Ohio History Journal

compiled by

compiled by



A Survey of Publications on the

History of Ohio, 1974 to 1976




Cardinal, Eric J. "Antislavery Sentiment and Political Transformation

in the 1850's: Portage County, Ohio." Old Northwest, 1 (1975),


Harrold, Stanley C., Jr. "Forging an Antislavery Instrument: Gamaliel

Bailey and the Foundation of the Ohio Liberty Party." Old North-

west, 2 (1976), 371-387.

Ludwig, Charles. Levi Coffin and the Underground Railroad. Scott-

dale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 1975. 184p.

Lupold, Harry Forrest. "Antislavery Activities in a Western Reserve

County, 1820-1860." Negro History Bulletin, 38 (1975), 468-469.

Render, Sylvia Lyons. "Freedom." Quarterly Journal of the Library of

Congress, XXXI (1974), 161-165. Concerns Ohio-based Western

Anti-Slavery Society.




McMillan, Wheeler. Ohio Farm. Columbus: Ohio State University

Press, 1974. 220p.

Schob, David E. Hired Hands and Plowboys: Farm Labor in the Mid-

west, 1815-60. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975. 329p.

Woods, William Norton. "Impressions of Early 20th Century Maumee

by a Progressive Farmer." Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVI

(1974), 36-68.




Clark, Edna Maria. Ohio Art and Artists. Detroit: Gale Research Com-

pany, 1976. 509p. Reprint.


Charles A. Isetts is the Head of the History of the Health Sciences Library Museum

at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.


68                                                 OHIO HISTORY


Daley, Mary. "Ethnic Crafts in Cleveland." Historic Preservation,

XXVI (1974), 19-23.

Doty, Robert. American Folk Art in Ohio Collections. Akron: Akron

Art Institute, distributed by Dodd, Mead and Company, 1976.


Magden, Norman Eugene. "J. Milton Dyer, Architect." Ph.D. disser-

tation, Case Western Reserve University, 1974.

Noble, Allen G. "Barns and Square Silos in Northeast Ohio." Pioneer

America, VI (1974), 12-21.

Sahli, Nancy. "A Lost Portrait? Frank Duveneck Paints Elizabeth

Blackwell." Ohio History, 85 (1976), 319-325.

Wilhelm, Hubert G. and Michael Miller. "Half-Timber Construction: A

Relic Building Method in Ohio." Pioneer America, VI (1974), 43-51.





Fuller, Sarah, ed. The Ohio Black History Guide. Columbus: The

Ohio Historical Society, 1975. 221p.

Gatherum, Patricia B., comp. "Checklist of Major Research Projects

Initiated in 1973 and Completed Masters and Doctors Degrees."

Ohio History, 83 (1974), 212-215.

Gildemeister, Glen A. and Steven P. Gietschier, eds. Preliminary

Guide to Sources in Ohio Labor History. Columbus: Ohio Histor-

ical Society, 1976. 39p.

Levstik, Frank R., comp. "A Bibliography of Civil War Articles: 1974."

Civil War History, XXI (1975), 330-348.

Schneider, Gilbert D. "Daniel Emmett's Negro Sermons and Hymns:

An Inventory." Ohio History, 85 (1976), 67-83.

Sellers, John R., Gerald W. Gawalt, Paul H. Smith, and Patricia

Molen van Ee. Manuscript Sources in the Library of Congress for

Research on the American Revolution. Washington, D.C.: Library

of Congress, 1975. 372p.

Thurston, Helen M. "A Survey of Publications on the History and

Archaeology of Ohio, 1972 to 1973." Ohio History, 83 (1974),


Whitmore, William H., ed. The American Genealogist, Being a Cata-

logue of Family Histories, A Bibliography of American Genealogy

or a List of Books and Pamphlets on Family History, Published in

America, From 1771 to Date. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 406p.

Wynear, Lubomyr R. et al. Ethnic Groups in Ohio with Special Em-

phasis on Cleveland: An Annotated Bibliographical Guide. Cleve-

Publications in Ohio History 69

Publications in Ohio History                                 69


land: Cleveland State University, Cleveland Ethnic Heritage

Studies Development Program, 1975. 254p.




Havighurst, Walter. Ohio: A Bicentennial History. New York: W. W.

Norton & Company, Inc., 1976. 211p.

Miller, Zane L. "Cincinnati: A Bicentennial Assessment." Cincinnati

Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976), 231-249.

Pieper, Thomas I. and James B. Gidney. Fort Laurens, 1778-1779:

The Revolutionary War in Ohio. Kent: Kent State University

Press, 1976. 97p.

Ratcliffe, Donald J. "The Experience of Revolution and the Beginnings

of Party Politics in Ohio, 1776-1816." Ohio History, 85 (1976),


Skaggs, David C., Jr. "Between the Lakes and the Bluegrass: An

Overview of the Revolution in the Old Northwest." Northwest

Ohio Quarterly, XLVIII (1976), 89-101.

