Ohio History Journal




ABOLITIONIST movement, 8, 23,


Adult education, "Newton D. Baker

and the Adult Education

Movement," by Rae Wahl Rohfeld,


AEF. See American Expeditionary

Force University

Albrecht, Carl W., book rev., 157-58

Alexander, Charles C., book rev., 64-65

Alexander, Roberta Sue, North Carolina

Faces the Freedmen; Race Relations

During Presidential Reconstruction,

1865-67, 134

Alice Hamilton: A Life in Letters, by

Barbara Sicherman, rev., 57-58

Allen, Florence Ellinwood, First Lady of

The Law: Florence Ellinwood Allen, by

Jeannette E. Tuve, rev., 55-56

American Association for Adult

Education, 122, 124-25

American Bar Association, 129

American Choices: Social Dilemmas and

Public Policy Since 1960, edited by

Gary W. Reichard and Robert H.

Bremner, 135

American Expeditionary Force

University (AEF), 119-20, 124

American Institute of Banking, 127

American Library Association, 120

American Log Buildings: An Old World

Heritage, by Terry G. Jordan, rev.,


American Place-Names: A Concise and

Selective Dictionary for the

Continental United States of America,

by George R. Stewart, rev., 157-58

American Red Cross, 120

American Revolution, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42

Anderson, M. Christine, book rev.,


Anders, Steven E., book rev., 155-57

Andrien, Kenneth J., Crisis and

Decline: The Viceroyalty of Peru in the

Seventeenth Century, 134

Anti-abolitionism, 85-100 passim

"Antislavery Geauga Townships and

1838 Whig Vote for Governor." Table,


Architecture of Migration: Log

Construction in the Ohio Country,

1740-1850, The, by Donald A. Hutslar,


Aron, Raymond, Clausewitz: Philosopher

of War, rev., 58-60

"As a Bystander Sees It: Some Aspects

of Adult Education," by Newton D.

Baker, 124

Ashtabula County (OH), 91, 93

Ashtabula Sentinel, 96

Atkins, Annette, Harvest of Grief:

Grasshopper Plagues and Public

Assistance in Minnesota, 1873-78, rev.,


Aurora (OH), 111-13

Avery, Glen, book rev., 72-73


BAILEY, Gamaliel, "Gamaliel Bailey,

Abolitionist and Free Soiler," (Ph.D.

dissertation), by Stanley Cooper

Harrold, Jr., 86n.4; "The Life of

Gamaliel Bailey, Prior to the Founding

of the National Era: The Orientation

of a Practical Abolitionist," (Ph.D.

dissertation), by Joel Goldfarb, 86n.4;

88, 96, 97-98

Baker, Newton D., "Newton D. Baker

and the Adult Education

Movement," by Rae Wahl Rohfeld,

119-32; illustration, 123. Works: "As a

Bystander Sees It: Some Aspects of

Adult Education," 124

Baldwin, Abraham, 36

Baldwin, Michael, "The Failure of

Michael Baldwin: A Case Study in

the Origins of Middle-Class Culture

on the Trans-Appalachian Frontier,"

by Andrew R. L. Cayton, 34-48

Baldwin, (Mr.), 107, 108

Banking issues, 89, 99

Bartlett, Frank, 114

Bartlett, George, 111, 112, 113

Beaune (France), 120

Bensch, Christopher, book rev., 75-77

Berlin, Ira, Slaves Without Masters: The

Free Negro in the Antebellum South,


Betsy (?), 108

Bilstein, Roger, Flight in America

1900-1983: From the Wrights to the

Astronauts, rev., 145-46

Birch, Brian P., "Taking the Breaks and

Working the Boats: An English

Family's Impressions of Ohio in the

1830s," 101-18

"Black Cluster Concentrations 1850."

Figure, 29

Black community, "On Slavery's Fringe:

City-Building and Black Community

Index 163

Index                                                      163

Development in Cincinnati,

1800-1850," by Henry L. Taylor, 5-33

Blackford, Mansel and K. Austin Kerr,

Business Enterprise in American

History, 134

Black History and the Historical

Profession, 1915-1980, by August

Meier and Elliott Rudwick, 134

Black laws, 97

Black Milwaukee: The Making of an

Industrial Proletariat, 191545, by Joe

William Trotter, Jr., rev., 73-74

"Blacks and the Residential Land-Use

Structure in Antebellum Cincinnati."

Table, 22

Blennerhassett, Harman, 39

Blodgett, Geoffrey T., Oberlin

Architecture, College and Town: A

Guide to Its Social History, 134

"Bloodhounds," 39-48

Blossom, (Mrs.), 126

Blum, Carol J., book rev., 57-58

Board of Trustees, Cleveland College,


Board of Trustees, Western Reserve

University, 122-23, 126

Borchert, James, book rev., 73-74

Boritt, Gabor S., Mark E. Neely, Jr.,

and Harold Holzer, The Lincoln

Image: Abraham Lincoln and the

Popular Print, rev., 79-80

Brandish, Luther, 89, 100

Breaking the Land: The Transformation

of Cotton, Tobacco, and Rice Cultures

Since 1880, by Pete Daniel, rev., 68-69

Bremner, Robert H. and Gary W.

