Ohio History Journal


Editorialana.                       331


Ryan, Columbus, O.; C. E. Schenk, J. R. Schindel, Murray Seasongood,

Frank H. Schaffer, D. H. T. Smith, Rufus B. Smith, Dr. R. W. Stewart,

Thomas T. Swift, G. S. Sykes, Rev. Geo. A. Thayer, Bryant Venable,

Emerson Venable, R. O. Venable, Dr. Chas. E. Walton, J. W. Worth-

ington, F. B. Wiborg, J. O. White, Charles B. Wilby, Joseph Wilby,

John F. Winslow, Isidor Wise, Paul Wisenall, E. J. Wohlgemuth,

Everett I. Yowell.




Judge M. D. Follett, one of the organizers of the Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society, a life member and beginning

in 1895 for some ten years a trustee, died at his home in Marietta,

Ohio, August 22, 1911.

Concerning his distinguished life we quote from a memorial pub-

lished by the Washington County Bar Association of which for many

years he was a most eminent member.

Martin Dewey Follett was born in Enosburg, Franklin county,

Vermont, October 8, 1826, the son of Captain John Fassett Follett and

grandson of Martin Dewey Follett. Many members of his family had

risen to prominence in colonial and revolutionary times. In 1836 his

father, with his wife and nine children, came west and settled on a

farm in Licking county, Ohio, where the subject of our sketch grew

to manhood. Having taught school for several years, he entered Mari-

etta college and graduated, with highest honors, in the class of 1853-

having completed the required course in two years. He received the

degree of Bachelor of Arts; and three years later was further honored

by having conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. After

being graduated he taught for one year in the high school at Newark,

Ohio, and for two years in the academy and public schools at Marietta,

Ohio, and in 1856 was elected superintendent of the local schools, which

he served two years.

In 1856 he married Miss Harriet L. Shipman, of Marietta, Ohio,

to whom were born four children, all of whom are deceased except

Mr. Alfred Dewey Follett, a member of this bar. Judge Follett was

married a second time in 1875 to Miss Abbie M. Bailey, of Lowell,

Mass., to whom was born one son, Edward B. Follett, a judge of the

court of common pleas of this district.

Judge Follett was admitted to the bar in 1858, at the time of

his death being the oldest member of the bar association, in point of

service; Mr. R. M. Stimson having been admitted in 1849, but never

practiced; and R. K. Shaw, who was admitted in 1855 in New York,

but came to Marietta in 1860. At the October election in 1883, Judge

Follett was elected to the Supreme Court of Ohio and served there from

332 Ohio Arch

332        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


December 8, 1883, until February 9, 1888. While a member of the

Supreme Court he established a reputation for industry and judicial

ability which was recognized by the profession throughout the state.

His opinions are found in volumes 42, 43 and 44, Ohio State Reports.

He was associated upon the bench with such men as George W. Mc-

Ilvane, Selwyn N. Owen, John W. Okey and Franklin J. Dickman,

and at the end of his term with present Chief Justice William T. Spear,

who began his career upon the Supreme bench in 1885.

Politically, Judge Follett was a sincere and loyal member of the

Democratic party; in 1864 he served his party as delegate in the national

convention which nominated Gen. George B. McClellan for the presi-

dency; twice, in 1866 and 1868, he was the party nominee for congress-

man from   this district. He took much interest in matters of local

government and exerted wide influence upon its affairs.

He was distinctively a humanitarian. Since 1879, when Governor

Bishop sent him as a delegate from Ohio to the National Conference

of Charities at Chicago, and Governor Foster the following year to

Cleveland, he had devoted much time and study toward the improve-

ment of conditions for the criminal and insane. As a member of the

board of state charities, he has been largely instrumental in bringing

the penal, reformatory and charitable institutions of Ohio to the high

standard of present attainment. The new hospital to be erected at

Lima for the care of the criminal insane can be directly traced to the

influence which Judge Follett has wielded for many years upon the

state's policy of caring for its unfortunate. Surely, in this respect he

has aided in establishing the Kingdom through this modern expression

of the brotherhood of man.

In giving an estimate of the services of Judge Follett, we may

lay emphasis upon the fact that he was a true friend of education.

Himself educated, wisely informed, a teacher, he saw the importance

all along the line of lifting education above the bread and butter stand-

ard. He served on the board of trustees of Marietta college for many

years; and upon the local board of education; he was a charter member

of, and until his death a faithful attendant upon, the Marietta Reading

Club. Likewise, he conceived the law as a profession rather than a

business, and never lost interest in the meetings of the Ohio State

Bar Association and in the American Bar Association, of which he

was a member and to which, upon important committees, he rendered

valuable services.

As a man, Judge Follett possessed an interesting and strong per-

sonality; as a citizen, he was ever willing to assume his full share of

the burden of public service; as a lawyer, he was successful, always

faithful to his client, and honorable; and as a Christian, a faithful at-

tendant upon the services of the First Congregational Church and in

his daily life loyal to his religious convictions.