Ohio History Journal




Aberdeen, O ............................118                         American Periodical Literature, Index

Abolitionists  .............        ......262                          to Early ................................316

Aboriginal Man .......................141-4                      American Philosophical Society.........336

Ackley, Horace ...       ...............    340                   American Public   Health    Association,

Adams Co................................250                           365, 382

Adams, John.......................... 58                              American Republicans................... 20

Adams, John Quincy.................... 21                      American Revolution, 4, 17, 25, 31, 33,

Adams, Randolph G..............12, 47, 99                   36, 37, 44, 60, 66, 71, 72, 74, 85, 86, 87,

Adams, Samuel .........................186                        88, 244, 274

Adena Mounds .........................203                        American State Papers ..................317

"Adena Plain" ..........................204                         American System     ....................... 87

Adrian, Mich............................ 5                             American Western University ..........251

Age of Metals ..........................394                         Americanism    ............................202

Agrarians ..............................262                            Americans, in Canada................... 25

Agriculture  . ..........................  164                         Amherstburg, Mich ...................... 6

Akeley, Carl ............................199                          Ancient, Fort, 231; culture .............200

Akron, O............................      395                          Anderson, Sherwood ....................173

Alabama    ............................... 73                          Andover theological seminary...........180

Alaska, 183; life in......................184                      Andrew, John............................329

Alexander   ...............................237                        Anesthesia   .............................338

Algonkin tribes......................89, 182                      Anglican clergy.......................... 77

Allegheny Mts.............32, 65, 75, 77, 82                Anglo-American relations............19, 22

Allen Co., Ind ........................... 98                         Anglo-Saxon origins .................... 26

Allen       Co.-Fort Wayne Historical So-               Ann Arbor, Mich...................6, 8, 47

ciety    ..............................8,                                9, 11           Anthony, Mark ..........................  52

Allen, Peter.......................                                       369             Anthropoglossica     ....................... 34

Allison,  Grace ...........................363                      Antwerp,   O .............................. 98

America: struggle for, 15; conquest of,                  Apple Trees monument at Thatcher

72; circuit system  in, 80; Indian fam-                Woods, Chicago....................... 46

ilies of ................................182                           Appleseed, Johnny, 11, 45-6, 97, 193;

America, Chronicles of .................242                    monuments for........................ 46

American Academy of Sciences.........336             Appleton's Cyclopaedia of  American

American Ambulance Hospital in Paris..363         Biography .............................324

American Archives ...................316-7                     Appomattox     .............................103

American Association of State and Lo-                  Aquenacque, Chief ....................... 57

cal Historical Societies...........216, 222               Arbaugh, G. B..........................264

American Bibliography .................306                    Archaeological Terminology of the So-

American Bryology .....................174                     ciety for American Archaeology..... 213

American Catalogue ...............306, 314                  Archaeology, Dept. of...................213

American Catalogue of Books...........306                Archer graveyard........................ 45

American destroyers ....................28                      Archives and Medical History, Com-

American Folk Song Festival, Annual..194             mittee on, Third Annual Meeting..207-8

American Freedman's Inquiry Commis-                 Archives of the Indies ..................273

sion ............................190                                    Arkansas ................................104

American Historical Association........ 60               Army Medical Library ..................309

American Historical Review ............321                Arnott, Neil .............................345

American history, Maumee Valley in... 89            Art, 161; American Indian, exhibition

American Home Missionary Society, 74,               of, 214; Hopewell, 384; Indian in

76, 181                                                                                    North America........................394

American Hospital Association .........365              Asbury College ...........       .......    179

American Imprints Inventory ......307, 314            Asbury, Francis................80, 82, 124

American Journal of Nursing ......362, 364             Ashland Co., O., monument at......... 46

American Journal of Obstetrics and                       Ashtabula, O......'......................101

Diseases of Women and Children ....320            Asiatic Empire ..........................29

American Magazines, A History of .....320             Assenisipia ..............................34

American Medical Association, 307-8;                  Athenian Democracy....................172

Journal of the .........................322                       Athens, Ala .............................320

American Medical Biographies ......... 325             Athens, Greece.......................... 31

American Medical History ..............325                 Athens, O ...........................116, 126

American Military Institute, Journal                      Atlantic coastal states ..................187

of   .....................................321                               Atlantic      Ocean   ..........................5

American Museum of Natural History,                  Attila          ...................................243

N. Y. C., 199; Science Series .........182              Atwater, Caroline .......................330

American Nurses Association..... .360, 364           Auglaize River.....38, 55, 65, 66, 67, 68, 98





Augustan Age ................... ........242                                                                                    Braid, James ............................340

Augustus        ...............................237                                          Brebeuf,  Jean  de........................318

Aurelius         ...............................243                                          Price, Calvin B       .    ................... 201

Australia        ................................  29                                         Brickell,  John  ...........................  67

Austria .................................. 14                                                 Bricker, John W., 8, 11, 89, 100, 210,

Awl, William M.........................368                                            211,  212

Bricks without Straw .....103, 110, 111, 112

Backus, Elijah .................. ......252-3                                          British, withdrawal from Detroit, 1;

Bacon's Rebellion ..................... 293                                           conquest of West, 49; in Northwest

Baird,  S.  F  ............................334- 5                                         after  1783  ........    .. ...........   115

Baker, Alva H ......................     369                                           British-American relations.............. 18

Baker, Joseph E .........................236                                          British Empire      ............     17, 24, 29

Baldwin, James Mark ................. 308                                        British Isles ............................188

Ball, Caroline Peddle .................. 202                                        British North American ..............20, 25

Ballis, Eunice Schuster .............191,205                                    Brook Farm         .     ..................262

Baltimore, Md........................      87, 197                                    Brooklyn, N. Y., Academy of Medicine

Baptists...72, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 124                               of ......     ......................    ..309

Baptists, Seventh-day ..............;.... 262                                       Brower, Elizabeth .......................132

Barce, Elmore........................... 55                                             Brown, John                  .     .................. 335

Bardstown, Ky .......................82, 117                                        Brown, William            R .......................201

Bartlett, Laurence H............... 222, 232                                     Buck-hon-ge-las-Defiance State Park.. 97

Barton, Benjamin .......................330                                          Buckle, Henry T        .    ............... 238

Basel, Switzerland ......................196                                         Buckner, John L........................203

Beach,  Wooster........................375-6                                        Buddhism     ...............................235

Beanes, William     ......................... 86                                       Buena Vista, Battle of..................131

Bee culture ..............................330                                             Buffalo, N. Y ............................ 70

Beecher family ..........................128                                          Buhl Foundation....................295, 399

Belgian Congo ..........................199                                            Buley. R. Carlyle.......................321

Belgium   .............     28                                                              Bull  Run, First .........................101

Bell, General .............................  135                                         Bulldozers           ............... 110

Bend View Park ........................94                                             Bunch of Grapes Tavern...............245

Benson, Egbert      .......................... 245                                     Bunyan, John        .       ..................119

Bering Straits, 184; region of..........183                                      Burgoyne, Basil Wallis                 .................408

Bever, John ......................... ...   218                                          Burlington, Iowa                      .    .................. 180-1

Bibliography   ............................316                                           Burnett, William                       .                 .................. 317

Bibliotheca Americana ...................306                                     Burns, Robert ........................30, 234

Bidwell,  E.  C  ...........................347                                          Burrage,  W.  L...........................325

Big Sandy River ........................177                                           Burton Collection........................135

Big Sandyites ...........................177                                             Bushnell, Horace ..... ..............        73

Biggert, Elizabeth C ............22, 405, 408                                   Butler Co., O .........................132-3

Billings, John Shaw.....................309                                          Butler, Nicholas Murray ..............269

Biography   .............................166-8                                          Byrd, William  ...........................197

Biography, Dictionary of American..300,324

Bird, Henry............................4, 66                                             C. C. C .................................214

"Black Swamp, The"...................21                                            Cabal, Conway .......       ................299

Blackford, Eliza Beulah ...............223                                       Cable, G. W .........................113-4

Blainville, Celeron de.............3, 65, 201                                    Caddoan Indians .......................182

Blair Bill ................................111                                               Caesar, An Appeal to...............103, 111

Bloomhardt, Fred   .......................236                                        Cahokia,   Ind............................. 33

Bloomhardt, Paul F.................208, 233                                       Calais, France........................... 28

Blue Jacket, Chief............39, 41, 56, 97                                     Caldwell, William....................... 4

Blue Jackets Town...................... 67                                           Calvinism and Calvinists.......82, 122, 262

Blue Licks, Battle of................... 4                                             Cambridge, O ............................118

Boerstler, G. W. ........................371                                           Cameron, W. J ....................8, 12, 100

Boice, Cynthia...........................131                                            Campbell, Alexander ....................124

Bolivar State Bank, Bolivar, O........223                                     Canada and Canadians, 13, 16, 23, 24,

Bone, Mrs. Myron R................... 11                                           25, 27, 29, 89; Upper.................. 18

Book of Martyrs .......................119                                             Canadian-American boundary........... 20

Boone, Daniel .........................4, 120                                         Canadian-American reciprocity  agree-

Boonesborough, Ky ......................117                                       ment of 1854 ..........................22-3

Bordeaux, Fr........................103, 108                                         Canadian-American relations ........... 23

Border disputes with England........20, 43                                   Canadian Arctic.........................184

Boston Medical Library .................309                                      Canadian Dominion ..................17, 24

Bouquet, Henry ......................... 49                                            Canadians, see Canada and Canadians.