Reichard, editors, American Choices:

Social Dilemmas and Public Policy

Since 1960, 135

Brighton (Sussex County, England),

101-18 passim

Brill, E. J. and Marcia L. Colish, The

Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the

Early Middle Ages, 134

British settlement in early Ohio,

"Taking the Breaks and Working the

Boats: An English Family's

Impressions of Ohio in the 1830s," by

Brian P. Birch, 101-18

Broadway (Cincinnati, OH), 10, 13

Brown County (OH), 93

Brown, (Mr.), 117

Brown, Stephen W., Voice of the New

West: John G. Jackson and His Life

and Times, rev., 140-41

Bryan, William Jennings, A Righteous

Cause: The Life of William Jennings

Bryan, by Robert W. Cherny, rev.,

56-57; 129

Buckwell, (Mr.), 108, 115

Bucktown (Cincinnati, OH), 28-30

Buffalo (New York?), 121

"Bull, John," 117

Burr, Aaron, 47

Burr conspiracy, 39, 46

Burstein, Alan N., Eugene P. Erickson,

Stephanie W. Greenberg, William L.

Yancey, and Theodore Hershberg,

"A Tale of Three Cities: Blacks,

Immigrants, and Opportunity in

Philadelphia, 1850-1880, 1930, 1970,"


Business Enterprise in American History,

by Mansel Blackford and K. Austin

Kerr, 134

Byrne, Frank L., book rev., 158-60


CALIFORNIA, 110, 118

California gold rush, 110

Canals and canalboats, 101-18;

illustration, 107, 112

Care of Antiques and Historical

Collections, The, by Per E. Guldbeck,

rev., 75-77

Carnegie Corporation, 121, 122, 125, 126

Cartwright, Morse, 124-25

Cary, John H., book rev., 150-52

Case School of Applied Science, 122

Cayton, Andrew R. L., "The Failure of

Michael Baldwin: A Case Study in

the Origins of Middle-Class Culture

on the Trans-Appalachian Frontier,"


CBS. See Columbia Broadcasting


Central Business District (Cincinnati,

OH), 10-15, 22-23

Central core (Cincinnati, OH), 20-23,


Central waterfront district (Cincinnati,

OH); 20-23, 28, 31-32

Charleston (South Carolina), "Race,

Residence, and Ideology: Charleston,

South Carolina in the Mid-century,"

by John P. Radford, 6-7

Chautauqua Literary and Scientific

Circle, 121

Chautauqua summer schools, 121

Cherny, Robert W., A Righteous Cause:

The Life of William Jennings Bryan,

rev., 56-57

Chessman, G. Wallace, book rev.,


164                                      OHIO HISTORY


Chester Township (OH), 93-94

Childs, William R., Trucking and Public

Interest: The Emergence of Federal

Regulation, 1914-1940, 134

Chillicothe (OH), 34-48

Cholera, 106

Christmas Eve (1801), 41-42

"Cincinnati 1850." Figure, 19

Cincinnati Gazette, 89-90

Cincinnati (OH), "On Slavery's Fringe:

City Building and Black Community

Development in Cincinnati,

1800-1850," by Henry L. Taylor, 5-33;

101-18 passim; illustration, Winter-

Spring cover

"Cincinnati's Historic Core." Figure, 17

"Cincinnati's Landscape in 1850."

Figure, 12

City College of New York, 121

City of Hills & Kilns: Life and Work in

East Liverpool, Ohio, The, by William

C. Gates, Jr., rev., 143

Clausewitz: Philosopher of War, by

Raymond Aron, rev., 58-60

Clawson, Robert W., R. Luraghi and

Lawrence S. Kaplan, editors, NATO

and the Mediterranean, 134

Clay, Henry, 99; The Papers of Henry

Clay, Volume 8: Candidate,

Compromiser, Whig, March 5,

1829-December 31, 1986, edited by

Robert Seager II and Melba Porter

Hay, rev., 152-53

Cleveland Adult Education Association,

121, 122, 124, 127

Cleveland: A Tradition of Reform, edited

by David D. Van Tassel and John J.

Grabowski, 134

Cleveland College, "Newton D. Baker

and the Adult Education

Movement," by Rae Wahl Rohfeld,


Cleveland Forum Council, 124

Cleveland Foundation, 122

Cleveland Institute on Foreign Relations,


Cleveland (OH), 111, 114, 115; "Newton

D. Baker and the Adult Education

Movement," by Rae Wahl Rohfeld,

119-32; Cleveland: A Tradition of

Reform, edited by David D. Van

Tassel and John J. Grabowski, 134

Clinton County (OH), 93

Colish, Marcia L. and E. J. Brill, The

Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the

Early Middle Ages, 134

Colket, Meredith B., Jr., Founders of

Early American Families, 135

Columbia Broadcasting Corporation

(CBS), 129

Conzen, Kathleen Neilo,"Patterns of

Residence in Early Milwaukee, " 7-8

County histories, 34-36

Crawford County (OH), 92

Creighton, William, 43-44

Crisis and Decline: The Viceroyalty of

Peru in the Seventeenth Century, by

Kenneth J. Andrien, 134

Crouch, Tom D., book rev., 145-46

Curran, Michael W. and David

MacKenzie, A History of the Soviet

Union, 134-35

Curriculum, Cleveland College, 127-28

Curry, Leonard P., The Free Black in

Urban America, 1800-1850: The

Shadow of a Dream, 6

DANIEL, Pete, Breaking the Land: The

Transformation of Cotton, Tobacco,

and Rice Cultures Since 1880, rev.,


Dark Lanterns: Secret Political

Societies, Conspiracies, and Treason

Trials in the Civil War, by Frank L.

