................................397

Conner, Dr. R. S.........................228                             Daguerreotype camera .................320

Conover, Mrs. Charlotte Reeve.......229                                     Daily, Kate ...........................173-4

Constantia       (ship)  .......................378                       Daily,    Thomas                     ..........................173

Constantinople                 ........................   207             Dale      (ship)    ............................274

Constitution, U.S., see U.S.                                                         Damrosch, Leopold..................... 74

Continental Army ......................214                            Damrosch, Walter..................70, 74-5

Continental Congress, 293; Letters of                                         Dana, Charles ..........................25

Members of,  cited .................  43                                          Dana,  Luther  D  ......................... 25

Conway cabal of 1778 ...................43                         Dana, Theodore S....................... 25

Conwell, Russell H................... .262                            Dana family       ..............................  11

Cook,  Charles  ..........................25                              Daniels,  Mabel .......................         73

Cook, Valentine ........................ 66                                                            Danish Brotherhood ....................147

Cooke,  Selden S ....................   24                               Danner ..................................  18

Coolidge Administration ...............307                         Danubian Basin, cholera in ............378

Cope, Dr. ......................... 339                                     Danvers, Mass  .........................  30

Copenhagen, 337; University ........339                        Danville, Ky........................263, 304

Corbisart-Desmarets, Jean Nicolas de..354                 Darby, Dr. J. E ..................... 357

Corinth ..............................278                                                   Dark Ages .............................266

Corliss Steam Engine Company .........305                   Darke, General William ...............56

Cornell University   .................  305  407                    Darling, Elena J.........................214

Corner   family  .......................... 21                            Dartmouth.....................263,    316,  343

Cornstalk .......................... 302-3Dartmouth College v. Woodward case..295

Cornwallis, Lord ....................... 78                                     Daughters of the American Revolution. 36

Coshocton, 0 ............................ 244                                           Davis, Edwin Hamilton..........111-2, 120

Cotton, J. D...............................25                                              Davis, Dr. F. A     .................. 340

Coulter, C. W., cited ............. 136-7, 140                    Davis, Stanton L........................261

Council of National Defense, see U.S.                                     Davis, Susan Burdick..................94-5

Counts, George, cited ................                                 279        Davis, Watson, cited....................126

Covan,   John ..........................                                     228        Dawes,   Charles  G  .....................2,                            311

Covent Garden .................   72, 74                                            Dawes, Henry M .......................                                   2

Covington, Ky. ........................ 181                             Dawson, Dr. John ......................365

Covington & Lexington Canal ..........380                    Day, Sherman, cited.................... 15

Cowles, Dr. E. W..................... 342                                           Dayton, O., 229, 232, 321, 312, 369,

Cowles, John P ..................... 63, 65                                          396-7; Journal, 233; Library Museum,

Crabb, Mrs. John S................... 228                             244; cholera in .........................382

Craig, John ............................ 228                                             Dearborn, Fort .........................410

Crandall family    ........................29                            Dearborn Co., Ind., cholera in.........383

Crawford, Colonel William .............. 78                                   Debs, Eugene V........................ 299

Crawford Co., Ind............... ....   114                           Decatur (ship) .......................274-5

Crenshaw .............................  350                                             Decatur Co., Ind .......................117

Criterion (Oxford, O.), cited........ 69, 71-2                 Decatur twp.,     Washington      Co.,  O.,

Croatians in Cleveland ..................139                        population          study            of, 10, 12, 14, 17,

Cropper,   Capt.     .................... 274                                         22,        27.

Crowell, Benedict, 253; cited ............ 257                  De Chambrun, Clara Longworth........406

Crowell, Thomas Y., Co.................. 402                     Deck, Al  ...............................117

Crozier, W., cited .................... 253-4                        Declaration of Independence, see U. S.

Cruickshank, William  C................. 348                     Dee family    ............................. 29

Crumrine, Boyd, cited ..................15                           Defiance Historical Society.............239

Cserna, Andrew             ...................129-380              Deism   ...............................266

Culbertson, Glen            .................                             118        Delamater Medical Association of Nor-

Cullen   ................................                                        360        walk and Vicinity      .   .............. 376

Culture, national, 128-49; in the West 261-7              Delaware, 12-3, 14, 23, 26-7, 37, 93, 172,

Cumberland, Md. ................... 229                              297.

Cumberland Presbyterians .......... 266            Delaware  (ship) ................268-9, 27-4

Cuming, Fortescue, cited ........... 1-2                          Delaware Co., O ........................339

Current Researches in Anesthesia and                                     Delaware Co., Okla ...................121-2

Analgesia  .............................412                             Delawares   ..........................78, 83

Curry, Mrs. Helen..................... 229                           Delle Canton, France. Mennonites in 283-4

Curtis, Alva ......................325, 328-9                         Dellquest, Augustus Wilfrid............402

Curtis, William F.......................25                               Democracy ..............................280

Custer, George Armstrong .............91-2                    Democratic        Party, 161, 300; National

Cuscaden, Dr. T. W.................... 342                         Committee,         2; Nominating Conven-

Cutler, Ephraim  ........................2-3                            tion  ..................................309

Cutler, Julia Perkins, cited ............. 33                       Dempsey's Grove      .................265

Cutler, Manasseh......................1, 21                          Denison University.................248, 314


GENERAL INDEX                                         427


Denmark    .......................17,  83     Dunmore,  Lord   ................ ....41,46

Denny, Ebenezer ....................... 3   Dunn, Jacob P., cited ...............   161

Dental  Lamp    ......................397     Dupps, A      ......  ...  ............ 229

Dental Register of the West .....395, 397         Dupuytren, Guillaume ............... ...273

Dental     Reporter          .................397          Durroux,Dr        ........................391

Dental      Summary  ..................397               Dustwige,           Dr                          ........................387

Dentistry, history      of...........386-97             Dutch .................3, 18, 104, 399, 403

Dentists' Magazine ................. .397  Dutch West India Company..............106-7

Desha,     Joseph       .................173-4             Dyar,                  Joseph     B........................ 28

Des          Moines,     Iowa....................228     Dyar,                  Sarah       ......................... 28

Detroit, 97, 130-4, 2-4,  248, 410; cholera     Dykstra, Dr. Clarence A.................246

in          ...............................379     Dylks,  Joseph  ("Leatherw  ood  God")..266

Detroit     River         .......................47            "Dynamis" . .......................... 335

Devol,      Charles     ......................25

Devol, J. L........................    25    Eagleson, Freeman T........224, 238, 247-8

Devonian flint ..... .............. . 116     Early   Settlers  Associations  of Cuya-

DeWeerd, H. A., 248, 314; cited ......255                                 hoga Co.............. .................400

Dickens, Charles ..................... 90   East ..........18, 200, 204, 297, 343, 345, 386

Dickinson, C. E., cited............20, 28               East Liverpool, O...................228, 357

Dictionary    of   American    Biography,       East Liverpool Historical Society, 228, 244

cited,..... 21, 25, 42, 59-60, 68, 318            Easter  ......... .. ................   142

Diderot ..............................269    Eastern Ohio Medical Association  ......375

Diller  family  .................283, 287    Easton,  Pa.,                      Swiss       in ...............285

Disciples of Christ..............263, 322               Eaton, Starling   L...............   ...225

District of Columbia, 13-4, 23; Swiss             Eaton, O. ...............................374

in  ...............................283        Eclectic   Medical  College .............341

Dittrick, Howard .. ..................412  Eclectic Medical Institute, 328, 311-2, 344-5

Division       Act  ....................51, 53               Eclectics..............328,  331-2,  341-2,383

Division       Line of 1800 ............... 53    Ecole de Medecine ...................270-1

Dluznski, Theodore     ...............131               Economic history .......................218

Dobson,   Matthew   ..................348               Eddy,  Clarence   .......................69

Dodd, Cephas .........................264   Edelblute, J. R.........................229

Dodd, Thaddeus .......................267  Edinburgh, 361; University.............  41

Doddridge, Joseph, cited,......3, 16, 267         Edisonia ...............................247

Dodge,   Dr.  Lewis  C................ 344              Edmiston,  John   ......................370

Dodson, S. M., cited .... ............164  Education, 185-90; of immigrants .... 134-7

Domestic Medicine; or, the Poor Man's        Edward VIII .......................... .223

Friend   ..........................362    Edward,   Ford   ......................  45

Donation Tract ....................10, 36  Edwards, Alexander ....................173

Donors, to Ohio State Museum..  ....228-9     Edwards, Dr. E. P......................357

"Dorastius"    .        .............. 48    Eggleston, Edward .....................267

Dorrance and Co ......................302 Egle, William   H., cited.............. 15

Doubleday, Doran and Co................399    Egypt..........................  .207, 209

Douce's Ford ......................... 83 Ehrmann, Benjamin              .................340

Douglas,  Dr.  J.  S .................344    Elam,  Harvey                     W         ....................232

Dover,     N. H...........................412 Electric candle                    ......................320

Dow, Lorenzo, ...................262, 266                                         Electric chronograph"     ...........316-7

Dow, Peggy     .......................266     Electric-magnetic multiplier ..........352

Downes, Randolph, cited, 10, 36, 42, 48,       Elizabethtown, N. J ...................202

52-3, 55, 367.                                                                          Elizabethtown, Pa. ....................268

"Dragons"    ........................195    Elk River  ............................121

Drake,         Charles        Daniel       and         family;                Elliottson's stethoscope   ............359

Margaret     Cross,      his              wife;      Ella, Ellis, H. Holmes....................220, 224

Joseph, his children     ........191-212           Ellis, Dr. John..........................345

Drake,         Dr. Daniel, 220, 364, 369-70,     Ellis Island ............................ 77

379-82;                  letters               of ...........191-212             Elson,      Arthur,   cited.................. 68

Drebbel,      Cornelis       ..................353         Elyria,                O.            ......................65,  342

Driskill, Peter                  .             .......... 182-3                          Emerson  ................................262

Drury, Clifford Merrill   ..........296  Emerson, Brooks ......................93-4

Drysdale, Jethro, fictional character.218       Emigrant Association     ..................18

Dublin ......................353,358, 388   Emmenthal,    Switzerland,   Mennonites

DuBuque,  Dr.   ......................387                  in....................................282-3

Duck Creek Valley..................10, 18             Enabling Act ......................52-3, 55

Dumba, Dr. Constantin ................153             Encyclopedia Britannica, cited ..........318

Dummitt, James        .      ...... ... 173 England and English, see Great Britain

Dumond, Dwight L...      ......... 303                 and British.

Dunbar, Paul Laurence   ...........232 Eolus (ship) ............................284

Dunham       twp., Washington Co., O..... 11   Episcopalians     ..........................267

Dunkers       ...........................  18     Ericsson,  John                     .........................319

Dunlap, Dr. A. C .....................228   Erie, Lake, 382, 411; Finns on..........152

Dunlap, J. K., cited .................260   Erie, Penn.. 81; Finns in.............  151-2

Dunlap, William    ...       .......... 176 Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad..........228

Dunlevy, John ...       ............266  Erie Co., O., Finns in..................157




Erie County Medical Society ...............372                                Flagg, Josiah    ..........................388

Erie           Railroad  ..........................83                                     Fleeharty,        Joshua      ......................  4

Ernst,         Anna       ........................... 284                                 Fleetwood,       Tom   ........................121

Eskimos ................................ 84-5                                              Fletcher, Robert Samuel, cited ........60, 110

Euclid, O., Central High School ..........220                                Fletcher v. Peck case .......:.......  ...295

Europe and Europeans, 17, 68, 72, 81,                                      Flint, Austin   ...........................355

85, 104, 135, 143, 189, 216, 220, 249,                                    Flint, Timothy ............................100

276-7, 279, 284, 329, 337-8, 356, 359-63;                             Flint, disk caches, 111-20; illus., Plate

Education in, 185-90; war in 249-61;                                         I; eccentrics, 121-7; illus., Plate II.

Mennonites in, 281; cholera in .......378                                 Flint's percussion   hammer................359

Evangelists      ...........................303                                            Florence, George .........224, 230, 239, 247-8

Evans,       Etelka,     cited .................70,72                                Florence,  Italy  .........................356

Evans,      Lewis      ......................86-7                                      Florida ...........................  . 14, 192

Evans, Platt ............................209                                               Florimont, France, Mennonites in ....284, 286

Evanston,  Ill . ........................311                                               Floyd,       slave  owner .....................177

Ewing,      Finis         ..........................266                                   Floyer      ..................................360

Ewing, Thomas ........................  .269                                         Folk dances, 93-4; in Cleveland...........140

Excelsior  Club  ........................148                                            Folk-lore,  Southern    .................91-2

Food Administration, see U. S.

Fairchild, E. Henry..................... 64                                           Foote, Arthur ............................68

Fairchild, James .......................64                                              Forbes, General John................... ...41

Fairfield twp., Washington Co., O...... 11                                  Ford, Chauncey ......................... 25,

Fairport, O., Finns in ................154-8                                        Fordyce, Wellington G., 220; cited......128

Fallen Timbers .........................410                                            Foreign-language     press  in   Cleveland,

Family  ................................132                                                     ............................128-34,  143, 148

Fanning, Thomas ......................  214                                         Forman, Jonathan..................275, 412

Faraday,   Michael  .....................352                                         Forspakka,       John         ......................154

Farrar,      Mrs.         ........................198                                     Fort          Ancient     ..........................225

Farrar       and          Rinehart....................298                           Fort          Hill  .............................225

Fascist      policy      ..........................144                                   Foster,      Hiram        .........................118

Fauchard,       Pierre      .......................387                                Foster,      Theodore         .....................305

Fay,          Levi         L............................ 25                                Foster,      Thomas     ......................229

Fayette     Co.,          Ind........................374                                Fouser,     Charles      ....................... 73

Fayette Co., O          .......................15-6                                     Foutts, Mrs. James.......................235

Fearing,  Henry       .........................26                                      Fowke,   Gerard ....................113-4, 119

Fearing, Paul, ..... 36, 56; cited, 45, 49-50                                 France and    French, 1, 17, 37, 47, 55,

Fearing family ......................2, 34-5                                         86-7, 102, 104, 107, 133, 178, 205, 257,

Fearing    twp.,        Washington     Co.,   O.,                                271, 298, 311, 331, 333, 337, 352, 386-8;

population  study  of 10-2, 14, 17, 19,                                       migration, 5; army, 250; Chamber of

22, 27-8, 37.                                                                                Deputies,    273-4;   Revolution,                      276;

Fearon   ...........................    90                                                       Mennoites in, 283; cholera in,                         383;

Federal Archives Unit..................110                                           settlements ...........................403

Federalist Party, 294-5; era of, 2; fears                                    Frankfort, Ky.           ....................393

of, 47; absence of, in West, 49; elec-                                   Franklin, Benjamin    ................ 86

tion of, 54-5; power of, waning ...... 56                                 Franklin Co., Ill .................... 117

Fehling,  Hermann, 349;  test ..........348                                   Franklin  Co., Ind  ...................374

Female Society of Oberlin for the Pro-                                    Franklin Institute of Philadelphia ....318

motion of Health .................... 61                                          Franklinton,     O ...................... 370

Fen  country,   Eng...................  78                                            Frederick,        Md.   .....................393

Ferguson, Russel J., cited ..........3, 15-6                                    Fredericksburg, Va. ...................393

Festivals in Cleveland ................139-40                                    Fredericktown, O.     .................175

Field        Museum     of   Natural   History,                             Federickville (Frederick), Ill ....... 114-6

cited     ................................119                                             "Free-Soilers"  .. .............. ....164

Filene,     Edward          ....................... 49                                 Freeman, Thomas     W............... 117

Finck,      organist          ....................... 69                                 Fremont,  O               ....................82, 110, 229

Findlay, Robert ....................... 229                                           French, see France and French.

