Ohio History Journal



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Who were the Pathfinders ?- The Scoth-Irish Exerted Potent

Influence in Winning the Ohio Country from the Wilderness

and the Indians- Ohio History from      the Pennsylvania-

Virginia Point of View- The Third Race Division not

noted by Historians - The Scotch-Irish and not the Puritans

and Cavaliers made Ohio.

By means of the ever busy and facile pens of the descendants

of the noble Puritan fathers, the belief has taken deep root in the

eastern states, and it is not without adherents in the west, that

the pre-eminent position Ohio maintains as an element of the

Republic, is wholly due to the remarkable fecundity, mental and

physical, of the eight families from New England who located

at Marietta in 1788. Until very recent years no one had the

temerity to dispute in the least degree the claim that Ohio is

solely the product of Puritan forethought, fortitude, thrift, moral

power and enterprise, and no writer considered the pains de-

manded to gather data for a controversy, worth the bother to

show that other races should share the honor with the Anglo-

Saxon Puritan. However, the past few years have developed

a disposition among the so-called Scotch-Irish people2 to dispute,

1 In preparing the historical sketches introductory to a report of the

celebration of the Centennial of Jefferson county, the compiler has availed

himself of data gathered for the Caldwell History of Belmont and Jeffer-

son counties; of reports of proceedings of the Scotch-Irish Society of

America; addresses delivered at New England Society Dinners; the files of

The Steubenville Gazette, and historical addresses delivered by him before

historical societies in Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and papers prepared

by him for the Wells Historical Society of Jefferson county.

2In a very able work entitled "The Covenanter, the Cavalier and the

Puritan" by Judge Temple of Tennessee, the Scotch-Irish are denominated


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or rather to divide the honor; and inasmuch as the Puritans have

had the ablest writers and advocates in America to uphold their

cause as to the claim that they, and they only, made Ohio, it is

perhaps only fair that a statement should be made to show that

the Scotch-Irish people of virile blood, had an influence in the

development and progress of the commonwealth as potent as that

of the Puritan.

The Puritan and the Cavalier have been recognized as the

only great race divisions in calculations of race influence in the

formative period of the Republic-one north, the other south.

The historian did not take into consideration the fact there was

another race element, greater in numbers than both, more con-

spicuous in forming the Republic than either.

The Scotch-Irish of America have not been writers;3 they

were only actors. The execution of a great work was glory

enough; they cared not who might be given the credit in print,

so they and their followers enjoyed the result of the achievement.

While the Scotch-Irish have made history, the Puritan has written

history, and the story of the making of Ohio has been told only

from the Massachusetts-Connecticut point of view, and the reader

of this history has been led to believe that to the New Englander-

that is to say, the Puritan, who is, or was, an Anglo-Saxon with-

out the strain of the Norman,*-so impressed himself upon Ohio

and its institutions that it does not occur to him that there were


There is no study so interesting to the historian as ethnology,

for it is well to note the origin and development of the pathfinder

of a new country in order to determine from whence came the

distinguishing characteristics that gave the motive and the mo-

mentum of those who led the way. Races love to be tried in two

ways: first, by the great men they produce; secondly, by the

average merit of the mass of the race.4

The influence of the Scotch-Irish people on Eastern Ohio,

which was Jefferson county, has been so paramount,-and in

noting this declaration, the writer does not disparage the influ-

3The Scotch-Irish have not been writers of history because they are

lacking in imagination.-Dr. Ellis Thompson, President Philadelphia High

School. 4Tyndall. *Col. E;. C. McDowell in "Scotch-Irish in America."

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

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ence of the New Englanders,-that not to mention this race the

record would be incomplete. Blot out the influence of this puis-

sant blood in the affairs of the state and Ohio would not have been

the scene of deeds that make history. It is true we would have

had the Ordinance of 1787, and that the Puritan obtained ready-

made5 from the pen of a Scotch-Irishman, the author of the in-

strument ceding the territory northwest of the Ohio river to the

United States by Virginia whose valorous Scotch-Irish sons

under Clark won it from the British; but leave the settlement

at Marietta and all its great influence, the achievements of the

Scotch-Irish in Ohio give to the state its most important pages

of history.

These deeds have been recorded as achievements of individ-

uals; but the deeds of the Puritan have been credited to a people,

a distinct blood. There is a wide difference between these two

peoples, and this difference is indicated in the statement in the

above sentence. The Puritans were a people-a community, a

compact; the Scotch-Irish acted as individuals and held views

in contradistinction to those of the Puritan. The Scotch-Irish

were individualists, the Puritans socialists. This is the reason

the settlements made by the Puritans as a rule were Federalistic

when the people of the Republic first drew political lines; it is

the reason the settlements of the Scotch-Irish were Democratic.

When the Puritans came to America they were not per-

plexed by any vague philosophy of human liberty and universal

equality.6 Their idea was not to organize a republic in which

all men would be free and equal before the law. Their wish was

to plant English colonies under the protection of the English

flag, where they and those who thought as they did might conduct

their religion and their local affairs according to their own ideas.7

They were not advocates of a free church. They burned the

first Presbyterian church built by the Scotch-Irish settlers at

Worcester, Mass.8 They believed in the state church if theirs

were the state church. They permitted no dissent. In their

view there must be universal conformity or else banishment, the

whipping post or the gibbet. The state was the ally of the church,

5Senator Daniels at Marietta. 6Henry S. Boutell. 7Henry S. Boutell.

8 Dr. Perry, Williams College, Mass.

NOTE.-A number of the defenders of Londonderry in 1689 located in Massachusetts

and New Hampshire.

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useful to enforce its decrees and its dogmas.9 Massachusetts did

not open her doors to all religious sects until 1833,10 while the

Scotch-Irish everywhere were advocates of a free church in a

free land. The persecution of the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians in

Massachusetts was almost as intolerable as was the persecution

of the Quakers by the same people.

Are we to believe then that Ohio is indebted to this people

for the religious tolerance that obtains as one of our most sacred

institutions? Are we to believe that when a large book was writ-

ten giving the history of "Slavery in Massachusetts," that when

as late as 1828 the abolitionist ran greater risk of personal injury

in addressing a Massachusetts audience than an audience in Vir-

ginia,11 we are indebted to this people wholly for the emancipation

proclamation contained in the Ordinance of 1787?

The Puritan idea has always been to get the greatest aggre-

gate good in the community; the individual and the family are

subordinate to the community. With them, the state is the peo-

ple, and the people belong to, and are made for, the state. With

the Scotch-Irish the people are the state, and the state is made

by and for the people. Individualism and family seem to be at

the foundation of the Scotch-Irish philosophy of life.l2 They

maintain that the strength of the home is the strength of the Re-

public; the Puritans hold that the strength of the Republic is the

strength of the home.

But who are the Scotch-Irish, and what elements of character

did they possess that made them pathfinders? The prevailing

belief that this race is the result of a cross between the Scots and

Irish is erroneous. The Scotch-Irish are Scots who first settled

in the North of Ireland known now as the Province of Ulster,

before the third century. In Ireland they came under the influ-

ence of the Cross, and about the sixth century emigrated to North

Britain, where they subjugated or crossed with the Pictish tribes;

and then what had been Caledonia became Scotland. While the

perfidious King James was on the throne he fell out with certain

Irish nobles who possessed Ulster, and confiscating their lands,

colonized them with Scots; and thus, after a thousand years the

9Judge Temple. 10The Covenanter, Cavalier and Puritan. 11John

Rankin. 12Col. E. C. McDowell, in "Scotch-Irish in America."

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Scot who became, in Scotland, the Irish-Scot, returned to the

home of his fathers and thereafter was known as Scotch-Irish.

In these years infusion of new blood went on, adding traits of

manhood lacking in the original stock, as generations came and

passed. The cross of the intellectual Irish who had kept the

lamp aglow when all else of western Europe was in chaotic dark-

ness, with the physically robust Scot made a strong race; but as

the years went by the Scot became the audacious Norman, whose

spirit of adventure and enterprise, toned by the conservative

Saxon strain, gave this people the elements of character that have

revolutionized the factors of progress. And these are the quali-

ties of blood that distinguished this race when representatives

thereafter came to America and became the pathfinders of Empire,

the course of whose star is ever westward.

These people were what is known in history as the Cove-

nanter stock and they were disciples of John Calvin, John Knox

and Melville, and when they came to America the principles that

were burned into their hearts came with them: "The authority

of kings and princes," said John Knox, "was originally derived

from the people; the former are not superior to the latter; if the

rulers become tyrannical, or employ their power to destroy their

subjects, they may be lawfully controlled." With this spirit the

Scotch-Irish came to America, and inspired by the truth of the

utterance, they were the first to declare for American independ-


If we follow the footsteps of this people along the pathway

that leads through the splendid advancement of the world's civili-

zation, we follow them through every triumph of man's prowess;

and as Hume traced the source of thought to the law of associa-

tion, we only need mention the result of research in any field of

endeavor and Scotch names flash to mind.

Why did these people come to America? What made the

Scotch the most famous of explorers and colonizers? The an-

swer is in the restlessness that comes of ambition, the audacity

that comes of enterprise, that inspired the spirit that directed

Livingston, Mungo Park, Richardson, Ross, Collison, McClin-

tock, Hays, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Donaldson, McKensie, McClure,

Clark, Lewis and Jeremiah Reynolds. But this is not all. The

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Scotch had enriched the soil of the fatherland with blood poured

out in battle for personal, civil and religious liberty, and as very

little had been gained even after the final stand and as the per-

secutions were no longer bearable, these people saw beyond the

sea the hope of a home of peace, certainly no harder to maintain

against the savage than under the tyrant's heel. When they

came, they cut loose from the crown and thereafter never lost

occasion to add to the uneasiness of the head that bore it.

The first important immigration of these people began in

1704, although there had been quite a number to the eastern

shores of Maryland and the adjacent counties of Virginia pre-


Francis Makemie organized the first Presbyterian church

in America in 1683, thanks to the tolerance of the Catholics who

had colonized Maryland, the Scotch-Irish there being mostly

Presbyterians, who were at first denied a church in Virginia, New

York and Massachusetts. But it was in the early half of the

eighteenth century the great movement began which transported

so large a portion of the Scotch-Irish into the colonies, and which

to a great measure, shaped the destinies of America. Of this

movement Froude says: "In the two years which followed the

Antrim evictions, thirty thousand Protestants left Ulster for a

land where there was no legal robbery, and where those who

sowed the seed could reap the harvest." The persecutions ceased

for a time and the toleration act gave peace that checked the

tide of emigration, but only for a brief period, for it again began

in 1729 and for twenty years twelve thousand people annually

came from Ulster to America, landing principally at the port of

Philadelphia, but many others came to New England ports as

well as to southern ports, until at the outbreak of the Revolution

they were more numerous than the Puritans and Cavaliers, the

two other great divisions of population, and instead of settling on

the seaboard they pushed to the interior until they had formed a

line between civilization and the Indians from Maine to Georgia-

the most determined, the most stubborn, the most religious, the

most persistent men who ever colonized a new country. And this

line continued to move westward and was ever on the frontier.

They had been trained in war, for they had fought for generations

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    101


battles for the triumph of principle, which principle was their

guiding star in America.

These people, as noted, made settlements in New England,

their most populous settlements in that section being in New

Hampshire. It was from the New England Scotch-Irish stock

that Mathew Thornton came, as did Horace Creeley, Robert Ben

ner, Col. Wm. Miller, who won fame in the war of 1812, Asa Gray,

Gen. McClelland, Hugh McCulloch. Gen. Grant, a native of Ohio,

was descended from one of the New England Scotch-Irish set-

tlers, although his mother's people were of this blood but settled

in Bucks county, Pa. To the New England Scotch-Irish stock

Ohio is indebted for Salmon P. Chase, whose achievements are

recorded in the brightest pages of history. Gen. Stark and the

"Green Mountain Boys" were of this blood, as was Gen. Knox,

Washington's Secretary of War. In fact all the members of

Washington's cabinet with one exception were of this blood. So

were three of the five first members of the Supreme Court ap-

pointed by Washington-Rutledge, Wilson and Blair.

At the celebration of the Jefferson County Centennial, Mayor

McKisson, of Cleveland, made the statement in an address that

Joshua Reed Giddings and Benjamin Wade were born in the

northern part of the original county; this is an error. Giddings,

whether of Puritan or Scotch-Irish stock the writer could not

ascertain, was born in Pennsylvania, and was educated by a

Presbyterian minister, while Wade was a Scotch-Irishman with

many, if not all, the distinguishing traits of character, coming as

he did from one of the Massachusetts settlements. According to

a late biographer Daniel Webster was also of Scotch blood.l3

Rufus P. Ranney, one of the strong men of whom the West-

ern Reserve is ever proud, and who has been classed with the

Puritan stock, because from New England, was likewise Scotch.

Early in their coming, as noted above, the Scotch-Irish

formed a line from Maine to Georgia; in New York the settle-

ment was principally in the Mohawk Valley; the Cumberland

Valley in Pennsylvania, however, was the main reservoir which

constantly overflowed west and south, the people going up the


13Jefferson Davis was of the Simpson family from which came Grant's


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Virginia Valley where they were given peace of conscience on

condition that they would keep back the Indians,-peace that

they did not have at the hands of their Quaker neighbors in

Pennsylvania, for it is said that they did not get along well with

the followers of the docile Penn, having many bitter and un-

pleasant controversies with them.14 Many Scotch-Irish immi-

grants landed at Charleston and Savannah, but the great bulk

came in at the port of Philadelphia; Logan, Wm. Penn's mana-

ger, declaring that if their "coming were not checked the turbu-

lent Irish would take the colony."

This line of sturdy pathfinders kept up a continuous move-

ment westward, overcoming every obstacle to advancement, until

the ensign of civilization was planted on the Pacific coast from

the tropic sands of southern California to the frozen mountains

of Alaska, conquering by the prowess that comes of proper selec-

tion in race building whose foundation was laid away back yonder

when the scholarly followers of St. Columba crossed with the

Scot whose power was like the rugged oak, gnarled and uncul-

tured, but became in the offspring through infusion of gentler

blood-strains, like the polished column, having still all the strength

of the forest monarch, but more beautiful in the refinement of

tranquil stability. James W. Marshall, of this race, was the first

person to discover gold in California, and James Christie, of the

same strain, was the Klondike pathfinder.

We often speak of Ohio as a Virginia state. In a sense this

is largely true. But the Virginians who came to Ohio were

mostly from the valley, very few coming from tidewater, and the

majority of the people in the valley first settled in Pennsylvania.

There were three lines of emigration from Pennsylvania into

Ohio: One direct through the gateway to the west at the meet-

ing of the rivers; one from Virginia, and the other from North

Carolina through Tennessee and Kentucky. Rev. Robert Finley

and his congregation which settled Chillicothe, came by the latter

route, organizing schools and academies all along the line of

progress. In fact there were public schools organized and main-

tained by these people in North Carolina before the Revolution-

ary war.15 Dr. Archibald Alexander, the founder of Liberty

14Dr. Egle. 15North Carolina Hand-Book.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    103


Hall, so much beloved by Washington, that he endowed it be-

cause of the active part its people had taken in the war against

England, was from Pennsylvania, and his descendants were with

Lee and Jackson in the Confederate army. Liberty Hall was the

beginning of Washington and Lee University, the very founda-

tion of culture and power of the Shenandoah and James, the

greatest influence in the state's progress. The first President of

Liberty Hall, Dr. Graham, who was a power in the Revolutionary

war, both in pulpit and field, was from the Old Paxtang church,

near Harrisburg, Pa. Many of the families that gave Virginia

the name of mother of statesmen, educators and soldiers, the

McDowells, the Prestons, the Pattersons, the McCormacks,

Ewings, Breckenridges, McCulloughs, Simpsons, McCorcles,

Moffats, Jacksons, Irwins, Blairs, Elders, Grahams, Campbells,

Finleys, Trimbles, Allens, Hunters, Rankins, Junkins, Stewarts,

and hundreds of others were from the Cumberland Valley. The

American ancestors of Gen. Jeb Stewart lie buried in the Old

Paxtang graveyard; and it is one of the possibilities of civil war

that many of both sides in that awful clash of arms at Gettysburg

fell almost in sight of the graves of their forebears. The an-

cestors of Col. Campbell, the hero of Kings Mountain, first settled

in Pennsylvania.

The movement of these people from the Cumberland Valley

into the Virginia Valley was constant and communication was

kept up between the settlers, for they were of the same congre-

gations, and it is safe to presume that after the Hanover church

in Dauphin county, Pa., promulgated the first declaration of in-

dependence, June 4th, 1774,-"That in the event of Great Britain

attempting to enforce unjust laws upon us by the strength of arms,

our cause we leave to Heaven and our rifles", the contents of the

instrument were communicated to former members of the con-

gregation then in North Carolina, who inspired the Mecklenburg

declaration, which was promulgated a year before the Jefferson

declaration was written and signed. The Hanover Scotch-Irish

who promulgated the declaration that inspired the Americans with

courage, at the same time organized a Revolutionary society,

having for its object the independence of America. They had a

banner ornamented with the portrait of a pioneer rifleman and a

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rattlesnake, with the motto, "Don't tread on me." How like

the Scotch motto, "Injure me at your peril!"

The following year the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians organized

a like society at Hannastown, Westmoreland county, Pa., and

promulgated even a stronger declaration and adopted a banner

of significance of the Hanover badge of liberty. The close asso-

ciation of people with the church, the church with Presbytery and

Presbytery with Synod, soon spread the fire generated from the

Hanover spark.

The "Liberty Clubs" organized in New York to promulgate

ideas that would inspire the people to fight for independence, were

called Irish Presbyterian debating clubs by the royalists. The

first American newspaper advocating Republican principles, and

inspired by the spirit of John Knox, urged the colonists to take

up arms that a republic might follow, was edited by a Scotch-

Irishman named Anderson, his paper being The Continental

Gazette, of New York, issued before the outbreak of the Revolu-

tionary war. It is not at all surprising that Bancroft declared

that "the first voice publicly raised in America to dissolve all con-

nection with Great Britain came not from the Puritans of New

England, nor the Dutch of New York, nor from the planters of

Virginia, but from the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians."

Rev. Sankey, of the Pennsylvania Hanover church, became

a minister in Hanover Presbytery in Virginia, which Presbytery

furnished ten thousand of the names on the petition for a free

church in a free land in 1785, and which petition was the force

back of Jefferson's bill for religious tolerance, becoming law be-

fore the Puritan fathers found the Ordinance of 1787. These

were the brave people who stood with Rev. David Caldwell on

the banks of the Alamance, May 16, 1771, and received the first

volley of shot fired at rebels against British oppression in Amer-

ica.16 The Lewises and the soldiers who fought at Point Pleasant,

September 11, 1774, really the first battle of the Revolution,

were of this valorous blood. Lord Dunmore had incited the In-

dians to this conflict against the Americans to discourage further

agitation of the then pending demand for fair treatment of the

American colonies by the British. Patrick Henry was of this

16 Bancroft.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     105

people; so was George Rogers Clark and his two hundred soldiers

who won the Northwest Territory, now the very heart of the Great

Republic. So were the men who fought on the patriot side in the

battle of Kings Mountain. This was pre-eminently a Scotch-

Irish victory, one of the most important of the war, for every

subsequent event of the Revolution which led in logical succes-

sion to the surrender of the British at Yorktown and the close of

the war may be traced to this memorable battle.17 At Cowpens

and Guilford we find the same element that did the good work at

Kings Mountain. Col. Morgan's regiment of sharpshooters

were of this blood, although he was not, and when Morgan was

introduced to Burgoyne, after the surrender, he said to him that

he commanded the finest regiment in the world.17

From this race came Jackson, Polk, Monroe, Calhoun and

Madison, as well as Rutledge, who, Bancroft says, was the wisest

statesman south of Virginia. Of this people came Allen Trimble

from the valley a babe in his mother's arm, on horseback. His

father settled on land pointed out to him in the valley by an In-

dian whom he favored when living in Pennsylvania. Gov. Mor-

row was from Gettysburg. Gov. Allen was of the same noble

blood. Gov. Vance was from Washington county, Pa., as were

also the ancestors of Gov. Shannon, who by the way, was the

first native Governor of Ohio, and the original Jefferson county

has the honor of being his birthplace. Pennsylvania has given

to Ohio no less than a dozen governors, ten of them Scotch-Irish;

eleven of the counties were named for Pennsylvania Scotch-Irish-

men, and they are abiding monuments to some of the bravest,

noblest and wisest men of the pioneer days-Wayne, Ross, Har-

din, Fulton, Mercer, Darke, Crawford, Butler, Allen, Logan and

Morrow. In 1817, a majority of the members of the lower House

of Representatives were natives of Pennsylvania,18 and to-day

there are more Pennsylvania natives in a majority of the counties,

including Washington and the Reserve counties, than natives of

any other state, with of course, Ohio excepted; and in the coun-

ties where the natives of Virginia and Kentucky predominate, it

is not difficult to trace their origin to Pennsylvania. To him who

has the inclination and leisure for the task there can be no more

17Wm. Wirt Henry. 18 Howe's Historical Notes.

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interesting study than to follow the trail of the Scotch-Irish from

Pennsylvania, through Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky, to

Ohio. John Rankin, the founder of the Free Presbyterian

church, and one of the finest specimens of physical and mental

manhood that ever blessed the earth, came to Ohio from Penn-

sylvania by way of Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky. His

ancestors were early settlers of Pennsylvania, and his father was

a soldier of the Revolution. The son came to Ohio after the

Virginia ordinance of cession was adopted,19 to get away from the

environment of slavery, as did also Francis McCormack, the

founder of the first Methodist church in the Northwest Territory.

It was from immigrants of this stock that the abolition sentiment

got its spirit, its abiding force.

Of the five Presidents born in Ohio all but Garfield belong to

this race.

Of this stock was Robert Fulton, who built the first steam-

boat on the Ohio, and whose application of this power revolu-

tionized western commerce. So was Cyrus McCormack, the

inventor of the reaper. Of this blood was Morse, the inventor of

the electric telegraph, Henry, of the electric motor, Graham,

Gray, and Bell, of telephone fame, Edison and Westinghouse.

The Puritan blood has been given credit for the ingenuity

that made the rugged North Atlantic coast the workshop of Amer-

ica; but it is a fact that the Puritan ladies were taught to spin on

Boston common by Scotch immigrants from the north of Ireland;

and the great textile industry was given impetus by the invention

of the carding and spinning machines by Alexander and Robert

Barr, which machines were introduced by a Mr. Orr, and the

inventor of the mule spinning machine was also a Scot. Gordon

McKay invented the sole-stitching machine that revolutionized

shoe-making in New England. Elias Howe, the inventor of the

sewing machine, was certainly of Scotch blood. The first iron

furnace west of the Allegheny mountains, was erected in 1794 by

a Scotchman named Grant. John Campbell first employed the

hot-blast in making pig-iron.

John Filson, the surveyor and Indian fighter, who made the

first map of Kentucky, and who wrote the first history of the west,

19 This ordinance prohibited slavery after 1800.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     107


-published in 1785, was a native of the Cumberland Valley and

one of the settlers of Cincinnati. Col. Patterson, who was with

Clark in his expedition, was also one of the founders of the me-

tropolis of the state. The Symmes were Scotchmen from New

Jersey, as were also Judge Burnett and Judge McLean, the two

greatest lawyers of the early west.

The Scotch-Irishmen looked upon education as the greatest

element of power in civilization and the school-house was one of

the first buildings erected in a settlement. Dr. John McMillen,

who established the first college in the west, that of Washington

and Jefferson, now located in Washington, Pa., also established

one of the first colleges in Ohio, that at New Athens, in Harrison

county, and in the original Jefferson county; Prof. Joseph Ray,

the author of the mathematical works still used in the public

schools, being a pupil and a professor thereof. This college gave

to Congress Hon. John A. Bingham and Senator Cowan, of

Pennsylvania. Athens county, in which the first college in the

state is located, was settled by the Scotch-Irish, and Thomas

Ewing and John Hunter, both of this blood, were the first gradu-

ates, being the first collegiate alumni in the west.20 Thomas

Ewing was one of the greatest statesmen Ohio ever had to her

credit, strong, honest, sincere, intellectual. It was in his family

that Gen. Sherman was reared. The father of Secretary Sher-

man's wife was John Stewart, noted in the annals of the Cumber-

land Valley. Of the Athens University, W. H. McGuffey, the

author of the school books, was president for thirty-five years.

He was also a professor of the Miami University, another Ohio

Scotch-Irish college, and of the University of Virginia, founded

by Jefferson. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1800. "Three

Ohio men, now deceased," says Dr. Hinsdale, "have exercised

a far-reaching educational influence throughout the country," in

speaking of McGuffey, Ray and Harvey, two of them, if not all,

were of Scotch-Irish blood. Dr. Hinsdale might have also in-

cluded Linsley Murray, who was of the same strain. Francis

Glass, who organized a classical school in the backwoods of Ohio

in 1817, and wrote a Life of Washington in Latin, which was

used for years as a text-book, was of Londonderry stock, coming

20Howe's Historical Notes.

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to the wilderness from Pennsylvania. Dr. Junkin, an early

President of Washington and Lee University, first organized

schools in Pennsylvania, and from Virginia followed the trail of

the fathers into Ohio, where for years he was the President of

Miami University, that has given to the state many of its brightest

minds. He wrote a pamphlet in defense of slavery which John

C. Calhoun, whose father went to North Carolina from Pennsyl-

vania, characterized as the ablest defense of the institution he

had ever read.21 The public school of Ohio was really founded

by Allen Trimble after the system inaugurated in New York by

Gov. Clinton, also of Scotch-Irish blood. While acting governor

he appointed a commission, a majority of whose members were

of Pennsylvania stock, which formulated the Ohio public school

system. This system was perfected by Samuel Galloway, born

at Gettysburg, a teacher, jurist, statesman, upon whose advice

and opinion Lincoln set high value.

The Pennsylvanian has served Ohio in both branches of

Congress; the first Territorial Governor was Gen. St. Clair, a

Scotchman, whose remains now lie buried at Greensburg in a

neglected graveyard; the first Territorial Delegate was Win. Mc-

Millen; the first State Representative was Jeremiah Morrow and

the first judge was Francis Dunlavey. Dunlavey was a lieuten-

ant in Col. Crawford's expedition to Sandusky.

The most noted of the Indian fighters were of Scotch-Irish

blood, and they came principally from the Pennsylvania-Virginia

stock-John and Thomas McDonald, J. B. Finley, Simon Kenton,

Col. John Johnson, James Maxwell, Joseph Ross, McClelland,

the Zanes, McCulloughs, Col. Crawford, Gen. Thomas Hixon,

Gen. Findley, Gen. Wm. Lytle, the grandfather of the soldier poet,

Gen. Robert Patterson, Samuel Brady, the Poes, Adam and An-

drew, all of whose exploits are part of history.

The generals Ohio gave to command Federal troops in the

late war were largely of Pennsylvania-Virginia Scotch-Irish

stock. Grant has already been mentioned; the McDowells, the

Gilmours, the brilliant Steedman was born in Northumberland

county; Geo. W. Morgan, was a native of Washington county, so

prolific of Ohio men; Gen. Gibson, Ohio's greatest orator, was

21 Dr. Alexander White.

NOTE.-Francis Dunlavey who came to Ohio from Pennsylvania, was a profound

scholar and a man of recognized diversity of talent. He opened a classical school at

Columbia, near Cincinnati, in 1792.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      109

Click on image to view full size

Soldier, Divine, Author, Scientist.

a native of Jefferson county, but of Pennsylvania stock; the

McCooks were of Washington county Scotch-Irish stock,-Dr.

John and Maj. Daniel were the fathers of twelve commissioned

officers in the Federal army, all of whom were either natives of

the original Jefferson county or had lived within its territory, all

men of sterling qualities, characteristic of the race from which

they sprung; they have been pre-eminent as soldiers, as lawyers,

as statesmen, as divines, as teachers, as orators, and one Rev.

Dr. Henry C. McCook has become distinguished in scientific re-

search, being an authority on entomology, and as the author of

"The Latimers," the strongest historical novel of the west that

has been written, and that has won him lasting fame as a writer

of fiction; not only this: he has shown that there is material in

the pioneer times of the Ohio-Pennsylvania-Virginia border upon

which to base historical novels as strong as those founded on

Scotch history by Scott. Dr. McCook is the most versatile, and

withal the brainiest man ever produced by the original Jefferson

county. As a divine, he is sincere, enthusiastic; as an orator he

is eloquent, convincing; as a scientist, he stands at the very head

of those who study along the lines of entomology; as an author

of historical narrative, he has won the applause of readers; as

a historian, he is painstaking, conscientious; as a scholar and

teacher, profound and thorough. In no other man of our county

have we the intellectual qualities so manifest as in Dr. McCook.

And his work has all been for the enlightenment of his fellows, and

the world about him is better and brighter because he is the center

of it, giving out the fire of his great intellect and the warmth of

his kind heart like a sun in a firmament, that all may be blessed.

Gen. Hamer, who procured Gen. Grant's admission to West

Point, was a Pennsylvanian, but descent is not known to the

writer. T. Buchanan Reed, the author of "Sheridan's Ride," that

stirring epic of the war period, was born in Chester county, Pa.

The father of C. L. Vallandigham, whose classical school in Lis-

bon, was attended by a portion of the McCook family, was from

Pennsylvania, a Scotch-Irish Huguenot, a cross that adds to the

sturdy Scotch strain, both in steadfastness of principle, beauty of

feature and gentility of manner. James Geddes and Samuel

110 Ohio Arch

110       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


Forrer, the pioneer engineers, who did much to develop Ohio,

were from Pennsylvania.

Of the four field commanders-in-chief in the late war, Win-

field Scott, Grant and McClelland were of this race, and Sheri-

dan's mother was Scotch.

President Harrison is of this stock, his mother coming from

Pennsylvania; so is President McKinley. The late Thos. A.

Hendricks, a native of Ohio, was also of Pennsylvania Scotch-

Irish blood. William J. Bryan is of the Virginia strain. Senator

M. A. Hanna, the greatest political organizer of the century, is

descended from a Pennsylvania-Virginia Scotch-Irish family.

Twelve of the Presidents of the Republic were of Scotch and

Scotch-Irish descent. As were also the organizers of great in-

dustrial and business enterprises-Carnegie, Rockefeller, Pull-

man, Armour.

In journalism the Cumberland and Virginia valleys have had

a powerful influence. William Maxwell, the editor of the first

journal in Ohio, was of this strain, as was also Charles Hammond,

editor of the Cincinnati Gazette, as early as 1824, and who was con-

sidered the ablest editor ever in Ohio. As no vehicle of power

exerts greater force than the newspaper in the affairs of state and

church, the Pennsylvania-Virginian can rest his laurels in Ohio

on achievement along this line of human endeavor and be sure of

highest honor, for no other blood has given Ohio greater editors

than Richard Smith, Murat Halsted, Washington and John Mc-

Lean, Whitelaw Reid, than Morrow, of Cleveland, or McClure, of

Columbus. And it should be recorded here that the lightning

press invented by Scott, by Gordon, by Campbell, give to this

race the acme of mechanical ingenuity; while Gedd, a Scotchman,

invented a process of stereotyping that made possible the employ-

ment of the lightning press in the multiplication of the printed


In most of the Ohio counties the first church built was invar-

iably Presbyterian. This alone gives a strong suggestion as to

the influence of the Scotch-Irish on Ohio. Had the Puritans

been the greatest factor in the settlement of the state the first

churches would have been of a different communion. But the

Scotch-Irish were not all Presbyterians: Bishops Simpson, Mc-

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    111


Cabe and McKendrie, of the Methodist Episcopal church; Bishops

McIlvaine, Thompson and Leonard, of the Protestant Episcopal

church; Col. Johnson, one of the founders of Kenyon college, and

one of the greatest men of Ohio; Alexander Campbell of the

Christian church; Bishop Watterson of the Catholic church, were

and are examples of the intellectual prowess of the Scotch.

It has been mentioned by those who sneer at the Scotch-

Irish strain that Simon Girty, Captains McKee, Elliot and Cald-

well were of this race. This is true. It is not claimed by their

advocates that all the Scotch-Irish are more moral than men of

other races; but it is claimed that they possess elements of char-

acter that push them to the front until they become leaders both

in thought and action, and the career of the Tories mentioned

in this paragraph only emphasizes the truth of the statement.

They were leaders and were at the very head of the British army

in the west, advising movements and commanding in battle; and

had it not been for their skill the English forces in the west would

have been overthrown long before the end finally came to the

conflict that was the most cruel, as carried on by the British, in

the history of civilized warfare.

But the two most notable events that mark epochs in the

history of Ohio are, first, the conquest of the Northwest by

George Rogers Clark, and secondly, the Greenville treaty by

Wayne. The first made the lakes rather than the Ohio river the

dividing line between the Republic and the British possessions,

the second made possible a home of peace within this territory.

In this introduction the writer has tried to show that Ohio

is in a measure indebted to other blood besides that of the Puritan

for its rise and progress. The men who made Ohio were of

sterling qualities, whether of Puritan or Scotch blood. They were

men of iron frame, broad minds, brave.

112 Ohio Arch

112       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.



The Indians in the Ohio River Country - Hutchins, Gordon and

Rev. David Jones Mention Mingo Town - The First White

Person on Jefferson County Soil- The Story of Mary Jami-

son, an Indian Captive-Early Scotch-Irish Traders - Most

Important Epoch in American History - Boquet's Expedition

-  The Zane Settlement- Tomahawk Claim Made on the

Site of Steubenville in 1765.

The Upper Ohio Valley was occupied by the red savages

before the conquering Anglo-Saxon races drove out with the

long rifle the barrier to the onward march of civilization. The

territory was one vast wilderness, says Doddridge,22 one of whose

most prominent features was its solitude. "Those who plunged

into the bosom of this forest," continues the same author who

wrote much about the Ohio country, "left behind them, not only

the busy hum of men, but domesticated animal life generally.

The solitude of the night was interrupted only by the howl of the

wolf, the melancholy moan of the ill-boding owl or the shriek of

the frightful panther. The day was, if possible, more solitary

than the night. The noise of the wild turkey, the croaking of

the raven, the tapping of the woodpecker, did not much enliven

the dreary scene. The various tribes of singing birds are not in-

habitants of the desert, they are not carnivorous and therefore

must be fed from the labors of man. At any rate they did not

22Joseph Doddridge, whose works have given the historians many data,

was born in Bedford county, Pa., in 1764. In 1778 he was received as a

traveling preacher by a Methodist Episcopal Conference in Washington

county, Pa. He continued in the itinerancy of the Methodist communion

until 1791 when he entered the Cannonsburg academy, afterwards becom-

ing an adherent of the Protestant Episcopal church. He studied medicine

and located at Wellsburg, W. Va., in 1800. He devoted much of his time

to literary work and to establishing churches in the Ohio country. In

addition to his celebrated "Notes on Early Border Life," now out of print,

he wrote a drama entitled "Logan," a " Treatise on the Culture of Bees,"

"The Pioneer Spy," "Sermons and Orations." He was one of the pioneer

doctors, for there were no doctors in the Ohio country from the time of

Zane's settlement in 1769 to 1793.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      113


exist here."23 To enter and conquer a wilderness filled with sav-

ages required elements of character that the people of this day

and generation do not fully appreciate. The pathfinders were

possessed of wonderful force of character, perseverance, energy,

valor, fortitude, and withal with a religious faith that knew no

fear, save that of the Creator Himself.

The Ohio Valley was occupied by the Indians as hunting

grounds, and this fact is given as the reason the first white ex-

plorers found no villages on the banks of the river.

After the conquest of the Ohio country by the Iroquois, or

Five Nations, they became demoralized and between the years

1700 and 1750 the Ohio region became occupied by different tribes

of savages.  Before 1740, according to Hildreth, the English

knew very little about the Ohio Valley. Up to that time the

French explorers were the only ones who had knowledge of the

region. De Celeron was commander of the French exploring

party that descended the river in 1749. He speaks of finding

Indian villages along the Allegheny, but only one on the Ohio,

that being Logstown. The Seneca Indians dwelt at Mingo. The

Senecas were the most powerful and warlike of the Iroquois.

They also had a capital in the Tuscarawas Valley, and were pow-

erful in New York and Pennsylvania. It is not definitely known

that Logan, who was a Cayuga, lived in Mingo. In 1772 he

was located with his relatives and others of his tribe at the mouth

of Big Beaver. Logan's presence at the mouth of Yellow creek

in 1774 is conceded to have been only a hunting camp. The

principal settlements of the Delawares were on the Muskingum.

The "Moravian" Indians were of this tribe. In 1750 they were

a powerful tribe claiming possession of nearly half of the state.

The other tribes prominent in Ohio at that date were the Wyan-

dots, Shawanese, Ottawas and Miamis. The Ohio Valley was their

hunting ground and they united in bloody warfare against white

settlers. The Wyandots, or Hurons, were descended from the

remnant of the once powerful tribe of that name, which half a

century before had been driven off by the Iroquois. The Shawa-

23Other authorities say song birds were in the western country at the

time of which Doddridge writes. Dr. H. C. McCook made a thorough in-

vestigation and declares that Doddridge is in error.

Vol. VI-8

114 Ohio Arch

114      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


nese, called Chauanons by the French, were the most prominently

identified with this immediate region. For forty years after 1755

the Shawanese were in perpetual war with the Americans, either

independent or as allies of the French or British. They were al-

lies of the French in the Seven Years' war. What was known as

Lord Dunmore's war was with this nation. The Shawanese took

active part with the British in the Revolutionary war and kept up

the fight until the Wayne treaty. By the Wayne treaty, in 1795,

the Shawanese lost most of their territory. In the war of '12, un-

der Tecumseh, they were allies of the British. Cornstalk was the

king of the Shawanese and Tecumseh, born at Chillicothe and

killed at Thames, was the most noted chief.

In 1749 Celeron, the French explorer, sunk leaden plates

in the Ohio at the mouths of important streams, and wrote to

Gov. Hamilton that he was surprised to find English settlers on

French territory. Some of these plates were found, one in 1846 at

the mouth of the Kanawha.

In "Historical Outlines," given as appendix to "Afloat on

the Ohio," by Reuben Gold Thwaites, president of the Wisconsin

Historical Society, just published (1897), it is stated that the Eng-

lish fur traders were on the Ohio in 1700. In 1725, says the

same author, "the English from North Carolina were trading with

the Miamis under the very shadow of Fort Ouiatanon, near La-

fayette, Ind." "About this time," continues the same painstaking

historian, "Pennsylvania and Virginia began to exhibit interest

in their own overlapping claims to lands in the country north-

west of the Ohio. Christopher Gist explored the Ohio for the

Virginia company in 1750, the King of England having made a

grant of five hundred thousand acres to the company, and the

Gist expedition was made for the purpose of selecting the lands.

In speaking of this incident, the historian quoted above says "Gist

met many Scotch-Irish fur traders who had passed into the west

through the mountain valleys of Pennsylvania, Virginia and the

(Carolinas." In 1766 Capt. Harry Gordon, a Scotchman, chief

engineer of the western department of North America, was sent

from Fort Pitt down the Ohio, and mentions Mingo as an In-

dian village, seventy-one miles down the Ohio from Fort Pitt.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    115


In Imlay's "Topographical Description of the Western Ter-

ritory of North America," issued in 1766, Mingo town is de-

scribed as seventy-five miles below Fort Pitt, containing sixty


Mingo town is mentioned in the journal of Rev. David Jones,

who on June 9, 1772, says in his journal: "Left for Fort

Pitt in company with George Rogers Clarke and several others,

who were disposed to make a tour of this new world. We traveled

by water in a canoe, and as I labored none had an opportunity of

observing the course of the river. It would be too tedious to give

a particular account; it may suffice to be more general and refer

the cautious reader to a map expected soon to be published by

Messrs. Hutchins and Hooper. From Fort Pitt the river Ohio

runs about fifteen miles near a northwest course, thence near

north about fourteen miles, then it makes a great bend for about

twenty miles, running a little south of west, thence for near twenty

miles southeast to the place called Mingo town, where some of

that nation yet reside. Some of this town were wont to plunder

canoes, therefore we passed them as quietly as possible, as we

were so happy as not to be discovered by any of them."

After the defeat of Braddock, in 1754, the Indians made in-

cursions into Pennsylvania as allies of the French, and many

diabolical outrages were committed on the English settlers east

of the mountains both in Pennsylvania and Virginia. On Marsh

creek, near Philadelphia, the Jamison family were murdered, the

Indians sparing the life of but one member, Mary, aged thirteen

years. She was brought to Fort Duquesne and given into the

charge of two Seneca squaws, who brought her to their home,

Mingo village on the Ohio. The history of Mary's life, published

in 1824, gives the first recorded incident in Jefferson county and

is the story of the first white person known to have set foot upon

the soil of Jefferson county.

The story of Mary Jamison, or "Deh-he-wa-mis", the white

woman of the Genesee, as she was called by captors, follows:

"On the way we passed a Shawnee town, where I saw a

number of heads, arms, legs and other fragments of the bodies

of some white people who had just been burned. The parts

that remained were hanging on a pole, which was supported at

116 Ohio Arch

116      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


each end by a crotch stuck in the ground, and were roasted as

black as a coal. The fire was yet burning and the whole appear-

ance afforded a spectacle so shocking that even to this day the

blood almost curdles in my veins when I think of it. At night

we arrived at a small Seneca Indian town at the mouth of a

small river, which was called by the Indians in the Seneca lan-

guage She-nan-jee, about eighty miles by water from the fort,

where the two squaws to whom I belonged resided; there we

landed. Having made fast to the shore the squaws left me in

their canoe while they went to their wigwam in the town and

returned with a suit of Indian clothing, all new and very clean

and nice. My clothes, though whole and good when I was

taken, were now torn in pieces so that I was almost naked.

They first undressed me and threw my rags into the river, then

washed me clean and dressed me in the new suit they had just

brought, in complete Indian style, and then led me home and

seated me in the center of their wigwam. I had been in that

situation but a few minutes before all the squaws in the town

came in to see me. I was soon surrounded by them and they

immediately set up a most dismal howling, crying bitterly and

wringing their hands in all the agonies of grief for a deceased

relative. Their tears flowed freely and they exhibited all the

signs of real mourning. At the commencement of this scene

one of their number began in a voice somewhat between speak-

ing and singing to recite some words."

This was the ceremony of adoption, the two squaws having

taken Mary as a sister to fill the place of a brother killed in the

battle known as Braddock's defeat. She spent her entire life

with the Indians, living several years at Mingo town. She

speaks of visiting Fort Pitt, and of the joy it gave her to see

those of her own race again.

In 1759 Forbes drove the French out of Pennsylvania, and

the English standard was set to the breeze on the new Fort Pitt

by Col. Armstrong, a Scotch-Irishman. Wolfe and his High-

landers climbed the Heights of Abraham and thus ended Latin

dominion east of the Mississippi. This date marks the most

important epoch in the history of America, even more important

than the Declaration of Independence, for it was the beginning

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     117

of the revolution that brought about American independence of

European powers. In fact, says Hinsdale, the triumph of Wolfe,

and not that of "the embattled farmers of Lexington, was the

first great victory of the American Revolution." With the de-

feat of the French the hostilities of the Indians abated for a period.

Fort Pitt, with Col. Hugh Mercer, a Scotchman, as were also

Forbes and Wolfe's soldiers Scotchmen, was commander of the

garrison. Then began the migration in large numbers of the

Scotch-Irish from the Cumberland valley into western Pennsyl-

vania, overflowing to the Panhandle of Virginia. Comparative

peace obtained up to 1763, the date of Pontiac's conspiracy, when

the red savage broke out in a storm of fury that was to have

simultaneously destroyed all the English fortifications, "then

having destroyed their garrisons, to turn upon the defenseless

frontier, and ravage and lay waste the settlements, until, as many

of the Indians believed, the English would be driven into the

sea, and the country restored to its primitive owners."24 While

many of the English forts fell into the hands of the Indians,

Fort Pitt was not taken, but the savages committed awful depre-

dations on the settlements newly made in the interior, east of

Pitt. Boquet's campaign against the Indians followed, termin-

ating at the end of that year, but being determined to further

punish the Delawares, Shawanese and Senecas, who were still on

the warpath in the Ohio valley, he marched with an army of

five thousand men into the Ohio country, his advance guard

being composed of Pennsylvania and Virginia scouts. This ex-

pedition passed through Jefferson county, following Yellow

creek and its branches and then through the Muskingum valley.

The expedition was a successful one, the Indians suing for peace

and delivering up the white prisoners they had made captive,

consisting of two hundred and six persons, all Pennsylvanians

and Virginians, one hundred and twenty-five of them being wo-

men and children. The expedition returned to Fort Pitt on the

28th of November, 1764, the route being up the Muskingum

and Tuscarawas valleys to the provision stockade, near the pres-

ent town of Bolivar, at which point Fort Laurens was afterwards

24 Parkman.

118 Ohio Arch

118      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


erected, almost on the line of the original Jefferson county,

thence by way of Sandy valley and Yellow creek to the Ohio.

Col. Croghan, having been appointed by the government,

after the treaty of peace in 1763, to explore the Ohio country,

and to conciliate the Indian nations that hitherto had acted with

the French, he set off from  Fort Pitt on May 15, 1765,

with two bateaux, and on the 17th, at six o'clock in the morn-

ing, he arrived at Mingo. "Here," he says in his journal, "the

Senecas have a village on a high bank on the north side of the

river. The chief of this village offered Col. Croghan his ser-

vices to go with him to the Illinois, which he did not refuse, for

fear of giving offense, although he had a sufficient number of

deputies with him already."

The sturdy settlers of the valleys of the Susquehanna, the

Cumberland and the Shenandoah, undaunted by the treachery

of the savage, manifested in repeated violation of treaties, again

turned their faces to the fertile lands beyond the mountains.

The peace that followed the treaty of 1765 gave them hope of

possible peaceable settlements. In 1769 the Zanes [Wheeling

creek is famous in western history. The three Zane brothers,

Ebenezer, Jonathan and Silas,-typical, old-fashioned names

these, bespeaking the God-fearing, Bible-loving, Scotch Presby-

terian stock from which sprang so large a proportion of trans-

Allegheny pioneers,-explored this region as early as 1769, built

cabins and made improvements.-Reuben Gold Thwaites in

"Afloat on the Ohio," 1897] penetrated to the banks of

the river, at the present site of Wheeling, and during the fol-

lowing year actual settlements were made in the adjacent

territory on the east side of the river, but so far as known

no settlements were made on the west side, it being a pro-

vision of the treaties that the country north and west of the

Ohio was to remain in possession of the Indians. Nevertheless

four years before the coming of the Zanes, in 1765, Jacob

Walker, who had come from Maryland, made a tomahawk claim

on the territory now occupied by the city of Steubenville. After

aiding a Mr. Greathouse clear three acres of land and plant his

corn opposite the site of Steubenville, in Prooke county, Va.,

Walker crossed the river and deadened three trees at a point

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     119


now known as Marsh's spring, on North Seventh street, denot-

ing the centre of the claim. This was the first attempt ever

made to settle the west side of the Ohio. The appended sketch

of the life of Jacob Walker was written by his great-grandson,

the information therein contained being handed down from gen-

eration to generation, and its authenticity is not questioned.

"In 1765 the site of Steubenville was a dense forest, and

game, such as deer, turkeys, hares, and wild hogs, was abund-

ant. Jacob also during that year bought of Mr. Greathouse a

farm, paying sixteen cents an acre for it, there being four hun-

dred acres, it being the farm now owned by J. J. Walker. They

deadened three trees at the spring by his house, which was the

transfer. On account of trouble at Richmond, Va., he did not

get a deed until 1785. During the summer of 1765 he built a

cabin on his farm, it being about half way between the present

residence of J. J. Walker and his son, W. P. Walker, and that

fall he returned to Baltimore and married Margaret Guthrie.

In the spring of 1766 he bought a pony, and they started back

to his farm, she riding the pony, and he walking, bringing all

they had with them. They arrived at the cabin in August; he

went in and tramped down the weeds and then helped her off

the pony, took off the pack saddle and what other few things

they had and told her this was her home. He afterwards helped

to build Fort Decker in what is now Mahan's orchard, below

Mingo. They lived at the fort for seven years during the sum-

mer, and on his farm during the winter. As soon as the leaves

came in the spring the Indians came also, and when he went

out to plow or plant he got two soldiers to come with him from

the fort, they hiding at each end of the field to keep the Indians

from slipping up and shooting him. He worked all day with-

out speaking to his team above a whisper. During his stay at

the fort one day in the fall he came up to his cabin, having a

little dog with him; he came to the spring first, and the little

dog slipped up to the cabin. It came back and by jumping in

front of him and doing everything it could to keep him from go-

ing to the cabin, he thought of Indians and went back to the

fort and got some of the soldiers, returning in time to see nine

Indians slip away. Another time Captain Buskirk sent his son

120 Ohio Arch

120      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


to mill on horse-back with a sack of corn, also having a favorite

dog, which followed him. It was a two days' trip, and on his

return the dog was not with him; his father got very angry, and

the son went back to look for the dog, and after he had gone

three days and no word from him, the captain sent Jacob

Walker, Mr. Decker, and two soldiers to see if they could find

him. They went from the fort down the Ohio to the mouth of

Cross creek and up Cross creek, following the trail, and when

they came to the mouth of Scioto run, where it empties into

Cross creek, they found him; the Indians had laid in ambush

and caught him without shooting and had split his head with a

tomahawk; the prints of their fingers were plain on his neck

where they had choked him to keep him from hollowing. They

scalped him and took his horse. The party sent out took him

and buried him up on the hill overlooking Cross creek on land

that was or is owned by Silas McGee. Jacob said of all the

sad sights that he ever saw, that was the saddest. The captain

lost his son, horse and dog; the Indians killed his wife and the

captain himself later. After Jacob had left the fort and gone

out to his farm, during the summer season, the Indians would

still come over the river and kill the settlers. At such times

Jacob and his wife would take their three children and go away

from their cabin. She would take a babe in her arms and sit

down in the field, leaving John and Mary at a short distance

covered with a quilt; Jacob sitting at a short distance with his

gun. He was at the building of Fort Steuben; he was at the

battle between Captain Buskirk and the Indians, fought on Bat-

tle run, west of Mingo, where Captain Buskirk was killed, in

Jefferson county, Ohio. He was at a council of war between

Logan and Buskirk. Jacob Walker was appointed constable in

1797, at the first court held in Brooke county. He died about

1830, aged 94 years."

The policies of the English colonists and their general gov-

ernment were ever clashing. The latter looked upon the Indian

trade as an entering wedge; they thought of the West as a place

of growth. Close upon the heels of the path-breaking trader

went the cattle raiser, and, following him, the agricultural settler

looking for cheap, fresh, and broader lands. No edicts of the

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      121


Board of Trade could repress these backwoodsmen; savages

could and did beat them back for a time, but the annals of the

border are lurid with the bloody struggle of the borderers for a

clearing in the western forest. The greater part of them were

Scotch-Irishmen from Pennsylvania, Virginia, the Carolinas--a

hardy race, who knew not defeat. Steadily they pushed back

the rampart of savagery, and won the Ohio valley for civiliza-

tion.- Reuben Gold Thwaites, "Historical Outline," 1897.



The Ohio Country Attracts the East - George Washington and

William Crawford Take a Trip Down the River and Stop at

Mingo Town in 1770 - Many Settlers as Early as 1774 -

First Blood of the Revolution Shed on Jefferson County Water

Front-- Capt. Connelly, the Tory, Incites Americans to Kill

Indians which Excites the Dunmore War - The Killing of

Logan's People, Part of the Conspiracy to Incite the Indians

to War to Quiet the Rumblings of Revolution-Battle of

Point Pleasant the First of the Revolutionary War.