Klement, rev., 52-53

Daugherty, Robert L., book rev., 58-60,


Davis, David Brion, 34

Dayton (OH), 105-18 passim

Dayton (Tennessee), 131

DeBenedetti, Charles, book rev., 53-54;

editor, Peace Heroes in Twentieth-

Century America, 135

Delaware County (OH), 92

Democracy in America, by Alexis de

Tocqueville, 35, 47

Democratic Party, 86-100

Democratic Statesman, 97

de Tocqueville, Alexis, Democracy in

America, 35, 47

DeVries, James E., Race and Kinship in

a Midwestern Town: The Black

Experience in Monroe, Michigan,

1900-1915, rev., 74-75

Dew, Lee A., book rev., 138-39

"Dianna," The, 113

Dillon, Merton, Ulrich B. Phillips:

Historian of the Old South, 135

Dorpalen, Andreas, German History in

Marxist Perspective: The East German

Approach, 135

Index 165

Index                                                      165

Duncan Fall (OH?), 106

Dutch in America: Immigration,

Settlement, and Cultural Change, The,

edited by Robert P. Swierenga, 134


EARNHART, Hugh G., book rev.,


East End (Cincinnati, OH), 5-33 passim

East Liverpool (OH), The City of Hills &

Kilns: Life and Work in East

Liverpool, Ohio, by William C. Gates,

Jr., rev., 143

Ebenstein, William, The German

Record: A Political Portrait, 18-19

Education Extension Council, 124

Education, "Newton D. Baker and the

Adult Education Movement," by Rae

Wahl Rohfeld, 119-32

Eels, Richard, 99n.52

Elections, "The Ohio Election of 1838:

A Study in the Historical Method?,"

by Vernon L. Volpe, 85-100

Ellis, A. Caswell, 127

"Emigrant," 106

England, 101-18 passim

Erickson, Eugene P., Stephanie W.

Greenberg, William L. Yancey,

Theodore Hershberg, and Alan N.

Burstein, "A Tale of Three Cities:

Blacks, Immigrants, and Opportunity

in Philadelphia, 1850-1880, 1930,

1979," 6

Erie Canal, 104

European Naval and Maritime History,

300-1500, by Timothy J. Runyan and

Archibald Lewis, 134

Ewing, Thomas, 48


FASCISM in France: The First Wave,

1924-1933, by Robert Soucy, 134

"Failure of Michael Baldwin: A Case

Study in the Origins of Middle-Class

Culture on the Trans-Appalachian

Frontier, The," by Andrew R. L.

Cayton, 34-48

Falls City Engineers: A History of the

Louisville District, Corps of Engineers:

United States Army 1970-1983, The,

by Leland R. Johnson, rev., 138-39

Faulkner, William, 47

Fifth Street (Cincinnati, OH), 13

Fighters for Freedom: The History of

Antislavery Activities of Men and

Women Associated with Knox College,

by Hermann R. Muelder, 86n.4

Findley, Carter and John Rothney,

Twentieth-Century World, 135

Fire in the Hole: Miners and Managers

in the American Coal Industry, by

Curtis Seltzer, rev., 72-73

First Lady of The Law: Florence

Ellinwood Allen, by Jeanette E. Tuve,

rev., 55-56

Flatboats, 101-18; illustration, Summer-

Autumn cover

Fleming, John, book rev., 74-75

Fletcher, Marvin, book rev., 154-55

Flight in America 1900-1983: From the

Wrights to the Astronauts, by Roger

E. Bilstein, rev., 145-46

Flood, Daniel, 97

Ford, Seabury, 96n.38

Ford, Thomas, 99n.52

Foreign Affairs Council of Cleveland,


For the Common Defense: A Military

History of the United States of

America, by Allan R. Millett and

Peter Maslowski, rev., 155-57

Fosdick, Raymond B., 120-21, 130

Founders of Early American Families,

by Meredith B. Colket, Jr., 135

Fourth Street (Cincinnati, OH), 12

"Free Blacks in Antebellum

Philadelphia: A Study of Ex-Slaves,

Free-Born, and Socio-Economic

Decline," by Theodore Hershberg,


Free Black in Urban America, 1800-1850:

The Shadow of a Dream, The, by

Leonard P. Curry, 6

Free-silver issue, 129

Free Soil Party, The Liberty and Free

Soil Parties in the Northwest, by

Theodore Clarke Smith, 85-100


From Working Girl to Working Mother:

The Female Labor Force in the United

States, 1820-1980, by Lynn Y. Weiner,

rev., 69-70

Frontier trades, 101-18

Front Street (Cincinnati, OH), 23

Fugitive slave issue, 23, 93, 97

Fund-raising, Cleveland College, 125-26


"GAMALIEL Bailey, Abolitionist and

Free Soiler," (Ph.D. dissertation), by

Stanley Cooper Harrold, Jr., 86n.4

Gates, William C., Jr., The City of Hills

& Kilns: Life and Work in East

Liverpool, Ohio, rev., 143


166                                          OHIO HISTORY

Gavin, Donald P., John Carroll

University: A Century of Service, rev.,


Geauga County (OH), 93

General Education Board, 121

George III (King of England), 41

Georgia Constitutional Convention, 36

Georgia House of Representatives, 36

German History in Marxist Perspective:

The East German Approach, by

Andreas Dorpalen, 135

German population (Cincinnati, OH),

18-19, 22, 24, 31

German Record: A Political Portrait,

The, by William Ebenstein, 18-19

Germany and Europe in the Era of Two

World Wars, compiled by Larry D.