Bourgmont .....        .................... 185                                          Canals ...................................117

Bowling Green University.............. 8                                        Canary, S. A............................232

Bowman, Heath ........................407                                           Capper-Johnson, Mrs. K ................269

Boyd, Julian P .........................402                                             Capucin, Monsieur ......................52

Brace,  Hugh .............................176                                           Carey,  O .................................  96

Braddock, Edward      ..................... 16                                     Carlisle, Eng ............................ 49

Braddock's Road ........................117                                          Carlyle, Thomas......................233-43

Bradstreet, John..............49, 50, 51, 53                                      Carnegie Institution of Washington....307


GENERAL INDEX                                        419


Carnot, Lazare.........................301-2                                         Coe,  Mrs.  O.  P........................362

Carolinas ..............                    78                                              Coggeshall Collection ....................219

Carpenter, Samuel.............. ......252-3                                        Coggeshall, William    T..................219

Carrington, Edward ....................245                                         Coleman, Christopher B................. 11

Carrollton, O ...........................200                                             Colorado Medicine .......................322

Carter, Maude................     ..       70                                           Colton, C. Q.............................339

Carter, William .........................70                                             Columbus Baseball Club................194

Cartwright, Peter     ...................... 82                                         Columbus Genealogical Society.........207

Cass, Lewis .............................193                                             Columbus McGuffey Society............115

Castiglioni, Arturo ......................312                                          Columbus, O., hangings in..............326

Catholepistemiad........................ 34                                           Come-outers ............................262

Catholics ..................... 72, 82, 124, 290                                     Communism.........................172, 202

Catly, Richard P ........................378                                           Communist Manifesto, The .............172

Cavalier, Jean ...........................405                                           Comte, Auguste   .......................238

Cedar Point, O .......................... 50                                             Concordia College......................8, 11

Celeron Island..........................    3                                             Conestoga   wagons.......................121

Century Magazine .......................320                                         Coney Island ............................241

Champlain, Samuel de.................. 89                                         Confederate agents and prisoners...... 22

Chandler, Zachariah ..................... 23                                        Congregational Church .............71, 180

Chapman, John; see Appleseed, Johnny                                    Congregationalists ................81, 76, 124

Chapultepec ............................. 32                                             Congressional Reconstruction, 108; Plan

Charlemagne, 237; Age of...............242                                    of, 104; Acts, 105; policy.............105

Charleston, S. C.........................120                                            Connecticut .............................71

Chartres, Fort.........................49, 50                                           Connecticut Land Company       .............326

Chase, Bishop ............      ...........124                                          Connecticut Missionary Society......... 76

Chattanooga, Tenn .....................101                                          Constitution  (Old Ironsides)........... 87

Chenu, J. C..............................310                                              Constitution, United States..34, 88, 104, 388

Chevais, G. W   ...........................378                                         Constitution  of  1802 .....................124

Chicago, Ill......................25, 132, 201                                        Constitutional Convention ...............247

Chicago Field Museum................199                                         Continental Congress.................33, 36

Chicago Loop ...............      ........ 3                                            Continental Congress, Journals of the,

Chicago Tribune ........................ 23                                            on medical history ...................316-7

Chicago, University of .................. 12                                        Coohcooche, Chief ...................... 97

Chickamauga    ............................101                                        Cooke, John Esten ......................114

Chillicothe, O., 118, 119, 136; Old....... 56                                 Copper, Brown ........................9, 11

China  .................................... 32                                                Copperheads    ............................ 22

Chippewas ............................55, 67                                           Copus Monument on Johnny Appleseed 46

Chloroform   ...............344, 346, 347, 348                                 Corbin Undertaking Establishment.... 373

Christianity.......................73, 80, 235                                         Cornwallis,  Charles...................... 90

Christians        ...............................  80                                       Corp,        Benjamin..........................257

Churchill,        Winston...................... 28                                    Corwin,    Thomas .........................135

Cincinnati, O., 4; Fort Washington, 37,                                      Covey, Lola Best .......................269

61; newspaper in, 69; settling of, 116;                                   Cox, Jacob D ...........................219

stage-coach road, 118; in 1800's, 119;                                   Cramer, Zadoc ..........................119

publishing houses, 127-8; General Hos-                                Crawford, William ...................35, 96

pital, 352; Good Samaritan Hospital                                      Creighton, J. H .........................377

of, 353, 359; Hospital of Our Lady                                        Crile, George W.........................363

Help of Christians, 353; Jewish Hos-                                     Crimea ................................    310

pital ...................................353                                               Croghan, George, 55-6, 68; as "King of

Cincinnati Medical News ................320                                    the Traders"........................... 66

Cincinnati University, Bulletin.........358                                    Cromwell, Oliver .......................234

Civil War, 22, 88-9, 101, 105, 130, 132,              Crothers, George D.....................209

152-3, 190, 274.                                                                     Culture, American....................... 24

Clark, George Rogers... 4, 18, 33, 66, 197-8                            Cumberland Gap ...................117, 177

Clark, Harold T............211,212,217, 226                                  Cumberland, Md.......................117-8

Clark, William   .......................... 40                                          Cumberland Presbyterian Church...... 76

Clarke, E. H.........................     312                                           Cumberland Presbytery .................75

Claxton, John W........................ 12                                            Cuming, Fortesque ....... ..........119, 173

Claxton, John W ...................        12                                         Cuming, Fortesque...                 119, 173

Clear  Creek.............................. 78                                            Curtis, George  M  ........................208

Clear Creek Church.................... 79                                          Cushing, Thomas.......................245

Cleopatra ................................ 52                                              Custer, George Armstrong............198-9

Cleveland, Grover .......................ll1                                          Custer Massacre.........................199

Cleveland, O., 90, 117, 178, 185, 216;                                      Cutler, Manasseh, 245-6; in      Philadel-

Medical Library, 315; Academy of                                      phia, 246, 247-8, 251; building named

Medicine  of, 362; Catholic    Diocese                                  for ...................................258

of, 290; Lakeside Hospital of....358, 363                              Cuyahoga River                   .                                          ................ 68

Cleveland Medical Gazette ...............333                                 Czechoslovakia                    .         ................14, 271

Cleveland Press.........................193

Cleveland Visiting Nurse Association .360                               Daggett, Betsy Ann              .         ................... 70

Clevenger, L. Olive.....................297                                        Daggett, Gardner                 .         ...................              70

Clinch River ............................117                                            Damascus Bridge                 .         ...................              96

Cobb, Lyman ............................127                                           Damascus, Henry Co., O................ 66




"Damascus Town" ....................... 96                                           Dunkerque, France ...................... 28

Dana,  Joseph   ..........................258                                            Dunkers   .............................72,  262

Dane, Nathan ..........................245                                              Dunlap, Alexander ......................349

Dante,   Alighieri .........................234                                         Durbin,  James ........................... 95

Danville, Ky .......................117, 131

Danzig  ..................................271

Darlington, Joseph......................252                                           Eagleson, Freeman T ..................230

Davenport, Iowa ........................181                                          Early Western Travels, by R. G.

Davis, Harold E........................207                                             Thwaites ..............................317

Davis, N. S .............................312                                               East Liverpool, O ....115, 130, 132, 133, 134

Dawson, John ...........................350                                            East      Rockport,    ........................326

Day,  C.  B ................................378                                            Eaton,   S.  L..............................214

Day, J. B................................378                                                Eax, John and Mamelon...........103, 112

Dayton, O ..........................116, 134                                           Economic Development................163-4

Dearborn, Mich...................6, 11, 129                                        Edgeworth, Maria.......................119

Dearborn, Fort .......................56, 57                                           Education, 156-7, 328, 329, 332; medical,

Declaration of Independence..34, 71, 73, 86                            373; House Committee on, in 1890....111

Defiance, O., 2, 3, 8, 9, 65, 66, 67, 68,                                       Eel River..........................55, 57, 59

69, 70, 98; historical program at, 12;                                      Eighty-nine, by Tourgee ...........103, 111

Johnny Appleseed monument at ...... 46                                 Elizabethan Age......................28, 242

Defiance College, 8, 11; a Capella Choir                                   Ellicot, Andrew ..........................380

of  .....................................  12                                                 Ellis,  H.  H ..............................213

Defiance (O) Crescent News........... 10                                     El Paso, Texas..........................205

Defiance, Fort, 4, 19, 39, 43, 68, 97; nam-                                England, study of ......................... 273

ing of ................................. 67                                                 English, see British

Defiance Ministers Union...............12                                       Ennoeica ................................ 34

DeForest, J. W   ..........................113                                         En-sa-woc-sa    ........................... 65

D'Harnoncourt, Rene ...................394                                        Epidemics ...............................381

Delamater, John .........................332                                          Episcopalians   ...................... 72, 82

Delawares .....................52, 55, 56, 67                                       Equalization Fund .....................126

Democracy ..............................172                                             Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad.......... 5

Demosthenes    ............................90                                           Eskimo   ................................183-4

Dene Indians............................182                                             Established Church ......................77

Denmark  ................................  14                                             Ether   ...................................341

Deposit, Fort ............................ 94                                              Eucken, Christian Rudolf ..............238

Detroit, Mich., withdrawal of British,                                        Europe ......................13, 85, 88, 197

1; western capital of British, 33, 53,                                       Evans, Charles..........................306

55, 60, 66, 136                                                                         Ewing, Thomas ....................135, 258

Detroit Council on Local History..... 10                                     Expansionists of 1812....................186

Detroit Free Press...................... 21                                           Explorer's Club..........................184

Detroit Historical Society .............8, 10

Detroit Public Library, 135; McGuffey-                                    Fallen Timbers, 90, 115; Battle of, 4,

ana at ..................................129                                              13, 19, 40, 41, 43, 92, 93, 94; monument

Detroit  River ...........................3,  22                                          at, 58; victory  at.......................  67

Dickens, Charles ..............118, 119, 173                                   Family Visitor ......................333, 334

Dickson,  Harris  .........................114                                         Fascism   .............................172, 275

Dictionary of American Biography, 300,                                   Fearing, Paul.......................250, 251

324                                                                                           Federal Archives Survey................281

Dictionary of American History ........325                                  Federal Army ..........................101

Dictionary of Books .....................306                                        Federal Government................111, 118

Dictionary of National Biography...... 49                                    "Federalist"   ............................136

Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychol-                                      Fetzer, Herman (Jake Falstaff)........192

ogy  .................................... 308                                             Findlay,  James  ..........................193

Diegitica ................................ 34                                               Findlay, O...............................  69

Disciples  ..............................80,  81                                           Finley,  James  B  ........................124

Discovery and Explorations ...........144-5                                 Fitch, John ..............................375

Disease, 330; prevention of.............380                                    Fitch, Mary ...............................375

Dittrick, Howard ........................208                                         Fleischmann, Julius.......212, 217, 230, 231

Dixon, Thomas ..........................114                                          Fleming, Stephen .......................46

Dobson, Thomas ........................259                                          Florence, George ......................230

Dobson's Encyclopedia ..................259                                     Folsom, Seward G..................209, 292

Dr. Sevier ...............................114                                              Fool's Errand, A, 103, 105, 106, 110,

Dodge, Augustus C .....................181                                         111, 113

Douglas, Frederick ......................394                                        Foot, Lyman           ...........................329

Dow, Neal...............................124                                             Forbes'  Road          ............................117

Drake, Daniel .......................128, 381                                      Ford, Henry ............................243

Drake, Francis........................... 28                                            Ford Museum, McGuffeyana, at........129

Dublin Medical Press ...................340                                       Ford, R. Clyde, 10, 31, 99; address.... 11

Ducross, M..............................340                                             "Forks, the" ............................. 66

Dudley's Massacre ....................... 92                                        Forman, Jonathan .......................208

Duer, William        ...................... 247                                       Forts, see names of Forts.