The glowing accounts circulated throughout the east as to

the Ohio country were most enticing, and even interested no

less a person than George Washington, who was often inspired

by the spirit of speculation, and in 1770 made a canoe trip down

the Ohio, a record of which is given in his journal. On October

21st he parted with Col. Croghan at Logstown, where Croghan

proposed to sell him a large body of land which Croghan

claimed, but Washington makes this record: "At present the

unsettled state of this country renders any purchase dangerous."

On the 22nd he writes: "As it began to snow about midnight,

and continued pretty steadily, it was about half past seven before

we left the encampment (below Little Beaver). At a distance

of about eight miles we came to the mouth of Yellow creek, op-

posite, or rather below which, appears to be a long bottom of

very good land, and the ascent to the hills appears to be gradual.

There is another pretty large bottom of very good land two or

three miles above this. About eleven or twelve miles from this,

and just above what is called the Long Island (Brown's Island),

122 Ohio Arch

122      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


which, though so distinguished, is not very remarkable for

length, breadth, or goodness, there comes in on the east side

of the river a small creek, (King's) the name of which I could

not learn; and a mile or two below the island, on the west side,

comes in Big Stony creek, (Wills) not larger in appearance than

the other, on neither side of which does there seem to be any

large bottoms or bodies of land. About seven miles from the

last mentioned creek, and about seventy-five from Pittsburg, we

came to the Mingo town, situated on the west side of the river,

a little above Cross creek. This place contains about twenty

cabins, and seventy inhabitants of the Six Nations." Washing-

ton speaks of the abundance of game, his party having killed

five turkeys the day of arrival at Mingo, mentioning also that

the river abounded in wild geese and several kinds of ducks.

According to this journal, Washington found sixty warriors at

Mingo on their way to the Cherokee country to war with the


Washington was accompanied on the trip by Col. Crawford,

his friend and companion, in whose integrity he had fullest con-

fidence, and upon whose ability as a surveyor, and judgment

as a prospector he relied; Dr. Craik, Joseph Nicholson, Robert

Bell, William Harrison, Charles Morgan, and David Redden,

Col. Crawford's servant. On their return Washington and

Crawford remained in Mingo three days.

The peace of the country was not generally disturbed after

the treaties of 1765 up to the Dunmore war, and that portion of

Virginia opposite Jefferson county was quite rapidly settled.

Wheeling soon became of as much importance as a place of

rendezvous as had Redstone Fort. which had been the meeting

place of immigrants from Virginia and Pennsylvania on their

way to Kentucky, and was the only station between Fort Pitt

and the "dark and bloody ground." Capt. Michael Cresap,

of Maryland, was among the earliest to invade the Ohio country

and take up lands with a view of holding for a price when they

should come into the market.25 With his name is associated

one of the saddest tragedies of the pioneer days, the murder

of Logan's relatives at the mouth of Yellow creek. His

25 Caldwell's History of Belmont and Jefferson counties.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     123


coming to the Ohio country, says Jacobs in the Life of Cresap,

he having become financially involved, was urged by necessity as

well as laudable ambition to profit by the possession of the rich

bottom lands, in order that he might in time gain a competency

for his growing family by their sale, and to this end early in

the year 1774, he employed a lot of young men and repairing to

the wilderness of the Ohio, commenced the work of clearing

the lands and building houses, and being among the first ad-

venturers into this exposed and dangerous region, was enabled

to select some of the best and richest Ohio levels. It was while

he was engaged in this enterprise that Cresap received word

from Capt. Connelly, commandant of the West Augusta, Va.,

troops, and stationed at Fort Pitt, apprising him that a war with

the Indians was inevitable, evidence having been gathered by

scouts that the savages were preparing to attack the settlers,

this being precursory to what is known in history as Dunmore's

war, but really the beginning of the Revolutionary struggle, for

the people of New England, in the Mohawk, the Cumberland,

the Virginia valleys and on the Holston, the Alamance and the

Watauga were protesting against British tyranny, secession and

independence having been largely discussed in the Presbyterian

presbyteries, and the English government knew of the storm

that was coming. There was comparative peace with the In-

dians and the settlers had time to think of their other troubles

and to discuss them at the fireside and in meeting. The savages

were evidently incited by the British emissaries to hostilities to

give the settlers matters to consider of more immediate serious

import than the discussion of state affairs. Thus in 1774 began

the Revolutionary war, which did not end in the Ohio country

until the complete victory over the Indians and British by the

matchless Wayne and his Scotch-Irish soldiers at Fallen Tim-

bers, twenty years after.

As has been stated, there were many settlers along the east

side of the river at this time. George Rogers Clark was with a

party of pioneers at the mouth of the little Kanawha. A portion

of the party had gone up the river, and while they were on the

expedition, those remaining were fired upon by Indians. There

was cause for apprehension, for rumors of war filled the very

124 Ohio Arch

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air with their awful forebodings of savage atrocities. The settlers

began to gather at Wheeling, the rush being from all points, none

of them agreeing to accept the protection offered by scouting

parties sent out from Fort Pitt, and return to their plantations.

Cresap was elected as leader, and on April 21, received a

letter from Fort Pitt confirming the rumors of impending war.

A counsel was held and Cresap's men at once declared war against

the Indians.

"About this time," says Doddridge, "it being reported that a

canoe containing two Indians and some traders was coming down

the river, and then not far from the place, Captain Cresap proposed

to take a party up the river and kill the Indians. The proposition

was opposed by Col. Zane, the proprietor of Wheeling. He stated

that the killing of those Indians would inevitably bring on a war

in which much innocent blood would be shed, and that the act

itself would be an atrocious murder and a disgrace to his name

for ever. His good counsel was lost. The party went up the

river. On being asked on their return what had become of the

Indians, they coolly answered, 'they had fallen into the river.'

Their canoe, on being examined, was found bloody and pierced

with bullets." The idea has been advanced, and it is possible, if

it be true that the British incited the Dunmore war for a far-

reaching purpose, it is evident that Cresap was in the conspiracy,*

for conspiracy it evidently was, and in killing these Indians on

the water front of Jefferson county made this the scene of the

first blood of the Revolution.

According to the printed accounts, on the same day, or the

day after, various canoes of Indians were discovered on the river

by Capt. Cresap and his men, who drove them down the river

to Pipe creek, where the Indians landed and a battle ensued, in

which three of the savages were killed and scalped and their stores

taken. This was the second bloodshed, "and a war inaugurated,"

says Caldwell, "which brought forth fearful vengeance." The

same night, according to the account of Col. Clarke, who was

with the party, a resolution was formed by Cresap's men to attack

Logan's camp at the mouth of Yellow creek.   "We actually

marched five miles and halted to take some refreshments. Here

*As an unconscious tool of Connelly.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     125


the impropriety of the proposed enterprise was argued, the con-

versation was brought forward by Cresap himself. It was gen-

erally agreed that those Indians had no hostile intentions, as it

was a hunting camp, composed of men, women and children, with

all their stuff with them. This we knew, as I, myself, and others

then present, had been in their camp about four weeks before

that time, on our way down from Pittsburg. In short, every

person present, particularly Cresap (upon reflection) was opposed

to the projected measure. We turned, and on the same evening

decamped and took the road for Redstone. It was two days after

this that Logan's family was killed, and from the manner in which

it was done, it was viewed as a horrible murder by the whole


Logan's camp, at the mouth of Yellow creek, was about

fifteen miles above the site of Steubenville. The account of the

atrocious massacre of Logan's people, as given in Caldwell's

History of Belmont and Jefferson counties, is as follows: "Di-

rectly opposite Logan's camp was the cabin of Joshua Baker,

who sold rum to the Indians, and who consequently had frequent

visits from them. Although this encampment had existed here

for a considerable time, the neighboring whites did not seem to

apprehend any danger from their close proximity. On the con-

trary, they were known to have their squaws and families with

them, and to be simply a hunting camp. The report of Cresap's

attack on the two parties of Indians in the neighborhood of Wheel-

ing, having reached Baker's may have induced the belief, as was

subsequently claimed, that the Indians at Yellow creek would

immediately begin hostilities in reprisal. Under this pretext,

Daniel Greathouse and his brothers gathered a party of about

twenty men to attack the Indian encampment and capture the

plunder. Unwilling to take the risk of an open attack upon them,

he determined to accomplish by stratagem what might otherwise

prove a disastrous enterprise. Accordingly, the evening before

the meditated attack, he visited their camp in the guise of friend-

ship, and while ascertaining their numbers and defences, invited

them with apparent hospitality to visit him at Baker's, across the

river. On his return he reported the camp as too strong for

126 Ohio Arch

126      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


an open attack, and directed Baker, when the Indians whom he

had decoyed should come over, to supply them with all the rum

they wanted, and get as many of them drunk as he could. Early

in the morning of April 30, a canoe loaded with Indians, consist-

ing of eight persons, came over-three squaws, a child, and four

unarmed men, one of whom was a brother of Logan, the Mingo

chief. Going into Baker's cabin, he offered them rum, which they

drank, and became excessively drunk-except two men, one of

whom was Logan's brother, and one woman, his sister. These

refused taking liquor. No whites, except Baker and two com-

panions, remained in the cabin. During the visit, it is said by

John Sappington, Logan's brother took down a hat and coat

belonging to Baker's brother-in-law, put them on, and strutted

about, using offensive language to the white man-Sappington.

Whereupon, becoming irritated, he seized his gun and shot the

Indian as he went out the door. The balance of the men, who

up to this time remained hidden, now sallied forth, and poured

in a destructive fire, slaughtering most of the party of drunken

and unresisting savages. According to the statement of Judge

Jolly, the woman attempted to escape by flight, but was also shot

down; she lived long enough, however, to beg mercy for her

babe, telling them it was akin to themselves. Immediately on

the firing, two canoes of Indians hurried across the river. They

were received by the infuriated whites, who were arranged along

the river bank, and concealed by the undergrowth, with a deadly

fire, which killed two Indians in the first canoe. The other canoe

turned and fled. After this two other canoes, containing eighteen

warriors, armed for the conflict, came over to avenge their fellows.

Cautiously approaching the shore they attempted to land below

Baker's cabin. The movements of the rangers, however, were

too quick for them and they were driven off with the loss of one

man. They returned the fire of the whites but without effect.

The Indian loss was ten killed and scalped, including the mother,

sister and brother of Logan."

In commenting on this horrible and bloody massacre, Cald-

well says it cast a stain of infamy upon the name of every person

in any way connected with it. Contemporary letters and chron-

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     127


ides of this event speak of it as a shameless and atrocious murder,

and as the inciting cause of the terrible war which followed, ac-

companied with all those cruelties which savage ferocity could


The party guilty of the crime left immediately, taking the

babe whose life had been spared with them, arriving, according to

Judge Jolly, at Catfish camp, now Washington, Pa., the evening

of the next day. "I very well remember," says Judge Jolly, "of

seeing my mother feeding and dressing the babe. However they

took it away and talked of sending it to its supposed father, Col.

George Gibson, of Carlisle, Pa., who was then and had been for

many years, a trader among the Indians." The child was deliv-

ered to Gen. Gibson and was educated by him.

John Sappington declared in an affidavit that he did not be-

lieve any of Logan's family were killed aside from his brother.

Neither of the squaws was his wife; two of them were old women

and the other the mother of the child. It has been related that

Sappington admitted that he shot Logan's brother.

After writing an account of the massacre of Logan's family,

Col. William Crawford, to whom Washington had entrusted the

sale of his western lands, and who subsequently met with horrible

death by burning by the Indians near Sandusky, says, "Our in-

habitants are much alarmed, many hundreds have gone over the

mountains, and the whole country evacuated as far as the Monon-

gahela. In short, a war is every moment expected. We have

a council now with the Indians. What will be the event I do

not know. I am now setting out for Fort Pitt at the head of one

hundred men. Many others are to meet me there and at Wheel-

ing, where we shall wait the motions of the Indians and shall act


About this time many other like outrages were committed on

the Indians by the whites, including the massacre of Captina.

They seemed to be simultaneous, giving evidence of a conspiracy

to incite the savages to war with the whites. It is also evident that

Capt. or Dr. Connelly, the English commandant at Fort Pitt,

was wholly responsible for the outrages on the Ohio and on its

headwaters. Connelly's letter to Cresap, which occasioned his

128 Ohio Arch

128      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


sudden removal from the seat of his enterprises, directed the mur-

der of Indians and authorized the bloody work. All this in con-

nection with the action of Dunmore, makes very strong circum-

stantial evidence against the English, who saw the storm cloud

of the American Revolution forming in the great valley that ex-

tends from New York to the Carolinas.

There has been much written about the murder of Logan's

people, the massacre being one of the blackest pages in the his-

tory of the Ohio country. The historian has enlarged on it and the

poet has taken it as a theme. Cresap and Greathouse have been

villified and a stain put upon their memory, while those really to

blame remained at the head of a Christian nation. At the hour

Connelly directed Cresap to kill Indians there was every indica-

tion that the savages were friendly; there was nothing whatever

to indicate a possible uprising. Resolutions passed at an indig-

nation meeting, held at Pittsburg, blamed Connelly, the members

of the assembly declaring that every part of Connelly's conduct

toward the friendly Indians convinced them that he meant to force

them to war, as he both refused to protect, and endeavored to mur-

der those Indians who, at the risk of their lives, came with the

traders to protect them.

Col. Crawford and Maj. Angus McDonald, early in July,

arrived at Wheeling with soldiers from the Virginia valley and the

settlements along the Ohio river, about twelve hundred men,

most of them inured to Indian warfare. Here they erected Fort

Fincastle, and Maj. McDonald organized an expedition to make

incursions into the Indian country, leaving on the 25th of July

with about four hundred men, going to the mouth of Captina

in boats and canoes. The Indians were overawed and sued for

peace. McDonald having run out of provisions retraced his

steps to Wheeling, his soldiers having to subsist largely on weeds.

As soon as the soldiers were withdrawn the savages invaded and

attacked the settlements, spreading terror in all directions. The

settlers fled to the forts and block-houses, but many of them were


It was while at Wheeling that Lord Dunmore received ad-

vices from the British government that led to the treachery that

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     129


forced the Lewises to fight the battle of Point Pleasant without

the aid of promised reinforcements, and which was no less than

part of the conspiracy to show the settlers that they had enough

trouble at hand without entering upon an enterprise that might

result in the separation of the American colonies from Great


Successive events that led up to the murder of Indians on

the water front of Jefferson county demonstrated conclusively that

the British had crushed the influence of Christian civilization in

their hearts in order to fill its place with a wicked spirit to coerce

the colonists to continue to bear the galling yoke of tyranny.

Patrick Henry had delivered the speech that was heard over the

mighty ocean. The Boston massacre had filled the country with

horror. The tea had been thrown overboard in Boston harbor.

Americans had been shot down on the banks of the Alamance by

cruel soldiers of the crown. A congress of the colonists had

been called. The Virginia House of Burgesses had passed a

resolution to the effect that it would oppose, by all proper and

just means, every injury to American rights, and the House had

been dissolved by Dunmore. Hanover Presbytery, in Pennsyl-

vania, had passed a declaration that had an omnious sound. Rev-

olution was rife. An Indian war would unite the settlers on an-

other matter of seemingly greater import. Capt. Connelly, com-

mandant of Fort Pitt, by authority of Lord Dunmore, was in

close communication with his lordship. He at once refused to

protect friendly Indians when requested. All testimony goes to

show that the Indians were never so tranquil as at the time Con-

nelly sent the letter to Cresap, who was under his command, but

between the two there was enmity; Cresap, being a Whig and

Connelly of course a Tory. Connelly knew Cresap as a desperate

man, who would take pleasure in killing Indians. The letter

told him that war with the Indians was inevitable, and urged him

to begin the bloody work at once. Connelly, knowing that the

murder of a few Indians would at once raise the alarm for re-

venge throughout the Indian country, and put the savages upon

the war path against the settlers, had two ideas in view: one to

incite the Indians to war, the other to place the blame upon Cresap.

Vol. VI-9

130 Ohio Arch

130     Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


The settlers were to be left to fight as best they could, as Lewis

was left at Point Pleasant.

History does not record a more terrible battle than that fought

at Point Pleasant by Gen. Andrew Lewis [When Washington was

appointed to command the Patriot army he insisted that Lewis

should have been selected because of his superior skill] and his

Scotch-Irish soldiers from the Virginia valley. Gen. Lewis was a

leading actor in all the events in which he took part, yet "fame,"

says Caldwell, "has trumpeted to the world his exploits with feebler

tone than the deeds of others of far lesser importance." Had the

battle of Point Pleasant been fought on New England soil, the

pages of history would have been filled with the name of Andrew

Lewis. In order to show that the men who fought the battle of

Point Pleasant were Scotch-Irish it is only necessary to append the

names of the captains under the command of Gen. Lewis-George

Matthews, Alexander McClanaghan, John Dickson, John Lewis,

Benj. Harrison, Win. Naul, John Haynes, Samuel Wilson,

Matthew Arbuckle, John Murray, Robert McClanaghan, James

Ward, and John Stewart.

The incidents occurring immediately over the river were so

associated with the history of Jefferson county, that it seems

necessary to note them in order to give a comprehensive view

of this part of Ohio-it is at least necessary to show the strong

character of the first settlers, those of Virginia and Pennsyl-

vania being of the same blood as those of Jefferson county.



The Revolution Comes - The Ohio Country in Arms - Diabolical

Outrages Committed by the Indians Incited by the British on

Settlers as Described by Hildreth - Siege of Fort Fincastle

which is Re-christened Fort Henry.

The Revolution came. Virginia, absolved from all alle-

giance to the crown, on June 29, 1776, adopted a con-

stitution. Patrick Henry at the same time was elected gover-

nor. Ohio county was formed, which included the territory op-

posite the river front of Jefferson county. Fort Fincastle was

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      131

rechristened Fort Henry, in honor of the noble Scotch-Irish Vir-

ginian, whose voice was ever for liberty, and preparations were

made to defend the state against the savage allies of the English.

Ohio county, says McKiernan, was to all intents and purposes

a military colony. Every man able to bear arms was enrolled.

The Indians, as mercenaries of the British, committed many

diabolical outrages, and American soldiers that might have given

more aid in the east, were compelled to fight the savage in the

west, and thus prolonged the war. However Fort Henry was

not garrisoned, as were the other forts on the Ohio, but by the

settlers who sought its walls for protection. On the last day

of August, 1777, began the terrible siege of this fort - one of

the most stubborn and most successful defenses on record.

There were nearly four hundred Indian warriors of the most

blood-thirsty breeds, led by the cunning and skillful Girty, while

in the fort there were only thirty defenders, according to Hil-

dreth, and according to McKiernan only twelve men and boys,

aside from the women, but brave women they were. The In-

dians were under the British flag and offered terms of surrender

from Gov. Hamilton at Detroit, who gave the brave garrison

fifteen minutes to surrender under his conditions. Col. Zane,

who was in command of the small garrison, replied that the

time was sufficient for them to deliberate which of the two to

choose, slavery or death. They had consulted their wives and

children and were resolved to perish, rather than place them-

selves under the protection of a savage army, or to abjure the

cause of liberty and of the colonies. For twenty-three hours

all was life, and energy, and activity within the walls of the

fort.  Every individual had duties to perform, says Caldwell,

and promptly and faithfully were they discharged. The more

expert of the women took stations by the side of the men, and

handling their guns with soldier-like readiness, aided in the

repulse, with fearless intrepidity. Some were engaged in mak-

ing bullets; others in loading and supplying the men with guns

already charged; while the less robust were employed in cook-

ing. It seemed indeed as if each individual were sensible that

the safety of all depended on his lone exertions, and that the

slightest relaxation of these would involve them all in common

132 Ohio Arch

132      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


ruin. Word had gone out that Fort Henry was invested by

the Indians, and every effort was made to reenforce the garri-

son. It was on one of these attempts that Major Samuel Mc-

Cullough was cut off from his men just as they were entering

the gate of the stockade. The Indians wanted to capture hint

alive for torture, or else they could have shot him on several

occasions. They made almost superhuman efforts to acquire

possession of his person, and when he appeared among them

they were greatly elated in their savage way. The fleetness of

McCullough's horse was scracely greater than that of his ene-

mies, who fairly flew in pursuit of the man who had evaded them

just at the point of capture. When the Major reached the top

of Wheeling hill, he was met by another band. He wheeled his

horse and rode back over his own tracks, only to encounter those

who were pursuing him. He was now surrounded on all sides,

the fourth being a precipitous precipice of one hundred and fifty

feet, with Wheeling creek at its base. According to the pub-

lished accounts,26 he supported his rifle in his left hand and care-

fully adjusting the reins with the other, he urged his horse to

the brink of the bluff and then made the leap which decided his

fate, one of the most daring acts of American history. He was

soon beyond the reach of the Indians, safe and sound. The

Indians, finding that they could make no impression on the fort,

and fearing the coming of reinforcements, abandoned the siege,

but not until they had burned everything in reach, including

the houses within the stockade. Capt. Mason and a party who

had gone out of the fort to investigate the forces of the enemy,

were met by the savages and most inhumanly murdered with

the tomahawk and the scalping knife. Upwards of three hun-

dred head of cattle and hogs had been wantonly killed by the


Fort Henry was again besieged September 11, 1782, by a

large force of Indians. The fort was still under command of

Col. Zane and garrisoned by the settlers. This siege continued

until the 13th, and was a most desperately fought battle. It

was on the occasion of this siege that Elizabeth Zane, one of

the most heroic women developed by the awful times of the

26 Caldwell.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     133


Revolution, when only the fittest survived the hardships if they

escaped the bullet, the tomahawk or scalping knife of the British

army of savages, ran out of the fort to the house of Col. Zane,

and returned with a keg of powder in her apron and saved the

fort. The Indians were so overwhelmed by her audacity that

they watched her with amazement and permitted her to make

the most hazardous and most successful expedition of that war.

The achievement of the pioneer settlers of this region in main-

taining the two sieges of Fort Henry is worthy more space in

histories than it has been given. Both were battles of the Revo-

lution, and as such deserve to rank in history with the other

patriotic defences of the land. Not only was the garrison sum-

moned to submit to the British authorities by a British official,

but the northwest Indians, who assaulted the fortification, were

as much the mercenary soldiers of Great Britain as were the

Hessians and Waldecks who fought at Saratoga, Trenton and

Princeton. If the price received by the Indians for the scalps

of the Americans did not always amount to as much as the daily

pay of the European minions of England, it was, nevertheless,

sufficient to prove that the American savages and the German

hirelings were precisely on the same footing as part and parcel

of the British army.27

What is known as "the Squaw Campaign" of 1778, was in

the bounds of the original Jefferson county. In February of

that year General Hand, who desired to capture provisions and

clothing sent to the Cuyahogas, left Fort Pitt with considerable

force. Not succeeding in the designs of the expedition, he re-

turned to Salt Lick, in the territory now Mahoning county,

where he killed and captured a few squaws.

A strong effort was made by the commander at Detroit to

entice the patriots from the cause of American freedom. He

promised that if the settlers would return to the allegiance of the

crown and trust themselves to the care of the Indian allies, they

would be conducted to a place of security. It is a fact that only

six could be found in this region who expressed desire to comply

with the conditions offered by the British, their names being,

George Baker, of near Logstown; James Butterworth, from the

27 Caldwell.

134 Ohio Arch

134      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


Big Kanawha; Thomas Shoers, Harrodsburg, Ky.; Jacob Pugh,

six miles below the fort at Wheeling; Jonathan Muchmore, from

Fort Pitt; James Witaker, and John Bridges, Fish Creek. The

Tories were not numerous in the west. The settlers were not of

the breed out of which Tories were recruited. The Tories were

mostly on the seaboard.

The expeditions of Indians concerted by the British at De-

troit to lay waste the settlements, to outrage and kill the settlers,

passed through Jefferson county. One expedition was in two

divisions, one to cross the river below Wheeling, and the other

sixty miles above, at Raccoon creek. In his account Withers

says: "The division crossing below Wheeling was soon dis-

covered by scouts who gave the alarm, causing most of the in-

habitants to fly immediately to that place, supposing an attack

was to be made upon it. The Indians, however, proceeded on

their way to Washington, then Catfish camp, making prisoners

of many, who, although apprised that the Indians were in the

country, yet feeling secure in their distance from what they sup-

posed would be the theatre of operations, neglected to use the

precaution necessary to guard them against becoming captives

to the savages. From all the prisoners they learned the same

thing - that the inhabitants had gone to Fort Henry with a

view of concentrating there to effect their repulsion. The in-

telligence alarmed the Indians. The chiefs held a council in

which it was determined instead of proceeding to Washington,

to retrace their steps across the Ohio, lest their retreat, if de-

layed, should be entirely cut off. Infuriated at the blasting of

their hopes for blood and spoil, they resolved to murder all their

male prisoners. Preparations to carry this resolution into effect

were immediately begun to be made. The unfortunate victims to

their savage wrath were led forth from among their friends and

their families, their hands were pinioned behind them-a rope was

fastened around the neck of each, and that bound around a tree,

so as to prevent any motion of the head. The tomahawk and

scalping knife were next drawn from their belts, and the horrid

purpose of these preparations fully consummated. Imagina-

tion's utmost stretch can hardly fancy a more heart-rending

scene than was there exhibited. Parents, in the bloom of life

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.       135


and glow of health, mercilessly mangled to death in the presence

of their children, whose sobbing cries served but to heighten the

torments of the dying; husbands cruelly lacerated, and by piece-

meal deprived of life in view of the tender partners of their

bosoms, whose agonizing shrieks, increasing the anguish of tor-

ture, sharpened the sting of death. It is indeed

'A fearful thing

To see the human soul take wing,

In any shape, in any mood;'

but that wives and children should be forced to behold the last

ebb of life, and to witness the struggle of the departing spirit

of husbands and fathers, under such horrible circumstances, is

shocking to humanity, appalling, even in contemplation.28

This is but one of the hundreds of incidents of horrible cru-

elty inflicted by those who fought under the British flag upon

the American patriots of the west. Yet there are New England

historians who would have us believe that the Revolutionary

war was fought within ten miles of Boston!



Broadhead Notes Considerable Settlements in the Ohio Country

as Early as 1779-Settlers Dispossessed by the Government

and Their Cabins Destroyed- Some of Them Return to again

be Turned Out - Large Settlement at Martins Ferry with

a Town Government Previous to 1785- Settlers Threaten

to Make a Stand Against the Troops-Names of the Squat-

ters, Among Them that of John McDonald's Father --James

Ross Settles at Mingo - The First White Child Born in

Jefferson County His Son-Early Settlement at Tiltonville.

In a letter to General Washington, dated October 26, 1779,

Gen. Broadhead notes the fact that there were considerable set-

tlements all along the Ohio, and as far as thirty miles up the

tributaries, between the Muskingum and Fort McIntosh. These

settlers were of course called trespassers on the Indian land, as

the Ohio side of the river was then known. These settlers were


28 Hildreth.

136 Ohio Arch

136      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


dispossessed, but returned, as noted below by Ensign Armstrong.

After Congress issued orders for the settlers who had squatted

on the west bank of the Ohio to remove until titles could be

had from the Indians and then disposed of to settlers in a proper

way, Col. Harmar sent a detachment of troops down the river

from Fort McIntosh29 to dislodge all who refused to obey the

order. This detachment was under command of Ensign Arm-

strong who made report April 12, 1785. He crossed the Little

Beaver on April 1, and dispossessed a family. Four miles be-

low he found families living in sheds, but they having no raft

on which to transport their goods, he gave them until the 31st,

in which to leave. At the mouth of Yellow creek he dispossessed

two families and destroyed their cabins with fire. We should

think by this time the men who had fought the battles in the

west and believed they won enough ground upon which to build

a cabin and raise a little corn, had concluded that the govern-

ment was more dangerous to life and property than the savage.

On the 3rd he dispossessed eight families. On the 4th he ar-

rived at Mingo, where he read his instructions to Joseph Ross,

who would not believe the instructions came from Congress;

neither did he care from whom they came, he was determined

to hold possession; if his house were destroyed he would build

another, or six more, for that matter, within a week. "He also,"

says the report of Armstrong, "cast many reflections on the hon-

orable, the Congress and the commissioners and the command-

ing officer." Armstrong said he considered him a dangerous

man, took him prisoner and sent him to Wheeling under guard.

The other settlers, who seemed to be tenants under Ross, were

given a few days' time, at the end of which they promised to

vamose. On the evening of the 4th Charles Norris, with a

party of armed men, arrived at the ensign's quarters and de-

manded his instructions; but they were soon convinced and

lodged their arms with the officer. Armstrong learned from

Norris that a large body of armed settlers had assembled eleven

miles below, ready to resist his orders. On the 5th Armstrong

arrived at the Norris settlement. He informed Norris that if

the order were resisted he would fire on the settlers, and he or-

29 Mouth of the Beaver.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     137


dered his own men to load. However, the settlers finally laid

down their arms and agreed to remove to the east side of the

river on the 19th. At Mercer town, now Martin's Ferry, he

found quite a large settlement, John Carpenter and Charles Nor-

ris having been elected justices of the peace, and here was an

organized government in Ohio before the settlement at Marietta.

These people also agreed to obey the order and promised to re-

move by the 19th. Although the squatters along the west bank

of the Ohio had banded together to resist the United States

troops, and were actually organized and equipped with guns,

they were finally induced to yield; but a compromise was ef-

fected, whereby they were given time to prepare temporary

habitations on the east side of the river. The descendants of

many of them now people this county. The names of the first

settlers whose cabins were scattered throughout this region were

as follows, many of them being familiar to those now living in

this immediate vicinity:30 Thomas Tilton, John Nixon, Henry

Cassill, John Nowles, John Tilton, John Fitzpatrick, Daniel

Menser, Zephenia Dunn, John McDonald,31 Henry Froggs, Wi-

land Hoagland, Michael Rawlings, Thomas Dawson, Thomas

McDonald,32   William Shiff, Solomon Delong, Charles Ward,

Frederick Lamb, John Rigdon, George Weleams, Jessie Edger-

ten, Nathaniel Parremore, Jesse Parremore, Jacob Clark, James

Clark, Adam Hause, Thomas Johnson, Hanament Davis, Wil-

liam  Wallace, Joseph Redburn, Jonathan Mapins, William

Mann, Daniel Kerr, William Kerr, Joseph Ross, James Watson,

Abertious Bailey, Charles Chambers, Robert Hill, James Paul,

William McNees, Archibald Harben, William Bailey, Jones Am-

spoker, Nicholas Decker, John Platt, Benjamin Reed, Joseph

Goddard, Henry Conrod, William   Carpenter, John Goddard,

George Reno, John Buchanan, Daniel Mathews.

In the fall of the same year (1785) they returned, and had re-

built the cabins destroyed by order of the government, and were

found in possession by Gen. Butler, who, accompanied by James

Monroe, afterward President, was sent out to again warn them

off. It was this sort of tenacity of purpose in the character of the

30 All but two or three Scotch-Irish. 31 The father of Col. John McDon-

ald. 32Uncle of Col. John McDonald.

138 Ohio Arch

138      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


pioneers that gave them the force to succeed in their efforts to

make homes in the wilderness.

Joseph Ross, who has already been mentioned in these

sketches, was taken prisoner by Armstrong and conveyed to Fort

Henry under guard. According to Caldwell, Ross was the father

oF the first white child born in Jefferson county. As early as 1784

Ross with wife and one son, Jacob, settled on Mingo bottom.

Ross was a man of resolute will and considerable force. He and

his family made their abode in the hollow stump of a sycamore

tree, located on the old Jump place. As late as 1814, says Cald-

well, there were people living here who had seen the stump from

which a limb projected which had been hollowed and used for a

smoke pipe. It was during the temporary abode in this stump

that the first white child born in Jefferson county saw the light of

day. At the time of this interesting event Ross was engaged in

building a cabin. The child born in the tree stump was named

Absalom, and at the time of his father's death had grown to be

a fine young man. He stood six feet three inches, and weighed

250 pounds. He would walk two and three miles to and from

his work among the farmers and split an hundred rails per day.

The brother was with Van Buskirk in his fight with the Indians,

in which battle Jacob shot an Indian in the back and pursued him

to get his scalp, but as the Indian dived beneath some drift wood

and the roots of a large tree, the body was not recovered. Absa-

lom married Annie Edsell, whose father lived on an elevated point

near Cross creek, on which is now the P. W. and Kentucky rail-

road, and died in 1867.

In Butler's report, dated October 1, 1785, it is noted that he

found a number of settlers at Mingo town, among them one Ross,

who seemed to be the principal man of the settlement. "I con-

versed with him and the others and warned them away. He said

he and his neighbors had been misrepresented to Congress; that

he was going to Congress to inform them that himself and neigh-

bors were determined to be obedient to their ordinances, and we

made an effort to assure them that the land would be surveyed

and sold to poor and rich, and there would or could be no more

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      139


of preference given to one than another, which seemed to give


As early as 1776 Joseph Tilton came to the Ohio country

from Pennsylvania, and settled on land near the site of Tiltonville,

where he lived with his family during the following, the eventful

years of the Revolutionary war. He became an expert scout

and was at two of the sieges of Fort Henry. After the survey

he bought the land, on which he continued to live up to the time

of his death, when it was divided among his children. An old

gentleman who was acquainted with his son, Caleb Tilton, in his

boyhood, informs the compiler that Caleb at that time was looked

upon as the first white child born in Jefferson county, the date

of birth being previous to 1784, at which time Absalom Ross was

born, as noted above. The farm on which Tilton settled is now

owned by William Medill. On it is a large mound from which

W. L. Medill, Esq., has taken stone and copper instruments, in-

cluding a copper needle and a large piece of mica. Adjoining

the mound are the evident remains of an ancient fort, whose out-

lines are very distinct.

Others followed Tilton and settled at Warrenton and Tilton-

ville, and in the year 1785 there were large settlements at these

points, and to-day many of their descendants are living on the

lands then taken by their ancestors-the Maxwells, McClearys,

Tiltons, and McCormacks.

The father of Ephraim Cable settled at the mouth of Island

creek in 1785, where Ephraim was born the same year, and until

recently was noted as the first white child born in the county.

The father built a block-house, where he lived and reared the elder

children of a family of twelve. Ephraim Cable served honorably

in the war of 1812. Descendants still live in the county and his

name has been also perpetuated by a bend in the Ohio river and

by an eddy.

The date of the Cable settlement is questioned, local his-

torians making it 1795, but there could have been no occasion

for a blockhouse in 1795. The date 1785 has been given the

compiler by a descendant.


NOTE.-Jesse Delong was born on Short creek about 1776, and died at the age of 106.

-Rev. R. M. Coulter in Cadiz Republican, Oct. 31, 1895. He was possibly son of Solomen

Delong mentioned on p. 137.

140 Ohio Arch

140       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.



The Lochry Expedition--Those Taking Part are Inveigled to

Shore by Indians and British and all but Two Killed out

of 106-Capt. Thomas Stokely, Father of Gen. Samuel

Stokely, Escapes--He was to have been Burned at the Stake,

but is saved by Giving the Masonic Sign of Distress-The

Massacre of Lochry's Men an Exciting Cause of the Mas-

sacre of the Moravian Indians by the Friends of Lochry

from  Western Pennsylvania-The Gnadenhutten Expedi-

tion of Col. Williamson-The Life of a Moravian Indian

Maiden Saved by a Jefferson County Settler who Makes Her

His Wife-A Respectable Family of the County a Result

of the Union - Story of Sweet Corn-A Defense of William-

son and His Men--The Last Victim of Indian Revenge a

Resident of Jefferson County.

What is known as the Lochry expedition, organized in West-

moreland county, Pa., in the spring of 1781, by Col. Archibald

Lochry, the county lieutenant, under direction of Col. Crawford,

has a very close association with the history of Jefferson county.

Information of this expedition has been difficult to obtain. In

searching the Archives of Pennsylvania, the compiler of these

sketches, although aided by Dr. Egle, the painstaking historian

and librarian of the state of Pennsylvania, has been able to gather

only fragments which, put together, make one of the strongest

indictments against the humanity of the British. It was one of

the most disastrous expeditionsof the Revolutionaryperiod in the

west, nearly all of the one hundred and six men in it having been

massacred in the most cruel way by the Indians under the British

flag and having in their possession British cannon, and, it is sup-

posed, were commanded by a white man. As has been stated,

the expedition was organized in 1781, the object being to accom-

pany George Rogers Clark on an expedition to Detroit, where

all the Indian enterprises to destroy the settlers were concocted

by Gov. Hamilton. Under Col. Lochry was Capt. Thomas

Stokely, the progenitor of the noted Stokely family of Steuben-

ville, the father of Gen. Samuel Stokely; Capt. Boyd and Capt.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    141


Orr. The ensign of Capt. Orr's company was Cyrus Hunter,

the great-grandfather of the compiler. One account says that

Lochry was to have met Clark at Fort Henry, and failing to

arrive on time, was left word to follow down the river. Another

account says that the mouth of the Big Miami was fixed as the

place of rendezvous, but was subsequently changed to the Falls

of the Ohio. On July 25 Col. Lochry and his command set out

for Fort Henry, where they embarked in boats for their destina-

tion, the place of rendezvous. They passed down the Ohio to a

point a few miles below the Big Miami, now Aurora, Ind., where

they were inveigled to shore by the supposed friendly statement

that Clark had camped there. "They were suddenly and unex-

pectedly assailed by a volley of rifle balls from an overhanging

bluff, covered with large trees, on which the Indians had taken

possession in great force." Col. Lochry and forty-one of his

command were killed or wounded by the volley and the remainder

were captured, most of whom were killed and scalped while pris-

oners. The supposition is that only two escaped, for Capt.

Stokely and Capt. Boyd were the only two who turned up in

Philadelphia, where they applied for clothing and means by which

they could return to Westmoreland county. Col. Lochry was

afterwards killed by a tomahawk while sitting on a fallen tree

by an Indian, he having been wounded by the volley. Capt.

Stokely gave an account of the expedition to his son Samuel,

who afterward became Gen. Stokely, one of the noblemen of the

Scotch-Irish race, and an early settler of Steubenville, a man of

fine presence, gentle manners and of wide influence. As he was

a man of literary attainments it was thought that he wrote the

narrative as related by his father, but if he did do this service for

posterity, the document cannot be found. But he in turn handed

down the story through his son, M. S. Stokely, of Duluth, from

whose lips the compiler received it. Capt. Stokely was wounded

by the volley fired by the savages just after the boat landed, but

fearing he would be killed if he showed evidences of disability,

he assumed to be sound and was permitted to accompany the

Indians on their march to Detroit. On the way, however, they

camped and made preparations to burn him at the stake, under

142 Ohio Arch

142      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


protection of the British flag, under whose standard they com-

mitted the cruelties that to this day fill the world with horror.

Stokely was tied to the stake and the fire lighted, when he made

the Masonic sign of distress. He was immediately taken from

the stake and permitted to accompany the Indians. However,

with Capt. Boyd he succeeded in making his escape, and a year

after appeared before the council of war in Philadelphia, and it

is recorded in the Archives of Pennsylvania that the two men

"appeared before the council and, stating that they were refugees,

were given provisions and clothing to aid them on their way to

Westmoreland county." The Masonic sign as a means of relief

from Indian torture is questioned by historians. Dr. Egle says

he never heard of but one authentic case of an Indian recognizing

the Masonic sign; this was a Canadian Indian. The grandson of

Capt. Stokely says that he had always understood from his father's

narrative of the story that the Indian chief with the party that

massacred Col. Lochry and his soldiers was a Canadian Indian,

and if the Canadian Indians were Masons, the story has founda-

tion. Besides it is known that the Indians that inveigled Lochry

and his brave men to disembark at the mouth of the Miami, were

commanded by a white man, perhaps he was a British officer sent

out by the brutal Hamilton from Detroit, for the officers at De-

troit kept in touch with all the patriot expeditions by means of

Indian spies.

Since the above was prepared for the press, the compiler

has received further information about the Lochry expedition

from Hon. C. A. Hanna, Treasurer of the Chicago Postoffice,

who has in course of preparation an elaborate record of the

pioneer families of Pennsylvania. Ensign Hunter must have

returned as he left a manuscript account of the expedition.

There were from 104 to 110 men in the Lochry command, of

whom thirty-six privates and five officers were killed. The

most of the remainder returned. James R. Albach's Annals of

the West, Pittsburg, 1857, states that "More than half the

number who left Pennsylvania under Col. Lochry returned."

"This statement is derived from a manuscript of Gen. Orr of

Kittanning, written from the recollection of his father, Captain

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    143


Orr, who was in the party, and is corroborated by a manuscript

of Ensign Hunter, who was also a sharer in it." (See note p. 148.)

This massacre had much to do with bringing about the

massacre of the Christian Indians at Gnadenhutten on March 7,

1782, for which the British were wholly responsible. In fact it

was planned by the British at Detroit. The hostile Indians, who

were the allies of the British, had captured the missionaries having

the Moravian Indians in charge, and, with the Christian Indians,

had taken them to Sandusky on a trumped-up charge. The win-

ter following was a very severe one and provisions ran short.

About one hundred of the Christian Indians were permitted to

return to the Tuscarawas valley to gather corn left growing when

they were taken away. At the same time warriors were sent out

to murder the whites in the valley to incense the Americans against

the Indians, knowing that they would organize and make cause

against the Christian Indians in the Tuscarawas valley. These

red warriors crossed the river at Steubenville and committed all

sorts of awful depredations against the settlers, among them the

murder of Mrs. Wallace and her babe. The plan laid by the

British at Detroit was carried out.

Other depredations were committed in western Virginia and

Pennsylvania. Prisoners were taken by Indians claiming to be

Moravians. The government also suspected the Moravians with

being very intimate with the British and furnishing information.

Col. Williamson hastily organized an expedition against the

Indians who had committed the depredations, no doubt having

also in mind the massacre of Lochry and his command. There

were ninety men in the command when they organized at Mingo,

on March 2, 1782. The result of this expedition fills a black

page in history. The British no doubt thought the massacre of

the Christian Indians a most diabolical deed. Col. Williamson

with his men marched to the Tuscarawas, and finding the Indians

there and in possession of Mrs. Wallace's bloody garments natur-

ally supposed that the Christian Indians had murdered her, just

as the British at Detroit had planned they would. There has

been much written against Col. Williamson and the "murder" of

the Christian Indians; but those who reproach his memory do

144 Ohio Arch

144       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


not appreciate the conditions then existing. The pioneer to

whom we owe everything is entitled to every doubt. He knew

the treacherous nature of the Indian as well as of the British, and

it was natural and especially during the border warfare of the

Revolution, to suspect every Indian and trust none of them, Chris-

tian or otherwise; the British were Christians, and they were not

trusted, and why should a savage under the flag of Britain be

trusted simply because he professed Christianity? The pioneer

who made this valley a home of peace for those who came after

him, is worthy an enduring monument on every hill and in every

valley, instead of clouding his memory with the charge of mur-

der. When we celebrate the wonderful achievements of the pio-

neer fathers we should rejoice in their bravery, in their fortitude,

in their endurance and steadfastness of purpose. They were won-

derful men, the like of whom this country will never see more.

The sentimentality that has been wasted on the Moravian Indians

and the reproach cast upon Col. Williamson and his pioneer sol-

diers, as brave men as ever aimed the long rifle at the savage and

made that aim count in one less British ally, has its parallel in the

pioneer struggles in Pennsylvania, where the Indians would com-

mit depredations on the hardy settlers, and then seek safety among

the Quakers, who seemed to think it all right for the Indians to

kill and destroy, but when the Paxtang boys, as they were known,

undertook to retaliate, they were charged with murder, and to

this day the Quaker writers have cast a cloud over the memory

of these brave men, that it seems impossible to efface.

It is a fact that a family named Haverstock residing in that

part of Jefferson county now Belmont county, is descended in

direct succession from the Indians of the Moravian settlement at

Gnadenhutten. The grandmother of the present Haverstocks

was an Indian maiden named "Sweet Corn," and was in the field

gathering corn with the other unfortunate members of her tribe,

on the morning preceding the ill-fated day. As has been stated,

the Moravians had been carried to "Captive's Town" in Wyandot

county, the preceding fall, by order of the British authorities at

Detroit, on suspicion of undue friendship for the American settlers.

They passed a winter of great privation and suffering. They had

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     145


but hastily and ill-constructed huts to shelter them from the winter

of unusual severity, were possessed of but the scantiest means of

provision and clothing and in the early spring the impoverished

Moravians were in a state of entire destitution. It was thereupon

determined to send a portion of the tribe-the younger and

stronger-back to their grain fields on the Tuscarawas, where corn

of the previous year's husbandry still hung unplucked, to there

gather and return with the sustenance for the aged, the sick, and

the enfeebled. As soon as the subsiding snows permitted, a Mo-

ravian relief band started for their old settlement, arriving there

early in March, and at once began the work of collecting the corn.

"Sweet Corn," a lovely Indian, and one of the Moravian converts,

was with the expedition and was in the fields husking the grain

when Col. Williamson's command approached. Joining Col.

Williamson's forces at Mingo was a young hunter named John

Haverstock, one of the most intrepid of the frontiersmen. He

was noted among the pioneers for his great strength, agility and

daring, and as one of the most skillful hunters, his boyish life

having been spent in trapping and shooting in the unbroken for-

ests then lying west of the Ohio, and now composing the coun--

ties of Jefferson and Belmont. Losing his parents in childhood,

he had practically made his home in the woods with no compan-

ion but his gun, sustaining himself on game and amusing himself

with daring adventure. On the evening of the 7th the American

forces were nearing the quiet and unsuspecting Indian village,

John Haverstock scouting somewhat in advance of the command,

and penetrating to the edge of the heavy forest which skirted the

Tuscarawas bottoms, his gaze was suddenly rivited by the be-

witching loveliness of the maiden as she industriously husked her

grain for those who hungrily waited on the Sandusky plains.

Col. Williamson's men were kindly received at the village and

hospitably entertained. Upon their advent Haverstock laid im-

mediate siege to the heart of gentle "Sweet Corn." The maid was

not averse to the noble presence of the young white hunter and

her troth was plighted to the American. To his dying day John

Haverstock maintained that no evil design was originally medi-

tated against the Moravian settlement, although some of the men

Vol. VI-10

146 Ohio Arch

146      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


attached to the command of Col. Williamson insisted that the

Moravians were giving aid and comfort to the hostile savages

of the northwest. But a bloodstained dress was found in one of

the cabins and suddenly produced among Williamson's men, which

it was insisted had been on the person of Mrs. Wallace at the

time of her capture by the Indians a short time before. The

minds of the patriots became greatly embittered by the recent

enormity of the Wallace murder and other diabolical outrages.

This discovery developed into an immediate demand for revenge.

The determination was that of wholesale slaughter. The work

of butchery progressed until the charnal house was made com-

plete. Amid this carnage nothing but the known heroic daring

and prowess of Haverstock saved the weeping "Sweet Corn"

from the fate of her tribe. As the work of blood ran riot the

colossal form of John Haverstock towered before the wigwam of

the terrified Indian girl like an impenetrable wall of steel between

her and the danger without. Rifle and tomahawk clutched in

hand, he warned the maddened Americans that he would visit

death on any who would attempt to approach her place of refuge.

On the return march he carried the maiden to the American settle-

ment at Mercertown, where she became the bride of her protec-

tor, and became the mother of a respected line of descendants,

from one of whom, the late W. T. Campbell, Esq., these details

were gathered. Haverstock at one time had an encounter with

Simon Girty on Mingo bottom.

It has never been charged that the Christian Indians mur-

dered Mrs. Wallace and her babe, but it is evident that the pio-

neers believed that they were guilty of the crime. The Indians

who killed Mrs. Wallace sold the dress to the unsuspecting Mo-

ravians, having in view the result. They had hidden in the neigh-

borhood of Gnadenhutten until after the massacre, and then made

a swift run to claim premiums for scalps offered by the British

at Detroit. The news of the massacre was soon in possession of

the warriors on the Sandusky, Miami, Scioto and the Wabash.

Revenge most terrible was demanded of the warriors by the chiefs

"in corresponding magnitude to the murders committed on their

kin." Simon Girty, one of the most skilled of the English officers,

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      147


for such he was, first incited the Indians to commit crimes to

arouse the whites to murder the Indians, and then called upon

the Indians to avenge the destruction of their people. It hardly

seems reasonable that the English would employ a man of Girty's

diabolical spirit, but the evidence is undisputed. He took the

oath under Connelly, and was received with open arms by Ham-

ilton. At all the British camps it was "determined to take two-

fold vengeance on the Americans. A vow was made that no white

man should ever have the Tuscarawas valley for a home, but that

it should remain uncontaminated by his presence, and that the

boundary line of all future treaties should be the Ohio river, for

ever and ever."33 Each prisoner was to be taken to the scene of

the massacre and there dispatched by the tomahawk and fire-

brand until the two-fold vengence had been consummated. And

how many pioneers felt the scalping knife and the tomahawk as

the result of this resolution!

According to Caldwell, in the year 1785, an escaped prisoner

crossed the river at the scene of the massacre and reported at

the Wheeling fort that he saw no human in the valley. "The

bones of the Christian Indians were scattered about over the

ground, and the fruit trees planted by the Moravians were in

bloom, but the limbs had been broken by the bears, and the place

had become the abode of only rattlesnakes and wild beasts."

There is now a Moravian church on the site of the Moravian

Indian missions, this church having been organized a hundred

years ago (1798). It is now under the charge of Bishop Henry

Van Vleck, who has in his possession many relics of the massa-

cred Indians, including an iron hand corn-mill, brought out to

the unbroken west by Heckewelder and his fellow missionaries.

He also has in his museum pieces of charred remains of the cabins,

together with a portion of the historic tree that was blown down

a few years ago. Bishop Van Vleck is a most conscientious his-

torian, and is incensed over the fact that modern graves and

monuments have been permitted to desecrate the ground in which

the Moravian Indians are buried and await the resurrection morn.

The first actor in the awful tragedy and the last victim of

the Indian vengeance was a Jefferson county settler, Chas. Bilder-

33 Caldwell.

148 Ohio Arch

148        Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


back, one of Williamson's men. He was a Virginian who had

settled on Short creek, and was one of the bravest of the pioneers

who won the west with the long rifle. He was with Crawford,

but escaping returned to his cabin at the mouth of the creek.

Seven years after the massacre, when he had concluded that he

was to escape the vengeance of the Indians, both he and his wife

were captured by the savages near their cabin. They first cap-

tured Bilderback and his brother, Mrs. Bilderback having hid

in the bushes; but they were determined to have her also, and told

Bilderback to call his wife or they would scalp him alive. He

called her, telling her of the fate if she did not come. She then

responded and the three were taken to the Tuscarawas. Mrs.

Bilderback and her brother-in-law were taken to the site of Uh-

richsville, while Bilderback was conveyed to Gnadenhutten. In

a few hours the Indians that had Bilderback in charge came to

the camp and threw into Mrs. Bilderback's lap the scalp of her

husband. She was overcome and fainted, but was taken to the

Miami valley, where she remained a captive for nine months, when

she was ransomed. In 1791 she married John Green and moved

to Fairfield county, and it is said gave birth to the first white child

born in that county. Bilderback killed the first Moravian re-

moved on that ill-fated day, the name of his victim being Shabosh.

He was the last white man known to have been in the massacre

who paid the forfeit of his life for connection therewith.