Finger Lake region .....................305                                        French and Indian War..........213-4, 297

Fink,        M ike...........................18, 100                                   French-Canadian     ..................408

Finland           .................................151                                      Friebergen, France, Mennonites in ....284

Finley,      James ............................267                                      Friedland,        Abraham H  ............137

Finley,     Robert ...........................232                                      Friendly           Botanic                                         Society ...........324

Finney,    Charles  G............58-9,  61,  64-6                             Frontenac        ..........................102

Finns        in    Ohio .........................150-9                                 Frontier,   89-91;  novels of ........217

Firelands Historical Society ...........244                                    Frost farm        .........................117

Fish, Carl Russell, cited................6                                           Frueauff, Herman T ...................296

Fisher, Dr. James Cogswell ............321                                    Fryeburg, Maine ......................315

Fiske ..................................293                                                  Fugitive Slave Act, of 1793, 160, 164,

Fitch, Samuel S........................ 387                                               166-7, 169-70, 172, 174, 177, 179-84;

Fithian, Philip    Vickers.............. 3                                               of 1839, 184; of 1850 ................160

Fitzpatrick, Fred ...................   118                                           Fugitive Slaves, laws concerning...160-84

FitzSimons, Thomas ...................47                                           Fuller, Iola .......................401-2

Flagg,  Edmund             ...................264                                    Furman, Lee    .......................100

Flagg, Joseph          ....................: 387                                       Furriman,         Catherine   ...............285


GENERAL INDEX                                         429


Gabriel, Ralph Henry, cited     ......278                                      Godfrey, Chief Francis.................108

Gaelic ...............................403                                                    Godfrey, Gabriel .........       .......108

Gage, General Thomas.................. 45                                       Goebel, Dr. Dorothy................313

Galactometer  ........................352                                              Goethe   ................................280

Galbreath, Charles B., cited.....166, 168                                    Goetschius, Percy     ............... 77

Galen, Claudius .................334, 336                                           Goforth, William ....................50-1

Galen, Kan. .....................123, 229                                             Golden         Saga Publishers.............. 91

Galilei,  Galileo  ...................353                                               Gompers,     Samuel      ..................256

Gallatin, Albert, secretary of the treas-                                      Gonda, Frederick, cited ............130

ury  ..................     . 50-1, 56                                                   Goniometer  .............................352

Gallehue, Alpheus C................  . 23                                           Goodell, William       ............305

Gallipolis, 2, 5, 244; cholera in.....382                                        Goodno, N. C.......................... 25

Gallup, Emery ...................... . 75                                               Goodwin, Howard R................  227

Galvanometer    ......................352                                             Goodyear,   Charles   ................87-8

Gambier, O. ..........................210                                               Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.......134

Gambrill, J. Montgomery .............99-100                                  Goosens, Eugene ................. 75

Ganges Delta, cholera in .............378                                       Gore, Dr. ..........................117

Gann, Thomas W. F., 123; cited.....  .126                                  Goshen, O       ................ 297-8

Gano, Stephen ........................267                                               Government Printing      Office........289

Ganoe, W. A., cited .................249                                           Graham, Belle ......................191-212

Garcia,  Manuel  ....................251                                             Graham,    Charles   O  .................229

Gardette, Dr. James .................387                                           Graham, Ezekial .................... 203

Gardner, Darwin E.................... 24                                           Graham, James      .................209

Garfield and Arthur Campaign.........400                                   Graham, Sylvester, 59-60, 62-3, 65, 67

Garlick, Dr. Theodatus ..............320                                         Graham    Journal of Health and Lon-

Garretson, Jane .....................182                                              gevity, cited .................60-2, 65

Garretson, Dr. Jesse.................342                                            Grahamism, 329, 363; at Oberlin, 58-67

Garrison, Curtis W...............106, 110                                        Gram, Hans Burch.................337-8

Garrison, F. H., 347; cited..........360                                          Grand    River   and   Valley,   79, 121;

Garrison, William    Lloyd..162-3, 303, 325                              Finns on..........................154

Gatchell, Dr. ..................  341, 344                                            Grandview   twp., Washington Co., O.,

Gates, Seth M.........................305                                              population study in, 11, 13-4, 17, 22-3,

Gatling, Jordan and     Mary   (Barnes)..318                             27-8, 37.

Gatling, Richard Jordan, M. D., 318-20;                                   Granville, O ..................314

gun   ........................319-20                                                    Granville Historical Society ...........239

Gauschemann, P. A ..................229                                           Gratz, Delbert L...................276, 314

Gayoso de Lemos, Manuel....  .......101                                     Gray, Dr. John F .................338, 343

Geauga Co., O., Finns in ............157                                         Great Britain   and the British, 2, 17,

Geiger family ......................287                                                21-2, 24, 26, 59-60, 78-9, 82, 86-8, 103,

Genealogical and Family History of the                                   142, 162, 188, 193, 207, 223, 266, 278,

State of Connecticut, cited......214                                          293, 312, 330, 333, 337, 340, 366, 386-8,

Genealogists          ...............276-81                                           403, 408; in Washington Co., O., 16,

Genealogy             ...................221-3                                         21, 26, 30-1, 37; war with, 30, 82; Par-

General Motors Research Laboratories.306                            liament, 42, 293; Army, 78; language,

General Munitions Board, see U. S.                                          105, 134-6, 139; power, 97; royal fam-

Gentz, Henry .......................129                                               ily, 223; General Staff, 260; imperial

George III.......................... 42                                                   system, 293; musicians, 301; cholera.378

George, David Lloyd, cited .........260                                       Great India Rubber case............ 88

Georgetown, Ky .....................393                                            Great Lakes .......................192, 194

Georgia......14, 27, 100, 200, 324, 328                                      Greathouse, William      ...........176

Gerhardt, Karl Christian Adolph Jacob.355                             Greek Catholic Church ............139, 141

German American Alliance ............145                                   Greek   Catholic Union..................147

Germania Turnverein Vorwaertz.......145                                Greeks, 104, 242, 333-4, 340; music, 71;

Germany and Germans, 16, 18-9, 24, 27,                                 in Cleveland ...............132, 138-9, 141

69, 72, 75, 78, 88, 104--5, 129, 144, 205, Green, Mr. .........................391

276, 324, 333, 337, 339-40, 342, 346, 403; Green, Beriah     ..................305

Washington Co., O., 17-9, 22, 26, 30-7;                                Green, Capt. Joel.................209

in  Cleveland 129-30, 133-5, 138, 142;                                 Green Co., Penna .................. 15

language, 138; societies, 145;  war                                       Greene. Nathanial .................43

with, 249-61; cholera in .........383                                         Greene Co.,     ..................232, 375

Gibbons v. Ogden case ...............295                                        Greene family ...................... 11

Giddings, Joshua R...............164, 304                                        Greenfield, O........................393

Giles, Senator William     B.......... 54                                        Greensburg, Pa., Swiss in............285

Gillin,        John   P  ....................226                                         Greenup      Co.,               Ky ..................229

Gilliss        .............................271                                               Greenwich, O.                  ..................175

Gilman,     Joseph   ...................  2                                             Greenwood,       John       ...............389

Gipson, Lawrence Henry..........86-7, 296                                Greenwood family           ...............388

Girard, O., Finns in, 150, 152, 154, 156                                    Gregg, Jessie .......................71

Girty  family   .................... 39                                                   Gregorian chants ...................307

Gladden, Washington       ..........231-2                                      Gregory, J. J. H., cited............119

Glasgow, Scotland .................. 21                                             Greiner's Shoe Store, Columbus,O....229

Glines,  William  .................. 25                                                Greve,  C.  T., cited...............380

Gnadenhutten, O ....................97, 297                                       Griffin, James Bennett, cited......113, 119




Griffith, James .............. ...........171       Havana,    Ill.,  group   of  earthworks,

Grimke, Sarah     .......................303                                          113, 116, Plate I.

Grimm, Dr. Harold J............   ..276, 314                                   Havens, James      ...................266

Griswold, Mr. .................... ...... 56        Havre-de-Grace, France ...............284

Gross, Maria    Rives...............196, 203                                     Hayden..........................389, 394-5

Gross, Dr. William      Davis............196                                    Hayes, Rutherford     B ...............5

Gross Isle, cholera in............. .....378    Hayes Memorial Library ...............110

Grosseillers    ...........................102        Haymarket  riots  ....................310

Guatem   ala   ............................123       Health........................158-9,  193

Guernsey        Island  ...................  17    Heathenism                     ..................... .266

Gunn,      J.     C...........               ..........362                                 Heberden        ...........................360

Gustafson,      John           ......... .           ....... 150                      Hebrew..............................137, 333

Guy's   Hospital         ......................353  Hebrew    Free Loan Association ... 148

Heckewelder, John  ..................297

Hahnemann, Samuel.................330, 332-9                               Hedges, Ross E........................228

Hahnemann     College   ................336 Hedman, Herman ......................150

Hakala,          Kustaa                 ....................150-1                   Hedman, Matti  ..................150-1

Hale,       Dr.  E.        M              ....................341                       Hefferman      ..........................181

Hale, Cushman and Flint...........  ... 95   Heidelburg                  College ....................220

Hall, James ........................... 91            Heilman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T............228

Hall,        John           ........................  25                                    Heimberger,   H.       J.................. 229

Hall,         R.    H.:      ........ ...........108-9                                    Helleboris       .........................  334

Hall         family        ........................108                                    Heller,     Rabbi         James   G.............73

Hallet, Richard         Matthews ...........217                                Heller, Johann                 Florian .............350

Hamilton, Mr. .........................386         Helmholtz, Hermann  Ludwig von....351

Hamilton, Alexander........44-5, 101, 294                                  Hemp-breaking     machine         ..........319

Hamilton, Dr. John      W .............365   Henderson, Dr. J. M .................. 238

Hamilton,       Fort   ...................297      Henderson,   W  .  J................... 70

Hamilton        Co., O., 50, 52, 54, 342, 375                               Henryville, Ind. ......................117

Hamilton County       Medical Society..372                               Hering, Constantine, 339; Laboratory, 336

Hamm,     John           ......................369  Hersey,                       Thomas  .....................328

Hammer, William     J. ..............247      Hertford,                     N. C .....................393

Hancock,   John        .................... 45     Hertford                          Co.,      N.    C...............318

Handerson, H. E., cited.............. 360    Hertzog, Lucy                Stone..............412

Hanna, William, cited ................15-6   Hesperian, cited ..................... 28

Hannum,        William      H ................224                                Hess,       Ruth                  .......................235

Hanover,        Germany   .................389                                   Hesse,     W .  .......................355

H anover, Ind.          ............118,  316   Hessians                          .............................78, 83

Harcourt, Brace       and   Co ..........401                                   Heye, George G., cited................126

Hargraves      .........................181          Hiestand,                     Lois         R..................231,  247

Harmar,  Josiah  .................1,3, 24        Highland                         Co.,      O                ..................375

Harmar, Fort ....................1, 3, 18         Hildreth, Mary Ann.................... 33

Harmar            twp., Washington Co., O.,                                   Hildreth,  Samuel     P.,  172,        368-70;

populationstudy  of, 11-2,  14,  17,  22,                                     cited    ................ 4,     25,  28,  40

25,  27,       39,      32-5.                                                             Hill,     Alexander   ................... 20

Harmon, Dr. John B ..................356-7   Hill, Dr. Benjamin..............341, 343-4

Harper   &   Brothers .............84,  95    Hill,  Dan  .........................  25

Harrell, Mrs. J. S....................228         Hilston, Charles............150-1, 154, 158

Harris, Chapin    A...............389, 392-3                                    Hilston, John   K.....................150-1

Harris, Dr. John......................391-4      Hinds, Elizabeth             ......................78-9

Harris, Thaddeus  Mason............. 3      Hinds, George ......................80, 83

Harrisburg, Pa., 200-1, 230; Swiss in, 285                                Hinds, George Nelson..................110

Harrison, William Henry, 26, 161, 297, 313                             Hinds, John, migrates to Ohio......78-83

Harrison Co., Ind.............114,  116-8    Hinds,                          John,        Jr ......................... 80

Harrison  Co.,  O  ......................375       Hinds,                          Robert     ........................78, 83

Hart, Albert Bushnell, cited........... 18   Hinds, Thomas ......................... 80

Hart,       B.    F .........................  25       Hip Sing   Tong ........................147

Hart,       F.     W       .........................228                                   Hippocrates.........................334,  351

Hart, Simeon  D.................... 25             Hirvi, William    .:.....................154

Hart  family   .......................  34            Historians  ...........................276-81

Harte, Bret ......................... 69  Historical and                          Philosophical Society

Harte,  Rufus    E........ . .......  24                                               Ohio,  244;      cited .................  6

Hartford, Conn....................320, 389     Historical Records Survey ........110, 242

Hartford Convention        . ...........55     History,                           Ohio    societies, 239-46;   re-

Hartvig,  Herman     ..................155                                          search,    242; local ................242

Harvard         .......................330, 388 "History                             of Ohio"................226, 231

Harvest Festival ....................140          Hitchcock, Dean    E. A  .........228, 305

Harvey,          William  ..................336-7                                  Hitler ..........................280,  312

Hassaurek,     Friederich  ..............105  Hitt,  D.,  cited .....................119

Hathaway, Pardon    ................. 65        Hobbies, cited ........................127

