Ohio History Journal


Notes.                      289


are many others as important as the 'Serpent' which need

attention at once to preserve them."

A member of the Society writes: "We must do some-

thing before the centennial celebration for their purchase and

protection, or be disgraced." Every member of the Society

should use his influence to interest the members of the Leg-

islature in the matter, in order that the State may fitly add

to the glory of its centennial by the purchase of the more

important of the works of its prehistoric inhabitants.




tion, now numbering 431 members, among whom are the

foremost statesmen, historians, and teachers of history in

the United States, will hold its next annual meeting in

Columbus, in September 1888. The association has never

met in the West, and comes now upon invitation of the State

authorities, the State Archaeological and Historical Society,

and Ohio State University. The important historical events

to be commemorated here next year doubtless determined the

Society in its choice. The meetings will be full of interest

to all students of history. Western and Northwestern his-

tory will receive special attention, and it is probable that at

least one session will be devoted exclusively to those sub-

jects. A recent communication of the Secretary of the

Association says: "The meeting of the Association, at

Columbus, in September, will be quite distinct from any local

celebration in that city, but special attention will be given to

Western History, in his opening address, by Dr. William F.

Poole, of the Newberry Library, Chicago, who is now the

President of the Association."

Not only ought the members of our Society to take advan-

tage of the historical treat certain to be afforded by the papers

presented at this meeting, but a large number of them ought

also to be enrolled among the members of the American

Association. At the meetings of the Association many

papers of great value are presented, of which full printed

abstracts are sent to every member, and, in addition, several

monographs are published each year for distribution among

290 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

290    Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.


the members. The aims and ideas of the Association are

fairly set forth in the following statement:

"The constitutional object of the organization is the pro-

motion of historical studies. The primary motive for member-

ship is therefore scientific. The Association has accomplished

results that can not be estimated by any pecuniary standard

of value. It has encouraged original research by its meetings

and publications; it has brought historical students and spe-

cialists together; it has caused a more frequent exchange of

ideas among them, and it has awakened greater public inter-

est in historical studies. The present enthusiasm for history,

not only in American colleges and universities, but in the

States at large, is in no small degree the fruit of the American

Historical Association."

What our Society has been striving amid great difficulties

to do for Ohio history and its study, the American Historical

Association is doing in a wider field. It is to be hoped that

both will continue to grow in membership and in usefulness.




meeting of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society,

instead of occurring at the regular time in February, will be

held at Marietta, in April, in connection with the Centennial

celebration. The Society will present no special program of

its own, but will join in the exercises commemorative of the

centennial of the settlement of the Northwest Territory. The

full program of these exercises will appear in the March


The monthly meetings of the Society at Columbus will be

resumed early in the New Year, and addresses will be deliv-

ered during the winter by Professor Cyrus Thomas, Professor

F. W. Putnam, Dr. B. A. Hinsdale and others. These

papers will be printed full or in abstract in the QUARTERLY,

thus enabling all members of the Society who cannot attend

the meetings to know the main features of the addresses.

In view of the peculiar interest attaching to the coming cel-

ebrations of 1888, it is expected that these meetings and

addresses will be unusually attractive.