The centennial of this massacre was celebrated at Gnaden-

hutten by the erection of a monument to the memory of the Chris-

tian Indians who were the victims of Col. Williamson's men. The

addresses delivered reflected on the brave pioneers who were

severely censured, when the crime should have been charged not

to the brave hearts who made this state a part of the Republic

and a home of peace, but to the Christian nation over the sea

that waged warfare with the tomahawk, the scalping knife and

the firebrand.


NOTED.-Since the above was put in type, a letter to the compiler from Hon. C. W.

Butterfield, author of " Washington-Irvine Correspondence," "Crawford's Sandusky

Expedition," " Biographies of the Girty's," and certainly the most thorough of writers

of pioneer history, questions the masonic story. Girty was with the Indians, there

being 600. McKee was in the party, his name being signed to a report of the victory

over the Americans sent to Detroit. Capt. Stokely commanded a company of state

troops. The British thought they had captured Col. Clarke, whom they had hoped to

burn at the stake.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      149



Crawford's Disastrous Expedition-Rendezvous at Mingo-

Jefferson County Men Participating in the Battle and Re-

treat-The British Responsible for the Cruel Death of Col.

Crawford, the Most Horrible in Civilized Warfare-The

British Considered the Results of the Battle a Great Victory

-The Great Age Attained by Indian Scouts who Escaped

Death at the Hands of the English Savage Allies-Escape

of John Sherrard, Michael Myers and Others.

There has not been written a chapter of history more thril-

ling, and record has not been made of a more horrible fate of a

military leader than that of Crawford's defeat, and his death by

fire, June 11, 1782, at the hands of the savage minions of the

English. After the massacre at Gnadenhutten, Simon Girty had

inspired the Indians with such awful spirit of revenge that no

pioneer's life was safe. The red savages were making their

way through the settlements, plundering and burning in every

direction, and the whites captured were treated without mercy,

Doddridge tells us that the people were forced into the forts

which dotted the country in every direction. "These forts were

cabins, blockhouses and stockades. In some places where the

exposure was not great, a single blockhouse, with a cabin out-

side, constituted the whole fort. A space around the fort was

usually cleared away, so that an enemy could neither find a lurk-

ing place nor conceal his approach. Near these forts the bor-

derers worked their fields in parties, guarded by sentinels. Their

necessary labors were performed with every danger and diffi-

culty imaginable. Their work had to be carried on with their

arms and all things belonging to their war dress deposited in

some central place in the field. Sentinels were stationed on the

outside of the fence, so that on the least alarm the whole com-

pany repaired to their arms and were ready for the combat in a

moment." It is not at all surprising that there was such wide-

spread feeling of revenge against the hostile Indians, especially

so when it was known they were paid to burn cabins and mur-

der women and children. The horrid scenes of slaughter which

150 Ohio Arch

150       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


frequently met the view were well calculated to arouse the spirit

of the pioneer American who really had the brunt of the Revo-

lutionary war to shoulder.

"Helpless infancy, virgin beauty, and hoary age, dishonored

by the ghastly wounds of the tomahawk and scalping knife, were

common sights. When the slain were the relatives of the be-

holder - wife, sister, child, father, mother, brother - it is not

at all a wonder that pale and quivering lips should mutter re-

venge. It should seem," continues Doddridge, "that the long

continuance of the Indian war had debased a considerable por-

tion of our population to the savage state of our nature. Having

lost so many of their relatives by the Indians, and witnessed

their horrid murders and other depredations upon so extensive

a scale, they became subjects of that indiscriminating thirst for

revenge which is such a prominent feature in the character in

the savage." Mr. Doddridge may call the incentive to remove

the savage what he please, but there is no civilized people living

even in this advanced age that would not follow the footsteps

of the pioneer fathers under like conditions. It was these depre-

dations that gave spirit to the fatal Crawford expedition and

defeat; it was these depredations that gave the pioneer the spirit

to fight the Indian until he was exterminated, for the whites

and the reds could not live in peace in the same country, and the

white man had come to open the great empire west of the three

rivers and whose gateway was Fort Pitt.

The Revolutionary war was now almost at an end in the

east, for Cornwallis had met his fate at Yorktown, but in the

west it was continued with savage vigor. On May 20, the west-

ern troops began to rendezvous on Mingo Bottom. On the 21st

Gen. Irvine, who had command of the western department,

wrote to Gen. Washington: "The volunteers are assembled this

day at Mingo Bottom, all on horseback, with thirty days' pro-

visions." It was to have been a secret expedition with the ex-

pectation of surprising the Indians at Sandusky. According to

Irvine's instructions, they were to "destroy with fire and sword

(if practicable), then you will doubtless perform such other ser-

vices in your power as will, in their consequences, have a ten-

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     151


dency to answer this great end." On May 24, all the men were

at the place of meeting. John Rose, an aide-de-camp of Gen.

Irvine, wrote the general: "Our number is actually four hun-

dred and eighty men." After a lively contest Col. Crawford was

elected to command, he receiving two hundred and thirty-five

and Williamson two hundred and thirty votes. "On the morn-

ing of Saturday, May 25," says Butterfield in his work on the

Crawford expedition to Sandusky, "the army under Crawford, in

four columns, began its march from Mingo Bottom, in the

straightest direction, through the woods, for Sandusky, distant

one hundred and fifty miles. The route lay through what is

now the counties of Jefferson, Harrison, Tuscarawas, Holmes,

Ashland, Richland and Crawford. The whole distance, except

about thirty miles, was through an unbroken forest. The only

indication of civilization - and that a very sad one - in all the

region to be traversed, was the wasted missionary establishments

in the valley of the Muskingum. As the cavalcade moved up

over the bluff, an almost due course west was taken, striking at

once into the wilderness, now deepening and darkening around

it. The army progressed rapidly at first, moving along the north

side of Cross creek, which had already received its name. After

leaving what is now Steubenville township, it passed through

the present townships of Cross Creek and Wayne, Jefferson

county, and German township, Harrison county, to the summit

where the town of Jefferson now stands." The Panhandle rail-

road follows this trail for a hundred miles. Although every pre-

caution had been taken to make the expedition a surprise, the

British Indians who had spies out, knew of the rendezvous and

the objective point of the expedition. It is said that Indians

were on the hill back of Mingo, watching every movement made

by the small patriot army; they knew the plans of the com-

mander as they were talked over in the councils of war, and

therefore the Indian forces at Sandusky were prepared for the

onslaught. The Indians, Girty was also with them, and British

were commanded by Capt. William Caldwell, chief in command;

Capt. Elliott, Capt. McKee, Capt. Grant, Lieut. Turney, Lieut.

Clinch, and Simon Girty.

152 Ohio Arch

152       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.

The result of the battle is known to every school boy, for

it has been printed in all the histories of the west.34 The battle

was considered of great importance by the British, and reports

of it are on file in the British War Office. Capt. Caldwell in a

report to Maj. De Peyster, dated "Lower Sandusky, June 13,

1782," says: "Simon Girty arrived last night from the Upper

Village (Half King's town). He informed me that the Dela-

wares had burned Col. Crawford and two captains at Pipe's town,

after torturing them a long time. Crawford died like a hero;

never changed his countenance tho' they scalped him alive, and

then laid hot ashes upon his head; after which they roasted him

by a slow fire."

Col. Crawford was one of the great men of the Revolution-

ary period. He was Washington's equal, if not superior, in the

profession of arms; he was beloved by Washington, for he was

his friend and companion, and like Washington he was trusted

in the fullest measure by those whose hearts were in the patriot

cause. Col. Crawford's awful death at the stake was the most

tragic event of the conflict carried on in the Ohio country against

the heroic patriots by a civilized nation by means of all the dia-

bolical devices that the savage mind could conceive, and all

these atrocious modes of torturing men were employed to make

a very hell of the last hours of the life of one of the noblest men

America ever produced. Burning him at the stake was not

enough to satiate the satanic desires that made devils of human

kind; they shot his flesh full of powder from head to foot; they

cut off his ears and thrust burning sticks into his blackened

body. It was not enough to cloy the diabolical yearnings in the

savage breast to pull the flesh from the body of their victim as

he walked through the burning coals; it was not enough to

satisfy the eyes of those in whose hearts all human feeling had

been stifled, to fill these wounds with red-hot ashes - they must

have torture more cruel to complete the savage saturnalia, and

they tore the scalp from his head and filled the opening with

coals! And a Christian nation engaged in civilized warfare, in-

34 See the very graphic account of the life of Col. Wm. Crawford written

by Judge James H. Anderson, a most painstaking historian, just published

(1897) by the Ohio Historical Society.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.        153


cited the savages and urged them on to deeds so appalling, so

awful, so cruel, that history does not record a parallel! But,

Col. Crawford died like the martyr to a grand cause that he was,

- with a smile on his lips he turned his eyes to heaven, as his

spirit took its flight.

Of those taking a prominent part in the Crawford Expe-

dition, Michael Myers, John Sherrard and Martin Swickard

afterwards settled in Jefferson county, all having respected de-

scendants who to-day hold prominent positions in social and

business affairs. Swickard and Myers were together for a time

during the retreat and the hardships suffered by them, if re-

corded, would make a very entertaining volume. At the loan

exhibition, connected with the centennial celebration, J. A.

Swickard, a grandson of Martin, had on view the powderhorn

carried by his grandfather. The horn was etched with a crude

representation of the British arms and must have been taken

from an Indian. John Sherrard was the grandfather of the late

Hon. R. Sherrard, and great-grandfather of Col. H. C. Sher-

rard, of Gov. Foraker's staff, as well as that of Gov. McKinley.

Sherrard kept a diary of the expedition which has been employed

to correct misstatements that have crept into history. During

the battle on Sandusky Plains the air was very hot, and the sol-

diers suffered much from thirst. Sherrard, whose gun had be-

come disabled, undertook to find water for the troops, and find-

ing a pool of stagnant water about the stump of a fallen tree

he slaked his own thirst and, filling his canteen and his hat, car-

ried the stagnant water to the soldiers, who drank it with much

satisfaction. He continued to fill the canteens from this pool

and carried them to the soldiers while the bullets flew thick

about him. In the retreat, according to Butterfield's account,

"Sherrard overtook the main body of the army just before the

latter left the woodland again to thread its way in the open

country, in what is now Crawford county. His story is a mel-

ancholy one. In company with Daniel Harbaugh, after having

become separated from the division to which he belonged, just

as the retreat commenced the evening before, he had followed

as best he could the main body of the troops, making, however,

very slow progress, owing to the darkness, which rendered it

NOTE.--Philip Smith, who was with the Crawford Expedition, settled near Steuben-

ville in 1799, where he lived until 1812, then removing to Wayne county.

154 Ohio Arch

154      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


exceedingly difficult to keep the trail of the retreating forces.

It was a fortunate circumstance that the two followed in the

rear of the division moving to the southwest from the field of

battle, for had they taken the track of McClelland's party which

led between the camps of the Delawares and Shawanese, both

doubtless would have been killed or captured. Not long after

sunrise the next morning they gained the woods, and moving

along the trace on the east side of the Sandusky, some distance

south of where the old town formerly stood, Sherrard, who was

riding in advance of his companion, saw an Indian a short dis-

tance away on his left. He immediately dismounted and got

behind a tree, calling at the same time to his companion to place

himself in like posture of defense. Harbaugh had not been

quick enough to discover the Indians, for in getting upon the

exposed side of the tree, he was immediately shot by the savage,

exclaiming as he gradually sunk down in a sitting posture,

'Lord, have mercy upon me, I am a dead man!' and immedi-

ately expired. As soon as the smoke of the Indian's gun had

cleared away, the savage was discovered by Sherrard, running

as if for life, doubtless expecting a shot from the latter; but he

had already escaped from the reach of a bullet. At the sight

of Harbaugh's pale face his friend was greatly moved; more un-

manned than at any of the scenes witnessed during the battle.

After a moment to collect his thoughts, Sherrard stripped the

saddle from his dead companion's horse and turned the animal

loose. He then relieved his own horse from a very uncomfort-

able packsaddle and put in its place the saddle of Harbaugh.

Mounting and taking a parting glance at the prostrate form of

his companion, still in a sitting posture, he rode sadly onward.

Sherrard had proceeded on the trail not a very great distance

when he made the discovery that in the excitement of the mo-

ment he had neglected to disengage from the packsaddle a

supply of provisions which were rolled up in a blanket. He

resolved to retrace his steps and secure the provisions. Upon

returning to the place where Harbaugh was shot, a shocking

spectacle was presented to his view. The Indian had returned

and had scalped the lifeless soldier and then made off with his

horse, gun and bridle. Sherrard's packsaddle and blanket had

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    155


not, however, been discovered by the savage. Sherrard having

secured his provisions again resumed his journey, overtaking

the retreating army without again encountering an enemy, and

was cordially greeted by his companions in arms."

Wm. Myers, the grandson of Michael Myers, is still living

in Jefferson county, his home being in the town of Toronto, the

site of which was included in the land given his father for ser-

vices during the Revolutionary war. The son is now, (January,

1898) eighty years of age and still possesses the "long rifle"

with which his father did wonderful execution in the days when

every pioneer was a soldier. This rifle was also among the

relics of the loan exhibition. Michael Myers died, it is said,

at the age of one hundred and seven years, but this is not posi-

tively known, for the family records were lost in the great flood

in the Ohio river in 1832. Some years ago the son gave an

account of his father's life to a historical writer of The Steuben-

ville Gazette, a synopsis of which is not without interest at this

time. He was born at Winchester, Va., in 1745, and in 1771

settled on Pigeon creek, in western Pennsylvania, and was a

prominent actor in all the Indian warfare of his time, his knowl-

edge of the woods and of the Indian character qualifying him

for the hazardous tasks undertaken by him and his fellow-scouts.

He was a physical giant and possessed a well-balanced mind;

was one of the fleetest of the scouts, while his aim was ever true.

After the Gnadenhutten massacre the exposed condition of the

frontier made it necessary for a patrol of the Ohio, and Myers

was one of the scouts selected for this work. He usually dressed

in Indian fashion and had the faculty of imitating the savages

in many ways. A part of his duty consisted in patrolling from

Mingo Bottom up the west bank of the Ohio to the mouth of

Yellow creek, where he would remain over night, cross the river

and return by the Virginia shore next day. While thus em-

ployed he frequently stopped to drink at Poplar spring, about

a mile below Toronto, and on one occasion when approaching

the spring, he found it in possession of the Indians. He raised

his rifle, fired, and the largest of the savages fell into the spring.

Myers retreated with other savages in hot pursuit, but he had

faith in his legs, and by the time he reached the island he was

156 Ohio Arch

156      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


far in advance of the Indians, and Capt. Brady35 who was wait-

ing for him, had time to convey him across the river before the

Indians reached that point. When they had secured their canoe

on the other side, according to Myers' testimony, Brady declared

that he could hit one of the Indians on the opposite shore.

Myers expressed doubt, and Brady took aim, fired, and the In-

dian fell, pierced by a bullet.

Myers was a captain of scouts in the Crawford Expedition,

and was one of the men who, like Col. Crawford, became sepa-

rated from the army, and immediately found himself surrounded

by a horde of yelling savages. Such was his immense strength

and fleetness that he succeeded in escaping from his foes, rifle

in hand, only to be met by another band, in fighting which he

was wounded in his leg by an arrow. Pulling this out, he has-

tened onward, only to be again surrounded by a still larger party

of Indians, and here he had to fight. Clubbing with his rifle he

managed to keep them at a distance, but was finally struck by

a tomahawk on the neck and again on the elbow, which forced

him down upon his hands and knees. He was almost in the

grasp of the Indians, when by a superhuman effort he raised

himself and dashed through the ranks of the savages at full

speed. In endeavoring to find the army he came across a com-

panion scout who was wounded in the hip, and who was fearful

of being left to die alone. Myers tried to assist him, and finally

got him into a swamp, and then, hearing Indians approaching,

was obliged to leave him to his fate. While in the swamp Myers

got his rifle and ammunition so wet they were worthless, and he

threw them away. He arrived at Fort Henry without further

adventure. After Crawford's retreat the garrison at the fort

was advised of the Indian council at Chillicothe, and that it

had been determined to attack Fort Henry. Myers was one of

the scouts who informed the garrison of the approach of the

savages and British. There was no time for preparation, but

the pioneers were enabled to hold out against the siege of the

united forces of the Indians and British, who finally retreated

over the Ohio. After this time it does not appear that Myers

was engaged in any other general conflict with the Indians, but

35The noted Indian scout.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.   157


after peace had been restored he could hardly restrain himself

from killing any Indian that came upon his path. Even in his

old age he refused to attend an "Indian show" on exhibition in

his town, saying that he was not too good to put a hole through

one of the savages, should he see them in the ring.

Before the days of steamboating Myers followed flatboating.

The settlers on the Upper Ohio raised wheat, which they turned

into flour, and rye, which they turned into whiskey, and these

commodities were shipped to New Orleans and intermediate

points, this business being the principal source from which the

settlers derived their incomes. Myers made eleven trips to New

Orleans on flatboats and returned overland through an almost

unbroken wilderness. He made his last trip near the close of

the last century. He and his brother were stricken with the

yellow fever at New Orleans. The brother died and Michael

was robbed of $1600. After this he did not visit New Orleans,

but confined his trips to Louisville and other points. About

1795 he located on land purchased by him on Croxton's run,

and in 1799 built a log cabin on the bank of the Ohio near the

mouth of the run. In 1800 he brought his family in a flatboat

from what is now Monongahela City and became one of the

first settlers. This boat served many years as a ferry boat. In

1808 he built a grist mill on Croxton's run, which, by being kept

in repair, ran until 1861. At about the same time he built a

stone house, the first of the kind in this part of Ohio, thirty by

forty feet, which was kept as a hotel for forty years.

As stated, Myers was about one hundred and seven years

of age at his death. This is indicated on his tomb in Sugar

Grove graveyard. But all the old hunters lived to a wonderful

age, notwithstanding the terrible privation and exposure they

underwent, and the numerous wounds they received at the hands

of the Indians. Andrew Poe was ninety-six, Adam Poe eighty-

nine, and Lewis Wetzel eighty-seven. It was well that the

pioneer fathers were of stern stuff.  Myers retained his

faculties to the last, and at the age of one hundred and five years

was more vigorous than most men are at eighty. His immense

and powerful frame was scarcely any shrunken at the time of

his death, and above all, his wonderful fund of Indian stories

158 Ohio Arch

158       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


made him an object of awe among all his neighbors. There

were giants in those days.

During his lifetime Myers frequently told his neighbors that

Crawford was apprehensive of his fate when he found the Indian

village deserted, fearing an ambush, and counseled retreat, but

was urged on to his horrible fate by Col. Williamson and other

officers in whom Col. Crawford and his men had the fullest


Myers was with Cresap when the two Indians were killed

in the canoe, the first killed as the result of the advice or rather

order of Capt. Connelly, under instructions of Dunmore.

The homeward march of the retreating army under Wil-

liamson was along the trail of the army when outward bound to

the Muskingum. The stream was crossed on the 10th, between

the two upper Moravian towns. From this point to the Ohio

"Williamson's trail" was followed, the troops reaching Mingo

Bottom on the 13th, when to their great joy they found that

several of the missing had arrived before them, some two days

previous. Opposite Mingo Bottom, on the 13th, the troops

went into camp for the last time. On the 14th they were dis-

charged, and the awful campaign of twenty days' duration was



Some of the Jefferson County Frontiersmen -Romantic Story of

James Maxwell-His Cabin on Rush Run Burned by the

Indians-He Kills Many Indians, but After the Wayne

Victory Discovers that His Babe had been Stolen and She

is Returned to Him -A Note of Wetzel's Camp at Mingo-

John McDonald an Early Resident at Mingo -An Account

of His Deeds by His Friend, Dr. Morgan--Sketches Pre-

pared by Him Lost by Henry Howe -Other Indian Fighters

whose Achievements were in Jefferson County -The Poes-

The Brave Johnson Boys.

Among the first to brave the danger of pioneer life was

James Maxwell,36 who was obliged to leave his home in Virginia

36This story is confirmed by grandsons of the early settlers near Rush


The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.  159


to avoid prosecution for a murder of which he was subsequently

proven innocent. He was a cousin of Col. Zane, and it was the

Zane settlement he attempted to reach to find security; but such

was not the case, as Zane ordered him to leave at once or he

himself would convey him to Berkeley county, Virginia, where

the crime was said to have been committed. Maxwell left and

came up the river, building his cabin near the mouth of Rush

run. Here he lived solitary for about two years, when Cresap's

massacre aroused the Indians to terrible vengeance, and obliged

him to leave his cabin and hermit life and take refuge in Fort

Fincastle, afterwards Fort Henry. Here he learned that his

innocence of the crime charged against him had been proved,

and he immediately set out on foot for his old home in Virginia,

where he remained until 1780, when he again returned to Rush

run, bringing with him his young bride, who had chosen the

toils and privations of pioneer life to be with the man she loved.

Another cabin was erected, commanding a fine prospect of the

river, and gradually a small patch was cleared for corn. Still

Maxwell and his wife were obliged to live almost as primitively

as the Indians around them. They were far from even the out-

skirts of civilization. The Indians soon came to know Max-

well's cabin and the kindness of "Wild Rose," as they called his

wife. Both treated all the red men who came to their cabin,

friendly, and the Indians, while stealing from every other white

settler in the valley, never molested Maxwell's property. But

the temporary peace which had been prevailing was soon to be

broken. So daring and gross were the outrages of the Indians

becoming that many of Maxwell's neighbors erected block-

houses, to which they might retreat in case of attack, and stored

them with arms and provisions; but his confidence in his ex-

emption from any attack was too great to allow him to appear

suspicious of those who came backward and forward to his

dwelling in so much apparent friendship. In the meantime a

daughter had been born to them, whom they called Sally. When

the daughter was about three years old she was left in charge

of a young man visiting them, while the parents went to Fort

Henry. They had intended staying there two days, but what

they learned of the uprising of the Indians alarmed them, and

160 Ohio Arch

160      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


urged by members of the Wheeling settlement, they immedi-

ately started for home to bring their daughter and visitor back

to the fort to remain until the agitation subsided. As they drew

near their cabin the air became thick with smoke, and when

they entered the cleared ground, and looked for their home, no

home was there. Instead burning logs and smoking ruins;

around the ground was trodden with many feet of moccasined

men. A tomahawk smeared with fresh blood lay among the

embers, and near by lay the charred remains of their late visitor,

but not a trace could they discover of their daughter. Sally was

certainly dead; the fresh blood only proved that too clearly, and

her body had been consumed by the flames! The mother was

crazed by the terrible calamity, and snatching the hunting knife

from her husband's belt, almost severed her head from the body.

Broken-hearted by his double affliction, Maxwell felt that he

could not hold his hands in despair. All the settlers had as-

sembled at Fort Henry; they were soon notified by the infuri-

ated husband, and all decided to follow the trail of the savages

through the woods, but during the first night heavy rains fell,

causing all traces of the trail to disappear and the baffled party

were reluctantly obliged to return in order to defend their own

homes and families from a similar fate. Then it was that Max-

well swore to be avenged for the destruction of his home and

the death of his child, and single-handed for months he shad-

owed the red murderers through the dim forest until his grudge

had been glutted a hundredfold, and his name inspired as much

terror among the Indians as that of Simon Kenton or Lewis

Wetzel. Maxwell did not appear again in this vicinity until

about the time Fort Steuben was completed by Capt. Ham-

tramck, in February, 1787. Col. Zane recommended him to the

captain as a scout for the new fort. Zane said his eye was

keener and his tread lighter than those of the most wily savage.

He rivaled even that subtlest of Indian hunters, Lewis Wetzel.

It was on a scouting expedition from this fort that he met the

party of Indians who had fired upon old John Wetzel and a

companion, who were going down the river in a canoe, and not

obeying the command of the Indians to stop, Wetzel was shot

through the body. He saved his friend, who was mortally

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     161


wounded, from further outrage by directing him to lie in the

bottom of the canoe, while he paddled beyond the reach of the

savages. He died upon reaching the shore, and his death was

terribly avenged by his son. Maxwell, who had acquired the

habit of loading his gun while at a full run, was chased by this

same party from tree to tree, until he had killed three of the six,

and the others thinking him always loaded, left him. Maxwell

returned to the fort that night with three scalps. He became

the very embodiment of daredevilism and had so many hair-

breadth escapes from his inveterate foes, that some parts of his

career that have come down through tradition ar certainly much

exaggerated. He is said to have been surprised and captured

by a party of Indians who had closely watched his movements.

To have shot or tomahawked him would not have been gratifica-

tion equal to that of satiating their revenge by burning him at

a slow fire in the presence of all the Indians in the village. He

was therefore taken alive to their encampment, and after the

usual rejoicing over the capture of a noted enemy he was made

to run the gauntlet, after which he was blackened and tied to a

stake while the fires were kindled. Just as the savages were

about to begin the torture, a heavy rain put out the fire. The

storm ceasing, the Indians concluded not to finish the torture

that day, and so postponed it. During the night the Indians

taunted the "soft stepper", as he was called by them, who was

bound to a log by a buffalo thong around his neck, and his

hands were bound to his back with cords. At last those watch-

ing him fell asleep, and Maxwell began trying to loose the

cords, and soon extricated one of his arms. It was but the

work of a few minutes for him to pull the strap binding him to

the log over his head, and quietly getting a pair of moccasins

and a jacket from one of his watchers, he sneaked away to where

the horses were corralled, selecting the first horse he came

across, he was soon far away from his captors. He arrived in

Wheeling safely, and it was not long until he was again on the

trail of another band of Indians led by Simon Girty. He aban-

doned the pursuit, however, and was not again actively engaged

in Indian warfare until the campaign of 1790, when he acted as

a scout for Gen. Harmar. After St. Clair's defeat the next year,

Vol. VI-11

162 Ohio Arch

162      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


he returned home and fished along the banks of the Ohio until

he joined Wayne, and was a scout in the battle of Fallen Tim-

bers. It was during Wayne's campaign that he discovered that

his daughter had not been burned in his cabin twelve years be-

fore, but had been taken by a chief and by him sold to wandering

Hurons, who had been expelled by their foes, the Iroquois, to

the territory at about the headwaters of the Mississippi. He

also learned that she, whose supposed cruel death he had been

avenging, was still living among the Hurons. No sooner did

he hear this from an Indian of the Huron tribe than he set out

for their land. He had no doubts, no fears, that she was not

his daughter. How he identified her is not known, but in the

course of a year after his departure he returned, bringing with

him a beautiful and well-proportioned girl of about sixteen years

of age. She could speak no word of English and had no recol-

lection of her former home. After she had become reconciled

to her father and was able to speak his language, she told how

her life had been spent among the Hurons, where her beauty

and white skin had made her almost a goddess. She had always

thought herself a daughter of the chief and had often wished

that she could darken her skin and hair so she could more re-

semble the other maidens of the tribe. Although knowing noth-

ing of the ways of civilized society, Sally was not by any means

totally unaccomplished. Her adopted father had taught her to

fear the great spirit, speak the truth and to bear pain without

a murmur. She learned that the important part of the Indian

woman's duty was to raise the vegetables needed for food, to

prepare savory dishes of venison and other game, to make their

garments, ornamenting them with uncommon skill and taste,

and to manufacture baskets. She knew all the herbs, roots and

barks that observation and tradition had taught the Indian to

employ in the cure of diseases; all the trees and shrubs were

known to her by the Indian name, and she was skilled in do-

mestic surgery. For a long time she pined for the freedom of

her Indian home, but the kindness and patience of the matrons

living near Fort Henry, finally weaned her away from all in-

clination to return. Her father, now that his daughter was

found and peace restored between him and the red man, his

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     163


occupation was gone. He hunted and fished, but finally drifted

into the bad habit of intoxication. One day his body was found

by hunters, floating in the river near his old cabin, at the mouth

of Rush run. No marks of violence were on it and it was gen-

erally believed that he had committed suicide during the re-

morseful period following a drunken spree. Sally, on account

of her great beauty and romantic career, was the belle of the

region about her home. Two of her many admirers became so

jealous that they fought a duel at the mouth of Short creek, and

as a result one was killed and the other lost an arm. She

finally married an Indian trader from Detroit.

Jacob Holmes,37 an Indian spy, was very early in this county,

but until the past summer (1897), very little was known of him.

However, in August of this year, E. G. McFeeley, an old resi-

dent of Steubenville, while looking through the papers of an

uncle, E. H. McFeeley, whose pen kept alive much of the history

of Steubenville, found a sheet of foolscap paper filled out with

the following:

"At this distant period, when Indian traditions are listened

to with the interest that we lend to the events of a dark age, it is

not easy to convey a very vivid image of the dangers and priva-

tions that our ancestors encountered in preparing the land we

enjoy, for its present state of security and abundance. Notwith-

standing there are so many striking and deeply interesting events

in the early history of this state, permit me to draw your attention

for a moment to an adventure which happened with me in the

summer of 1838:

"It was about the middle of July, a calm and somewhat sultry

day; I clambered up the sinuous path to the summit of 'Mc-

Dowell hill' and seated my wearied frame under the spreading

shade of a sugar maple. While reclining in a listless attitude I

was aroused by the quick report of a rifle, and a slight chuckling

laugh; on looking up I recognized my old friend S B. -- ap-

proach and pick up a sparrow-hawk which had fallen headless

at my feet. Holding the bird by its talons he exclaimed: 'As

well aimed, Hawkeye, as when you fought them 'tarnal Indians,

37 See account of first Methodist church building in Ohio on page 256.

164 Ohio Arch

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on yonder hill!' Immediately an aged but erect man advanced

to the foot of the tree, leaning his gun against its trunk and wiping

the perspiration from his weather beaten brow, he advanced a

pace and was introduced to me as Jacob Holmes, the Indian spy.

Having heard some of the incidents of the pioneers of the country,

I expressed a desire to become acquainted with the events of his

early life. Mr. Holmes informed me that our mutual friend, Mr.

B., had made him acquainted with my wish and he had prepared

himself to gratify it. Seating ourselves on the green sward he

commenced by saying:

"'I was born in 1768 in Berkeley county, Virginia. In 1775

my father moved over the mountains.and took up his abode in

the wilderness, one mile from where the town of Washington,

Pa., now stands. The year 1776 emanated one of the greatest

state papers ever produced by civilized men, and remains as the

great American Text-Book. The result of that declaration mo-

mentarily suspended the border warfare, but in the short space of

two years, the Indians again commenced their depredations;

urged on by British Canadian influence, the warfare bore the im-

press of extermination. We built forts and block-houses for the

refuge and protection of our families. For seven long years we

kept up the defensive warfare; during this time were the simulta-

neous attacks on Fort Wheeling by three hundred Indians, and

on Fort Rice, by two hundred. There were but two men, too,

in the block-house at that time, to fight the Indians and defend

the women and children. For two days and nights the assault

was continued with savage perseverance without success: our

men, like the Spartans at Thermopylae, stood firm as Trajan's pil-

lar and saved their wives and children.

" 'In the year 1784 my father moved on the frontier of Vir-

ginia, on the Ohio, on Buffalo creek. This year we had no dis-

turbance from the Indians, but the following year, in June, the

smothered volcano again broke forth on a settlement about twelve

miles of Buffalo. I was then in my seventeenth year and for the

first time shouldered my rifle in defense of our helpless families.

What few could hastily be collected repaired to the settlement.

This was the first scene of Indian cruelty my eyes ever beheld.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      165

The names of those murdered were George McCoy and wife,

David Pursley, John Tetton and a boy taken prisoner.

"'In the year 1786 six of our neighbors went out to dig gin-

seng, for the support of their families. The 'look-out' of the

Indians marked their unguarded situation and took their meas-

ures accordingly. The whites lulled in security, quietly searched

for the nutritious herb on a rich plat of rolling ground. The plant

was found in abundance. While all were eager to secure the

spoil, the bullets from a platoon of Indians killed four on the spot.

The names of those found at that time were John Huff, David

Cox and Dan. Mclntire. The other, Thos. Swearengen, was

not found, that is his bones, for some years after. The three

found were buried in one pit grave. I assisted to dig the pit with

handspikes, covered them with their blankets and left them to

moulder in the wilderness.

"'In the year 1788 I enlisted for an eight months' tour;

crossed the Ohio river; built block-houses in the wilderness. One

of them Mingo Station. In the vicinity of this station we en-

countered many hardships. In 1789 I again enlisted for eight

months. As Ohio Rangers we served our country faithfully until

some time in July we were discharged, cut out of our wages, lost

our summer's work and got home on Saturday. Sunday morn-

ing Capt. Chas. Bilderback and wife, rode out of Mingo Station.

west of the Ohio. On rising the curtain of Mingo hill a band of

fierce barbarians rushed from their concealment, seized the

bridles of their horses. The horse of Bilderback was turned

short off to the left over a precipitous ground.' "

[Here the manuscript ends, and as the page is not filled out,

it was perhaps never finished.]38

Lewis Wetzel, one of the most noted of the Indian scouts,

a German, as early as 1783-6 lived at Mingo, his hunting expedi-

tions often starting from this point. In fact so many of the most

thrilling incidents in his remarkable career were so closely asso-

ciated with Jefferson county, that if it were not for the fact that

the stories have so often been told, it would be proper to devote

a chapter of these sketches to his achievements as a hunter and

38 The fate of Bilderback is noted on page 148.

166 Ohio Arch

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scout, but his biography has been so thoroughly preserved in

abiding print that it is deemed unnecessary to repeat the story of

his prowess.

After Harmar erected a fort at the mouth of the Muskingum,

Wetzel was employed as a scout. It was while thus engaged this

brave frontiersman met with trouble that changed the current of

his career. Among the Indians who visited Gen. Harmar at the

fort was one called George Washington. He was a celebrated

savage and possessed much influence with his tribe. While on

one of his scouting expeditions Wetzel met and killed this Indian.

This was after Gen. Harmar had issued his proclamation to the

effect that a cessation of arms had been agreed to by the Indians

and whites until arrangements could be made for a treaty of peace.

Wetzel, like all the frontiersmen, had not the least confidence in

an Indian, and of course sneered at the proposed treaty of peace

as only another to be broken as soon as the savages were given

opportunity to go upon the war path well manned and equipped.

The frontiersmen also probably knew that the Indians were still

being directed by the British at Detroit, and that it was only a

question of time when they would break out again in all their ter-

rible fury, to kill and burn-to make impossible peaceful settle-

ments west of the Ohio, the idea of the British being to prevent

settlements in the Ohio country, thus causing it to be so unde-

sirable that the United States Government would finally make

the treaty line the Ohio river; and that there was much basis for

this belief developed in a very short time. Nevertheless Wetzel

was arrested by Gen. Harmar, charged with murder. Wetzel's

cunning escape and final return to Mingo bottom is one of the

most interesting chapters in frontier sketches. Exasperated at

Wetzel's escape, Gen. Harmar offered a large reward for his cap-

ture. He also sent a file of men under command of Capt. Kings-

bury to apprehend the outlaw, as he called the brave scout whose

daring and skill, and the daring and skill of those like him, made

possible the settlement of the whites in Ohio. The soldiers

marched to Mingo, where a shooting match was in progress.

An eye witness thus narrates this incident: "A company of men

could as easily have drawn Beelzebub out of the bottomless pit,

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     167

as to take Lewis Wetzel, by force, from the Mingo bottom settle-

ment. As soon as the object of Capt. Kingsbury's visit was known

it was determined to ambush the captain's barge, and kill him and

his company. Happily Major McMahan was present to prevent

this catastrophe, who prevailed on Wetzel and his friends to sus-

pend attack until he should pay Capt. Kingsbury a visit; perhaps

he could induce him to return without making the proposed arrest.

With reluctance they agreed to suspend the attack until McMahan

should return. The resentment of Wetzel and his friends was

burning with fury. 'A pretty affair, this,' said they, 'to hang a

man for killing an Indian when the Indians are killing our peo-

ple every day.' Major McMahan informed Kingsbury of the dis-

position of the people in the Mingo settlement, and assured him

that if he persisted in the attempt to seize Wetzel, he would have all

the settlers in the country upon him; that nothing could save him

and his command from massacre but a speedy return. The cap-

tain took the advice, and Wetzel now considered the affair ad-

justed." Again Gen. Harmar issued a proclamation from Fort

Washington, offering a reward for the delivery of Wetzel to the

fort, dead or alive. Wetzel was finally retaken near the Falls of

Ohio by Lieutenant Lawler and delivered to Gen. Harmar at Fort

Washington, but the protests of the people all along the river from

Mingo to the falls were so strong and persistent that the general

was compelled, although reluctantly, to release him. Wetzel

afterwards went to New Orleans, where he was arrested and im-

prisoned for passing a counterfeit bill, palmed off on him by a

trader who had bought his pelts. He lay in prison for a long time,

or until released by the intercession of friends in the neighbor-

hood of the Mingo bottom settlement. The late David McIntyre,

of Belmont county, met him at Natchez in April, 1808. He died

in Texas and was buried near Austin.

John Wetzel's career was also associated with Jefferson

county, and it was the depredations committed by the Indians

near where Steubenville now stands, after their victory over St.

Clair, that occasioned the John Wetzel expedition against the

Indians in the spring of 1792. The Indians had made many raids

on the border settlers along the Ohio, especially between the site

168 Ohio Arch

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of Steubenville and Wheeling, sometimes killing or capturing

whole families, at other times stealing horses and whatever else

they could carry away. After one of these forays the settlers

determined to follow the savages. The party organized, with

Wetzel as captain. The company consisted of William McCul-

lough, John Hough, Joseph Hedges, Thomas Biggs, Kinsie Dick-

erson and Wm. Linn, all being experienced scouts. From the

site of Steubenville they marched up the river to Yellow creek and

then followed the old trail from Fort McIntosh (Beaver) to Fort

Laurens, in the Tuscarawas valley. At the first Indian town,

which was on Mohican creek, they found their horses. For bet-

ter safety they concluded to return by a different route, which

brought them to a point on Wills creek, near the site of Cam-

bridge. Here they camped for a night, and while all were asleep

excepting a guard, the party was attacked by the Indians. A

party of savages bounded into the camp, yelling and brandishing

their tomahawks like the demons they were. The scouts fled

instantly, leaving all their equipments in the camp. In the fight

that ensued Biggs, Hedges and Linn were killed, but Wetzel

and the others escaped to Wheeling. The Indians making the

attack were some of the old Moravian converts who had reverted

to heathenism, and who were on the warpath to revenge the massa-

cre at Gnadenhutten ten years before.

John McDonald, too, was among the settlers of Mingo bot-

tom, before the territory northwest of the Ohio was ready for a

home of peace, or rather it should be said that his father, John

McDonald, was; and his uncle Thomas McDonald, after whom

Thomas, Jr., was named, also settled at Mingo. Just pre-

vious to 1780 the McDonalds moved from    Northumberland

county, Pa., crossing the mountains and settled on the Mingo

bottoms. John was about five years of age, and in the midst of

danger and privation, he began the education that fitted him for

the responsibilities that he so nobly bore in future years.

The frequent incursions of the savages upon the homes of the

whites taught the youth to court danger. The necessities of the

table developed a skill with the rifle that was only equalled by the

savage dweller in the wilderness. The labor required to hew out

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     169


homes in the heavy forests, developed the muscles of the boy into

their greatest strength in manhood. By dint of industry and

never failing perseverance, John McDonald added to his qualifi-

cations the rudiments of an English education. "Thus," says his

biographer and friend, J. B. F. Morgan, of Ross county, "the boy,

who was destined to become an expert backwoodsman, a success-

ful hunter, a brave Indian fighter, a surveyor, a distinguished sol-

dier, an honored legislator and an author of great worth, was

reared." The McDonalds were among those who were dispos-

sessed of the land upon which they had settled on the west bank of

the Ohio, and who were living there in 1785, by order of the Gov-

ernment. Some returned and reconstructed their cabins, only

to see them again burned the next year by order of the Government

in whose defense they had fought, and thought at least they were

entitled to as much ground as would make a corn patch. There

is no record to show whether the McDonalds returned; but Mr.

Morgan says John removed to Kentucky about the year 1790,

and was ever after a prominent figure in the affairs of the west:

39Simon Kenton, the celebrated frontiersman, was a resident of

the community in which the McDonalds located. Though twenty

years older than McDonald, a strong attachment was soon de-

veloped between the two. It was with the daring Kenton that

McDonald made his first excursion in quest of Indian blood. A

party of hunters went out on the waters of Bracken in search of

game, where they were attacked by a body of savages. Two of

the hunters were killed. Word of the depredations reached

Washington, Ky., about midnight and Kenton began at once to

make preparations to avenge the death of the hunters. Young

McDonald was solicited to join the company, but his father for-

bade him joining the excursion. His eagerness for the fray was

so intense that he disregarded his father's will and secretly took

a rifle from the cabin and joined in the chase. The trail of the

savages was soon found and a rapid march made in the direction of

the Ohio river, over which they had made a safe retreat. It is

said that when the mutilated bodies of the hunters were found by

the company, the ardor of the youthful warrior was somewhat

39 Sketch by Dr. Morgan read before the Ross County Historical Society.

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cooled, but not daunted. After this, McDonald was constantly

employed in hunting, scouting and surveying. The latter occu-

pation was the most dangerous calling in which frontiersmen were


McDonald accompanied many surveying parties, and in his

Sketches is given an account of the composition of a surveying

party, from which an extract is of interest: "The surveyor-in-

chief, usually employed three assistant surveyors. To each sur-

veyor were attached six men, which made a mess of seven. Every

man had his prescribed duties to perform. Their operations were

conducted as follows: In front went the hunter, who kept in

advance of the surveyor two or three hundred yards, looking for

game, and prepared to give notice should any danger from Indians

threaten them. Then followed, after the surveyor, the two chain-

men, marker and pack-horse-men with the baggage, who always

kept near each other to be prepared for defense in case of an

attack. Lastly, two or three hundred yards in the rear, came a

man called the spy, whose duty it was to keep on the back trail

and look out, lest the party in advance might be pursued and

attacked by surprise. Each man, the surveyor not excepted, car-

ried his rifle, his blanket and other articles that he might stand in

need of. On the pack-horse was carried the cooking utensils and

such provisions as could be conveniently taken. Nothing like

bread was thought of. Some salt was taken to be used sparingly.

For subsistence they depended alone on the game which the woods

afforded, procured by their unerring rifles."

The law regulated the surveyor's fees. He was paid three

shillings (about 75c.) per thousand acres; and each assistant se-

cured three shillings a day. Just think of it. Men not only plac-

ing their lives in peril every day that they were in the country of

the savages, but every hour; yes, every moment had to be guarded

with the strictest precision; their food consisting alone of what

the forests afforded. No tent to shelter them from the pelting of

the rains or protect them from the blasts of the merciless winds;

no ambulance to carry the wounded; no hospital to receive the

sick, no surgeon to stop the ebbing tide. All this done for the

paltry sum of seventy-five cents a day! But the adventure, the

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     171


daring, the captivity, the dying at the stake of noble men, seemed

to be necessary for the development of the wilderness, with its

savage wigwams, into a settlement covered with beautiful homes

occupied by the most intelligent people the world has ever known.

The following story of one of his narrow escapes was narrated

to Dr. Morgan by McDonald years after the event. It is also

related by Dr. J. B. Finley40 in his autobiography: Early in

November, in the year 1794, Lucas Sullivant, a land speculator

and surveyor from Virginia, collected a company of twenty-one

men to go on a surveying tour in the Scioto country; notwith-

standing the Indians had been severely beaten by Gen. Wayne

a few months previously, yet the country was far from being

in a state of peace. Attached to this company were three sur-

veyors-John and Nathan Beasley and Sullivant, who was the

chief. Col. McDonald was connected with this company. Every

man carried his own baggage and arms, which consisted of a

rifle, tomahawk and scalping knife. Having taken Todd's trace,

they pursued their journey until they came to Paint Creek at

the old crossing; from thence they proceeded to old Chillicothe

(now Frankfort), and thence on to Deer Creek where they

camped at the mouth of Hay Run. This is a point about two

miles southeast of Clarksburg, and about six hundred yards

north of Brown's Chapel, in Deerfield township. In the morning

Sullivant, McDonald, Calvin and Murray were selected as hunters

for the day. They started down toward the mouth of the creek,

intending to take its meanderings back to camp. They had not

proceeded more than a hundred rods, when a flock of turkeys

came flying toward them and lighted on the trees about them.

McDonald and Murray were on the bank of the creek by a pile

of drift wood. Murray, having no thought that the turkeys might

have been frightened by Indians, slipped up to a tree and shot

a turkey. He then stepped back under cover from the turkeys

and McDonald took the position left by his companion. He

was taking aim, when the sharp crack of a rifle greeted his ear.

He whirled on his heel in time to see his companion fall to rise

40 McDonald was as modest as brave and did not refer to his achieve-

ments in his Sketches.

172 Ohio Arch

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no more. Looking in the direction from which the messenger

of death came, he saw several Indians with their rifles leveled at

him. As quick as thought he sprang into the creek, when they

fired but missed. The Indians now resolved to take him pris-

oner. The entire company made pursuit. For the distance of a

hundred yards or so, the land was open and gave the Indians

a fair chance to measure speed with the young athlete. McDonald

succeeded in reaching a thicket of undergrowth which gave him

protection long enough to allow him to gather his wind. The

thicket was too small to allow him to make his escape unob-

served. He was driven from his hiding place into the open timber

and he was compelled again to call his brave legs into action.

Now was a race for life. The Indians were close upon him with

a young athlete in the lead, the entire company yelling like demons

incarnate. For some moments, McDonald imagined he could

feel the Indian's hands grabbing at his collar. Finally, he cast his

eyes about him and found that his pursuers were trying a flank

movement on him, and also learned that he had gained several

rods upon them. The object of his pursuers was to chase him

into a fallen tree-top and there make safe their captive. They

succeeded in driving him to the tree-top, but no doubt they were

greatly chagrined to see him make a single bound and clear

every limb of the fallen tree, lighting safely upon the other side.

This so astonished the Indians that they stood for a moment in

amazement. This short halt put McDonald safely in the lead

in the chase, but he was not yet out of the reach of the rifles.

The Indians again took up the pursuit, firing as they ran. Sev-

eral balls whizzed close by, but failed to disable the desired

captive. At this juncture, he met Sullivant and three others of

the company. Sullivant instantly threw away his compass, but

clung to his rifle. Their only safety was in rapid flight, as the

Indians were too numerous to encounter. As they ran, the In-

dians fired upon them, one of the balls striking Calvin's cue, at

the tie, which shocked him so much that he thought himself mor-

tally wounded; but he succeeded in making his escape, and ran

up the creek and gave the alarm at the camp, stating that he

believed all were killed but himself. Those at camp, of course,

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      173


fled as soon as possible. McDonald and his party ran across

the highland, and after running three miles, struck a prairie.

Casting their eyes over it they saw four Indians along the trace.

They thought of running around the prairie and heading them

off; but not knowing how soon those in pursuit would be upon

them and perchance they would be between two fires, adopted the

better part of valor and hid themselves in the grass until the

Indians were out of sight. After remaining there some time

they went to the camp and found it deserted. Just as they were

about to leave the camp, they espied a note in a split stick, say-

ing, "If you come, follow the trail." It was then sun down and

they knew they would not be able to follow the trail after dark.

When night came on they steered their course by star light.

They had traveled the distance of 8 or 9 miles. * * * It

was a cold dreary night and the leaves being frozen, the sound

of their footsteps could be heard some distance. All at once

they heard something break and run as if it was a lot of buffaloes.

At this, they halted and remained silent for some time. After

a while they returned cautiously to their fires, supposing it might

be their companions, McDonald and McCormick concluded they

would creep up slowly and see. They advanced until they could

hear them cracking hazel nuts with their teeth. They also heard

them whisper to one another, but could not tell whether they

were Indians or white men. They cautiously returned to Sul-

livant, and after consultation concluded to call, which they did,

and found to their joy, that it was their friends and companions

who had fled from them. They had mutual rejoicings, but poor

Murray was left a prey to the Indians and wolves. They now

commenced their journey homeward and after three days' travel

reached Manchester.

This is but one incident in the life of McDonald. He was

with Duncan McArthur with the Massie surveyors, in March,

1795, when three feet of snow fell, upon which rain fell and

freezing formed a crust which would not bear the weight of

a man. The party had no provisions and game could not be


174 Ohio Arch

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In 1794 McDonald and his brother Thomas joined Gen.

Wayne's army, as rangers or spies. The company of rangers

consisted of seventy-two men, who were under the command

of Capt. Ephraim Kibby. It was the duty of this company

to traverse the Indian country in every direction in advance of

the main army. The most daring and intrepid men were selected

for this company. Upon their bravery and skill as Indian war-

riors depended the success of Gen. Wayne's army. Col. McDon-

ald proved to be a man of unquestionable bravery and skill, and

had a combination of qualities that made him a valuable mem-

ber of Gen. Wayne's advance guard.

He served in the War of 1812 as Quartermaster; in 1813

he was made a Captain in the regular army; in 1814 he com-

manded a regiment at Detroit, and in 1817 he was elected to

the State Senate. In 1834, when he was near 60 years of age,

he began writing reminiscences of the first settlements along

the Ohio and its tributaries; also the book he called McDonald's

Sketches. This book consisted of biographical sketches of Gen.

Duncan McArthur, Gen. Nathaniel Massie, Captain William

Wells and Gen. Simon Kenton. To this work he devoted much

time. As he was not an educated man this labor was great. No

task of this kind had ever been undertaken by any frontiersman.

He was the only pioneer of the Virginia Military District who

attempted to record, in historical form, the deeds of his com-

rades on the frontier. In giving a history of the four individuals

above mentioned he painted a magnificent pen picture of the

settlements of the western wilderness.

41 When Henry Howe wrote the history of Ohio he borrowed

the bulk of McDonald's manuscript, with the privilege of select-

ing such as might be of value to him, with the promise that all

should be returned. Instead of returning it, as he promised, all

was lost. In this manuscript was lost much valuable history that

to-day would have been greatly appreciated by the present gen-

eration. His writings have been sought by many historians. If

it had not been for the writings of Col. McDonald the names of

such men as Gen. Nathaniel Massie and others would have been


41 Dr. Morgan.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     175


consigned to oblivion. Much of his writings has been appro-

priated by the page (by would-be authors) without a quotation


It has been said by critics that McDonald's Sketches were

lacking in literary style. With the basis he had for the stories

he narrated there was no need for the manifestation of imagina-

tion; there was no call for literary culture. He told his story

in a plain, straightforward way so that he that runneth may

read and understand. The compiler has before him a copy of

McDonald's Sketches, and he would place it among the classics

and the name of John McDonald in the pantheon where forever

abides the record of achievements of the brave.