Haut Rhine     Department, Mennonites                                    Hobbs, Dr. W. A..........  ............357

in  .................................283   Hobby   fam ily  ................. ... 35

Hautale, Jacob    ......................150       Hochenedel, Charles A..................229


GENERAL INDEX                                        431


Hockett, Homer C......................292                                          Hutchinson, John              .           ............. 354

Hockhocking River .................... 3                                            Hydrastis   .                            ..................81

Hodgkinson, Elizabeth ............... 74                                              Hydrophone    .                  .....................355

Hoffman     ............................ 91                                                 Hyndman, Isabelle                 ...................   .32-3

Holden,      James        ..................... 25

Holden,      Joseph,      Jr................. 25                                       ile                        de  la  Cite ......................... 273

Holiday, John .......................117                                                Illinois, 6, 17, 90, 125, 163, 252, 266,

Holland, Lord Theodore .............. 73                                            280, 310; University, cited, 5, 119;

Holland, Mennonites in...............182                                             country   .......      ...............217

Holley, Horace    ....................267                                              Illinois River and Valley..........112, 119

Hollywood, Cal. ..............72, 228, 261                                       Illinois State Historical Library, cited,

Holmes, Oliver Wendell..........330, 366                                        53;   Collections ................... 411

Holmes Co., O., Swiss in, 283, 285, 287                                    Illiteracy.............................26     26

Holt, Henry and Co ..................306                                           Ilmajoki parish, Finland .............150

Holy Land ...............................80                                               Ilmonen, S., cited................150-1, 155

Homeopathic Medical College, Urbana,                                   Immigration        ...                       ....... .......104

O. ...................    ................343                                              Improved  Botanics          ..................325

Homeopathic Medical College of Penn-                                   Independence twp., Washington twp.,

sylvania  ...............................341                                                O., population study in, 11, 13-4, 17,

Homeopathic Society of Cincinnati....340           22, 28

Homeopathy.................330-46, 364, 383                                  India, 193; cholera in...............382

Homer ...      .........................  222                                              Indian       Creek   ....       .......112

Homestead, Penna ....................132                                          Indian       River City, Fla .............228

Hooker, Wellington ..................363                                           Indiana, 6, 17, 23, 27, 38, 90, 108, 113-4,

Hooper, Osman C., cited.............. 21                                            161, 163, 209, 247, 289, 298, 300, 374;

Hoosier .    ......................... 298-300                                             State Museum, 117; Historical Com-

Hoover, Pres. Herbert................311-2                                          mission, 245; Historical Bureau....296

Hopewell, tobacco pipes, 81; group of                                     Indiana Historial Society........117-8, 245

earthworks, 111-2, 114-6, 118, Plate                                     Indiana Historical Collections..........296

I.                                                                                              Indiana History Bulletin, cited, 119, 245

Hopital de la Charite ............270-1, 273                                     Indiana Territory, 52, 289; governor...297

Hopital de la Faculte.................271                                            Indianapolis, Ind.,...........  6, 58, 319

Hopital de la Pitie .....................271                                            Indians,  3-4, 18, 78-9, 91, 97, 100,

Hopital Necker .........................271                                                 107-9, 263, 302-3, 322, 401, 408, 410;

Hopital St. Antoine ...................271                                                 trouble  with, 28; Indian  war of

Hopkins, William    ....... ...............130                                          1791-5, 29; St. Clair's army butchered

Hoppess case .........................177-8                                              by, 43; Indian traders, 44; cruel atti-

Hornstone disks .......................120                                                tude of whites toward, 46; Indian

Horst, John R..........................229                                                  chants, 73; Ohio, 78-83; arts, 84-5;

Hosack, Dr. David......................338                                                trials, 218; missions, 296; tepees, 409

Hotel Dieu ...........................270-2                                              Industrial History    Society.......234

Houghton Mifflin Company ........217, 409                                Industrial   Mobilization    for    War,

Howard, Benjamin C., cited...........182                                         America.........................249-61

Howard, Horton.................324-5, 328                                      Industrial Revolution ..............185

Howard, Laura   ........................205                                         Ingersoll,  E.  P.................... 62

Howard, Richard I ...................... 365                                       Ingersoll, Sarah ................... 64

Howe, Henry, cited, 4-5, 10, 18, 21,                                         International Music Society......... 76

33, 150, 156, 158    Inventors, physicians as........ .315-21

Howell.   David   .....................3                                                Iowa, 17, 27, 163, 252; University,

Hoyt, Dr. Daniel O....................343                                              268; Mennonites in ...............285

Hubbard, Nathaniel ............: .......213                                       Ireland  and   Irish, 104, 193, 266; in

Hubbard, Nehemiah, Sr..............213                                             Washington Co., O., 16-7, 19-20, 24,

Hubbard, Nehemiah, Jr.............. 213-5                                         26, 30, 32, 37.

Hudson, Edward       .    ................388                                      Iroquois, 106-7, 398-9; trial......... 78

Hudson, O., Reserve Record, cited... 65                                  Irvin, Eleanor Ann..................268

Hudson Bay ........................192, 399                                         Irvin  Judge William     W.,........268-9

Hudson    River   .........................399                                        Isely, Bliss ........................102

Hughes Rupert, cited..........68, 70, 72-3                                   Isokyro  parish, Finland .............150

Hulbert, Archer Butler, cited........3, 10                                    Italy and Italians, 104; in Cleveland,

Hulce, James     ..........................157                                             129, 132, 136, 140, 144, 146, 257; so-

Huneker, James, cited.................. 70                                                          cieties ...........................137

Hungarian    Self Culture    Society......145

Hungarians, in Cleveland, 104, 129-30,

134, 140, 143-4; Catholic     churches,                                 Jackson, Andrew     ..................320

137;       literature   ........................146                                  Jackson     Co.,    Ind...................117

Hunt,         George      T.................106-8,  399                          Jacobinism          ........................49

Hunt, Dr. James G..............340, 344                                         James, AlfredP., cited ...........  7

Hunter,   John             ..........................387                                James,  Benjamin             ...................387

Hunter, William         ........................ 41                                   Jane, slave ,....................170-2, 183

Huntington, Samuel..........54, 170, 172                                       Japan and Japanese, 71, 79, 83, 255;

Hurd, John Codman, cited......164-5, 180                                     western penetration of..............186

Huron Co., O., Finns in..............157                                          Jarnefelt, Akseli, cited................153

Huss, Henry ........................... 70                                              Jay, John, secretary of foreign affairs, 47

Hutchins,   Thomas    ..................... 21                                      Jay,  William  .......................305




Jay-Gardoqui    negotiations   ............47                                    Kenton, O     .............................232

Jefferson, Thomas, 44, 50-2, 54, 56, 294-5                               Kentucky, 1, 14, 23, 48, 53, 90, 93, 113,

Jefferson  Co., Ind ......................118                                         160, 163, 165-6, 170, 173, 176, 178,

Jefferson Co., O. ..................318, 375                                       180-2, 193, 202, 264-6, 299, 304, 306-7,

Jefferson  Medical College ..............342                                   313, 393.

Jenkins, Elizabeth ......................229                                          Kentucky    Resolutions   ..........295

Jenks, Joseph .................... ...... 68                                              Kentucky River .................. ...52

Jenner, Edward     .......................337                                         Kenyon College        .................325

Jennings,   Isaac    ......................  66                                          Kepes   Vilaglap        ....................130

Jerusalem  ............................ 263                                                Kettering, Charles F .................306

Jessore, India, cholera in ..............378                                      Khan, Genghis .......................83

Jewish Independent ....................131                                         Kidnapping of slaves in Ohio.......160-84

Jewish       Review       and   Observer....... 131                          Kilbourne, Col. James. ................172

Jewish       W orld        .......................131                                   Killinen,  Nillo,  cited...............154

Jewit, Leonard            ......................369                                    King, Edward ...............216

Jews, 104; in Cleveland......137, 144, 148                                  King, John, M. D....................349

John, slave ...........       ......... 176                                               King, Margaret ....................196, 207

Johns, Alfred    .......................227                                             King, Rufus, 207, 216; cited .........163

Johns Hopkins University .............241                                       "King    Philip's  road"............ 78

Johnson, Alfred    .........    ......118                                             Kingsville, O., Finns in................156

Johnson, Arthur C., Sr., 224, 226, 230, 239                               Kinnunen, Alex.        ............154

Johnson, Eliza Jane...................166                                           Kinnunen, Mrs. E...................154

Johnson, Fred              ....................155                                      Kinsman,  0      .............  ........357

Johnson, Jacob      ...................150                                             Kiowa       ............................. 91

Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum         ..244                              Kipley, Liisa ..........................150-2

Jolliet  ............................ 102 Kippo,  Joseph   ..........................150

Jolly twp. Washington      Co.., O.,  pop-                                   Kirkollinen Kalenteri Vuodelle, cited,

ulation  study  of....11, 13-4, 17, 22, 28                                 ..............................155-6

Jones, Wharton           ...............181                                           Kivela, Jonas ..........................150

Jones case    .......  ,..............180                                                 Klamath    Falls, Ore....................229

Joopinoja, Salomon     ................158                                          Klatte, William    ....................72

Jordan, Philip         D.................261, 314                                    Klein, Burns O.................... 70

Jordan, Wayne      ....................110                                            Kline, Hamilton Memorial Fund......236

Jordan   Day          ........................141                                        Klippart Memorial Fund................238

Josephinum            College  ................105                                 Klock,  Fort               .......................398

Journal of Negro History, cited......168-9                                  Kluge, John               Peter ..............297-8

Journalism, medical ..................361-6                                       Knight, Edgar Wallace, cited, 185, 187-9

Joyce,       T.          A.,123;  cited ..........127                               Kniola,      M .   P........................131

Judaism     ..............................266                                               Knopf,      Alfred      A.........    .. . 403

Judd          family   .........................34-5                                     Knox,        Dr.   Robert ................361

Juerin,       Henry        F......................229                                  Kob,          W    alter         ....................306

Juettner, Otto, cited.........315, 317-8, 320                                 Koch, Raymond ................... 74

Jugoslavs, 104; in Cleveland..........135-6                                  Koecher, Leonard     .............389

Juneau   ...............................102                                                 Kohanyi,  E.  T ......................130

Jura Mts. ............................282-3                                              Kolehmainen, John I .............220

Justice,  Charles  ....................228                                             Kopf,        Dr.   ..........................188

Kopsala,   Antti         .........................150

Kalm,   Peter         ........................86                                          Kortesmaki,      Matti        ......................152

Kammeter,            Maria  ..................285                                  Kossuth     .................................205

Kanawha Court House..................175                                      Kotila, Jacob   ...........................150

Kanawha Valley, 202; cholera in.....382                                  Kotka, Kalle ..........................150-2

Kansas ................................126                                                 Kramer, Howard D................268, 275

Kansas Medical Society, Journal, cited.360                            Kratt, Dean Theodore.................. 74

Karhunen, Johan .......................155                                          Kraus, Mrs. William...................232

Kari, Antti ...........................150                                                Krauss, Miss Bertha...................232

Karstulasta, Iso Antti.................154                                          Krigsman, A        .........................150

Kaskaskia .............................410-1                                           Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paulus.89, 143

Katila,      John      .........................154                                       Ku   Klux  Klan ..........................299

Katila,      Niilo     ........................154                                        Kujala,      Kustaa,    cited ................156

Kaukonen, Jacob .................. 150, 151-2                                 Kukilla, Herman       ..................154

Kaura,   Kusti  ........................154                                            Kundtz,  Theodore   ..................130

Kear, Mrs. W. H......................228

Kelley, Edgar Stillman, composer ...68-77                               Laennec, Rene      Theodore    Hyaccinthe

Kelley,  H iram          Edgar .............. 68                                  ..................................354,  356-7

Kelley, Jessie             Stillman, 72-5; degrees                           Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves

confered upon..................... 76                                              Gilbert Motier, Marquis de..........223

Kelley, Mary Clarinda  (Bingham).... 68                                  Lahti, Matti .........................154

Kelly, Howard Atwood, cited, 315, 318,                                  Laituri, Antti ...................158

320-1                                                                                      Lake   Co., O., Finns  in........157

Kemeny, George ......................130                                          Lake of the Woods .................118

Kemper Military School .............220                                        Lamu, John     .....................154

Kennebec Purchase ...................30                                          Lancaster, O., 229, 268-9, 324; Gazette

Kent   State  University.............246                                          cited  ...........................268


GENERAL INDEX                                          433


Lancaster, Penna. .....................409                                Literary   and  Botanico-Medical Insti-

Lancaster Co., Pa.......................18                                  tute of Ohio, 325

Lancaster Medical Institute ...........372                           Lithic Laboratory of the Eastern U.

