OHJ Archive

Ohio History Journal

The Ordinance of July 13th, 1787

The Ordinance of July 13th, 1787.             37

pioneer fathers, that in all the slow and tedious processes of

building up, in cherishing organic ideas and giving them

vitality, in supporting their Nation and moulding its charac-

ter, in defending its life in time of extremest dangers, they

have borne their full share of patriotic service, and may now

pass that nation over, with a clean record to posterity, send-

ing its ideas and principles onward in their mighty mission of

dominion from sea to sea, and from yonder beautiful river

(Ohio) to the ends of the earth.













[NOTE.-This valuable historical document, referred to in the foregoing

paper by Mr. Cutler, has often been printed, but frequently in an imperfect

form. The names of the petitioners, though referred to by historical writ-

ers, have never before been published, and are here printed in the belief

that the list will be interesting and valuable, not only to residents of Ohio,

but to all citizens of the Northwest.

The list of petitioners here given was copied from one in the hand-writing

of General Putnam, in the library of Marietta College, and was then care-

fully compared by Dr. Andrews, of the Editorial Committee, with his certi-

fied copy of the original names in the State Department at Washington.


THE original contract made by the Ohio Company with

Congress was for 1,500,000 acres, for which they paid down

as closing the contract $500,000.   For various reasons they

found it impossible to make up the remaining moiety of the

same amount. In 1792, Dr. Cutler and General Putnam

were authorized by the Company to effect a settlement with

Congress and secure a title to the lands already paid for

The matter was referred to a Committee of the House, who,

in their report, say:

38 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

38       Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.

"The said Ohio Company laid its foundation in an ap-

plication to the United States in Congress assembled by the

officers of the late army, a copy of which marked number 1

is herewith presented to the House." We are thus enabled

to trace to a true historic basis the beginnings of that organ-

ized and systematic plan of settlement which was consum-

mated at Marietta, April 7th, 1788. This document number

1, referred to as to the "foundation" of the "Ohio Com-

pany," is in the following words:


"To His Excellency the President, and Honorable Delegates of the United States

of America in Congress Assembled:

" The Petition of the subscribers, Officers in the Continental Line of the

Army Humbly Showeth

"That by a Resolution of the Honorable Congress passed September 20th,

1776, and other subsequent resolves, the Officers (and Soldiers engaged for

the War) of the American Army, who shall continue in service till the es-

tablishment of Peace or in case of their dying in service, their heirs are en-

titled to receive certain Grants of Lands according to their several grades to

be procured for them at the expense of the United States.

"That your petitioners are informed that the tract of country bounded

north on Lake Erie, east on Pennsylvania, southeast and south on the river

Ohio, west on a line beginning at that part of the Ohio which lies twenty-

four miles west of the mouth of the river Scioto, thence running north on a

meridian line till it intersects the river Miami which falls into Lake Erie,

thence down the middle of that river to the lake, is a tract of country not

claimed as the property of, or within the jurisdiction of any particular State

in the Union.

"That this country is of sufficient extent, the land of such quality, and

situation such as may induce Congress to assign and mark it out as a Tract

or Territory suitable to form a distinct Government (or Colony of the United

States) in time to be admitted one of the confederated States of America.

" Wherefore your petitioners pray, that, whenever the Honorable Con-

gress shall be pleased to procure the aforesaid Lands of the natives, they

will make provision for the location and survey of the lands to which we

are entitled within the aforesaid District; and also for all Officers and Sol-

diers who wish to take up their lands in that quarter.

"That provision also be made for a further grant of lands to such of the

Army as may wish to become adventurers in the new Government, in such

quantities and on such conditions of settlement and purchases for public se-

curities, as Congress shall judge most for the interest of the intended gov-

ernment, and rendering it of lasting consequence to the American Empire.

"And your petitioners, as in duty bound shall ever pray.

" June 16, 1783.

Petition of Continental Officers

Petition of Continental Officers.     39


NAME.              RANK.                STATE.

John Greaton......... Brig. Genl............. Mass.

Elias Dayton ......... Brig. Genl............. Jersey.

R. Putnam.......... Brig. Genl ............ Mass.

H. Jackson ..........Col., 4th  Reg .......... "

David Cobb..........Lt. Col., 5th Reg.......  "

Saumel Mellish........Lt., 3d Reg .. ......... "

Benj. Tupper..........Col., 6th Reg .......... "

Wm. Hull...........Lt. Col., 6th Reg .......                                          "

Moses Ashley ........ Major, 6th Reg ........                                  "

Japheth Daniels .......Capt., 6th Reg  ........."