Joseph Ross was another noted Indian scout of Jefferson

county during the border warfare, of whose early settlement at

Mingo mention is made elsewhere, he being the father of the

first white child born in Jefferson county. Ross was a Scotch-

Irishman, born in New York state about the year 1730, and

the greater part of his life was spent on the frontier. Like most

of the Indian scouts he was a man of powerful frame, being

almost six and a half feet in height and weighing three hundred

pounds. In youth he was captured by the Indians and brought

to one of their towns in the Ohio country. He was well treated

by the savages, who made him a chief on account of his gigantic

size. Under the pretext of desiring to join the French at Fort

Du Quesne, he left the Indians and returned to his home in

New York, where he joined the troops setting out against Fort

Edward. He was captured in the attack on the fort and the

Indians heaped many cruelties upon him, and they finally deter-

mined to burn him at the stake. However, he escaped, according

to the early accounts of his life, by the assistance of a French

officer. He now became an Indian hunter of the type of Max-

well, the Wetzels, Myers, et al. Possessed of intimate knowledge

of the Indians and their mode of warfare, he was of great aid

to the frontiersmen. His nature could not brook restraint or

control, and he was continually at variance with the commanders

of posts along the frontier. While on a trip to Kentucky, where

he hunted with Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton, he married

176 Ohio Arch

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his third white wife. Returning to Fort Henry, he took a brave

and active part in the defense in September of 1782. As soon

as the Indians abandoned the siege Ross and Lewis Wetzel

started on their trail intent on killing stragglers. It is related that

the two became separated and Ross seeing four Indians starting

to swim across the river, killed two of them with his rifle before

they could return to shore, and grappled with, and killed the

other two who got to shore, after a terrible struggle, without

weapons aside from his hands. He settled on what is known

as the Wells farm on Mingo bottom. (See Early Settlers and

Their Ejectment by the Government.) Just before Ross left to

join Gen. St. Clair's command in 1791, he had a personal encounter

with Major Hamtramck, commandant at Fort Steuben, and gave

the Major a terrible beating. It would have fared badly with him

had he not immediately left to war with his old enemies. He

was also a captain of scouts in Wayne's victorious army; return-

ing to Mingo he acquiesced in the demands of the government

and purchased the land on which he had previously squatted.

He became a warm friend of Bezaleel Wells and James Ross

the founders of Steubenville. He met his death by a falling tree

during a storm in 1806, while returning home from a visit to

Mr. Wells, who then lived in his mansion on the river front.42

A few years ago the late Capt. W. M. Farrar, an active mem-

ber of the Ohio Historical and Archaeological Society, and Dr.

A. M. Reid, the latter of Steubenville, marked the point on the

Ohio river at which occurred the fight between Adam Poe and

the big Indian. The place designated by their mark is at the

mouth of Tomlinson's run, which empties into the Ohio from

the Virginia side about three miles above the head of Brown's

island. A short distance from the shore is a small island, and

it was between the island and the shore the fight took place. The

land at this point is owned by Rev. Mr. Cowl, of the Methodist

Protestant church. Most of the published accounts of this justly

celebrated fight are incorrect, and J. A. Caldwell, while gather-

ing data for his history of Belmont and Jefferson counties, de-

voted much effort to obtain a true account, which he obtained


42 History Upper Ohio Valley.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      177


from old residents then living in the neighborhood, and even

from the descendants of the Poes, who had heard the story from

the lips of the actors themselves. A grandson of Adam Poe is

now (January, 1898) in Ravenna, and has in his possession a

tomahawk used in the border warfare by his illustrious ancestor.

The Poes were Scotch-Irish and were born in Maryland, com-

ing to the northwestern part of Virginia bordering on the Ohio

before the Zanes settled at the mouth of Wheeling creek. The

Poe settlement soon increased to twelve families. Adam was

married in 1778, and Andrew two years afterwards. Both men

were trained frontiersmen and were engaged in most of the ex-

peditions that required spirit a daring and fortitude to bear the

perils of the woods. In every sense, says Caldwell, they were

shrewd, active and courageous, and having fixed their abode on

the frontier of civilization, determined to contest inch by inch

with the savage their right to the soil and privilege to live. In

appearance they were tall, muscular and erect, with features de-

noting great force of character. The date of the conflict which

made famous these two brave men is 1781. In the fall of that

year, following the massacre of the Lochry expedition at the

mouth of the Big Miami, the settlements in this region were

frequently disturbed by incursions of the Indians. In August

the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanese, with over three hundred

warriors assembled at the Moravian town, the object being to

take the missionaries and their converts to Detroit to try them

for spies. After remaining at Gnadenhutten for a month the

head of the warriors, Half-King, sent out a party of six Wyan-

dots to attack the white settlers on the Ohio, among the six be-

ing three sons of the Half-King. They broke into the cabin of

William Jackson, an old man, in the Poe settlement, and he

being alone, they took him prisoner. Jackson's son, who was

about seventeen years of age, on returning to the cabin, saw the

Indians with his father, in the yard, and he fled to Harman's

fort. The Indians attempted several other houses and the alarm

became general. Preparations were made to follow the Indians

with a view of rescuing Jackson, and at the first dawn of day,

says Caldwell, in his account, twelve of the settlers, mounted on

horseback, were in pursuit. They followed the trail at the

Vol. VI-12

178 Ohio Arch

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greatest possible speed until they reached the top of the river

hill, a distance of about twelve miles. Here they left their horses

and traveled on foot, the hill being very precipitous. When

they reached the bottom of the hill the trail turned down the

river, and in crossing the little stream, Tomlinson's run, An-

drew observed that where the Indians had stepped into the

water it was still riley, and cautioned the men to keep quiet;

that the Indians were very near and would hear them and kill

the prisoner, Jackson. After fruitless efforts to quiet the men

he left the company, turning off square to the right, went to the

bank of the river, and looking down he saw, about twelve feet

below him, two Indians stooping with their guns in their hands,

looking down the river in the direction of the noise. He ob-

served that one of the Indians was a very large man. It oc-

curred to him that he would shoot the larger and take the other

a prisoner. He squatted in the weeds, and crept up to the

brow of the bank, put his gun through the weeds and took aim,

but his gun missed fire. When the gun snapped both Indians

yelled, "Woh! woh!"  Poe immediately drew his head back

and the Indians did not see him. By this time the other settlers

had overtaken the other five Indians with Jackson, who were

about one hundred yards down the river, and had begun to

fire, which drew the attention of the two under the eye of An-

drew, who again drew aim, his gun missing fire the second

time. He then dropped the rifle and sprang instantly upon

them. On springing about at the snap of the gun, the two

Indians were brought side by side, but did not have time to fire

-at Poe before he was upon them. He threw his weight upon

the big Indian, catching each of them about the neck, and threw

them both. The big Indian fell on his back, Andrew following

with his left arm around his neck. The little Indian fell be-

hind Andrew, whose right arm was around the Indian's neck.

Their guns both fell. One of them lay within reach of An-

(drew, who observed that it was cocked. The Indians had a raft

fastened to the shore close by where they were standing, the

river being very high. The tomahawk and bullet pouch were

on the raft. Andrew's knife was in the scabbard attached to his

shot pouch, which was pressed between them. He got a slight

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.   179


hold of the handle and was trying to draw it to dispatch the big

Indian who, observing it, caught his hand, and spoke in his own

tongue very vehemently to the other who was struggling very

hard to get loose. Andrew made several efforts to get his

knife, but in vain. At last he jerked with all his might. The

big Indian instantly let go and Andrew, not having a good hold

of the handle, and the knife coming out unexpectedly easy in

consequence of the big Indian loosing his grasp, it flew out of

Andrew's hand and the little Indian drew his head from under

his arm, his grasp being slackened in the act of drawing his

knife. The big Indian instantly threw his long arm around An-

drew's body and hugged him like a bear, while the little Indian

sprang to the raft, which was about six feet off, and brought a

tomahawk with which he struck at Andrew's head, who was still

lying on his side on the big Indian, he holding him fast. An-

drew threw up his foot as the stroke came and hit the Indian on

the wrist with the toe of his shoe and the tomahawk flew into

the river. The big Indian yelled at the little Indian furiously,

who sprang to the raft and got the other tomahawk, and after

making several motions struck at Andrew's head, who threw up

his right arm and received the blow on his wrist, which broke

one bone of his wrist and the chords of three of his fingers.

Andrew immediately threw his hand over his head when he was

struck, and the tomahawk catching in the sinews of his arm,

drew it out of the Indian's hand and it flew over his head. After

the stroke was given the big Indian let go his hold and Andrew

got upon his feet. As he rose he seized the gun which lay by

his head, with his left hand, and it being already cocked, he shot

the smaller Indian through the body; but scarcely had he done

so when the big Indian arose and placing one hand on his

collar and the other on his hip, threw Andrew into the river.

Andrew threw his hand back and caught the Indian by his buck-

skin breech clout and carried him into the river also. The

water being deep they both went under. Then a desperate

effort was made by each to drown the other; sometimes one

was under the water, sometimes the other and sometimes both.

In the struggle they were carried about thirty yards out into the

river. Poe at length seized the tuft of hair on the scalp of the

180 Ohio Arch

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Indian by which he held his head under water until he thought

him drowned. But he himself was sinking; not being able to

do much with his disabled right hand, he threw it on the back

of the Indian's neck, who was under water, and swam with his

left arm to recruit himself a little. The Indian was not dead as

supposed and got from under Andrew's arm and swam to shore

with all his speed, Poe following him as fast as he could, but

he could not catch him. As soon as the Indian got out of the

water he picked up a gun, and in his effort to cock it, disabled

the lock. He then threw it down and picked up the empty gun,

with which Andrew had shot the other Indian and went to the raft

for the shot pouch and powder horn and commenced loading. In

the meantime, as soon as the Indian reached the spot where

both guns and tomahawk lay, Andrew swam back into the river

and called for his brother, Adam, who was with the other party.

Adam came running on the bank where Andrew had jumped

off, and began to load his gun. Andrew continued swimming

away from them with nothing but his face out of the water, still

calling for Adam to load quickly. The race between the two

in loading was about equal, but the Indian drew his ramrod

too hastily and it slipped out of his hands and fell a little dis-

tance from him. He caught it up and rammed down his bullet.

The little delay gave Poe the advantage, so that just as the In-

dian raised his gun to shoot Andrew, Adam's ball entered the

breast of the savage and he fell forward on his face upon the

very margin of the river. Adam, now alarmed for his brother,

who was scarcely able to swim, jumped into the river to assist

him to shore, but Andrew, thinking more of the honor of secur-

ing the big Indian's scalp as a trophy than his own safety, called

upon Adam to leave him alone and scalp the big Indian. In

the meantime the savage had succeeded in reaching the deep

water before he expired and his body was borne off by the

waves without being stripped of its scalp. An unfortunate oc-

currence took place during this conflict. Just as Adam arrived

at the top of the bank for the relief of his brother, the others of

his party, hearing the hallooing of Andrew, came running up

the bank and seeing him in the river mistook him for a wounded

Indian, and three of them fired at him, one of them wounding

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     181


him dangerously. The ball entered his right shoulder at the

juncture with his neck, passing through his body, coming out at

his left side. During the contest between Andrew Poe and the

two Indians the rest of the party followed the Indian trail to the

river, where the other Indians were with the prisoner, Jackson.

They had a large raft and were preparing to cross the river.

Jackson seeing the men coming as soon as the Indians did, ran

to them. One of the Indians struck him on the back with a

tomahawk, making a slight wound. None of the Indians were

captured, but being badly wounded only one of them got across

the river and he was shot through the hand. One of the set-

tlers named Cherry, was shot through the lungs and died in

about an hour. Andrew Poe was straight and tall, being six feet

two inches in height, with large bones covered with well-devel-

oped sinews and muscles and weighed over two hundred pounds.

He had broad shoulders, slightly rounded, and a deep, full chest,

surmounted by a large and well-balanced head, the physique

indicating great strength and extraordinary power of endurance.

In 1795 he built a large two story hewn log house near Hooks-

town, Pennsylvania. The upper story was left without windows

and was meant for a fort in case of an attack by the Indians.

Andrew Poe was a member of the Presbyterian church at Mill-

creek, Beaver county, Pennsylvania, during all, or the most part

of the pastorate of Rev. George Scott, which extended over

forty years.

The scene of the encounter of the two Johnson boys, so

familiar to the readers of frontier history, is near the town of

Warrenton, at the mouth of Short creek, and near the site of

Carpenter's fort, being on section 9, Wells township. There

have been many accounts written of this event in the history

of Jefferson county, in which there seems to be very little dif-

ference except as to the language employed in the description.

While Withers gives the date as 1793 and Doddridge the same,

Henry Johnson, one of the actors, in after years gave the date

as October, 1788. The names of the boys were John and Henry,

the latter being eleven years of age at the time. They had been

in the forest cracking nuts when captured by two Indians, and

after a circuitous route the Indians halted for the night. The

182 Ohio Arch

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elder, in order to keep the Indians from killing them, pretended

that they were pleased to be taken, as they had been treated

illy at home and desired to get away from their people. During

the evening and before they lay down to sleep, John guardedly

informed his brother of a plan he had arranged in his mind for

escape. After the Indians had tied the boys and had gone to

sleep, John loosened his hands and having also released his

brother, they resolved to kill their captors. John took a position

with a gun one of the Indians had by his side, and Henry was

given a tomahawk. At a given signal, one discharged the rifle

and the other almost severed the head of the other Indian with

the tomahawk. The one struck with the tomahawk attempted

to rise but was immediately dispatched by the brave boy. Com-

ing near Fort Carpenter early in the morning, they found the

settlers preparing to go on an expedition of rescue. The story

that they had killed the two Indians, one of whom was a chief,

was not believed by the settlers about the fort, but to convince

them John accompanied the men to the scene of the encounter,

where they found the body of the Indian killed by John with

the tomahawk, but the other had been only wounded and had

crawled away. His body was found afterwards. Doddridge says

that after the Wayne victory, a friend of the Indians killed by

the Johnson boys, asked what had become of the boys. When

told that they still lived with their parents on Short creek, the

Indian replied, "You have not done right; you should have

made kings of those boys." The land on which the two Indians

were killed was donated to the Johnson boys by the Govern-

ment for this service. This land was purchased from the John-

son boys by Capt. Kirkwood, and has been since in the pos-

session of the Howard, Medill and Kirk families.

The story of the capture of the Castleman girls by the Indians

from a point near the site of Toronto, in 1791, is familiar to all

readers. The two girls, Mary and Margaret, came from the

Virginia side of the river where their father had settled, to a

sugar camp at the mouth of Croxton's run, accompanied by their

uncle, a Mr. Martin. While engaged in boiling sap, they were

surprised by Indians who shot Martin, and capturing Mary ran

in a western direction. Margaret had hidden in a hollow syca-

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     183


more tree, but when she saw that her sister was being carried

away, started to follow. A young Indian ran back, picked her

up and claimed her as his own. The girls were taken to San-

dusky, where they were kept as prisoners. Margaret was sold

to a French trader and Mary married a half-breed Indian, who

treated her with savage cruelty. On one occasion, when he

threw his knife at her with murderous intent, she ran off, return-

ing to her friends on the Ohio. She afterwards married a Wells.

Wells dying, she made her home with James Roach at Lima-

ville. The father of the girls, after the Wayne treaty, found

Margaret at Detroit and induced her to return to the Ohio valley,

where she married Jacob Wright, who settled in the northern

part of the county. Mary was one hundred and three years of

age at her death. A grand-niece, Mrs. Devore, is now living

at Mingo.

On a farm near Brilliant are the graves of a pioneer named

Riley and his two sons and a daughter, murdered by the Indians

in 1784. Mr. Riley had located on land west of Mingo, where

he built a cabin and was cultivating the ground. One day, while

Riley and his two sons were at work in a cornfield, the Indians

surprised and killed the father and one son, the other having

escaped. At the cabin they found the mother and two daughters.

Mrs. Riley was tied to a grape vine and the two girls captured,

one of whom was tomahawked and the other carried to Detroit,

where she was sold to a French trader. The remains of the

three murdered were found by the other settlers and were buried

at the scene of the death of the father. The graves have been

preserved by the estate of the late Smiley Johnson, which owns

the land, as Mr. Johnson kept them green for more than half

a century, at the beginning of which time he bought the farm.

He always said this little act was conducive to a spirit of patriot-

ism, for it kept in memory the awful sacrifices made by the

pioneers who made the pathway for civilization and marked it

with noble blood.

The last formidable encounter with the Indians in Jefferson

county has been known in history as Buskirk's Famous Fight

in August, 1793. Depredations by the Indians had so increased

that the settlers resolved to make decisive defense. The year

184 Ohio Arch

184      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


previous the wife of Capt. Lawson Buskirk had been most bru-

tally murdered by Indians who had captured her while she was

on her way to Washington county, Pa., to have weaving done.

They had crossed the river from the site of Steubenville and

proceeded on their marauding expedition toward the site of

Wellsburg. They met Mrs. Buskirk, who was riding horseback.

As she turned her horse with the purpose of galloping back to

the settlement, the animal stumbled and threw her, spraining

an ankle so severely that she surrendered. The Indians returned

with her to a point opposite the site of Steubenville. Three

men from the settlement, seeing Mrs. Buskirk's situation, followed

the Indians, and then silently reached the point of crossing the

river for the purpose of ambushing and awaiting the arrival of

the Indians, but when they came there were so many of the

savages that the settlers saw at once that they could avail nothing

with their small force. They watched the Indians get their canoes

ready for recrossing the river, and as the Indians were about to

cross the river another party of scouts came up. The Indians

retreated to the hill, and throwing Mrs. Buskirk upon what is

now known as "Town Rock," killed her with a tomahawk. It

was this murder that Buskirk wanted to revenge when in August

of the following year, as the savages were becoming numerous

in the vicinity of the Ohio river settlements, he organized a party

of scouts, including David Cox, Jacob Ross, two Cuppy boys,

one Abraham who was afterwards killed by an Indian near Mt.

Pleasant, John Aidy, John Parker and John Carpenter. The

Indians were discovered about a mile west of Mingo; they were

not surprised, but immediately fired upon the party with such

execution that Buskirk was killed and three of his men were

wounded. The battle was hotly contested but resulted in the

rout of the Indians. It was on this occasion that Jacob Ross

shot and wounded an Indian and drove him into the river, men-

tion of which is made in an account of his life. The battle was

fought on a branch of Cross creek, which ever since has been

called Battle run, which empties into Cross creek at the falls

not far from the scene of several disastrous accidents on the

Panhandle railroad..

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.       185



The Pioneer Blockhouses- Many of them in Jefferson County-

Fort Laurens on the Line of the Original County - Built as

a Defense during the Revolutionary War--It is Besieged

by the Indians and afterwards Abandoned-Hildreth's Ac-

count Quoted-Fort Steuben Built to Protect the Surveyors

of the First Seven Ranges-It was Garrisoned by Major

Hamstramck who Won Laurels in the Battle of Fallen


The advance guard of the mighty army of civilization was

so harassed by the savage occupants of the land that forts or

blockhouses were absolutely necessary to protect the settler from

the incursions of the Indians. There were many of these along

the river front of Jefferson county, while Fort Laurens was on

the western line of the original county, being located at what

is now known as Bolivar in Tuscarawas county. Mr. D. W.

Matlack, who made the map of the original lines of Jefferson

county, which was used on the stationery of the Centennial com-

mittees, expresses the view that Fort Laurens undoubtedly was

a factor in determining the west line of the county.

The blockhouses were square, heavy, double-storied build-

ings, with the upper story extending over the lower about two

feet all round. They also projected slightly over the stockade,

commanding all the approaches thereto, so that no lodgment

could be made against the pickets of which the stockade was built,

to set them on fire, or to scale them. They were also pierced with

loop-holes for musketry. The roof sloped equally from each side

upward, and was surmounted at the centre by a quadrangular

structure called the sentry box. This box was the post of obser-

vation, affording, from its elevated position, an extensive view

on all sides. It was usually occupied in times of siege or appre-

hended attack, by three of the best riflemen, who were also well

skilled in the tactics of Indian warfare.43 This is a description

of a majority of the forts built by the pioneers who blazed the

forest for the coming empire. In times of hostilities the whole

43 Caldwell.

186 Ohio Arch

186       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


settlement would seek safety in the blockhouse, and many were

the awful tragedies witnessed by the defenders, whose sublime

courage and devotion should ever be in memory.

Fort Laurens was the first fort erected in Ohio, and was

named for the President of the Revolutionary Congress. This

fort was the scene of much distress during the Revolutionary

war. The site of the fortification or blockhouse was near Bolivar,

and the canal passes through its earthen walls which enclosed

about an acre of land and stood on the west bank of the Tusca-

rawas river. According to Hildreth Fort Laurens was erected

in the Fall of 1778 by a detachment of one thousand men from

Fort Pitt under command of Gen. Macintosh.44 After its com-

pletion a garrison of one hundred and fifty men was placed in

charge of Col. John Gibson, while the others of the men who

built it returned to Fort Pitt.

Fort Laurens was established, says Hildreth, at this early

day in the Indian country, seventy miles west of Fort MacIntosh,

with the expectation that it would have a salutary check on the

incursions of the hostile savages, the allies of the British, into

the white settlements south of the Ohio river. The usual approach

to Fort Macintosh, the nearest military station, was from the

mouth of Yellow creek, and down the big Sandy, which latter

stream heads with the former, and puts off into the Tuscarawas

just above the fort. So unexpected and rapid were the move-

ments of Gen. MacIntosh that the Indians were not aware of

his presence in their country until the fort was completed. Early

in January, 1779, the Indians mustered their warriors with such

secrecy that the fort was invested before the garrison had notice

of their approach. Hildreth quotes from Henry Jolly, who was

an actor in this scene as well as many other frontier tragedies:

"When the main army left the fort to return to Fort Pitt Capt.

Clark remained behind with a small detachment of United States

troops for the purpose of marching in the invalids and artificers

who had tarried to finish the fort, or were too ill to march with

the main body. He endeavored to take advantage of very cold


44Col. Crawford was at the erection of Fort Laurens as well as at the

erection of Fort Macintosh at the mouth of the Beaver river.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     187


weather, and had marched three or four miles when he was fired

upon by a small party of Indians very close at hand. The dis-

charge wounded two of his men slightly. Knowing as he did

that his men were unfit to fight the Indians in their own fashion

he ordered them to reserve their fire and to charge bayonet,

which, being promptly executed, put the Indians to flight, and

after pursuing a short distance, he called off his men and retreated

to the fort, bringing in the wounded." In other accounts he

had read of this affair, says Hildreth, ten of Capt. Clark's men

were mentioned as killed. During the cold weather, while the

Indians were lying about the fort, although none had been seen

for a few days, a party of seventeen men went out for the purpose

of carrying in firewood, which had been cut before the main army

moved and had been left about forty rods from the fort. Near

the bank of the river was an ancient mound, behind which lay a

quantity of wood. A party had been sent out for several pre-

ceding mornings and brought in wood, supposing the Indians

would not be watching the fort in such very cold weather. But

on that fatal morning the Indians had concealed themselves behind

the mound, and as the soldiers came round on the other side,

enclosed the wood party so that not one escaped. Jolly says he

was personally acquainted with every one of the men killed. An-

other account says that the Indians enticed the men out in search

of horses, by taking off the bells and tinkling them; but as it

is quite certain that there had been no horses left at the fort, it

is more likely that Mr. Jolly's story is the correct one. A siege,

which continued until the last of February, left the garrison very

short of provisions. The Indians suspected this to be the case

and were almost in a starving condition themselves.  In this

predicament they proposed to the garrison that if they would

give them a barrel of flour and some meat they would raise the

siege, concluding that if the garrison did not have this quantity

they must soon surrender at discretion, and if they had, they

would not part with it. The brave Col. Gibson turned out

the flour and meat promptly, and told the Indians that they could

spare it very well as he had plenty more. The Indians soon after

raised the siege. A runner was sent to Fort MacIntosh with a

188 Ohio Arch

188      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


statement of their distress, and requesting reinforcements and

provisions immediately. The inhabitants south of the Ohio vol-

unteered their aid, and Gen. Macintosh headed the escort of

the provisions, which reached the fort in safety, but was near being

lost from the dispersion of the pack horses in the woods near

the fort, from fright occasioned by a salute of joy fired by the

garrison over arrival of relief. The fort was finally evacuated

in August, 1779, it being found untenable at such a distance

from the frontier. Jolly, who tells this story, was the last man

to leave the fort. He held at that time, in the continental ser-

vice, the commission of ensign.

There were at least three blockhouses in Warren township,

the most important of which was known as Carpenter's Fort,

erected near the mouth of Short creek, in the summer of 1781,

by John Carpenter, who lived on the east side of the river, near

the mouth of Buffalo creek. Carpenter was one of Washing-

ton's servants in 1753, when he made his trip of remonstrance

to the French forts. He was a Virginia rifleman and was a

captain in command of a garrison on the Virginia border. While

on an expedition against the Indians, with his men, he came

upon a burning building which the Indians were just leaving.

Rushing upon the Indians, his men, after a severe conflict, over-

came and killed most of them. Carpenter rushed into the burn-

ing house, and found a young woman lying on a bed, with her

face covered with blood from a tomahawk wound. The young

woman, whose husband had been killed, recovered, and became

the wife of her deliverer. They became traders on the Ohio

and settled first on Jacob's creek.

He frequently crossed to the west side of the river and in

his hunting expeditions followed the Short creek valley, and

being pleased with the lands, determined to be the first to settle,

feeling certain that the United States would come into their

possession when the war ended. He at first built a cabin and

had a clearing ready for corn planting the next season. This

cabin was the beginning of the fort which afterwards furnished

protection to many of the settlers, and it was from this fort that

the Johnson boys went out to gather nuts when captured by the

Indians. After the cabin was completed, and before moving his

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    189

Click on image to view full size

From a Drawing made by Major Erkurius Beatty.


family from Buffalo creek, Carpenter started with two horses

for Fort Pitt, for the purpose of obtaining salt. While on the

way he was captured by a band of Wyandot Indians and taken

to the Moravian town, where he was compelled to give up his

clothing in trade for an Indian costume. He was then taken

to Sandusky, where he was held a prisoner until the following

spring, when he escaped and made his way to Fort Pitt. He

returned to his family and immediately removed to his cabin

at the mouth of Short creek. One day while at work in his

corn patch, says the account published by Caldwell, he was fired

on by an Indian from the adjoining woods, and severely

wounded. The Indian attempted to scalp him, but was driven

off by Carpenter's wife, a stout, resolute woman, who went to

his assistance, and made such vigorous resistance that her hus-

band escaped into their cabin, when the Indian fled. After Col.

Williamson's expedition to the Moravian village, says the same

account quoted above, John Carpenter was summoned to Fort

Pitt as a witness in the investigation, and as he identified his

clothing found in the possession of the Moravians, he proved a

valuable witness for Williamson. Other families followed Car-

penter across the river and the cabin was strengthened to the

dignity of a fort.

George Carpenter, a noted Indian spy, established a fort

below the mouth of Rush run in 1785.45

Fort Steuben was erected by the government at the time

of the survey of the first seven ranges, the Indians in this region

being very hostile, to protect the surveyors. This was in 1786.

The fort was constructed by Capt. Hamtramck and was com-

pleted in 1787. It stood on the second river bank, what is now

known as High street, the south line running to the north line

of the old Miller residence on the corner of High and Adams

streets, the place now being marked by a flag staff put up on

the occasion of the centennial of its erection, celebrated by the

German societies of the city in honor of Baron Steuben. The

four corners have also been marked by iron markers by the

Centennial committee. The fort was in the form of a square

with blockhouses twenty-eight feet square set diagonally on

45J. C. McCleary.

190 Ohio Arch

190       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


the corners.  The angles of the blockhouses were con-

nected with lines of pickets one hundred and fifty feet in

length, forming the sides of the fort. Each blockhouse con-

sisted of two rooms sufficient for fourteen men. It also con-

tained a commissary store, barracks, quartermaster's store,

magazine, artificer's shop, guard house, built on two piers with

a piazza looking inward, and a sally post built between the piers.46

A flag pole was also provided from which floated the American

colors. There was also a black hole for confining the unruly.

The main gate faced the river, and the width of the block-

houses diagonally was a little over thirty-nine feet - the dis-

tance between the points being one hundred and fifty feet. The

fort was considered exceptionally substantial in those days and

was built with considerable amount of skill.

Dr. A. M. Reid, an eminent authority on local history, in

a paper read before the Wells Historical Society, of Steubenville,

stated that outside of Maj. Beatty's diary there are no authentic

records of Fort Steuben. In his efforts to gain information he

looked through the files of The Pittsburg Gazette of 1786, '87,

'88, etc. Here he found much of interest, giving a vivid picture

of those stirring times. Large parties were starting from Fort

Pitt to float down to settle Kentucky. Other parties were start-

ing for Marietta. Some parties were decoyed to the shore and

tomahawked by the Indians. Runaway slaves were advertised.

Pittsburg had a few paltry log houses. "There are in the town

four attorneys, two doctors and not a priest of any persuasion,

nor church, nor chapel, so they are likely to be damned without

benefit of clergy." So Arthur Lee writes about this time.

The thirteen states were in a ferment trying to form and

adopt a constitution. The people were saddled with an awful

war debt from the Revolution - the Massachusetts people ow-

ing two hundred dollars apiece.

"One thing that kept them from separating into several

small republics was the hope that this Northwestern Territory,

of which Ohio forms a part, would be sold to settlers by the gov-

ernment and the money used to help them pay their debts. Of

46 This description is from a drawing made by Major Erkuries Beatty,

now in possession of the Commissioners of Jefferson county.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.   191

Click on image to view full size


this territory no less than seven states claimed the part opposite

to them, i. e. in the same latitude, extending to the Mississippi

river. Through Hamilton's influence largely these lands were

sold for this purpose and the money used to help pay off the

debts of the nation and the states incurred by the Revolutionary

war. An Englishman passing Steubenville in 1807 says, 'there

is a land office here for the sale of public lands from which large

sums of Spanish dollars are annually received and sent to the

treasury at Washington.' All this, and much more of interest-

ing matter concerning these times is found in the early files of

The Pittsburg Gazette, but very little about our Fort Steuben."

The original manuscript of the diary of Maj. Beatty, while

paymaster of the Western Army, is in possession of the New

York Historical Society. It covers a period from May 15, 1786,

to June 5, 1787. It was published in Vol. I of The Magazine of

American History during the year 1877.

"Under date of August 20, 1786, Major Beatty says: 'Ar-

rived at Mingo Bottom, three o'clock, where Capts. Ham-

stramck's, McCurdy's and Mercer's companies encamped on the

bank of the river opposite the lower end of a small island.' This

must have been about the spot where the Mingo station of the

Wheeling and Lake Erie railroad is at Mingo Junction. It

shows also that the troops remained a while at Mingo before

coming up to Steubenville. The Major's diary continues: 'Sep-

tember 26, 1786, stopped at a small blockhouse to-day on the

Indian shore (that is what this side of the river was then called)

which Maj. Hamtramck had built for the security of his pro-

visions, while he was out protecting the continental surveyors -

saw here Capt. Mills, the commissary, and Mr. Hoop, a sur-

veyor, who told us they expected the troops and all the sur-

veyors in on account of an alarm they had received from the

Indian towns.' From this record we can easily see that the

great reason for the troops being here was to protect the sur-

veyors against the Indians while laying out the land in this

region, so that it might be sold by the government. At that

time, encouraged by some of the British who still had forts at

Detroit and other places which they were unwilling to surren-

der, though peace was declared, the Indians were disposed to

192 Ohio Arch

192      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


take the position that the Ohio river must be 'the boundary line,

beyond which no white man would be allowed to plant corn.'

Hence the need of protection for the surveyors. About this time

a large delegation of Indians went to Fort Pitt to protest against

their lands being surveyed for the whites.

"The following year, 1787, Maj. Beatty made another trip

down the Ohio to pay the troops. He writes, 'Arrived at Pitts-

burg on the evening of February 6, 1787, where I remained

about a week waiting for an opportunity to go to Fort Harmer

[at Marietta] and carry a quantity of clothing with me. Set off

in a contractor's boat in company with Capt. Hart. Was obliged

to remain one day at Fort McIntosh, [i. e. Beaver,] on account

of high wind ahead. . .

"'Arrived at Fort Steuben in one day. This is a fort built

since I was on the river, by Capt. Hamtramck, at Mingo Bot-

tom on the Indian shore about forty-seven miles below McIn-

tosh and twenty-three above Wheelin.' The Major writes the

word Wheeling without the g, and though he describes the fort

as at Mingo Bottom, we see by the distance given that it means

the present site of Steubenville. He proceeds to describe the

fort. 'It is about one hundred and twenty yards from the river

on a very excellent high bank of commanding ground. A

square with a large blockhouse on each corner and picquets be-

tween each blockhouse form the fort. . . . The big gate front-

ing the main on the west, and the sally port the river, with the

guard house over the latter. The blockhouse serves for all the

men and the officers' houses are each side of the big gate, the

back part of them serving as a row of pickets. It is garrisoned

by Capt. Hamtramck's and Mercer's companies, the former

commanding.' There were probably one hundred and fifty or

two hundred soldiers.

"Howe in his Historical Collections says, 'it was dismantled

at the time of Wayne's victory.' That would be in 1794, giving

the fort a life of seven years. Mr. Doyle of our society, in a

sketch of Steubenville in 1879 says it was abandoned about 1790

and destroyed by fire. Mr. Doyle also states that the block-

houses were twenty-eight feet square, and the length of the

picket line between each blockhouse was one hundred and fifty

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     193


feet. This would make the fort a square of two hundred and

thirty-eight feet. Gen. A. G. McCook, who recently examined

the outline, was surprised at the great size of the fort. I imagine

the soldiers built it themselves without expense to the govern-


"Some of Maj. Beatty's records are somewhat remarkable.

Going to Fort Pitt with Maj. Hamtramck and Gen. Harmer

in Gen. Harmer's splendid barge fifty-two feet long, rowed by

twelve men in white uniforms and white caps, he says: 'Arrived

safe at Pittsburg, had an elegant dance and kicked up a dust as


"Maj. Hamtramck, the commander of our fort was not a

favorite with Washington. In a letter to Knox, Secretary of

War, dated Mount Vernon, August 13, 1792, Washington says:

'No measures should be left unassayed to treat with the Wabash

Indians, nor can the goods be better applied than in effectuating

this desirable purpose; but I think a person of more dignified

character that Maj. Hamtramck should be employed in the ne-

gotiation.' A  writer in The Michigan Pioneer collections,

speaks of 'the Frog on Horseback', as Hamtramck was called

from his small size and singular appearance when riding. His

small and ungainly person may have been the cause that Gen.

Washington did not think him a fit person to negotiate with

Indians. He may have thought that a fine personal presence

and a manly, dignified bearing like his own would be more likely

to impress the Indians. However that may be, Mad Anthony

Wayne, in reporting the great battle of 1794 in which he crushed

the Indians and gave us peace to this day, speaks of Ham-

stramck's bravery with no stinted praise."

All government records concerning Fort Steuben were de-

stroyed by fire, and aside from the journal of Maj. Beatty there

are no original data. However, it is mentioned by the journal

of John Mathews, one of the surveyors of the seven ranges, of

which an account is given in these sketches.

The Capt. Kirkwood mentioned as the purchaser of the farm

given the brave Johnson boys, erected a fort or blockhouse on the

site of Kirkwood, now in Belmont county. Capt. Kirkwood be-

came famous not only for brave service in the Revolutionary war,

Vol. VI-13

194 Ohio Arch

194      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


but further from the fact that he had been a captain in the only

regiment furnished the patriot forces by Delaware. His regi-

ment was reduced to one company in the battle of Camden, and

on account of the small force raised by his state, in accordance

with a rule, he could not be promoted, although his gallant ser-

vices warranted advancement. In 1789 Capt. Kirkwood came to

the Ohio country, settling in Peace township in what is now Bel-

mont county, where he erected a cabin. Three years later he

began the erection of a blockhouse which was not finished in the

spring of 1791, and during the night he was attacked in his cabin

by a force of Indians. Fortunately a party of soldiers from Fort

Henry, a mile above Kirkwood and on the opposite side of the

river, were in the cabin at the time. The Indians began the at-

tack by setting fire to the roof, which was ablaze when discovered

by the occupants of the cabin, who began tearing off the roof.

The Indians kept up a fire at the men at work on the roof from

under cover of the unfinished blockhouse. Capt. Biggs, on the

first alarm ran down the ladder to get his rifle, when a bullet en-

tered a window and wounded him in one of his wrists. The In-

dians surrounded the cabin and attempted to chop down the door

with their tomahawks, but the whites braced it with the puncheons

taken from the floor. In the panic, several of the men in the

cabin expressed their intention of attempting to escape, but Capt.

Kirkwood declaring that he would take the life of the first man

who attempted to leave the cabin, the threats were silenced. The

Indians brought brush and piling it about the cabin, set fire to

it, but those within smothered the flames first with water and milk

and then with damp earth. The fight was kept up for two hours,

and daylight appearing the Indians retreated. Seven of the de-

fenders of the cabin were wounded, one, a Mr. Walker, mortally.

After this affair Capt. Kirkwood removed to Delaware. On his

route, he met with a party of St. Clair's troops, then on their way

to Cincinnati. Exasperated by the Indian attack on his cabin

he accepted command of a company of Delaware troops and was

killed in St. Clair's Defeat, in a brave attempt to repel the In-

dians with his bayonet.47

47 Caldwell.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.       195


According to a statement made by Gen. Weir, of Belmont

county, who informed the author of the History of Belmont and

Jefferson counties, that the story was first related to him by

McArthur himself, Lieut. Duncan McArthur, afterward gover-

nor, with a dozen other scouts occupied the Kirkwood block-

house just before Wayne's treaty. One morning they noticed

an Indian dodging along behind the trees and not far from the

fort. He had been sent out by a body of Indians who had am-

bushed about three miles below on the Ohio river bank, to

decoy the soldiers from the blockhouse. As soon as discovered

McArthur and his men started out to capture the Indian. They

followed him, and as they neared the place of ambush, the sav-

ages fired, killing six of the whites instantly. So unexpected

was the attack that the remaining six were completely bewil-

dered, but they turned and retreated, McArthur behind. As he

turned his head to take in the situation, his foot caught a grape-

vine and he fell on his face. As he fell the Indians discharged

their rifles at him, but none of the bullets touched him. He

regained his feet immediately and with the swiftness for which

he was noted, he soon distanced the Indians who pursued him.

The party regained the fort and in the afternoon returned to the

scene of the ambush and buried their fallen companions. Mc-

Arthur said in after years that it was that grapevine that made

him governor of Ohio.

There were also several blockhouses north of the site of

Steubenville, between Wills creek and Yellow creek. On a farm

of G. DeSellem near Port Homer are the remains of ancient

mounds and fortifications, and judging from the stone implements

found in this vicinity there must have been a settlement of mound

builders there years ago.

196 Ohio Arch

196       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.



Survey of the First Seven Ranges - The System Adopted by the

United States the Plan of Hutchins- Township One of Range

One in Jefferson County - Difficulties of Making the Survey

-Indians Disturb the Progress of the Work - Extracts

from the Journal of Surveyor Mathews -A Pioneer Corn


The first public survey of the lands northwest of the Ohio

river was the seven ranges of Congress lands made by authority

of Congress in pursuance of an act passed May 20, 1785. Thos.

Hutchins, who had been the military engineer under Col. Boquet,

and was geographer of the United States, had charge of the

surveys, and it was his system then adopted that is still in force.

On May 27, 1785, Congress elected a surveyor from each state,

and in July of the next year, the surveyors under direction of

Hutchins, assembled at Fort Pitt, and soon were at work on one

of the most important enterprises ever projected by the govern-

ment. The first line ran westward from the intersection of the

Ohio river and the western boundary of Pennsylvania, forty-

two miles. On the south side of the line, being the geo-

grapher's line, the seven ranges of townships six miles square,

were laid out. These adjoin Pennsylvania and extend to the

Ohio river. The present counties of Jefferson, Columbiana,

Carroll, Tuscarawas, Harrison, Guernsey, Belmont, Noble, Mon-

roe and Washington, are, in whole or in part, within the ter-

ritory of the first seven ranges. The ranges were numbered

from one to seven from the Pennsylvania line westward, and

the townships one, two, three, etc., from the river northward.

These townships were sub-divided into sections one mile square.

The numbering of the ranges and townships started in Jefferson

county, township one of range one taking in the northwest cor-

ner of Wells township, including sections twenty-nine, thirty,

thirty-four, thirty-five and thirty-six. Section one, which is cut

off by the river, would be located a mile above Warrenton.

As would naturally be conjectured, the surveyors encoun-

tered many difficulties in the performance of their tremendous

task, and not the least of these was the risk of life at the hands

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      197


of the savages, who had been taught by the defeated British to

keep up the cry that "No white man should plant corn west of

the Ohio." In his journal, July 21, 1786, Maj. Beatty48 wrote:

"River rose nine or ten foot last night, water strong; was

obliged to tow our boat up one or two ripples. Stopped oppo-

site the mouth of Little Beaver to see Capt. Hutchins and the

surveyor who is here encamped, intending soon to cross the

river and begin the survey of the Continental Land; six or

seven miles below McIntosh met two boats48 with the baggage

of three companies that left McIntosh this morning for to camp

at Mingo Bottom. Arrived at McIntosh five o'clock, where was

only Capt. Ferguson's company. There is three islands be-

tween Big and Little Beaver and several more between that and

Yellow creek and below the latter."

On August 3 Maj. Beatty wrote that he was waiting on

Maj. North, who was to accompany him to the Muskingum. In

this entry he speaks of two detachments from Capt. Mercer's

company who had gone up Short creek to destroy some improve-

ments and dispossess the occupants of the lands. This was the

Carpenter settlement, made by people from Jacob's creek on the

other side of the river. Maj. Beatty continued down as far as

Kentucky, and returning in September, says he arrived at the

Muskingum on the 11th, where his party found everybody glad

to see them. He found that Col. Harmar had detached Capt.

Hart's company to join Maj. Hamtramck, who was with the sur-

veyors, who had been very much surprised at information re-

ceived from an Indian to the effect that the Indians were gath-

ering in the Shawanese towns and contemplated an attack on

Fort Harmar. He reached Wheeling on the 21st, where he found

the people from below all assembled, having been surprised by

the appearance of Indians in the neighborhood. There were

rumors afloat that a large body of Indians was preparing to attack

the settlement. Other notes from Maj. Beatty's journal are given

with the account of Fort Steuben.

The journal of John Mathews, a nephew of Gen. Putnam,

who was an assistant in the survey of the first seven ranges,

48Major Beatty was Paymaster of the Army. 49The boats loaded with

provisions were going to the men engaged in building Fort Steuben.

198 Ohio Arch

198       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


furnishes much of interest about the difficulties encountered in

the work. On Saturday, July 29, 1786, the party arrived at Pitts-

burg, where it was found that the surveyors had gone down the

Ohio to Little Beaver, and he followed under direction of Gen.

Tupper. On the Monday following he arrived at the surveyor's

camp, where he found the surveyors waiting for troops from

Mingo Bottom, which troops were to protect the surveyors. On

August 5 the troops arrived and encamped on the east side of

the river. On August 16, under the superintendence of Capt.

Adam Hoops, Mathews began the survey of the second range

of townships. On the night of the 16th he camped five miles

from the river, on the east and west line. On the 6th of Sep-

tember he went out with Gen. Tupper to survey the seventh

range of townships, the party consisting of fifty men, thirty-six

of them being soldiers. On the 18th, they were at Nine Shilling

creek, in what is now Tuscarawas county, where an express rider

from Beaver informed them that the Shawanese were on the war

path, and were making all preparations to move on the surveyors

with the purpose of scalping not only the surveyors but likewise

all the whites found in the Ohio country. This so alarmed the

surveyors that they abandoned the work and retreated to Fort

McIntosh. However, in a short time the work was resumed,

the surveyors descending the river to Mingo Bottom, Mathews

stopping with William Greathouse opposite Mingo. He visited

Esquire McMahan, six miles below the cabin of Greathouse,

where he found the surveyors collected, determined to continue

part of the ranges, under escort of Maj. Hamtramck's detach-

ment of troops, they being located at Fort Steuben, which had

just been built. On Wednesday, the 11th, they crossed the river

to a point one mile below Mingo, and taking the route of Craw-

ford's trail encamped at night about two miles from the Mingo

town. The party consisted of the surveyor, his assistant and

twenty-five soldiers. The following morning the party contin-

ued on Crawford's trail in nearly a northwest direction, making

about six miles by five o'clock in the evening. On the 13th

the party left the Crawford trail, it tending too much to the south-

west, and steered to the northwest and came to the boundary

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     199

of the third range. The surveyors continued their work without

incident until the 30th, when the horses were lost, having been

stolen by a party of Indians, who had been in ambush the greater

part of the night, giving the surveyors further evidence that

the Shawanese were on the war path to prevent the survey. The

next day the soldiers built a blockhouse. From the 1st to the

7th of November the party were on the boundary of seventh

township of third range, in the United States Military district,

striking what was then known as Indian Wheeling creek, so

called because it was on the Ohio (Indian) side of the river; fol-

lowing this stream to the river, they crossed and took dinner

at Col. Zane's house at Wheeling. They remained in the neigh-

borhood of Wheeling, stopping with McMahon and Greathouse.

On the 10th they remained at the Greathouse cabin to hear a

sermon preached by a Methodist minister, located in that early

day on the east side of the river. On the 11th Mathews attended

a corn husking on the plantation of Harman Greathouse, which

is described in the journal. A large party of settlers had gath-

ered, the husking bee being the notable social function of the

pathfinders, and they made the most of the occasion, for they

had little else to take the mind from the dangers of frontier life.

They had plenty of rye whiskey, which added to the hilarity of

the participants, who danced, sang, related stories of adventure,

quarreled, and all who could walk left for their homes at ten

o'clock. Those too drunk to walk home remained at the cabin

over night, "hugging the whiskey bottle and arguing religion."

The next day, which was Sunday, others called at the Greathouse

cabin and assisted in drinking the whiskey left over from the

frolic of the previous night. On the 22nd and 23rd Gen. Tupper

and Col. Sprout left for the East and the surveying party dis-

banded for the winter, the snow then being two and one-half feet

deep. Mathews remained at the Greathouse cabin with Capt.

Hutchins, who left for the East on January 27, 1787. On Feb-

ruary 3, Mathews received a letter from Capt. Hamtramck

requesting him to take charge of the commissary department of

Fort Steuben, which office he accepted, going to the fort in com-

pany with a Mr. Ludlow, on Sunday, the 4th. He took charge

200 Ohio Arch

200       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


on the 8th, the stores having been delivered over to his care

by Mr. Peters, but he was impressed with the belief that this

sort of work would be difficult to perform by one not acquainted

with it, declaring that he had never had the least experience in

a commissary department. He notes that he had to issue pro-

visions to about one hundred men, including soldiers and the

surveying party.

The survey was recommenced in April, and in notes dated

on April 17 and May 8, he mentions the fact that the sur-

veyors had gone into the woods to continue the survey of the

ranges, and expresses apprehension for their safety, but on the

10th the party returned to the fort all well. On the 12th infor-

mation had been received at Fort Steuben that the Indians had

murdered a family on the night of the 11th, about fifteen miles

below the fort. Mathews here notes that on his way to Mahan's

he met people from Wheeling who informed him that one man

and two children had been killed, two children taken prisoner

and one woman seriously wounded. On the 23rd Mathews was

ordered to gather in a lot of packhorses on which to carry pro-

visions for the surveyors, but returned to the fort on the 25th,

not having had very good success, but he expressed the belief

that the prospect of procuring the horses was fairly good. During

his absence, a portion of the troops had been sent to the Mus-

kingum, the remainder to follow, but their further destination

was unknown. He was informed by Maj. Hamstramck that the

stores in his charge would be removed to Wheeling, and that

Fort Steuben would be the rendezvous of surveyors and their

escorts during the summer. On the morning of the 31st he left

for Wheeling with the provisions in a canoe, stopping over night

at the mouth of Short creek, where he found Mr. McFarlane

and Mr. Wheatland. He landed the provisions at Wheeling on

June 1, and proposed erecting his tent near the store of Esquire

Zane. On the 2nd the surveyors had arrived on the west side

of the river and were camped near the mouth of Indian Wheeling

creek, waiting for escorts from Fort Harmar. Mathews again

went after horses, procuring all that were needed, and the troops

having arrived from Fort Harmar, on the 12th the surveying party

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      201


was ready to march for their respective ranges. On the 23rd

he notes that troops from Fort McIntosh had passed down the

river, and that the Indians had lately done mischief about ten

miles above Wheeling; many had been seen about Wheeling

and he was apprehensive from many circumstances that the sum-

mer would be a troublesome one. On the 30th of July he writes

that "Indians have been seen in this quarter lately and have stolen

several horses. About ten days past, the signs of a party were

discovered near Short creek, and were followed by a party of

our people, who came up with them about four miles below

Wheeling- killed and wounded two more of the Indians, who

were eleven in number. Our party consisted of only eleven men.

The Indians were attacked unexpectedly in their camp, and fled

with precipitation, leaving their blankets and moccasins behind

them. It is supposed they were Chippewas." On the afternoon

of August 4, the people along the river bank were alarmed by

the screaming of a person begging for life and the report of two

guns. A party of armed men immediately crossed the river and

found on the lower end of Mingo Bottom the body of a man who

had been scalped. The Indians were pursued but not overtaken.

On August 5 Mr. Mathews writes that Mr. McMahan

with twenty volunteers crossed the river expecting to capture

the Indians who had killed the man on Mingo Bottom. At least

they were determined to range the Muskingum country where

they hoped to fall in with Indians or come upon their trail and

follow them to their settlements.  On the 6th Mr. Mathews

embarked with Capt. Mills, Lieut. Spear and Dr. Scott for Fort

Harmar, stopping at noon at a settlement on Short creek, on

the northwest side of the river, where twelve families were settled,

and who were determined to hold possession against all oppo-

sition, either from the Indians or the troops. These settlers had

been ordered to remove both by Ensign Armstrong and by Gen.

Butler; their improvements had been destroyed, only to be re-

erected after the troops had left, so determined were they to hold

the land upon which they had settled and on which they were

making effort to build homes and maintain them. "After a drink

of good punch," writes Mathews, "we proceeded on our way,

202 Ohio Arch

202      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


arriving at Wheeling at 6 o'clock, and tarried all night. Here

we were informed that five Indians were seen last evening between

this place and Ohio Court House." He speaks of going out to

Cross creek to dig ginseng, following Williamson's trail, reach-

ing the ridge dividing Short creek from the Tuscarawas, where

they found the root in great abundance. "Men accustomed to

the work could dig sixty pounds a day." "We were much sur-

prised," he writes on September 29, "to hear that three

men had been killed by the Indians and one taken prisoner, about

ten miles up Cross creek, who were out digging ginseng on

Sunday last. I have reached my old quarters, and will give them

liberty to take my scalp if they catch me out after ginseng again."

On October 12 he writes: "This evening Esquire McMahan re-

turned from over the river, where he had been with a party of

men in pursuit of Indians, who yesterday morning had killed

an old man near Fort Steuben. He did not discover them, but

by the signs thought them to be seven or eight in number."

During November Mr. Mathews assisted in the survey of

lands on the west side of the river bought at the sales in New York

by Col. Martin and Mr. Simpson. While on this work he met

Col. Meigs of the Ohio company and was informed that he had

been appointed as one of the surveyors of the company's lands

on the Muskingum, and that the work would be done that winter.

The public lands embraced in the first seven ranges were

offered for sale by the government in New York in 1787, and

the sales were afterwards continued in Philadelphia, Pittsburg

and Steubenville.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     203



The Indian Warfare Continues in the Ohio Country - The Revo-

lutionary War does not Close until after the Wayne Victory

at Fallen Timbers- The East Favored Making the Line

the River Rather than the Lake - The Wayne Victory

brings Peace-- The Western Whiskey Insurrection a Scotch-

Irish Rebellion--Why they Protested Against the Excise

Tax- Why Hamilton Persecuted the Western Settlers.