Duff, Louis Blake.....................9, 10                                         Fourier   .................................262

Du Menil, Mademoiselle ................ 51                                     Fourteenth Amendment .................102


GENERAL INDEX                                          42I


Foxe, John...............................119                                        Graham, Sylvester ......................262

France.............15, 28, 60, 65, 85, 91, 273                                  Grand Rapids (of the Maumee).....68, 95

Frankfort, Ky ...........................117                                             Grand Rapids, Mich.................... 5

Franklin, Benjamin ...................... 14                                          Grant, Ulysses S................. ......397-9

Franklin College ........................180                                           Gray,  Asa................................175

Franklin County .........................174                                           Great Britain, 22, 23, 24, 27, 29, 65, 71.

Franklinton, O ..........................174                                            91, 186; aid to, 14; in War of 1812,

Frederick the Great ....................271                                         85; controls trans-Allegheny region..198

Freedmen's Bureau bill.................302                                        Great Lakes, 3, 7; basin, 15; country,

Freehold, N. J..........................131                                              16, 32, 60, 65

Free-Soil Convention ....................335                                        Great Revival ...........................123

French..............3, 7, 15, 16, 65, 89, 116                                     Greene, Griffin...........................251

French and Indian War..............32, 49                                      Greene, Nathaniel .......................37

French Broad River.....................117                                         Greenland ...............................184

French Canadians ....................... 17                                           Greensboro, N. C ........................102

French Grant ...........................116                                             Greensboro (N. C.) Union Register...102

French Revolution and Napoleon.......242                                  Greenville, O., 19, 43, 58; "Altar of

Frenchtown (Monroe, Mich.) ........... 68                                    Peace", 19; Peace Treaty of, 19, 41,

Friends Church .........................269                                            67, 115, 247.

Frontiersman, American................. 18                                       Greenville, Fort...........37, 38, 41, 44, 68

Fuehrer Prinzip, das ....................236                                         Greenwood, Mary Hamer ..........357, 360

Fuller, George N........................ 10                                            Greek democracies....................... 90

Fultz, Charles N........................ 9                                               Greersburg   Academy ....................127

Gregory, James ..........................376

G. A. R. (Hamilton, 0.) ...............134                                         Gregory, Jehiel.........................253

Gage, Thomas .........................49 53                                          Gregory, Winifred .......................319

Gallipolis,  O ................116                                                        Grimes, James W........................181

Gambier College ........................375                                          Grinnell, Iowa...........................181

Gamelin, Antoine ...................55, 56                                          Groaners ......................... 262

Garber, Clark N ........................184                                           Gross, S. D.............................325

Garfield House ...........................201                                         Grove, Stanley.......................... 10

Garfield, James A..................101, 201                                       Guard, Philip............................197

Garland, Hamlin ........................119                                          Guelph, Upper Canada.................. 22

Garland, M. A.......................... 10                                             Guilford, Nathan....................120, 125

Garrison, Curtis W............212, 393, 399                                   Guinan, Texas...........................194

Garrison, Fielding H...................312

Gates, Horatio......................299, 317                                         Hall of Fame ..........................129

"Gateway to the West"................ 84                                          Hall, Robert Courtney .................321

Genauer, Emily ..........................177                                         Hamil, F. C............................. 10

Genealogy .............................168-9                                           Hamilton,    Henry, 4, 33, 66;       "Hair

Genius of the West................... 219                                            Buyer .................... 33

Georgetown     (Md.) ......................117                                    Hamilton, James ........................376

Georgia   ................................. 74                                              Hamilton, O., 130, 131, 133; Greenwood

Georgia, Medical Association of, Jour-                                    Cemetery at ......................133

nal  of ..................................322                                             H amlin,  Chauncey    J ...................394

German and Dutch Reformed Churches 72                              Hammond, Charles ......................128

German Lutherans ...................  72                                           Hammurabi .............................243

German people ..........................121                                          Hanby Memorial ...................201, 231

Germany, 14, 116, 124, 273; planes...... 29                               Harding Memorial ......................201

Gerstenberger, H. L....................356                                        Hardy, Thomas..........................113

Gibson, Francis M .....................198                                          Harmar, Josiah, Papers on, 11, 12, 35,

Gibson, Katherine ......................198                                         38, 39, 40, 41, 54, 57, 58, 60, 62, 67;

Giddings, Joshua R......................284                                         expedition against Miami Indians, 47;

Gilman, Benjamin Ives..................250                                      expedition, Fall of 1790, 55, 56; at

Gilman, Joseph    ..........................251                                       Fort  Wayne  ........................... 61

Girty Brothers, 56; Simon, 67; Simon,                                       Harmar, Fort (Marietta, 0.)........... 60

James and George ................... 96                                        Harper's Magazine ......................320

Girty's. Island ...........................96                                             Harrington, John P .....................183

Gladden, Washington....................182                                      Harrisburg, Pa ..........................117

Gladwin, Anna ........................360                                            Harris, Joel Chandler ...................114

Gladwin, Henry ........................ 16                                           Harris, Robert C......................11, 99

Gladwin, Mary ................. 357                                                  Harrison, William Henry, 4, 19, 20, 39,

Glaize (Defiance) ................... 66                                            40, 68, 84, 92; and Tyler..............135

Glasgow, Ellen...........................114                                          "Harrisonians" .........................136

Gnadenhutten, O........................ 66                                           "Harrison Song" ..................... 136

Godfrey, of Bouillon...................125                                        Harrodsburg, Ky........................131

Goldsmith, Oliver..................... 30                                            Harrodstown, Ky........................117

Goodman, Joseph C....................232                                         Hatch, Charles E....................... 9

Goodman, Joseph C....................232                                         Hatcher, Harlan ........................174

Goodrich, S. G........................127                                             Havana, Cuba ........................... 49

Gould,  Clarence   P.......................209                                     Hawaii   .................................. 70

Gould, Gloria ..........................194                                            Hay, Henry .............................55

Grady, Henry W........................113                                         Hayden, Lemuel ...................192, 193




Hayes Memorial ...........        .........205                        Indiana, 6, 20, 51, 73, 84, 123, 128, 178,

Hayes, Webb C ................211, 217, 226                      202; claimed by Miamis, 55; southern,

Health, Boards of ......................380                             176, 407; rural life in, 178; Constitu-

Heckewelder, John......................66                             tional Convention of, 1850-1...........189

Hedges, James ...........................218                            Indiana Historical Society............1, 11

Hempstead, G. S. B.....................381                            Indiana Pioneers, Society of.......1, 9, 11

Henry II (Plantagenet) ................243                           Indiana Magazine of History...........321

Henry, William  .........................218                             Indianapolis,  Ind.......................7,  9

Heustis, Jabez Wiggins.................314                          Indians, 7, 18, 33, 67, 89, 115, 117, 182;

Hibbard, James F ......................371                             Christian, 35, 66; Ohio and Michigan,

Hiestand, Lois R., 177, 180, 193, 194, 196,                               41; nursing among. 351; arts of......394

197, 198, 199                                                                          See also various tribes.

Hildreth, Samuel   P.................332, 380                        Industry   ................................395

Hill, Lawrence F ........................207                            Insect Life-stories, by E. S. Thomas..214

"Historian's Notebook".............322, 366                       Iowa   ..................................180-1

Historic Sites Survey, 283; in       Cuya-                                    Iowa, Annals of .......................181

hoga County ...........................286                             Iowa College ............................181

Historical Outlook ..................      242                          Iowa State  Medical Society, Journal

Historical Records Survey, 314; project                                   of .....................................322

in  Ohio.........................221, 277-91                          Iowa Territory..........................181

History, legal, 155-6; local, 161; natu-                                      Ipswich, Mass .................... 246

ral, 334; study and writing of........169                      Ireland ..............................23, 116

History of Ten Churches, by John Tay-                                     Irish-Americans ........................ 23

lor  .....................................79                                    Ironside, George.........................  67

Hitler, Adolph, 7, 30, 32, 172, 236, 271                        Iroquois .......................... 182

Hockhocking River .....................116                           Irvine, James ...........................260

Holland       .............................14,                                 116       "Isms" ..................................202

H olm es,     Ensign  .........................                             17         Ives, Eli.................................329

Holmes, Oliver Wendell............309, 338

Holzer, Charles E.......................226                             Jackson, Andrew .....................86, 87

Homeopathy   ............................333                              Jackson, Mitchell Y...................201

Hoosier characteristics ..................407                         Jacksonian Democracy...................242

Hoover, Herbert ........................172                             James River ............................117

Hoover, Thomas N......................208                            James, V. P .............................233

Hopewell Culture .......................386                             Japan ................................32, 172

Hopewell Mound Group................387                          Jay, John ................................115

Horace ..................................129                                  Jay's Traty.............................43

Horticulture ................... 327, 335                                 Jay County, Ind........................ 45