Smith, Thomas H., ed. Ohio in the American Revolution: A Confer-

ence to Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Ft. Gower

Resolves. Columbus: The Ohio Historical Society, 1976. 34p.

Waller, George M. The American Revolution in the West. Chicago:

Nelson-Hall, 1976. 153p.




Bernstein, Burton. Thurber: A Biography. New York: Dodd, Mead,

1975. 532p.

Buchstein, Frederick D. "Josiah Warren: The Peaceful Revolution-

ist." Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 32 (1974), 61-71.

Cameron, Alister. "Carl William Blegen 1887-1971: An Affectionate

Memoir," Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33 (1975), 175-


Cottom, Robert I. "To Be Among the First: The Early Career of

James A. Garfield, 1831-1868." Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins

University, 1975.

Dannenbaum, Jed. "The Crusader: Samuel Cary and Cincinnati Tem-

perance." Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33 (1974), 137-


Downes, Randolph C., ed. "Senator George W. Norris as a Lucas

County School Teacher." Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVII (1974-

1975), 15-19.


70                                                  OHIO HISTORY


Dudley, Charlotte W. "Jared Mansfield: United States Surveyor Gen-

eral." Ohio History, 85 (1976), 231-246.

Duncan, Bingham. Whitelaw Reid: Journalist, Politician, Diplomat.

Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1975. 305p.

Folk, Patrick A. "Our Frank: The Congressional Career of Frank Hurd."

Part III, Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVII (1975), 151-169;

Part IV, Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVIII (1975-1976), 24-34;

Part V, Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVIII (1976), 55-79.

French, David. "Elizur Wright, Jr., and the Emergence of Anti-Col-

onization Sentiments on the Connecticut Western Reserve." Ohio

History, 85 (1976), 49-66.

Goldhurst, Richard. Many are the Hearts: The Agony and Triumph of

Ulysses S. Grant. New York: Reader's Digest, 1975. 282p.

Harrold, Stanley C. "Gamaliel Bailey, Abolitionist and Free Soiler."

Ph.D. dissertation, Kent State University, 1975.

Holsinger, M. Paul. "Timothy Walker: Blackstone for the New Re-

public." Ohio History, 84 (1975), 145-157.

Kime, Wayne R. "Pierre M. Irving and the Toledo Blade." Northwest

Ohio Quarterly, XLVII (1975), 131-150.

Kirkham, E. Bruce. "Harriet Beecher Stowe's Western Tour." Old

Northwest, 1 (1975), 35-49

Maclear, J. F. "Lyman Beecher in Britain." Ohio History, 85 (1976),


Mendel, Roberta. "Carl Frederick Wittke: Versatile Humanist." Ohio

History, 84 (1975), 78-95.

Miller, Terry E. "Alexander Auld 1816-1898: Early Ohio Musician."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33 (1975), 245-260.

Ratcliffe, Donald J., ed. "The Autobiography of Benjamin Tappan."

Ohio History, 85 (1976), 109-157.

Simon, John Y., ed. The Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant. New

York: Putnam, 1975. 346p.

Simon, John Y. "The Rediscovery of Ulysses S. Grant." Inland, 1


Thornbrough, Gayle and Dorothy L. Riker, eds. The Diary of Calvin

Fletcher, Volume III, 1843-1848. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical

Society, 1974. 475p.

Topping, Eva Catafygiotu. "John Zachos: Cincinnatian from Con-

stantinople." Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976),


Westheimer, Charles. "Robert S. Marx: Lawyer, Judge, Politician."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976), 151-171.

Wrege, Charles D. "J. W. Starr: Cincinnati's Forgotten Genius." Cin-

cinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976), 103-120.

Publications in Ohio History 71

Publications in Ohio History                                  71




Calkins, David L. "Black Education and the 19th Century City: An

Institutional Analysis of Cincinnati's Colored Schools, 1850-

1887." Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33 (1975), 161-171.

Gerber, David A. Black Ohio and the Color Line: 1860-1915. Urbana:

University of Illinois Press, 1976. 500p.

Griffin, William. "The Mercy Hospital Controversy among Cleveland's

Afro-American Civic Leaders, 1927." Journal of Negro History,

LXI (1976), 327-350.

Grossman, Lawrence. The Democratic Party and the Negro: Northern

and National Politics 1868-92. Urbana: University of Illinois

Press, 1976. 212p.

Haney, James E. "Blacks and the Republican Nomination of 1908."

Ohio History, 84 (1975), 207-221.

Jackson, W. Sherman. "The Collapse of the Peculiar Institution

Through Military and Legal Action." Ohio History, 83 (1974),


James, Felix. "The Attitudes Toward the Recruitment of Black Troops

in Ohio, 1862-1863." Journal of Afro-American Issues, II (1974).