The first lands sold by Congress were to the Ohio company

organized in Boston. By the terms of this purchase the first

legal settlement was made in Ohio at Marietta in 1788, by eight

families, but the best blood of New England coursed their veins-

they were soldiers of the Revolution, men and women of tremen-

dous energy, possessing such force of character that much was ex-

pected of them and much was given by them. It was two years

later before legal settlements were made in Jefferson county, al-

though as has been shown there were considerable settlements

all along the river as early as 1780-85. The Boston company was

met with apparent cordiality by the Indians, but the Americans

did not have confidence in the expressed friendship of the Wyan-

dots and the Delawares whose chief was Captain Pipe. His

duplicity was well known to them, for he had opposed the mis-

sionaries on the Tuscarawas and had urged the warriors during

the Revolution to drive the whites over the Ohio. The settlers

from New England, while they shook hands with the Indians,

mistrusted them, and as soon as Pipe departed the pioneers began

building fortifications.

In the northwest Brant had organized in 1786 the tribes into

a western confederation. Aided by the British, it was his inten-

tion to make matters so uncomfortable for the pioneers that

settlements would be abondoned, and it was the hope of the British

by this means to regain the territory. "And, right here," says

Caldwell, "had not the settlement at Marietta been made just

when it was and in the manner it was, the British plan of hem-

ming in the Americans east of the Ohio river would undoubtedly

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have succeeded, and thus postponed for a generation, at least, the

creation of the new states of the west."

Pipe and his warriors who had reconnoitred at the mouth

of the Muskingum in 1788, retired to plan and foment raids upon

the settlers. Under pretense of negotiating a treaty of peace,

they assembled at Duncan's falls. Here they met Governor St.

Clair; but instead of making the proposed treaty, their "bad In-

dians", purposely brought along, fell upon the white sentries,

killing two and wounding others. This put an end to the treaty,

as was intended, for several months, and in the meantime the

Indians prowled around Marietta and up the west side of the

Ohio river, frequently killing the whites and driving out those

attempting to settle; many of the settlers along the Jefferson

county river front being harassed so constantly that hardly an

hour of peace could be said to have been their lot. Between the

Indians and the troops they were so menaced that it is one of the

wonders how they maintained the fortitude that characterized

them through it all.

In January, 1789, another attempt was made to quiet the

savages by treaty. This treaty was made at Fort Harmar, be-

tween the settlers and the Wyandots, Delawares, Chippewas, Ot-

tawas, Miamis, Pottowatamies, Senecas, but like all the others by

reason of the British desire to prevent settlements in the Ohio

country, it too proved futile, and in the following summer John

Mathews,50 who had been one of the surveyors of the first seven

ranges in which Jefferson county is located, and his party were

attacked on the Virginia side of the river, and seven of his men

shot and scalped. During the same summer twenty men were

shot and scalped on both sides of the river, some of the depreda-

tions being within the bounds of Jefferson county. In 1790, the

Indians attacked a number of boats on the river, the boats being

owned by emigrants, and killed or carried off those on board.

The raiding parties always had a white man as a decoy who

hailed the boats in a friendly manner as they descended the river,

just as the fated Lochry expedition was lured to the shore in 1781

by the British and Indians at the mouth of the Great Miami.

50 From whose journal quotations have been made.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     205

These decoys were renegades like Simon Girty, McKee and El-

liot. "Gov. St. Clair and Gen. Harmar," says Caldwell, "had

adopted the most pacific policy to conciliate the Indians and gain

their friendship, but to no purpose." It having become evident

that more severe measures must be employed Gov. St. Clair con-

cluded to give the Indians a severe chastisement and settle the

matter once and for all. Gov. St. Clair evidently not believing

that the British were at the head of the whole wicked business,

sent a letter to Gov. Hamilton of the British fort at Detroit, who

showed the letter to the Indian chiefs, who received from him

powder, ball and arms as well as whisky, with which to carry on

their murders on the Ohio and the Muskingum. Harmar

marched an army of one thousand men into the Indian country

of the northwest, the savages retiring before him. After destroy-

ing some of the Indians' towns, he was intercepted by the en-

raged Indians, driven back and utterly routed. There was but

little left of his army when he got back to the Ohio. Harmar

was disgraced, hundreds of good men destroyed and the border

laid more open than ever to Indian depredations. This was fol-

lowed in 1791 by St. Clair's disastrous defeat. The general had

four horses shot from under him and received several bullet holes

in his clothing. The battle lasted three hours and thirteen hun-

dred men were killed and wounded. Gen. St. Clair was removed

as general and retired in disgrace to Ligonier, Pa., although the

defeat was not his fault but rather of the War Department. His

remains are buried at Greensburg, Pa., and over the grave is a

small monument erected by the Masonic fraternity.51  St. Clair

was a gentleman of the most sensitive feeling, and his removal

from his command by Gen. Wilkinson broke his heart. St. Clair

was not well treated and his last days call to mind that Republics

are ungrateful. When George Rogers Clark was physically

broken by unparalleled efforts for his country, his achievement

being greater than that of any other man of his day and genera-

tion, he was in actual want. With the injustice heaped upon

him his spirits fell and he became intemperate and paralyzed.

51The Greensburg Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution have

(1898) inaugurated efforts that will result in a suitable monument to mark

the grave of Gov. St. Clair.

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But just before his death Virginia had the fact of her injustice

called to mind by a very spirited observation made by the old

man to a delegation sent to present him with a jeweled sword.

The sword was given with much ceremony, he listening to the

speeches in silence; rejecting the proffered weapon, he responded:

"Go tell Virginia that when she needed a sword, I found one;

now I need bread." Just before he died the state voted him $400

a year.52 But no granite shaft marks his grave. After the de-

feat of St. Clair the Delawares, Shawanese and other warriors

came out of the "black forest" of the northwest, yelling the war-

whoop along the Mohican, over to, and past the Moravian ruins

of Tuscarawas, down the Muskingum, Scioto and Miami, and

into Kentucky and Virginia. They wore buffalo horns fastened

on their heads, and were costumed in bearskins and breech-

clouts, while scalps of St. Clair's soldiers dangled from their belts,

and as they rushed along re-echoed the old war cry, "No white

man shall plant corn in Ohio."

In the spring and summer of 1792, efforts were made by the

Government to unite the hostile Indian tribes in a treaty of peace.

At the instigation of British emissaries they refused to meet

unless assured in advance that the Ohio should be the boundary

in future treaties. This would have made the river the boundary

instead of the lake. "Yet strange as it may seem," says Cald-

well, "there were distinguished men in the east who were

willing that the Ohio should be the boundary." The eastern

statesmen and diplomats, including Benjamin Franklin, who

could see a white settler scalped with composure, but wept at the

death of an Indian,53 were fearful that if new states were made

in the west the new settlements would depopulate the east and

reduce the political power of the east. They were also impressed

with the belief that obtains to this day, that the western settlers

were a lawless rabble who did nothing but violate treaties and kill

Indians. In September, 1792, Gen. Putman and Heckewelder met

several of the Indian tribes on the Wabash and concluded a treaty.

That winter other tribes agreed to hold a council on the Maumee,

which took place the next summer. The Indian council finding

52Smith. 53Dr. W. H. Egle.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      207


that it could not make the Ohio the boundary refused to treat.

They continued to cry, "No white man shall ever plant corn in

Ohio." After this the east concluded that the pioneers ought

to have relief, but not until the brave women of the west sent in

a petition steeped in blood; and Anthony Wayne was sent, and

"He came crushing through the forests like a behemoth." The

narrative goes on: "He left Fort Washington-now Cincinnati

-with his legions in October, 1793, and went northwest to Har-

mar's and St. Clair's trail, building defenses as he moved on. At

Greenville he wintered and drilled his men. In June, 1794, he

camped on St. Clair's battlefield and buried the bones of six hun-

dred soldiers, bleaching there since 1791. Here the confederated

tribes disputed Wayne's further progress. Being reinforced by

eleven hundred Kentuckians, his force aggregated about three

thousand men; he soon routed the savages and pushed on to the

headquarters of the tribes at the junction of the Auglaize and

Maumee rivers. They retreated along the Maumee forty miles

to the rapids where there was a British fort. Here they prepared

for battle. Wayne offered peace without a fight in case they gave

up the Ohio river as a boundary. A portion of the chiefs desired

to do so, but the remainder under British influence, refused. On

August 20 he moved on the enemy, who again retreated a short

distance and fought him. His whole force being brought into

action, soon routed them in every direction, leaving the battle

ground strewn with dead Indians and British soldiers in disguise.

Gen. Wayne's loss was thirty-three killed and one hundred

wounded. The Indians in the battle numbered one thousand

four hundred, while the main body was not in action, being some

two miles off; but hearing of the defeat they all scattered to their

homes, and Wayne laid waste their towns and corn fields for fifty

miles, thus ending the war-the war of the Revolution, with the

battle of Fallen Timbers. The treaty of Versailles had been made

thirteen years before, but England had not been subdued. She

had possession of the posts in the northwest-at Detroit, Macki-

naw and Green Bay, at which the Indian allies were incited. The

British had a fort below Maumee City. It was the evident inten-

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tion of the English to prevent the settlement of the northwest and

force the boundary at the Ohio river instead of the lakes.

The Revolutionary war was not, as many historians would

have us believe, fought within a radius of twenty-five miles of


After the Wayne treaty at Greenville, in 1795, the pioneer

took heart, and then began the enterprises that have made Ohio

one of the greatest in the sisterhood of states.

Wayne had recruited much of his army in western Pennsyl-

vania, the Virginia Panhandle and the Ohio country, and it was

largely composed of Scotch-Irish, of which blood he himself was

a scion. Those from Kentucky who joined him at Cincinnati

were also of this race, for many of them had left western Pennsyl-

vania to avoid prosecution and persecution for refusing to pay the

excise, the Government having sent an army over the mountains

to harass the settlers. Many of Wayne's smartest scouts at

Fallen Timbers were of these people. The persecution of those

engaged in the Whisky Insurrection had much to do with the

settlement of eastern Ohio, and to-day hundreds of descendants

of those engaged in that rebellion against the Federal Govern-

ment are living within the borders of Jefferson county. They

were men trained in war for generations in battles fought for civil

and religious liberty in the old country; men who fought in the

French and English war and in the American Revolution against

English tyranny. After all their fighting for liberty, and just at

the hour they were preparing to enjoy the fruits of the victory,

they were naturally incensed when the Federal Government sent

an armed force to take out of their pockets the money received

for distilled spirits they manufactured from the corn produced on

their own land; they were angry, for it was from this form of

product that they received the only cash with which to buy the

few necessaries that could not be obtained by barter, and it is

not surprising that they declared that the battle for liberty must

be refought before liberty was really and truly theirs. The west-

ern Pennsylvania men were in all the western expeditions -- they

were with Clarke, with Crawford in his campaigns, with Lochry

in his disastrous expedition to the mouth of the Miami, with Wil-

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     209

liamson at Gnadenhutten-they were ever ready to bear the brunt

of battle for liberty, and had it not been for these intrepid Indian

fighters the settlement of the Ohio country would have been de-

layed years. These were the men who have been denounced by

historical writers as traitors and nullifiers, because they refused

at first to see either liberty or justice in the demands of the Fed-

eral exciseman that they divide what little cash they had received

for the sale of the only product for which cash could be obtained,

for they believed that they had the right to do as they pleased with

their own corn and barley, without interference of government-

a principle handed down all the line since John Knox denounced

tyranny of government; and when their corn and barley was

turned into liquor they could not see that the Government had

any more right to tax it than it had a right to tax the raw material

out of which it was made or the finished product of corn in the

shape of bacon and flour. These men had fought for the triumph

of a principle, and that principle was liberty. If taxing their

money product was manifestation of liberty they could not realize

it, so they objected and put their objection into force. However,

they soon saw the necessity of maintaining the Federal Govern-

ment with funds raised through internal revenue and gave up

the objection, paying the tax as cheerfully as other taxes were

paid.  Hamilton's real motive for persecuting these people

was to give a manifestation of the power of the Federal Govern-

ment. The insurrection was in the year Wayne won his victory,

and the two were notable factors in the settlement of Ohio by

Scotch-Irish Presbyterians.


The Treaty at Greenville Gives Impetus to Immigration-Jef-

ferson County Proclaimed by Gov. St. Clair-Its Bounda-

ries - Steubenville Laid Out - The Founders - Steubenville

Land Office--The Very First Settlers--The First Vote and

the First Officials - Growth of the County and Town.

Wayne's treaty with the Indians at Greenville gave the

settlers hope and courage, and stimulated as well the immigra-

tion of settlers from the east to the Ohio country. The rush to

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One of the Founders of Steubenville.


Ohio was marvellous. Many of Wayne's soldiers took up land

in the territory and became citizens of the country they had

wrested from the savage. Eastern Ohio was settled principally

by people from western Pennsylvania and Virginia. Jefferson

county was erected by proclamation of Governor St. Clair, July

29, 1797, the boundaries embracing all of Ohio from  Lake

Erie on the north to the southern line of Belmont county on the

south, and from the Ohio river and Pennsylvania line on the

east to the Cuyahoga and Muskingum rivers on the west.

Steubenville, the county seat, was laid out the same year,

and the first sale of lots was on August 25. The founders of

the city were Bezaleel Wells and James Ross. Wells, of Eng-

lish descent, was born in Baltimore, in 1772, was a graduate of

William and Mary college and, being a government surveyor,

was given one thousand one hundred acres of land on the west

side of the Ohio river, the north boundary of the tract being

North street. Ross, who was a prominent lawyer in Pitssburg,

owned the land north of the Wells tract, and they jointly laid out

the town of Steubenville, naming it in honor of Fort Steuben,

which had been called for Baron Frederick William Augustus

Steuben, the Prussian officer who came to the aid of the patriot

cause and by his wonderful military genius brought a victorious

army out of chaos. The town as then laid out comprised the

territory now within the lines of the river bank, alley C on the

west, North street on the north and South street on the south.

The ground was divided into two hundred and thirty-six inlots

sixty by one hundred and eighty feet, with twenty outlets of five

acres each.

Wells was noble in his bearing, and his energy and enter-

prise were unbounded, and his efforts along industrial lines gave

Steubenville at once a prominent place on the frontier. He was

associated with all the early manufacturing enterprises, but finally

overreached himself, and, sad as it may seem, he, the most

prominent, the most enterprising and the wealthiest man in all

this region, was in after years imprisoned for debts his large

property holdings could not liquidate. He died in 1846, but

two granddaughters are still living in Steubenville. James Ross

was born at York, Pa., in 1762, was one of the first two senators

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     211

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One of the Founders of Steubenville.

from Pennsylvania, and in 1799 and in 1805 was candidate for

governor. He had taken up large tracts of land in Ohio, a

portion of which was in Steubenville. Ross county was named

for him as were streets in Steubenville named in honor of both

Ross and Wells. Wells laid out Canton and a town in Wayne

county, which he abandoned as an enterprise, another town hav-

ing been chosen as the county seat.

The new town made as rapid progress as was possible with

the facilities at command on the frontier at that time. There

were no graded roads and the only means of reaching the town

were by river and over Indian trails through an almost unbroken

forest. Of course the first houses were log cabins, but it is

recorded that a brick chimney was built by John Ward in 1798,

and in the same year Wells began the erection of a manor house

in a grove on the river front, the land being bounded by Third

and South streets. The mansion was finished and occupied in

1800, in which for years the owner entertained in royal style, his

hospitality being most lavish. The place was called "The

Grove", and by that name it is still known, and is to-day one

of the finest specimens of colonial architecture in this part of

the state. The town was incorporated February 14, 1805.

The establishment of the Steubenville Land District for

registration and sale of government land by act of Congress

May 10, 1800, and the location of the Land Office in Steubenville,

gave the town great prominence and the settlement impetus that

was wonderful for the time. David Hoge, of Pennsylvania, was

the first Registrar, holding the office for forty years. Zaccheus

Biggs was the first Receiver of the Land Office, he having been

appointed July 1, 1800, and the second Obadiah Jennings, who

was a politician and lawyer, but afterwards became a noted Pres-

byterian minister. He was succeeded by Peter Wilson, who

was appointed in 1808, serving thirteen years, and was suc-

ceeded by Gen. Samuel Stokely, son of Capt. Thomas Stokely,

who made a miraculous escape from the Indians who captured

the Lochry expedition at the mouth of the Big Miami in 1781.

Gen. Stokely served twelve years and was succeeded by John

Viers, who served until 1840, when the office was discontinued

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and the unsold lands in the district were placed in the Chilli-

cothe district.

Aside from the settlements on the river frontage the county

did not grow rapidly in population. There were settlements on

Island creek and Cross creek as early as 1797, and at about the

same time there were larger settlements in Mount Pleasant town-

ship, mostly made up of Scotch-Irish and Quakers, the latter

from North Carolina and the former from Virginia and Pennsyl-

vania. They were as delighted with the Short creek valley as

was John Carpenter before them, and they followed the stream

to its headwaters. As has been stated there were many settlers

in this valley previous to the survey, all of whom were dispos-

sessed, but returned and finally held title by purchase. Warren,

which is in this valley, was the first township organized, the

names of the other original townships being Short Creek, Archer,

Steubenville, and Knox. Benjamin Shane was undoubtedly the

first settler on Island creek back of the river, locating as early

as 1797.

The ancestor of the McClellan family, Robert McClellan, a

cousin of Robert, the noted scout who was with Wayne, was

among the first settlers of Knox township, coming from West-

moreland county, Pa., in 1808. Descendants still occupy the

land then purchased.

Ephraim Cooper and William Campbell built the first cabin

on the line now the state road between Wills creek and Yellow

creek, in 1795.

James Dunlevy, a Scotch-Irish Episcopalian, came to Jeffer-

son county from what is now Fayette county, Pa., and settled in

Cross Creek township in 1796, and was perhaps the first settler,

as the records show that William Whitcraft, George Mahan, and

William McElroy, supposed to be the first, settled in the spring

of 1797. Dunlevy owned a farm about three miles west of Steu-

benville and was the sheriff of the county at his death in 1806.

A daughter was born in January, 1805, Nancy Dunlevy, who was

the mother of Judge James H. Anderson, of Columbus, the author

of "The Life of Col. William Crawford," published by the Ohio

Historical Society, a conscientious as well as able tribute to the

worthy deeds of one of the noblest of the Revolutionary soldiers.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     213


The first settlers of Ross township located from 1798 to 1805,

notably Thomas George, Henry Crabs, Isaac Shane and Mordecai

Moore, although there were others, called squatters, previous to

the purchase of the lands by these men, among the squatters

being Thomas Bay, who was with Williamson in his Gnaden-

hutten expedition. Moore was one of the early salt boilers and

a person of very strong force of character, his descendants, of like

elements of strength, still living in the township; in fact descend-

ants of most of the early settlers still live in the county, and their

prominence in affairs gives evidence of the probity of the sires.

Moore was stolen by slave-drivers on a street in London when

a small boy and brought to Philadelphia, where he was sold to a

Quaker, who held him in bondage until he reached his majority,

when he was given his freedom, together with a mattock and

shovel, and no doubt, a blessing, as recompense for the long and

faithful service to the benevolent Friend. Soon after his location

on Yellow creek Mr. Moore engaged in salt boiling and obtained,

as late as 1815, ten dollars per barrel for salt, which article of

necessity and commerce was much higher in price before the pro-

cess of evaporating the mineral was introduced in the west. From

near Moore's salt works, and shortly after locating, perhaps in

1799, Thomas George went with two pack horses to Baltimore

and returned with salt, which was then worth eight dollars a

bushel. Henry Crabs located in 1798, the year after Steubenville

was laid out. He was accompanied by his wife, the two having

all they possessed tied in a quilt. They crossed the river to the

site of Steubenville in a skiff. The settlement was very spare,

he in his lifetime mentioning "Hans Wilson, Esq., Cable and

Black Harry as among the few inhabitants." Crabs erected a

blacksmith shop one mile east of the John Kilgore farm, near

Richmond, where he did work for the settlers, there being quite a

number of families in that vicinity. He made plow points, axes

and trace chains, all the raw material having to be packed across

the mountains. Considering the difficulties encountered, the

wildness of the country and the facilities as to labor and tools,

the progress made by the pioneers should cause the present gen-

eration to stand in amazement at the marvelous achievement.

214 Ohio Arch

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Andrew Ault, whose father had been captain of an

American privateer during the Revolutionary war, and who

had built and operated the first flaxseed oil mill west of the

mountains, near Redstone (Brownsville) Pa., settled on the ridge

between Island creek and Wills creek, in July, 1797. They were

rapidly followed by others, for in 1800 a Presbyterian church was

organized in this neighborhood, while another church of the

same denomination was organized on the ridge between what

is now Wintersville and Richmond, the same year, showing that

the population in that immediate neighborhood was growing.

A Presbyterian church had also been organized on Short creek

near the site of Mount Pleasant, in 1798 and in 1800 a church

of the same denomination had been organized on Short creek

near Unionvale, the church still being known as Beech

Springs. The first white child born in the limits of Wayne

township was John Mansfield, who was born on Section ten in

December, 1797, and Joseph Copeland was the second, in 1800.

Joseph Copeland died two years ago. Rob't Carothers and Jesse

Thomas, of Pennsylvania, settled on the site of Mount Pleasant

in 1796, followed soon by Adam Dunlap, Col. McCune, John

Taggart, Col. Joseph McKee, William Finney, David Robinson,

John Pollock, William Chambers, Benjamin Scott and others,

mostly Scotch-Irish people from Pennsylvania, all settling previ-

ous to 1800. The Updegraff and Stanton families, who became

prominent in the Quaker church and the affairs of state, came

in the latter year. There was a considerable settlement on the

site of Mount Pleasant before Steubenville was settled, for it is

a fact that the site of Steubenville was in timber when Ross and

Wells first possessed the land.

The Quakers or Friends who were among the first settlers

of Mt. Pleasant, Smithfield, Colerain, and Short Creek township,

were a colony from North Carolina. They were slave holders

themselves, but being struck with the conviction of the wickedness

of owning chattels in man, they manumitted the slaves within the

jurisdiction of their meeting in North Carolina, but after this they

could not remain in a region where men were held in bondage,

and the adoption of the Ordinance of 1787 in the Northwest

directed their eyes and steps toward the star of empire. The pro-


NOTE.-Dr. John Rea, grandfather of Mrs. Alfred Day of Steubenville, was pastor

of the Beech Springs and Crabapple churches, the pioneer churches of that portion of

the original county now Harrison county, in 1804 and for many years thereafter. He

was born in Tully, Ireland, in 1772, the son of Joseph and Isabella Rea, coming to

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.         215


gress made by these people in four or five years in redeeming the

land from the wilderness was truly marvelous, but as has been

said, others had been in the same field before them. But the

panic that caused such financial disaster in 1819 was most dis-

couraging to the settlers, for some of them  were in the town-

booming business, having laid out Mt. Pleasant in two parts,

hoping to bring the two together as one town and join with Tren-

ton a short distance away, but to-day they still remain in three

parts. In writing of this panic S. S. Tomlinson, an aged resident

of Mt. Pleasant, who kindly contributed to the centennial history,

says: "For the better part of two years little relief was realized

from the great calamity that fastened itself upon every individual

and every branch of business. A majority of the banks of the

state were overthrown, but some maintained their ground, among

them the Mt. Pleasant bank. Very few products of the soil would

command money, even at the lowest price. Although distilleries

were abundant corn commanded only ten cents a bushel, while

wheat and oats were only articles of barter.  Although taxes

were very low it was with the greatest difficulty that money could

be obtained with which to pay. My father was a mechanic, his

principal business being the manufacture of chairs, and during

the time of this financial distress, Samuel Irons, the owner of

one of the most desirable farms in Mt. Pleasant township, called

at the shop, proposing to exchange beef for chairs, stating that

he was under the necessity of killing a beef so he could sell the

hide for money with which to pay his taxes. Between 1820 and

1830, a family named Bartoe living in Harrison county, having

stored their wheat for several years, discovered that the weevil

was working on it and seemed likely to destroy it. They there-

fore had it ground into flour, selling one hundred barrels to John

Bayne at the mouth of Short creek for one hundred dollars.

These two circumstances are sufficient to illustrate the great

difficulties the people had to contend with during the early history

of the county. And the lessons inspired by their trials and vicissi-

tudes have certainly been very salutary in their character-teach-

ing as they did lessons of economy and carefulness, and that con-

tinued prosperity was never gifted with ability to achieve."


America  in 1790.  No one exerted a greater influence along religious lines among the

Pathfinders of Jefferson county than Dr. Rea. The Cadiz Republican of May 12 and 26,

1898, contains two portraits of Dr. Rea and a history of the two churches by Hon. C. A.

Hanna, author of "Scotch-Irish Families in America."

216 Ohio Arch

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The first return of taxable property in Jefferson county was

made in 1799, the townships being St. Clair, Knox, Wayne, War-

ren, Kirkwood and York. There were nine hundred and twenty-

five heads of families reported and one hundred and eighty-one

single persons. There was returned for taxation forty-eight

thousand seven hundred and nine acres of woodland and five

thousand five hundred and ninety-eight acres cleared land.

There were one thousand one hundred and fifty-nine head of

horses and two thousand and eighty-six cattle: two grist mills,

four saw mills, eighteen houses and twelve ferries.

The voting population of the county in 1806, the first vote

of which there is record, was eight hundred and twenty-two, all

of which were cast for Edward Tiffin, but this was after Belmont,

Trumbull and Columbiana counties had been organized. This

year The Steubenville Herald was established.

In 1807 the vote was divided between Meigs and Massie,

the first receiving four hundred and fifty-seven and the latter

four hundred and thirty, the county having grown very little,

if any, during that year. In 1808 Samuel Huntington received

two hundred and forty-two and Thomas Worthington nine hun-

dred and thirty-one votes. In 1812 the vote had increased to

one thousand four hundred and sixty-one, a gain of nearly five

hundred over the previous year.

According to a sketch of Steubenville, published in the

Navigator, printed in Pitssburg, in 1818, "The town having had

a favorable beginning with several favorable circumstances com-

bined, it progressed rapidly, and in 1805 was incorporated; and

is governed by a president, recorder and seven trustees. The

town contained in 1810 but eight hundred inhabitants and on

February 1, 1817, according to the census taken under the direc-

tion of the town council, two thousand and thirty-two inhabit-

ants, at which time there were four hundred and fifty-three

houses, three churches, a court house, and a market and town

house. Its rapid growth is to be attributed, principally to the

manufactories established within it. The population, generally,

is orderly, industrious and sober."

The first General Assembly of the state convened on March

3, 1803, Jefferson county being represented in the House by

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      217

Click on image to view full size

First White Child Born in Steubenville.


Rudolph Bear, Z. A. Beatty, Thomas Elliott, Isaac Meeks, Rich-

ard Beeson, Samuel Dunlap, Joseph McKee, and John Sloan,

and in the Senate by Zenas Kimberly and Bezaleel Wells. The

first sheriff was Francis Douglass, appointed in 1797, while John

McKnight was the first elected, in 1804. John Moody was ap-

pointed treasurer in 1797, and Samuel Hunter, the father of

James Hunter, the first white child born in Steubenville, the

date of birth being September, 1798, was elected treasurer in

1802. Bezaleel Wells was appointed clerk of the court in 1797,

and John Ward, the father of the second white child born in

Steubenville, John Ward, in October of 1798, was elected clerk

in 1800. Simon Sibley was elected prosecuting attorney in 1797,

Zenas Kimberly, recorder, and John McKnight, coroner. The

first surveyor was Isaac Jenkins, appointed in 1803. The first

election for county commissioners was held April 2, 1804, and

Zaccheus Biggs, Benjamin Hough and Andrew Anderson were


The first town officers were, D. Hull, president; John Ward,

recorder; David Hoge, Zaccheus A. Beatty, Benjamin Hough,

Thomas Vincent, John England, Martin Andrews, and Abra-

ham Cozier, trustees, and Anthony Beck, town marshall.



The Counties Formed Out of the Original County of Jefferson-

When Erected- The Blood of the Settlers- Stanton Lack-

ing the Qualities that Characterize the Docile Quaker-A

Democrat when all Quakers were Whigs -The Thrift of the

Quaker - He Grows Rich while others in the Settlement Fall

Short in the Race for Wealth -Account of an Encounter

Between Stanton and a Fellow Lawyer.

From the territory of the original Jefferson county Trumbull

county was erected in 1799, Belmont in 1801, Geauga in 1805,

Portage in 1807, Cuyahoga in 1807, Ashtabula in 1807, Tuscara-

was in 1808, Stark in 1808, Harrison in 1814, Carroll in 1832,

Summit in 1840, Lake in 1840, and Mahoning in 1846.

The northern part of the original Jefferson county, now in-

cluded in the territory comprising Ashtabula, Trumbull, Geauga,

218 Ohio Arch

218       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


Lake, Summit, Portage, and a part of Cuyahoga, was first settled

by immigrants from Connecticut, mostly soldiers of the Revolu-

tionary war, who, having been trained to hardships that beset

the patriot armies, dared breast the wilderness and battle with

savage foes to establish for themselves homes in the new country.

Cleveland was settled about a year previous to the date of the

first sale of lots in Steubenville, but there were settlements in

the latter place before this date.

The people who first settled the Western Reserve were not

Puritans; in fact, they were not moved by religious impulse

of any kind, for Cleveland had been settled thirty-three years

before a church of any kind was erected.54 The Puritan came

afterwards, or at least there came settlers from New England to

the Western Reserve who had well grounded religious views

which they manifested in church worship.

That portion of the original county out of which Stark and

a portion of Tuscarawas was erected was settled mainly by Ger-

mans, a very thrifty blood from Pennsylvania. In after years

the so-called Swiss-Germans immigrated to Tuscarawas. Ma-

honing county was settled by Pennsylvanians, a large number of

Welsh coming in after the country had been developed. That

portion of the county now included in Columbiana, Jefferson,

Harrison, Belmont and Carroll, was settled mainly by Scotch-

Irish from Virginia and Pennsylvania. A small portion of Ger-

man township, Harrison county, and Salem township, Jefferson

county, was settled by Germans, whose descendants still occupy

the land of the fathers. Many Germans have since settled in

Steubenville and Cross Creek townships, Jefferson county, buy-

ing lands cleared and improved by the Scotch-Irish, who moved

west, for the sons of the pioneer fathers also became pathfinders.

The large body of Quakers who occupied at an early date the

townships of Mt. Pleasant and Smithfield and the adjoining town-

ships of Colerain, in Belmont and Short Creek, in Harrison, were

not the original settlers, they coming from North Carolina after

the land was partly broken. They had come to Ohio to get away

from what they considered the degrading influence of negro


54 Diary of Rev. Thomas Robbins.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      219


slavery - they came through the wilderness that beset their way,

rejoicing that Ohio was to be a free state. This people were,

perhaps, the most thrifty of the settlers, the majority of them

gathering much store, distancing their neighbors of other blood

and other religious tenets in the race whose goal is the accumu-

lation of wealth. The Quakers have always possessed the philos-

opher's stone, which turned all its possessor touched into gold.

While their neighbors continued poor, the Quakers grew in

wealth, and thus in their quiet, unostentatious way exerted a

potent influence in the development of the county.

From this blood came Stanton, the most noted native of the

county. Stanton's ancestors emigrated from Rhode Island to

North Carolina, and after the death of his grandfather, Benjamin

Stanton, his grandmother, Abigail (Macey) Stanton, came to Ohio

and took up land in Mt. Pleasant township, where she reared

her children, giving them such advantages of education as ob-

tained in the new country, her eldest son, David, becoming a

physician. David married Lucy Norman, a native of Culpepper

county, Va., and these were the parents of the great war secre-

tary. Edwin M. Stanton was not distinguished by the traits char-

acteristic of the Quaker blood. He was never thrifty; he was

more pugnacious than is usual in one from the docile race from

which he sprung. The sweet, gentle spirit that possessed the

heart of the peaceful Quaker was not incarnate in the great war

secretary. His whole career seemed to be inconsistent with the

teachings of his father's philosophy of life. A Quaker Democrat

is a rare personage, but Stanton was one of the staunchest adher-

ents to the principles of this party before the war in the whole

state, his voice ever ready to advocate its principles.

Stanton was very imperious and overbearing in the court

room. He was very much of a bully and was not liked by the

opposing counsel. He put witnesses through fearful ordeals, and

to sit under his examination without manifesting anger on the

part of the witness was a difficult matter and displayed a rarity

of patience only possessed by angels. It was Stanton's abuse of

a witness that caused Roderick S. Moody to assault him in 1853.

It was during the August term and occurred in the old court

220 Ohio Arch

220      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


house yard. Stanton and Moody were then in their prime of

manhood--Stanton about forty years of age and Moody four

years his junior. Both were natives of Steubenville, both occu-

pied the highest rank of the legal profession. A jury case of

some importance was being tried in which they were opposing

counsel. Stanton was examining a witness in his usual aggressive

and abusive manner: Moody, who sat immediately in front of

Stanton, had appealed to him a number of times in behalf of

the witness, to desist in his overbearing, torturing manner. Stan-

ton finally getting through with the witness, with an air of im-

perious triumph as a squelcher, with a deep guttural tone, said:

"Moody, you always whine when I cross examine your witnesses."

Moody, who was the very opposite of Stanton - slender,

fine-cut features, a marked blonde, and almost white, sensitive,

with a voice musical as the harp, quickly turning upon Stanton,

replied in a tone mocking Stanton:

"I don't know that a whine is worse than a bark," giving

the peculiar bull-dog chop to the word bark.

Stanton, quick with his rejoinder, hissed through his teeth,

with a sardonic grin:

"Puppies whine."

Moody said no more; the sparkle of his eyes and the swell-

ing veins of his temples indicated a rising volcano, hot and fur-

ious. Court immediately adjourned for dinner and everybody

in attendance hurried away. Moody was among the first to re-

turn, and he paced the court room like a caged panther, speaking

to no one, but kept close watch through an open window looking

toward Stanton & McCook's office, up Third street. Stanton and

Col. Geo. W. McCook were partners. Soon Stanton, with his

big cane in one hand, he being lame in one of his knees from

an accident, a bundle of papers in the other hand, and spectacles

on his eyes, he being nearsighted, in company with Col. McCook,

came in view.

As soon as they struck the path crossing the east court house

yard, as quick as thought Moody flung off his coat and rushed

out of the building at the top of his speed. He sprung upon Stan-

ton before either Stanton or McCook observed his presence;

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.       221


down went Stanton, his cane, spectacles, and papers flying in all

directions. The stalwart McCook snatched Moody away. Stan-

ton scrambled to his feet, and grasping his cane, demanded of

the bystanders who had come upon the scene to prevent further

strife to let him alone, saying:

"Damn him; I will punish him for this assault."

McCook took Moody into the court room and the others

Stanton. McCook kept up chiding Moody for attacking a lame

man, and excitedly denounced the act as cowardly and mean.

Moody as yet had said nothing, but this was more than he could

bear from McCook, noble and generous always, and he pitched

into McCook with the fury of a tiger, but the colonel easily threw

him off, saying, "Damn your impudence. Would you dare fight

me?" All was soon quieted. Court went on as if nothing had hap-

pened. All three, Stanton, McCook and Moody, became warmer

friends than ever before, and so remained until they were parted

by death. They have all passed off the stage, each having played

as a star in the Drama of Life.55



The First Courts and Mention of the Early Cases Tried- The

First Murder Case that of William Carpenter who Killed

Capt. White-Eyes - Copy of the Curious Indictment - White-

Eyes not an Indian Chief, but the Son of Chief White-Eyes

who Aided the American Cause and was a Colonel on the

Staff of Gen. McIntosh-He is Killed by an American

Soldier at Fort Laurens-- The Victim of Carpenter a Stu-

dent of Princeton College - Some of the Early Judges - W.

W. Armstrong's Account of Judge Tappan - Curious Mar-

riage Ceremony.

The ground on which the first court house was built, which

included the site of the present building, was donated to Jefferson

count by Bezaleel Wells, who also donated the land to the city

upon which now stands the city building.

55 This incident was related to the compiler by J. M. Rickey, Esq., who

was Deputy Clerk and a witness of the scene. The story has been other-

wise verified.

222 Ohio Arch

222      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


The first court held in the county of Jefferson in the territory

northwest of the Ohio river, was held in Steubenville, in pursuance

of proclamation of Winthrop Sargent, acting governor of the

territory, and met in November of 1797. The judges on the

bench were Philip Cable, John Moody and George Humphries.

On the first day of the term John Rolf, James Wallace, and Sol-

omon Sibley were admitted to the bar that in after years became

the arena of the most noted lawyers and most prominent men

in the affairs of the country - Benjamin Tappan, John C. Wright,

John M. Goodenow, James and Daniel Collier, Gen. Samuel

Stokely, Roswell Marsh, Ephraim Root, David Reddick, Na-

thaniel Dike, Jeremiah P. Fogg, J. H. Hallock, Humphrey H.

Leavitt, Edwin M. Stanton, George W. McCook, Roderick S.

Moody, Robert L. and Daniel McCook, T. L. Jewett, George

P. Webster, Joseph and Thomas Means, all men of note during

their lifetime and all making records that have kept their mem-

ories green.

This was the business of the first day, the court adjourning

until the next day, Wednesday, at 8 o'clock, at which time the

court again adjourned until 3 P. M., "to sit again in the house

of Jacob Repsher." At this place it was "ordered that it be

made a rule of the court that a private seal of the Prothonotary

be recognized as the seal of the court until a public seal can be

procured. It was also ordered on motion of Solomon Sibley,

Esq., that the attorneys marked on writs, in behalf of the plain-

tiffs, returnable to this term, shall be answerable for the costs of

suit." On Thursday the court made the following disposition

of its first outside business, the records all being in the Jefferson

county court house in Steubenville, the documents being inter-

esting relics of the territorial period: "Ordered by the court that

Absalom  Martin, George Humphrey, Esquires, and Dunham

Martin, be appointed as commissioners to make partition of a

tract of land held in co-parcenary by Zenas Kimberly, Lucy Ful-

ton and Phebe Maria Kimberly, at the mouth of Short creek,

the affidavit required by law being first made by said Zenas

Kimberly, in open court." The only other suit before the term

was one of trespass brought against Benjamin Pegg and Arthur

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      223


Parker by Benjamin Robins. In the February term, 1798, the

first jury empaneled in Jefferson county rendered a verdict against

Parker and Pegg for twenty dollars. Another case was tried

the same day in which the jury returned a verdict of fourteen dol-

lars and six cents damages. It was ordered by the court, "on

motion of Solomon Sibley, Esquire, that on every motion made

in court which shall not be ruled by the court in favor of the

motion, the attorney or person who made the motion shall pay

to the court twenty-five cents."

At the August term, 1798, on Thursday, the 16th, appears

the following court entry: Bezaleel Wells having offered to the

court for their acceptance the lot or parcel of ground on which

the court house is erected, lying at the northwest corner of Market

and Third streets in Steubenville, ordered by the court that the

said lot be accepted by the court for the use of Jefferson county

to erect thereon a court house, gaol, pillory and all necessary

buildings for the use of the county. "It was also ordered that

John Ward and John Moody, Esquires, act as commissioners

to contract for and superintend the repairing of the court house

and gaol and making the same fit for public use." To this

end the sum of forty dollars was appropriated by the court.

In 1798 David Vance appeared on the bench as associate

justice and Thomas Fawcett at the August term in 1799, Wm.

Wells in 1800, Jacob Martin and John Milligan in 1801, and

this was the form of court until Ohio was admitted to the union

as a state.56 The first prosecuting attorney under the constitution

of 1802 was Silas Paul, who appeared with staff in hand and his

hair dressed in a cue.  He lived on Willis creek just north of the

town, and had been admitted to the bar in 1800. The salary

was fixed at eighty dollars per year, with the stipulation that it

be paid quarterly. He practiced for many years and died in 1857,

many of his descendants still residing in the county.

Judge Pease, of Trumbull county, was the presiding judge

in the Third District, of which Jefferson was a part, and Philip

Cable and Jacob Martin were associate justices. Judge Pease

56 Rudolph Bair, George Humphrey, John Milligan, Nathan Upde-

graff and Bezaleel Wells represented Jefferson county in the first consti-

tutional convention.

224 Ohio Arch

224       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


was but twenty-seven years of age and even more youthful in

appearance. While on the bench Judge Pease decided that the

statute giving justices of the peace jurisdiction in cases where

more than twenty dollars were claimed was unconstitutional and

therefore null and void. There was immediate demand for his

impeachment, and he was cited to appear before the State Senate

as a court of impeachment, but the trial resulted in his acquittal.

He continued in his office until the close of the December term

of 1809, and was succeeded by Benjamin Ruggles, who first pre-

sided in 1810. Ruggles was succeeded by Judge Tappan in 1816.

In a paper on Senator Tappan Hon. W. W. Armstrong,

who knew him well, speaks of him in the highest terms. From

this paper a few extracts will be of interest.

In April, 1796, Tappan went into the law office of Gideon

Granger, a distinguished lawyer of Sheffield, Ct., and remained

a laborious student for three years. Tappan, like Granger, was

a Democrat. Then the Federalists wore the badge of the Black

Cockade and they were the gentry, the "better class."  They

used to insult personally those who would not wear their emblem,

particularly the young men. To resent this Tappan, and Mr.

Granger's students, and other young Democrats carried hickory

walking sticks, and "hickory canes" became the badge of the

Democracy. Mr. Tappan being an aggressive young man, the

Federal lawyers attempted to prevent his admission to the bar.

They dared not attack his integrity or private character, and

they were fearful of encountering popular odium by securing

his rejection upon political grounds solely, so they concluded

to charge him with sedition and blasphemy. To support their

charge, the proof they offered was a sarcastic piece of poetry

that Tappan wrote on the occasion of the proclamation of John

Adams, dated May 23, 1798, which was considered by the Dem-

ocrats as designed to excite a war between our country and

France. The sixth verse of this poetry was as follows:


" Ye clergy, on this day

On politics discourse,

And when ye rise to pray

Both France and Frenchmen curse.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      225


For you've a right

To pray and preach,

Exhort and teach

Mankind to fight."

The men who were friendly to the alien and sedition law

of that day thought to ridicule the clergy was blasphemy. In

the early struggles of the Democracy to resist Federal consoli-

dation they had to encounter the opposition of the clergy, who

thought it was necessary to overthrow the views and principles

advocated by Thomas Jefferson, whom they denounced as an

infidel and mocker of the religion of Jesus of Nazareth. Mr.

Tappan had as a friend Mr. Brace, one of the reputable lawyers

of Hartford, Ct., and despite the effort of Theodore Dwight,

afterwards secretary of the Hartford Convention, now infamous

in American history, secured his admission to the bar. Tappan's-

victory was a great one for the Democracy, for it stripped the

cloak of piety from the sanctimonious hypocrites who were mix-

ing politics with religion.

In 1800 several townships in Portage county were settled.

That year two Indians and a child were shot by a couple of white

men. To prevent the Indians from revenging this act the white

men were arrested and tried for murder before a court held at

Youngstown. The governor attended and sat with the judges.

during the trial. An Indian chief was also seated with the judges.

It was the first jury trial in northern Ohio and Tappan was the

attorney for the defendants. It was his first case and his first

speech. An old contributor to "Political Portraits" says when

Tappan arose to speak he was so much embarrassed that he was

hardly able to speak. As he proceeded, however, he gained con-

fidence, and made a very able defense, and succeeded in acquit-

ting his client. The effort and the verdict gave him a great repu-

tation with the bar, the court and the people.

When on the bench Judge Tappan always denied the consti-

tutionality of the law creating the Bank of the United States and

denounced President Madison for having approved the act of

incorporation. The immense quantity of bills issued between

1816 and 1819 being thrown out at convenient points, irregularly,

gave a new and wild impulse to traders and local banks. When

Vol. VI-15

226 Ohio Arch

226      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


pay day came the bills of the local banks which had accumulated

at the branch bank in receipts "to the special credit of the United

States" were returned in large quantities and specie demanded

to meet the wants of the mother bank, but only three of the local

bankers were able to endure the unnatural ordeal. Then came

general bankruptcy. Industry was robbed of its hard earnings.

The local bank paper depreciated into utter worthlessness. Gen-

eral ruin followed the suspension and breaking of the banks. At

a Democratic state convention a resolution framed by Judge Tap-

pan declaring the Bank of the United States was "inexpedient

and unconstitutional and that the best interests of our common

country required that it not be rechartered" was passed by accla-

mation and became a polar star of that subsequent contest in

which the Democratic party rallied to the rescue under the "most

remarkable man of the age," Andrew Jackson.

In 1833 Gen. Jackson appointed Mr. Tappan United States

Judge for the district of Ohio. The duties of this position he ably

filled, and so popular was he that the Democracy in 1839 elected

him to the United States Senate and he served in that body until

1845, taking a conspicuous position in all its proceedings. He

was a colleague of William Allen in that body. Tappan was wag-

gish occasionally. Allen was noted for his great lung capacity

and loud voice. One day a friend of his came into the Senate and

asked if Judge Means of Ohio was still in the city. "No," said

Tappan, "he left yesterday and is probably by this time in Cum-

berland, Md., but if you will go to Bill Allen and tell him to raise

that window and call him he will come back."

Upon one occasion while Tappan was serving as President

Judge, holding court in a dining room of a tavern, the proceed-

ings of the court were interrupted by the boisterousness of one

man. The judge asked who was making such a noise. A frontier

man with a pair of old corduroy trousers and a red wammus on

said: "It is the old hoss." Judge Tappan quietly remarked to

the sheriff, "Take that old hoss and put him in the stable and keep

him there on bread and water for three days," and the sheriff landed

the brawler in the jail, which was a stable, and kept him there for

seventy-two hours.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     227


Senator Tappan, after retiring from the Senate, again re-

turned to his profession, the law, and lived in Steubenville until

his death, which occurred in 1857 in the eighty-fourth year of his

age. His career as a pioneer, as a lawyer, as a judge and states-

man, made his name a household word throughout the west.

As has been mentioned, many of the distillers who refused to

"enter" their stills for the excise tax, came into Jefferson county,

and one of these, John Kelly, appeared before the court on Feb-

ruary 16, 1798, with a petition, praying the court to "examine

testimony and make a statement of facts to the Secretary of the

Treasury, concerning a forfeiture incurred by the said Kelly,

under the excise statute." Whereupon, in the presence of Zenas

Kimberly, collector of revenue, appeared the said Kelly, to ex-

amine into the facts on which the prayer of the petition was

founded. It turned out that Kelly had removed two distilleries

from Virginia to Jefferson county, in September, 1795, and in

December one of them was used to distil eleven bushels of rye.

The stills had not been duly entered, Kelly claiming that as he

was an ignorant man, not able to read writing, he did not know

with whom to make the entries. August 31, 1797, Collector Kim-

berly seized the distilleries in the woods where they had been hid-

den. The records do not state the report given the Secretary of

the Treasury.

The first murder case before the court was that against Wil-

liam Carpenter, Jr., and William Carpenter, Sr., son and father,

the two having been indicted on August 14, 1798, for killing an

Indian in time of peace, the name of the victim being known as

Captain White-Eyes. The Indian was shot by Carpenter, Jr.,

who was but seventeen years of age, near his home at West Point,

now in Columbiana county. White-Eyes was intoxicated and ran

at the boy with an uplifted tomahawk, giving the boy the im-

pression that he was going to assault him. The boy ran, but

the Indian pursued him, and gaining upon him so rapidly that

young Carpenter felt that he was in real danger, turned and shot

him. The boy was arrested, as was also his father, the latter be-

ing charged with aiding and abetting in the murder. The state-

ment has frequently been published that the indictment was re-

228 Ohio Arch

228      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


turned at a court of Quarter Sessions held at Steubenville, but

there is no record of the case in Jefferson county, although there

is no question as to the indictment. It is the belief that the case

never came to trial, but was nollied. However, there is a tradi-

tion that the case was tried and that he was acquitted and that the

affair created much apprehension, the settlers fearing the death of

White-Eyes would give the Indians cause for war. Exertions

were at once put into effect to reconcile the Indians in the neigh-

borhood and many presents were given the friends of the de-

ceased, his wife receiving three hundred dollars, one of the do-

nors being Bazaleel Wells. The original draft of the indictment

is in possession of the estate of Capt. W. A. Walden, late of Frank-

lin county, a copy of which is appended as a historical relic:





"Territory of the United States,

Northwest of the River Ohio.

"At a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace, at

Steubenville in the said county of Jefferson on Tuesday the four-

teenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand

seven hundred and ninety-eight. Before the Honorable David

Vance, Esquire, and his associate justices of the peace in and

for Jefferson county aforesaid.

"The Jurors for the Body of the Said County upon their

oath present that Willian Carpenter, Junior, late of said County,

Labourer, and Willian Carpenter, senior, late of said County,

Labourer, not having the fear of God before their Eyes but be-

ing moved and Seduced by the instigation of the Devil on the

twenty-seventh day of May -  in the year of our Lord one

thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight with force and arms

at the Township of -   , in the County aforesaid, feloniously,

willfully, and of their malice, aforethought did make an assault

upon one George White-Eyes, an Indian, Commonly known by

the Name of Captain White-Eyes, in the peace of God and the

United States aforesaid, then and there being and that the same

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     229


William Carpenter, Junior, a Certain Gun, of the Value of one

Dollar then and there Charged and Loaded with Gun powder

and Divers Leaden Shot or Bullets, which Gun the Said Wil-

liam Carpenter, Junior, in both his hands then and there had and

held to, against and upon the said George White-Eyes, then

and there feloniously, willfully and of his malice aforethought

did Shoot and Discharge, and that the said, William Carpenter,

Junior, with the Leaden Shot or Bullets aforesaid out of the

Gun aforesaid then and there by force of the Gun powder, Shot,

Discharged and Sent forth as aforesaid, the aforesaid William

Carpenter, Junior, in and upon the Chin and under Jaw of him

the said George White-Eyes, then and there with the Leaden

Shot or Bullets aforesaid, out of the Gun aforesaid, by the Said

William Carpenter, Junior, so as aforesaid shot, Discharged and

Sent forth feloniously, willfully, and of his malice aforethought

did Strike, penetrate and Wound, Going to the said George

White-Eyes with the Leaden Shot or Bullets aforesaid so as

aforesaid shot, Discharged and sent forth out of the Gun afore-

said by the said William Carpenter, Junior, in and upon the

Chin and under Jaw of him the said George White-Eyes one

Mortal wound of the depth of Eight Inches and of the Breadth

of one Inch of Which said mortal wound the said George White-

Eyes then and there instantly died. And that the said William

Carpenter, senior, then and there feloniously, Willfully and of

his malice aforethought was present aiding, helping, abetting,

Comforting, assisting and maintaining the said William Car-

penter, Junior, the felony and murder aforesaid in manner and

form aforesaid to do and Commit: and so the Jurors upon

their oath aforesaid do Say, that the said William Carpenter,

Junior, feloniously, Willfully and of his malice aforethought and

the said William Carpenter, senior, feloniously, willfully, and

of his malice aforethought him the said George White-Eyes

then and there in manner and form aforesaid did Kill and mur-

der, against the peace and Dignity of the United States &c."

"(Signed) --


"Att'y for the United States in Jefferson County."