Eben Smith ......... Capt., 6th Reg........                                          "

Benj. Haywood.......Capt., 6th Reg.........                                      "

Samuel Frost.........Capt., 6th Reg.........                                        "

John Holden...........Lt., 6th Reg  ...........

Jos. Miller ...........Lt., 6th Reg ...........

Jos. Balcom ......... Lt., 6th Reg...........                                           "

Jedr. Rawson.........Ensign, 6th Reg .......                                       "

Ebenr. Ballentine .....Sur. Mate, 6th Reg .....                               "

A. Morrill ............ Major ................. N. Hamp.

Peter Clayes..........Capt., 6th Reg......... Mass.

Ephraim Emery .......Lt., 6th Reg...........      "

Josiah Smith ..........Lt., 6th Reg...........                                          "

A. Tupper...........Lt., 6th Reg...........                                             "

J. W ales.............Lt., 6th  Reg...........                                             "

Andrew Garrett .......Lt., 6th Reg ...........                                      "

Elisha Foster .........Ensign, 6th Reg .......                                     "

Asa Graves ..........Ensign, 6th Reg .......                                      "

Elisha Horton ........ Ensign, 6th Reg.......                                    "

Jeremiah Lord ........Ensign, 6th Reg .......                                    "

Sam'l Leslie Scammell..Ensign, 6th Reg.......                               "

Nathan Goodale.......Capt., 5th Reg.........                                    "

James B. Finley .......Surgeon, 5th Reg ......                                 "

Ralph F. Bowles ......Lt., 1st Reg ..........                                       "

Benj. Pierce ..........Lt., 1st Reg ...........                                           "

Joseph Williams ......Capt., 3d Reg ..........                                   "

Samuel Whitwell...... Surgeon, 3d Reg ........                               "

Tertius Taylor........Lt., 1st Reg...........                                          "

40 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

40     Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.


NAME.              RANK.                STATE.

John K. Smith ........Capt., 6th Reg......... Mass.

Jesse Hollister ........Capt., 1st Reg......... "

John Mills ..... .... Capt., 1st Reg.........   "

John Stark ...........Brig. Gen.............. Hamp'ire.

Wm. Scott........... Major......... .. .         "

Benj. Tallmadge ......Major, 2d R'g Lt. Drag. Conn.

Elijah Wadsworth ....Capt., 2d R'g Lt. Drag.. "

Simeon Jackson.......Capt., 6th Reg......... Mass.

Aaron Ogden.........Capt .................. Jersey.

Samuel Reading....... Major ............                                              "

Jonathan Holmes ..... Capt ..................                                         "

Cyrus D. Hart........Capt ..................                                               "

Edmund D. Thomas... Lt...................                                           "

Abraham Appleton.... Lt ...................                                          "

L----- Dalsey .........Lt. and Adjt........... "

John Peck  ...........Lt. .. ................. "

Wm. Shute .......... Ensign ................ "

Samuel M. Shute...... Lt ................... .                                           "

Jos. Buck ............Lt....................                                                     "

Samuel Hendry      .......Capt .................                                       "

Ben't Osmun          .........Lt..................                                          "

Moses Sproule ........ Ensign       ..........                                         "

Jno. Reed  ............L..... .......                                                     "

Frank Luce.......... Ensign...... .....                                               "

Wessel T. Stout....... Lt....................                                          "

John Bishop .......... Ensign ................ "

Wm. Tuttle .......... Ensign ................                                             "

George Walker .......Lt....................                                                   "

Wm. Kersey  ........ Lt ....................                                                "

John Ruecastle .. ......Lt...................                                           "

Ebenezer Elmer.......Surgeon...............       "

Alexander Mitchell,... Capt .................                                          "

John Blair ........... Lt. and Pay M .........                                         "

Wm. Helms.......... Capt .......... .....                                             "

Samuel Conn ......... Lt....................                                                    "

Abner Brooks ........ Ensign ................                                            "

John Holmes .........Capt ......... ........                                          "

Petition of Continental Officers

Petition of Continental Officers.    41


NAME.              RANK.                STATE.

Wm. Piatt............ Capt ...... ........... Jersey.

Absalom Bonham  ..... Lt ....................                                             "

Jacob Hyer........... Ensign  ................                                               "

Eph. Whitlock   ........Lt. Adjt .. ............"

Rich'd Cox........... Major .. ........ ....... "

Thos. Lansdale ........ Major ................. Maryland.