Kusmer, Kenneth L. A Ghetto Takes Shape: Black Cleveland, 1870-

1930. Urbana; University of Illinois Press, 1976. 305p.

Levstik, Frank R. "David Jenkins: Eagle That is Forgotten." Negro

History Bulletin, 38 (1975), 464.

Pratt, William. "Fugitive from the South: Ransom at Kenyon." Old

Northwest, 1 (1975), 181-196.

Sponholtz, Lloyd L. "Harry Smith, Negro Suffrage and the Ohio

Constitutional Convention: Black Frustration in the Progressive

Era." Phylon, XXXV (1974), 165-180.

Weston, Rubin F., ed. Blacks in Ohio History. Columbus: The Ohio

Historical Society, 1976. 44p.

Wolters, Raymond. The New Negro on Campus: Black College Rebel-

lions of the 1920's. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975.






Cazden, Robert E. "The German Book Trade in Ohio Before 1848."

Ohio History, 84 (1975), 57-77.

Denney, Ellen Wilson. "Surveyor Speculation in the Virginia Military

Tract, the Territorial Period." Cincinnati Historical Society Bul-

letin, 34 (1976), 175-188.


72                                                 OHIO HISTORY


Grant, Roger H. "Land Development in the Middle West: The Case

of the Akron, Canton, and Youngstown Railroad, 1913-1925."

Old Northwest, 1 (1975), 359-373.

Hutslar, Donald A. "Ohio Waterpowered Sawmills." Ohio History,

84 (1975), 5-56.

Jones, John Paul. "The Big Man of the Big Four." Cincinnati His-

torical Society Bulletin, 32 (1974), 79-102.

Klingaman, David C. and Richard K. Vedder, eds. Essays in Nine-

teenth Century Economic History: The Old Northwest. Athens:

Ohio University Press, 1975. 356p.

McCollam, C. Harold. The Brick and Tile Industry in Stark County,

1809-1976. Canton: The Stark County Historical Society, distrib-

uted by the Kent State University Press, 1976. 337p.

Teaford, Jon C. "The State and Industrial Development: Public

Power Development in the Old Northwest." Old Northwest, 1

(1975), 11-34.

Tribe, Ivan M. "An Empire of Industry: Hocking Valley Mining Towns

in the Gilded Age." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toledo, 1976.





Benedict, Michael Les. A Compromise of Principle: Congressional

Republicans and Reconstruction, 1863-1869. New York: W. W.

Norton & Company, 1974. 493p.

Harrison, Lowell H. "A Federal Officer Pursues John Hunt Morgan."

Filson Club Quarterly, 48 (1974), 129-143.

Hatton, Robert W., ed. "Just a Little Bit of the Civil War, As Seen by

W. J. Smith, Company M, 2nd O. V. Cavalry." Ohio History, 84

(1975), 101-126, 222-242.

Klement, Frank L. "Ohio and the Knights of the Golden Circle: The

Evolution of a Civil War Myth." Cincinnati Historical Society

Bulletin, 32 (1974), 7-27.

Longacre, Edward G. Mounted Raids of the Civil War. New York:

Barnes, 1975. 348p. Morgan's Raid.

Lupold, Harry Forrest, ed. "An Ohio Doctor Views Campaigning on

the White River, 1864." Arkansas Historical Quarterly, XXXIV

(1975), 333-351.

Rieger, Paul E., ed. Through One Man's Eyes: The Civil War Expe-

riences of a Belmont County Volunteer: Letters of James G.

Theaker. Mount Vernon, Ohio: Printing Arts, 1974. 177p.

Smart, James G., ed. A Radical View: The "Agate" Dispatches of

Publications in Ohio History 73

Publications in Ohio History                                 73


Whitelaw Reid, 1861-1865. Memphis: Memphis State University

Press, 1976. 274p.

Starr, Stephen Z. "The Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry: A View from

the Inside." Ohio History, 85 (1976), 306-318.

Thomas, Edison H. John Hunt Morgan and His Raiders. Lexington:

University Press of Kentucky, 1975. 120p.




Beauregard, Erving E. "History of Academic Freedom in Ohio: Case

Studies 1808-1975." Ph.D. dissertation, Union Graduate School,


Bigglestone, W. E. "George Nelson Allen: Teacher in Spite of Him-

self." Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVIII (1975-1976), 3-23.

Boehm, Richard Theodore. "Tod B. Galloway: Buckeye Jongleur,

Composer of 'The Whiffenpoof Song.'" Ohio History, 83 (1974),


Cramer, C. H. Case Western Reserve: A History of the University,

1826-1976. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1976. 401p.

Johnson, Ronald M. "Politics and Pedagogy: The 1892 Cleveland

School Reform." Ohio History, 84 (1975), 196-206.