Wilcox, 135

Giddings, Joshua, 91, 92, 94, 97

Gilmore High School (Cincinnati, OH),


Glatthaar, Joseph T., The March to the

Sea and Beyond: Sherman's Troops in

the Savannah and Carolinas

Campaigns, rev., 158-60

Golden Wheels, by Richard Wagner,


Goldfarb, Joel, "The Life of Gamaliel

Bailey, Prior to the Founding of the

National Era: The Orientation of a

Practical Abolitionist," (Ph.D.

dissertation), 86n.4

Grabowski, John J. and David D. Van

Tassel, editors, Cleveland: A Tradition

of Reform, 134

Greenberg, Stephanie W., William L.

Yancey, Theodore Hershberg, Alan

N. Burstein, and Eugene P. Erickson,

"A Tale of Three Cities: Blacks,

Immigrants, and Opportunity in

Phildelphia, 1850-1880, 1930, 1970," 6

Green, (Mr.), 105, 117

Guardian Trust Bank, 126

Guldbeck, Per E., The Care of Antiques

and Historical Collections, rev., 75-77


HAMILTON, Alice, Alice Hamilton: A

Life in Letters, by Barbara

Sicherman, rev., 57-58

Harrison, William Henry, 99

Harrold, Stanley Cooper, Jr., "Gamaliel

Bailey, Abolitionist and Free Soiler,"

(Ph.D. dissertation), 86n.4

Harvest of Grief: Grasshopper Plagues

and Public Assistance in Minnesota,

1873-78, by Annette Atkins, rev.,


Hay, Melba Porter and Robert Seager,

II, editors, The Papers of Henry Clay,

Volume 8: Candidate, Compromiser,

Whig, March 5, 1829-December 31,

1836, rev., 152-53

Hershberg, Theodore, "Free Blacks in

Antebellum Philadelphia: A Study of

Ex-Slaves, Free-Born, and Socio-

Economic Decline," 5-6; and Alan N.

Burstein, Eugene P. Erickson,

Stephanie W. Greenberg, and William

L. Yancey, "A Tale of Three Cities:

Blacks, Immigrants, and Opportunity

in Philadelphia, 1850-1880, 1930,

1970," 6


Hess, Gary R., The United States at

War, 1941-1945, 134

Hewitt, Nancy A., Women's Activism

and Social Change: Rochester, New

York, 1822-1872, rev., 71-72

Highland County (OH), History of Ross

and Highland Counties, 35; 93

History of American Ceramics: An

Annotated Bibliography, by Susan R.

Strong, rev., 149-50

History of Ross and Highland Counties,


History of the People of the United

States, From the Revolution to the

Civil War, A, Volume 6: 1830-1842, by

John Bach McMaster, 86

History of the Soviet Union, A, by

Michael W. Curran and David

MacKenzie, 134-35

Hobson, Archie, editor with

introduction by Bill Stott,

Remembering America: A Sampler of

the WPA Guide Series, rev., 64-65

Hodle, (Mr.), 115

Hog-packing business, 116-17

Holzer, Harold, Gabor S. Boritt, and

Mark E. Neely, Jr., The Lincoln

Image: Abraham Lincoln and the

Popular Print, rev., 79-80

Horton, James, "Shades of Color: The

Mulatto in Three Antebellum

Northern Communities," 6

Huntington, Samuel, 44

Hurt, R. Douglas, book rev., 67-68,


Hutslar, Donald A., book rev., 77-79;

The Architecture of Migration: Log

Construction in the Ohio Country,

1740-1850, 134

Index 167

Index                                                     167


Immigrants, 101-18

Industry in early Ohio, 105-06

Irish population (Cincinnati, OH), 21,

24, 31-32


JACKSON, Andrew, 47

Jackson, John G., Voice of the New

West: John G. Jackson and His Life

and Times, by Stephen W. Brown,

rev., 140-41

James, D. Clayton, The Years of

MacArthur, Volume III: Triumph and

Disaster 1945-1964, rev., 60-64

Jefferson Anti-Slavery Society, 91

Jeffersonian Republicans, 34-48 passim

John Carroll University: A Century of

Service, by Donald P. Gavin, rev.,


Johnson, Leland R., The Falls City

Engineers: A History of the Louisville

District, Corps of Engineers, United

States Army 1970-1983, rev., 138-39

Johnson, Lyndon, Lyndon Johnson's

Dual War: Vietnam and the Press, by

Kathleen J. Turner, rev., 53-54

Johnson, Tom L., 119, 129, 130

John Street (Cincinnati, OH), 13, 18, 29,


Jordan, Terry G., American Log

Buildings: An Old World Heritage,

rev., 147-49

Journal of Adult Education, 124

Journal of Commerce, 100


KAPLAN, Lawrence S., The United

States and NATO: The Formative

Years, rev., 51-52; and Robert W.