230 Ohio Arch

230     Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


Capt. White-Eyes was not a chief as has been the belief,

but the dissipated son of a chief, his father being White-Eyes,

a chief in the nation of Delaware Indians. He was one of the

few Indians who refused to join the British in the Revolutionary

war, remaining steadfast with the patriots and their cause, which

position was largely due to the efforts of Rev. David Jones, who

had considerable influence with the Indians. But it is said that

White-Eyes was almost caught in Capt. Connelly's net after the

Dunmore treachery. Connelly had offered him many induce-

ments to engage his people in an assault upon the frontier set-

tlers, but he refused absolutely, for his sympathies were with

the Americans. During 1776 he made a visit to Philadelphia

and was presented to the Continental Congress with much cere-

mony, his reception being most cordial. At times it was very

difficult for him to hold his tribe, for Simon Girty did all he

could to inflame them at their villages on the Muskingum, tell-

ing them that the Americans were preparing to burn their wig-

wams and murder their women and children. Many of the

Young Delawares caught the war spirit as they listened to the

horrible stories against the Americans as told by Capt. Pipe

and Capt. Girty. At a council held at Coshocton, the Dela-

wares had about concluded to go to war, but at the urgent re-

quest of White-Eyes, a delay was agreed upon in order to give

time to ascertain whether the renegades had told the truth as

to American intentions. A messenger dispatched to Fort Pitt

soon returned with denial of the reports. But the young men

of the tribe could not long be controlled and joined Girty's

British command. White-Eyes himself remained true to the

American cause, even going so far as to leave his own people to

join the American army, which he did with a few warriors who

were attached to him. He was made a colonel on the staff of

Gen. McIntosh, and was with the forces when Fort McIntosh

and Fort Laurens were built. While at Fort Laurens, on No-

vember 10, 1778, he was treacherously killed by an American

soldier, which fact was concealed from his relatives, it being

announced that he had died of smallpox. Col. George Morgan,

Indian agent at Pittsburg, educated the son at Princeton. The

young man came into considerable property as the legatee of

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.       231


his father's estate, but he was a degenerate and soon squandered

his means in debauchery, meeting his death in the county where-

in his father was killed, as noted in this chapter. White-Eyes'

was the last Indian blood shed in eastern Ohio. There is a

tradition that he knew of a lead mine, near West Point, in

Madison township, Columbiana county, and that the location

was lost in his death, but many attempts have since been made

to find it.

On August 8, 1803, the court granted tavern licences to

various persons in Steubenville and the several townships, the

former license being ten dollars and the latter six dollars. On

the same day Rev. James Snodgrass, a Presbyterian minister,

who had charge of the Steubenville and Island creek churches,

was granted license to solemnize marriages. The next year

Rev. Enoch Martin, of the Baptist church, Rev. Lyman Potter,

of the Presbyterian, Rev. Jacob Colbart, of the Methodist, and

Rev. Alexander Colderhead, of the Associate Reformed church,

were licensed to solemnize marriages.

On April 2, 1805, Timothy Hart, who had been in jail on

the charge of insolvency, appeared before the court and com-

plained that he did not have means with which to support him-

self in jail, and was allowed to take advantage of "an act pro-

viding for the relief of indigent persons imprisoned for debt"

and taking the oath thereon he was discharged from further


Philip Cable who was a judge of the Territorial Court, and

afterwards a justice of the peace, was somewhat eccentric, but

nevertheless a very popular man, so popular in fact that he of-

ficiated at most of the marriages. He had such an extensive

practice along this line of his profession, that he adopted a short

service so that waiting couples would not be delayed by much

ceremony. The service usually ended with the words: "Give

57Judge William Johnson, late of Cincinnati, but then of Jefferson

county, and a member of the bar, in later years having occasion to admin-

ister the same oath to Bezaleel Wells under the old insolvent act and who

was in prison for debt, became so incensed thereby that he determined to

go to the Legislature and secure its repeal. This he afterwards accomp-

lished.-0. M. Sanford.

232 Ohio Arch

232       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


me a dollar, kiss your bride, and go about your business."

Having no one present on one occasion he called in his wife and

colored servant, saying, "In the presence of my wife, Dolly, and

Black Harry, I pronounce you man and wife - give me my



Early Manufacturing - Salt Boiling the First Industry, Dis-

tilling Whisky the Second- The First Broadcloth Made in

the United States Manufactured in Steubenville - The First

Figured Silk and the First Silk Velvet Manufactured at Mt.

Pleasant--The War of 1812 Gives Impetus to Manufactur-

ing- The Beginning of the Woolen and Wool Industry-

The Wells-Dickenson Sheep.

Hotels and business houses were built immediately after

the town was laid out, a portion of the old United States hotel

now in existence having been erected by John Ward, who held

various county and town offices, as well as dispensed entertain-

ment for man and beast, in 1800. The first merchant was Hans

Wilson, the second Samuel Hunter. As soon as the farmers

had produced a crop of corn or rye, which was previous to the

founding of Steubenville, distilleries became numerous and were

located in all the settlements, for it was by this means that the

grain was reduced to its smallest bulk, and the product could

be disposed of for cash, in fact being the main cash factor in

the primitive stage of the West. For this reason the people

of the West objected to paying the excise tax, for by this means

taxation for the support of the Federal Government was un-

equally borne.

The first distillery established in Steubenville was by P.

Snyder, from Uniontown, Pa., in 1798. He was soon followed

by many others, but to-day there is not a distillery within the

county, although before the war between the states distilleries

were very numerous. Malt liquors were manufactured at a very

early period in Mount Pleasant township. This was probably

before the Quakers became the controlling moral factor of popu-

lation. The manufacture of nails by hand was carried on in

Steubenville by Andrew and Robert Thompson from 1803 to

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      233


1811, William Kilgore and Hugh Sterling being employes, all

prominent citizens in after years. From the court records of the

August term of common pleas of 1808, it appears that machines

were in existence for cutting nails, at this time a case being on

trial in which Joshua Kelly, who had been committed by Justice

Robert McCleary, of Warren township, was charged with steal-

ing a "part of a machine for cutting nails." However he was

discharged, the commitment being adjudged "illegal and highly

improper." William Kilgore afterwards built what is now the

Jefferson iron works, which before the introduction of the wire

nail, was one of the largest industries in the Ohio valley.

It is safe to presume that the first industrial enterprise in

Jefferson county was salt boiling, salt springs having been discov-

ered on Yellow creek near the site of Irondale by Joshua Down-

ard and John Hutton before the beginning of the present century.

This led to the erection of crude furnaces for the production of

perhaps the most important article and yet the most difficult to

procure, necessary to the wants of the pioneer. As early as 1802

Henry Daniels had a small furnace erected for boiling salt in Ross

township. He sunk a hollow sycamore log in an upright position

at the spring and from this reservoir the salt water was dipped into

the kettles and boiled, producing about three bushels of salt a day.

So great was the demand that Isaac Shane, who went there for

salt in 1803, found the place thronged with customers and he was

obliged to return without his portion.

William Maple came to Ohio on June 15, 1797, landing on

the Ohio shore at a point between Elliotsville and Empire. He

emigrated from Fayette county, Pennsylvania, where he resided

only a short time, coming there from Trenton, New Jersey, where

he lived at the time of the Revolution and at which place he en-

listed in the American army. After coming to Ohio he settled on

the hill above Port Homer. Benjamin Maple, son of William.

bored one of the first salt wells in the northern part of the county,

on Hollow Rock run, the boring being done by spring pole, after

which he started to build a mill, but sold it unfinished and then

bought produce which he took down the river on a keel boat and

traded for furs, which were brought back on mules and trans-

234 Ohio Arch

234       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


ported over the mountains in the same way, salt being packed

on the return trip.

The first grist and saw mill was erected within the city limits

by Bezaleel Wells, but shortly after a grist mill was built on Cross

creek, known by the early settlers as Indian Cross creek, but called

by the Indians "Mingominnie." The name Cross creek, it is said

was given the stream by settlers because they thought the creek

crossed the river and ran out through a creek on the other side,

but really it should not be thought that the fathers were quite so

ignorant as this charge would declare them. This mill did a

profitable business as early as 1808, the product being shipped by

keel-boat to New Orleans. The mill was purchased by George

Marshall, a millwright from Ireland, who about 1818 dismantled

the flour mill and put in machinery of his own manufacture and

produced a superior article of woolen goods. There were six or

more grist mills on Short creek as early as 1805. The first bank

was established in Steubenville in 1809, Bezaleel Wells and W. R.

Dickenson being the proprietors and Alexander McDowell the

cashier. In his journal of date September, 1814, J. B. Finley, the

pioneer Methodist minister, makes this note: "During this year

a money mania like an epidemic, seized the people. There were

seven banking establishments in Jefferson county, one of them

said to have been kept in a ladies' chest. All these were engaged

in issuing paper money. But it did not stop here-merchants,

tavern keepers, butchers and bakers became bankers. This

mania was followed by the mania for new towns, which were laid

out at almost every cross-roads. The imaginary riches of the

speculators soon fled, business was paralyzed and discontent

prevailed everywhere."

While there were efforts made to give the city impetus by

manufacturing, little progress was made before the war of 1812,

but after hostilities had closed the employment given labor by the

introduction of woolen factories soon filled the town with indus-

trious, thrifty people.

June 18, 1812, the United States declared war against Eng-

land. England and all the other European powers were at that

time at war with each other; war vessels were on ocean and sea

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     235

picking up merchant vessels and confiscating their cargoes. Im-

portation to the United States was limited; our country became

in great need of manufactured articles, especially woolen and cot-

ton goods; the people west of the mountains being almost desti-

tute. Four patriotic men, Bezaleel Wells and Samuel Patterson,

of Steubenville, and James Ross and Henry Baldwin, of Pittsburg,

formed a partnership for manufacturing woolen goods. They

selected the southwest quarter of outlot No. 15 on West Market

street in the city of Steubenville, whereon to erect buildings to

carry out their enterprise. John Hart built the basement story,

Harrington and Warfield the brick work, and Nicholas Murray,

who erected the second court house and other buildings in the

town, including the Steubenville Gazette building, the first three-

story house in Steubenville, and who also raised a company of

which he was captain for the war of 1812, the carpentry. When

completed the main building was one hundred and ten feet long,

twenty-eight feet wide and three stories high, with high roof bel-

fry cupola, with spire surmounted with ball and golden sheep.

The building was completed in the fall of 1814. Early in the

spring of 1815 the steam engine was brought from Pittsburg under

the supervision of Mr. Latrobe and placed in position. The

boiler was tea kettle shape and stood on end; the bottom was con-

caved for fire-bed; the cylinders,two in number,stood on end with

shackle bars, walking beams and rotary valve. April 10, 1815,

the machinery was started. The same day Samuel Patterson, one

of the owners, died. Christopher H. Orth was employed as man-

ager with a stipulated salary and one-fifth of the profits, under

the firm name of C. H.Orth & Co. Stibbin Johnson and Adam

Wise, two skilled mechanics in iron and wood, built the machi-

nery. The carding machine was twenty-four-inch cylinder for

making rolls and forty-inch spindle for drawing the rolls into

slubbing for the spinners. The spinning machines, called jennies,

were three in number, one of forty spindles and two of sixty spin-

dles. Wm. Fisher and Alfred Cooper ran the billy and Enos

Lucas, George and Peter Dohrman learned to spin, first, by draw-

ing one thread at a time, so that in a short time they were able to

fill all the spindles. By this time two broadcloth looms were built.

236 Ohio Arch

236       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


John Arthurs and Robert Semple, hand loom weavers, took

charge of the looms and were the first men to weave broadcloth

in this country. It was amusing to see a common laborer learn-

ing to weave. To time his feet with his hands he had two big

treadles marked hayfoot and strawfoot. To raise the shade for

the shuttle to pass. through, he would say up comes sugar down

goes gad.58

At one time there were as many as twelve woolen and cotton

mills in Steubenville, and the city became famous for the manu-

facture of textile fabrics, but since 1877 not a yard of cloth of any

kind has been made in the city. The woolen industry of Jefferson

county, for all the factories were not located within the bounds

of the city, was the beginning of the establishment of the great

wool-growing industry of Ohio, Western Pennsylvania and West

Virginia, the finest wool in the world being produced within a

radius of forty miles of the scene of the greatest activity in the

manufacture of woolen goods in the state or in the west. From a

history of the wool-growing industry written by John J. Ickis for

The Steubenville Gazette, it is learned that the first sheep in the

state came from Connecticut, New Jersey and Virginia. Like

their owners they were a rugged lot, capable of enduring the pri-

vations of frontier life. When the settler had cleared away the

virgin forest, they gave their assistance in keeping in check the

new forest with which nature would gladly have covered the

ground. The wool of these sheep was woven in the homes into

durable goods that would be passed over by the farmer to-day

for something that was half shoddy.59

William R. Dickenson seems to have been the first to bring

the improved breeds of sheep to Jefferson county. He was born

in Virginia in 1779 and came to Steubenville in 1807. About

1812 he laid the foundation of a flock of pure Merino sheep by

purchases from the flock of James Caldwell of New Jersey. Spain

had jealously guarded its Merino flocks for centuries and would

allow no exports to be made. When Napoleon's armies came

58 These data are from a paper read by E. G. McFeeley before the Wells

Historical Society. 59The first shoddy goods in America were made in

Steubenville, the machinery having been brought from England.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     237


down to meet those of Wellington, her precious cabanas were

destroyed forever. Thousands of the best sheep of Spain were

killed to feed the soldiery. There are no sadder pages in the in-

dustrial history of any country than those that chronicle this

wanton destruction of the flocks of Spain. Yet good was to come

of this to our own country, for many of their best sheep were

secured by Jarvis and other Americans and brought over by the

ship load; one hundred and sixty-eight vessels landed seventeen

thousand six hundred and ninety-three sheep from Spain between

September 1, 1810, and August 30, 1811. The sheep bought by

Mr. Dickenson and brought to Steubenville were from the best of

these importations. By 1825 his flock numbered two thousand

five hundred, and they were the equal of any sheep in the United

States. Ten of his rams shorn in June, 1825, produced seventy-

five pounds of wool which sold for eighty cents a pound, or six

dollars a head.

The products of the Wells-Dickenson woolen factory became

so famous in the eastern markets, that wools were brought from

over the mountains to be manufactured into broadcloth that was

thought to be equal to any that could be imported. To furnish

a partial supply of wool for this factory, in 1815 Mr. Wells laid the

foundation of a flock of Merinos by purchase from Col. Jarvis,

the greatest importer of his time. By 1824 his flock had in-

creased to three thousand five hundred sheep. To keep up some-

thing of the migratory habits of their ancestors, a large tract of

land was purchased between where Canton and Massillon now

stand, and the flock driven to those pastures and back each year.

Thus it was that Jefferson county, in the early part of the century,

contained two of the most noted flocks of pure Spanish Merinos

in America. Those who saw them say they made a beautiful

appearance, with their even fleeces and dense, dark tops. They

shore an average of five pounds of washed wool, with an even-

ness of fibre that is found only on the pure Merino. It is doubted

if any other county in America could ever boast of two flocks

of five thousand five hundred sheep of this royal blood. By in-

terchanging the rams, these flocks soon became almost identical,

238 Ohio Arch

238      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


and were the original Wells and Dickenson sheep,-a name that

is known by sheepmen the world around.

To prove the excellence of these flocks it is only necessary to

recall the victory gained by Mr. Dickenson's ram Boliver. The

Brazilian minister to this country offered as a prize a silver cup

for the ram that would shear the greatest weight of picklock wool.

Believing that his sheep were as good as any in the country, Mr.

Dickenson selected his ram Boliver and took him to Baltimore.

The contest took place in that city on June 1, 1826, and was won

by Boliver, although he had to compete with the best sheep of the

Atlantic states, both native and imported. This sheep was

brought back over the mountains in a wagon and was one of the

principal attractions, as we may well believe, in the parade of the

following Fourth of July. Owing to financial difficulties with the

government, these flocks were sold at public auction in Steuben-

ville in 1830. One thousand two hundred ewes and wethers of

the first and second quality brought $3.16 per head; five ewes and

five rams of the top of the flock brought an average of $22.50 per

head. Buyers attended the sale from all parts of Ohio, Pennsyl-

vania and western Virginia, and in this way the Wells and Dick-

enson sheep were scattered to improve Ohio wool; for Ohio wool

is grown on the hillsides of Pennsylvania and West Virginia as

well as on our own pastures. Specimens of this wool, known as

the Crosskey "clips", have taken medals at several world exposi-


While Steubenville is distinguished as the first place in the

United States where broadcloth was made, Mount Pleasant

has the distinction of being the first producer of silk velvet and

figured silk, a silk factory having been erected in that village

by John W. Gill and Thomas White, in 1841. At that time the

silk-worm craze was abroad in the land and much vacant space

was planted with mulberry trees, William Watkins, the builder

of the McCook mansion in Steubenville, having come to Jeffer-

son county for the purpose of engaging in the culture of the

morus multicaulis, this product being used in the Gill factory.

Messrs. Gill and White' planted twenty-five acres in mulberry

trees and as soon as the trees had attained a year's growth they

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     239


began the cultivation of the silk worm, followed by the manu-

facture of beautiful fabrics, specimens of which are now in ex-

istence and were on exhibition in the Log Cabin Loan during

the celebration of the centennial of Jefferson county.  The

products of the factory were silk velvet, hat plush, dress silks

of the most beautiful colors and designs, ribbons, figured silks,

etc. The loom used was known as the "draw-boy loom" and

was three yards long and one yard wide, there being in the

factory separate looms for ribbons, hat plush and velvet. The

first pattern woven was known as the Buckeye burr, the color

being a light buff. From this piece of silk a vest pattern was

presented to Henry Clay, who also wore a suit of broadcloth

made in one of the Steubenville factories. The Whig presiden-

tial ticket, voted in Mount Pleasant in 1844, was printed on silk,

made for the purpose in the Gill factory. The first American

flag ever in China was also made at this factory and carried to

the Orient by Caleb Cushing.

The Navigator, published in Pittsburg in 1818, gives the

industries in Steubenville in 1817 as follows: "One woolen fac-

tory, worked by steam power, in which are manufactured on an

extensive scale cloths of the finest texture and of the most bril-

liant and lasting colors; one iron foundry, in which casting of all

kinds is performed; one paper mill, of three vats, in which steam

power is used; one brewery, in which is manufactured beer, ale,

and porter of the first quality; one steam flour mill, which is

kept in continued and profitable operation; one steam cotton

factory, in which cloths of an excellent quality are made; one

nail manufactory; two earthenware factories; one tobacco and

cigar factory; one wool carding machine; four preachers; six

lawyers; five physicians; twenty-seven stores; sixteen taverns;

two banks; one printing office; one book bindery; two gun-

smiths; one coppersmith; two tinner's shops; thirty-two car-

penters; six bricklayers; five masons; five plasterers; four

cabinet makers; six blacksmiths; five tailors; four saddlers;

three bakers; eight shoe and bootmakers; three wheelwrights;

four chair makers; three hatters; three clock and watchmakers;

one silversmith; three tanneries; seven schools, three of which

are for young ladies; one reed maker; three wagon makers;

240 Ohio Arch

240       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


four coopers, and six butchers. Many other professions are fol-

lowed which are too tedious to mention. Public Offices. -

Register U. S. Land Office. Receiver U. S. Land Office. Col-

lector U. S. Revenue. Collector of non-resident tax for the fifth

district. Clerk's Office Supreme Court and Court of Common

Pleas. County Commissioners' Office, and Office of Recorder

of Deeds.

"There are several valuable grist mills near Steubenville

which send a great deal of four to New Orleans. The town has

a post-office receiving and discharging the public mail weekly.

The fuel used is mineral coal and wood."

"The Western Pilot, etc.," by Samuel Cummings, published

in Cincinnati, in 1836, article, Steubenville, mentions, * * *

"There are in the town and neighborhood, three merchant flour

mills; a very large and justly celebrated woolen factory at which

sixty thousand pounds of wool are annually manufactured into

cloth. Large flocks of sheep, of the Merino breed, are owned

by the neighboring farmers and by the proprietors of the estab-

lishment, which has several times obtained the premium for the

best specimens of cloth manufactured in the United States. There

are besides two cotton factories of three thousand spindles; a

large paper mill, belonging to Mr. Holdship, of Pittsburg, which

manufactures the finest and best paper made in the western

country; three air foundries; a steam paper mill, besides a flour-

ing mill and cotton factory likewise driven by steam power.

Here is also a printing office, from which is published a weekly

newspaper; an academy; two banks; twenty-seven mercantile

stores; sixteen public inns; an air foundry; beside a great num-

ber and variety of the most useful mechanics."

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      241



Pioneer Means of Transportation- The Old Keel-boat- The

First Line of Keel-boats Between Cincinnati and Pittsburg

--The Boats Carried Arms and Passengers were Protected

by Walls for Defense--The First Steamboats-- A Line of

Sailing Vessels Built for the West India Trade and Sail

Down the Ohio- The First Stage Coaches--Beginning of

the Panhandle Railroad.

The difficulties of transportation prevented rapid advance-

ment of pioneer settlements, but the large river frontage of

Jefferson county gave the pathfinders much better facilities for

transit than that enjoyed by settlers in the interior. The river

was much to the early merchant and manufacturer. Still with

this great waterway and the aptitude for boating possessed by

most of the pioneers, progress along industrial lines was very

slow. Such machinery, crude as it was in the early days of the

West, had to be hauled from the East at an expense so great

that one is startled at the figures when mentioned in the present

days of rapid transit. The cost of carriage on a bill of goods

was often greater than the cost of the goods; and this fact, too,

had much to do with inspiring the fathers with the spirit of en-

terprise that in the first and second decades of the century gave

Steubenville a high place as a manufacturing town.

The keel-boats or barges were roughly constructed and

varied from seventy-five to one hundred feet in length, with

breadth of beam of from fifteen to twenty feet. They would

carry from sixty to one hundred tons weight, the receptacle for

freight occupying the greater portion of the craft, although on

one end a sort of a cabin was constructed for female passengers.

The boat usually carried a sail, but when the wind was lacking

in power the craft was propelled by means of a pole, and at

times the boat would be towed by the boatmen who would walk

along the shore and haul the vessel with a rope.

The first regular packet line between Pittsburg and Cin-

cinnati was established in 1794. The Sentinel of the North-

west, the first paper published in the territory, William Maxwell

being the editor, contained the time-card of the line. "Two

Vol. VI-16

242 Ohio Arch

242       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


boats for the present," the announcement says, "will start from

Cincinnati to Pittsburg and return to Cincinnati in the follow-

ing manner: The first boat will leave Cincinnati this morning

at eight o'clock and return to Cincinnati to be ready to sail again

in four weeks from this date. The second boat will leave Cin-

cinnati on Saturday, the 30th inst., and return as above." The

announcement further stated "that being influenced by a love

of philanthropy, and a desire of being serviceable to the public,

the proprietors have taken great pains to render the accomoda-

tions on board as agreeable and convenient as they could pos-

sibly be made." Further on the advertisement states that "no

danger need be apprehended from the enemy, and every person

on board will be under cover made proof to rifle ball, and con-

venient portholes for firing out. Each boat is armed with six

pieces carrying a pound ball, also a good number of muskets."

A separate cabin from that designed for the men was partitioned

off for the ladies. Passengers were supplied with provisions

and liquors of all kinds at the most reasonable rates. It was

stated that an insurance office had been established at Cincinnati,

Limestone and Pittsburg, where persons desiring to insure their

property while en route could apply.

In 1794, a Frenchman, named Louis Anastasius Tarascon,

who had previously sent an engineer down the Ohio and Mis-

sissippi to New Orleans to ascertain if the project be feasible,

built at Pittsburg in 1801, a schooner called "Amity", of one

hundred and twenty tons, a full-fledged, sea-worthy vessel, fol-

lowed by other schooners and brigs of much greater tonnage,

and opened trade with the West Indies, shipping flour and other

provisions. One of the boats, or ships, the "Western Trader",

had capacity for four hundred tons.

The first steamboat which descended the Ohio river was

the New Orleans, a vessel of four hundred tons, built at Pitts-

burg, under direction of Robert Fulton, in 1811, the cost ex-

ceeding fifty thousand dollars. In October of that year this

boat started on its way to New Orleans. As might be con-

jectured it did a profitable business, but it was destroyed by run-

ning against a snag in 1814, at Baton Rouge. Other boats were

built, and in 1814, the Enterprise was built at Redstone, now

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.       243


Brownsville, Pa., and chartered by the government to carry

military stores to New Orleans, arriving there in time to take

part in the battle, January 8th, the next year. The "Enterprise"

was a small stern wheel boat and was commanded by Capt.

Shrieve. Up to this time no steamboat had attempted to run

up the Ohio, but during the month of June, 1815, the Enter-

prise arrived at Steubenville, and the whole population was

astounded, and could hardly believe that a steamboat had come

up stream all the way from New Orleans. The first boat built

in Steubenville was the "Bezaleel Wells", which was made in

1820; Arthur M. Phillips, who was the first machinist west of

the Ohio, built the boilers. President McKinley's father at one

time was employed in the Phillips foundry, which is one of the

very few industries of pioneer times still in operation in Steu-

benville, the plant being a part of that of James Means & Co.

Steubenville has gone through all the vicissitudes of industry;

while at one time the manufacture of woolen fabrics filled the

region with the hum and whir of the spindle and the loom, there

is not now a yard of textile fabric of any kind made within the

county; the iron industry, too, was for years the great factor

of industrial progress; followed by the manufacture of clay

products, which to-day gives employment to more people than

does the manufacture of iron and glass. However there has

latterly been a revival of iron and steel, and Mingo Bottom, for

years the rendezvous of the American soldier as well as of the

savage warrior, is partly covered with steel industries. Twenty

years ago coal mining and coke making was one of the largest

industries in Steubenville; to-day very little coal is mined and

no coke is made. However, large mines have been opened on

Short creek and much coal is produced. Many of the pioneer

industries went down never more to rise. They came upon

the stage to act their part in the drama of Progress; this done

they passed off and the curtain was drawn only to rise again on

another scene of industry, which, too, was changed, but this is

the history of other communities. All have their industrial


Roads were opened previous to 1816, and during 1818 Mat-

thew Roberts carried the first mail to Pittsburg on horseback,

244 Ohio Arch

244      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


the previous mails all being conveyed by boat. In 1820 John

McMillen established the first stage line between the two towns.

This was soon followed by stage lines in all directions and com-

panies were organized for making plank roads, many of which

were partly constructed throughout Eastern Ohio, some being

graded, while others were partly laid with planks. In 1848 the

Steubenville and Indiana Railroad Company was incorporated,

the incorporators being James Wilson, James Means, Nathaniel

Dike, William McDonald, Daniel Collier, John Orr, John An-

drews, David McGowan, James Gallagher, James Turnbull, James

McKinney, Rosswell P. Marsh and Alexander Doyle. James

Parks, A. L. Frazier and others at once took an active part in

the project and Daniel Kilgore of Cadiz was elected the first

president. All but three of these men were of Scotch-Irish blood;

Dike, Marsh and Collier were from New England and were prob-

ably of English descent, but not of Puritan blood. Col. Geo. W.

McCook, soldier, lawyer, politician, and withal a gentleman, was

a powerful factor in the construction of this railroad, he having

negotiated the sale of bonds in Europe. It is a fact that the whole

Pennsylvania system of railroads is an achievement of Scotch-

Irish enterprise and genius. This, the most powerful railroad

corporation in the world, was brought from its inception through

its course to its present magnificent development by the skilled

efforts of Col. Thomas A. Scott, William Thaw, James McCrea,

Robert Pitcairn, the late President Roberts and J. N. McCullough,

the latter coming from a strong and early Scotch settlement on

Yellow creek, which settlement has sent out into the field of

letters, the arena of politics and into the industrial world some

of the brightest men who have become prominent in many lines

demanding strong elements of character.

The first sod turned in the construction of the railroad, which

was the beginning of the great Panhandle, was by Rosswell P.

Marsh, a lawyer who came to Steubenville from Vermont. The

people along the proposed lines were so ignorant of the char-

acter of railroads that it is said that James Parks secured the

right of way by meeting the objections of landowners with the

statement, that as the line would be built in the air, there could

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      245


be no reason why the land could not be utilized for farming

just as well as without the railroad track. The first engines

used as the motive power on this line were named "Bezaleel

Wells," "James Ross," and "Steubenville," and were run into

Steubenville October 8, 1853, drawing two cars. The river divis-

ion of the Cleveland and Pittsburg railroad was built the year

following, becoming a portion of the Ft. Wayne division, that

was brought to a perfect stage by the master mind of McCullough.



Early Educational Facilities -The Schoolhouse Soon Followed

the Church-The Old Log College Sent out Teachers as

well as Ministers -- The Irish Schoolmaster Early Abroad in

the Land-The Old Log Schoolhouse Made Famous by Dr.

Alexander Clark -The First Female Seminary West of the

Mountains Established in Steubenville-- The Part Jefferson

County Took in Formulating the Public School System-

Noted Teachers from Jefferson County.

The pioneer fathers who settled the upper Ohio valley appre-

ciated facility for education. From their point of view education

was no less a spiritual element in character-building than religion.

It was as essential to the enjoyment of life as were the means

of grace, and the schoolhouse was invariably under way before

the church was roofed.

From the Old Log College of the Tennants sturdy young

men went forth south and west carrying with them the fountain

of learning, that others might drink of knowledge. These young

men were classical scholars, filled with the zeal they had caught

from the inspiring presence of the sainted master at whose feet

they sat to receive instruction given with that love of the cause

that comes of unselfish enthusiasm. There were giants in those

days - mental giants, too, and the Tennants were of them. Wher-

ever Tennant's pupils, or rather scholars, located, there, too, was

located an academy - another log college - wherein were taught

other young men, who were not only fitted for the ministry, but

for any of the learned professions.

246 Ohio Arch

246       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


The Cumberland and Virginia valleys were well filled with

schools before the fathers moved over the mountains and into

the wilderness. Did these people have to await the coming of

the New England schoolmaster? Their own schoolmaster was

invariably with them, for the minister came with the flock, and

as in the case of Dr. John McMillen, of the Cannonsburg college,

the minister taught as well as preached, and fitted his successor

when he should die; for in those days the minister staid with

his people until death dissolved the relation. Coming, as they

did, from such an environment, it is unnecessary to note that they

were not depending on the Yankee schoolmaster, as is the wide-

spread belief in New England even to this day.

The "Irish schoolmaster" was abroad in the land, too, and

the annals of Ohio are filled with incidents of this worthy man of

letters, who had a standing in the community next to that of the

minister himself, who was always held in the highest reverence,

not only because he was the spiritual adviser, but as well because

of his great learning. The father of Dr. Jeffers, of the Western

Theological Seminary, was one of the early itinerant school

teachers in Eastern Ohio, and how often was he worn out by

what he called the perverseness of his pupils when it was really

his own pertinacity that was in the way of mutual understanding.

His eccentricity of pronunciation invariably stumped the pupil,

for he would not know whether the word given out to be spelled

was "beet" or "bait," whether "floor" or "fleur," but Jeffers

would explain that "bait" was a "red root," and "fleur" was

a "boord" to walk on; and through the influence of the good

man's erudition and hickory gad, the sons and daughters of the

settlers waxed strong in knowledge.

Two years after Jefferson county was organized a log school-

house was built on what is now section twenty, Colerain town-

ship, Belmont county, near Mt. Pleasant, and as the settlement

was very spare, the pupils had long distances to go before reach-

ing this, the first institution of learning erected within the bounds

of the original Jefferson county. The pupils, too, were in con-

stant danger of their lives, there being Indians as well as wild

beasts in the wilderness where it was located. It was near the

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      247


site of this schoolhouse that Captain Williams, one of the brave

defenders of Fort Henry during the siege of 1777, was killed

by the Delaware Indians in 1780.

The next school house of which there is record was built in

1802 near St. Clairsville. Of course, it was constructed of logs,

with a solitary greased paper window, with seats of trees split

in two placed on pegs with the flat side up, and such a distance

from the floor, says the record from which this information is

obtained, that the teacher was never annoyed by shuffling of

feet. School was taught in this rude structure for three years,

when the town and country pupils divided into two factions,

the country pupils accusing the master with being partial in his

favors, and during the night season the building was demolished

by a mob. Another building of a better style of architecture

was erected in 1803, but on another site.

There is a tradition that a schoolhouse was erected in Cross

Creek township previous to 1800, there having been a number

of families in the township as early as 1797, but the records show

that a schoolhouse had been erected and school was held in it

in 1804 by an Irish schoolmaster named Green. In 1809 a sub-

scription school was taught in that part of the township known

as the Long settlement, a Mr. Morrow, a Scotchman, being the

first teacher. In 1805 Richard McCullough also taught school

in this township.

There was also a schoolhouse at a very early date on Battle

run in Steubenville township, near the scene of the Buskirk

battle, and which is not far from the Cross creek falls, within

a hundred yards of which have happened several of the most

disastrous accidents on the Panhandle railroad.

In 1814 Samuel Clark, the father of the late Rev. Dr. Alex-

ander Clark, of blessed memory, taught a school in Brush Creek

township. In 1830, in the same township, was built "The Old

Log Schoolhouse," immortalized by Dr. Clark, the divine, poet

and prose author, whose works are part of the country's best

literature. Here he was educated and reared amidst the scenes

of rugged nature from which he took his themes, and the world

of readers rejoiced that such a sweet-souled man lived to tell

248 Ohio Arch

248       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.

them of the beauty he saw in nature. Dr. Clark was an educator

of wonderful force and his goodness of heart and sweetness of

temper gave him an influence over the pupil that was truly an

inspiration, and to be even in his presence and hear him speak

was like a benediction. And he was an "Irish schoolmaster."

Dr. Clark was the founder of the "School-day Visitor," the first

distinctive child's paper published in the United States, and it

afterwards became The St. Nicholas Magazine. He was a prom-

inent minister of the Protestant Methodist Church and at the

time of his death was the editor of the organ of that church pub-

lished in Pittsburg. The old log schoolhouse upon which he

founded his story of this name was taught for years by his father,

who was succeeded by the son. The building was used for school

purposes for almost half a century. It was erected in a day and

cost but thirty-two dollars.

Undoubtedly there were educational facilities in the village

of Steubenville previous to 1805, but the records show that a

school was taught in 1806 by a Mr. Black, another Irish school-

master. In 1807 Bezaleel Wells erected a building (frame) near

the site of the Steubenville seminary, and painting it red, it was

ever after known as the Little Red Schoolhouse. The first teacher

was James Thompson, who was succeeded by Thomas Fulton,

and Fulton by Jacob Hull. The two latter were eccentric, viewed

from the standpoint that one now looks upon a tutor who is

supposed to be a moral example to his pupils. Both Fulton and

Hull had a fondness for intoxicants that to-day could not be

reconciled with the high positions held bythem. Their indulgence

frequently led to napping, when they would awaken to find their

slippers removed, or hats decorated with quill-pen feathers thrust

through the bands. It is handed down that on occasions they

would go to sleep with their heads resting on the desk, and on

awakening find a pile of books covering the seat of learning, but

for the moment befuddled with liquor. The books used prior

to 1812 were, as a rule, such as the schoolmaster could furnish

himself, but after this period, the Second War for Independence

having caused an awakening in the west, the English Reader,

the United States Speller, and the Introduction were introduced,

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      249


and other schools followed the Little Red Schoolhouse. Miss

Sheldon opened a school on High street, the Misses Graham and

Burgess on Fourth street, and as early as 1816 an Irish school-

master named Baker opened a school at the head of Washington

street, which was well patronized, but the historian says his em-

ployment of the hickory gad as a factor of education was so far

beyond reason that he was frequently a subject for discipline

himself. He continued to teach for ten years, when his spirit

took its flight and the body was followed to the tomb by a large

concourse of people. In 1818 Bezaleel Wells was the main sub-

scriber to a fund for the erection of an academy on High street,

which school was well patronized. Prof. J. P. Miller, a Seceder

minister, had charge. The academy was conducted for many

years and for a while was used by the Episcopalians as a church.

Rev. Dr. George Buchanan, a native of the Cumberland valley,

and a pupil of the eminent educator, Dr. Alexander Dobbins,

whose pupils became noted as teachers, established the first clas-

sical school in the west on Market street in Steubenville in 1814.

Here all the higher branches were taught for many years and

the pupils became eminent in many of the states, giving testi-

mony of the high character of the school, among the pupils being

Edwin M. Stanton. Samuel Ackerly conducted a private school

not far from the Buchanan academy in 1820, and afterward Dr.

John Scott erected an academy on North Seventh street and for

years conducted a successful school up to the fifties, the building

afterward becoming a part of the public school system of the city.

The first distinctive female seminary west of the mountains

was established in Steubenville by Rev. Dr. C. C. Beatty, a

pupil of the Old Log College, of which mention has been made,

in 1829, and which was most successfully conducted by him for

more than half a century, followed by Rev. Dr. A. M. Reid, who

had charge until a few years ago. This seminary was an ex-

cellent school and pupils came from far and near to sit at the

feet of Mrs. Beatty, who was loved as a mother by her pupils,

and after she was gone to her reward, Mrs. Reid filled her place,

and the sweetest memories of women who are everywhere, even

beyond the confines of civilization, (for many of the pupils be-

250 Ohio Arch

250       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


came missionaries) are of Mrs. Reid, whose nobility of char-

acter and gentleness of disposition endeared her to all. The

vicissitudes of a city are beyond comprehension: Steubenville,

once the seat of one of the greatest female colleges in the land,

the first in the west, is to-day without even an academy. Dr.

Beatty made possible the union of Washington and Jefferson

colleges by a munificent gift of money. He also endowed the

Western Theological seminary; and thus the money accumu-

lated in the education of women was devoted to the education

of men.

Jefferson county has been impressed indelibly on the com-

mon school system, which is the brightest star in the state's dia-

dem. While Acting Governor, in 1822, Allen Trimble, who was

a Virginian whose ancestors first settled in Pennsylvania, ap-

pointed a committee of the Legislature to formulate a public

school system. The belief that obtains that the Puritans who

settled Marietta were the fathers of the school system, is based

on error. They had a school system, but it was on the parochial60

plan and was associated with the Congregational church, which

was really a state church. The most influential member of the

committee appointed by Governor Trimble was Judge William

Johnson, late of Cincinnati, a native of the Scotch settlement on

Yellow creek, and a man of wonderful force of character and in-

fluence. The committee formulated the plan which was the

basis for the system now obtaining, but afterwards was perfected

by Samuel Galloway, who also came from the Cumberland val-

ley. Judge Johnson put his whole soul into the work and it

was by the influence of his able arguments before the Legislature

that the plan was adopted. In his address he called attention to

the possibility of the youth of the state who did not have means

to pay for tuition, growing up "boobies", and ever after up to

his death Judge Johnson was called "Boobie Johnson." The

part Jefferson county took in promoting the public school sys-

tem, alone gives her basis for pride. She might rest her honors

with the achievement of Judge William Johnson, and be sure

of a laurel wreath, but this is not all. Mordecai Bartley, the thir-

60 Knight.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    251


teenth governor of the state, although born in Pennsylvania,

lived in Jefferson county, having settled near the mouth of Cross

creek, while a member of Congress was the first to propose the

conversion of the land grants of Ohio, known as Section sixteen,

into a permanent fund for support of the common schools.

The public school system was first adopted in Steubenville

in 1838, and the first board of education was composed of Dr.

Beatty, Dr. John Andrews and James Means. The first two

buildings were erected on North and South Fourth streets at a

cost of four thousand dollars. The first high school was added

to the system in 1855, and the first pupil graduated in 1860.

She was Miss Oella Patterson, who became a very prominent

educator, holding, up to her death, a high position in an eastern


Dr. Henry C. McCook, the noted Philadelphia divine and

scientist, was at one time a teacher in the Steubenville schools,

and his brothers, Rev. Dr. John McCook, professor of lan-

guages in Trinity College, and whose books on Sociology are

standard works, and Gen. Anson G. McCook, late secretary of

the United States Senate, were pupils in the Steubenville schools.

Prof. Sloane, of Columbia College, author of the best Life

of Napoleon ever written, is a son of J. R. W. Sloane, presi-

dent of Richmond College in 1848, and to-day the only col-

lege within the bounds of the county. Prof. Woodroe Wil-

son, of Princeton, and the author of a Life of Washington,

is the grandson of James Wilson, the editor of The Setubenville

Herald for many years after 1815. Dr. Eli Tappan, who is

reckoned by Dr. Hinsdale as one of the most thorough teachers

in the country, a profound scholar, with the facility of imparting

his knowledge to others, was a native of Steubenville, the son

of Senator Tappan, whose grandchildren now teach in the Steu-

benville schools, while one is a professor in an eastern college.

Rev. Mr. Huston, a Presbyterian minister of Jefferson county,

is a grandson of Senator Tappan, and he also has Stanton blood

in his veins, being a grandson of Stanton's sister.

In 1837 the Friends erected a boarding school at Mount

Pleasant, expending for grounds and building almost twenty-

two thousand dollars, the buildings being commodious, but very

252 Ohio Arch

252       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


plain. The school was opened with Daniel Williams as superin-

tendent, and his wife as matron. The teachers in the male de-

partment were Robert S. Holloway and George K. Jenkins;

female department, Abby Holloway and Abigail Flanner. The

average attendance of pupils was sixty-nine, but for several

years the expenses exceeded the income, which by good man-

agement was reversed and the income was large enough to

make handsome dividends. In the factional fight that divided

the Friends into Gurneyites and Wilburites in 1854, the Wilbur-

ites retained control of the boarding school, which they held

until dispossessed by the Supreme Court in 1874, which placed

the title in the name of the Gurney division. The Gurneyites

expended a large sum of money for repairs and were prepared

to reopen the school, but on the night of January 7, 1875, the

entire building was consumed by fire.

Mary Edmondson, the mother of Anna Dickinson, taught

school in the Short Creek meeting house in 1826.



The First Friends' Meeting and the Third Presbyterian Church

in the State Established in Jefferson County-The First

Methodist Church Erected in the Northwest Territory-

Religion the Strongest Conviction of the Pioneer Fathers

-The Hicksite Division in the Friends' Meeting Inaugu-

rated in Jefferson County-The Hicksites Capture a Meet-

ing House by Force--It is Called a Riot by Thos. Shillitoe

who Kept a Journal-The Clerk's Desk Broken by the Mob

and the Clerk so Seriously Injured that He Died from the

Effects- Other Divisions - Christian Scientists and Faith


Religion was the most abiding conviction of the sturdy

people who settled in that part of Jefferson county south of the

Western Reserve line. They had a faith in God that was truly

sublime. This faith inspired them to deeds of valor, for they

felt that they were following along at the hand of God the path-

way leading to destiny; that everything that happened was in

the course of God's will, and that good would follow in the

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      253


natural course of events, directed from on high. At the very

earliest period, as has been shown, these people saw the divine

hand shaping affairs for the coming of the great republic, and

they felt that they were instruments selected to bring about the

results that came of their endeavors. They were the very first to

declare their intention to end the tyrant's rule by cutting loose

from the government of Great Britain.61 When they entered the

wilderness with the intention of building a home, the Bible and

the Psalm book were brought, even if there were not a bed.

An element of power that characterized these people was the

mental strength that came of ingrained Calvinism, for Calvinism

was drawn with the mother's milk, that was largely the basis for

their individualism, self-reliance; and where the source of this

trait is understood there is no surprise at the magnitude of their

achievements. It was the courage that comes of strong faith

that gave the man Witherspoon, of this blood, the nerve to defy

the tyrant as if the spirit of John Knox, who feared not the face

of man, hovered about Independence Hall. It was his Calvin-

istic stubbornness that gave him the influence that procured sig-

natures to the immortal declaration that would not have been

signed had it not been for his native force and tenacity of pur-

pose. Of this strain were the pioneers. Religious, persistent,

stubborn. It is not strange, therefore, that the church was con-

temporary with the settlements. These people were of the same

blood, of the same names, as those who built the first churches

in the Cumberland and Virginia valleys, the first west of the

Alleghenies. They were descendants, some of them, of those

who founded Hanover. Donegal, Derry, Unity and Redstone, for

we find members of these churches with Lochry, with William-

son, with Crawford and with Wayne. The first Presbyterian

church in the territory was that established in Cincinnati in

1793, and which was projected by soldiers in Wayne's army, for

on the subscription list were the names of many of these brave

men, who saw in the removal of the savage the consummation of

destiny, and yet one writer is quoted by Butterfield in his biog-

raphy of Simon Girty that he instructed the Indians not to dis-

turb the "Scotch-Irish settlements of Virginia [Panhandle], be-

61 Bancroft.

254 Ohio Arch

254      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


cause they, being Presbyterians, never took part in any of the

wars against the Indians." Robert Finley and his congregation,

on the advice of Massie, settled at Chillicothe and established

there the second Presbyterian church in the territory. The

third and fourth churches of this denomination were established

in Jefferson county, and by 1804 there was a Presbyterian church

in every settlement of a dozen families in the territory now

within the lines of the county. Finley's son, Rev. J. B. Finley,

the surveyor, Indian scout and divine, was one of the earliest

Methodist evangelists in the territory, having preached through-

out the Ohio country while it was still a wilderness. J. B. Fin-

ley was an educated man, having been a student in his father's

classical schools in North Carolina and Tennessee. The belief

that has been handed down that the early Methodist evangelists

were ignorant men is a falsehood whose ramifications have not

been proscribed by time. The statement that the pioneers were

ignorant and were incapable of understanding an educated min-

istry is the twin of this falsehood.

Rev. David Jones from Freehold, New Jersey, was prob-

ably the first minister of the gospel in the Ohio river country,

having made a preaching tour among the Indians and the few

settlers in 1772. He speaks of Mingotown in his journal, of

which fact mention is made in these sketches, but he does

not state that he preached in the county. He was with George

Rogers Clarke opposite the mouth of Captina creek the same

year, and notes in his journal that "he instructed what Indians

came over." He was informed here that the chief of the tribe

located at the mouth of Captina, was a professor of Christianity,

and was struck by the impression his prayer made on the Indians

who heard him. It was at this place that in the spring of 1780

several families descending the river to Kentucky, were attacked

by the Indians and murdered or carried into captivity, one of

the latter, Catherine Malott, afterwards becoming the wife of

Simon Girty. Rev David Jones was a Welsh Baptist, and dur-

ing the Revolutionary war was known as the "Fighting Chap-

lain", and he stood beside Anthony Wayne as his chaplain for

the Pennsylvania line. His eloquence was a wonderful power

at Valley Forge in cheering the disheartened soldiers. It is said

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     255


of him that he told his men "that a shad would as soon be seen

barking up a tree as a Revolutionary soldier turning his back

on the enemy or going to hell."

In his journal, dated Cross creek (Mingo), Sunday, October

2, 1785, Gen. Butler, who was on an expedition having for its

purpose the removal of squatters from the Indian country, says:

"The people of this country appear to be much imposed upon

by a sect called Methodist, and are become great fanatics." He

did not state in what way the fanaticism was manifested, unless

it be what he says in the following sentence-"They say they

have paid taxes which are too heavy," was in his his mind a

fanatical complaint.

In a history of the Methodist church of Steubenville, writ-

ten by Rev. Dr. D. C. Osborne, it is stated that "as early as the

summer of 1794, Samuel Hitt and John Reynolds, of that de-

nomination, preached a few sermons here amidst much oppo-

sition." It is also mentioned that in 1795-6, Charles Connaway,

presiding elder, Samuel Hitt and Thomas Haywood, also came

upon the site of Steubenville - "the latter being poor, received

twenty-four pounds in Pennsylvania currency per annum for his

services." Doddridge says in his Notes that the "Rev. Dr.

Doddridge was the first Christian minister who preached in our

little village." This was in 1796. An error is made by either

one of the historians, or else, Doddridge, being an Episcopalian,

did not recognize the Methodist preachers as Christian minis-

ters. The circuit embraced in the itinerancy of Hitt and Rey-

nolds included Ohio county, Virginia, Washington County, Pa.,

and the settlements on both sides of the Ohio from the mouth

of the Muskingum  to near Pittsburg. A society was soon

formed in Steubenville and the congregation was kept supplied.

Bishop Asbury visited Steubenville in 1803, and made this entry

in his diary: "The court house could not contain all the peo-

ple; we went to the Presbyterian tent, and as the Jews and

Samaritans have no dealings, I must tender my thanks. I found

a delightful home with the family of Bezaleel Wells, who is

friendly to our church."

In 1815, when the first conference was held in Steubenville,

Bezaleel Wells, the foremost man in the community, was asked

256 Ohio Arch

256      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


to entertain one of the representative men of the conference.

Following the request a minister from the Northwest, dressed in

homespun, spattered with mud, alighted from his horse at the

mansion of Mr. Wells. His appearance was anything but pre-

possessing, and Wells was chagrined, for he expected to enter-

tain a representative minister. He called on the local minister

and took him to task for his neglect to follow out the request.

The local minister told Mr. Wells to wait until he heard his

young guest preach the following Sunday, which he did, and

was so impressed with his great intellect and magnificent ora-

torical powers that he expressed wonder that such a man should

be buried in the pioneer work in the Northwest. The next day

Mr. Wells took the young minister to a tailor and had him make

for him the finest suit of clothing he could produce. This young

minister was Rev. Bigelow, noted in the annals of Methodism as

one of the most powerful of the heroic pioneer itinerants.

It is not certain where the first Methodist Episcopal church

was built in the Northwest Territory, but it is the accepted belief

that it was Holmes church, now on the Smithfield circuit in Jef-

ferson county. This church was built on the banks of Short creek

in 1803, on ground donated by Jacob Holmes, who was given a

farm by the government for services as a scout. It was of

hewn logs and had a chimney in one side, the fire-place being

seven feet in the clear. The floor was of puncheons and the

seats were made of trees split in two and set on pegs. The

society was organized sometime previously and there was preach-

ing at Jacob Holmes' house, the Holmeses, Moores and Meeks

being members of the first society. Three of Isaac Meek's sons

became preachers, and in this building Jacob Holmes and John

Meek were licensed to preach. Bishop Asbury, J. B. Finley, J.

R. Brochunier, and other distinguished divines preached in the

old church. The old building was abandoned in 1810 and the

creek now runs over the place where the graveyard was, and it

is said that bodies were washed out by the current and carried

away. Two churches have since been erected and the congre-

gation is to-day in a flourishing state.

Eighteen hundred and eleven was the year of revivals in

the Steubenville Methodist church, the congregation increasing

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     257


to such numbers and power that a church building was erected

on a lot donated by Bezaleel Wells, the house being thirty-five by

fifty feet, it being much larger than the room over the court

house erected in 1798, and reserved for the religious services of

all denominations. The next year conference was in session in

Steubenville, Bishops Asbury and McKendree being present.

During this revival meetings were held in Bezaleel Wells' sugar

orchard, at which "there was great outpouring of the 'Spirit.'"

In 1814 J. B. Finley was on the circuit embracing Steubenville,

which then included all of the present territory of Jefferson, and

parts of Harrison and Belmont counties. Finley, in September

of that year, wrote: "This is a four weeks' circuit, with an ap-

pointment for each week day and two for each Sabbath, making

thirty-two appointments, with fifty classes to meet each round."

It was well that there were giants in those days. He continues:

"This year the church in Steubenville was completed and dedi-

cated. At the time of the dedication a Bible was presented by

twelve gentlemen of the town, with the request that a sermon

be preached from Rev. xxii, 1, which was complied with, and it

pleased God to pour out His Spirit in a wonderful manner.

Eleven of the twelve were converted." This was the beginning

of the First Methodist church of which Edwin M. Stanton was

at one time a member, afterwards attending the Methodist

Protestant church of Steubenville.