Walker Muse.........Capt ..................                                                "

Horatio Clagett. ......Capt .................                                               "

E. Spurrier...........Capt ..................                                                    "

Thos. Bowie ..........Lt....................                                                    "

Wm. Bruce ..... .... Capt ..................                                                "

John Sears  .......... Lt....................                                                      "

Henry H. Chapman... Ensign ................                                          "

Robt. Halkerston  ......Lt......... ............                                             "

Ezekiel Haynie .......Surgeon ..............                                               "

Wm. Watts ..........S. Mate ...............                                               "

Walter Dyer .........Lt ...................                                                     "

Jno. Hartshorn....... Lt.......... ........     "

Ivory Holland ........Lt., 5th Reg........... Mass.

Joseph Smith.........Lt., 5th Reg........... "

Pelatiah Everett.......Lt., 5th Reg...........                                            "

Sylvenus Smith .......Capt., 5th Reg.........                                         "

Park Holland .........Lt., 5th  Reg...........  "

Samuel Finley........Surgeon, 7th Reg......   "

J. Farwell............ Capt .................. Hamp.

Archibald Stark....... Lt....................                                                "

Joseph Mills ..........Lt ...................                                                 "

Caleb Stark ..........Lt. A. D.-Camp .......                                          "

Ebenr. Stockton .......Surgeon...............                                             "

Jonathan Perkins ......Lt.  ..................                                              "

Benj. Ellis ........... Capt .................                                                   "

Josiah Munro . .......  Capt ..................                                             "

J. Boynton........... Lt. and  Adjt...........                                             "

Nathan Weare ........Lt.......... .......                                                     "

Oliver Baron  ..........Lt . .................                                                  "

Bezaleel Howe             .......Lt ...... ............                                      "

Robt. B. Wilkins          .... Lt....................                                        "

42 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

42     Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.


NAME.              RANK.                                                                                                    STATE.

J. Cilley............. Lt....................                                                  Hamp.

Daniel Livermore ..... Capt..................                                              "

David Allen..........S. Mate ...............                                            "

Moody Dustin ........Capt ..............                                                  "

Jere Fogg ........... Capt...............                                                        "

David McGregore .... Capt ..................                                             "

W. M. Bell . ..........Capt ................                                                   "

John  Dennett  ....... Capt .................. "

Samuel Cherry ........ Capt ................                                                "

Lemuel B. Mason .....Lt ...................                                            "

Joshua Merrow........ Lt ....    ...                                                         "

Caleb Robinson....... Major    .........                                                    "

James Carr......... Major ................                                                      "

Joseph Potter.........Capt.. ...............                                                 "

Israel Evans......... Chaplain ............                                                 "

Henry Adams ........Surgeon, 6th Reg....... Mass.

Ezra Newhall.........Lt. Col................                     "

N. Rice ..............Major ................                                               "

John Blanchard ....... Capt ...........                                                "

Simeon Larned.......Capt .................                                                 "

Wm. Moore ..........Capt ..................                                           "

D. Holbrook..         Capt., 4th Reg ........ "

Joel Pratt ..........Lt., 4th Reg...........                                                 "

John Davis...........Lt., 4th Reg...........                                               "

Oliver Rice  ...........Lt., 4th Reg...........                                            "

Robert Williams......Lt., 4th Reg...........                                           "

Africa Hamlin........Lt., 4th Reg...........                                             "

Wm. Shepard ........Ens., 4th Reg ..........                                      "

R. S. Howe.......... Ens., 4th Reg..........                                        "

Moses Knap.......... Major, 5th Reg........                                         "

Joshua Benson .......Capt., 5th Reg......                                        "

Samuel Chapin........Lt., 4th Reg...........                                           "

George Reid .........Lt. Col. Com'dt........ Hamp.

Billy Porter......... Major, 7th Reg......... Mass.

T. Turner........... Capt., 7th Reg.........                                             "

Rufus Lincoln ....... Capt., 7th Reg .........                                        "

W. Mills ............Capt., 7th  Reg.........                                            "

Petition of Continental Officers

Petition of Continental Officers.     43


NAME.              RANK.                 STATE.

Z. King..............Capt., 7th Reg......... Mass.

Gam. Bradford ....... Lt., 7th Reg...........                                       "

Luke Day.......... Capt., 7th Reg.........                                           "

Wm. McKendry......Lt., 7th Reg...........                                       "

James Sawyer.........Ens., 7th Reg .........                                      "

George Beale .........Lt., 7th Reg ..........."