Lancet-Clinic, cited..............373, 375                              S. 111, 114, 117-8, 121, 123, 125-6, 220

Landon, Alfred M................... .... 2                                 Lithuanians in                       Cleveland... .129, 137, 143

Lane, Wheaton J ......................218-9                             Little, Peyton                         Lewis...................292

Lane Theological Seminary ............                                          Little, William            B.......................25

.......................162,  185,  304-5                                   Little  Beaver                        River .....................  92

Langnau, Switzerland, Mennonites                                           Little Big Horn........................91

in .............................284, 286                                       Little Indian Congregation..............298

Language, efforts     of   immigrants    to                                  Little Miami Railroad................380

maintain, 135; schools, 136-8; prob-                                     Liverpool ..........................274

lem  of ............... .............149                                      Livingston, Edward              .................274

Lankila, John    ......................150-1                                Livingston, Frank                  A ............221, 275-6

Lapham, Increase      Allen, cited......119                      Livingston, Mrs. Frank A.............221

Lapwai, Ore. ...........................296                                  Local History                        Conference ...........245

Larsen, Arthur J., cited................245                             Locke, Hannah                     Pussell ............315

Larwill Papers .........................247                                 Locke, Dr. John, 315-8, 352; cited 360

Laryngoscope    ................ .......351                                           Locke, Samuel Barron................315

La  Salle  .........................102, 298                                             Logan   Co., O  .....................367

Latimer, Hannah      (Burnham) ..........214                    London, Eng., 41, 72, 74, 84, 274, 340,

Latin...........................100,333, 337                                 350, 356, 362, 386, 389; cholera in ....378

Laurens, Fort .......................236                                     London, O .......................229, 311

Lautenklos, Margaret E........       229                             Long, Laura ..........................217-8

Lawrence twp., Washington Co., O.,                                        Long   Acre....................... 360

population study of, 11, 13-4, 17, 22, 25, 28                Longotham, B. T.................. .387

Lawson, L. M., 318, 355-6, 358; cited, 360                    Longmans, Green and Co............216-7

Lawwill, J. Richard        .......... 248                                Longuemare, Leon, cited.............269

League of Nations...........                                                290     Longworth, Jo ....................207

League of Five Nations ............                                      399     Longworth, Mrs. Nicholas...........196

Leavitt, Joshua .....................304-5                                 Longworth, Dr. Rives Landon........320

Lebanon, O., 342, 370; cholera      in, 382                     Longworth  family   ...................406

Ledbetter, Eleanor E., cited ..........136                           Longsworth, Mrs. Harry B........221, 241

Ledochowski, Napoleon       ........... 69                          Lorain   Co., O., Finns in..............157

Leebrick, Dr. K. C .................... 246                              Lord, Abner     ................. 171-2

Leeder, Joseph A ......................92-3                              Loren, the City of Peace      ....266

Le Flore  Co., Okla ................122                                   Loring, D. W ...................... 25

Left Hand .............................92

Los Angeles  ........................... 98

Leipsic, 337, 346; University ........336                           Lossing, Benson John, cited............4

Le Mayeur, Joseph .................. 387                                          Louis,  Pierre Charles Alexandre 353,

Lesvitt, Judge Humphrey  Howe.... .. 183                      355, 357

Levette, W. H.......................117                                     Louisburg, N. C..................  202

Lewellen, D. E ...................... 117                                  355, 357

Louisburg, Nova Scotia .................... 41

Lewis, Dr. J. M.......................356                                             Louisiana, 14, 90; Purchase............102

Lewis, John    .......................... 175                                           Louisville, Ky., 191, 211, 362, 390-1,

Lewis, Samuel .... ....................189                                 393; Dr. Drake in........195-6, 202, 205

Lexington, Ky...........267, 316, 390, 395                         Louisvile    Journal   of   Medicine                              and

Liberator ................................162                                    Surgery                                                                                    364

Liberty   Party ..............  162-3, 305                               Louisville Medical Institute .                                       191

Liberty twp.,  Washington Co., O., pop-                                   Loveland, O.......................375

ulation study of .......11, 13-4, 17, 22, 28                     Lower Ten Mile Presbyterian Church..263

Library of Congress, see U. S.                                                  Lucas Co., O., Swiss in................286

Library of Health, cited................     63                          Luckenbach, Abraham ................. 297-8

Library Services Project...............235                            Luckey, Dr. William N.........    268

Lichtenau   .............................    297                               Ludlow Line.........................10

Liebovitz, H. A., cited ............130, 146                          Ludlow   twp., Washington Co., O., pop-

Lief, Alfred ...........................290                                              ulation study of.......11, 13-4, 17, 22, 28

Lieser, C. E., cited ....................243                                Lugenbuhl family.................283, 286-7

Ligonier, Fort .......................... 41                                   Lundberg, A. F .........................158

Ligonier Valley ......................41, 51                              Lundy, Benjamin..............160, 239 267

Lima, Ohio  .............  ........ .221, 244                              Luther   .............................277,  281

Limerick, Ire., cholera in............... 378                          Luxembourg  Gardens ..................269

Lincoln, Abraham .............260, 281, 298                       Lyme, Conn............................213

Lincoln, Neb.    ..........................290

Lincoln twp., St. Joseph Co., Ind ....l18                                     McAllister, Anna Shannon.............216

Lindley, Harlow     ...221, 227, 245, 247, 276                McAllister, J. Gilbert, cited........115, 119

Lindley, Mrs. Harlow..................221                              McClellan, C. M. S.....................71

"Linear  Mensurator"      .................318                         McClintock, William      T.................240

Lippincott, J. B., Company ............407                           McClure, David ........................3, 20

Lisbon Historical Society..............239                            McClure family ......................... 20

Lister, Joseph           ......................   337                         McCook, Neb...........................291

Liszt Society             Festival .................. 73                   McCulloch v. Maryland case...........294




McCutchan family  .......................232                        Marion Co.,  O  ...........................175

McDonald ...............................398                              Marjapori, John E .....................150

McDougall, Marion Gleason........167, 170                 Markanda twp., Jackson Co., Ill......117

McDowell, Edward ................. 68, 70-1                     Markkoo, Jacob ......................150-1

McDowell, Irvin .........................  2                                            Marne ............................250

M'Dowell, John........................ 369                             Marquette ..........................102

McEvers, N. D.........................113                              Marshall, John......................294

McGrane, R. C., cited .................. 5                            Marshall, Thomas Riley..............308-9

McGreedy, James...................-263, 265                     Martin, Thomas S., cited............256

McGuffey,     Alexander    Hamilton     and                             Maryland, 4, 14, 20, 23, 27, 30, 37, 87,

family; Elizabeth ("Dove"), his wife,                                        160, 324; University ............389, 394

Charles, Anna, Frederick, Alice, their                                  Mason, J. Alden, 123; cited .......127

children  ...........................191-212                          Mason, Dr. James M..................364

McGuffey, Henrietta..........          204                         Mason, Hon. John Y.........................316

McGuffey,     William    Holmes,       204;                                Mason, Otis Tufton, cited...........119

Readers ...........................193                                   Mason, Sen. Stevens Thomson........52-3

McGuffey     family.................. 20                              Mason, William         ...............25, 71

McIntosh, William     W ...............25                          Mason and  Dixon     line................. 4

MacKaye, Percy, cited................. 72                          Mason Co., Ky. ...................166, 173

MacKaye, Steele, cited .............. 72                           Massachusetts, 1-7, 10-1, 20-1, 27,30, 32,

McKee family      ............  20 .....                                                  45, 160, 163, 252, 328, 330, 363, 398, 407

Mackinac, cholera in .........                                         379        Massie   D.  M.,   cited ......54

Mackinaw    .........................204

McKinley campaigns..................400                                         Massie, Nathaniel........... 26 49, 54

McLean, John, cited ...........176, 181, 183                                Mathewites    .....................104

McLeland  family..................... 20                              Mathews, Alfred........................ 30

McMillan, James ..................48, 52                             Mathews, John.......................1

McMillan, John ........... ........265, 267                         Mathews, Lois Kimball, cited......13, 28

Macmillan    Co ....98, 292, 307, 311, 398, 408           Matilda, slave, 174; case..........178

McMinn, John H                 .....102, 110                      Mattson  Isaac.........................154

M'Nemar, Richard.....................266                            Maugham, Somerset.................95

McNiff, Dr ........................300-1                                Maumee Valley Historical Conference. 247

Macon, Nathaniel .................    54                              Maunula, Emanuel .....................150

McPherson, at Fremont.................82                           Maurice, F., cited.............260

Macy, Jesse, cited ................162-3                             Maury, Lieutenant      Charles.....316

Mad River ........................  411                                                                         May, Col. John, 1, 4, 20; cited......3, 40

Mad River & Lake Erie Railroad....                            380            Maya   .........................123

Mad River Valley Association......                              396        Mayer, Ruth C        .   ....... 96

Madison, Harold L     ............. 96-67 Mayfield Road, Cleveland ...............140

Madison, James ..................... 56                                 Mayflower                  .......................73

Madison, Ind., cholera in ..........382                            Mayo     ...........................334

Madison, O .........................391, 393                           Medical and Physical Sciences, cited...46

Madison, Wis .......................118                                 Medical Association of Adams, Brown

Magly, Mr. and Mrs. R. W .........  228                                      & Clermont .........................372-3

"Magnetic Clock"               ............. 316-7                  Medical Censors ......................391

Magpie ...........                    .............91-2                     Medical College     of Ohio, 316, 318-9,

Magyar cowboys .....................140                                           351, 355, 391, 396

Mahan, Asa, 58-9, 61, 304; cited....249                      "The Medical Conventions of Ohio"...371

Mahan, John B.......................176                                Medical history    of Ohio............315-97

Mahoning Co., O., 373; Finns in, 154, 157                  Medical     instruments   used   in   Ohio,

Maine ........................10-1, 14, 27, 30                                       1835-58        ........................347-60

Major, Dr. Ralph H., 347; cited .....360                       Medical journals, Ohio.........      361-6

Maki, Thomas ........................158                               Medical organizations, Ohio .........367-77

Maki, William      ...............156, 158                           Medical     Society   of Ohio, Thirteenth

Malthus  .............................105                                                  District         of ...........................269

Manchester, Eng .......................358                            Medina Co., O., Finns in.............157

Mannerkorpi, Kalle H., cited.151-4, 156, 158            Mediterranean areas, cholera in........382

Mansfield, O., 83, 247, 375; Herald,                                         Meigs, Return Jonathan, Sr.............3       3

cited  ..............................375                                    M eigs,  Return  Jonathan,  Jr............. 2

Manter, Dr. H. N ......................342                             Meigs County Medical Association....372

Manty, Mikko ...: .................... 154                              Meissen, Germany ......................332

M anuscript   Society................. 70                              Meissner,  Otto...........................  73

March, General Peyton C., cited.......258                    Melish, John, cited.................... 1

Marcus, John..... ....................150                                Melton, Celestia E., cited..............133

Marey, Etienne Jules .................353                            Mendelssohn    ..........................68

Marietta, O., 160, 170-2, 244, 368; pop-                                   Menno, Simons..........................282

ulation study of, 1-6, 10-2, 14, 17-22,                                    Mennonites, 282-8, 314; Reformed......287

24-5, 27, 29-30, 32-3, 35-6, 37-40; Home                             Merriam, F. W.......................... 69

News, cited, 30; College, 36, 110; ar-                                    Merrick, Dr. Myra .....................346

rival of St. Clair at, 43; potential                                            Methodists ....................263, 266, 278

capital of eastern division, 53; Rufus                                     Mexican War..........................210

Putnam at .....................213-5, 229                           Mexico, 162, 252; Gulf of............... 81

Marion, O......................   110, 175, 228                      Miami, Fla...............................261


GENERAL INDEX                                         435


Miami University, 261, 265, 314; Sym-                                     Moltke, General von ...............256

phony   ............................74                                                   Monongahela River..................... 15

Miami Valley Medical Society..........375                                  Monroe Co., O..................11, 20, 202

Miamis ................................108-9                                              Monroe twp., Clark Co., Ind...........117

Michie,  P.  S.,  cited.....................249                                        Montezuma,  Ill........................113-4

Michigan, 2, 17, 38, 118, 120, 163, 247,                                    Montreal, 41, 204, 379, 389-90; cholera

297, 304, 330; Finns in, 151, 152; Uni-                                   in           ..............................378

versity  ........................... 220                                                 Mooney,      P.F............................227

Michilimackinac    ....................401-2                                       Moore, Rev. Dr ........................152

Microscopic compass.....................316                                      Moore, Frank, cited.................. 43

Middle States, 7-9, 12-3, 22, 24, 27, 31;                                    Moorehead, Warren King, cited, 111-2,

cited  ................... .........  33                                                    115,  119.

Middle West, 96, 217, 220, 261, 327, 397;                                 Moral Advocate.......................267

cholera  in .......................  383                                               Moral  Reformer .........................  60

Middlebrook, Augusta Co., Va..........232                                  Moravians, 160, 296-8; Indians ......297-8

Middlesex Co., Conn....................214                                        Morehead, James T...................180-1

Middleton,  J.  D ....................117                                              Morgagni  .........      ............... .360

Middletown, Conn.....................213-5                                        Morgan, General Daniel.............101

Middletown,      O........................342                                         Morgan.  Lewis H.......................106

Midland    Medical Society    of Fayette                                    Morgan, R. G., 121, 224-6; cited, 113, 119

and Adjoining Counties ...............376;                                   Morgan, House of...................259

Midway Pleasance...................... 72                                          Morgan Co.,   ....................... 11

Mifflin, Thomas ....................... .  49                                          Morgue   ..............................273

Mihaly, P., cited ........................130                                           Mormons and  Mormonism, 269, 265,

Milan, O.................................247                                               301,       322

Miles, Charles...........................324                                            Morris          .............................  56

Milkowski, Count Thaddeus ............143                                    Morris, Gov. of Penna .................86

"Millenial Church"...................... 50                                           Morris, Harold ....................... 73

Miller,       Charles     G ........................220                               Morris,  Thomas ..................  ...181

Miller,       Oscar        F                                                               .........................248             Morrow ,         Dr...........................341

Miller,       Herbert     A.,  cited ...............135                            Morse   .................................321

Miller,       James        M                                                              ....................261, 314          Morse,             Col.  John  F ..................164

Miller, John.............................222                                              Morse family.................... ..... 35

Miller,       Leo...........................  73                                           Moscow,   cholera   in.....................378

Miller,       Lewis ....................... 262                                          Moser family .......................2??3, 286

Miller, R. T .............................118                                             Mott, Dr. Valentine.     ....    ......338

Millerite            . ........................... 266                                      Mound-builders  .................... 225,  406

Millersport,       O.     .......................229                                    Mt.        Gilead,    O ..... .... .. ....... .... .83

Mills,  Dr.  E .    C..........  ....... .228                                             Mt.        Pleasant, Mich......................  94

Mills, Edward D ........................412                                          Mt. Pleasant         O ..................229, 267

Mills,         James        ....................... 386                                   Mueller,       C.     C...........................  70

Mills,         John ........................  25                                            Mueller,       Jacob...........................129

Milwaukee Public Museum.............118                                     Muller, Elizabeth   ................286

Minnesota, Finns in ...................151-2                                       Munitions Board. see U.S.

Minnesota  History,   cited...............245                                     Munroe,  O  ........................ 391

Mississinewa .........................108                                               Murdoch, Florence ............          229

Mississippi, 14, 410-1; Governor...   327                                   Muscle Shoals ...........................290

Mississippi River and Valley, 47, 101-2,                                   Museum       Echoes ......................230-1

108, 120, 192, 194, 266, 327, 380, 399,                                 Museum       of  the   American    Indians,

409                                                                                          cited             ..................................126

Mississippi    Valley    Association    of                                     Museums, in Ohio .....................244

Dental Surgeons................... 396                                           Musical Courier, cited.................. 70

Mississippi Valley Historical Associa-                                      Musical Quarterly, cited................ 70

tion, cited.......................58, 230                                             Muskingum River and Valley, 1, 3, 11.

Mississippi Valley Historical Review.                                        19, 31, 36, 160, 298

cited ..........................2, 7, 59-60                                            Muskingum  Valley   District  Medical

Mississippi Valley Press........... 300, 308                                   Society .......................376

Missouri, 174, 192, 405; Swiss in ...285                                     Mussolini's African adventure ........145

Missouri Historical Society, cited..113, 119

Missouri   River  .................14, 90, 102                                     Napoleon.......................276,   283,  287

Mitchell,   Col.......................... 182                                            Nassau.        Fort....:........................107

Mitchell,           slave ......................175                                     National               Archaeological Institute,

Mitchell,   John .........................150                                           Cleveland    branch ......................240

Mitchell, Robert........................369                                           National Archives, see U. S.

Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir ..................359                                        National Broadcasting Company........75

Mitchell, Samuel L                     .331                                         National Defense Act of 1916, 251, 253,

Mobilization for war, industrial ...... 249-61                              255; of 1920 ..........................260

Moccasin    Trail............... ........83                                            National Dental Association ............395

Moehlenpah, Carl.......................229                                          National Federation of Music Clubs, 73, 75

Moffitt, James W., cited .............245                                        National Geographic Magazine, cited..127

Mohammedanism         ................266                                        National Institute of Arts and Letters. 76

Mohawk Valley .....................330, 398                                     National Intelligencer ...................316

Mohawks ............................79, 107                                           National Observatory, see U. S.




National Park Service, see U. S.                                                Niles, O., Finns in ...................150

National  Road .......................225                                              Noble  Co.,   ............4,  11,  15,  30

National Soldier's Home........ ......253                                        Nonnenmacher, William  J......... 224, 229

National Youth Administration ........225                                   Noon, Paul A. T........................232

Nature's Own Book, cited...........62, 64                                      Norfolk (Conn.) Festival of Music...... 73

Navajos, crafts......................  85                                               Norfolk,Va...........................269

Naval   Asylum  ......................274                                             Norman,Okla..........................110

Naval Conference of 1930..............311                                    Norman-French      ..................... 403

Nazareth,  Pa.........................296                                               Norman-Scot    .......................                                                                                                                                           41

Nazi .................................279                                                    Norris, Senator George W......                                    .......290

Near  East,  cholera  in........378,  382                                       North   .......................192,                                           303-4

Nebraska .............................291                                                North America, see America.

Neerlandia ...........................147                                                North American Schweitzer Bund. .......146

Negroes, 14, 26-8, 34-6, 155; fugitives                                     North Carolina........14, 27, 43, 160, 168

from                                                                                        slavery, and   law  cases con-                                     North Central Ohio Medical Society....375

cerning,       .....................160-84                                            Northampton     Co.,  Pa..............339

Nelson, Nels C.....................117-8                                             Northeastern Ohio Medical Association..376

Neteler, Anna .......................113                                               Northern Indiana Historical Society....118

Neuenschwander family..............283-7                                    Northern Ohio Dental Association ..........396

Nevilles ............................101                                                    Northern           Ohio District Medical So-

New Brunswick  .....................  17                                             ciety        .................................376

New   England, 68, 160, 168, 219, 258,                                     Northwest ....................... 313, 408

262, 267, 295, 300, 322, 324-6, 362-3,                                  Northwest Coast Indians .............84-5

400; in Washington Co., O., 1-11, 13,                                    Northwest Territory, 178, 240-1, 289,

18-9, 21-40, 47; Indians...........399                                        406, 408; under St. Clair, 2, 38, 43-6,

New    Hampshire....10-1, 27, 30, 323, 325                               50, 55.

New    Haven, Conn.....................346                                        Northwestern    Ohio  Medical Associa-

New International Encyclopedia, cited. 68                                tion  ................... ..........374

New Jersey, 5, 7, 12-3, 23, 26-8, 30,                                         Norwalk, O.......................342, 345

34, 37, 86, 96, 214, 219, 324; transpor-                                  Norwegians, in Cleveland.............141

tation  in  .......................218                                                   Norwich, Conn........................214

New Lexington, O  ....................  4                                            Notre Dame Cathedral..........  ...270, 273

"New    Light"........................266                                               Nova Scotia ...................17, 28, 37

New London, Conn., Swiss in.......... 284                                   Nowak, W. J., cited......... ....131, 137

New Orleans, 1, 101, 317, 390; cholera                                    Nutting, Dr. Wallace......... ........240

in  ...............................379                                                       Nye, A. T .......................  25

New Pekin,  Ind.....................118                                               Nye,        Arius ........................23-5

New River ..........................202                                                 Nye,        Dudley                                                          S...................  24

New Schoenbrunn.....................297                                           Nye, Ichabod, cited ................3, 18

New Vienna,    .....................228                                               Nye,  William   S...................  24

New York, City and State, 45, 59, 61,

70-1, 75, 77, 86, 107, 192, 200, 216,                                      Oakland, Calf .......................229

218-9, 226, 229, 261-2, 300, 304-5, 324,                               Oberlin, O., 110, 170, 175, 228, 305;

326, 330-2, 340-1, 343-4, 346, 352, 361,                               Grahamism     and   reform   at 58-67;

389-90, 394, 400, 408-9; in Washing-                                   Evangelist, cited, 66; College, 162,

ton Co., O., 4, 12-3, 23-5, 27-30, 34,                                     228, 305.

37; Tribune, 5; Evangelist, 61; Uni-                                       Oberlin   Female   Moral Reform       So-

versity, 72; festival, 74; Herald-Trib-                                     ciety, cited . ..................59, 60

une,   75; World's    Fair, 225, 231;                                         Oberlin   Physiological Society ..... 61

Times, 309; Commercial, 352; chol-                                       Occupations in Washington Co., O... 22-3

era in, 378-9, 381; Swiss in, 283-4;                                        Octagon, State Memorial .............225

Chronicle, 386; Weekly Journal, 386                                    Ogden, George W..................... . 2

New York Academy of Medicine ......338                                Ogg's Old Northwest. cited............100

New York Central Railroad............150                                     Oglesbee, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence...... 229

New York Historical Society Collec-                                        Ohio, 43, 90-1, 95-7, 101, 105, 124, 193,

tions, cited....................... 43                                                   217, 225, 230, 232-3, 240, 247, 263-4, 275,

Newark, N. J..........................125                                              289-90, 297-8, 305, 314, 400, 403; pop-

Newark, O .......................342, 396                                            ulation study, 2, 3, 5-10, 12, 14-5, 18,

Newcomerstown, O., 240; News, cited.. 243                             20-3, 25-33, 36, 38-40; Jeffersonian

Newcomerstown Historical Society.. 239-40                            democracy in, 44; State Library 45,

Newport twp., Washington        Co., O.,                                    52, 232; people of, 48; militia ap-

population study in, 10-1, 134, 17, 22,                                    pointments in, 49; statehood for, 50;

25, 28-9, 31, 37.                                                                      State University, 53, 110, 221, 226-8,

Newspapers,    foreign,   in  Cleveland,                                     248, 276, 305-6, 314; victorious Dem-

129-34; indexing, 233; microfilming..233-4                           ocrats from, 56; founding of Oberlin

Newton, Stephen........................ 25                                            College   in,   58;   Stillman  Kelley

Newton, W. S........................... 25                                              among outstanding men of, 68; wil-

Niagara .................................20                                                 derness of, 78; Hinds family settled

Niagara Falls, N. Y ................395, 398                                      in, 83; Legislature, 136; Finns in,

Nicaragua ...............................314                                             150-9; fugitive slave cases in, 160-84;

Nicolet  ................................102                                                 Statutes    cited,  165,  167,  186;  Su-

Niebla, Spain ...........................311                                             preme Court, 170, 173-4, 177, 179-80;

Niemeyer, Paul..........................355                                           General Assembly 185, 239, 341, 368,


GENERAL INDEX                                       437


370-1, 395; education in, 185-90; trans-                                Ohio Writer's Project .................235

portation, 219; Soil Conservation                                           Oklahoma, 121, 123-5; University, 110,

Service, 225; State Fair, 225; Adju-                                          122.

tant-general's records, 234; Archives,                                  Oklahoma Historical Society ..........245

234; Board of Public Works, 234;                                          Oklahoma State Archaeological Society.122

executive records, 234; Finance Com-                                  Old Northwest, see Northwest.

mittee,  239;  historical  societies  in,                                     Old  World  ..............................105

241-6; museums  in, 244; country,                                         Olentangy River ....................78, 83

267; medical history of, 315-97; physi-                                 Oliphant, Mrs. ..........................201

cians,  315-21;  Thomsonianism     in,                                    Olive twp., Noble Co., 0. .............                                30

322-31; Homeopathy in, 332-46; early                                  Oliver, Colonel Robert.................                                 20

medical instruments in, 347-60; med-          Olney Family .........................28, 35

ical journals in, 361-6; medical or-                                        Omaha, Neb ..........................230

ganizations in. 367-77; Laws, cited,                                       On Leong Tong .........................147

369-70; Constitution, 374; cholera in,                                    Onondagas ..............................107

378-85; dentistry  in............391, 395-7                                  Ontario, 247; Mennonites in..........286

Ohio Academy of History, 248; ninth                                        Ophthalmoscope    ........................351

annualmeeting........................ 221                                         Orange,  Fort  ...........................399

Ohio      Academy    of Science, Commit-                                Oratorio Society of New York.......... 74

tee on Publications ....................226                                       Ordinance   of 1785, 10; of 1787, 43,

Ohio Anti-Slavery   Society ..............305                                  55, 178, 181.

Ohio   Belle  (steamer) ..................177                                      Oregon, country, 102; mission..........296

Ohio Canal .............................382                                              Organic Act of Feb. 14, 1903..........251

Ohio College of Dental Surgery, 318,                                       Oriental melodies .....................70-2

392,  395.                                                                                Orjale,  John  ...........................150

Ohio Company of Associates, 1-3, 5-7,                                     Orvis, W. B............................65

10-2, 14, 17, 19-22, 27-9, 36; purchase,                                Osborne, Jonathan ......................348

4, 38.                                                                                       Oshawa, Ontario    .......................351

Ohio Federated Music Clubs ........... 73                                     Osler, Sir William .....................336

Ohio Genealogical Quarterly ............221                                 Otis, Harrison Gray..................2, 28

Ohio Historical Collections .............. 110                                  Otis, Sarah   (Dyar)..................... 28

Ohio Historical Records Survey........235                                  Otthon ..................................130

Ohio   History  Conference, 315; Pro-                                       "Our House" Museum, Gallipolis, 0..244

ceedings ............................221-88                                          Overman, William     D., 224-5, 227, 246,

Ohio Medical and Surgical Journal,                                             248, 412.

349, 352, 354, 364-6; cited .............360                                 Owen, Robert ........................298-9

Ohio Medical College ................ 268, 271                                Owens, Dr. William...................342

"Ohio Medical Convention" ............. 368                                  Owl River Trail........................83

Ohio Medical Repository ...............364                                     Oxford, 0., 314; Press, cited ..........75

Ohio Music Teachers' Association.... 73

Ohio Newspaper Index ..................235                                     Pacific Coast .......................... 98

Ohio       Public Health    Association ..... .412                           Pacific      Squadron   ......................274

Ohio       Reports,  cited....................174                                    Page,        Clifford  .......................... 73

Ohio River and Valley, 1, 3, 7-8, 10-1,                                     Paige Tube Mill ........................155

13, 15, 18, 21, 26, 28, 31, 86, 90, 98,                                     Paimen Sanoma, cited..................156

162, 166, 168-9, 171, 173, 178, 191,                                      Painesville, 0., 343; Daily Republican,

201, 207, 261, 299, 302, 327, 339, 380;                                     cited, 153, 159; Telegraph, cited, 156,

cholera in.........................379, 383                                         159;  Telegraph    Republican,   cited,

Ohio  State Archaeological and His-                                             154, 156.

torical Quarterly, 230-1, 246, 275,                                        Palais Royal ............................271

411-2; cited, 10, 18, 21, 54, 120, 128,                                    Palestine.......................144,  207,  209

166, 220, 276, 314, 367.         Palmer, Alonzo B., M. D..............366

Ohio State Archaeological and Histor-                                     Palmer, Colonel Frederick, cited ......255-6

ical  Society, 121, 128; Library, 1,                                         Palmer twp., Washington Co., O ...... 11

231-5; Publications, 110; Museum,                                        Pandora, O., Swiss in ..............284, 286

111, 220, 224-9, 247-8, 261, 275-6; Fifty-                             Paris, 337, 340, 356, 363, 387; Dr.

fourth Annual Meeting of, 221, 224-                                        Wolfley in, 268-75; Mennonites in..284

48;  Committee               on     Archives    and                       Park. Robert E., cited............129, 132-3

Medical History             of, 221, 275, 315,                            Parker, Charlotte M., cited ............155

412; Museum director's report, 224-7;                                   Parker, Horatio .......................68, 72

Museum accessions, 227-9; secretary's                                 Parkman, Francis ......................106

report, 230-5;  treasurer's  report,                                          Parmly, Eleazar .................387, 389-91

235-8; Board of Trustees, 239, 246;                                      Parmly, Levi S .........................90

Nominating Committee ...............239                                     Parochial schools ....................135-7

Ohio State Dental Society, 412; Trans-                                     Parris  case....................177, 182-4

actions, 397; Journal ..................397                                     Parrott, John .......................... 69

Ohio State Journal of Dental Science.397                                Parsons, General Samuel Holden, 2, 43, 370

Ohio State Medical Association ....368, 377                              Parsons family ......................... 2

Ohio State Medical Journal, 412; cited.374                              Pasteur, Louis ..........................337

Ohio State Medical Society, 362, 368,                                       Paterson, Robert G ...............367, 412

371-3, 376; cited ................. 374-5                                        Patterson, cited ........................268

Ohio University  .......................265                                           Patton,      Fred  ............................  74

Ohio Valley Historical Series ........191                                     Patton, Ottis ...........................74




Paul of Egina ..........................351       west-bound immigrants, 28, 98, 100-1,

Payne, John Howard...          ............... 70                                   201; Volksblatt, 129; Finns in, 153,

Payne, Julius A        .  ............... 25      156; Swiss in, 285; cholera in, 370.

Peck, C. E., cited.......................252     Pittsburgh  and Conneaut Dock Com-

eck, John   Mason.......................267    pany  ...................................158

Peck, Dr. William......................340     Pittsburgh, Youngstown      and   Paines-

Peekskill, N. Y.........................390      ville  Railroad                 .......................154

Peeler  Creek       ............................118                                       Plainfield,         N .    J ........................262

Peithman, Irvin    ...................117, 229                                        Plains       area ............................. 85

Pellinen, Erkki     .........................155  Plantou,                           Dr.                    ............................391

Peltola, Antti .....................151, 153     Pleximeter .......................354-5, 359

Penn, Gov. John ...................41-2, 46  Plumb, Mrs. C. S .....................229

Penn, William     .........................282   Plumb, Helen G........................229

Penn Publishing Co..................... 97     Plymouth, O. ..........................339

Pennsylvania, 3-7, 12, 14-6, 18, 20, 23-4,                                  Poe, Edgar Allan ..................71, 75-6

26-30, 34-8, 41-2, 44, 46, 49, 86-7, 96-7,                               Pohto, Mikko ...........................154

101, 160, 163, 168, 200, 209-11, 229,                                    Point Pleasant, Battle of..............302

263, 267, 297, 300, 322, 324, 330, 430;                                  Poles and Poland, 104; in Cleveland,

Council, 43; Constitution, cited, 46;                                        129, 134-6, 143-4; Prussian, 185.