Matthew Simpson, the ablest prelate of the Methodist Epis-

copal church in America, was born within the lines of the orig-

inal Jefferson county, his birth-place being Cadiz. His parents

were Scotch-Irish and were among the early settlers, his mother

having been reared on the headwaters of Short creek. He was

characterized by many of the distinguishing traits of the blood

of which he was one of the most striking examples. But as a

boy he was uncouth, awkward, bashful and gave very little

evidence of his preeminence in manhood. He went about bare-

footed, without coat and his suspenders fastened with nails run

through his waistband. He received the fire of religious en-

thusiasm early in his career, but attended college with the in-

tention of becoming a physician, having changed from this pro-

ject to the ministry by the influence of Miss Letitia McFadden,

Vol. VI-17

258 Ohio Arch

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afterwards Mrs. Joseph R. Hunter. This sainted woman had

come from Philadelphia and had established the first Presby-

terian Sunday-school in the village. Simpson, desiring to es-

tablish such a school in the Methodist church, asked permission

of the trustees, who refused to permit him to use the church, on

the ground that a Sunday-school would bring children into the

church, and children would bring in litter. The matter was fin-

ally compromised by Simpson agreeing to sweep the church each

Monday morning, and thus he established his Sunday-school.

This was the beginning of the career of the Bishop whose great

mind conceived and whose master genius carried out, the great

enterprises of one of the most magnificent religious organiza-

tions in the world, and whose oratorical triumphs are a part of

the Republic's history. He was sought for advice by President

Lincoln during the trials that almost overwhelmed him during

the darkest days of the War Between the States, and he was the

close friend of Gen. Grant; a man of God was he, powerful in

church and state.

Bishop Stephen Mason Merrill was born in Mount Pleasant,

September 16, 1825, and became a traveling preacher in the M.

E. church in 1864 and Bishop in 1872. Bishop Merrill is prob-

ably known in a larger circle of Methodists than any other

bishop. His work has been all in the church and none of it in

the educational line of the church. His earliest recollections

are of his days as a barefooted youngster, hunting squirrels over

the hills about Mount Pleasant. He could run faster than any

boy he knew and could jump higher than any one in the whole

country. There was very little money in the family purse and

it was necessary for him early in his teens to turn in and add

his small earnings to those of the other members of the family.

He had learned the trade of a shoemaker and worked on the

bench with his book propped in front of him in a homemade

rack, combining business with education and struggling to earn

enough in spare moments to pay his way through school.

Bishop Merrill is the lawyer and parliamentarian of the episco-

pacy, and his book on ecclesiastical law is the code in the Metho-

dist church.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      259


Rev. Bascum, who was one of the most eloquent ministers

of America, was one of the pioneer Steubenville preachers, who

went from Steubenville to Pittsburg, from there to the eastern

cities, and when the church divided into Northern and Southern

factions, he joined the Southern body and became its greatest


But the honor of erecting the first house of worship in Jef-

ferson county belongs to the Presbyterians. In 1798 the settle-

ment on the site of St. Clairsville organized a church, of which

William McWilliams, David McWilliams and James McConnell

were chosen ruling elders. At the same time a Presbyterian

church was organized on Short creek (Mt. Pleasant). Dr. John

McMillen, the founder of Washington and Jefferson college, and

a pioneer minister in Western Pennsylvania, being a graduate

of the Old Log College of the Tennants, assisted at the organi-

zation of the two churches. In the same year a log church was

erected at St. Clairsville as well as one at Mount Pleasant. In

the following year a call was made out for Rev. Joseph Ander-

son, who had been supplying the two churches. The joint call

was placed before the Presbytery of Ohio on April 15, 1800, and

he was installed on August 20th, the same year. His ordination

took place under a large tree on the farm of the late Clark

Mitchell, near Mount Pleasant, and the honor was his of being

the first Presbyterian minister ordained west of the Ohio river.62

It is said of Rev. Anderson by his biographer that "he was a

man of zeal and true piety, sound in the faith and abundant in

labors, of good presence and address, but of moderate abilities."

After serving both churches for many years, he devoted his

whole time to St. Clairsville.

The place where the first services were held by the Short

creek Presbyterians was the site of Beech Spring school house,

near Short creek. The people stood under the spreading

branches of the primitive forest while the minister and the pre-

centor were under an awning. The first elders were Richard

McKibbon, Thomas McCune, James Clark and James Eagleson.

The first building was about one and one-fourth miles southeast

62 Rev. Dr. Milligan.

NOTE.--Ohio Presbytery was formed out of Redstone Presbytery in 1793, and ex-

tended to the Scioto.

260 Ohio Arch

260      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


of the place where the organization was effected. The building

of course was a very crude structure and was without fire or fire-

place, as was the custom in the pioneer days, fire being consid-

ered sacrilegious in a church, although delicate women were per-

mitted to bring heated stones to keep their feet warm during the

winter months. In this log house the Presbyterians of the Short

creek church worshiped for twenty years. A cemetery contain-

ing a hundred graves was also there, but time has destroyed

almost all signs of it, there being but one or two stones left to

mark the graves of the fathers who have gone before. The old

log church has been succeeded by two brick edifices, the new

buildings being in Mount Pleasant. The congregation was

served by two ministers for eighty years, Rev. Benjamin Mit-

chell, who followed Rev. Anderson, having preached to this

flock for fifty years.

Early in 1798 Rev. Smiley Hughes preached to the settlers

in Steubenville by appointment of the Presbytery of Ohio and

by similar appointment Rev. James Snodgrass preached in the

town and neighborhood in June, 1799, but the church was not

permanently formed until this time, when a tent was erected in

which services were held by ministers by appointment of the

Presbytery. At about this time the Island creek Presbyterian

church was organized and a joint call was made for Mr. Snod-

grass, which joint pastorate he filled until 1816, when the pas-

torate of the Steubenville church was dissolved, and Rev. Wm.

McMillen, who had taken charge of an academy built previous

to 1811, and who had filled the pulpit the days Mr. Snodgrass

was at his other charge, was elected pastor. The first church

built was in 1803, which was a brick structure. The first ruling

elders were Thomas Vincent, John Milligan, Samuel Hunter,

John Rickey and Samuel Meek. The other old Presbyterian

churches in the county are, Two Ridges, organized by Rev.

Snodgrass in 1804; Bacon Ridge in 1804; Cross creek, by Oba-

diah Jennings, who had been receiver of the Land Office, in

1816. The Piney Fork United Presbyterian church was organ-

ized in 1800, the pastor being Rev. Alexander Calderhead, a

Scotch minister of the Associate Reformed church. He was the

pastor of the church until the relation was dissolved by his death

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     261


in 1812. The United Presbyterian church of Steubenville was

organized in 1810, Rev. George Buchanan being the first pastor,

which relation he held until his death, in 1855. He was a zealous

and faithful minister, and for nearly thirty years supplied the

pulpits of the churches on Yellow creek, and on Harmon's creek,

the latter being at Paris, Pa.

In 1786 the Associate Reformed Synod of Pennsylvania

having decided that "a religious test was not essential to the

being of a magistrate," there were many dissenters, among them

George Buchanan, Alexander McCoy and Robert Warwick, who

settled in the southern part of Jefferson county, now Kirkwood

township, Belmont county. The new religious formula created

a schism "which widened and grew stronger until on January 27,

1801, a Presbytery was organized at Washington, Pa., the name

adopted being 'The Reformed Dissenting Presbytery.'" Mc-

Coy became a minister of this denomination, and a church for

the accomodation of a growing congregation was built in 1812.

The first minister to preach in the log church was Rev. John

Patterson, of Pennsylvania, who filled the pulpit once a month.

He was succeeded by Rev. John Anderson, under whose pas-

torate a stone church was built to accomodate the continued

growth of the congregation. Sermons two and three hours long

were preached both morning and afternoon by Mr. Anderson.

He was a man of great ability, but large as the congregation

was, the building holding five hundred people, he received only

thirty dollars per year. At the death of Mr. Anderson Rev.

Hugh Forsythe, who defeated Henry Clay for the presidency by

announcing to the country that he had been on an Ohio river

steamboat with the famous statesman and had seen him gamb-

ling with his own eyes and had heard him take the name of God

in vain with his own ears, was called to the charge. Rev. Goudy

was the minister when the secession took place and broke up the

congregation, which then attended the United Presbyterian


The first Protestant Episcopal church was organized in

December, 1800, Dr. Doddridge entering into an agreement with

a number of persons living west of the Ohio river, to perform the

duties of a clergyman every third Saturday at the house of "the

262 Ohio Arch

262      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


widow McGuire," in what is now Cross Creek township, near Fern-

wood station, on the Panhandle railroad, the name of the church

then organized being St. James. The subscription paper, which

is dated December 1, 1800, contains the following names:

George Mahan, William Whitecraft, Eli Kelly, George Haili-

well, William McConnell, John McConnell, George Richey, Ben-

jamin Doyle, Joseph Williams, John Long, Mary McGuire, John

McKnight, Frederick Allbright, John Scott, Moses Hanlon. It

was this parish that first petitioned the General Convention in

1806 asking leave to form a diocese in the western country. Those

signing this petition were, William McConnell, Robert Maxwell,

John Cunningham, George Mahan, Andrew Elliott, James Cun-

ningham, Samuel Tipton, Alexander Cunningham, Widow Ma-

han, Gabriel Armstrong, John McCullough, James Foster, Ben-

jamin Doyle, William White, Thomas White, James Strong,

John McConnell, Hugh Taggart, Richard White, John Foster,

James Dunlevy, William Graham, and Daniel Dunlevy, the latter

an uncle of Judge James H. Anderson, of Columbus. All Scotch-

Irish. A church was built which was consecrated by Bishop

Chase in 1825. Dr. Doddridge was the rector of the parish until

1823. St. James was the second Protestant Episcopal church or-

ganized in the Northwest Territory, the first being at Marietta.

Long's M. E. church was organized in 1803 and is an offshoot of

the St. James Episcopal church. Rev. J. B. Finley preached in

this church in 1813.

St. Paul's Episcopal church was organized in Steubenville

in 1819, by Bishop Philander Chase, at the residence of William

Dickenson, who, being engaged in building up other parishes

in the neighborhood, gave but half of his time to St. Paul's, but

while he was absent services were held by Edward Wood. The

congregation worshiped sometimes in a room over the market

house and sometimes in the building erected by the First M. E.

church, but in 1822 the congregation occupied an old academy

on High street until the completion of their new building, which

was consecrated by Bishop Mcllvain, September 13, 1833.

The first Friends' meeting west of the Ohio river was held

in the autumn of 1800, near the tent of Jonathan Taylor, on the

site of what is now known as Concord, in Belmont county, five

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    263


miles from Mt. Pleasant. The same year the Friends erected a

log meeting house, the first church of this denomination in the

west, but it was not, as has been stated by historians, the first

church of any denomination erected in what is now Belmont

county, for as early as 1798 the Baptists had a log church near

the site of St. Clairsville, and at about the same time and near

the same place the Seceders or Unionists built a log church.

The same denomination erected a church not far from the Con-

cord meeting house in 1801. However it is a fact that the first

Friends' meeting held by authority in Ohio was at Concord,

which was so called by suggestion of Hannah Trimble, a travel-

ing minister, on a visit to this meeting. According to memo-

randa kept by Joseph Garretson, who settled at Concord in 1801,

there had been only a few Friends in that neighborhood up to

that time, the names of those settling being Joseph Dew, Benja-

min and Borden Stanton, Horton Howard, Jonathan Taylor and

others. Hannah Trimble and Hannah Kimberly were the first

Friends in the ministry who traveled in Ohio. As evidence of

the increase of the Friends' population it is only necessary to

note that in 1807, a quarterly meeting was opened and held at

Short creek, (Mt. Pleasant) being composed of Concord, Short

creek, Plymouth, Plainfield, and Stillwater monthly meetings.

The first meeting held in the Taylor tent was attended only by

Taylor, wife, children, and a few others. Meetings were regu-

larly held for worship and meetings for the transaction of busi-

ness were established in l802 under authority of the Yearly

meeting held in the east. In 1804, Jonathan Taylor removed

from Concord to a point nearer the site of Mount Pleasant,

wherein was erected a meeting house, the Stantons, Lipseys,

and other Friends having moved to the locality from North

Carolina. The records of a monthly meeting called Short creek,

held March 5, 1804, contain this note - "At this first meeting

the subject of the pious and guarded education of the youth and

the state of the schools was weightily considered, and a committee

appointed to give the subject further solid consideration." Na-

than Updegraff was appointed clerk, Jesse Hall and Henry Lewis

from Short creek Preparatory meeting, to serve as overseers. The

meeting built a house in 1806, the structure being forty-five by

264 Ohio Arch

264      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


seventy feet, at that time the largest church building in the state.

Ohio Yearly meeting was set off from the Baltimore Yearly

meeting in 1812, previously the meetings west of the Alle-

ghenies being under control of Baltimore, and the first Ohio

Yearly meeting was held at Short creek in 1813. Marriages in

accordance with the established usage of the Friends' meeting

were frequent. On December 20, 1814, was recorded the bans

of Benjamin Lundy, the first American Abolitionist, and Esther

Lewis. In 1816  a brick meeting house sixty-two by ninety,

showing the rapid increase of the Friends, was built in Mount

Pleasant, there now being two meeting houses in the immediate

neighborhood, one at Short creek and the other at Mount Pleas-


It was at the Yearly meeting held at Mount Pleasant, in

1828, that the Friends of America divided into two factions, one

the followers of Elias Hicks, adopting the name of Friends, and

the other Orthodox Friends. The meeting at which the sepa-

ration occurred, according to the account written by Thomas

Shillitoe, who was present, was broken up in a riot. The meet-

ing was held on September 6, which was Sunday, but those who

had gathered in the meeting house, knowing that Hicks and

those with him, had come prepared to make trouble, refused

them admittance to the house, whereupon Hicks and his fact

tion held a meeting in the open air. The next day Hicks and

his friends were in the house early and as soon as the meeting

had fully gathered, says Shillitoe, "Elias Hicks stood up and

occupied much time in setting forth his 'doctrines.' On their be-

ing requested again and again to sit down, the Hicksite party

shouted from various parts of the meeting, manifesting such

violence of temper that it appeared safest to suffer them to go

on." The next day, September 8, the opposition to the Hicks-

ites organized door-keepers for the purpose of preventing the

admission of the "Separatists", who became so violent that it

was considered the better part of peace to admit the disturbing

element. The door-keepers being removed from service, "the

mob, headed by two Hicksite preachers, rushed into the house

like a torrent, accompanied by some of the rabble of the town."

The Hicksite party prevented the clerk, Jonathan Taylor, from

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      265


opening the meeting, and even forced him from the table, which

was broken, and Taylor injured, from which injury he never

recovered, it being the cause of his death. "My seat," writes

Shillitoe, "being next to the clerk, a man63 of large stature and

bulk came over the gallery rail almost upon me, followed by two

young men. I was on the point to leave the house, but before

I was on my feet one of the Separatists near me, looking up,

exclaimed that the gallery over our heads was falling. A great

crash at this moment was heard over our heads, which it was

afterwards proved had been produced by one of the Separatists

breaking a piece of wood. Immediately an alarm being given,

'the gallery is falling!' from the other side of the house, there was

an outcry, 'The house is falling!' A sudden rush in every direc-

tion produced a sound like thunder, and brought down a

small piece of plaster, which raised considerable dust and had

the appearance of the walls giving way." Further confusion was

caused by the Friends calling out that the alarm was false, and

mixed with their voices were the voices of the Hickites declar-

ing that the building was falling, although it was observed that

while the Hicksites were urging the others to leave they made

no effort to get away from the danger themselves. "I had no

difficulty," says Shillitoe, "until I reached the door, where the

crowd was very great. Some were thrown down and were in dan-

ger of being trampled to death." "The Separatists having now

obtained possession of the house, voices were heard above the

general uproar, 'Now is the time, rush on!' When the tumult

and uproar had somewhat subsided, it was proposed that we

should leave this scene of riot; which, being united with Friends,

adjourned." The Hicksites retained possession of the house

and the other Friends met in the open air, adjourning afterwards

to the Short creek meeting house. The next year the Hicks-

ites built a meeting house, but continued to have the use of

the other two houses. The Hicksites continue to hold meeting

in the house erected by them in the primitive style of the


According to Shillitoe, the turbulance occasioned by the


63 David Burson.

266 Ohio Arch

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attempts of the Hicksites to control the Stillwater meeting, was

even greater than that at Mt. Pleasant. He says: "The meet-

ing was informed before it was fully gathered, that some per-

sons were on their way who had been members of this select

meeting, but who had been disowned in consequence of uniting

themselves with the Separatists (Hicksites). On their making

the attempt to enter the house, and the door-keeper preventing

them, they assembled on the meeting house lot, where they held

their meeting, praying and preaching, so much to the annoyance

of Friends that they were obliged to close the windows of the

meeting house." The next day while proceeding towards the

meeting house Shillitoe observed a vast crowd of people assem-

bled; the nearer he approached the more awful the commotion

appeared; "the countenances and actions of many manifested

a determination to make their way into the house by resorting to

violent means, if no other way would effect their designs. By

pressing through the crowd we gained admittance. The tumult

increased to an alarming degree; the consequences of keeping

the doors fastened any longer were to be dreaded, as the mob

were beginning to break the windows to obtain an entrance,

and to inflict blows on some of the door-keepers. It was there-

fore concluded to open the doors. The door of the men's room

being opened, - to attempt to describe the scene to the full

would be in vain. The feelings awakened in my mind were

such as to almost overpower my confidence in the superintend-

ing care of a Divine Protector. The countenances of many as

they entered the house seemed to indicate that they were ready

to fall upon the little handful of us in the minister's gallery,

there being few others in the house. Some of their party forced

open the shutters as if they would have brought the whole of

them to the ground; others ran to the doors, which had been

made secure, seizing them, tore them open and some off the

hinges. The cracking and hammering this occasioned for the

short time it lasted, was awful to me, not knowing where or in

what this scene of riot and wickedness of temper would end.

The house was very soon crowded to an extreme, the Separatists

taking possession of one end of the men's room and Friends

the other." The business of the two Quarterly meetings was

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      267


then conducted as if nothing had happened to disturb the tran-

quil mind of these peaceable people.

The cause of the division in the Friends' meeting with the

resulting factions of Hicksites and Orthodox Friends, was a

statement made the year before the division, by Elias Hicks,

who was a very prominent man of Philadelphia as well as a

Friend of wide reputation. During the Yearly meeting at Mt.

Pleasant a heated discussion took place in which Hicks made

the declaration that there "was no more efficacy in the blood

of Christ than in the blood of goats." Members of the meeting

dissented with much vigor of expression, but he being a person

of strong force and wide influence, he had many adherents. It

is said, however, that had he been moved at the time to make

the explanation of his statement that was afterwards made, the

division that resulted in much bitterness of feeling would not

have been.

The Orthodox (opposition to the Hicksites) divided in 1854

into what is known as the Gurneyites and the Wilburites, the

Gurney faction taking the Short creek house and the other fac-

tion the Mt. Pleasant meeting house. The Wilburites held the

boarding school property built in 1836 up to 1874, when the

Supreme Court by decision settled the title in favor of the Gur-


After these great divisions others followed. Abby Kelly,

a disciple of the Graham system of diet and a spiritualist, lectured

in Mt. Pleasant in 1840 and gained many converts in the society

of Friends to her theories. John O. Wattles, the noted vegetarian,

also won many converts among the Friends. He was likewise

a spiritualist and would not move a finger without direction by

a spirit. Some of his Mt. Pleasant converts dying, it was said

they starved to death as the result of the restricted diet advo-

cated by him, he holding the theory that eating the flesh of

animals was a violation of the laws of God. His wife is now

living at Oberlin at the age of eighty, her daughters, who were

educated in Paris, teaching music in the conservatory. Mrs.

Wattles has not eaten meat for fifty years and her daughters

never tasted flesh, holding as they do, strictly to the schism

taught as a religion by their father.

268 Ohio Arch

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Another division was made by Elisha Bates. The followers

of Fox did not believe in baptism by water, but of the Holy

Ghost. Bates, while on a visit to the Holy Land, submitted to

baptism in the River Jordan, and was taken to task for this

lapse from the doctrine as promulgated by the father of the

meeting; but he held to the ordinance of baptism as a saving

means, on which subject he wrote a book. This he afterwards

renounced and the copies of the book in the hands of the Mt.

Pleasant Friends were burned with ceremony; but he again re-

canted and in 1844 left the Friends to become a Methodist

Episcopal minister, readopting the tenets he had set forth in

the book, the copies of which had been burned at his request.

He had followers in each of the several movements, and of

course took with him into the Methodist communion a number

of Friends. While addressing a large camp meeting near Mt.

Pleasant in 1844, Bates was interrupted by persons he had of-

fended by his various changes; boys even pelting him with

buckeyes. He grew angry and declared that he had left the

most tranquil church in the land and now found himself in the

noisiest, extremes that he could not reconcile. He then left the

Methodist church.

The Gurneyites are the followers of Joseph John Gurney,

who favored evangelism; the Wilburites are the followers of

John Wilbur, who dissented. All the factional differences divided

families as well as the meeting.

The Friends to-day are divided into many schisms, there

being at Mt. Pleasant, once the stronghold of Quakers, Spirit-

ualists, Christian Scientists, Divine Healers, and several other

schisms of like character.

The first Regular Baptist church in Jefferson county was

established in Steubenville May 17, 1812, but two years later

the church was removed to where Unionport now is and was

called Mount Moriah.

Although there were Catholic families in Steubenville as

early as 1792, a church was not built until 1832, when the foun-

dation of St. Pius church, now St. Peters, was laid by Rev. Father

Grady, but during the interval missionary priests from Pittsburg

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     269


made stated visits, the first of these being Rev. Father O'Brien,

of blessed memory.

Rev. Thomas and Rev. Alexander Campbell, father and son,

the founders of the Disciples church, were early in Jefferson

county. In The Western Herald and Steubenville Gazette of

September 13, 1828, is the following notice:-"The citizens of

Steubenville are respectfully informed that Messrs. Thomas and

A. Campbell will wait upon them in the court house, on Sunday,

the 14th, at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of preaching the ancient

Gospel." While the Campbells frequently preached in Jefferson

county the records do not show that a church society was or-

ganized before 1844. Alexander Campbell's influence in the

Ohio river country is already a part of history, his college at

Bethany, near the Ohio-Pennsylvania-Virginia lines being at one

time one of the most influential institutions of learning in the west.

The religious interests of Ross township were early sustained

by the first settlers, among them men of strong convictions, such

as Judge Thomas George, Henry Crabs and Isaac Shane. Early

in the century the Old Brick church was erected on Bacon Ridge

under the influence of the Shane families, these families to-day

being the moving spirit in this venerable Presbyterian organiza-


The first preaching on Yellow creek, one of the most noted

streams in the annals of Ohio, was from a tent erected on its

banks in Ross township. Here the Gospel was liberated from

rising to setting of the sun, and so stentorian was the preacher that

the Word could be heard throughout the dale and over the hills.

Upon communion occasions, when the service would be long and

the people had come from great distances to partake of the holy

sacrament, a candle would be lighted that the end of the service

might be the same evening. Ross township now contains a

church for each six square miles, which is to say, six churches are

within its territory.

270 Ohio Arch

270       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.



A Newspaper in Steubenville in  1806--The First Editor Col.

Miller of Fort Meigs Fame -All the Early Editors Promi-

nent Men -James Wilson a Pupil of Duane of the Philadel-

phia Aurora-He Changes the Steubenville Herald to a

Whig Organ and the Democrats Start Another Paper -Two

Steubenville Editors Start the First Daily Paper in Pitts-

burg - Some of the Early Editors Elected to Congress.

The site of Turner Hall on North Third street is the site

of one of the first buildings erected in Steubenville. The old

building was erected by the father of Col. John Miller, one of

the founders of the Herald, previous to 1800. The property was

inherited by Col. Miller, who, with William Lowry, established

The Herald in it in 1806. This lot was inherited by the late James

Parks, who was Miller's nephew, and sold by him to the Turner

society. When The Herald was established it was a Democratic

paper and the only journal in Steubenville, afterwards becoming

a Whig paper and subsequently Republican.

Both Lowry and Miller came to Steubenville from Berkeley

county, Va., and both became distinguished men. Miller volun-

teered in the War of Twelve, but afterwards joined the Regulars.

He distinguished himself at the battle of Fort Meigs, and was

promoted to a colonelcy in the regular army. After the war, when

the Missouri lands were opened, he was made land register of

that territory.

Lowry died in Steubenville in 1843. He was a member of

the State Legislature in 1823-24 and of the Senate in 1825-6. It

was during his last year as Senator that Henry Clay was invited to

speak in Steubenville on what was then known as the American

system (the protective tariff). A big public dinner was given,

and speeches were made by Clay, James Ross, Senator from

Pennsylvania, and one of the founders of Steubenville, and by

John C. Wright, member of Congress from the district. Clay's

toast was - "Jefferson County: Its Green Hills, its Flocks and

its Fleeces." The woolen mills were in full blast then, with market

for their product throughout the country. Wm. Lowry was a

man of considerable ability and influence. Besides representing

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     271

Click on image to view full size

Founder of Steubenville Herald in 1806, and Leader of Sortie at Fort Meigs During

the War of 1812.


the county in the Legislature he held other important offices.

He was a civil engineer, and surveyed and built the old gravel

road leading from Steubenville to Alikanna. Alikanna was then

known as Speakersburg, having been laid out as a town during

the "boom" period of 1814.

Wm. Lowry occupied the building in which The Herald

was established as his office as the public surveyor and lived in

the adjoining brick.

James Wilson was brought here from Philadelphia by Judge

Wright to edit The Herald in 1815. Wilson was a pupil of

Duane of The Philadelphia Aurora, then perhaps the most prom-

inent Democratic paper in the country. It was under Wilson's

administration that The Herald was made a Whig organ, the

name then being The Western Herald and Steubenville Gazette.

A copy of the paper of date September 11, 1819, at hand, gives

not the least evidence that it had an editor, let alone such a dis-

tinguished man as Judge Wilson at its head. Like most papers of

the early days, it was filled with foreign news many days old,

patent medicine advertisements, and announcements of the local

merchants, which were more numerous than now. Wilson died

in a house on North Fourth street, of cholera, in 1852. Mrs.

Wilson, who went to New Lisbon after her husband's death,

died there shortly after the late war, and her remains lie in the

Steubenville cemetery. They had seven children, two of the sons,

Henry and Edward, and a daughter, Margaret, being triplets. The

names of the other children were Joseph, the father of Prof. Wood-

row Wilson of Princeton college, Elizabeth, James and Robert.

Robert succeeded his father as editor of The Herald, but afterwards

went to New Lisbon, where he died. James, while in Steubenville,

joined the Fifth street M. P. church and became a preacher. He

was smart and eloquent, but did not care what he said when not

in the pulpit. On one occasion he had been riding horseback,

and the animal getting his foot fastened in the stirrup, the Rev.

James remarked to the unfortunate horse, "Damn you; if you

are going to get on, I'll get off." He went from Steubenville

to Cincinnati, where he became a Methodist Episcopal minister,

and from Cincinnati to New York, where he died. His parents

were Presbyterians, and almost disowned him for joining the

272 Ohio Arch

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Methodist church. Joseph became a Presbyterian minister and

moved to South Carolina. At the outbreak of the war he was

a strong secessionist, but when things began to get warm, he

changed his mind and made a speech against rebellion in Charles-

ton, for which indiscretion he was arrested by the Confederate

authorities and imprisoned.

Henry went to Columbus, where he married a daughter of

Gen. Medary, and Edward, who was a militia general, went to

New York.

In 1816, the year after Wilson came to Steubenville, he

was elected to the State Legislature. After Wilson joined the

Whig party with his paper, Frew & Laird established, in a build-

ing opposite The Herald office, The Ledger as a Jackson paper

on September 20, 1826. Rev. J. P. Miller, a Seceder minister

and a Democrat, was an editorial contributor of The Ledger,

writing a vast amount of matter for its columns. He was a man

of great intellect and displayed much ability as a political writer.

Samuel Frew died at Elizabeth on the Monongahela river in

1859. Mr. Laird, his partner, went to Greensburg, Pa., where

for many years he edited The Argus, dying only a few years

ago at the ripe age of 90.

Apropos of Wilson's editorship of The Herald and the chang-

ing of the paper from a Democratic organ to a Whig organ,

a correspondent of the Pittsburg Post gives the following incident

of the campaign of 1844:

"Jimmy" Polk of Tennessee was the Democratic candidate,

and that great idol of the Whigs, Henry Clay, was the Whig

candidate. It was a long and lively campaign, big meetings being

held all over the country, and your city took an unusually lively

interest in it, as there was a governor to be elected in Pennsyl-

vania that year. Shunk was the Democratic candidate, and was

one of the speakers at a big meeting held at the foot of Seminary

hill. Dr. John McCook of Steubenville was another of the

speakers. There were a number of stands erected for the speakers,

and the one the doctor spoke from was packed with his political

friends, as he no doubt believed, but there was one exception.

On the stand was a young man, who, unnoticed, managed to get

close to the doctor while he was speaking. In the course of his

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     273


speech Dr. McCook charged a Mr. Wilson, of Steubenville, editor

of a Whig paper, with having published untruthful charges against

the Democrats, knowing at the same time that they were lies;

and just then this young man struck him and jumped off the

stand, and had not a horseman pushed his way through the crowd

and got him on his horse, I believe he would have been killed.

He was a son of Wilson. The doctor was very little hurt, and

went on with his speech."

The Republican Ledger was purchased in 1830 from Mr.

Laird, who was then sole owner, by a Mr. Rippey and Joseph

Cable. Cable was born in Island Creek township in 1800 and

was of French Huguenot stock. They changed the name to

The Jeffersonian Democrat and Farmers' and Mechanics' Advo-

cate. Hon. L. Harper, late of The Mt. Vernon Banner, learned

the printer's trade in this office, and in 1832 went to Pittsburg with

James Wilson, then the publisher of The Herald, and established

the first daily published in that city. It was a Whig paper and

was named The Pennsylvania Advocate. The Advocate was in

opposition to The Gazette, which was an Anti-Masonic organ.

Mr. Cable sold The Jeffersonian Democrat to Messrs. John S.

Patterson and James Scott, who changed the name to The Amer-

ican Union. Mr. Cable went to New Lisbon, where he published

The Patriot for some years, going from there to Carrollton,

where he published a Democratic paper, and in 1848 was elected

to Congress, serving two terms, and was distinguished for efforts

that secured the passage of the Homestead act, in this work

dividing honors with Salmon P. Chase, who was in the Senate.

He afterwards went to Paulding, where he continued his news-

paper work almost up to the time of his death, which occurred

May 10, 1880. Although an old man, he took a very active part

in the campaign of 1873, when William Allen was elected Gov-

ernor by the Democrats. He was noted for a long time as an

infidel, but he was converted in the Methodist church and died

an ardent Christian. Patterson and Scott continued the publica-

tion of The Union. Scott was killed while on a pleasure excursion

to Wellsburg with a party of young folks from Steubenville. The

publication of the paper was continued alone by Mr. Patterson

up to 1837, when it was purchased by Col. W. C. McCauslen and

Vol. VI-18

274 Ohio Arch

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Leckey Harper, who were succeeded by Justin G. Morris. Col.

McCauslen went to Congress, as did also his successor, Andrew

Stuart. Stuart was succeeded by Mr. Sheridan, who, during the

war left the Democratic ranks and made a Union party organ

of the paper, and the enterprise failed. In 1863 the Democrats

established The Courier, which was edited by Mr. Logan, but

it had a short life, the Democrats who furnished the money for

the enterprise lost all they invested in the paper. On September 1,

1865, C. N. Allen, of Cadiz, established The Gazette, which he

continued to issue up to February, 1875, when the office was

purchased by the present proprietors, McFadden & Hunter.

The Herald was made a daily paper by W. R. Allison in

1847, just after the first telegraph line was built to Steubenville,

and continued its publication up to 1873, when P. B. Conn became

its owner, with Joseph B. Doyle as manager. In 1897 the plant

was purchased by a company of which Hon. J. J. Gill is the head,

with Mr. Doyle as editor and manager, the paper being one of

the most prominent Republican organs in Ohio, whose influence

in party affairs is recognized by the leaders.



A Manumitted Slave Colony Founded by Nathaniel Benford of

Virginia on McIntyre Creek-Although Well Equipped in

Every Possible Material Manner, and in a Quaker Neigh-

borhood with all the Aid these Friends of the Negro Slave

Could Give, the Colony Proves a Failure-- The Negroes De-

generate and Almost Relapse into Barbarism -Their Weird

Superstitions, their Religious and Political Fervor-Their

Religious and Political Meetings-Benjamin Lundy Starts

the First Abolition Paper in Mt. Pleasant, where the First

Abolition Convention is Held.

For many years previous to the rebellion there were few

northern counties known so well to the slave of the South as

Jefferson county, Ohio. He was constantly hearing stories of

his brothers who had escaped and were enjoying freedom

through the instrumentality of the people of this county. As

early as 1816 what was subsequently known as the "Under-

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      275

ground Railway," was organized by people of Smithfield and

Mt. Pleasant townships, and slaves escaping from bondage

would cross the Ohio and hasten to Mt. Pleasant, confident that

they would receive shelter and protection and a help on the way

to Canada. It was in 1837 that the first Abolition meeting in

Ohio convened in Mt. Pleasant forming the most notable and

important gathering, up to that time, assembled to protest

against the institution of slavery. There was also established in

Mt. Pleasant a free-labor store in which nothing made by slave

labor, either in raw material or the finished article, would be

sold, but it flourished only ten years. Taking into consideration

all these other efforts to free the enslaved negro it is not strange

that this county should contain a colony so unique in its orig-

inal settlement and so fraught with lessons in its subsequent de-

velopment, that it has scarcely an equal in the United States.

A manumitted slave colony was established on McIntyre creek

and the place called Hayti in 1829.

In 1825 Nathaniel Benford, of Charles City county, Vir-

ginia, liberated seven of his slaves and sent them to Benjamin

Ladd, who had come from the same county to Smithfield in

1814. These seven slaves were placed on a farm on Stillwater

creek, Harrison county, but soon drifted apart, being employed

by the neighboring farmers. Mr. Benford was a Quaker and a

man of ability. It was said he was led to this first liberation by

the example of David Minge, who resided near him. At the

early age of twenty-five Mr. Minge freed eighty-seven of his

slaves and sent them to Cuba. One of the stories which the old

women of Hayti were always telling was about Mr. Minge dis-

tributing a peck of silver dollars to the people on the day the

ship sailed for Cuba.

Mr. Benford could not at first make up his mind whether

the condition of the slave would be bettered if manumitted. But

in 1829 he gave his manumission papers to nine families of

slaves on his plantation and provided means of transportation

to Smithfield. He had instructed Mr. Ladd as to their disposal

and had furnished him the means to carry out instructions. Mr.

Ladd purchased for the emancipated slaves from Thomas Mans-

field two hundred and sixty acres in Wayne township, about two

276 Ohio Arch

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miles from Smithfield. Mr. Benford had supplied means to put

up cabins for the families and to buy farming implements. All

this was done by Mr. Ladd in accordance with Benford's wishes.

The heads of the original families were: Nathaniel Ben-

ford, who took the name of his master; Ben Messenburg, Col-

lier Christian, Lee Carter, Paige Benford, David Cooper, Wil-

liam Toney, Fielding Christian and Fitzhugh Washington. Na-

thaniel was sort of a chief in the colony on account of the confi-

dence reposed in him by his master in Virginia. By reason of

his large family he received more property, all of which property

was divided into parcels of from three to fifteen acres and dis-

tributed according to number of children in each family.

The longevity of all the original settlers has been something

remarkable. William Toney died at the age of a hundred a few

years ago, and even when far advanced in years was a man of

imposing stature - well-knit muscles, capable of almost any

physical exertion. Fielding Christian was called "Old Field-

ing," for fifty years, and at his death, fifteen years ago, (1883)

the surviving members of the settlement claimed that he was

over one hundred and ten. Others died at advanced ages and in

so far as known none of the original colonists are now living.

All of the original colonists were known for miles around.

Many were gardners who received their instructions from old

Benny Messenburg, who displayed remarkable taste in laying

out flower plats and had great success in raising vegetables. He

had a time for everything and the moon had to be just so, to-

gether with certain other favorable circumstances before the

ground could be broken or the seed planted. Collier Christian

had more than a local reputation as a cook. His face would

shine and glisten like a reflector when he saw any one eat

heartily and heard him praise his culinary art. Lee Carter was

a porter for a long time at the "Old Black Bear" in Steubenville,

and told marvelous stories of the people he had met and the

consideration paid him. Evens Benford was a huckster. The

others were farmers, raising on their own ground what was

necessary for their comfort and hiring out to the neighboring

farmers for wages to clothe their families. "Old Fielding" was

always in demand at every butchering, many people believing

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      277


that if he did not bleed the pigs the ham or sausage would not

brown properly when cooked. The wives of the men were often

employed by their neighbors and often their services were in-

valuable, owing to their faithfulness.

Upon the land given them they attempted at first to raise

the crops of Virginia, including tobacco, flax and hemp, but

these soon wore out the soil, and afterwards the usual crop con-

sisted of a small patch of corn, oats or rye to be used principally

as food for their animals, while the rest of the land, if cultivated

at all, was worked by the women, who put in the garden truck.

The land was of course originally woodland to a great extent,

and had to be cleared. When this was done their knowledge

of agriculture was so meagre and their natural indolence so

great that much of it soon became grown over with red brush

and rank weeds until it became again utterly worthless for their

purposes. The negroes were satisfied as long as they could

fill their stomachs, and the traits of thrift and energy and faculty

for the accumulation of property for a rainy day were so little

developed that in the course of time the property became as

valueless as when first purchased. With regard to the land it-

self, originally it was as fertile and as capable of prolific crops

as any in Jefferson county. The surrounding farms fully attest

this fact. The land had another advantage of being hillside

land, all facing east, and taking everything into consideration a

better location for their material progress and future success and

attaining competency could hardly have been chosen. Accus-

tomed as they were, to the cultivation of the richest land in the

valley of the James river, they were especially ignorant of any

means of fertilization and of preventing the wear of the virgin

soil. Were the property of any value now it would probably

be the subject of more complex litigation than the property of

the Economite society of western Pennsylvania. It would be

the natural result of the uncertainty of title, the marriages and

inter-marriages of the original settlers and the complicated trans-

fers which have already taken place.

Among the strange and curious characteristics of the pecu-

liar colony at Hayti, the religious fervor during "bush" meetings

and revivals certainly predominated. Although many of the

278 Ohio Arch

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original settlers had very little knowledge of the Bible, what they

did know was to them during these meetings, "like honey and

the honey-comb." The historical personages being real men and

the entire conduct of the ancient Jews worthy of imitation in

every respect, their faith in all matters spiritual being unlimited,

their preaching and exhortations on some disputed points of

modern theology were certainly unique, if not decidedly amusing.

Their experience of struggling with the Spirit - how they

forsook the evil of their ways and abandoned their course of

wickedness, their warnings to the sinful that they must crucify

the man of sin or else forever forego the hope of salvation, were

often weird pictures of word painting. They believed in the lit-

eral hell of fire and brimstone, locating it often in the centre of

the earth, where all who did not reach the city of Refuge through

a firm belief in everything their strange and fervid imaginations

pictured, would be damned to eternal torture and torment. The

music of the singing at the "bush" meetings was nothing like the

brilliant noise of the present day, irritating rather than soothing

to the nerves, but was truly an adequate expression of their

deep and intense feeling.

Those who have never heard the weird and plaintive singing

of a large body of negroes in the open air can form little con-

ception of its strange beauty or scarcely comprehend the manner

in which they throw themselves into it, body and soul. The

hymns were those in the Methodist hymnal, which were lined off

in the old fashioned way by the preacher reading two lines and

the congregation singing them. But to these hymns they added

an ad libitum chorus, each one supplying what to him seemed

appropriate to the occasion and the simple meter. Some of

these additions might have seemed somewhat irreverent to the

refined, and they certainly were so peculiar that they could never

have been suggested by any other imagination than that pos-

sessed by the negro.

When the grove which adjoins the church was lighted up

with torches and fires, the flickering light cast upon the sable

and shining countenances, making them look like beings of

another world; the pathetic sound of the preacher's voice and

the appearance of his body swaying to and fro in unison with

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.    279


the singing words; the loud and fervent ejaculations of the

elders; their weird music, sounding doubly strange and

plaintive by reason of the surroundings, all formed a picture

in the mind that cannot be eradicated. There have been in-

stances during these meeting of members passing into such a

state of ecstatic bliss that they fell into a trance, remaining in

that condition for hours. So excited did they become at times

that their emotions found vent in dancing, and the loud cries of

the repentant for help in their conflict and wrestling with the

flesh and the devil turned the church into religious pande-


During the revivals in the winter season many have been

the jokes played on the congregation. Usually for a week after

the meeting all white people were kept out of the church and

the doors and windows barred against them. To get even for

this some of the young white men of the neighborhood climbed

to the roof and stopped the chimneys, literally smoking out the

congregation. Every man, woman and child believed the smoke

to be a contrivance of the devil who was after some one of them,

each thinking he was the fuel designed for the brimstone. On

another occasion several of the white boys stole a goose and

carrying it to the top of the church waited for the religious fer-

vor to reach its height. An old woman of the congregation

began praying in front of the old wood-fire place, calling for

"de Spirit ob de Lawd to 'cend right now." Down came the

goose and out of the church went the congregation through the

door, windows and every other opening they could find, confi-

dent that they had been witnesses to a manifestation of the Spirit

descending like a dove. This would have been considered a

miracle, attracting the devout and believing of the colored race

to-day, had not a neighbor in passing the church the next morn-

ing seen the windows open and the goose quietly waddling

about under the benches, and the illusion under which the poor

people were struggling was dispelled.

Several of the eminent colored preachers were born there,

among them Rev. John Smith and Wilson Toney, both eloquent

men and zealous workers in the Master's vineyard. Those who

came from Virginia were mostly Methodists, although the Bap-

280 Ohio Arch

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tists were a good minority. McIntyre creek has often been the

scene of dippings at which many ludicrous incidents have oc-

curred. It may seem strange that none of these negroes were

Friends, considering the benefits they received from this relig-

icus body, but the quiet, passive way of their worship had no

attractions for the boisterous disposition of the negro. There

was one, however, Lucy Cardwell, who in practice and in prin-

ciple was a Quaker, and whose piety and patience under long

suffering were made the subject of a long Abolition tract written

by Elizabeth Ladd.

Closely allied to the strong religious fervor of their natures

was their superstition, a trait which they brought from Virginia,

and which was enhanced by the belief in necromancy and a

species of voodooism prevalent at McIntyre long before their

arrival. Probably there never existed people who had so strong

a belief in supernatural powers controlling ghosts and omens as

the African race. This may in part be explained from the fact

that like all primitive people their imaginations were easily im-

pressed with any story having for a foundation anything won-

derful or mysterious, and their poetic faculty of exaggeration

would make each repetition something still more wonderful until

finally it would be told in whispering tones and with frightened

looks as an act of his satanic majesty.

Before the Hayti colonists had left Virginia there were few

families for miles around McIntyre who had not their peculiar

signs, omens and disasters to be avoided by certain incantations

and the intervention of a witch doctor. If they believed that

a neighbor had too much knowledge of the black art and was

using it to the detriment of others, one favorite way of thwarting

his designs was to draw his profile on his barn door and shoot

a silver bullet through it. Instances of this witchcraft would

fill a longer volume than the history of that at Salem.

Many who laugh at the simple-minded negro in the Hayti

settlement on McIntyre creek, would be surprised did they know

that their ancestors frequently called to their aid the voodoo

doctors to make their cows give milk, fatten their pigs, or drive

away the gapes from chickens; and it is even said that there are

now living in the county descendants of witch doctors who prac-

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      281

ticed in the long ago. Without Christie's book64 it is impossible

to separate what was on McIntyre before the negro colonists

came and what they brought with them, but it did not take the

negroes long to fasten on to every ghostly story and every

charm against impending evil and make it peculiarly their own.

It is a fact that witchcraft was believed in by the early settlers

of this county, but that was a long time ago; and yet as late

as 1830 the question of witchcraft was discussed by many of the

best people in the county. The negro was not only more ready

to believe in the supernatural than the pioneers, but was more

loth to give up this belief when it once took hold, no matter

how absurd it became to the whites after investigation proved it

false. Thus the whites would ridicule notions that they them-

selves once entertained with much zeal, while the negro would

cling to them until they became a part of him. It is this char-

acteristic that makes the negro superstitious, and he is blamed

for holding beliefs for which the whites are alone responsible.

For a long time no wealth could hire a McIntyre negro to

pass Oak Grove school house after night fall, and he approached

it in day time with fear and trembling. They claimed that un-

earthly lights were often seen flitting about the windows, carried

by grinning skeletons and headless figures clothed in white who

had nightly orgies, where during the day children went to school.

They had a mortal terror of caves and old coal banks, thinking

them the abodes of evil spirits. They had a curious superstition

connected with abandoned coal banks. They claimed that if a

man brought his Bible to the front of the coal mine, built a fire

and burned it, at the same time adjuring God, performing a cer-

tain walk, and repeating aloud a certain sepulchural incantation,

old Nick would come out of the bank with horns, forked-tail and

breathing sulphurous flames from out his nostrils, and grant any

wish-with the simple provision that the mortal soul would be

the property of hell when dissolution came.

The negroes would under no circumstances go out of a differ-

ent door of a house than by that which they entered, saying it

64 A book said to have been written about 1830 by a Dr. Christie, a copy

of which the compiler has made fruitless efforts to obtain, giving account

of witchcraft on Cross creek. Doddridge devotes a chapter to witchcraft.

282 Ohio Arch

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would bring bad luck. They would make soft soap and prepare

articles of food only when the moon was in a certain phase, plant

turnips only on July 25 and cucumbers before daylight with no

clothing on other than a shirt, and then walking backward into

the house. In churning, if butter did not come as soon as it

should, a vexation known to all farmer's wives, they would bind

the outside of the churn with a rope of green grass or drop a

heated horse shoe into the sour cream. If the butter did not ap-

pear after this they were not perplexed by any means, but would

find some fault in the manner in which the churn was bound or

in the manner by which the horse shoe was heated.

The aged professed to be able to cure any disease to which

flesh is heir by means of incantations and by the judicious use

of certain herbs, the medical properties of which they alone knew

how to extract and apply. Every autumn they would have the

roofs of their cabins filled with bunches of herbs and roots which

they had the fullest confidence would work wonderful cures. One

of their teas had for its chief component part material found about

sheep barns, and one of the most efficacious plasters was formed

in a large measure of what they put upon cucumber vines to drive

away bugs and worms. They had fertilizers for the growth of all

vegetables, all of them homely and senseless, and they were con-

stantly assuring their neighbors that they would have no luck if

they did not use them.

Their claims of relationship to each other is a peculiar feature,

as they recognize the ties of kinship as far away as the forty-sixth

cousin. That they are all related some way is probably a fact, as

they have been very exclusive in their alliances with families of

color outside the settlement. Some of the older members who

were rather light in color took great pride in secretly conveying

the claim that they traced their paternity to some of the first fami-

lies in Virginia.

Politically, every man in the settlement votes the Republican

ticket, although surrounded by and employed by the strongest

Democrats in the county. Next to their religious meeting noth-

ing is of greater interest or of greater importance to them than

political meetings. An hour before the time for which the meet-

ing is announced the school house bell rings and all the men,

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     283


women and children of the settlement, together with their white

neighbors, flock to the school house. The speaker arriving, one

of their number is chosen chairman, and the fun begins. A

speaker not accustomed to them is completely broken up by their

peculiar ejaculations of approval or dissent. About sixteen years

ago two Republicans went out from Steubenville to address the

colony on the issues. The first speaker was John M. Cook, who

was not familiar with their peculiarities, was dressed in a tight-

fitting suit of blue, and appearing even smaller than he is in

stature. Hardly had he begun when he was so badly startled

that he almost forgot his speech, by an old darkey opening his

mouth like an alligator's and shouting, "God bress de little lamb!"

Finishing shortly to make way for the next speaker, the late T. B.

Coulter, who bore his three hundred pounds very gracefully, he

was still worse put out by the alligator's mouth again opening

and exclaiming, "God bress de lion of the tribe of Judee."

The cabins occupied by the colony are to-day in a miserable

condition. The land once so fertile and admirably situated for

abundant crops is now for the most part stony and sterile. Scarcely

any care has been taken to improve it and almost every portion

is so overgrown with brush and weeds that it would now be im-

possible to improve it. The descendants of the original settlers

manage to eke out an existence upon it and that is all.

By studying this colony one may perhaps begin to compre-

hend the great social question that is perplexing the whole South

-what is to be done with the African? No better opportunity

could have been given Mr. Benford to carry out his original de-

sign than was afforded on McIntyre. Taken from a locality where

he was a chattel, bought and sold in the market and worth so

much, and placed where he could acquire property, develop the

powers of his mind, and improve his moral condition, the course

of the manumitted slave shows no improvement, rather a dete-


No colony could have been better situated, surrounded as it

was by people to whom the subject of the amelioration of his con-

dition was almost a mania. Near the colony Benjamin Lundy,

the pioneer Abolitionist, began his labors. Born in New Jersey,

Lundy at an early age came to Wheeling, where he learned the

284 Ohio Arch

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saddlery trade. About 1821 he established at Mt. Pleasant the

first Abolition paper ever published in the United States. It

was called the Genius of Universal Emancipation and was printed

on the James Wilson press in Steubenville. He would prepare

his copy and bring it to Steubenville, working at his trade while

the paper was being printed, then taking the package either on

his horse or on his back, he would return to Mt. Pleasant, where

he would distribute the papers. He also organized the first anti-

slavery society at St. Clairsville, in 1815. He has the credit of

enlisting so able a worker in the cause as Wm. Lloyd Garrison,

whom he met in a cheap boarding house in Boston. Unedu-

cated and of only medium ability, yet such was the force of his

character, that his arguments carried conviction on every side.

Horace Greely said of him in a biographical sketch that his was

one of the most heroic, devoted, unselfish, courageous lives that

had ever existed on this continent. The teachings of Lundy, the

moral influence of the Friends and the pure democratic spirit of

the whites had paved the way for the future success of the settle-

ment, but the members could not appreciate all that had been done

for them, nor were they able to take hold of their advantages.

On every side they had examples for better efforts and they found

among all the whites hands willing to aid them. The future of

the McIntyre colony will be no brighter than its past.

Benjamin Ladd's association with Benford in the colony of

manumitted slaves on McIntyre was very close, for he was near

the ground and gave the colony much personal attention. It was

not his fault, and it was not the fault of Mr. Benford that the

negroes deteriorated after being freed and given opportunity to

labor for themselves. They were given every possible chance-

there was nothing wanting outside individual energy and faculty

to make successful this philanthropic endeavor.

Mr. Ladd moved to Jefferson county, from Virginia in 1814,

and purchased from his father-in-law the farm known as the

"Prospect Hill," adjoining Smithfield. In 1817 he erected a build-

ing for the purpose, and commenced to pack pork and cure bacon.

So far as is known, this was the first enterprise of this kind west

of the Allegheny mountains. This business proved successful

and was extended from time to time until he had erected four

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      285

houses on the farm and one at Martin's Ferry. He was not only

enterprising, but equally disposed to help others. He was the

especial friend of the colored race, assisting many in the flight

from slavery. He was a prominent member of the Orthodox So-

ciety of Friends and faithfully served the church as an elder, and

as clerk of the Ohio Yearly meeting.



Some of the Hard-headed Pathfinders Believed in Witchcraft-

Witchcraft on Cross Creek and McIntyre- Witch Doctors-

A Witch Shot with a Silver Bullet - Witchcraft Mentioned

by Doddridge.