Hosack, David ...........................323                             Jeffers, Herman    P .....................231

Hospitals ..............352, 353, 358, 359, 363                    Jefferson Avenue, Defiance........... 68

Howe, E. D.............................264                                 Jefferson College (Pa) ..................127

Howe, George F ........................208                             Jefferson, Fort........................... 37

Howell, Marion G .......................208                            Jefferson, Thomas............34, 58, 85, 172

Howells, W. C .........................118                                Jenner, Edward.........................243

Howells, William  D................113, 119                        Jennings, Samuel K.....................315

Hoy, P. R ...............................334                                  Jesuit Relations, The...................318

Hudson Company, J. L ...............2, 8                             Johnson, Andrew, 10, 108, 302; Plan

Hull, William ......................4, 19, 84                             of reconstruction ........104, 105, 108, 113

Hull's  Crossing ..........................  93                              Johnson, Anza...........................361

Hunter, John ............................258                                Johnson, Arthur C., Sr., 207, 209, 210,

"Hunters ............................       20                                 211, 212

"Hunters' Lodges"...................... 20                               Johnson, Benjamin Franklin............379

Hurons   ................................. 55                                   Johnson County, Ind ....................180

Johnson, Jubal ..........................193

Ichthyology .........................328, 331                             Johnson Republicans ....................102

Ideals, American........................    34                           Johnson, Samuel .........................234

Ikhnaton       ................................243                             Johnson's Island ......................... 22

Illinoia         ..................................  34                           Johnston, Claude  ........................203

Illinois, 3, 55, 73, 118, 123, 128; south-                                     Jolliet, Louis............................ 17

ern  ....................................176                                   Jones, Charles  A ........................212

Illinois Territory ........................198                              Jones, Ichabod Gibson..............377, 378

Immigrants ...........................154-5                                Jordan, Philip Dillon..180, 188, 205, 305, 403

Independence Dam...................... 97                             Jordan, Wayne ..........................115

Independence Lock No. 21.............. 97                        Josephson, Bertha E....................209

Independence, O ........................ 97                              Journal of Southern History........... 321

Index--Catalogue of the Library of the                                       Juettner, Otto ......................381

Surgeon - General's     Office,   United                                 Justinian ................................243

States Army...........................307

Index Medicus ..........................307                               Karelian Finnish Soviet.................271

Indian Art, Exhibition of American...214                     Kaskaskia, Ind.......................33, 198

Indian Arts in North America .........394                         Keats, John    ............................ 30

Indian Arts of the United States ......394                         Ke-ki-on-ga .............................. 40


GENERAL INDEX                                          423


Kekionga, Ind.................55, 56, 57, 58                                     Legionville, Pa .................:.... 37

Kelly, Howard A ........................325                                        Legislation on nursing ..................361

Kelly,  James .............................306                                          Legislature,  Ohio ........................331

Kelly, Thomas J ......................... 9                                            LeMayne, Hesden.......................110

Kemal, Mustapha ........................236                                        L'Esperance, Monsieur.................. 52

Kemfer, Jackson......................... 82                                          Lemen, James ......................... 79

Ke-na-po-co-mo-co .................... 59                                        LeMoine, Marie .........................198

Kennedy, Benjamin .....................179                                       Leominster, Mass., Johnny        Appleseed

Kennedy, Thomas...................178, 179                                         monument at .......................... 46

Kent County Historical Society........ 10                                    Lesquereux, Leo ........................175

Kent, England ...........................118                                          Lewis and Clark, journal of...........318

Kenton, Simon .......................... 4                                              Lewis, Meriwether ...................... 40

Kentucky, 3, 4, 38, 40, 61, 66, 73, 75, 84;                                 Lewis, Samuel......................125, 128

101, 117, 122, 123, 128, 132, 177, 194,                                 Lexington, Ky......................116, 117

204; settlers, 47, 48; troops of, 93;                                         Lexington-Transylvania     districts .......122

Pioneer, 176.                                                                          Leypold, Frederick ..............      .....306

Kentucky River .......................116-7                                        Liaison nation (Canada) ................24

Kentucky, University of................203                                       Libby prison .............................101

Kenyon College ..........................375                                         Library, medical, of J. P. Kirtlandr...329

Kershner, Glenn Robert ................401                                      Licking River..................116, 117, 120

Kessler, Lillian .....................277, 305                                       Light, Gilson D .......................8, 11

Key, Francis Scott...................86, 87                                         Lincoln, Abraham, 176; plan of recon-

Kickapoo ............................... 55                                                   struction, 104, 105, 108; statue of, in

Kiefer  (O.)  tablet...................... 204                                            Cleveland   ........................178,  302

Kilbourne, James .............252, 253, 374-5                                Lincoln           National Life    Foundation, 9,

King, E. W ..............................305                                                 11; Museum     and Library ............. 11

King, John J ............................377                                             Lindley, Harlow, 1-2, 6, 9, 202, 203, 222,

King, Rufus .............................245                                                 229, 232, 298, 289, 404, 407

Kingsville Academy, O .................101                                      Lindly   Jacob........ 253, 254, 255, 258

Kinzie, John...........................      56                                           Linn, A. W    ................... .....     264

Kirtland, Jared Potter.............326-337                                       Lippman, Walter, cited.................32

Kirtland, Ohio ................261, 263, 264                                      Literature, 160, on nursing............361

Kirtland, Turhand .......................326                                         Literature, Index        Early   American

Kleinschmidt, Earl E....................321

Kline, Amanda ..........................132                                              Periodical.........................316

Kline Memorial Fund, Hamilton ......223                                   Literature, Reader's Guide to Period-

Knox, Henry ..........................56, 61                                          ical..........................   316

Knox, John ............ 234                                                              Lithic Laboratory ......................213

Kodo philosophy .........................236                                         Little Big Horn, Battle of.....              36

Krauss, Bertha K .......................284                                          Little Turtle, Chief, 39, 41, 42, 57, 58, 59

Krey, Laura ............................114                                             Livingston, Frank A .....................209

Ku Klux Klan, 103, 106, 109, 110, 111,                                    Lloyd Family of Lloyd's Neck, N. Y...319

113,  114                                                                                 Locke,  John  .............................172,

London, Empire Poetry League of.....362

London, Eng. .......................29, 187

La Demoiselle, Chief.................... 66                                        Long, Crawford ........................338

La Hontan explores Ohio shores .......185                                 Long Island    N. Y.......................131

La Salle, Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur                                       Long Knives ............................ 40

de ................................3, 17, 89

Ladies' Home Journal .................193                                        "Long Rifles"     .......................  198

Lafayette, Ind. ......................52, 55                                           Louis XIV, Age of....................242

Lake Champlain .........................86                                           Louisiana .       .....73 104

Lake Erie..........3, 5, 16, 20-2, 32, 44, 86                                  Louisiana Territory    .................... 16

Lake Erie, Battle of ................. 4, 193                                       Louisville, Ky. ....................117, 127

Lake Michigan.    ............................ 3                                       Lovell, Joseph                    .....................   309

Lake Superior ........................... 33                                                Low Hampton, N. Y.     ....................262

Lakes, Upper ................... ........ 16                                            Loyalists  . ...............................25

Lakeside, Ind ............................ 56                                            Loyalist Convention of 1866.............102

Lalemant, Jerome ............. .....       318                                      Lucas County, O., 93; Plan        Commis-

Lancaster, O  ........................116, 118                                           sion of ........................            2

Langlade, Charles Michelde...........3, 65                                   Lucas, Robert (Gov., 0.)............... 21

Lanier, Sidney       .    ...................... 113                                   Lundy, Benjamin .......................124

Larwill, John and Joseph .............218-9                                    Luther, Martin    .........................231

Latin America        .     ..................... 273                                   Lutherans ...............................124

Laurens, Fort  ...........................223                                            Lynch, Charity   ..........................403

Laurentian shield....       ................ 25

Lawler, William F ....................9, 10                                         McArthur, Duncan.................119, 193

Laws, Annie .............................357                                            McClellan, George B ....................303

League of Nations....        ............... . 14                                    MacDonald, David ......................196

Leavell, Benjamin....................... 69                                           MacDonald, George F............6, 10, 11

Leebrick, K. C ..........................209                                           McDonnell .....................              66

Lee, Charles ............................                                                   36                   McDonough, Thomas (Commodore).... 86

Leete, Harriet L........................356                                            McFarland, Elizabeth E............217, 223




McGuffey, William    Holmes, Pres. Ohio                               General Committee of, 7, 8; Local

Univ.      ..................................260    Committee   of,  9.

McGuffeyana ...........................129    Maumee Valley through Fifty     Years,

McGuffey Elms        .   .................. 129                                    1763-1813 .............................2, 8

McGuffeyism    ...........................129  Maumee-Wabash Route        ...............16

McGuffey, William     Holmes, 125, 126,                                 May, William    ...........................67

127, 128, 129.                                                                         Mayan civilization ......................195

McMuffey, William      Holmes and His                                    Mayo Trail ............................194

Readers   .......................... 120  M ayslick, Ky     ..........................117

McHenry, Fort                               .                                           ................ 86                                                                Medical Arts and Indianapolis Medical

McIntosh, Fort (Pa.)                       .................. 60                     Journal ............................     322

Mackaye, Steele                            .     .......................106         Medical College of Ohio  ...............349

McKendree, William                     ..................124                    Medical Convention of Ohio........                               371

Mackinac ..............................3 66 Medical History, American...........                                                                         305

McKinley, Kenneth W...........174-6, 406                                  Medical History, Annals of.............322

McKinley, William, and        presidential                                 Medical Literature, Quarterly Cumula-

campaign ............................103..     tive Index to Current.................307

McLaughlin, W. R ......................238  Medical Profession, Rules of Etiquette,

McMinn, John H .....................302-3   Rate of Charges and Fee-Bill of the

McNemar, Richard      ............      ... 124                                  Mobile .................................315

McNiff, William J .......................208  Medical Repository .....................320

Mad River, O............................ 56       Medical and Surgical History       of the

Madam Delphine, by C. W. Cable ......113                               British Army .........................310

Madison, James....................85-6, 245                                      Medical and Surgical History of the

Magazines, on medical history..........320                                  War of the Rebellion ..................310

Mahomet ............................234, 237    Medical Times ....................                                                                                                          322

Mahoning Valley .......................263    Medicine, 159-160, 325, 362; see                                                                     also

Maine ................................... 73     Hospitals.

