tory section, under the supervision of
the State Historical So-
ciety. It is not intended to limit the
activities and interests of the
conference to Ohio history alone, but
rather to develop an annual
Ohio History Conference devoted to all
phases of history in which
the membership might be interested.
The president called for a report of the
Nominating Commit-
tee for trustees. The chairman of the
committee reported that the
committee recommended the re-appointment
of Dr. George W.
Rightmire, president of Ohio State
University; Mr. Harold T.
Clark, of Cleveland, and Mr. Webb C.
Hayes, II, of Fremont,
as trustees for the regular term of
three years from date. This
report was unanimously approved. The
Annual Business Ses-
sion of the Society then recessed to
April 26, 1938.
APRIL 1, 1938
The regular April meeting of the Board
of Trustees of the Ohio
State Archaeological and Historical
Society was held in connection with
a called meeting of the Society on April
1, 1938, at 1:00 P. M. Trustees
present were Messrs. Johnson, Florence,
Goldman, Hayes, Miller, Parker,
Rightmire, Spetnagel and Weygandt.
Director Shetrone, Secretary Lind-
ley and Mr. McKinley also were present.
Mr. Johnson presided.
There being no objections to the minutes
of the previous meeting
which had been sent to members of the
Board through the mail, these
minutes were approved.
Mr. McKinley reported for the Committee
on Membership and policy,
that, although one meeting had been
held, there had been no definite action
to report. He stated that the meeting
may have had some value as a
precedent for future gatherings of the
kind but that a definite report would
have to be delayed until a later time.
The secretary reported that it was
necessary to get a definite action
from the Board concerning their wishes
regarding the publication of the
Ohio Guide for which the Society is
co-operating sponsor. He reviewed
previous transactions. It was the
general opinion of the members present
that since the money for writing the
Ohio Guide had come from W. P. A.
that the Federal Government procedure
should be followed so far as pos-
sible. Mr. Goldman moved that the Board
approve letting the contract
for publication of the Ohio Guide
according to specifications of the federal
director of the Writers' Project on the
basis of bids submitted by various
publishers with the understanding that
the Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society would under no
circumstances underwrite the publica-
tion in any amount and that an Ohio
publishing firm would be favored, all
other considerations being equal. After
some discussion, the motion was
seconded and approved.
The secretary read a brief report of the
current status of the Rankin
State Memorial which had been prepared
by the Society's Park Depart-
ment. The report stated that on March 9,
1938, a ninety-day option was
executed on an area of approximately
twenty acres. A second option for
five years also was executed for an
additional ten acres to provide pro-
tection against any encroachment on the
first optioned property. The local
fund of $800.00 for maintenance as
provided at the last meeting of the
Board is being collected. Abstract of
title and warranty deed to the prop-
erty are in process of preparation.
Mr. McKinley gave a brief report of the
work done on W. P. A.
projects in the Society's Building and
stated that the sum of $200.00 was
needed for materials to be used on the
W. P. A. project which would end
September 1, and the Board approved a
guarantee for materials for a new
project to operate for one year
following September 1, if and when such
project might be approved by W. P. A.
The Board approved the publication of a
Handbook for the Campus
Martius Memorial Museum.
The director recommended the appointment
of E. C. Zepp as curator
of Historical Memorials, succeeding H.
R. McPherson, who had resigned.
The secretary recommended the
appointment, effective September 1,
of Mr. Andrew Ondrak to fill the
position of assistant reference librarian.
He also reported that Mr. Jay Beswick
had been added to the staff for a
six-months' appointment to be paid from
the appropriation for the six-
volume History of Ohio sponsored by the
Society. Mr. Miller moved that
the appointments of Mr. Zepp, Mr. Ondrak
and Mr. Beswick be approved.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Parker
and approved by the Board.
The secretary reported that an
invitation had been received by the
Society to be represented at the
ceremonies connected with the inaugura-
tion of the new president of Bowling
Green College. The Board recom-
mended that the secretary take care of
finding a representative of the
Mr. Miller presented a motion that the
officers of the Board of
Trustees who had served for the past
year be re-elected and that the
secretary cast the ballot. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Hayes and
unanimously approved. Mr. Weygandt moved
that the present staff of the
Ohio State Archaeological and Historical
Society be re-elected for another
year. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Spetnagel and approved.
Miscellaneous Business
The director gave a brief summary of the
aid given the Society in the
past by the "Save Out-door
Ohio" Council and stated that the council was
now sponsoring a plan to develop a
recreational park on the shores of Lake
Erie. He advised that the Society
reciprocate the favors of the "Save
Out-door Ohio" Council by the
signing of a petition to the responsible
State authorities that such a
recreational area be erected. The Board ap-
proved the recommendation in the following form:
"Memorializing the conservation
commissioner and the conservation
council to purchase certain lands located
along the shore of Lake Erie
for conservation and recreation
"WHEREAS, There are no state park
facilities on the shores of
Lake Erie for conservation and
recreation purposes; and
"WHEREAS, The establishment of
state parks on the shores of
Lake Erie would provide conservation and
recreation facilities for the
people of our state, therefore be it
"Resolved by The Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society
that Conservation Commissioner L. Wooddell, and the
members of the
conservation council of Ohio are hereby
memorialized to purchase any
lands as sites for the establishment of
state parks along the shores of
Lake Erie for conservation and
recreation purposes.
"Be it further resolved that copies
of this resolution be transmitted
by the secretary of this organization to
Conservation Commissioner L.
Wooddell, and to each member of the
conservation council, and to the
chairman of the Senate Conservation and
Finance Committees, and to the
Governor of the State of Ohio."
Mr. Miller read a report of receipts
from the concessions at the va-
rious State parks.
Mr. Johnson suggested that the Board
present felicitations to Mr. H.
Preston Wolfe on the occasion of his
wedding and to Mr. H. C. Shetrone
on the occasion of his completing the
twenty-fifth year in the service of
the Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society.
Mr. Spetnagel moved that the Board
express its appreciation to
President Rightmire for his
entertainment of the Board members at
luncheon in the Faculty Club. The
suggestion was heartily approved.
On motion of Mr. Miller, the meeting was
Ohio Academy of History Session, 12:30 P. M.,
April 1,
Deshler-Wallick Hotel
The first annual joint meeting of the
Ohio State Archaeolog-
ical and Historical Society and the Ohio
Academy of History
was held at Columbus on April 1 and 2.
The arrangements for
the joint meeting were carefully planned
and were admirably
carried out. Although sessions were held at the Ohio State
Museum, at the Deshler-Wallick Hotel,
and at the Ohio State
University Chapel there was not the
least confusion.
Friday noon, April 1, following the
annual business meeting
of the Society, a luncheon was held in
the Spanish Room of the
Deshler-Wallick Hotel.
Following the luncheon, Professor
Harold Davis, of Hiram College,
president of the Ohio Academy
of History, presided and welcomed
approximately fifty members
of the Academy and of the Society.
Professor Homer C. Hock-
ett, of the Ohio State University,
chairman of the Nominating
Committee proposed Sellaw A. Roberts, of
Kent State College,
for president of the Academy, and John
O. Marsh, curator of
History, Ohio Archaeological and
Historical Society, for secretary.
Both were elected. A
resolution, that the Ohio Academy of
History co-operate with the Ohio State
Archaeological and His-
torical Society in a second annual joint
meeting, was unanimously
Following the brief business meeting
several papers were
read. The first speaker was Professor
Walter Dorn of the De-