Clawson and R. Luraghi, editors,

NATO and the Mediterranean, 134

Keppel, Frederick P., 120-21, 124

Kerr, K. Austin, Organized for

Prohibition: A New History of the Anti-

Saloon League, rev., 137-38; and

Mansel Blackford, Business Enterprise

in American History, 134

Keys, William, 39

Kindig, Everett W., book rev., 152-53

Kitchi-Gami, by Johann Georg Kohl, 50

Klement, Frank L., Dark Lanterns:

Secret Political Societies,

Conspiracies, and Treason Trials in the

Civil War, rev., 52-53

Klunder, Willard Carl, book rev., 140-41

Knox College, Fighters for Freedom:

The History of Antislavery Activities of

Men and Women Associated with Knox

College, by Hermann R. Muelder,


Kohl, Johann Georg, Kitchi-Gami, 50

Kyvig, David M., editor, Law, Alcohol,

and Order: Perspectives on National

Prohibition, 134

LAND prices in early Ohio, 106, 108,


"Land-Use Structure of the Commercial

City: Railroads, Canals, and

Topography." Figure, 14

Law, Alcohol and Order: Perspectives on

National Prohibition, edited by

David M. Kyvig, 134

"Leading Liberty Counties in 1840 and

1842 and Whig Percentage of Vote for

Governor in 1838." Table, 92

League of Nations, 121, 130

Letters of Delegates to Congress,

1774-1789, Volume 9: February 1-May

31, 1778, edited by Paul H. Smith,

rev., 150-52; Volume 10: June

I-September 30, 1778, edited by Paul

H. Smith, rev., 150-52

Lewis, Archibald and Timothy J.

Runyan, European Naval and

Maritime History, 300-1500, 134

Liberty and Free Soil Parties in the

Northwest, The, by Theodore Clarke

Smith, 85-100 passim

Liberty Party, The Liberty and Free Soil

Parties in the Northwest, by

Theodore Clarke Smith, 85-100


Liberty Street (Cincinnati, OH), 18

Licking River, 15

"Life of Gamaliel Bailey, Prior to the

Founding of the National Era: The

Orientation of a Practical Abolitionist,

The," (Ph.D. dissertation), by Joel

Goldfarb, 86n.4

Lincoln, Abraham, The Lincoln Image:

Abraham Lincoln and the Popular

Print, by Harold Holzer, Gabor S.

Boritt, and Mark E. Neely, Jr., rev.,


Lincoln Image: Abraham Lincoln and

the Popular Print, The, by Harold

Holzer, Gabor S. Boritt, and Mark E.

Neely, Jr., rev., 79-80

Little Africa (Cincinnati, OH), 28-30

Little Bucktown (Cincinnati, OH), 28-30

Litwack, Leon, North of Slavery, 5

Liverpool (England), 109


168                                              OHIO HISTORY

Los Angeles (California), 110

Lovejoy, 88

Ludlow, Israel, 37

Luraghi, R., Lawrence S. Kaplan and

Robert W. Clawson, editors, NATO

and the Mediterranean, 134

Lyndon Johnson's Dual War: Vietnam

and the Press, by Kathleen J. Turner,

rev., 53-54

MacARTHUR, (General) Douglas, The

Years of MacArthur, Volume III:

Triumph and Disaster 1945-1964, by

D. Clayton James, rev., 60-64

MacKenzie, David and Michael W.

Curran, A History of the Soviet Union,


McKinley, William, 129

McMaster, John Bach, A History of the

People of the United States, From the

Revolution to the Civil War, Volume 6;

1830-1842, 86

Mahan case, 85-100

Mahan, John B., 85-100

Main Street (Cincinnati, OH), 23, 29

Manufacturing Belt (Cincinnati, OH),


Map of Cincinnati for Insurance

Companies (1855), Martin, 10n.17, 30

March to the Sea and Beyond:

Sherman's Troops in the Savannah and

Carolinas Campaigns, The, by Joseph

T. Glatthaar, rev., 158-60

Marion County (OH), 92

Martin, Map of Cincinnati for Insurance

Companies (1855), 10n.17, 30

Maslowski, Peter and Allan R. Millett,

For the Common Defense: A Military

History of the United States of

America, rev., 155-57

Massie, Nathaniel, 34-48

Meier, August and Elliott Rudwick,

Black History and the Historical

Profession, 1915-1980, 134

Miami and Erie Canal, 5-33, passim,

101-18 passim

Miami River, 108, 109

Mighill family, "Taking the Breaks and

Working the Boats: An English

Family's Impressions of Ohio in the

1830s," by Brian P. Birch, 101-18

Mighill, Edward, 103, 103n.5, 104, 110,

113, 114-18

Mighill, Grace, 103n.5

Mighill, Joseph, 103n.5

Mighill, Mrs. Richard, Sr., 101-18


Mighill, Philip, 103, 103n.5, 104, 110,

111-114, 118

Mighill, Richard, Jr., 103, 103n.5,

104-11, 113, 114, 116

Mighill, Richard, Sr., 101-18 passim

Mighill, William, 103n.5, 110, 113, 114,

115, 118

Mill Creek Valley, 30

Millett, Allan R. and Peter Maslowski,

For the Common Defense: A Military

History of the United States of

America, rev., 155-57

Milwaukee (Wisconsin), "Patterns of

Residence in Early Milwaukee," by

Kathleen Neilo Conzen, 7-8

Miner, H. Craig and William E. Unrau,

Tribal Dispossession and the Ottawa

Indian University Fraud, rev., 143-45

Mississippi River, 101-18 passim '

Mitchell, Otis and Wyndham Hall, Two

German Crowns: Monarchy and

Empire in Medieval Germany, 134

Mobile (Alabama), 110, 114, 115

Montgomery County (OH), 92

Morton, Marian J., book rev., 137-38

Mt. Adams (Cincinnati, OH), 13

Muelder, Hermann R., Fighters for

Freedom: The History of Antislavery

Activities of Men and Women

Associated with Knox College, 86n.4

Muller, Charles R. and Timothy D.