Malden, Canada ......................... 19    Medicine, A Century of American......312

Mamelon, by Tourge ...................112  Medicine, A   History of.................312

Manchester College ................11, 47  Medicine and the Medical Profession,

Manchester, Eng. ....................... 46    Outlines of the History of............312

Manchester, O. .......................116       Medicine, Development of Modern .....312

Manifest Destiny ...........         .... 189  Medicine, history of..................305-83

Mansfield, Edward D....................128                                       Medicine, History of, Bulletin of Johns

Mansfield, O., 200, 218; Johnny Apple-                                    Hopkins University     ..................322

seed Monument at.................... 46   Medicine, Journal of..................     322

Mansion House .................... 22     Medicine in the United States, History

Manuscript Collection, Guide to ........402                                 of ......................................312

Maquoketa, Iowa .......................181   Medicine, New England Journal of....322

Marietta, O............35, 115, 124, 135, 214                                 Medico-Chirurgical Report..............310

Marine Hospital (Cleveland) ...........352                                   Meigs, Fort, 4, 12, 20, 50, 87, 89, 92, 136;

Marquette, Jacques   ..................... 17 program at  ............................ 12

Marsh, John     ...........................277    Meigs, Return Jonathan, Jr ........193, 251

Maryland ............................77, 117     Melchler, Marguerite Fellows ...........405

Maryland, Moravians in................ 72  Mendenhall, T. C........................175

Massachusetts  ........................... 71     M enefee, James   ......................... 46

Massachusetts General Hospital .........338                                Mennonites ............................. 72

Massachusetts Health Act of 1907 .......382                              Mentor, O. ..............................201

Mason, Truman E .......................377   Mesopotamia ............................ 34

Masse, Ennemond .............       ......318                                      Methodist, 69, 72, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 123, 124

Massie, Nathaniel ......................252    Methodist Episcopal Church............. 80

Matthews, Shailer ...................238       Metternich, Era of ......................242

Maumee   .................................  3        M eyer, Jacob  C..........................209

Maumee Bay  ............................  50     M exico  .............................190,  195

Maumee Indians ........................ 49     Mexican War................... 32, 131, 152

Maumee rapids .....................18, 53     Miami district ..........................122

Maumee River Scenic and         Historical                                Miami & Erie Canal ......91, 93, 94, 95, 97

Highway Association ................. 9   Miami, Fort............4, 17, 33, 40, 43, 91

Maumee River, 3, 4, 16, 17, 19, 33, 40,                                     Miami, Fort (old) ...................... 21

43, 45, 49, 50, 56, 61, 65, 67, 68, 90,                                      Miami Indians ......3, 47, 51, 54, 55, 56, 67

93, 95, 98.                                                                                Miami Rapids ........................... 92

Maumee Valley, 1, 3, 4, 7, 18, 22, 32, Miami River, Great ................116, 121

35, 38, 49, 53, 56, 60, 65, 66, 67, 70,                                      Miami River, Little ................116, 121

89; map    of, frontispiece;   Maumee                                     Miami Town........................33, 40

basin, 21.                                                                                 Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton ........353

Maumee Valley Historical Conference,

214, 216, 221, 231.                                                                  Miami University, 126, 127; McGuffey-

Maumee Valley International Historical                                   ana at .................................129

Convention, Sept. 27-9, 1940 editorial                                    Miami Valley ......................118

on, 1-2; proceedings, 1-98; booklet on,                                  "Miamis fort"        ......................... 51

2; program of, 2, 10-12; story of, 6-9;                                    Miamis, The Land of the............... 55


GENERAL INDEX                                          425


Michigan, 4, 5, 6, 18, 20, 21, 84, 89, 128,                                  Murphy, political speech by............135

135; Upper Peninsula of, 5; War with                                    Murray, Lindley....................119, 127

Ohio  ...................................  89                                             Murray,  J.  McE.........................  10

Michigan Historical Commission .....10, 11                               Museum Accessions, April, 1940 to April

Michigan-Ontario Historical Convention        6                                1941  ............................... .215

Michigan, U. S. S....................... 22                                            Museum of Modern Art................214

Michigan Sentinel ...................... 21                                           Museums, youth in       .   ...............296

Michigan State Normal College........ 8                                      Music ...................................161

Michigan, University of, 8, 10, 34; Wil-                                    Muskhogean (Indians) .................182

liam  L. Clements Library, 2, 8, 11, 12,                                  Muskingum River     .   ................ 116

47, 53, 54, 60.                 Mussey, R. D ......................343, 348

Michigan History Magazine .............321                                   Mussolini, Benito...................172, 236

Microfilm Project ......................220

Middle West........................185, 195                                         N. Y. A ..........         ............    . 214

Miers family ............................186                                            Nadeli, Grandma ...         ................192

Military Surgeon ........................322                                          Naples, Italy       .     ..................190

Mill, J. S .......................... 172, 238                                            Napoleon ............................85, 234

Miller, Oscar F ..........................222                                          Napoleon, O.  .......................... 96

Miller, William   ..................         262                                       "Napoleon of the Red Men" (Little

Miller, William Marion.................205                                       Turtle)             .....................58

Mills, John          .............................245                                      Nash, Philip C ......................10, 99

Milton, John        ............................ 30                                        Nashoba, Tenn     .........................189

Minerva ..................................129                                             National Archives, The...........171-2, 313

Minnesota History ......................321                                          National Cyclopaedia of American

Minnesota Medicine ....................322                                        Biography ......................324

Minnich, Dean Harvey C...............120                                      National Road ..................118, 173, 174

Miscellanies in Prose & Verse.......... 54                                    National Road Celebration ..............214

Miss Ravenel's Conversion .............113                                     Navigation   ..............................399

Mississinewas ...........................55                                             Navigator .........             ...................... 119

Mississippi Basin .......................65                                             Navy, Department of the...............314

Mississippi River, 3, 7, 16, 27, 33, 49, 50,                                  Naziism   ............................172, 275

60, 73.                                                                                      Negro, 105, 106, 107, 113; suffrage, 105;

Mississippi Valley.....................25, 73                                               in society .............................112

Mississippi  Valley             States............... 25                           Neolithic  ................................39

Mississippi Valley               Historical Review,                           Nevins, Allan ...........................237

209, 321.                                                                                 New Brunswick, N. Y      ..............131

Missouri  .............................73, 128                                           New England ......................71, 72, 74

Mitchell, Eliza   .........................35                                            New England Congregationalists........ 76

Mitchell, Margaret .....................114                                         New England culture ....................115

Mohammedanism        .......................235                                  New England Journal of Medicine......322

Monmouth, Battle of...................36                                            New Englanders       .   ................. 116

Monroe Doctrine ..............24, 25, 85, 87                                   New England Primer....................127

Monroe, James ......................... 85                                            New Hampshire        .   ................ 71

Monroe, Mich., 21; massacre at........ 84                                   "New Hampshire Grants, The"........186

Montana Territory     .................... 199                                      New Harmony, Ind............176, 189, 262

Montcalm-Gazon, Louis Joseph         de, de                             New Haven, Ind         .    ................ 98

Saint Veran .......................... 16                                             New Jersey       .    ..................... 122

Montreal, Canada .....................3, 15                                        New Jersey, College of.................. 71

Moore, David R.........................207                                           New Jerusalem, Church of..........45, 46

Moore, Eleanor M.....................296                                          Newly Found Eden    .   ..............196

Moral Physiology     ......................189                                      Newman, Jacob ........................218

Moravians, Missionary, 66; in Pennsyl-                                    New Orleans, Battle of................. 86

vania  ..................................  72                                             New Orleans, La........................131

Morgan, John .................130, 132, 134                                     New Rochester, O....................... 98

Morgan, R. G.........183, 184, 204, 213, 384                              New Stone Age .........................394

Morgan's Raid     .........................132                                        New World.....................15, 182, 196

Mormon, Book of.......................263                                          New York (State), 6, 189, 202; Mora-

Mormonism, 261-8; at Cumorah Hill....261                                      vians in, 72; western..................187

Mormonism, Revelation in ..............264                                    New York City........69, 103, 120, 184, 214

Mormonism, The Story of..............264                                       New York Academy of Medicine .......309

Mormonism Unveiled ...................264                                       New York Historical Society.......6, 319

Morris, Richard B ......................280                                         New York Public Library ..............311

Morris, Thomas.... 11, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53                             New York, The Arts and Crafts in....319

Morrow, Thomas Vaughan.........377, 378                                New York University, 129; Library ....316

Morton, William Thomas Green........338                                 New York, University of the

Mosaison   ................................235                                                   City                                                      of  ................................180

Mott, Frank Luther ....................320                                          New Zealand         .    .................. 29

Mound-Builders .........................200                                         Newspapers, 120, 160-1; American, 22,

Mound City .........................        231                                                            24; Medical history in ................320

Mt. Sterling, Ky .......................203                                            Niagara, N. Y........................... 16

Muggletonians ..........................262                                           Niagara Falls, N. Y..................... 6

Murfreesboro, Battle at.................101                                      Niagara Falls, Ont....................... 6




Nichols,       Roy  F..........................242                                    Ohio  National  Guard .................... 12

Nietzsche's "Superman"     ..............241                                   Ohio Newspaper Index............220, 221

Nightingale, Florence ..................361                                       Ohio, Northwestern, Historical Society

Nightingale, Florence, Scholarship Loan                                  of ...................................... 8

Fund   ................................360                                           Ohio Nurses  Review  .....................362

"Noble Fellow" .........................191                                           Ohio and Pennsylvania Canal ..........331

North ................106, 108, 109, 110, 112                                   Ohio Planning Society..................214

North American continent ............16, 27                                  Ohio, Recollection of Life in, from 1813

North American democracies........... 15                                   to 1840 .................................118

North Carolina .................72, 103, 120                                     Ohio Public Health Nursing Organiza-

North Manchester,  Ind.................. 11                                      tion  ....................................360

Northwest, see Old Northwest.                                                  Ohio Reports ...........................127

Northwest Territory, 221, 247, 282; medi-                                Ohio River travel .......................116

cal practice in ........................321                                          Ohio River Museum....................214

Norton, Laurence H................212, 216                                     Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

Norway ................................ 14                                                 Society, 1, 6, 9, 10, 200, 205, 278; Board

Nova Scotia, Canada ....................187                                       of Trustees, Annual Meeting, 207;

Nunnely, Simpson ......................345                                          55th Annual Meeting, 207, 210-29; Re-

Nurse Examining Committee............361                                   Port of Director, 212-15; State Me-

Nurses and Nursing, public, 355; educa-                                   morials, 213; Report of Secretary,

tion of, 357; war .......................362                                        216-22; Report of Treasurer, 222-6;

Nursing, Association   of    Collegiate                                        Receipts & Disbursements, for year

Schools of ............................364                                            1940, 224-5; Minutes of Annual Meet-

Nursing Education, National League                                        ing, 230-2.

of ....................................364                                                  Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

Nye, Russel B............................205                                            Society Museum, McGuffeyana at....129

Ohio State Archaeological and Histor.