Isaac G. Graham ......S. Mate, 7th Reg.....,  "

Azariah Egleston ......Lt., 1st Reg ..........."

Ephraim Hunt........Lt., 4th Reg ..........                                          "

John Williams ........Capt., 1st Reg.........                                      "

Fredrick Frye........Ens., 1st Reg ..........                                        "

Nath'l Cushing ........Capt., 1st Reg ........."

Eben Brown .........Lt., 1st Reg...........                                           "

Benj. Wells...........Lt., 1st Reg...........                                           "

C. Marshall ......... Capt., 1st Reg ......... "

Ben. Morgan.........S. Mate, 1st Reg.......                                     "

Daniel Lunt ......... Capt., 1st Reg.........                                        "

Joseph Fish ......... Surgeon, 1st Reg.......                                    "

Adl. Warner.........Lt., 1st Reg...........                                           "

Benj. Jones Porter.... Sur., 4th Reg.........                                     "

Daniel Shute.........Surgeon, 4th Reg ......                                    "

Elijah Vose ..........Lt. Col., 1st Reg....... "

Lem. Trescott ........Major, 7th Reg........                                      "

Abraham Williams.... Capt., 2d Reg .........                                  "

Wm. Torrey..........Lt. and Adj., 2d Reg...                                    "

Hezekiah Ripley .....Lt., 2d Reg ...........                                        "

Wm. Taylor ..........Lt., 2d Reg...........                                           "

Silas Morton ..........Lt., 2d Reg...........                                         "

Samuel Myrrick .......Lt., 2d Reg...........                                        "

Jacob Leonard ........Ens., 2d Reg..........                                      "

M.G. Houdin....... .Capt., 5th Reg.........                                       "

Joseph Killam ........Capt., 5th Reg.........                                      "

Wm. Eysendeau ......Lt., 5th Reg ...........                                     "

Marlbry Turner....... Lt., 5th Reg..........                                        "

Nathan Leavenworth ..S. Mate, 8th Reg ......                             "

John Hart............ Surgeon, 2d Reg.......                                       "

Joshua Danforth ......Lt., 2d Reg...........                                       "

44 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

44     Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.


NAME.              RANK.                STATE.

John Warren........ Lt., 5th Reg........... Mass.

Alexander Oliver ......Ens., 5th Reg .........                                     "

Jonathan Wing .......Ens., 5th Reg .........                                           "

John Burnard ........ Major, 5th Reg ........                                      "

Benj. Gilbert......... Lt., 5th  Reg........... "

Moses Carleton .......Lt., 5th Reg...........                                          "

Zibeon Hooker .......Lt., 5th Reg ...........                                       "

Daniel McCay ........Ens., 5th Reg ........                                           "

Jonathan Felt .........Capt., 5th Reg......... "

John Yeomans ........Lt., 4th Reg........... "

Isaac Frye.  ..........Capt..................                                               Hamp.

Asa Sinter ............Capt ..................                                              "

John Paterson ........ Brig. Genl............ Mass.

J. Brooks............Lt. Col. Com't 7th Reg. "

Caleb Clap .......... Capt., 4th Reg.........                                         "

Levi Holden.......... Capt., 6th Reg.........                                        "

J. Huntington ........ Brig. Genl ...........                                           Conn't.

Heman Swift .........Col., 2d Reg...........                                         "

Jos. A Wright........ Major, 3d Reg......... "

Eben Gray...........Lt. Col., 3d Reg........                                             "

Leml. Clift ...........Capt., 1st Reg .........                                         "

Nathan Beers........Lt. and P. M., 3d Reg..                                        "

Ebenr. Frothingham...Lt. and Q. M., 3d Reg.                                    "

John Rose .........Surgeon, 3d Reg.......         "

Joseph Clark.........Ens., 3d Reg..........    "

Eneas Munson........S. Mate, 3d Reg .......   "

Aaron Keeler ........ Ens., 3d Reg .......... "

John Hobart ..........Lt., 3d  Reg ........... "

Wm. Linn ...........Lt., 3d Reg .........                                                "

Stephen Betts......... Capt., 3d Reg .......                                         "

Roger Wells ..........Capt., 3d Reg .......... "

Abner Cole .......... Ens., 3d Reg..........                                           "

Daniel Bradley ........Lt, 3d Reg...........                                           "

Jacques Harmon ..... Ens., 3d Reg..........                                            "

Ezra Selden ..........Capt., 3d Reg .........                                          "

Samuel Hait.........Lt., 3d Reg ...........                                              "

Richard Douglass .....Capt., 3d Reg .........                                      "

Petition of Continental Officers

Petition of Continental Officers.     45


NAME.              RANK.                STATE.