Maurer, Joyce C. "Federal Theatre in Cincinnati." Cincinnati His-

torical Society Bulletin, 32 (1974), 2945.

Meyer, Michael A. "The Hebrew Union College-Its First Years."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33 (1975), 7-25.

Miggins, Edward M. "Businessmen, Pedagogues, and Progressive

Reform: The Cleveland Foundation's 1915 School Survey." Ph.D.

dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 1975.

Miller, Janet Ann. "Urban Education and the New City, Cincinnati's

Elementary Schools, 1870-1914." Ph.D. dissertation, University

of Cincinnati, 1974.

Minnich, Harvey C. William Holmes McGuffey and His Readers.

Detroit: Gale, 1975. 203p. Reprint.

Morrison, Theodore. Chautauqua: A Center for Education, Religion,

and the Arts in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,

1974. 351p.

Reese, William J. "Progressive School Reform in Toledo." North-

west Ohio Quarterly, XLVII (1975), 44-59.

Spraul, Judith. "Cultural Boosterism: The Construction of Music

Hall." Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976), 189-203.

Taylor, Michael William. "Ben Darrow and the Ohio School of the

Air." Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1974.


74                                                OHIO HISTORY


Vestal, Alice M. "The American Etiquette Book; or How to Make

Guests Feel at Home When They Wish They Were." Cincinnati

Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976), 251-264.

Vollmar, William J. "The Issue of Compulsory Military Training at

The Ohio State University, 1913-1973." Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio

State University, 1976.

Wetzel, Richard D. Frontier Musicians on the Connoquenessing,

Wabash, and Ohio. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1976. 294p.

Wills, J. Robert. "Late Nineteenth Century Theater in the Lebanon

Opera House." Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33 (1975),





Blegen, Carl W. "Horses." Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33

(1975), 183-187.

Green, Hoke S. "The Cincinnati Commemorative Half Dollar."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33 (1975), 241-243.

Knepper, George W. An Ohio Portrait. Columbus: The Ohio Histori-

cal Society, 1976. 282p.

Noble, Allen G. and Albert J. Korsok. Ohio-An American Heartland.

Columbus: Ohio Division of Geological Survey, 1975. 230p.

Rodger, Robert W. "Ye Giglamptz: The Jolting, Jabbing Journal of

Farny and Hearn." Cincinnati, IX (1974), 4-9. A satirical journal

published by Lafcadio Hearn and Henry Farny in Cincinnati,

June 21 and August 16, 1874.

Smith, Thomas H., ed. An Ohio Reader: 1750 to the Civil War. Grand

Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975. 324p.

Smith, Thomas H., ed. An Ohio Reader: Reconstruction to the Present.

Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975. 439p.

Thane, James L., Jr. "The Governor's Lady Writes Home to Ohio."

Montana the Magazine of Western History, XXIV (1974), 12-25.

Watts, Eugene J. "The Ohio Data Archives." Historical Methods

Newsletter, VII (1974), 87-88.



Bailey, Kenneth P. Christopher Gist: Colonial Frontiersman, Explorer,

and Indian Agent. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1976. 264p.

Bigglestone, William E. "Oberlin College and the Beginning of the

Red Lake Mission." Minnesota History, 45 (1976), 21-31.

Buchman, Randall L., ed. The Historic Indian in Ohio. Columbus:

The Ohio Historical Society, 1976. 46p.

Publications in Ohio History 75

Publications in Ohio History                                 75


Downes, Randolph C., ed. "How a Historical Society Helped Bring

About the Award to the Ottawa Tribe." Northwest Ohio Quarterly,

XLVII (1974-1975), 4-14.

Faust, Richard H. "William Medill: Commissioner of Indian Affairs,

1845-1849." Old Northwest, 1 (1975), 129-140.

Johnson, David R. "Fort Amanda-A Historical Redress." Northwest

Ohio Quarterly, XLVIII (1976), 102-106.

Kraft, Herbert C., ed. A Delaware Indian Symposium. Harrisburg:

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1974. 160p.

Lindley, Harlow, ed. Fort Meigs and the War of 1812: Orderly Book of

Cushing's Company and Personal Diary of Captain Daniel Cush-

ing. Columbus: The Ohio Historical Society, 1975. 146p.

Richards, Clifford H. "Little Turtle: The Man and His Land." Old

Fort Bulletin, Nov.-Dec. (1974).

Swick, Ray. "Aaron Burr's Visit to Blennerhassett Island." West

Virginia History, XXXV (1974), 205-219.

Vitz, Robert Z. "James Taylor, the War Department, and the War of

1812." Old Northwest, 2 (1976), 107-130.

Vogel, John J. Indians of Ohio and Wyandot County. New York:

Vantage, 1975. 131p.