Oberlin College........................8, 10                                           ical Quarterly ...............115, 321, 366

O'Connell, Sister Anthony ............353                                       Ohio State Association of Graduate

Odin ....................................234                                                  Nurses  ................................359

O'Farrell, Andy ........................197                                            Ohio State Journal............193, 219, 373

Ohio, Toledo Strip, 4, 21; Colonel Bou-                                     Ohio State League of Nursing Educa-

quet in, 49; volume of Shakespeare                                       tion ....................................360

in, 51; western, claimed by Miamis,                                       Ohio State Medical Board..............361

55; Harmar's expedition, 61; admitted                                    Ohio State Medical Journal........322, 366

to Union, 73; War with Michigan, 89;                                    Ohio State Medical Society, 332, 350,

in McGuffey's time, 115-129; common                                  371, 372.

schools of, 126; Morgan's Raid into,                                       Ohio State Nurses Association, 357,

132; as pivotal state, 136; in territorial                                    359, 361; Quarterly Bulletin of, 362,

period, 147; surveys, 147-149; descrip-                                 Ohio State University, 12, 172, 205, 207;

tion  of, 173; during    War of 1812,                                       School of Nursing, 359.

193; great men of, 214-5; New      Eng-                                 Ohio University, 126, 29, 253, 254; rules

land culture in, 373.                                                                 for, 256-7; course of study, 258-9;

Ohio Academy of Hist., Tenth Annual                                       Board of Trustees, 259.

Meeting.......................207, 208, 232                                       "Ohio University", original trustees of 252

Ohio Company.............245, 246, 247, 251                                  Ohio Valley ....................3, 17, 65, 73

Ohio country........16, 35, 65, 117, 123, 185                                Ohio Volunteers .........................101

Ohio Educational Monthly ..............219                                     Ohio Writers' Project ...................221

Ohio Farm er  ............................334                                           "Old Betsy"  ............................  89

Ohio, Geological Survey of........331, 334                                  Old Britain (Indian chief) ............, 66

Ohio Guide, The........................217                                            "Old Hickory" .........................87

Ohio, Historical and Philosophical So-                                        "Old Ironsides" ........................87

ciety of  ..............................200                                               "Old Kenyon" .............  ...........201

Ohio Historical. Records   Survey, on                                         Old Northwest, 1, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 19,

medical history .......................315                                           32, 33, 35, 36, 40, 60, 89, 90.

Ohio History, Bibliography of.......137-70                                   Old Stone Age..........................394

Ohio History Conference Annual Meet-                                    Oliver, Robert ..........................251

ing, Program   of ...................207-209                                     Oman, Charles .........................237

Ohio, The History of the State of, 206, 217                                  Ondrak, Andrew J., Jr........222, 232, 297

Ohio Hospital Association ...............365                                     Ontario, Canada ...................7, 9, 84

Ohio Imprints Inventory ................285                                       Ontario Historical Society........6, 10, 11

Ohio-Indiana line    ....................  45                                           Ontario, Western, University of....... 10

Ohio, Inventory of the County                                                     Optimist Club .......................... 46

Archives of, on medical history...... 315                                   Ordinance of 1785 ......................245

Ohio, Inventory of Municipal Archives                                       Ordinance of 1787................34, 73, 124

of, on  medical history.................316                                       Ornithology   .............................334

Ohio Medical College (Cincinnati), 332, 343                              Ottawas........................50, 55, 65, 67

Ohio Medical Convention..329, 332, 380, 381                            Ouiatenon (Lafayette, Ind.).........52, 55

Ohio Medical and Surgical Journal, 340,                                    Outline of History ......................275

343, 344, 347, 348, 350.                                                           Overman, William D., 172, 178, 185, 201,

Ohio-Michigan boundary controversy.. 21                                 205, 213, 226, 295, 300, 390, 397, 400, 403

Ohio Mound-builder artifacts ...........214                                    Owen, Robert .............     .....188, 262


GENERAL INDEX                                         427


Owen, Robert Dale ............188, 189, 190                                 Polybius .................................242

Owen, Robert Dale; A Biography.....188                                  Pontiac, 16, 33, 50; birthplace of, 65, 97;

Owen, Royal ...........................111                                            death of, 98.

Owenites ................................176                                             Pontiac's Conspiracy, 4, 16, 17, 18, 49,

Ox-Bow, Ind.    ............................  45                                       66,  97.

Oxford, O. .........................126, 205                                          Poor Richard's Almanac................120

Poor Whites  ............................110

Pacanne, Chief ......................... 52                                            Portage River ..................      .... 20

Pacific Coast      .     .................. 89                                           Porter, Eugene O....................187, 205

Pacific Ocean ...........................32                                            Port Lawrence, O....................... 5

Packard, Francis R             .................312, 322                         Portsmouth, O. ....................117, 118

Pactolus .....       ......................112                                             Potawatomi, 55; village .................. 53

Pactolus Prime ......................103, 112                                      Potter, Jared ...........................327

Paddock, Jonathan Roberts ....377, 378, 379                             Potomac River ...............             117

Page, Thomas Nelson ...................114                                      Powell, Thomas W....................379

Painesville, O. .....................101, 26                                          "Prairie Schoner"      ....................121

Paleolithic Age .........................394                                           Pratt, Prof. Julius ....................186

Pan-American Union        .................  25                                  Presbyterian Church................69, 127

Paris, Ky. .................117                                                            Presbyterians, 71, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82,

Paris, France ........................... 60                                             83, 122, 123, 124.

Paris, Peace of, in 1783, 73; Treaty of                                      Presque Isle ........................... 44

1783, 18, 60, 71.                                                                   Priestly, Joseph ........................338

Paris, Treaty     of, in   1763, 32;   2nd                                      Pringle, Henry F .......................390

Treaty of ............................... 33                                            Proclamation of Amnesty ...............104

Parsons, Samuel H .................245, 246                                     Proctor, Henry .......................4, 92

Paterson, Robert G.....................208                                          Providence Park ...................... 95

Patterson, Grove H ..................... 12                                         "Providence Town"       ....................95

Patterson, John .........................245                                           Psychological Index ....................308

Paulding Co., O ..........................98                                            Public Health Nursing ..................362

Paully, Ensign ..........................16                                              Public Square (Cleveland, O.) ........178

Pax  Americana    ......................... 25                                       Publishers Weekly  .....................306

Pax Britannica .................          . 25                                          Purdue University ...................... 9

Peckham, Howard H .............. 11, 47, 99                                 Putnam, Rufus, 244, 245, 247, 248; and

Pennsylvania, 61, 72, 117, 122, 127-                                         founding of Ohio Univ., 248, 249, 250;

traders of, 49;   Moravians    in, 72;                                      Athens, O., 251, 253, 257, 258, 259, 260.

troops of, 93; western, 185.

Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad.......219                                  Quaife, Milo M ............9, 10, 15, 99, 135

Pennsylvania, Historical Society of....402                                 Quakers ............42, 72, 124, 262, 403, 405

Pennsylvania-New Jersey group........116                                 Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus..308

Penutian   ................................182                                             Quebec Act .............................17

Pericles ................. 31                                                                Quebec, 15, 20; French-Canadian prov-

Perkins, Eliphaz ........................253                                           ince of, 17.

Perry, Oliver Hazard..4, 20, 32, 86, 87, 193                             Queen City of the West, The"... ...119

Perry's victory  .........................117                                            Queen Victoria  .........................349

"Peter Parley" readers.................127

Peters, Ralph W .......................9, 10                                         R. F. D...................................195

Pheidias .................................243                                               Radical Republicans, 23, 102, 105, 106,

Phelps, Grace ...........................363                                           109; plan of reconstruction, 104, 107, 108

Philadelphia, Pa., 37, 42, 61, 102, 103;                                      Railroads ................................ 7

Library of the College of Physicians.309                              Raisin River ............................ 4

Phillips, Horatio G...................... 69                                           Raisin River, Battle of.................. 68

Philosophers ............................262                                             Rauschenbusch, Walter .................182

Physicians and Surgeons of the Nine-                                        Ravenna, O.       ............................117

teenth Century, Lives of  Eminent                                          Ray, Joseph .............................128

American    ..............................325                                        Ray,  Kingsley   ..........................378

Piankashaws ............................ 55                                             Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature,

Pickawillany        ..........      .......... 3, 66                                    316.

Piedmont               ...............................293                                  Reconstruction Acts  ....................106

Pierce, Isaac        ............................251                                     Reconstruction of 1863 ...................104

Pierce, Stephen .........     .. .........252                                         Reconstruction, period of, 102, 104, 107,

Pike, Zebulon   ........................39, 40                                         108.