Joshua Whitney.......Lt., 3d Reg........... Connec't.

John Trowbridge ......Lt., 3d Reg ..........                                           "

George Cotton........Ens., 1st Reg..........                                           "

Hezekiah Hubbard ....Lt., 1st Reg...........                                        "

Joshua Knapp........Ens., 1st Reg ..........                                          "

Eben Wales..........Lt., 1st Reg...........                                               "

Reuben Sanderson....Lt., 1st Reg...........                                          "

Silas Goodell .........Lt., 1st Reg .........                                             "

0. Goodrich..........Ens., 1st Reg..........                                             "

Wm. Higgins.........Lt. and Q. M., 1st Reg.                                      "

John Noyes ..........Surgeon, 1st Reg .......                                        "

Pownall Deming ......Lt., 1st Reg...........                                          "

Wm. Walmsley.......Ens., 1st Reg..........                                          "

John H. Buell........Capt., 1st Reg.........                                           "

Wm. Judd...........Capt., 3d Reg.........                                              "

Charles Miller ........Lt., 1st Reg........... "

Libburt Loomis.......Lt. and Adj., 1st Reg..                                     "

Charles Fanning ....Lt. and P. M.........                                                "

Samuel B. Webb ......Col., 3d Reg ..........                                        "

Daniel McLane ...... Lt., Artillery .......... Mass.

H. Knox ............ Maj. Gen .............                                                   "

John Crane...........Col., Artillery .........                                           "

Wm. Perkins ........ Major, Artillery ........                                      "

John Liswell ........ Lt., Artillery..........                                           "

Charles Knowles...... Capt,, Artillery .......                                    "

Florence Crowley.....Lt., Artillery..........                                       "

Nathaniel Donnell..... Capt., Artillery ........                                   "

James Hall...........Capt., Lt. Artillery.....                                        "

Thomas Vose .........Capt., Artillery ........                                      "

Abijah Hammond..... Lt., Lt. Artillery.......· ."

Wm. Moor ...........Lt., Artillery ..........                                          "

John Callender........ Capt., Lt. Artillery.....                                   "

Samuel Cooper........Lt. and Adj., Artillery..                                  "

John Doughty........Capt., Artillery ........ N. York.

Eben Huntington .....Lt. Col., 1st Reg....... Conn't.

Nath. Holbrook .......Lt...................  Mass.

Reuben Lilley...     Lt.... ................     "

46 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

46     Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.


NAME.              RANK.                 STATE.

Eben Sproat.......... Lt. Col. Com't, 2d Reg. Mass.

Jacob Town..........Lt., 2d Reg .........                                            "

Cornelius Lyman......Ens., 2d Reg..........                                    "

R. Bradford ..........Capt., 2d Reg.........                                        "

Jotham Ames.........Lt., 2d Reg ...........                                         "

John Hurd ......... Ens., 2d Reg..........                                           "

Robt. Oliver...... Major, 2d Reg........                                              "

Robt. Walker ........ Capt., 2d Reg.......... "

J. Hill .........    Lt., 2d Reg...........                                                   "

N. Thaacher.......... Lt., 6th Reg...........                                        "

John Whiting.........Lt., 2d Reg ...........                                        "

Hugh Maxwell ........ Lt. Col., 8th Reg.....                                   "

Silas Peirce  .......... Capt., 8th Reg......."

Thos. Foster ..........Lt, 8th Reg.......      "

Edward White . . . . . .Lt., 8th Reg........... "

Joseph Crook .........Lt., 6th Reg ........                                         "

Joseph Leland....   . Lt., 8th Reg..........                                           "

Wm. Hildreth ........Lt., 8th Reg..........,                                           "

Francis Tufts.........Lt. and Adj., 8th Reg.                                 "

James Bancroft .......Lt., 8th Reg ..........                                      "

Jeduthun Baldwin .....Col., Engineers.......                                "

Edward Phelon...... Lt., 4th Reg..........                                           "

David Humphrys ......Lt. Col.............. Conn't.

J. Trumbull ..........Lt. Col., Sec. to the Com-

mander in Chief..."

W. Barber ......... Major and Asst. Ins. N

Army.............    Jersey.

W. Colfax...........Capt., 2d Reg......... Conn't

Of the above names 155 are from Massachusetts.

34 are from N. Hampshire.

46 are from Connecticut.

235 are from New England States.

36 are from N. Jersey.

13 are from Maryland.

1 is from New York.