Wallace, Lee A., Jr. "The Petersburgh Volunteers, 1812-1813." Virginia

Magazine of History and Biography, LXXXII (1974), 458485.

Fort Meigs.

Williams, Edward G., ed. Bouquet's March to the Ohio: The Forbes

Road (From the original manuscript in the William L. Clements

Library). Pittsburg: Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania,

1975. 158p.

Williams, Edward G., ed. "Orderly Book I of Colonel Henry Bouquet's

Expedition Against the Ohio Indians, 1764 (Carlisle to Fort Pitt),

Part Three." Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, 57

(1974), 51-106.

Williams, Joyce G. and Jill E. Farrelly. Diplomacy on the Indiana-Ohio

Frontier: 1783-1791. Bloomington: Indiana University Bicentennial

Committee, 1976. 99p.

Wilson, John. "Christopher Gist, Who's That?" Western Pennsylvania

Historical Magazine, 57 (1974), 476-478.





Cebula, James E. Glory and Despair, Challenge and Change: The

Molders. Cincinnati: International Molders and Allied Workers

Union, 1976. 86p.


76                                                 OHIO HISTORY


Levstik, Frank R. "The Hocking Valley Miner's Strike, 1884-1885: A

Search for Order." Old Northwest, 2 (1976), 55-65.

Musselman, Barbara L. "The Quest for Collective Improvements:

Cincinnati Workers, 1893 to 1920." Ph.D. dissertation, University

of Cincinnati, 1975.

Musselman, Barbara L. "Working Class Unity and Ethnic Division:

Cincinnati Trade Unionists and Cultural Pluralism." Cincinnati

Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976), 121-143.

Nelson, Daniel, ed. "The Beginnings of a Sitdown Era: The Reminis-

cences of Rex Murray." Labor History, XV (1974), 89-97.

Nelson, Daniel. "The New Factory System and the Unions: The Na-

tional Cash Register Company Dispute of 1901." Labor History,

XV (1974), 163-178.

O'Brien, Larry D. "The Ohio National Guard in the Coal Strike of

1932." Ohio History, 84 (1975), 127-144.

Rich, David. "The Toledo Mechanics Association: The City's First

Labor Union." Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVI (1973-1974),


Rose, Patricia T. "Design and Expediency: The Ohio State Federation

of Labor as a Legislative Lobby, 1883-1935." Ph.D. dissertation,

Ohio State University, 1975.

Shiner, John F. "The 1937 Steel Labor Dispute and the Ohio Na-

tional Guard." Ohio History, 84 (1975), 182-195.

Wortman, Roy T. "The Resurgence of the I.W.W. in Cleveland: A

Neglected Aspect of Labor History." Northwest Ohio Quarterly,

XLVII (1974-1975), 20-29.





Belknap, Michal R. "The Fight for the Right to Counsel." Ohio History,

85 (1976), 28-48.

Bloom, John Porter, ed. The American Territorial System. Athens:

Ohio University Press, 1974. 248p.

Gerber, David A. "Lynching and Law and Order: Origin and Passage

of the Ohio Anti-Lynching Law of 1896." Ohio History, 83 (1974),


Kyvig, David E. "Ammending the U.S. Constitution: Ratification Con-

troversies, 1917-1971." Ohio History, 83 (1974), 156-169.

Wanner, Craig. "The Public Ordering of Private Relations." Law and

Society Review, VIII (1974), 293-306. Reviews cases in Baltimore,

Cleveland, and Milwaukee.

Publications in Ohio History 77

Publications in Ohio History                                 77




Carrington, George C., Jr. "Ohio: Howells' Vulnerable Refuge." Old

Northwest, 1 (1975), 107-128.

Crider, Gregory L. "Howells' Altruria: The Ambivalent Utopia." Old

Northwest, 1 (1975), 405-418.

Crowley, John W. "Howells's Obscure Hurt." Journal of American

Studies, 9 (1975), 199-211.

Dougherty, David C. "James Wright: The Murderer's Grave in the

New Northwest." Old Northwest, 2 (1976), 45-54. Ohio Poet.

Holmes, Charles S. Thurber: A Collection of Critical Essays. Engle-

wood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1974. 180p.

Howells, William Dean. Years of My Youth and Three Essays.

Volume 29 in a Selected Edition of W. D. Howells, edited by

David J. Nordloh. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1974.

Metcalf, E. W., Jr. Paul Laurence Dunbar. Metuchen: The Scarecrow

Press, Inc., 1975. 193p.

Payne, Alma J. "The Midwest: Literary Resource and Refuge." Old

Northwest, 1 (1975), 1-9.






Anderson, Elaine. "Consumer Rationing in Lucas County During

World War II." Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVII (1975), 79-99.

Baskin, John. New Burlington: The Life and Death of an American

Village. New York: W. W. Norton, 1976. 259p.