Pilgrim's Progress ......................119                                         Recovery, Fort........... 19, 38, 43, 58, 115

Pioneer Life in Ohio, bibliography on,                                      Red Cross, 356-357; American...........364

149-150.                                                                                  Red Jacket .............................. 67

Piqua .................................66, 69                                               Reformed Medical Academy ............376

Pittsburgh, Pa ......35, 37, 67, 117, 119, 127                               Reformed Medical College ..............376

Pittsburgh Press, University of........185                                     Reformed Medical College..............375

"Plantation Medicine" .................322                                         Religion ..................122, 157-8, 404, 405

Poland   ...............................14,  32                                            Republican News   .......................131

Poland, O. ..............................328                                              Republican Party, 102,103, 111; Johnson-

Politics ........................153-154, 335                                          ites in, 102; northerner, 107; politi-

Politicians, American ...................22                                         cians, 108.




Revolution, American, in west..........145                                    San Francisco, Calif..................... 23

Revolutionary War, see American Rev-                                   Sanitation ...............................381

olution.   Saratoga   ................................ 34

Reynolds family ........................186                                           Sargent, Winthrop ...................   245

Revivals, great colonial................. 77                                        Scandinavia ........................116, 124

Reynolds, Hiram H.................185, 186                                      Schickelgruber, Heer, see Hitler.

Rhode Island ........................... 72                                               Schwenkfelders ........................ 72

Richardson, Ernest Cushing ............309                                     Scioto County ......................... 116

Richardville, Jean Baptist .............. 65                                       Scioto district ..........................122

Richardville (Chief)  ................... 65                                          Scioto  River             ............................116

Riddell, J. ...... ...........377                                                            Scotch-Irish  .........................71, 74

Ridgely, Frederick ......................317                                          Scotland .......................  116, 189

Rigdon, Sidney................263, 264, 265                                      Scott, Charles .......................35, 67

Rigney, Eugene D..................207, 226                                       Scott, Walter ........................30, 338

Rightmire, George W., 205, 209, 211, 217,                                Sculpture, Hopewell ....................384

225, 230, 232.                                                                          Sears, Louis M.......................... 9

Ritchie, Charles E .............216, 217, 232                                   Seip Mound No. 1, Ross Co............384

Riza, Khan   .............................236                                            Sellew,  Gladys  ..........................362

Roberts, Abbie ..........................357                                           Serpent Mound .........................231

Roberts, Mary ..........................362                                            Servosse, Comfort........106, 108, 109, 110

Roche de Boeuf .......................... 94                                          Servosse,  Lily          ..........................113

Rochester, University of ................101                                      Sessions, Ann           ..........................193

"Rock Oil Company"...................111                                          Settlements, 145-6; early................115

Rocky Mts. .............................  40                                              Seville,  Spain  ...........................273

Rodabaugh, James H...........182, 205, 209                                 Seward, Mrs. Katherine ................134

Rodman the Keeper .....................105                                        Seward, Mrs. Mettie M      .................133

Roe, E. P................................113                                                Shabonee,   Chief  .......................  97

Rogers, Robert ......................... 16                                             Shackleford, James M ..................132

Roman Catholicism     ..................... 17                                      Shaker Adventure, The .................405

Roman Empire   ..........................29                                            Shakers..............................123,  406

Roorbach, Orville Augustus .............306                                   Shakespeare, William ........30, 51, 52, 234

Roosevelt, Franklin D..............257, 313                                     Shannon, Wilson .......................136

Roosevelt, Theodore ....................108                                        Shawnee......................52, 55, 56, 65

"Rosscommon"      .........................196                                       Shelley, Percy B........................ 30

Ross County ........................250, 387                                          Shepfer, W. H........................10, 99

Ross County Historical Society .........207                                  Sherman and Farmer (Law Firm)....101

Rousseau, Jean Jacques .................234                                      Sherman-Johnston agreement ............104

Royal Gentleman. A.....................103                                         Shetrone, Henry C...214, 215, 386, 395, 402

Rubber   ..................................396                                              Shira,  Donald   D  ..........................208

Rue, George W....................130-134                                         Shryock, Richard H................312, 321

Rue, Jonathan ..........................181                                            Siebert, Wilbur H..................212, 230

Rue, L. E................................131                                               Siegfried, Andre   .......................  23

Rush-Bagot disarmament agreement .... 20                               Silesia  ..................................271

Rush, Benjamin ....................317, 376                                        Simcoe, John Graves.................... 18

Russia       ..............................275, 310                                       Sim pson, James  .........................338

Russians    ............................... 113                                             Siouan   ..................................182

Rutland, Mass. .........................245                                               Skinner, William    .......................253

Slavery Agitation .....................151-2

Sabin, Joseph   ..........................306                                           Smith, George B.........................216

"Sage of Rockport" ....................336                                          Smith, Joseph .................... 261-6

St. Clair, Arthur, 18, 35, 35, 38, 39, 40,                                     Smith, Nathan .........................330

41, 58, 67, 247; Papers, 284.                                                  Smithsonian Institution .........335

St. Clair's Defeat ....................... 38                                            "Solomon Thrifty," Sayings of.........120

St. Clair's Fort ..........................223                                             Sorokin, Pitirim   A....................239-40

St. John the Divine, Cathedral of.....129                                    South Carolina ......................... 74

St. Joseph (Niles, Mich.) ............... 52                                       South, Reconstruction of.............101-14

St. Joseph River..............40, 55, 56, 61                                      South Sea Islands, life in..............400

St. Lawrence Co., N. Y ................ 70                                       "Southern Cross, Order of the"........ 111

St. Lawrence River ...................7, 18                                        Southern States ........................104

St. Mary River...............40, 55, 56, 61                                       Spanish-American War, 88, 153; nurses

St.  Paul  ................................. 77                                               in  ....................................363

St. Vincent, and Capt. Norris......... 50                                       Spaulding, Solomon     ....................264

St. Vincent Charity      Hospital, Cleve-                                    Spencer, Herbert .......................238

land       ...................................353                                          Spencer,       Charles       .......................230

Sallust       ..................................242                                           Spencer,       Oliver  H .......................  96

Salter, William   ....................180, 181                                      Spetnagel, Albert C.....................230

Sampson, Crocker ......................245                                         Springfield, O. ..........................118

Sandor, Jules ...........................404                                            Springfield, Mass., Johnny Appleseed

Sandusky, Fort ......................... 16                                             monument at ........................ 46

Sandusky, O.......................2, 50, 118                                        Sproat, Ebenezer ....................      251

Sandusky   ................................ 22                                            Sproul,  Robert   G........................276

Sandusky River ........................ 20                                            Squier, E. G........................       387


GENERAL INDEX                                          429


Stage-coach road .......................118                                         Thomas, Charles M ......................403

Stalin, Joseph   .....................172, 271                                        Thomas, Edward S ......................214

Standard Oil Co ........................111                                           Thompson, Captain .....................131

Stanton, Edwin M.,.............23, 102, 302                                    Thompson, J. B ..........................370

Starling, Lyne.................174, 193, 332                                      Thompson, Samuel ......................323

Starling Medical College ................332                                    "Thompsonians"              .......................369

"Star Spangled Banner, The".......... 86                                      "Thomsonians"         .........................369

Stars & Stripes ......................... 89                                             "Three Fires, The"...................... 55

State Highway Dept.....................214                                        Thucydides .........................172, 242

State Memorials, Division of...........214                                     Thwaites, Rueben Gold..................317

"States rights party" ...................136                                          Tidewater ...............................293

Statuary Hall           ..........................129                                   Tidd, Jacob  .............................376

Steamboating           ......................117, 399                               Tiffin, Edward ..........................253

Stedman, Alexander ....................255                                       Tiffin, O. ...............................118

Steele, A. O.............................214                                             Tinker, Joe               .............................194

Steele, John J...........................377                                             Tippecanoe              ............................. 39

Stephenson, Fort (Fremont) ........68, 89                                    Tippecanoe (Shawnee village) .......... 19

Stevens, Thaddeus, 105; "conquered                                         "Tippecanoe, The Hero of"............136

province" theory of, 106; reconstruc-                                   Todd, David ............................336

tion policy of, 113.        Toledo, O., 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9; program    at,

Stone Age  ..............................243                                             10, 117.

Stone, Jonathan ........................250                                           Toledo Automobile Club................ 98

Story, Daniel..................251, 252, 253                                      Toledo Blade ........................... 12

Story of a Thousand, The ..............101                                       Toledo (O.) Chamber of Commerce... 10

Stow, Joshua ...........................327                                             Toledo District Nursing Association...354

Stowe, Calvin E.........................128                                           Toledo Gazette ..........................21

Stowe, Harriet Beecher ............279-298                                  Toledo Metropolitan Park Board....... 93

Straughan, John ........................219                                           Toledo Strip ............................ 4

Strukker (Prussian spy) ................198                                       Toledo, University of ................8, 10

Suetonius   ...............................242                                            Toledo War  .............................  21

Sullivant family ........................l74                                            'Toinette ..........................106, 107

Sullivant, Joseph .......................174                                           'Tionette, by Tourgee .........103, 105, 112

Sullivant, Lucas .............174, 175, 193                                      Toner, J. M.........................312, 382

Sullivant, Michael ......................174                                         Torrey, John    ...........................191

Sullivant, William    .....................377                                        Toronto, Ont., Canada...........7, 20, 22

Sullivant, William    Starling....174, 175, 191                             Tourgee ............................112, 113

Sumner, Charles, 105; "conquered prov-                                  Tourgee, Albion Winegar........... 101-114

ince" theory of, 106; reconstruction                                      Townsend, A. J....................... 10

policy of, 113.               Townsend, Peter S......................323

Surgery   .................................331

Surgery under anesthesia ..............338                                     Toynbee, Arnold ........................239

Surgical Memoirs of the Rebellion ......311                                Traipsin' Woman cabin .............. 194

Transitional Period .....................394

Swan Creek     .............................91

Swedenborg, Emanuel .........................45, 46     Transmontane                                  .......................... 293