University Museum, 123; Finns in,  Polish National Alliance .......... 137, 146

151; Dutch, 160, 326; Swiss in, 282;                                       Political Science Quarterly, cited....... 46

University, 318, 351.                       Polk twp., Washington Co., Ind........118

Pennsylvania Archives, cited............ 15                                    Pomeroy, O.    ............................342

Pennsylvania case ..................180, 184                                     Pompeii .................................351

Pennsylvania Colonial Records, cited.. 43                                 Pontiac's Conspiracy ..............303, 410

Pennsylvania Federation of Historical                                       Pope, John .............................. 2

Societies  ..............................230    Pope,  N athaniel  ........................411

Pennsylvania Historical Society........ 86                                    Population   study of Washington Co.,

Pension Bureau, see U. S.                   O.   ...................................1-40

Peoria, Okla. ......................122, 229  Porkula, Joseph    ...... ...............150-2

Percussion hammer ....................355  Portage Co., O., 326, 373; Finns in ....157

Pere  Lachaise   ..........................273  Porter,  Amos,  Jr....................... 30

Perkinism   ...............................330     Porter, Eugene O............... 99, 108-10

Perkins, Eliphas .......................369     Porter   Co., Ind .......................115

Perkins, James H .....................267     Portland, Me. ........................ .316

Perrot,       Nicholas   ........................107                                    Portland,  Ore. ........................  75

Perry         Co., 0        ............................  4                                  Porto        Praya        ............................275

Perrysburg, O.    .........................170  Portsmouth, N. H. 323; cholera in. 379

Pershing, General John J., cited ........257                                 Portuguese ..............................104

Peru   ....................................108        Potawatomis     .      . ................. 108

Peter, Sarah Worthington King........216                                    Potomac Valley, cholera in ...........382

Peter,        W      illiam         ........................216                         Pottery     .......... ......................95-6

Peters,      M rs.  ............................209                                       Potti,         Charles     ..........................156

Peters, Bernard, cited................. 18   Poutto, Esa                                      ...........................154

Pfeifer, Madame      ......................207                                      Powell, John     .        .    .................. 222

Philadelphia, 43, 45, 201, 218-9, 274,                                       Power, James .........................267

332, 336, 339, 350, 358; cholera in,                                      Powhatan    ............................   106

379, 386, 395; British consul at, 216.                                     Practical Dentist .......................397

Philadelphia    Medical    and   Surgical                                   Preble   Co., O.................. ..      .374

Journal ................................352     Preble County    Medical Society ........372.

Philadelphia School of Design..........216                                   Prentice-Hall ............................163

Philanthropist ....................162, 304-5                                       Presbyterianism............20, 26, 263, 266-7

Philbrick, Francis S ...................411  "The   President and                       Fellows of the

Phillips, Josephine E., cited........1, 3, 36                                    Medical   Society     of the    State  of

Phoenix   Iron           W orks....................152                            Ohio"       .................................369

Physicians, in     Ohio..................315-21                                   Preston, E. Delorous, cited ..........168-70

Physicians and Surgeons College, New                                    Price, Dr  ..............................340

York  ................... ................343    Prigg  case                     ....................167,  180,  184

Physiological reform at Oberlin....58, 67                                  Prince Edward Island................... 17

Physiomedicalism               ................328-9, 331                      Princeton, N. J., 43; University... 218, 207

Pickering, Timothy   ............44, 47, 214                                    Procope (Cafe), Paris ..............269, 271

Piedras Negras, Guatemala .............123                                   Propaganda ........................144, 148

Pierce twp., Washington Co., Ind.....118                                   The Prophet, Tecumseh's brother....81-2

Pigeon Creek ...........................298    Protestants ................ 19-21, 240, 277-8

Pikka,       Jacob                  ...........................154                      Prout,       Dr.   W illiam ................60,  348

Piltti,         John   .............................150                                      Prudden,  Davis        ........  ..      .......   63

Pioneers   ................................213     Prudden,                         George    .......................63

Piorry, Pierre Adolphe............354, 359                                    Prudden, Nancy       .......................63

Piqua,       . ...............................411    Prussia, education in, 185-90; Rhenish..185

Pitt, Fort   ........................46, 78, 83   Pullman                                           strike        ................. ... .....310

Pitt family          .............................223                                      Pulte,        Joseph      H        .................339-40,  345

Pittsburgh, 74, 263-4, 319, 361, 390, 410;                                 Pulte College ...........................340

John May at, 1, 4; stopover for      Punkari, Jacob    ....       ..............  150


GENERAL INDEX                                        439


Puky, Stephen .........................133     Revolution of 1848, 143, 276; of 1863,

Puritan  hymns   ...................... ... 73                           143;  of  1917..................139,  147,  257

Putnam, Benjamin ........        ........ .. 32                       Revolutionary    War,    see   American

Putnam, David J. R.................... 25    Revolution.

Putnam, Douglas ..................26, 32-3                          Rhine Palatinate, 18; Mennonites in..282

Putnam, Eliza .........................32-3    Rhode Island..........3, 10-1, 28, 30, 162-3

Putnam, General Israel............33, 214                        Rhodes, R. Charles ..................... 24

Putnam, Mary ..........................32      Rice, Dr. Charles..................228, 232

Putnam, Rufus, 2-3, 20; at Marietta,                            Rice, David ............................267

213-5.                                                                                     Rice, Rev. N. L ........................263

Putnam, Samuel   P ..................... 32  Rice's  Fort  ..............................  18

Putnam  Co., O., Mennonites in..282-8, 314                Richardson, Mrs. ......................202

Putnam family ........................2, 35   Richardson, William   R ..............179-80

Richland County Medical & Surgical

Quaife, M. M., cited.................. 2     Society ......     ..................372

Quain,       Prof.   Richard, 354;    stetho-                                  Richmond, Ind., cholera in............382

meter     ...............................359-60                         Richmond,   Va.  ................206, 325,  396

Quakers, 195, 265, 267, 360; stories                           Richter, Conrad ................ 267, 403

of .............                                                                  217        Rigdon, Sidney     ........................264

Quare, Daniel .......................             360                    Rightmire, Dr. George W......221-3, 247-8

Quebec, 41, 204, 214, 390, 401; cholera                                  Riipa, Matti ..............154

in ................. 378, 380                    Riker Mounts of Insects................225

Quick, Edgar R., cited................. l20                          Riley and Company .................. ..365

Riley Creek  ............................285

Raciborski, Adan     ...................   273                        Ring, Dr. Hamilton                 .......343

Radcliffe College, cited ............161, 220                    Rings, Blanche Tipton..................228

Radisson  .............                               102                    Rio Grande ...............................192

Rafinesque, Constantine .............      331                    Rio Tinto mine ............................. 311

Ragan, Randall ............229                Ripley, O.. ..............................161

Raittiuskalenteri, cited .............. 155-6    Ritchie, William A. ..............   229

Ramsey, John ............                         ........95-6                         Ritter, Louis.............129

Randall, John ...................                  228, 388-9         Robert, Cesar Alphonse................273

Rankin McKee ....................... 70Roberts, Peter, cited.................145

Ranni, Isaac  .......................154                                                 Robertson,  J.  A ..................121-2,  126

Ranta, Louisa . ..................... 152                                 Robertson, Field Marshall Sir Wil-

Rantilla,     Gus      .......... ................ 158                                    liam ,          cited ........................... 260

Rapp,         Father  .........................   265                                    Roberval    ................................102

Rapp, George ..................298-9                                                 Robinson, General James S............232

Rathenau, Dr. Walter.. .......250         Robinson, Samuel ..................326, 328

Ratrie, G. T............................391                                 Robinson, Professor Stillman  W......306

Rau, Charles, cited ......................120                          Robinson, W. Scott, cited ..............129

Rautanen, W., cited............155                                    Rocci, S. Riva..........................353

Rayer, Pierre Francois Olive..........349                       Rochester, N. Y...................229, 346

Read, Matthew Canfield, cited.........120                     Rock Island Arsenal ..................252

Read, N. C............................178-9     Rockingham  Co., Va., Swiss in.........283

Read, Thomas Buchanan................201                       Rockwood ware ........................321

Reading, Pa., Swiss in............... 285   Rocky Mts. .............................192

Recamier, Joseph Claude..........351, 357                     Roemer ...............................   353

Reconstruction   Finance Corporation...307                Roget, Dr. Peter Mark .................60

Record of Service of Connecticut Men                                      Rohrbough, Lynn      .................. 93

in War of Revolution, cited...........213                      Roman Catholic Schools, 139; affairs..407

Rectal  speculum    ...................... 351                                       Rome   .........................222, 242, 356

Red Jacket ............................80-1      Roosevelt, Franklin D.....49, 290, 307, 406

Reed, Alfred, Jr., Plate II, 121, 123;                            Roosevelt, Theodore ..............100, 407

cited  .....................126                   Root,  Sec.  Elihu...................249,  251

Reed, Dr. Robert Harvey.............375                          Rosa, Dr. Storm....................341, 343

Reeder, Pearl, cited ............. ..     127                          Roseboom, Prof. E. H., cited..............5-6

Reeze         ....................................358                          Ross,  James  ........................48-9,                         52

Reform      at Oberlin............ 58-67                             Ross Co., O........................     54,                           111

Reformed Botanic College of Worth-                                       Ross County Historical Society..240, 244

ington  .............. ........ .....328         Rotheus family  .........................  32

Reformed Botanics......324, 326, 328-9, 361               Rouen ...................................356

Reformed   Churches    ....................137                     Rousseau    ...............................269

Reformed Medical College ............324                       Routes of trade and travel............ 218

Reformed Medical Society ..............325                     Roux, Philibert-Joseph    ...............270-2

Reigger, Wallingford     .................. 73                      Roxbury twp., Washington                                     Co., O.

Religion,  in  the  West................261-7                       ....................11-2,  14,      17,22,  27,  37

Republican Party....2, 6, 12, 295, 300, 401                  Royal American Foot................... 41

Republican River ............ .........102   Royal   Anthropological    Institute   of

Resonators ...............355                    Great Britain and Ireland, cited....127

Revere, Paul ....................386                                      Rubber ................................87-9

Revivals .......................  263, 265      Rubrecht, Mrs. W. A................. 228




Ruelle   ..................................348          Schoharie River           ........................399

Ruggles, Alice McGuffey Morrill ......220                                 Scholl, John   S..........................117

Ruggles, Benjamin    ......................  2   Schomel, Jesse             .........................118

Ruhl, Judge James B .................401     Schuckers, Jacob William, cited, 161-4,

Rumania and Rumanians, in Cleve-      170, 175, 179, 181.

land   ............................143-4,  148   Schuell collection        ......................118

Runtti     ................152                                                                 Schultz,  Christian,   Jr.,  cited..........  1

Rush, Benjamin ...................336, 360    Schumacher family...............283, 285-7

Rusin Elite Society................132, 147   Schuyler, General Philip John..........214

Kl sins  in   Cleveland ....................141                                      Schuyler        Co.,     Ill ........................114

Rusko, Leander ........................150       Schweitzer                   Kranken     Unterstutzungs

Russell, Alexander ................... 73       Verein                          .........    ................. 146

Russia and Russians, 104, 185, 257; in  Scioto River ............................ 53

Cleveland, 138-9, 141, 147; cholera                                     Scotch-Irish..............7, 15-6, 19-20, 104

in  ................................378,  382       Scotland,                      17,                  24,26,  41; cholera  in....378

Russian   Circle  .........................147     Scots, in                        Washington   Co., O., 16,

Russian Greek Catholic Brotherhood....147           20-1, 26, 30, 37.

Russian National Brotherhood ....132, 147                                Scott, Mr. F. A., 257-8; cited..........254

Russian Orthodox Seminary ............139                                    Scott, Gen. Hugh L....................256

Ryan,   D.  J.,  cited ......................54    Scott,  Joseph               ........................369-70

Ryan, Grace L.....................93-4 Scott, Mary                           ............    ............229

Rygas, Pherros ...................... 147         Scott, Gen. Winfield....................210

Scott-Alison  stethoscope ...............358-9

Saal, Dr. Gerald.....................      342   Scribner's Sons ..............102, 313, 406

'Sailor's Fest" . .......................141         Sears, Alfred               B., cited............53, 110

St. Clair, Arthur, 82; political philoso-  Seattle .......                                         ..................... 98

Phy.of, 41-57; MSS. cited, 52; De-   Secretary of Fine Arts      ............. 73

feat   ....................................410        Sedgwich, Dr.              W .                 S....................396

St. Clairsville, O..................160, 239     Sedition Act                                        ....................... 50

St.          Cloud,                  France ...................... 273                 Seely,  Simeon          .......................... 25

St.          Jago   Islands .........................275                                 Seguin, Edouard.......................353

St. Joseph        Co., Ind ....................118                                     Seifriz, Max  .     .................. 69

St. Lawrence River................81, 192   Seine River ........................270, 273

St.  Leger  .............................398-9       Seitz,  Eugen   ...........................355

St. Louis, 75, 102, 192, 195, 197, 203-5,                                    Semmelweiss, Ignaz Philipp............336

210, 317, 319, 380; Law Library..... .199                               Seneca, Mo. ............................121

St.  Louis    (sloop)  ......... ..............26   Senecas  ............................80-1,  107

Salem, Ind., cholera in.................382   Serbian Orthodox Church ............136

Salem, Mass.    .....................316,  323  Serbs  in  Cleveland ......................136

Salem, O. ...........................     297        Serpent Mound, 225; Guide............231

Salem twp., Washington Co., O., popu-                                     Servetus, Michael ......................336

lation study of, 10-2, 11, 17, 19, 22, 25,                                 Seven   Ranges............10-4, 17, 22, 27-8

27, 30, 37.                                          Seward, Gov. William  Henry..........180

Salmi,  John  ........... .................150       Shake    ................................265-6

Salter, Sumner, cited ................. ... 70  Shakespeare    ............................ 68

Sanders, J. B ...........................29          Shannon, F. A., cited      ..................252

Sandusky.................97, 168-9, 182, 247                                    Shaw, Augustus Warner ................ 33

Sandy Hook  ............................320       Shaw  family  ............................  32

San Francisco, 71; symphony concerts                                     Shawnees         .    ....................81-2

in, 69; Examiner, 69; Chinatown in,                                      hay's Rebellion ....................... 47

70: Chronicle .......................... 70      Sheffield, O., Finns in.................156

Sans Culottes of France ...........     48-9                                     Shelby Co., Ind........................ 118

Sanskrit  ............................           333                                        Shelley,  P.  B........... ..    .......... 266

Santa Claus .................     .......      .104  Shepherd, Dr. Alfred ................. .342

Santeliin    ................................154       Sherwood,   W  illiam   H .................. 70

Santoro, Santorio ......................353      Shetrone, H. C., 247; cited...112, 115, 120-1

Saratoga   ................................398       Shilling,  D .  C.,  cited....................  6

Sargent, Winthrop ..................44, 47    Shipherd, John Jay...................... 59

Sargent family  .........................    2      Shipman,                      Bartlett           ...................... 25

Satanta  ..................................  91         Shipm an,                     John               B ........................  25

Savage, Wm. F ........................ 229      Shipman, Samuel ....................... 25

Sawyer, C. W., cited ..................252    Shippen, Joseph .....................42, 44

Sawyer, Mrs. W. H ....................229    Shippensburg, Pa. .....................285

Saxe-Altenburg, Duke of ................ 73                                     Shipping Board, see U. S.