Cebula, James E. "Kennedy Heights: A Fragmented Hilltop Suburb."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976), 79-100.

Clark, Roger W. "Cincinnati Crusaders for Temperance: 1874."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 32 (1974), 185-199.

Condon, George E. Yesterday's Cleveland. Miami: E. A. Seemann

Publishing, Inc., 1976. 144p.

Crauder, Bruce. "The Disappearance of Ohio Yearly Meeting (Hick-

site)." Quaker History, LXV (1976), 93-99.

Dush, Joseph F. History of Willard, Ohio, With Pioneer Sketches of

New Haven, Greenfield, Norwich, and Richmond Townships.

Willard: The Lakeside Press, 1974. 318p.

Feck, Luke. Yesterday's Cincinnati. Miami: E. A. Seemann Publishing,

Inc., 1975. 140p.


78                                                 OHIO HISTORY


Gale, Oliver M. "The Cincinnati Zoo-100 Years of Trial and Triumph."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33 (1975), 87-119.

Goslin, Charles R. Crossroads and Fence Corners: Historical Lore of

Fairfield County. Lancaster, Ohio: The Fairfield Heritage Associa-

tion, 1976. 303p.

Hansen, Helen M. At Home in Early Sandusky. Sandusky, Ohio:

Sandusky Library Association, 1975. 101p.

Hibbs, Jack Eugene. "A History of the Toledo Public Library."

Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVI (1974), 72-116.

Howe, Robert T. "Knowlton's at the Corner." Cincinnati Historical

Society Bulletin, 33 (1975), 189-215.

Jenkins, Hal. A Valley Renewed. Kent: Kent State University Press,

1976. 206p. History of Muskingum Watershed Conservancy Dis-


Leisy, Bruce R. A History of the Leisy Brewing Companies. North

Newton, Kansas: Mennonite Press, 1975. 106p.

Ligibel, Ted J. "Toledo Minus Port Lawrence Equals Vistula, A

Retrospective Look at Toledo's Oldest Remaining Neighborhood."

Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVI (1974), 123-130.

Morris, James M. "Communes and Cooperatives: Cincinnati's Early

Experiments with Social Reform." Cincinnati Historical Society

Bulletin, 33 (1975), 57-80.

Morris, James M. "No Haymarket for Cincinnati." Ohio History, 83

(1974), 17-32.

Nichols, Kenneth. Yesterday's Akron: The First 150 Years. Miami:

E. A. Seemann Publishing, Inc., 1975. 120p.

Noble, Dennis L. "Man in the Surfboat." Inland Seas, III (1975),

215-216, 219. Journal of the Cleveland Life Saving Association,


Porter, Philip W. Cleveland: Confused City on a Seesaw. Columbus:

Ohio State University Press, 1976. 314p.

Raphael, Marc Lee. "The Industrial Removal Office in Columbus: A

Local Case Study." Ohio History, 85 (1976), 100-108.

Raphael, Marc Lee. "The Utilization of Public Local and Federal

Sources for Reconstructing American Jewish Local History: The

Jews of Columbus, Ohio." American Jewish History Quarterly,

LXV (1975), 10-35.

Ring, Daniel F. "The Cleveland Public Library and the WPA: A Study

in Creative Partnership." Ohio History, 84 (1975), 158-164.

Staelin, Carl G. "Tapestry of Toledo's Past." Northwest Ohio Quar-

terly, XLVIII (1976), 121-133.

Stanley, Marguerite. "Three Essays on Early 20th Century Maumee."

Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVI (1973-1974), 8-14.

Publications in Ohio History 79

Publications in Ohio History                                 79


Stern, Joseph S., Jr. "Findlay Market and Over-the-Rhine Revisited."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976), 25-44.

Vexler, Robert I., ed. Cincinnati: A Chronological & Documentary

History: 1676-1970. Dobbs Ferry: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1975.


Weiner, Ronald R. "A History of Civic Land Use Decision Making in

the Cleveland Metropolitan Area, 1880-1930." Ph.D. dissertation,

Kent State University, 1974.

Welter, Bernadine. "There's Poetry in Preservation! A Look into the

History of the Wildwood Preserve." Northwest Ohio Quarterly,

XLVIII (1976), 43-51.





Accinelli, Robert D. "Was there a 'New' Harding? Warren G. Harding

and the World Court Issue, 1920-1923." Ohio History, 84 (1975),


Busch, Ronald J. and Martin D. Abravanel. "The Urban Party Or-

ganization as an Opportunity Structure: Race and Party Differ-

ences Among Cleveland Ward Leaders." Western Political

Quarterly, XXIX (1976), 59-74.

Collier, Bonnie B. "The Ohio Western Reserve: Its Influence on

Political Parties in Connecticut in the Late Eighteenth Century."

Connecticut Review, IX (1975), 50-61.