Those who have studied ethnology with the western pioneer

as a basis, generally arrived at the conclusion that he was a hard-

headed, hard-fisted man, never perplexed by superstition to the

degree of recognizing superhuman power in his worldly fellows,

and yet there were those who believed in witchcraft in Jefferson

county nearly a hundred years ago. This is hard to realize, the

location being so far removed from Salem, and especially so when

we know of the sturdy manhood and steadfast religious spirit of

the pioneer fathers of the west. They were men and women of

steady habits, of iron frame, with resolution that never winced

at danger. As a rule they were adherents of the church, and the

advanced stage of religion then obtaining of itself would dispute

the truth of the statement that there were believers in witchcraft in

Jefferson county, if the fact that they did exist were not verified.

But whatever the weaknesses of the pioneer father, we owe him

a debt that cannot be paid; he was the beginning of the great

western empire that we have from him as a heritage. We owe

to his memory the enduring monument that is erected in the

minds of the sons on the occasions we take opportunity to study

the character of the men who blazed the forest and risked their

lives for posterity-that their children might enjoy the fruits of

their trials and tribulations--homes of peace and plenty. The

man who does not appreciate the sterling qualities of the sturdy

manhood and unrelenting purpose of the fathers does not de-

286 Ohio Arch

286       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


serve recognition of a worthy progeny.65 The pathway made by

the pioneer settlers was a trail of blood, and the very fact that they

made settlements at all is evidence enough of the wonderful force

of character with which they were endowed; and to say now that

they were weak because there were some who believed in witch-

craft is to deny them the very factor of the prowess that made

achievement possible.

Rev. Joseph Doddridge devotes a chapter of his "Notes" to

witchcraft. To the witch was ascribed the tremendous power of

inflicting strange and incurable diseases, of destroying cattle by

shooting them with hair balls, of inflicting spells and curses on

guns and other things, and of changing men into horses, and after

bridling and saddling them, riding them at full speed over hill

and dale. Of the wizard who was also abroad in this land in the

pioneer days, Doddridge says, they were men supposed to possess

the same mischievous powers as the witches; but these powers

were exercised exclusively to counteract the malevolent influ-

ences of the witches of the other sex. The wizard was known

as a witch-master who made public confessions of curing the dis-

eases inflicted by the influence of witches. Doddridge says re-

spectable physicians had no greater portion of business in the line

of their profession than had many of the wizards in theirs. He

says the first German glass blowers in this country drove the

witches out of their furnaces by throwing living puppies into


In March, 1883, J. M. Rickey, of Cleveland, related to the

compiler several cases of witchcraft in Jefferson county, the exact

location being on Dry Fork, near where Cross Creek Presbyte-

rian church now stands, and the time about 1800. Mr. Rickey's

father settled there before the timber was cut, when the stock

ran out, having a very large grazing range. Mr. Rickey said

that when a boy he heard his father and the neighbors talk of

witches and ghosts. Even after he had become a large boy there

were believers in witchcraft in the neighborhood where he resided,

and that was about seventy years ago. The two witches to which

Mr. Rickey referred were characteristic and up to the Salem stand-

65 Macauley.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      287

ard. They were both old women-sharp featured, skinny old

dames, who lived in seclusion, and perhaps being in their dotage,

gave rise to the belief in the untutored minds among the pioneers

that they were witches. The name of one was Mrs. Daugherty

and the other Mrs. Armstrong, whose descendants probably yet

live in the county. Of course they were not witches, but yet as

much so as were the witches who suffered torture in enlightened

Salem. It was the same thing in effect, for the people believed

them capable of witchcraft.

When any one in the neighborhood became ill, it was declared

that the sickness was occasioned by a spell put upon him in some

uncanny way by one of the witches. The people on Cross creek

and also in other parts of the county were serious and sincere

in their belief in the supernatural power derived from the devil

by old women of the neighborhood. When it was announced

that some one was ill through the influence of a witch, the whole

community accepted it as truth as pure and unadulterated as

the Gospel. No amount of reasoning could dispel the superstition.

The only way to cure the disease inflicted by a witch, according

to the prevalent belief, was to send for the witch doctor, Wm.

Johnson, who was supposed to possess power to remove the spell,

whether the sick be human or brute. Squire Day, a man who

stood high in the estimation of the people, as one of good char-

acter and intelligence, was a believer in witchcraft.

"I recollect hearing my father, who claimed to be free from

the taint of superstition, and who hooted at the very mention

of witches," said Mr. Rickey, "tell of a case of alleged witchcraft

practiced on him. He had a very valuable cow which took sick,

and getting down, could not rise. All the domestic remedies were

without effect, and Squire Day and other neighbors announced

that the animal was bewitched, and insisted on sending for John-

son to remove the spell. Finally, to satisfy them, and for the fun

he might get out of the incident, he agreed to send for Johnson.

The witch doctor arrived in course of time and agreed with Squire

Day that the cow was under a witch's spell, and immediately began

operations to remove it. He gathered a handful of straw, twisted

it into a tight bunch, and after putting salt on it, set fire to it,

and after powwowing over the sick animal, said, 'I know the

288 Ohio Arch

288       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


witch and can produce her on the spot.' No one seemed to desire

the witch produced and Johnson did not bring her to the sick-bed

of the cow; but the cow immediately got up and began eating

the straw, which of course was convincing evidence that she had

been bewitched and that Johnson was a witch doctor."

Johnson did an extensive business dispelling bewitched stock

and his presence was frequently in demand in many parts of the

county. He was a smart Irishman and no doubt earned a good

living at his profession.

Mrs. Daugherty was killed with a silver bullet. It was the

accepted belief that the only way to get rid of witches without

contact was to shoot them with silver bullets. Hiram Haynes's

family lived in Cross Creek township on a farm adjoining the

Rickey place, and several members of his family taking ill, of

course it was claimed that they were bewitched. It was then pro-

posed that the witch be destroyed. Johnson having announced

Mrs. Daugherty as the one who had put on the spell, one of the

Haynes boys cut a silver button off of his grandfather's military

coat and made a bullet of it. He drew a picture of Mrs. Daugh-

erty, and, placing it in proper range for a target, got further ready

to slay the witch. Others went to the cabin where Mrs. Daugh-

erty resided, for the purpose of watching the result. The belief was

that when a picture of a witch should be penetrated by a silver

bullet, the original would fall and either die on the spot or be so

crippled that her powers would be gone. Haynes discharged his

gun, and being near the cabin the aged woman heard the report,

and, according to the watchers, fell, as if dead, upon the floor

of the cabin. After uttering frightful groans, she was revived

to consciousness, but not to power. She was placed upon her

bed and died in a few days. And the good but deluded pioneers

felt that in her death a spirit of great evil had been removed from

their midst never more to trouble and vex mankind. The Haynes

children recovered, and of course it was thought as the result

of the destruction of the life of Mrs. Daugherty.

"Billy" McConnell was a noted character in the regions about

McIntyre creek in the early days and was recognized as having

power to break the "spell," as the influence of the witch was called.

When the butter would not gather in the churn, he was called

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      289


in to break the spell, and there are traditions that he always suc-

ceeded. When a cow would get down with hollow horn or other

disease peculiar to cows, McConnell would be given a chance

to bring his wonderful skill to bear.



The First Fruit Orchards and Nurseries - Celebrated Apples

Originated in the Upper Ohio Valley-Johnny Appleseed

Plants His First Nursery in Jefferson County -A Late and

Correct Life of the Simple-minded Philanthropist.

Fruit growing in Jefferson county is contemporary with

its settlement, for as soon as a clearing was made apple trees

were planted, thus making demand for nurseries, which sprung

up throughout the Ohio country, the first being planted by Eben-

ezer Zane on Wheeling Island in 1790, and during the same year

Jacob Nessley established one opposite the mouth of Yellow

creek, Nessley being the first person in the west to cultivate grafted

fruit trees for sale, and on his farm the justly celebrated Gate

apple originated. In 1814 Samuel Wood established a nursery

in Smithfield township for the production of improved apple trees,

while others were established in Belmont county. From these

various nurseries were introduced such celebrated apples as

"Zane's greening," "Western Spy," originating on the farm of

John Mansfield in Wayne township, "Ohio redstreak," from the

same farm, "Bently sweet" was first grown in Belmont county,

and the "Culp" was originated near Richmond, Jefferson county.

The Wells apple was originated by Jabez Smith, grandfather

of Enoch McFeely, who planted the tree on South Third street,

Steubenville, just below Slack, about 1817. He was working

for Bezaleel Wells at the time and planted the apple for him.

The Golden pippin was originated by Samuel Wood, of

Smithfield, who was one of the founders of the Ohio Horticultural


Jacob Nessley, mentioned above as the first person to pro-

pagate new varieties of apples in the west, settled in Virginia oppo-

site Yellow creek, in 1785, and during his lifetime cultivated 1,800

acres, half of the land being in orchard. There was no possible

Vol. VI-19

290 Ohio Arch

290       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


market for the fruit and it had to be reduced to liquid form and

shipped to New Orleans by boat, and consequently brandy dis-

tilleries were ever busy during the season, and this traffic was

continued up to at least 1830, perhaps 1840. The Nessley

orchards, celebrated to this day, were principally in apples, pears

and peaches, Mr. Nessley producing many new varieties of all

three. His descendants are numerous, many of them still en-

gaged in horticulture, their orchards being on either side of the

river, the most prominent being the Mahons, who are as justly

noted for the production of fine fruits as was their ancestor, who

brought to bear upon his calling an active brain and enthusiastic

interest. The late J. N. McCullough, for years one of the most

prominent officials of the Pennsylvania railroad system, was a

grandson. Jacob Nessley was a person of vast and varied knowl-

edge along the line of horticulture and was a forceful agent in

the devlopment of this science, for science it is, and the memory

of no other pathfinder is kept green by more abiding monument

than is that of Jacob Nessley, for if to produce two blades of grass

where before one grew constitutes a philanthropist, he too was

a humanitarian, for he filled the west with fruit trees that stand

to-day as monuments ever calling to mind the fact that he was a

philanthropist of great degree.

Johnny Appleseed planted his first nursery on George's run

in Jefferson county, and his history belongs to Jefferson county.

Previous to the celebration of the centennial of Jefferson county,

Mr. A. J. Baughman, of Mansfield, Ohio, wrote for The Steuben-

ville Gazette a correct account of John Chapman (not Jonathan),

from which an extract is not without interest in these sketches,

as his first halt was in Jefferson county.

Chapman was born at Springfield, Mass., in 1775. Of his

early life but little is known, as he was reticent about himself,

but his half-sister, who came west at a later period, stated that

Johnny had, when a boy, shown a fondness for natural scenery

and often wandered from home in quest of plants and flowers,

and that he liked to listen to the birds singing and to gaze at

the stars. Chapman's penchant for planting apple seeds and cul-

tivating nurseries caused him to be called "Appleseed John,"

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     291


which was finally changed to "Johnny Appleseed," and by that

name he was called and known everywhere.

The year Chapman came to Ohio has been variously stated,

but to say that it was one hundred years ago would not be far

from the mark. An uncle of the late Rosella Rice lived in Jef-

ferson county when Chapman made his first advent into Ohio.

He saw a queer-looking craft coming down the Ohio river one

day. It consisted of two canoes lashed together, and its crew

was one man--an angular oddly dressed person--and when

he landed he said his name was Chapman, and that his cargo

consisted of sacks of apple seeds and that he intended to plant

nurseries. After planting a number of nurseries along the river

front he extended his work into the interior of the state, through

Tuscarawas county into Richland, where he made his home for

many years.

Chapman was enterprising in his way and planted nurseries

in a number of counties, which required him to travel hundreds

of miles to visit and prune them yearly, as was his custom. His

usual price for a tree was "a fip-penny-bit," but if the settler hadn't

money, Johnny would either give him credit or take old clothes

for pay. He generally located his nurseries along streams, planted

his seeds, surrounded the patch with a brush fence, and when the

pioneers came, Johnny had young fruit trees ready for them.

He extended his operations to the Maumee country and finally

into Indiana, where the last years of his life were spent. He

revisited Richland county the last time in 1843, and called at

Mr. Baughman's father's, but as Mr. Baughman was only five

years old at the time, he does not remember him. Mr. Baugh-

man's parents (in about 1830-35) planted two orchards with trees

they bought of Johnny, and he often called at their house, as he

was a frequent caller at the homes of the settlers. The writer's

grandfather, Capt. James Cunningham, settled in Richland county

in 1808, and was acquainted with Johnny for many years, and he

often heard him tell, in his Irish-witty way, many amusing anec-

dotes and incidents of Johnny's life and of his peculiar and

eccentric ways.

Johnny was fairly well educated; was polite and attentive

in manner and was chaste in conversation. His face was pleasant

292 Ohio Arch

292      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


in expression, and he was kind and generous in disposition. His

nature was a deeply religious one, and his life was blameless among

his fellow men. He regarded comfort more than style and thought

it wrong to spend money for clothing to make a fine appearance.

He usually wore a broad-brimmed hat. He went barefooted not

only in the summer, but often in cold weather, and a coffee sack,

with neck and armholes cut in it, was worn as a coat. He was

about 5 feet, 9 inches in height, rather spare in build, but large

boned and sinewy. His eyes were gray, but darkened with ani-


When in Richland county, Johnny lived alone in a little rude

cabin. When upon his journeys, he usually camped out. He

never killed anything, not even for the purpose of obtaining food.

He carried a kit of cooking utensils with him, among which was

a mushpan, which he sometimes wore as a hat. When he called

at a house, his custom was to lie upon the floor with his kit for

a pillow, and after conversing with the family for a short time,

would then read from a Swendenborgian book or tract, and pro-

ceed to explain and extol the religious views which he so zeal-

ously believed, and whose teachings he so faithfully carried out

in his every day life and conversation. His mission was one of

peace and good will, and he never carried a weapon, not even

for self-defense. The Indians regarded him as a great "Medicine

Man," and his life seemed to be a charmed one, as neither savage

men nor wild beasts would harm him.

Chapman never married, and rumor said that a love affair

in the old Bay State was the cause of his living the life of a celibate

and recluse, but as such stories are told about every bachelor,

they are generally too common and silly to be repeated. Johnny

himself never explained why he led such a singular life except

to remark that he had a mission -which was understood to be

to plant nurseries and to make converts to the doctrines taught

by Emanuel Swedenborg. He died at the home of William Worth

in St. Joseph township, Allen county, Ind., March 11, 1845, and

was buried in David Archer's graveyard, two and a half miles

north of Fort Wayne, near the foot of a natural mound, and a

stone was set up to mark his grave. His name is engraved on

a cenotaph, or one of the monuments erected in Mifflin township,

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.       293


Ashland county, this state, to the memory of the pioneers. These

monuments were unveiled with imposing ceremony in the pres-

ence of over 6,000 people September 15, 1882, the seventieth

anniversary of the Copus-Zimmers-Ruffner massacre.

About a week before Chapman's death, while at Fort Wayne,

he heard that cattle had broken into his nursery in St. Joseph

township and were destroying his trees, and he started on foot

to look after his property. The distance was about twenty miles,

and the fatigue and exposure of the journey was too much for

Johnny's physical condition, then enfeebled by age; and at the

even-tide he applied at the home of Mr. Worth for lodging for

the night. Mr. Worth was a native Buckeye and had lived in

Richland county when a boy, and when he learned that his oddly

dressed caller was Johnny Appleseed, gave him a cordial welcome.

Johnny declined going to the supper table, but partook of a bowl

of bread and milk.

The day had been cold and raw, with occasional flurries of

snow, but in the evening the clouds cleared away and the sun

shone warm and bright as it sank in the western sky. Johnny

noticed this beautiful sun-set, an augury of the springtime and

flowers so soon to come, and sat on the doorstep and gazed with

wistful eyes toward the west. Perhaps this herald of the spring-

time, the season in which nature is resurrected from the death

of winter, caused him to look with prophetic eyes to the future

and contemplate that glorious event of which Christ is the resur-

rection and the life. Upon re-entering the house, Johnny declined

the bed offered him for the night, preferring a quilt and pillow

on the floor, but asked permission to hold family worship, and

read, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom

of Heaven," "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see

God," etc.

After he had finished reading the lesson, he said prayers-

prayers long remembered by that family. He prayed for all sorts

and conditions of men; that the way of righteousness might be

made clear unto them, and that saving grace might be freely

given to all nations. He asked that the Holy Spirit might guide

and govern all who profess and call themselves Christians and

that all those who were afflicted in mind, body and estate, might

294 Ohio Arch

294       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


be comforted and relieved, and that all might at last come to

the knowledge of the truth and in the world to come have hap-

piness and everlasting life. Not only the words of the prayer, but

the pathos of his voice made a deep impression upon those present.

In the morning Johnny was found in a high state of fever,

pneumonia having developed during the night, and the physician

called said he was beyond medical aid, but inquired particularly

about his religion, and remarked that he had never seen a dying

man so perfectly calm, for upon his wan face there was an expres-

sion of happiness, and upon his pale lips there was a smile of

joy, as though he was communing with loved ones who had come

to meet him and to soothe his weary spirit in his dying moments.

And as his eyes shone with the beautiful light supernal God

touched him with His finger and beckoned him home.

Thus ended the life of the man who was not only a hero,

but a benefactor as well; and his spirit is now, we doubt not,

at rest in the Paradise of the redeemed, and in the fullness of

time, clothed again in the old body made anew, will enter into

the Father's house in which there are many mansions. In the

words of his own faith, his bruised feet will be healed, and he

shall walk on the gold-paved streets of the New Jerusalem, of

which he so eloquently preached. It has been very appropriately

said, that although years have come and gone since his death,

the memory of his good deeds lives anew every springtime in

the fragrance of the blossoms of the apple trees he loved so well.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      295



Thomas Cole the First American Landscape Artist Reared in

Steubenville where his Father Operated a Wall Paper Fac-

tory --He gets his Inspiration from the Grand Scenery of

the Ohio- He Becomes one of the Most Noted of American

Artists-A Steubenville Artist Makes Discoveries that In-

augurated Photography -Incidents in the Early Life of

Famous Artists who Lived in Steubenville-Wm. Watkins

Related to the Howells - The First Bicycle - Famous Jeffer-

son County Artists now Living.

Jefferson county is the birthplace of Genius. She has given

to America some of its most distinguished artists, as well as states-

men and soldiers, scholars and divines.

Thomas Cole, the originator of a distinctive American school

of landscape painting, although not born in Jefferson county, re-

ceived his first impressions and likewise his early inspiration in

Steubenville. Contemporary with him, William Watkins, whose

artistic genius gave him world-wide fame, lived in Steubenville,

and the eye of his time gazed upon remarkable sketches drawn

upon board fences and stable doors in the village named for the

distinguished Revolutionary officer.

Cole's spark of genius manifested in love of color, was fanned

into flame while he lived amidst the grand scenery of the Ohio

valley and which has no equal for beauty in the world. The

Watkinses, Coles, Ackerleys and Lewises moved to Steubenville

about 1819. Their coming did much to elevate the tastes of the

pioneer who had no time for cultivating the finer elements of his


Thomas Cole's father lived with his family in the building

now occupied by George Floto's confection store on Fourth street.

The Beatty mansion wherein the late Alexander and Joseph Beatty

were born, adjoined the Cole house, on the corner where now

stands the Commercial National banking house. The Coles were

a very cultured family, and their influence on the tastes of the

people was very marked, and the good impression made by them

was lasting.

296 Ohio Arch

296       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


They had a piano, the only one in all the region. The daugh-

ters, Annie and Sarah, who taught a school in Steubenville, would

play on the instrument evenings, and it was such a wonderful

thing to hear a piano that each evening the listening crowd out-

side would fill the street from curb to curb and as far up and down

the street as the sweet strains could be heard.

Thomas Cole's father was a wall-paper maker, having followed

this business in England. On the site of the great Hartje paper

mill stood the Cole wall-paper factory, wherein the elder Cole

displayed wonderful genius in the manufacture of beautiful wall

hangings. He designed the blocks from which the paper was

printed, and it was from him that his son inherited his genius.

Thomas, who was about nineteen years of age at that time, was

a valuable assistant to his father, for even then he was a colorist

as well as a fine draughtsman. His first work was on the old

fashioned but beautiful decorated window shades, the painting

being on specially prepared muslin. He made many sketches of

the scenery of this region, and it is said that portions of the land-

scape of his "Voyage of Life" were taken from sketches made by

him on the Ohio river, the scenery being that from Brown's Island

to Mingo.

Cole was a sedate young man, caring nothing for the sports

of his day, and was never known to be in any of the "scrapes"

laid to the door of his contemporaries. He was a member of the

Thespian society which gave dramatic entertainments in Bige-

low's brick stable at the rear of the present site of the United States

hotel. Connected with this stable was Samuel Tarr's pottery.

Capt. Devinny was associated with the society as a supernumerary.

The last members of this society living were Eli G. McFeely and

J. D. Slack. Cole painted the scenery for the stage and became

an adept at this art.

While in Steubenville Cole created quite a sensation by ap-

pearing on the street on a velocipede-an old fashioned bicycle-

propelled by the feet striking the ground. Whenever he rode on

this vehicle he would have a large troop of boys at his heels. When

he moved away he presented his wheel to Joseph Beatty. It was

the first thing of the kind ever seen in Steubenville, and it is no

wonder it created a sensation, and no one is surprised to be in-

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     297


formed that the small boy ran after it as he would after the gilded

show wagon.

Mr. Cole left Steubenville when about twenty-five years of

age, going to Zanesville. From there he went to Philadelphia,

where through his theater scenery he became recognized as an

artist of more than ordinary ability. His means were very limited

and some of his patrons sent him to Italy where he had the ad-

vantage of a master. Returning to New York he became famous

as a landscape painter. He was the original American landscape

artist, his school being distinctively American. Most of his pic-

tures were allegorical in which the landscape was prominent as

accessory. A copy of his "Voyage of Life" is now in Steuben-

ville, the property of the estate of the late Alexander Beatty, who

was a warm friend and admirer of Cole.

Thos. Cole was born at Bolton-le-Moor, Lancashire, Eng-

land, February 1, 1801, and died at Catskill, N. Y., February

11, 1848. William Cullen Bryant wrote a biographical sketch of

Cole and delivered his funeral oration. Bryant says that Cole's

father was a woolen manufacturer, who in 1819 established him-

self in Steubenville, and that the boy was employed as his father's

assistant in designing fabrics in a print factory and in making the

blocks for the printers. This statement is evidently incorrect,

for no printing was done in the woolen factories. "A fine organ-

ization and great fondness for poetry and scenery were his chief

characteristics," says Bryant. "A portrait painter coming along

named Stien fascinated Cole, and he at once with such rude

colors as he could command began to paint and was soon able to

establish himself as a portrait painter," the only thing lacking be-

ing patrons and for them he started on a tramp. It was for this

reason, we take it from Bryant's sketch, that he went to Zanesville.

He painted landscape sketches about Pittsburg and established

himself in Philadelphia as a landscape artist. He was often in

financial distress, and was ever willing to do any sort of painting

and even ornamented furniture and japanned ware. However,

his powers were developing and in the work of those days can be

seen "the germ of that rich and harmonious style for which he was

afterwards noted."  In 1825 he removed to New York.  The

scenery of the Hudson, says Bryant, called out all his artistic enthu-

298 Ohio Arch

298       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


siasm. The pictures he painted there attracted the attention and

praise of Durand, Dunlap and Trumbull and from that time, says

Bryant in his funeral oration, "he had a fixed reputation, and was

numbered among the men of whom our country has reason to be

proud." He went to Europe in 1831, where his success was not

marked, and on his return to America his friends said of him that

he had lost his American spirit which gave his pictures their char-

acter before leaving for Italy; but he soon recovered his old-time

enthusiasm and regained the good opinion of the critics. His

greatest picture was the one, or rather the series of five pictures

painted for Luman Reed of New York, called the "Course of

Empire," in which are presented, to use Cole's own words, "an

illustration of the history of the human race, as well as the epitome

of man, showing the natural changes of landscape and those

caused by man in his progress from barbarism to civilization, to

luxury, to the vicious state, or the state of destruction, and to the

state of ruin or desolation." Many of his works were of this char-

acter, and included "The Departure" and "The Return," "The

Dream of Arcadia," "The Voyage of Life," "The Cross in the

Wilderness;" other works are "Home in the Woods," "The Hun-

ter's Return," "The Mountain Ford," and "The Cross and the


His biographer says of him: "In all his relations of life

his amiability and generosity were engagingly displayed, and to

those who could sympathize with his enthusiastic and impressive

nature, he especially endeared himself. His life was one of

singular purity, and in the latter part of it he manifested a sincere

and unostentatious piety." Cole was also a poet and in his

papers were found many beautiful descriptions of his paintings

in verse of considerable merit, but none of his literary work was

ever published. He left a son, Thomas Cole, an Episcopal

clergyman, who was living at Saugerties, N. Y., in 1883.

At the time the Coles moved to Steubenville, William Wat-

kins came with his family from either England or Wales. He

was employed as a sorter in Wells & Dickenson's woolen factory.

One of his sons, Joseph, moved to Coshocton, where he died;

another son removed to the wilds of Illinois, where he married

an Indian squaw. He returned to Steubenville in after years,

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     299


bringing with him an Indian boy who attended school in Steu-

benville. Another son, William, became famous as an artist.

Mr. Watkins, the father, built the house recently occupied by

the family of Samuel Wilson on Fourth street, and afterwards

built the house now owned and occupied by George W. McCook.

This last undertaking embarrassed him and he lived in the house

without finishing it. He sold it to James Teaff from whom Col.

McCook purchased it. He removed to Coshocton, where his

son resided, and died there. Young William Watkins, or "Billy"

Watkins as he was called, showed remarkable skill in sketching

while yet a boy, no doubt getting inspiration from Thomas Cole,

of whom he was a pupil. He left Steubenville while still young

and located in New York. Before he left he painted a portrait

of Ambrose Shaw, brother of the late Mrs. James Gallagher,

when he was about four years of age. This portrait is now in

the house of Henry K. List in Wheeling. It is a full-length

portrait and its excellence gave promise of the artist's great

future. While in Steubenville Watkins was employed as a fur-

niture decorator.

In New York Mr. Watkins became noted for miniature

portraits on ivory. He went to Europe and there studied under

one of the noted masters. In England he became distinguished,

his ability being recognized at once, and praise of the critics

was lavishly bestowed.  Queen Victoria sat to him for a min-

iature portrait, which of itself would give him fame.

The Howells family came to Steubenville at the time the

Watkinses came. Joseph Howells, the father of Wm. C. How-

ells, was a brother-in-law of William Watkins, Sr., and conse-

quently an uncle of the artist. This also makes the artist and

Wm. C. Howells, the editor of The Ashtabula County Repub-

lican, cousins. The latter is the father of W. D. Howells, the


Alfred Newson, another of Steubenville's early-day artists,

was born in the city, but spent the greater part of his life in

Philadelphia. Of his parents nothing is known, except that his

mother was unmarried. He was a deaf mute. He left Steu-

benville at the time Cole and Watkins came. In his early days

he made many interesting sketches on the board fences which

300 Ohio Arch

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showed the possibilities in the boy that were afterwards devel-

oped. His faculties of observation were very keen, and he

would see the minutest detail of an object, retaining the im-

pression in his remarkable memory.

At Philadelphia he entered a large book publishing house

where he devoted his talents to illustrating as well as making the

engravings. He was known as one of the finest engravers in

the country, and many of the books of his day gave evidence of

his skill.

Mr. Dickenson of the woolen factory, went to Philadelphia

some years after Newson had located there, and calling on the

young man, had a long conversation with him in writing. Mr.

Dickenson expressed a doubt as to whether Newson knew him,

whereupon Newson drew a picture of Steubenville, a perfect plat

of the ground as well as of the improvements, not forgetting to

draw the defects in the buildings. The drawing was so well

done and the proportions of the houses so nearly perfect they

seemed to have been made to scale. Another gentleman from

Steubenville called to see Newson in Philadelphia years after.

During the conversation Newson drew a picture of the gentle-

man's house so perfectly that is was immediately recognized.

Ezekiel C. Hawkins was the pioneer photographer of the

west, or rather the person whose genius and persistent experi-

ments made the present photograph possible, he being the first

man in the United States, and maybe the first in the world, to use

collodion in the preparation of the glass on which negatives are


Mr. Hawkins was the son of Rev. Archibald Hawkins, one

of the pioneer settlers of Steubenville, coming from Baltimore

about 1811, when Ezekiel was three years of age. The father built

the house on South Third street, now occupied by his grandson,

Robert C. Hawkins. The old gentleman was a lay Methodist

minister who, during his life here, was very intimate with Rev.

Father Morse of the Protestant Episcopal communion.

Ezekiel Hawkins lived in Steubenville until 1829, when he

removed to Wheeling. He was contemporary with Thomas Cole

and "Billy" Watkins, as Mr. Hawkins called the great artist. He

was a house and sign painter by trade, but gave much time to

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     301

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Who made Photography Possible by Discovering the Efficacy of Collodium.

landscape painting and also did some portraiture. His land-

scape work was very fine and many of the beautiful scenes about

Steubenville were put on canvas by him. At the same time he

gave his talents to decorating illuminated window shades, an art

also followed by Cole.

After he removed to Wheeling he gave most of his time to

portraiture, having a camera which would throw upon the canvas

a likeness of the "sitter," which the artist could make permanent

with his pencil. Here he became acquainted with an artist named

Lamden, from whom he received valuable instructions.

Shortly after, about 1840, by correspondence with Prof.

Morse, the artist-electrician, and inventor of the electric telegraph,

with whom he was intimately acquainted, he learned of the famous

Daguerre, the inventor of the daguerre process of picture making.

Mr. Hawkins became deeply interested in the new process, and

either procured a camera from Mr. Morse or made a daguerreo-

type camera of the one he already possessed. He was the first

person to take these pictures west of the Allegheny mountains.

They were taken in the open air, the "subject" sitting for fifteen

minutes with his face to the sun, and of course with his eyes closed.

Although the pictures were taken under such disagreeable con-

ditions they were considered wonderful by the pioneers.

Shortly after Mr. Hawkins engaged in daguerreotyping he

procured from France an improved camera with which he could

take pictures indoors which would also represent the open eyes

of the subject. To have a likeness taken indoors impressed the

people with the wonderful invention more deeply than did the

crude process when it was introduced. The pictures were looked

upon as the greatest achievement of human genius, and it was

thought that the acme of man's inventive powers had been at-

tained. In 1843 Mr. Hawkins removed to Cincinnati, where with

improved apparatus he continued to take daguerreotypes, and

made a great deal of money, but like all men of genius he did not

save his means, using them to improve his facilities and to satisfy

his ambition along the line of work he had taken up as his avoca-

tion as well as vocation. His gallery was the resort of all the

prominent artists of Cincinnati, which city had a large share,

many of whom became prominent in their chosen field. He took

302 Ohio Arch

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pictures of Henry Clay, whose star was then in the galaxy of

greatness, and of other prominent men of the south and west. He

was the first person to make daguerreotypes in the Queen City

and of course was a prominent figure in Cincinnati at that time.

In 1847 he made the picture of Henry Clay which aided Hart to

model his famous statue of the father of the tariff system known

as "protection." Clay's likeness was taken in four different posi-

tions, the pictures being the largest size that then could be made-

eight and one-half inches in length. The Clay statue was made

for the ladies of Virginia who presented it to the city of Richmond.

Mr. Clay traveled about so constantly that without the pictures

taken of him by Mr. Hawkins it would have been almost impossi-

ble for the artist to have made the model.

During this time Mr. Hawkins with others experimented with

photography, he being the first to make pictures of this character

in the west. The first negatives were paper, but proved very un-

successful, it being impossible to get the proper impression on

them. The subject was required to sit two or three minutes, and

photographs of children could not be taken at all. Experiments

resulted in producing glass negatives, but the albumen used was

too slow and lacking in density, and it was impossible to procure

good prints even after a negative was made. While others had

abandoned experiments along this line, Mr. Hawkins, with Mr.

Whipple, of Boston, and Mr. Cowden, of Wheeling, continued

to work at the problem, feeling that time would solve it. Mr.

Hawkins corresponded with these gentlemen, and the three gave

to each other the points gained as the experiments progressed.

Mr. Hawkins was determined to invent or discover some sub-

stance of sufficient density to make good photographs. He knew

that such an end was possible and he spent all the money made

out of daguerreotyping in experiments made to perfect the pho-

tographic process.

Previous to 1847 he and Mr. Whipple simultaneously dis-

covered that collodion was the chemical to use. In experiment-

ing with collodion on the glass plates they discovered that by

placing the negative against a dark surface it made a good pic-

ture. This was the discovery of the ambrotype, which picture was

considered by many as the very acme of camera-portraits, and it

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      303


soon displaced the daguerreotype. Mr. Cowden, who visited Haw-

kins at Cincinnati and corresponded with him, being deeply in-

terested in the experiments, now dropped his part and devoted

his energies to making ambrotypes, and although not the dis-

coverer, was the first to put these pictures on the market.

Mr. Hawkins, however, was not satisfied with the ambro-

type. He wanted photographs and continued his experiments

with the collodion until he finally produced good negatives. The

credit for the discovery of collodion in photography has been

given to Archer of England, who is said to have used it in 1847,

but Mr. Hawkins employed it previous to that year and to him

should be given the credit. The use of this chemical, or rather

Mr. Hawkins's experiments with it, made the present photograph

possible. There is no question that Mr. Hawkins made the best

photographs of his time.

The first "dip bath" ever used was blown in Beatty's old

glass works in Steubenville and was the invention of Mr. R. C.

Hawkins, nephew of E. C. Hawkins, at which time he was em-

ployed in his uncle's gallery in Cincinnati. Previous to this time

what is known as the silver bath into which negatives were dipped,

was poured into a dish, in which the negatives were placed with

the fingers. This was a very crude process, many negatives being

ruined by lines across them if the whole plate did not come in con-

tact with the silver instantaneously. Mr. Hawkins's dip bath was

the forerunner of the present porcelain bath.

E. C. Hawkins and Billy Watkins were warm friends, and

when Watkins returned from Europe in 1852 he located in Cin-

cinnati, selecting a studio adjoining Mr. Hawkins's gallery. He

continued to paint miniatures, and colored photographs for his

friend as well, making wonderful success in his art. He never

permitted any one to look at his paintings from points selected

by the spectator himself. He always fixed with his eyes the point

from which his work was to be inspected, never taking into con-

sideration the fact that some eyes could see objects at a greater

distance than others. He would request his visitor to turn his

back to the picture. He would fix himself at such distance and

in such position as to get the proper effect to be impressed by

his work, then he would have the spectator back up to this point,

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place him in his own position, and give command for him to

turn around. Mr. Watkins died in Cincinnati.

Ezekiel Hawkins died in 1862 after he had gotten himself in

position to reap the material benefits of the experiments which

had cost him several fortunes. Although crippled by rheumatism

and suffering intense pain, his fortitude bore him up, and he

worked with that enthusiasm which is born of genius to reach the

point he had started out to attain.

Ezekiel's brother, William Hawkins, father of R. C. Haw-

kins, was also an artist of great ability, his work being along the

line of portraiture rather than landscape. Mrs. E. C. Dohrman

has in her possession a photograph from a portrait of Mrs. D. L.

Collier painted by him in 1835, and he painted a portrait of Mrs.

Thos. Hoge, nee Spencer, an aunt of T. P. Spencer, and of E.

Slack. This portrait is now in possession of eastern relatives.

Mr. Hawkins, Sr., was a decorative artist, his talent being in de-

mand by the manufacturers of fine stage coaches and carriages,

all the panels of the bodies being beautifully decorated by means

of the brush in his skilled hands. R. C. Hawkins still has in his

residence two pipe organs built by his father before he had ever

seen an instrument of this nature; making everything in the in-

struments with his own hands. The tone was all that could have

been desired and withal the instruments were almost perfect. All

his work manifested wonderful genius and it is said of him that

he could produce almost anything that could be produced by


Alexander Doyle, the noted sculptor, whose work adorns

many American parks as well as the statue gallery in the United

States capital, is a native of Steubenville, as is also James Wilson

McDonald, whose works of art are well known. So is E. F. An-

drews, who has painted the best portraits of Jefferson, Martha

Washington, Dolly Madison and Robert E. Lee, but all these

are modern and these sketches are only of the achievements of

the pathfinders.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      305

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Wife of Major Daniel McCook-the Mother of Soldiers.



Military Record- Sortie at Fort Meigs -Judge Tappan Equips

Jefferson County Soldiers for the Second War for Independ-

ence-Mexican War-The War Between the States-The


The gallant service performed by Jefferson county men in

the War Between the States is a proud record in the county's

history. They saw hard service in every battle from Bull Run

to Appomattox. Jefferson county gave to the country the great

War Minister, whose name is burned into the memory of all

Americans. Jefferson county could rest her honor on the ser-

vice of this one man and be sure of an exalted place in the

pantheon where heroes live forever. But Stanton is not all.

Jefferson county gave the noble Webster, the heroic Shane, and

the brave McCooks, father and three sons with hundreds of

other heroes as blood sacrifice to a cause which her people be-

lieved to be right.

Not in the history of any other war is recorded that two

brothers gave to service of a cause the soldiers given to the

Federal armies by Major Daniel and Dr. John McCook, both

of Pennsylvania Scotch-Irish stock, both men of noble bearing

and patriotic spirit. Of the major's family there were in ser-

vice the father, Maj. Daniel, Surgeon Latimer A. McCook, Maj.

Gen. Robert L. McCook, Maj. Gen. A. McD. McCook, Gen.

Daniel McCook, Jr., Maj. Gen Edwin Stanton McCook, Private

Charles Morris McCook, Col John J. McCook, Col. Geo. W.

McCook. Of this family Midshipman J. James McCook, died

in the naval service before the rebellion, ten in all. The father,

Charles, Daniel, and Robert were killed. Of the Doctor's family

there were in the service Maj. Gen. Edward M. McCook, Gen.

Anson G. McCook, Chaplain Henry C. McCook, Commander

Roderick McCook, U. S. N., and Lieut. John J. McCook, five

in all, and none killed in the service.

Gen. John Sanford Mason, who died November 29, 1897, in

Washington, D. C., was born in Steubenville, August, 1824. He

was educated at Kenyon college and at West Point where he

Vol. VI-20

306 Ohio Arch

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graduated in 1847, and was assigned to the Third Artillery.

Gen. Mason served in the Mexican War and through the Civil

War and was retired August 21, 1888, at which time he was

colonel of the Ninth Infantry, U. S. A. He received successive

promotions during the War for the Union for gallant and mer-

itorious services at the battles of Antietam and Fredericksburg

and in the field generally, and at the close of the war was bre-

vetted brigadier general in the regular army, advancing from

the rank of first lieutenant, which he held in the spring of 1861.

Jefferson county having been settled largely by soldiers of

the Revolutionary war and their descendants, it was natural that

it should furnish a large quota of soldiers for the Second War

for Independence, in which war several of the most important

battles were fought on Ohio soil. A regiment composed of

fourteen companies was organized and in the front, the number

of men being one thousand and sixty-five.

The cannon balls used in the Battle of Lake Erie, won by

Oliver Perry, who was a Scotch-Irishman of New England stock,

his mother being an Alexander, whose great force of character

was recognized at the time in the fact that the victory of her

son was called Mrs. Perry's victory, were made in a crude fur-

nace by a Scotchman named Grant, near Steubenville, but on

the east side of the river, and were conveyed to the lake on


Col. Miller, who was then editor of the Steubenville Herald,

commanded the sortie that rushed out of Fort Meigs and won

one of the greatest victories of the war by picking off the British

gunners and driving files into the touchholes of the British can-

non, the most daring achievement of the war, unless we admit

the brave and gallant defense of Fort Stephenson by Col.

Croghan manifested more valor.

Senator Tappan took a very active part in this war, which is

related by Col. W. W. Armstrong in his sketch of this noble

citizen of Jefferson county. Tappan was an aid to Gen. Wads-

worth, and in 1812 received an order by express on August 2,

giving an account of Hull's surrender at Detroit, with the intel-

ligence that the British and Indians were advancing in force

down the lake, committing great depredations and directing him

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.      307


to muster the men composing the brigade in Jefferson and Har-

rison counties and march with all possible dispatch to Cleveland.

The order was received on a Sunday morning and notice was

given to the soldiers to rendezvous at once at Steubenville,

armed and equipped for service. The men came, but many with-

out arms, accouterments or camp equipage. Tappan went to

work to provide for them by collecting arms and employing gun-

smiths in repairing them, purchasing sheet iron and setting tin-

ners at work to make camp kettles and collected ammunition

and provisions for a forty days' service. On Friday after receiv-

ing the order he marched out of Steubenville with his men and at

Canton he met the militia under Gen. Beall and immediately

pushed on to Cleveland, leaving the troops under Col. Andrews

to move on to Mansfield and from there to Sandusky. Tappan,

in the capacity of aide-de-camp to Gen. Wadsworth, drew up all

the dispatches and supervised all the contracts for subsistence.

He acted as judge advocate in the case of Gen. Beall, tried for

disobedience of orders, but Beall was acquitted. Gen. Wads-

worth resigned his command and Mr. Tappan returned home

with him.

Steubenville furnished a company, with Geo. W. McCook

as captain, for the Third regiment, in the War with Mexico, in

which service Capt. McCook was promoted to lieutenant colonel

of the regiment.


The Fitz Green Halleck-Abbie Flanner Flirtation-Albi Cottage

in Mt. Pleasant-The Poem-Letters Written by the Two

Gifted Lovers - But they Never Met.

Perhaps the most interesting love episode in the annals of

Jefferson county, was the leap-year flirtation of Abbie Flanner,

a teacher in Friends seminary at Mt. Pleasant, and Fitz Green

Halleck, the poet. The beginning was as if directed by Divine

inspiration, the ending so full of pathos that the most austere of

the staid Quakers of the village must have been moved to tears by

the manifestation of fortitude by this woman of genius, whose

sense of honor was so strong, that although she loved him, it

would not permit her to entertain the advances of one of America's

308 Ohio Arch

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greatest poets because she herself, in a jest, had opened the way

for a proposal. The story was first given to the world by James

Grant Wilson, the Scotch-American author, in his Life of Fitz

Green Halleck.

Miss Flanner was the daughter of a Quaker preacher who

was of the colony from North Carolina. The cottage in which

they lived was christened "Albi Cottage" by Miss Flanner, and

still stands near the Friends' meeting house, but it is not now, as

when she lived, embowered in vines and flowers-when she set

the heart of the bachelor poet aglow with the warmth of love by

the fire of her genius. She was not a beautiful woman; those

who knew her say she was very homely, but was possessed of a

superior mind and her intellectual qualities, her brilliancy, her

marvelous conversational powers, made her the very queen of

the circle in which she moved. The beginning of the story that

had such a pathetic ending, was a challenge at a leap-year party

held in the village as the year 1835 passed into the nevermore.

During the merrymaking it was suggested that the ladies present

avail themselves of the leap-year privilege and open correspond-

ence with men noted in literature, among the named being Fitz

Green Halleck.  As if moved by supernatural influence, Miss

Flanner left the party and ran rapidly over the snow that glis-

tened in the moonlight, to Albi Cottage, where without a mo-

ment's hesitation she wrote the proposed letter in rhyme, and

sent it by post to Halleck:






O'er fields of snow the moonlight falls,

And softly on the snow-white walls

Of Albi Cottage shines;

And there beneath the breath of June

The honeysuckles gay festoon

And multiflora twines,

And forms a sweet embowering shade,

Pride of the humble cottage maid,

Who now transformed and bold,

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.           309


Beneath the magic of a name,

Those equal rights presumes to claim,

Rights urged by young and old.

And who is she, to fame unknown,

Who dares her challenge thus throw down

Low at the feet of one

Who holds a proud, conspicuous stand

Among the magnates of the land,

The Muse's favorite son?

As when she roamed, a careless child,

To pluck the forest blossoms wild,

Oft climbed some pendant brow

Or rock or cliff, to gather there

Some tempting flower that looked more fair

Than all that bloomed below.

So now, like Eve in paradise,

Though numerous offerings round her rise

Of love and friendship bland,

With many a sober blessing fraught;

Would give them all for one kind thought,

One line from Halleck's hand.

Like that fair plant of India's fields

That most when bruised yields

Its fragrance on the air,

Such is the heart I offer thee,

Pride of my country's minstrelsy!

Oh, is it worth thy care?

She signed this Ellen A. F. Campbell, including her own

initials in the name of Scott's Lady of the Lake. With what rest-

less anxiety she awaited the slow mail none but a woman's heart

can know. But at last the hoped-for packet came, inclosing the

following poem:




The Scottish border minstrel's lay,

Entranced me oft in boyhood's day:

His forests, glens, and streams,

Mountains and heather blooming fair;

A Highland lake and lady were

The playmates of my dreams.

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Years passed away, my dreams were gone;

My pilgrim footsteps pressed alone

Loch Katrine's storied shores;

And winds that winged me o'er the lake

Breathed low, as if they feared to break

The music of my oars.

No tramp of warrior men was heard;

For welcome song or challenge-word

I listened but in vain:

And moored beneath his favorite tree,

As vainly woo'd the minstrelsy

Of gray haired "Allen Bane."

I saw the Highland heath-flower smile

In beauty upon Ellen's isle;

And couched in Ellen's bower.

I watched beneath the lattice leaves,

Her coming, through a summer eve's

Youngest and loveliest hour.

She came not: lonely was her home;

Herself of airy shapes that come,

Like shadows to depart,

Are there two Ellens of the mind?

Or have I lived at last to find

An Ellen of the heart?

For music like the borderer's now

Rings round me, and again I bow

Before the shrine of song,

Devoutly as I bowed in youth;

For hearts that worship there in truth

And joy are ever young.

And well my harp responds to-day,

And willingly its chords obey

The minstrel love's command;

A minstrel maid whose infant eyes

Looked on Ohio's wood and skies,

My school book's sunset land.

And beautiful the wreath she twines

Around "Albi Cottage," bowered in vines,

Or blessed in sleigh-bell mirth;

And lovelier still her smile that seems

Bid me welcome in my dreams

Beside its peaceful hearth.

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.       311


Long shall I deem that winning smile

A mere mockery, to beguile

Some lonely hour of care;

And will this Ellen prove to be,

But like her namesake o'er the sea,

A being of the air?

Or shall I take the morning's wing,

Armed with a parson and a ring,

Speed hill and vale along;

And at her cottage hearth, ere night,

Change into flutterings of delight.

Or (what's more likely) of affright,

The merry mock-bird's song?


With this poem was the following letter:

NEW YORK, February 29, 1836.

Dear Miss Campbell:-Were it not that the delightfully flat-

tering lines with which you have favored me date "Bissextile,"

I should have taken post-horses for Albi Cottage immediately

on receiving them. As it is, I thank you from my heart for your

merry mocking bird song. Though they did not seriously in-

tend to make me a happy man, they certainly have made me a

very proud one. I have attempted some verses in the style of

your own beautiful lines, and hope you will laugh gently at their

imperfections, for they are the first, with a trifling exception, that

I have written for years. Would they were better worthy of their

subject! A new edition of the humble writings which have been

so fortunate to meet with your approbation has recently been

published here. It is, to use the printer's phrase, "prettily gotten

up." Will you pardon the liberty I take in asking you to accept

a copy from me, in consideration of the beauty of the type and

the vastness of its margins, and may I hope for a return to this

letter, informing me by what conveyance I can have the honor

of forwarding it to you?

I am, dear Miss Campbell, very gratefully, or if you are in

good earnest, as I very much fear you are not, I am, dearest Ellen,

Very affectionately yours,



Miss Flanner replied to this letter at great length, in which

she kindly thanked him for the tender of his book, saying that

"eager expectation stands tiptoe on misty heights of the blue

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Ohio, to hail its approach." In closing the letter she said that

when he is in "fashion's crowded hall," or listening to the "tramp

of deathless fame," she would claim one thought.


"But when the busy crowd is gone,

And bright on the western sky

The changeful sunset hues are thrown-

Oh! wilt thou thither turn thy eye

And send one gentle thought to her

Whose spirit ever turns to thine,

Like Persia's idol worshipper,

Or moslem to his prophet's shrine?"

"The correspondence continued throughout the year," it is

learned from Wilson's account of the flirtation, "growing more

and more interesting. The gay badinage ceased, and was suc-

ceeded by earnestness on both sides. Though still preserving

her incognita, and shielded by her assumed name, we find the

lady growing timid as the poet grows ardent in his protestations

of admiration and esteem. At one time she says, 'Every step I

have made in your acquaintance has increased my timidity. With

a reckless laugh I flung my first offering on the current of acci-

dent, little thinking it would bring me back tears and smiles,

anxious thoughts and fevered dreams.' Toward the end of the

year she intimates that the terms of her privilege will soon expire

and that the correspondence must close. The poet replies, urg-

ing its continuation, and speaks of the happiness it has afforded

him, and the desire to know her personally. To this she replies:

'I certainly did suppose I had written to Mr. Halleck for the last

time; but you know before I confess that I am too happy to be

convinced by your profound logic, that it is not only my privilege

but my duty to respond. Your witty assumption of your exten-

sion of privilege has delivered my woman's pride from the bastile

of a word, for whose adamantine bars, perhaps, I have not shown

a proper respect.'

"After the interchange of a few more letters the poet an-

nounces his intention of seeking the home of his fair correspond-

ent, and meeting face to face the lady whom, as 'Ellen Campbell,'

he had learned so highly to esteem. This proposal filled Miss

Flanner with dismay. Remembering she had commenced the ac-

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County

The Pathfinders of Jefferson County.     313


quaintance, she reflected that a tacit agreement to the poet's wish

would place her in the character of a wooer. An ardent admirer of

Halleck's poems, nothing could have afforded her more pleasure

than to have met him, but under the circumstances she felt that

she must not encourage his coming. Her reply was posted at

Washington, whither she had sent it in care of a relative and to

that address the poet's subsequent letters were sent.

"She absolutely refused him a personal interview, and suc-

ceeded in eluding his attempts to find her. She felt that with

an interview all the illusion would vanish; that he, who had been

accustomed to the flatteries and attentions of the high-born and

high-bred and jeweled daughters of fashion, in their gorgeous

robes and magnificent palaces, could not tolerate her plain Quaker

simplicity and lowly surroundings, and she-all unwisely-pre-

ferred that he should be her idol at a distance, that she loved to

worship, and she to him an 'Ellen of the mind'-'A being of the

air.' They never met."

Miss Flanner afterwards married a Mr. Talbot and resided

in Mt. Pleasant for years, but at her death, September 9, 1852,

she lived in Parkersburg, W. Va., but her remains lie buried in

Short Creek meeting house graveyard. No stone marks her last

resting place.

Miss Flanner's brother, Dr. Thomas Flanner, during the

prevalence of cholera in 1832, was practicing medicine in Barnes-

ville, and being near the scene of the ravages of the disease, was

sent by the state to Wheeling to investigate with the view of dis-

covering its cause. He fell a victim, and his remains were in-

terred in the old Quaker graveyard in Mt. Pleasant. His

brother William, also a physician, erected a marble monument

eight feet in height over the grave, but the committee having the

graveyard in charge tore it down in the night season by force,

it being a rule that no monument should be erected higher than

eighteen inches, and of no more costly material than sandstone.

The doctor replaced the monument, and it was again thrown

down by force. He erected it the third time and placed armed

watchmen in the graveyard, and the monument stands to this