Saxony ...................... .....337, 339        Shira, Donald               D., M.D................412

Scandinavians    ................104,  279,  403                                Shirley,  M ass.         ......................... 30

Schafer, Dr. Joseph, cited............245  Shoemaker, Mrs. Raymond ............228

Scharwenka, Xavier ................... 72    Shoemaker, Ross W...................247

Schenck,   Earl  ..........................226    Shriver, Eliza  ..........     ................32-3

Schlesinger, A. M ...................... 89     Shryock, Dr. Richard H............59, 67

Schneider,  Geo.              .........................229                            Siberia,  cholera   in .....................382

Schneider, Yacob            ..................78, 83                               Sibley, H. F., cited....................120

Schoenbrunn, O. ..............97, 225, 297                                     Sibley, Solomon ........................ 2


GENERAL INDEX                                        441


Sicily  ............................ ........282    Spain  ....................................311

Siebert, Wilbur H., cited ....168, 172, 178                                  Spalding, Henry Harmon..............296

Sierras  ..................................192    Spanish   ......................47, 100-2, 104

Sifers, Oscar    ..........................118                                           Spanish-American War ..............251-2

Sill, Joseph  ............................213   Sparks, Jared, cited................. 43, 45

Sill, Phebe (Lord)  ....................213                                            Sparta, Wis.   ............................ 68

Sill, Sarah  .............................213    Spaulding, Solomon ..................263-4

Silver Heels ................. ... ........302                                           Speidel,  pianist  ........................ 69

Simon and Schuster ..................404-5                                        Spencer, Mr. ..........................247-8

Simpson, Edward, cited ................120                                       Spetnagel, A. C........224, 229-30, 239, 247

Sjoberg, Aksel .......................150-1                                           Sphygmophone .......................... 355

Skillman, Thomas    ................ ......267                                       Sphygmoscope   ..........................353

Skinner, Robert .......................387  Spiritual life in the West............261-7

Skoda   ...................................357    Spiro Mound   .......................... 122

Slaves, fugitive, law    cases concern-                                      Spirometer ..............................334

ing  .................................. 160-84                                           Sprague  fam ily  ...................... 28, 31

Slight, Joseph ..........................229   Springfield, Mass., Armory............252

Slocomb family ......................... 32                                            Springfield, O. ............6, 214, 319, 396

Slovaks, 104; in Cleveland ......135-6, 143                                 Springfield rifle ....................... 252

Slovene Society ........................146                                           Sproat, Martha Nye           ............. 3

Slovenes in Cleveland........132, 144, 146                                  Squaw Trail ........................78, 83

Small-pox   ...............   ................214                                         Squier, Ephraim          George, cited..111-2, 120

Smith, Delazon, cited.................... 65                                        Stackpole       Sons      ......................... 290

Smith,  Elias  ............................323 Stafford,                             W alter A.............  ........229

Smith, Gerrit, 304; cited..............59-60                                      Stahl, Irene C.......................... 226

Smith,        Harlan      Ingersoll,       cited........120                     Stalin     ...................................280

Smith,        Dr.            J.  S.............   ...........357                          Stamp    Act   ..............................  42

Smith, Joseph             ........................266-7                                Standard Oil Company .................240

Smith, Joseph            T., cited ................321                             Stanley, James ......................... 28

Smith, Kaarlo ..........................150  Stanley, Mixenda  ...................... 28

Smith, Ophia D., 110; cited... 68, 71-2, 74-5                             Stanley, Thomas ........................ 28

Smith, Dr. S. Hanbury..............304-5                                        Stanton, Henry B....................303-4

Smith,  Dr.  Solon ........................316                                         Stanwix,  Fort  ..........................398

Smith, T. V., cited ....................280                                           Stapf, Dr. Johann Ernst...............339

Smith, W. R., cited.................... 46 Stark  Co., O. ...........................273

Smith, William H., cited. 41-4, 48-9, 51-5, 172                        Stark County Medical Society.........272

Smith,  Fort   ............................122 Starling family  ........................34-5

Smith College ..........................412 Starling Medical College ................364

Smithfield, O.  ..........................318                                           Starr, Lucy  ............................214

Smithsonian Institution, cited........119-20                                  State Memorials, 248; cost of oper-

Snyder, John Francis, cited...112, 114, 120                               ation .................................237-8

Sobrana    ............................. ...147                                           Stauffer family .........................286-7

Socialer Turnverein Vorwaertz........145                                  Steam marine battering ram............319

Societies, immigrant, in Cleveland,                                           Steam  plow  .............................319

..................................139,  145-8                                           Stearns, Henry            V                                                                                                                                                     ....................... 73

Society of American Archivists, Com-                                     Steel, Dr. .     .............................358

mittee on Business Archives..........234                                  Steele, A. Otto..........................227

Society of Dental Surgeons of the Steiner family .................283-4, 286-8

City and State of New York.... 390, 395                               Stengel, Dr. Alfred....................358

Society of Mayflower Descendants.... 76                                Stenroos, Karl J ......................150-1

Society of the Cincinnati, 41-5; Con-                                        Stephenson, D. C .......................299

necticut ...............................213 Stephenson, N. W., cited..............277

Socrates  .................................222 Stethoscope   ......................354,  356-9

Somerby, Dr. Rufus  ....................391                                       Stettinius, E. R.........................259

Sonnenberg, O., Swiss in............282-3                                     Steuben Society ........................145

Sons of Italy ........................... 146                                           Steubenville, 0...............240, 342, 369

Sons of Pericles......................    148                                         Stevenson, Robert Louis............... 70

Sook, Dr. Henry L.....................342                                          Stewart, Mrs. Eliza..................... 64

South, 90, 160, 295, 302-3; Finns in,                                         Stillman-Kelley, Edgar, see Kelley,

153; cholera in ........................ 383                                       Edgar Stillman.

South America ........................313                                            Stocker, Harry E ......................296

South Bend, Ind ........................118                                          Stokes, 357-8; stethoscope ..............359

South Carolina, 14, 43; Exposition and                                     Stomach-pump  ..........................351

Protest of  ............................  55                                            Stone, Mr..............................198

Southern Dental Association ...........395                                  Stone, Barton              W.......................266

Southern Plains             ........................  91                               Stone,  R. C.............................155

Southern Railway    .....................380                                       "Stoneite"   ..............................266

Southern States        .......................389                                     Story, Justice Joseph....................167

Southerners, 300; in Washington Co.,                                      Stowe, Calvin E., Report on Ele-

O., 6-9, 134, 24, 26-7, 31, 35.       mentary Public Instruction in Eu-

Southwest, 408; culture in.............. 85                                      rope ............................185-90, 267

Southwestern Ohio Medical Society..375-6                             Strauss, Richard   .......................70

Spahr, Elmer G.........................229                                          Stringham, Edwin J .................... 73




Strong, Daniel .........................101                 Thomsonianism, 361-3; in Ohio .......222-31

Sturm, Dr. William.....................339              Thorniley, Caleb .......................21

Stuttgart Conservatory    ................ 69           Three Rivers ...........................42

Sulphur Spring     ....................202                 Thurso, Scotland    ......................41

Summit Co., O., 240; Finns in ..........157        Thwaites, R. G., cited................. 2

Summit County Historical Society.239, 244   Ticonderoga .........................42, 214

Suomi Kirkko, cited ....................154              Tiemann, G., cited...................359-60

Surgery, study of ....................268-75            Tiffin, Edward ......................26, 369

Surnames ............................. 402                    Tiffin, O..........  ................ 220

Susquehanna (packet) .................274            Tifft, Dr. John   ........................342

Susquehanna River ....................398              Tilson, John Q., cited ..................253

Susquehannahs     .........................107            Tippecanoe Club ............       .......400

Suter family .....................283, 286-7             Titus, Parvin ...........................73

Swan, J. R., cited................ 165, 167             Titusville, Pennsylvania, Finns in..150,153

Swarte, M., cited ..................... 250                                          Tod,  George  ........................  .. 45

Sweden   .................1.........  .17, 88               Todd, Dr. T. Wingate..................358

Swedes, 158; in Cleveland ..............132         Toledo, 168, 228, 244, 397; Blade......233

Swisher, Helen ........................221                 Tom, slave boy..........................173

Swiss, 104; in Cleveland, 138, 141, 146;        Tomlinson, Joseph, Jr .................171

Mennonites  ..........................282-8            Tories  ...............................43, 97

Swiss Palatinate, Mennonites in........282        Toronto, University    of.................351

Switzerland, 17, 26, 143; Mennonites            Toulmin, Henry ........................267

in .....................................283                      Towne, Henry  A ........................ 24

Sylph (steamboat) ....................379                Townsend, Dr. Norton  S..............164

Symmes, Mr. ..........................201                  Tracy,  Uriah   .......................53, 56

Symmes, John Cleves ..................50-1           Transcendentalists ......................267

Syracuse University, cited ............60             Transylvania .........     ..............144

Syria and Syrians, 207; in                               Cleve-                Transylvania University, 266, 267, 331,

land  ........................132,                             138,  147            351-2,         393.

Trappist      colony  .........................265

Taanonen, John .................150-1                    Traube, Louis ..........................356

Taft, Mrs. Charles P................. 74                  Tremont Theater, Boston ................ 71

Taft, Robert A., cited ................280               Trenton, N. J ........................... 43

Taft, William  H........................407                                           Trinity  College  .........................388

Taipale, Matti .......................150                    Trollope, Frances, cited ..........270-1, 273

Talmud .................................351                     Trousseau ...............................357

Talon ...................................102                      True  Thomsonians    .....................328

Talso, John ............................ 150                   Trumbull Co., O., Finns in............157

Tappan, Lewis .........................304                 Trumbull County Historical Society..240

Tappan brothers  ........................ 59                Trutza,  John   .........   ............. 144

Taylor, Dr. James ....................391-5              Tschaikovsky, Modeste ................. 76

Taylor, William    ........................229              Tschaikovsky, Peter Iljitch............. 76

Tead, Ordway, cited ....................281            Tucker, David A., Jr ..................412

Tecumseh .....................82, 302-3, 401           Tuomaala, John ........................150

Telberg, Ina, cited................138, 147             Tuoresmaa, Jacob ......................154

Telford,  Gilman             ......................206-7  Tupper   family  .......................... 2

Temple Mound               ........................122    Turck, "Daddy" ........................266

Tennessee..14, 23, 90, 113, 160, 266, 306, 328                         Turks in Cleveland .....................143

Tennessee Valley Authority ............307         Turner, Frederick Jackson........98, 106

Terre Haute, Ind .......................209                Turnverein   ........................141, 145

Territorial Council, 52; Legislature.... 48        Turtle tribes ........................... 83

Territorial Papers of the United                       Tuscarawas River and Valley......97, 297

States, cited..3, 44-5, 47, 49, 52, 54, 56, 289                         Tussinger, Mack ................121-2, 124-6

Texas   ...................................102                    Tyler, Gov. John   ....................171-2

Thames, Battle of the.................. 82

Theater of Arts and Letters........... 71             Ukranians in    Cleveland ................141

Thermometer ..........................352-3               Ulrich, Fred ......................123, 229

Thermoscopic galvanometer ...........316         Ulrich family   ..........................284

Thieme, August   ........................129               Ulster  .................................19-20

Thomas, Charles M.....................308               Underground Railroad .........160-84, 217

Thomas, Mrs. E. B....................229                  Unguentum  Egypticum  ................348

Thomas, Edward  S.................97, 225             Union, O. ..............................202

Thomas, Mrs. H. P.....................228                 Union Co., Ill .........   ............117

Thomas, Jean ......................92-3, 306             Union County (Indiana) Medical

Thomas, William B................... 25                   Society ................................374

Thompson, Col. Carmi A..............401              Union District Medical Association ....374

Thompson, Guy, cited ..................367             Union List of Serials ...............231

Thompson, Harold W..................407               Union   Medical Association ...........374-5

Thompson, Mrs. Lillian .................228            Union Neighborhood, Greene Co., O...232

Thomson, Cyrus .......................324                  Union of Rumanian Societies ......132, 148

Thomson, Samuel ..............323-8, 330-1         Union twp., Washington Co., O., popu-

Thomson family ........................232                 lation study of, 11-2, 14, 17, 19, 22, 25, 27-8

Thomsonian Recorder   .................325            Uniontown, Pa. ........................201


GENERAL INDEX                                       443


Unitarian ......................69, 105, 267                                          Veblen, Thorstein ......................98

Unitas Fratrum    ........................296                                          Velpeau, Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie.271-2

United American Mechanics ............106                                  Verardini, Ferdinando ................356

United Hungarian Societies of Cleve-                                       Vermont ......10-1, 27, 30, 32, 55, 229, 330

land  ..................................146                                                Versailles,  Ind.,  cholera  in............382

United Publishing Company, Cleve-                                          Versailles, Treaty of ....................143

land  ...................................131                                               Victoria,  Queen    .......................335

United States, 8-9, 18, 45, 48, 54, 59                                          Vienna ............................. 350, 406