Dare, Philip N. "John A. Bingham and Treaty Revision with Japan:

1873-1885." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Kentucky, 1975.

Dunfee, Charles D. "Harold H. Burton, Mayor of Cleveland: The

WPA Program, 1935-1937." Ph.D. dissertation, Case Western Re-

serve University, 1975.

Frank, Forest. "The Disestablishment of the Charter Committee."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 33 (1975), 27-47.

Goist, Park Dixon. "Political Campaigning and Pluralism in a Cleve-

land Suburb." Indiana Social Studies Quarterly, XXVIII (1975),


Horowitz, Robert F. "James M. Ashley and the Presidential Election

of 1856." Ohio History, 83 (1974), 4-16.

Kautz, Craig L. "Fodder for Cannon: Immigrant Perceptions of the

Civil War-the Old Northwest." Ph.D. dissertation, University of

Nebraska, Lincoln, 1976.


80                                                  OHIO HISTORY


Kindig, Everett William, II. "Western Opposition to Jackson's 'De-

mocracy': The Ohio Valley as a Case Study, 1827-1836." Ph.D.

dissertation, Stanford University, 1975.

Kremm, Thomas Wesley. "The Rise of the Republican Party in Cleve-

land, 1848-1860." Ph.D. dissertation, Kent State University, 1974.

Maurer, David J. "Relief Problems and Politics in Ohio." Pages 77-

102 in The New Deal: The State and Local Levels, eds. John Brae-

man, Robert H. Bremner, and David Brody. Columbus: Ohio

State University Press, 1975.

Minger, Ralph Eldin. William Howard Taft and United States Foreign

Policy: the Apprenticeship Years, 1900-1908. Urbana: University

of Illinois Press, 1975. 241p.

Murray, Richard K. "The President Under Fire." American History

Illustrated, IX (1974), 32-40. Warren G. Harding.

Murray, Robert K. "Warren G. Harding: A Half-Century Later."

Inland, 4 (1974).

Ness, Gary C. "Proving Ground for a President: William Howard Taft

and the Philippines, 1900-1905." Cincinnati Historical Society

Bulletin, 34 (1976), 205-222.

Ness, Gary C. "William Howard Taft and the Great War." Cincinnati

Historical Society Bulletin, 34 (1976), 7-23.

Neuenschwander, John A. "Senator Thomas Morris: Antagonist of the

South, 1836-1839." Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 32

(1974), 123-139.

Porter, David L. "Ohio Representative John M. Vorys and the Arms

Embargo in 1939." Ohio History, 83 (1974), 103-113.

Reichard, Gary W. "Eisenhower and the Bricker Amendment."

Prologue, 6 (1974), 88-99.

Sobczak, John N. "The Politics of Relief: Public Aid in Toledo, 1933-

1937." Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVIII (1976), 134-142.

Sponholtz, Lloyd. "The Politics of Temperance in Ohio, 1880-1912."

Ohio History, 85 (1976), 4-27.

Stegh, Leslie J. "A Paradox of Prohibition: Election of Robert J.

Bulkley as Senator from Ohio, 1930." Ohio History, 83 (1974),


Stegh, Leslie J. "Wet and Dry Battles in the Cradle State of Prohibi-

tion: Robert J. Bulkley and the Repeal of Prohibition in Ohio."

Ph.D. dissertation, Kent State University, 1975.

Taylor, John M. "Presidential Letters." Manuscripts, XXVI (1974),

206-207. William Henry Harrison.

Whitaker, F. M. "Ohio WCTU and the Prohibition Amendment

Campaign of 1883." Ohio History, 83 (1974), 84-102.

Publications in Ohio History 81

Publications in Ohio History                                 81


Wolff, Gerald W. "The Ohio Farmer-Labor Vote in the Election of

1896: A Case Study." Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVII (1975),


Yong Hyo Cho. "City Politics and Racial Polarization: Bloc Voting in

Cleveland Elections." Journal of Black Studies, 4 (1974), 396-417.





Bowers, Paul C. and Goodwin F. Berquist, Jr. "Worthington, Ohio:

James Kilbourn's Episcopal Haven on the Western Frontier."

Ohio History, 85 (1976), 247-262.

Burke, James L. and Donald E. Bensch. "Mount Pleasant and the

Early Quakers of Ohio." Ohio History, 83 (1974), 220-255.

Burke, James L. and Donald E. Bensch. Mount Pleasant and the Early

Quakers of Ohio. Columbus: The Ohio Historical Society, 1975.


Hamilton, Albert. The Catholic Journey Through Ohio. Columbus:

Catholic Conference of Ohio, 1976.

Holmes, Y. Lynn. "The Newark Holy Stones." Manuscripts, XXVII

(1975), 103-111.





Asbury, Elsie. "The Literary Club." Cincinnati Historical Society

Bulletin, 32 (1974), 105-121.