Rieman, The Shaker Chair, rev., 77-79

Murphy, James L., book rev., 149-50


NATIONAL Advisory Council on Radio

in Education, 128-29

NATO and the Mediterranean, edited

by Lawrence S. Kaplan and Robert

W. Clawson and R. Lurahi, 134

Naval Conference, 128

Neely, Mark E., Jr., Harold Holzer and

Gabor S. Boritt, The Lincoln Image:

Abraham Lincoln and the Popular

Print, rev., 79-80

New Orleans (Louisiana), 105-18 passim

"Newton D. Baker and the Adult

Education Movement," by Rae Wahl

Rohfeld, 119-32

New York, 85-100 passim, 104, 113-14,

155, 121

North Canal Street (Cincinnati, OH), 13

North Carolina Faces the Freedmen:

Race Relations During Presidential

Reconstruction, 1865-67, by Roberta

Sue Alexander, 134

Index 169

Index                                                     169

Northwest Ordinance, 37-38

Northwest Territory, 8, 34-48 passim


OBERLIN Architecture, College and

Town: A Guide to Its Social History,

by Geoffrey T. Blodgett, 134

Occupational structure (Cincinnati, OH),


Ohio and Erie Canal, 104

Ohio constitutional convention, 73

"Ohio Election of 1838: A Study in the

Historical Method?, The," by Vernon

L. Volpe, 85-100

Ohio House of Reresentatives, 34, 43-46

Ohio River, 5-33 passim, 101-18 passim

Ohio statehood issue, 34-48 passim

Ohio State Journal, 86-87

"On Slavery's Fringe: City-Building and

Black Community Development in

Cincinnati, 1800-1850," by Henry L.

Taylor, 5-33

Organized for Prohibition: A New

History of the Anti-Saloon League, by

K. Austin Kerr, rev., 137-38

Over-the-Rhine District (Cincinnati,

OH), 18-22, 28-32


PAINESVILLE Telegraph, 96

Papers of Henry Clay, The, Volume 8:

Candidate, Compromiser, Whig,

March 5, 1829-December 31, 1836,

edited by Robert Seager II and

Melba Porter Hay, rev., 152-53

"Patterns of Residence in Early

Milwaukee," by Kathleen Neilo

Conzen, 7-8

Peace Heroes in Twentieth-Century

America, edited by Charles

DeBenedetti, 135

Pearlman, Michael, To Make Democracy

Safe for America: Patricians and

Preparedness in the Progressive Era,

rev., 154-55

Pearl Street (Cincinnati, OH), 11

Pelie, (Mr.), 116

Pershing, (General) John J., 120

Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), "Free

Blacks in Antebellum Philadelphia: A

Study of Ex-Slaves, Free-Born, and

Socio-Economic Decline," by

Theodore Hershberg, 5-6; "A Tale of

Three Cities: Blacks, Immigrants, and

Opportunity in Philadelphia,

1850-1880, 1930, 1970," by Theodore

Hershberg, Alan N. Burstein, Eugene

P. Erickson, Stephanie W. Greenberg,

and William L. Yancey, 6

Philadelphia Social History Project

(PSHP), 6

Philanthropist, 88, 91, 98

Phillips, Ulrich B., Ulrich B. Phillips:

Historian of the Old South, by Merton

Dillon, 135

Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), 106

PSHP. See Philadelphia Social History


Presidential elections, (1840), 90, 91

Profiles in American Judaism: The

Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and

Reconstructionist Traditions in

Historical Perspective, by Marc Lee

Raphael, rev. 65-67

Provision costs in early Ohio, 105-06,

115, 116

Putnam, Rufus, 37, 38

"QUEEN City." See Cincinnati (OH)


RACE and Kinship in a Midwestern

Town: The Black Experience in

Monroe, Michigan, 1900-1915, by

James E. DeVries, rev., 74-75

"Race, Residence, and Ideology:

Charleston, South Carolina in the

Mid-century," by John P. Radford,


Race Street (Cincinnati, OH), 10

Radford, John P., "Race, Residence,

and Ideology: Charleston, South

Carolina in the Mid-century," 7-8

Raphael, Marc Lee, Profiles in American

Judaism: The Reform, Conservative,

Orthodox, and Reconstructionist

Traditions in Historical Perspective,

rev., 65-67

Reichard, Gary W. and Robert H.

Bremner, editors, American Choices:

Social Dilemmas and Public Policy

Since 1960, 135

Remembering America: A Sampler of the

WPA Guide Series, edited by Archie

Hobson with introductions by Bill

Stott, rev., 64-65

"Residential Land-Use Structure in

Antebellum Cincinnati." Table, 20

Residential land-use structures

(Cincinnati, OH), 16-23, 25-26, 30-31,


Rieman, Timothy D. and Charles R.