69-70, 74, 78, 87-8, 91, 103-4, 139, 161,                                Vienna, Me. .......................28, 30

165, 167, 171, 178, 222, 243, 249, 251-2,                               Vierordt, Karl .........................353

260, 273-4, 276, 293, 299, 301, 303, 307,                               Vincennes ...............................410

310, 312, 323, 330, 337-9, 358, 391, 400;                               Vincent, Rev. John H.................. 262

industrial art in the, 216; Swiss in.                                          Vineland Historical and Antiquarian

282-8; Army, 250, 252, 254-7, 320, 379;                                    Society     ...................   214, 220

Army, Ordnance Dept., 250, 253;                                        Vineland Historical Quarterly Maga-

Bank, 217, 294; Bureau of American                                         zine                     ....    ....... 214

Ethnology, cited, 126; Capitol,                                               Vinton, Samuel F......................2, 24

burned, 36; Census, 7, 9, 12; 9th                                            Virchow, Rudolf .......................336

Census, 1870, 19; 15th Census, 1930,                                    Virginia, 53, 160, 163, 171-2, 174-5, 177-8,

38; Circuit Court, 176, 181; Coal                                                263, 292, 297, 300, 322, 324, 328, 405;

Board, 258; Congress, 2, 4, 7, 10, 23,                                         inWashington    Co., 0.,    3-4, 7-8,

42-3, 48-9, 52-3, 55, 178-80, 249, 251,                                      14-6, 20, 23-7, 29-30, 33-7, 40; claims

253-4, 256, 258, 260, 268, 291, 293,                                          Forks of Ohio, 44; migration from,

320, 343; Constitution, 46, 179, 181,                                           47; University   ............   .205, 207

188, 251, 278, 294-5, 309; Constitu-                                      Virginia Society of Dental Surgeons..396

tional Convention, 43, 48, 54, 293;                                         Vitez, James ............................146

Council of National Defense, 255-8;                                     Voltaire .................................269

Declaration of              Independence, 278,                          Volwiler, A. T ..........................248

293, 337; District          Court   of  New                                 Von Noske .............................129

Jersey 88; Food Administration, 64,

258; General Staff, 250-1, 254; Gen-                                    Wabash River, 47, 108, 298, 299, 300;

eral Munitions Board, 257-8; Hydro-                                         Battle of .............................. 82

graphic  Office, cited, 275; Library                                      Wagner, Glenn V......................228

of Congress, 54, 233, 243; National                                       Wagner, Richard ..............69-70, 76-7

Archives, 249; National Museum,                                         Waiilatpu, Ore. ........................296

cited, 117, 120: National Observatory,                                  Weinionpaa, Jacob ....................150

316; National Park Service, 248;                                           Waite, Frederick C ............322, 332, 412

Navy, 267, 316; Navy Dept., cited,                                       Waite, J. S. .......................226, 228

275, Pension Bureau, 214; Pharma-                                       Waite, Winnie N.......................225

copoeia, 81; Railway Administration,                                    Wakkinen, Gustaf .................150, 152

258; Senate, 2, 7, 53, 164, 275; Senate                                  Walcher position .......................346

Committee on Military Affairs,                                              Waldenberg, Louis     ....................353

cited, 258-9; Senate   Documents,                                         Wales, 17, 37, 86; cholera in............378

cited, 250; Senate Sub-committee of                                     Walker, Elkanah .......................296

the Committee on Judiciary, cited,                                         Walker, Rev. Horace Dean............. 65

138; Shipping Board, 258; Statutes                                         Walker, Mary ..........................296

at Large, cited, 52, 251; Supreme                                          Wall, Mr. W. D.................      ...235-6

Court, 167, 170, 176, 180-2, 184, 199,                                   Wallace, Lew     ......................71-2

290, 294-5; War Dept., 249, 251-4,                                       Wapakoneta, O., Swiss in.............285

257-60; War Industries Board, cited,                                    War, industrial mobilization for....249-61

268-60; War Policies Commission, 260.                                 War council ........................258, 260

United States Naval Medical Bulletin,                                      War Dept., see U. S.

cited   ..................................273                                                War Industries Board, see U. S.

Universalism   ......................266, 323                                       War of 1812............20, 29, 295, 313, 410

Upper Sandusky, ..................... 97                                             War Policies Commission, see U. S.

Upton, General Emory, cited..........249                                    Ward, Nehum      ......19, 21, 26

Urbana,         . ........................228, 343                                     Warlimont, W., cited .................250

Urinalysis      ...........................348-51                                       Warne,         William   .......................133

Ursulines        ................................401                                       W                 arren,      William                  ....................... 30

Utah ...................................300-1                                              Warren, O., 356-7, 369; Finns in, 154-6;

Uterine sound    .................       351                                               Western   Reserve    Chronicle, cited,

Utter, William T......................248                                                 155-6; John Starke Edwards-Thomas

D. Webb House ......................240

Vaasa, Finland    ........................150                                         Warren Co., O....................181, 375

Vaginal speculum    ..   .     .......... 351                                      Warren        County   Medical Society of

Vagts,  Alfred,                cited .................... 242                           Lebanon  ..............................372

Vaillant, George             C....................84-5                             Warren Rolling Mill ....................155

Van Bibber, Adnah ....................175                                        Warren    twp., Washington     Co., O.,

Vandenberg, Dr. Federal ..............338                                         population, study of, 11-2, 14, 17, 22,

Van Renselaer, General ................398                                         25, 27, 37.

Van Zandt, John, 181, 184; case...177, 180                              Washington, Gen. George, 3, 43-6, 388;

Varnum family  ........................  2                                                 Writings, cited ........................ 45




Washington, D. C., 5, 51-2, 71, 191-2,                                      Western Medical and Physical Journal.364

229-30,  234, 251, 254, 256-7, 290-1,                                   Western Messenger ...................262

316-7, 343, 391; burned    by  British,                                   Western Pennsylvania Historical

36,  144;  cholera  in ....................379                                    Magazine,  cited  ....................... 41

Washington and Jefferson College......265                               Western Reserve, 58, 160, 326; Finns

Washington Co.,  Ind.    ......... ....... 118                                    in  ................................153,   157

Washington Co., O., 367-8; population                                     Western Reserve Historical Society,

study of, 1-40; map in 1850 ............  9                                   240-1, 244; Publications, cited........160

Washington Co., Pa ..................15, 28                                       Western Reserve University, 5, 30,

Washington family                 ....................223                          40, 65, 220, 242; Bulletin, cited, 155;

Washington Territory             .................296                             School of Medicine ...................412

Washita, Battle of...................... 91                                           Western States .........................389

Watch .................. ................9                                                   Westmoreland Co., Penna .... 15, 46, 361

Waterford twp., Washington Co., O.,                                       Westward movement ................46, 99

population study of, 11-2, 14, 17, 22,                                    Wetherell, Dr. E. C..............340, 344

25,  27,  37.                                                                             Wetzel,  Lew       ...........................18

Waterhouse, Benjamin  ...............330-1                                    Wetzel family      ......................... 39

Waters,  A.  B ........................... 25                                           Weygandt,            M.   ........................247-8

Watertown twp., Washington Co., O.,                                      Wharf family ........................... 35

population study of, 11-2, 14, 17, 22,                                    Wheeler, Dr. John ...................343-4

25, 27, 37.                                                                               Whetstone (Olentangy) River........78, 83

Watkins, L. H. &  Co., cited ..........20                                       Whig Party ..............88, 164, 210, 300

Watson, Samuel ................177-8, 360                                       Whig-Republican Club  ................400

W atts,  Prof. A.  S......................228                                         W hipple,  Ann  E........................ 32

Wayne, Anthony, cited      ................ 43                                   Whipple, Eliza ........................32-3

Wayne Co., O., Swiss in ..........283,  285                                   Whipple, Levi .........................33

Wayne County Medical Association...372                                Whiskey Insurrection  of 1794.........101

Wayne, Fort (Indiana) ................297                                        White, Addison, case of ................169

Waynesburg, Pa., College ........261, 314                                  White, George .......................... 2

Weaver, C. L ......................228, 231                                         White, William  Allen ............98-9, 309

Webber, James ......................... 30                                            White River (Indiana) ................297-8

Webster, Daniel ..................88, 211                                          White Water Canal ....................380

Webster, Dr. Elias ......................342                                         Whitman, Dr. Marcus ..................296

Webster, Dr. William ...................342                                       Whitman, Walt ........................76

Weed, Merrill ..........................305                                            Whitman expedition      ...................102

Weidenthal, Leo .......................131                                          Whitney, Eli ...........................252

Weidenthal, Maurice ...................131                                       Whittlesey, William  A................. 23

Weise, Albert ..........................115                                            Who's Who in America, cited..........318

Weiser,  Conrad   ........................100                                        Wickes, Thomas    .......................25

Weisenburger, Prof. F. P., cited..5-6, 276                                 Wickham, Harvey ..................... 70

Weld, Angelina Grimke ................303                                     Wild flowers ..........................96-7

Weld, Theodore D................59, 303-4                                      "Wild West" ..........................89

Wellington, Oberlin, case of ........... 169                                   Wilkesville, O. .........................232

Wellington, O. .........................357                                            Wilkinson, Gen. James ............... 43

W ellsburg,  Va.  .........................171                                        W illiams,  C.  D. ....................343,  345

Welsh, 104, 403; in Cleveland..........130                                   Williams, Charles J. B................355

Welty, Barbara ........................287                                            Williams,  H.  Z.  &  Bro.,  cited

Wesley twp., Washington Co.,  O.,                                            ....................10-1, 18-21, 28, 30, 33

population study of, 11-2, 14, 17, 22,                                     Willis, Cornelia .......................214

27, 37.                                                                                     Willoughby Medical School ............364

Wesselhoeft, Dr. Conrad ..............339                                      Willson, Jeremiah                                                              .....................25

Wessen,  Ernest  J .......................247                                        W ilson, George   ........................369

West, 2, 5, 8-9, 22, 192-3, 219, 264,                                          Wilson, Joshua     L ......................267

296, 340-1, 395, 408; Finns in, 151,                                       Wilson, Thomas, cited     ................120

153; religion  in, 261-7; culture in,                                         Wilson, Dr. Thomas Bellerby......... 338

261-7; cholera in ......................381                                       Wilson, William     .......................298

West Indies ........................17, 162                                            Wilson, Woodrow..........254-5, 258, 309

W est  Jefferson,  O ......................353                                      Winchester   .............................313

West Union, O .........................161                                            Windsor, Conn ........................389

West Virginia, 16; cholera in..........382                                     Winter, Dr. Arthur      ..................130

Westcott, Anna Drake ..................191                                       Winter, Nevin Otto, cited ..............175

Western College for Women ..........72-4                                   Wintrich, Max Anton, 355; hammer..359

Western    College of Homeopathy ......346                               Wisconsin, 163, 266; University.106, 246

Western Episcopalian    ..................200                                     Wisconsin Archaeologist, cited.........118

Western Homeopathic College ..........343                                 Wisconsin Domesday Book ............245

Western Journal of Medicine and Sur-                                      Wisconsin Historical Society     .........245

gery  ....................  ....... . 364W isman,   Frank                     ........................229

Western Journal of the Medical and                                          Witt, Orange               ..........................173

Physical Sciences, 364; cited........360                                   Witte, L. H .............................346

Western Lancet, 318, 349, 352, 355;                                          Wittke, Carl, 103-6; cited..............133

cited  ...................................360                                              Wocher   .................................358

Western Law Journal, cited.........178-80                                   Woestemeyer, Ina Faye ............99-100

Western Luminary .....................267                                          Wolf, Howard      .........................89


GENERAL INDEX                                        445


Wolf, Ralph F ........................87-9                   Wyman, Dr. Merrill .................. 354

Wolfe, H. Preston ...............224, 247-8            Wythe Co., Va ..........................202

Wolfe, Gen. James ..................41, 45                 Wytheville, Va...........................202

Wolfley, Dr. Louis   A ................268-75

Wolfram,  Charles   J ....................145            Xenia,  O. .............................  232

Women's and Children's Dispensary,               Xenia Sprigs .........................204

Cleveland   .............................346

Women's Hospital, Cleveland       ........346     Yale University ..........72, 316, 363, 405

Wood, Nathan and Margaret ...........318         Yankees, 1, 5-6, 8, 10-1, 13, 21-2, 24-6,

Wood, Thomas, M.D....................318           28-31, 33-6, 88-40, 90, 300.

Woodbridge, Dudley                   ..............53, 172                    Ylijarvi, Peter .........................150

Woodbridge, William                   ..........2, 25, 172                    York Co., Penna ...................... 18

Woodbridge family, 25; letters .......... 1           Yorktown ............................43, 78

Woodbury, cited      ......................268             Youghiogheny River ................. 15, 20

Woodman, R. H ........................70                   Young, Mrs. Anna ....................230

Woofendale, Robert ...................386               Young, Arthur, cited .................147

W ooster,      David  ........................ 214          Young, Brigham                                          ......................300

Wooster,       O.        ............................247       Young,  Dr.  Daniel                                    S ..................321

Wooster twp., Washington Co., O.... 37          Young, Mrs. Sidney      ..................228

Worcester, Mass., Spy, cited, 1; Fes-              Young, Dr. T. C........................357

tival ................................... 73  Youngstown, O., Finns in, 153-4; Vin-

Work Projects Administration,     227,              dicator ................................233

233, 307-8; Museum projects, 225,              Ysaye, Eugen .......................... 74

231; Library activities.................235

World  War, 2, 103, 135-6, 143, 279;              Zane family   ............................ 18

German-American newspapers in,             Zanesville, O ............ 6, 161, 230, 369

133; Industrial mobilization for...249-61     Zara, Louis .........................409-11

Wormley, T. G................... 349-51, 360          Zeigler, Major David .................. 18

Worthington, Eleanor  Swearingen ....216      Zeisberger, Rev .................240, 297

Worthington, Thomas, 216, 232; cited,            Zeller, Samuel ..........................296

45, 50, 54, 56, 166; Papers ............232         Zepp, Erwin C .........................225

Worthington, O., 325-6; College ......325         Zimmerly, Elizabeth .....    ............ 287

W right,  Elizur,  Jr ...................... 304             Zionists  .................................144

Wright, Dr. Guy W....................364                Zipf, C. H ..............................229

Wrong's        Conquest of  New  France,          Zoar community ........................265

cited           ...................................102           Zurich  ..................................356

Wunderlich, Karl Reinhold August ..353        Zwiazkowiec     ............................131

Wyandotte Caves, Okla.........113-4,  121       Zwingli   .................................282