Barton, Joseph J. Peasants and Strangers: Italians, Rumanians, and

Slovaks in an American City, 1890-1950. Harvard Studies in Urban

History. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975. 217p.

Blocker, Jack S. Retreat from Reform: The Prohibition Movement in

the United States, 1890-1913. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1976.


Clark, Earl. "When Little Bands Were Big." American Heritage,

XXV (1974), 38-40, 96. 1920s Columbus, Ohio.

Daugherty, Robert L. "Problems in Peacekeeping: The 1924 Niles

Riot." Ohio History, 85 (1976), 280-292.

Eversole, Theodore W. "The Cincinnati Union Bethel: The Coming

of Age of the Settlement Idea in Cincinnati." Cincinnati Historical

Society Bulletin, 32 (1974), 47-59.

French, David. "Puritan Conservatism and the Frontier: The Elizur

Wright Family on the Connecticut Western Reserve." Old

Northwest, 1 (1975), 85-95.


82                                                  OHIO HISTORY


Gale, Oliver M. "The Queen City Club-The First Hundred Years."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 32 (1974), 153-175.

Harrison, Dennis I. "The Consumers' League of Ohio: Women and

Reform, 1909-1937." Ph.D. dissertation, Case Western Reserve

University, 1975.

Hutslar, Donald A., ed. "Crossroads: The Xenia Tornado, A Retro-

spective View." Ohio History, 83 (1974), 192-211.

Lewis, Dottie L. "The Cincinnati Bathtub." Cincinnati Historical

Society Bulletin, 33 (1975), 49-55.

McManis, Michael A. "Range Ten, Town Four: A Social History of

Hudson, Ohio, 1799-1840." Ph.D. dissertation, Case Western

Reserve University, 1976.

Millett, Stephen M. "The Midwest Origins of the American Com-

munist Party: The Leadership of Charles E. Ruthenberg, 1919-

1927." Old Northwest, 1 (1975), 253-290.

Monkkonen, Eric H. The Dangerous Class: Crime and Poverty in

Columbus, Ohio, 1860-1885. Cambridge: Harvard University

Press, 1975. 186p.

Peckham, Charles A. "The Ohio National Guard and its Police Duties,

1894." Ohio History, 83 (1974), 51-67.

Robbina, Vesta O. No Coward Soul. Ames: Iowa State University

Press, 1974. Pioneer travel through Ohio.

Smith, Delores. "Northwestern Ohio's Cholera Years, 1849-1854."

Northwest Ohio Quarterly, XLVII (1975), 60-69.

Stuckey, James H. "The Formation of Leadership Groups in a Frontier

Town: Canton, Ohio, 1805-1855." Ph.D. dissertation, Case

Western Reserve University, 1976.

Swart, Stanley Louis. "The Development of State-Level Police Ac-

tivity in Ohio, 1802-1828." Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern

University, 1974.

Thomas, Louis R. "A Glorious Drunk." Cincinnati Historical Society

Bulletin, 33 (1975), 223-239.

Whitlock, Marta, ed. Women in Ohio History. Columbus: The Ohio

Historical Society, 1976. 38p.




Boyer, Dwight. Strange Adventures of the Great Lakes. New York:

Dodd, Mead, and Company, 1974. 248p.

Dodge, Robert J. Isolated Splendor: Put-in-Bay and South Bass Island.

Hicksville, N.Y.: Exposition, 1975. 166p.

Publications in Ohio History 83

Publications in Ohio History                                  83


Eid, Leroy V. "The Pride of the Muddy Maumee." Northwest Ohio

Quarterly, XLVIII (1976), 52-54.

Haites, Erik F., James Mak, and Gary M. Walton. Western River

Transportation: The Era of Early Internal Development, 1810-

1860. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. 209p.

Havighurst, Walter. The Long Ships Passing: The Story of the Great

Lakes. New York: Macmillan, 1975. 360p. Revised edition.

Lechner, Carl B., Jr. "The Erie Triangle, 1782-1802." Ph.D. disserta-

tion, Case Western Reserve University, 1975.

Saylor, Larry J. "Street Railroads in Columbus, Ohio, 1862-1920."

Old Northwest, 1 (1975), 291-315.

Scheiber, Harry N. "Land Reform, Speculation, and Governmental

Failure: The Administration of Ohio's State Canal Lands, 1836-

60." Prologue, 7 (1975), 85-98.

Schneider, Norris F. The National Road: Main Street of America.

Columbus: The Ohio Historical Society, 1975. 40p.

Stanton, Samuel Ward. Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, Southern and

Western Inland Steam Vessels. Upper Montclair, N.J.: Whiting,

1974. 40p.

White, John H., Jr. "The Steam Railroad Comes to Cincinnati."

Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, 32 (1974), 177-182.