Sweet, William W....................12, 100                                      Transportation         ................      165-166

Swinney Park (Ft. Wayne, Ind.),                               Transylvania            University, Medical De-

Johnny Appleseed monument at, 46.                                     partment of ...........................366

Symmes, Daniel ........................252                                          Travel   ..................................149

Treat, Malachi .........................317

Tacitus ..................................242                                                                               Treaty of 1783...........................   115

Tacitus .......................................242                            Trotter, Col   ........................... 57

Taft, William H .....................390-393                                      Truman and Smith publishing house..128

Tahwa Indians .........................69

Tallwa Indians    .......................   69                                         Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, His-

Talmadge, O .............................216                                          tory of  ............................341

Talman, James J ..........................10       Tucker, David A., Jr.................208, 322

Tappan, Benjamin ...............................252 Tu-en-da-wie ..........................65

Tarbell, Ida M...........................111                                           Tullahoma    .............................101

Tarlton Cross ...........................231                                            Tupper, Benjamin .....................245

Taylor, H. O...............................238

Taylor, John .......................         79                                          Turkey ....................................310

Taylor, Ralph B.........................208                                           Turkey Foot, Chief...................... 93

Taylor, Zachary    ........................131                                       Turkey Foot Rock          ................93

Tecumwah ............................... 65                                            Turner, Frederick Jackson..............291

Tecumseh ....................56, 84, 92, 193                                      Tuttle, Jane L..........................357

Tecumseh's Indians ....................19

Tennessee ..............73, 75, 101, 120, 128                                 Underground Railroad, 299; library on, 230

Terre Haute, Ind........................203                                          Union Jack ...........................43, 89

Teuton      .................................. 28                                           Union List of Newspapers.............. 319

Texas,       Ohio  ............................ 95                                       Union, Plan of.......................... 76

Thacher, James ........................324                                           Union theological seminary .............180

Thackeray, William  M...................30                                      Unitarians ...............................262

Thames, Battle of the............4, 20, 39                                       United Order of Enoch. ...........265, 266

Theater...............................161                                                  United Presbyterian Church............283




United States, 4, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25,                                 Wayne, Fort, Ind., 2, 3, 8, 9, 19, 32, 33,

27, 28, 41, 60, 61, 71, 89, 91, 115, 119,                                  34, 45, 46, 47, 51, 55, 57, 59, 61, 68,

181, 182, 188, 190; and War of 1812,                                    98; Three Rivers Park, 11; program

186.                                                                                           at, 11-12, 40; Chamber of Commerce.. 9

United States Army ..................... 84                                          Wayne, Fort, Ind., Charter  ................ 11

United States Bureau of Education ....183                                  Wayne's Park Camp ..................... 96

United States Naval Medical Bulletin..322                                 Wayne's Treaty, 1795 ..............115, 116

United States Regulars ..................133                                       Waynesville, O ..............................116

Universalists .........................80, 83                                            Wayne University .................'...8, 10

Upjohn, Elizabeth ........................355                                         Waynesboro, Pa .......................37, 43

Urban, Pope .............................125                                             Weas (Indians) ......................... 55

Urbana, O............................... 19                                                Weaver, Clarence L .......192, 193, 195, 199

Urbana-Granville Pike ..................373                                      Webb, Abner ...........................340

Uto-Aztecan    ............................182                                          Webb, William S .......................203

Utopia ...................................196                                                Webster, Noah .......................... 127

Utter, William T ........................208                                           Weir, William     .......................... 255

Weisenburger, Francis P .........12, 99, 294

Welland, Ont., Canada ...............9, 10

Vaillant, George C.......................394                                         Wells, Bezaleel .........................252

Valley Forge .............................32                                              Wells, H. G..............................275

Vander Velde, Lewis G ................. 10                                       Wells, Horace ................  338, 339

Vassar Training Camp for nurses......364                                   Wells, Sylvester .............329

Vermont ............................ 20, 73                                               Wenner, Thomas B.....................207

Victorians .............................    113                                            Wesley, John ........................... 80

Viele, Arnold   ...........................185                                           West Indies ........................187

Vincennes, Ind .........4, 18, 33, 55, 66, 198                                Western Intelligencer .............         373

Virginia, 4, 72, 77, 78, 117, 128, 177;                                         Western Journal of Medicine and Sur-

counties, 104; eighteenth century, 196.                                  gery ...........................345, 346, 349

Virginia Military District ..........116, 120                                    Western Lancet ......339, 340, 341, 342, 349

Visiting Nurse Quarterly ...............361                                       Western Pennsylvania, Historical      So-

Volk, Katherine ........................362                                           ciety of .................................399

Volney, Count .......................... 42                                             Western Pennsylvania Historical Sur-

vey ...............................295, 399

Western Reserve ...............117, 326, 333

Wabash River, 3, 15, 16, 19, 36, 45, 50,                                    Western Reserve Chronicle .............339

56; upper, 18, 47.                                                                    Western Reserve Historical Society ....336

Wabash Valley .......................19                                               Western Reserve Medical College..340, 355

Wabash villages  ........................... 19                                        Western Reserve University, Flora

Wales .................................116                                                          Stone Mather College of .............358

Wall, W. D...........................222, 224     Westerville, O ........................201

Wa-pa-maw-qua Defiance State Park... 96                              West Union,      ..........................118

War Department ......................130, 131                                    West Virginia ...................177, 204

War of 1812, 4, 19, 20, 31, 68, 85, 87, 88,                                 Wheeling & Lake Erie Canal........... 95

131, 150-151, 186, 274.                                                          Wheeling, W. Va........................11

War of Independence...................85

Ward of Independence    85                                                  Whig Convention ........................135

Wardley, Jane and James ...............405                                     Whigs, 135, 136; southern. .............110

Warren, Edward      .......................342                                     Whistler, George W ..................... 40

Warren, Louis A ..................        11, 99                                    White House ...............87

Warren,       .............117 .................                                           White Loon .................96

Washburne, George A ................. 209                                              Whiting, L. M...................... 347, 348

Washington, Booker T ...................108                                      Whitman, Walt ...........172

Washington College      (Pa.) .............. 127                               Whitney, Newell K........261

Washington County, O .................. 135                                      Whittlesey, Charles .....................135

Washington County, Pa.................127                                       Wilderness Road............................117

Washington, D. C....................87, 112                                        Willard, Frances ........................

Washington, Fort (Cincinnati O.) 37,                                         Wilkinson, James .................       43, 44

43, 57, 61.                                                                           Williams, Abram .......................245

Washington, George, 4, 35, 36, 37, 58, 67,                                Williams College .......................36

90, 244, 317.                                                                           Williams, S. W........................325

Was-o-hah-con-die Defiance State Park. 97                            Williamsburg, Va........................ 90

Waterford, O. .........................116                                             Williamsfield, O ..........................101

Waterville,       .......................... 94                                            Willoughby Medical College............332

Watts, Isaac ............................243                                             Willys, Captain ...................... 57, 58

Wayne, Anthony, 1, 4, 18, 19, 32, 36, 37,                                 Wilmington (O.) tablet ................. 204

38, 43, 58, 67, 90, 93, 94, 95, 98, 115,                                   Wilson, Augusta Evans.................114

221, 222; Army of, 12; legionnaires of,                                 Wilson, Judge ..........................135

40; Campaign in N. W., 41; victory at                                   Wilson, Pearl ........................        10

Fallen Timbers, 92.                                                                Wilson, Robert G................260

Wayne, Anthony, Memorial Association,                                 Wilson Street Hospital, Cincinnati.....353

1, 216, 221, 231.                                                                     Winchester, Ky .................            117

Wayne, Anthony, Memorial Trail...... 91                                  Winchester Camp No. 1 ................97

Wayne's Boundary Line......117, 123, 127                                 Winchester College ..................... 49


GENERAL INDEX                                        431


Winchester, Fort......................68, 97                                         Worthington Medical College ..........379

Winchester, James .....................4, 68                                        Worthington Reformed Medical Col-

Windsor, Ont., Canada............6, 10, 20                                     lege ...............................377, 379

Winger, Otho, 47, 99; address by ...... 11                                   Worthington, Thomas...................    119

W isconsin  ...............................  3                                              W                               right,  Frances.........................189

Wisconsin Medical Journal .............322                                    WSPD, Radio Station (Toledo) ........ 8

Witherspoon, John ...................... 71                                          Wyandots .........................55, 65, 67

Wittke, Carl, 99, 230; address by...... 10

Wolfe, H. Preston.................230, 232                                        Xenophon ..............................242

W olfe,  Jacob ............................255                                          Xenia,  O.    ...............................116

Women's and Children's Hospital of

Tiledo  .................................353                                             Yale  M edical School ................329, 330

Women in Ohio History ................163                                       Yandell, L. P ...........................345

Woodbridge, Dudley ......135, 251, 252, 253                             Yeats, William Butler................... 30

Woodbridge, Jelaliel....................245                                         Yeoman, Pence..........................197

Woodbridge, John M ...................136                                        Yorktown, Va     .......................... 90

Woodbridge, William, papers...........130                                   Youghiogheny River ....................117

Woodbridge, Willis .................135, 136                                    Young, Anna M., Mrs...................216

Woodford Co., Ky..................78, 79                                          Young, Brigham        ........................267

W oods,  Daniel  B ........................341                                      Young, Stark              ..........................114

Woolson, Constance Fenimore ....105, 114                               Youngstown, O................117, 328, 334

Wooster, O .........................218, 219                                          Youngstown Hospital Association......353

Work Projects Administration, 200, 203,                                   Ypsilanti, Mich. ....................... 11

278; Writers' Project, 174; museum

project, 213, 214; Historical Records                                    Zane's Trace .......................118

Survey, 221, 277-91, 314.                                                      Zanesville, O ...................116, 118, 315

World War, 153; nurses in.............363                                      Zoology .............................331, 332

Worth, Jonathan  ........................102                                         Zepp,  E.  C ...........................10, 214

Worthington Academy ..................375                                      Zouri's Christmas .......................112