Muller, The Shaker Chair, rev., 77-79

Righteous Cause: The Life of William

Jennings Bryan, A, by Robert W.


170                                          OHIO HISTORY

Cherny, rev., 56-57

Riverboats, 101-18 passim

Roberts, Clayton, Schemes and

Undertakings: A Study of English

Politics in the Seventeenth Century,


Rockefeller Foundation, 121

Rohfeld, Rae Wahl, "Newton D. Baker

and the Adult Education

Movement," 119-32

Ross County (OH), 34-48; History of

Ross and Highland Counties, 35

Rothney, John and Carter Findley,

Twentieth-Century World, 135

Rudwick, Elliott, M., 113; and August

Meier, Black History and the

Historical Profession, 1915-1980, 134

Runyan, Timothy J. and Archibald

Lewis, European Naval and Maritime

History, 300-1500, 134

Russel, Samuel, 112-13

ST. Clair, Arthur, 37, 38, 41, 42-43, 45

St. Louis (Missouri), 105, 106, 108

San Francisco (California), 118

Sargent, Winthrop, 37

Saunders, (Mr.), 105

Scharf, Lois, book rev., 71-72

Schemes and Undertakings: A Study of

English Politics in the Seventeenth

Century, by Clayton Roberts, 135

School of Business Administration,

Cleveland College, 127

Schulzinger, Robert D., The Wise Men

of Foreign Affairs: The History of the

Council on Foreign Relations, rev.,


Scioto River Valley, 34-48 passim

Scripps College, 125

Scripps, Ellen B., 125

Seager, Robert, II and Melba Porter

Hay, editors, The Papers of Henry

Clay, Volume 8: Candidate,

Compromiser, Whig, March 5,

1829-December 31, 1836, rev., 152-53

Segal, Howard P., Technological

Utopianism in American Culture, rev.,


Seltzer, Curtis, Fire in the Hole: Miners

and Managers in the American Coal

Industry, rev., 72-73

Settlement in early Ohio, 101-18

Settlement patterns and voter

distribution, 91-92

Seward, William H., 88-89

"Shades of Color: The Mulatto in

Three Antebellum Northern

Communities," by James Horton, 6

Shaker Chair, The, by Charles R. Muller

and Timothy D. Rieman, rev., 77-79

Shapiro, Herbert, book rev., 52-53

Sherman, William T., The March to the

Sea and Beyond: Sherman's Troops in

the Savannah and Carolinas

Campaigns, by Joseph T. Glatthaar,

rev., 158-60

Shoemaker, Rebecca S., book rev., 143

Sicherman, Barbara, Alice Hamilton: A

Life in Letters, rev., 57-58

Simons, William M., book rev., 65-67

Sixth Street (Cincinnati, OH), 10, 12, 18,

22, 30

Slavery in the Cities: The South,

1820-1960, by Richard C. Wade, 7

Slaves Without Masters: The Free Negro

in the Antebellum South, by Ira

Berlin, 6-7

Smith, Gerrit, 89

Smith, Paul H., editor, Letters to

Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789,

Volume 9: February I-May 31, 1778,

rev., 150-52; Volume 10: June 1-

September 30, 1778, rev., 150-52

Smith, Theodore Clarke, The Liberty

and Free Soil Parties in the Northwest,

85-100 passim

Soucy, Robert, Facism in France: The

First Wave, 1924-1933, 134

South Canal Street (Cincinnati, OH), 30

Stanton, Henry B., 90

Staudenmaier, John M., S. J., book

rev., 145-47

Staunton, William, 112

Stewart, George R., American Place-

Names: A Concise and Selective

Dictionary for the Continental United

States of America, rev., 157-58

Stile, (Mr.) James(?), 104, 105, 106-07,

108, 114-15, 116

Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the

Early Middle Ages, The, by Marcia L.

Colish and E. J. Brill, 134

Stott, Bill, introduction and edited by

Archie Hobson, Remembering

America: A Sampler of the WPA

Guide Series, rev., 64-65

Streetsboro (OH), 112-13

Strong, Susan R., History of American

Ceramics: An Annotated Bibliography,

rev., 149-50

Stueck, William, book rev., 51-52

Sutpen, Thomas, 47

Index 171

Index                                                             171

"Swamp, The." See Little Bucktown

(Cincinnati, OH)

Swart, Stanley L., book rev., 55-56

Swierenga, Robert P., editor, The Dutch

in America: Immigration, Settlement,

and Cultural Change, 134

Sycamore Street (Cincinnati, OH), 29

Szasz, Ferenc M., book rev., 56-57

Szasz, Margaret Connell, book rev.,


"TAKING the Breaks and Working the

Boats: An English Family's

Impressions of Ohio in the 1830s," by

Brian P. Birch, 101-18

"Tale of Three Cities: Blacks,

Immigrants, and Opportunity in

Philadelphia, 1850-1880, 1930, 1970,

A," by Theodore Hershberg, Alan

N. Burstein, Eugene P. Erickson,

Stephanie W. Greenberg, and William

L. Yancey, 6

Tappan, Arthur, 98

Tappan, Banjamin, 98

Tappan, Lewis, 98

Taylor, Henry L., "On Slavery's Fringe:

City-Building and Black Community

Development in Cincinnati,

1800-1850," 5-33

Technological Utopianism in American

Culture, by Howard P. Segal, rev.,


Tent meetings (Tom L. Johnson

campaign), 119, 130

Texas, 110

Third Street (Cincinnati, OH), 11, 12, 29

Tiffin, Edward, 43, 45, 46

Tod, David, 92-94

To Make Democracy Safe for America:

Patricians and Preparedness in the

Progressive Era, by Michael

Pearlman, rev., 154-55

Transportation (Cincinnati, OH), 15

Tribal Dispossession and the Ottawa

Indian University Fraud, by William

E. Unrau and H. Craig Miner, rev.,


Trotter, Joe William, Jr., Black

Milwaukee: The Making of an

Industrial Proletariat, 1915-45, rev.,


Trucking and Public Interest: The

Emergence of Federal Regulation,

1914-1940, by William R. Childs, 134

Trumbull County (OH), 92

Trustees Committee on Guarantors,

Cleveland College, 125

Turner, Kathleen J., Lyndon Johnson's

Dual War: Vietnam and the Press,

rev., 53-54

Twentieth-Century World, by Carter

Findley and John Rothney, 135

Two German Crowns: Monarchy and

Empire in Medieval Germany, by Otis

Mitchell and Wyndham Hall, 134

Tuve, Jeanette E., First Lady of The

Law: Florence Ellinwood Allen, rev.,


"Typical Pattern of Racial Residential

Clustering in Mid-Nineteenth Century

Cincinnati." Figure, 27

ULRICH B. Phillips: Historian of the

Old South, by Merton Dillon, 135

Uncle Moses, 111-12

Underground railroad, 8

Union County (OH), 92

United States and NATO: The Formative

Years, The, by Lawrence S. Kaplan,

rev., 51-52

United States at War, 194145, The, by

Gary R. Hess, 134

University extension programs, 121

University of Chicago, 121

University of Wisconsin, 121

Unrau, William E. and H. Craig Miner,

Tribal Dispossession and the Ottawa

Indian University Fraud, rev., 143-45

Urban development, "On Slavery's

Fringe: City-Building and Black

Community Development in

Cincinnati, 1800-1850," by Henry L.

Taylor, 5-33

U. S. Commissioner of Education, 122

U. S. Senate, 36

"VAN Buren Democrats," 90, 98

Vance, Joseph, 85-100; illustration, 87

Van Tassel, David D. and John J.

Grabowski, editors, Cleveland: A

Tradition of Reform, 134

Vicksburg (Mississippi), 114

Vingt et un, 39

Virginia Military District, 36

Voice of the New West: John G. Jackson

and His Life and Times, by Stephen

W. Brown, rev., 140-41

Volpe, Vernon L., "The Ohio Election

of 1838: A Study in the Historical

Method?," 85-100


172                                             OHIO HISTORY

WADE, Benjamin, 94

Wade, Richard C., Slavery in the Cities:

The South, 1820-1960, 7

Wages in 1830s (canal workers and farm

laborers), 107-08, 115

Wagner, Richard, Golden Wheels, 135

Washington, George, 37

Weiner, Lynn Y., From Working Girl to

Working Mother: The Female Labor

Force in the United States 1820-1980,

rev., 69-70

Weisenburger, Francis P., The Passing

of the Frontier, Volume 3 of The

History of the State of Ohio, edited

by Carl Wittke, 85-86

Wells, Michael V., book rev., 153-54

West End (Cincinnati, OH), 5-33 passim

Western Reserve, 91-100 passim

Western Row (Cincinnati, OH), 12

Whig Central Committee of Geauga

County, 96-97

Whigs (and Ohio election of 1838),


"Whig to Democratic Representative

Districts in 1838 and Liberty Vote in

1840 and 1842." Table, 94

White, (Mrs.), 116

Wilcox, Larry D., compiler, Germany

and Europe in the Era of Two World

Wars, 135

Wilson, Woodrow, 119, 129

Wise Men of Foreign Affairs: The

History of the Council on Foreign

Relations, The, by Robert D.

Schulzinger, rev., 153-54

Wittke, Carl, editor, The History of the

State of Ohio, Volume 3: The Passing

of the Frontier, by Francis P.

Weisenburger, 85-86

Women's Activism and Social Change:

Rochester, New York, 1822-1872, by

Nancy A. Hewitt, rev., 71-72

World Conference on Adult Education

(Cambridge, England), 124-25

World Court, The, 128

World War I, 119-20

Worthington, Thomas, 34-48

Wright brothers, Flight in America

1900-1983: From the Wrights to the

Astronauts, by Roger E. Bilstein, rev.,



YALE University, 36

Yancey, William L., Theodore

Hershberg, Alan N. Burstein, Eugene

P. Erickson, and Stephanie W.

Greenberg, "A Tale of Three Cities:

Blacks, Immigration, and Opportunity

in Philadelphia, 1850-1880, 1930,

1970," 6

Years of MacArthur, The, Volume III:

Triumph and Disaster 1945-1964, by

D. Clayton James, rev., 60-64

YMCA. See Young Men's Christian


Young Men's Christian Association

(YMCA), 120, 123

ZANESVILLE (OH), 103-118 passim

Zook, George, 122