Ohio History Journal









ABZUG, Robert H., Passionate Liber-

ator: Theodore Dwight Weld & the

Dilemma of Reform, rev., 350-351

Access to the Past: Museum Programs

and Handicapped Visitors. A guide to

Section 504-making existing pro-

grams and facilities accessible to dis-

abled persons, by Alice P. Kenney, 260

Accounting systems, Buckeye Steel

Castings Company, 246-247

Acheson, David C. and David S. McLel-

lan, editors, Among Friends: Personal

Letters of Dean Acheson, rev., 93-94

Acheson, Dean, Among Friends: Person-

al Letters of Dean Acheson, edited by

David S. McLellan and David C. Ache-

son, rev., 93-94

ACLU and the Wagner Act: An Inquiry

Into the Depression-Era Crisis of

American Liberalism, The, by Cletus

E. Daniel, rev., 348-349

Adams, (Dr. Charles), 108

Adams, Charles Francis, 44, 46, 51

Adams, John, John Adams and the Di-

plomacy of the American Revolution,

by James H. Hutson, rev., 351-353

AFL. See American Federation of Labor

Agarossi, Elena and Bradley F. Smith,

Operation Sunrise: The Secret Surren-

der, rev., 80-81

Agricultural growth (Washington Court

House, Ohio), 302-316 passim

Alcoholic Republic: An American Tradi-

tion, The, by W. J. Rorabaugh, rev.,


AMA. See American Medical Associa-


Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 118

American Academy of Fine Arts, 130-


American Association for Labor Legisla-

tion, 329

American Bridge Company, 241

American Diaries: An Annotated Bib-

liography of Published American Di-

aries to 1980, compiled and edited by

Laura Arksey, Nancy Pries and Mar-

cia Reed, 260

American Engineers of the Nineteeth

Century: A Biographical Index, by

Christine Roysdon and Linda A. Khat-

ri, rev., 279-280

American Federation of Labor (AFL),

118, 328, 329

Americanism, 211

"Americanization Work," Buckeye Steel

Castings Company, 253

American Liberty League, 115, 124

American Medical Association (AMA),


American Party, 204

American Revolution, 10-32 passim

American West, Essays in Honor of W.

Eugene Hollon, The, edited by Ronald

Lora, 333

Ames, Fisher, 5-6

Among Friends: Personal Letters of Dean

Acheson, edited by David S. McLellan

and David C. Acheson, rev., 93-94

An Early Latter Day Saint History: The

Book of John Whitmer Kept by Com-

mandment, edited by F. Mark McKier-

nan and Roger D. Lanius, rev., 343-


Annealing furnaces, 239, 245

Annunziata, Frank, book rev., 163

An Ohio Schoolmistress: The Memoirs of

Irene Hardy, edited by Louis Filler,

rev., 282

"Appeal, The," (Chase's attack on Kan-

sas-Nebraska bill), 197

"Arch City," (Columbus, Ohio), 255

Archer, William C., illustration, 323

Arksey, Laura, Nancy Pries and Marcia

Reed, compilers and editors, American

Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of

Published American Diaries to 1980,


Arms, George, Christoph K. Lohmann

and Jerry Hammon, editors, Selected

Letters of William Dean Howells.

Volume 2: 1873-1881, rev., 181-182

Armstrong, John, 27

Armstrong, Scott and Bob Woodward,

The Brethren: Inside the Supreme

Court, rev., 81-82

Army and Civil Disorder: Federal Mili-

tary Intervention In Labor Disputes,

1877-1900, The, by Jerry M. Cooper,

rev., 166-167

Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution, 143-


Ashley, James M., 204, 211, 212, 213,

215, 216, 219


372                                     OHIO HISTORY

Associated Charities of Columbus, 256

"Assumption of risk," 319

Ashtabula Sentinel, 44, 45

Athens (Ohio), 27-28

At Odds: Women and the Family in

America from the Revolution to the

Present, by Carl N. Degler, rev., 170-


"Auxiliary and Non-Party Politics: The

1936 Democratic Presidential Cam-

paign in Ohio," by Thomas T. Spencer,


BAILEY, Gamaliel, 205, 211, 212, 213,


Bain, George W., book rev., 284-285

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 311-


Baltimore, Hamilton and Dayton Rail-

road, 311-313n.37

Bank-barns, 229, 231, 235-236

Banking proposal, as an issue in 1857

Ohio gubernatorial election, 217

Banks, Nathaniel, 214, 219

Barker, Joseph, 13

Barlow, William and David O. Powell,

"Homeopathy and Sexual Equality:

The Controvery Over Coeducation at

Cincinnati's Pulte Medical College,

1873-1879," 101-113

Barney, Hiram, 219

"Barn lot," 236

Barns, "The Ohio Farmstead: Farm

Buildings as Cultural Artifacts," by

Donald A. Hutslar, 221-237

Baughman, James L., book rev., 344-345

Baxter, Mary R., book rev., 91-93

Beard, James, 137-138. Works: The Long

Bill, 138, illustration, 139; The Ohio

Land Speculators, 138

Beauregard, Erving E., "Celebrated

Academic Freedom Cases in Ohio,"


Bebb, William, 48, 49

Becker, Carl, The Village: A History of

Germantown, Ohio, 1804-1976, 333

Beck, George, 133

Beckwith, (Dr.) Seth R., 104-113 passim

Been in the Storm So Long: The After-

math of Slavery, by Leon F. Litwack,

rev., 265-266

Bensch, Christopher L., book rev., 174-


Bensch, Donald E., book rev., 353-355

Benton, Thomas Hart, 36

Berkhofer, George H., The Crabhill

House Flowers, 334

Berry, Charles R., The Reform of Oax-

aca, 1856-1876: A Microhistory of the

Liberal Revolution, 333

Berry, George, 125

Beschloss, Michael R., Kennedy and

Roosevelt: The Uneasy Alliance, rev.,


Bible classes, Buckeye Steel Castings

Company, 252, 254

Bibliography of Iowa Newspapers, 1836-

1976, A, compiled by The Iowa Pilot

Project of the Organization of the

American Historians-Library of Con-

gress United States Newspaper pro-

ject, rev., 187-188

Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations

Submitted to Indiana Institutions of

Higher Education for Advanced De-

grees, 1902-1977. Studies on Indiana:

Indiana History Resource Series, A,

Volume I, compiled by Betty Jarboe

and Kathryn Ramsey, bk. note, 191

Bingham, Kinsley, 207-208

Birney, James G., 220

Black Americans in the Roosevelt Era:

Liberalism and Race, by John B. Kir-

by, rev., 184-185

Black Detroit and the Rise of the UAW,

by August Meier and Elliott Rudwick,

rev., 77-78

Blackford, Mansel G., "Scientific Man-

agement and Welfare Work in Early

Twentieth Century American Busi-

ness: The Buckeye Steel Castings

Company," 238-258

Black, Hugo, 123

Blacks, in Buckeye Steel Castings Com-

pany work force, 253-255; illustration,


Blair, Francis P., 212, 214, 219

Blocker, Jack S., Jr., "Market Integra-

tion, Urban Growth and Economic

Change in an Ohio County, 1850-

1880," 298-316

Blood Relations: The Rise and Fall of the

du Ponts of Delaware, by Leonard Mos-

ley, rev., 174-176

Blue, Frederick J., "Chase and the Gov-

ernorship: A Stepping Stone to the

Presidency," 197-220; book rev., 270-


Bochin, Hal W., "Tom Corwin's Speech

Against the Mexican War: Courageous

But Misunderstood," 33-53

Boone, Daniel, as an American theme,

138; Daniel Boone before his Cabin at

Index 373

Index                                              373

Great Osage Lake, by Thomas Cole,

135-136, illustration, 136

Bordin, Ruth, Women and Temperance:

The Quest for Power and Liberty,

1873-1900, rev., 367-368

Boryczka, Raymond, book rev., 161-162

Boston University, 105

Boston Whig, 44

Boundaries of Utopia, The, by Carol

Weisbrod, rev., 273-274

Bowden, Henry W. and James P. Ronda,

editors, John Eliot's Indian Dialogues:

A Study in Cultural Interaction, 333

Bowers, Paul C., Jr., book rev., 82-84,


Bowler, R. Arthur, book rev., 167-168,


Boy Scouts of America, 256

Brace-framed barns, 229, 230, 231-237


Bradford, Richard H., The Virginius

Affair, rev., 165-166

Brauer, Carl M., book rev., 340-341

Breckinridge, (Col.) Henry, 115

Breckinridge, Lucy, Lucy Breckinridge

of Grove Hill: The Journal of a Virgin-

ian Girl, 1862-1864, edited by Mary D.

Robertson, rev., 173-174

Bremen's Black Gold, Fairfield County

Gravestone Rubbings: Explanations,

Tools, Techniques, and Folk Art, 334

Bremner, Robert H., The Public Good:

Philanthropy & Welfare in the Civil

War Era, 333

Breslin, John G., 216-217

Breslin-Gibson state treasury scandal,


Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court, The,

by Bob Woodward and Scott Arm-

strong, rev., 81-82

Bricker, John W., 157

Bridenbaugh, Carl, Jamestown, 1544-

1699, rev., 168-170

Brinkerhoff, Jacob, 201, 204

Brody, David, Workers in Industrial

America: Essays on the 20th Century

Struggle, rev., 262-263

Brose, David S. and N'omi Greber, edi-

tors, Hopewell Archaeology: The Chil-

licothe Conference, rev., 188-189

Brown, John, 218

Buck, (Dr.) John D., 104-113 passim

Buckeye Malleable Iron and Coupler

Company. See Buckeye Steel Castings

Company, The

Buckeye Steel Castings Company, The,

"Scientific Management and Welfare

Work in Early Twentieth Century

American Business: The Buckeye

Steel Castings Company," by Mansel

G. Blackford, 238-258

Bulkley, Robert, 116, 117

Bush, Samuel P., 238-258 passim

Business and Government During the

Eisenhower Administration: A Study

of the Antitrust Policy of the Antitrust

Division of the Justice Department, by

Theodore Philip Kovaleff, rev., 344-


Byrne, Frank L., book rev., 89-90

Byrnes, James F., The Threat of Peace:

James F. Byrnes and the Council of

Foreign Ministers, 1945-1946, by Pat-

ricia Dawson Ward, rev., 160-161


CALHOUN, John C., 37

Campbell, Lewis, 200, 204, 206-207, 211,


Campus Martius, 22, 28, 58, 61, 70

Cantor, George, The Great Lakes Guide-

book: Lake Superior and Western Lake

Michigan, bk. note, 192

"Card men." See "Temporary Inspec-

tors," Prohibition Department

Carnegie Steel, 247

Carpenter's Pocket Dictionary, The, by

William Pain, 232

Carroll, J., 133

Cary, John H., book rev., 288-290, 351-

353. Works: and Julius Weinber, edi-

tors, The Social Fabric: American Life

from 1607 to the Present, 333

Cass, Lewis, 39, 40-41, 44, 53

Cayton, Andrew R. L., "'A Quiet Inde-

pendence': The Western Vision of the

Ohio Company," 5-32

"Celebrated Academic Freedom Cases in

Ohio," by Erving E. Beauregard, 333

Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Making

of a Radical Feminist, 1860-1896, by

Mary A. Hill, rev., 171-173

"Chase and the Governorship: A Step-

ping Stone to the Presidency," by

Frederick J. Blue, 197-220

Chase, Salmon P., 49-50, 52; "Chase and

the Governorship: A Stepping Stone to

the Presidency," by Frederick J. Blue,

197-220; illustration, 203

Chessman, G. Wallace, book rev., 268-


Chemical labs, Buckeye Steel Castings

Company, 245-246


374                                     OHIO HISTORY

Chicago River and Harbor Convention

(1857), 48

Chief Police Officer of Ohio, 152

Childbirth, on the Ohio frontier, 61

Children's Hospital (Columbus, Ohio),


Chipping room, Buckeye Steel Castings

Company, 244-245

Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley Rail-

road, 298, 302, 305, 307; illustration,

cover Autumn 1981/Number 4

Cincinnati Art Academy, 140

Cincinnati Atlas, 36, 49

Cincinnati Commercial, 110

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 41

Cincinnati Enquirer, 110, 112-113, 207

Cincinnati Gazette, 206

Cincinnati (Ohio), 30-31, 142, 298-316


Cincinnati, Society of the, 12-13

Cincinnati Times, 110

Cincinnatus, 13

CIO. See Congress of Industrial Orga-


Citadels, Ramparts, and Stockades:

America's Historic Forts, by Irvin

Haas, rev., 277-278

City and Hinterland: A Case Study of

Urban Growth and Regional Develop-

ment, by Roberta Balstad Miller, 305

Civil Service, 150

Clark, J. D., illustration, 327

Clarke, (Dr.) Edward H., 102-103, 113.

Works: Sex in Education; or, A Fair

Chance for the Girls, 103

Clark, Thomas D., Thomas J. Schlereth,

Richard Jensen and Robert M. Sutton,

Local History Today: Papers Presented

at Four Regional Workshops for Local

Historical Organizations in Indiana,

June, 1978-April, 1979, bk. note, 95

Clay, Henry, 49

Cleveland, Charles, 213

Cleveland Herald, 44

Cleveland Homeopathic College, 102,

104, 108

Cleveland Plain Dealer, 41, 45

Cleveland True Democrat, 42, 50

Clothing, on the Ohio frontier, 64-66

Cochrane, Willard W., The Development

of American Agriculture: A Historical

Analysis, rev., 189-190

Coeducation, "Homeopathy and Sexual

Equality: Controversy Over Coeduca-

tion at Cincinnati's Pulte Medical Col-

lege, 1873-1879," by William Barlow

and David O. Powell, 101-113

Coffee, Edwin R. and Robert B. Match-

ette, Military Operations of the Civil

War. A Guide-Index to the Official

Records of the Union and Confederate

Armies, 1861-1865. Volume IV: Main

Theater of Operations Except Gulf

Approach (1861-1863), compiled by

Dallas Irvine, rev., 163-165

Coffer, William E. (Koi Hosh), Phoenix:

The Decline and Rebirth of the Indian

People, bk. note, 96

Cole, Thomas, 133-136, 138. Works:

Landscape with Dead Trees, 135-136,

illustration, 135; Daniel Boone before

his Cabin at Great Osage Lake, 135-

136, illustration, 136; Home in the

Woods, 163, illustration, 137

Columbus and Cincinnati Midland Rail-

road, 311-313n.37

Columbus Chamber of Commerce, 257

Columbus (Ohio), 200

Committee of One, 114, 122, 127

Community, the Buckeye Steel Castings

Company's quest of, 247-257

"Comparative negligence," 320

Compromise of 1850, 198-199

"Congress Lands," 225, 228, 230

Congress of Industrial Organizations

(CIO), 118

Conneaut Reporter, 44-45

Connecticut Western Reserve, 223, 225

"Contributory negligence," 319

Converse, Robert N., The Glacial Kame

Indians, rev., 283-284

Cook, Helen, 102

Cooley, John A., book rev., 165-166

Cooney, Terry A., book rev., 346-347

Cooper, Jerry M., The Army and Civil

Disorder: Federal Military Interven-

tion In Labor Disputes, 1877-1900,

rev., 166-167

Cooper, Myers Y., 156

"Cope," the, 242

Corn sheller, 234

Correspondence of James K. Polk.

Volume V: 1839-1841, edited by

Wayne Cutler, rev., 176-177

Corwin, Thomas, "Tom Corwin's Speech

Against the Mexican War: Courageous

But Misunderstood," by Hal W.

Bochin, 33-54; illustration, 37

Coughlin, (Rev.) Charles, 116, 117, 119,

120, 126

Covered wagons, 56-57

Coward, Joan Wells, Kentucky in the

Index 375

Index                                              375

New Republic: The Process of Con-

stitution Making, rev., 278-279

Cowperthwait, (Dr.) A. C., 108-109

Cox, "Boss" George B., 142

Cox, James M., 124, 151-152, 155, 324,

325, 326, 328; illustration, 153

Crabhill House Flowers, The, by George

H. Berkhofer, 334

Crawford, Alan, Thunder on the Right:

The "New Right" and the Politics of

Resentment, rev., 163

Crittenden, John, 37

Cummings, Homer, 124

Curl, Donald W., Murat Halstead and

the Cincinnati Commercial, rev., 355-


Currier and Ives, 221, 235

Curtis, Eleazer, 57, 63

Curtis, Eunice (Mrs. Eleazer Curtis), 57,


Curtis, Walter, 57, 63

Cutler, Manasseh, 7-32 passim, 70

Cutler, Wayne, editor, Correspondence of

James K. Polk. Volume V: 1839-1841,

rev., 176-177

Cuyahoga County Democratic Women's

Club, 116

Cyclopaedia, by Abraham Rees, 232


DALE, Stephen F., Islamic Society on the

South Asian Frontier: The Mappilas of

Malabar, 1498-1922, 333

Daniel Boone before his Cabin at Great

Osage Lake, by Thomas Cole, 135-136;

illustration, 136

Daniel, Cletus E., The ACLU and the

Wagner Act: An Inquiry Into the De-

pression-Era Crisis of American Liber-

alism, rev., 348-349

Daniels, Bruce C., book rev., 168-170

Dann, John C., editor, The Revolution

Remembered: Eyewitness Accounts of

the War for Independence, rev., 280-


Davey, Martin, 115-116, 124-125, 126;

illustration, 117

Davis, E. W., 326

Davis, Harry L., 153, 155, 157

Dawson, Miles M., 328

Dayton and Southeastern Railroad, 308

Defrees, John, 34, 44

Degler, Carl N., At Odds: Women and

the Family in America from the Rev-

olution to the Present, rev., 170-171

Delano, Columbus, 44

Democratic National Committee, 122-

124 passim

Democratic National Convention (1936),

115, 116-117

Department of Industrial Relations, 330

Descombes, 134

Deshler Hotel (Columbus, Ohio), 255

"Destruction of Highways," (1925 guber-

natorial proclamation), 156

Development of American Agriculture: A

Historical Analysis, The, by Willard

W. Cochrane, rev., 189-190

Diaries of George Washington, The,

edited by Donald Jackson and Dorothy

Twohig. Volume V, July 1786-1789,

rev., 285-287; Volume VI, January

1790-December 1799, rev., 285-287

Dillon, Merton, book rev., 85-86

Dillon, Michelle, Ohio Genealogical and

Biographical Resources Available at

Rodman Public Library, 334

District of Columbia, 215

Division of Industrial Safety and

Hygiene, 330

Donahey, Victor, 125, 150, 152-154, 155-


Douglas, Stephen A., 197, 208

Dowling, Thomas, 43-44

Downey, E. H., 328

"Drag," the, 242

Drake, (Dr.) Daniel, 72

Dred Scott decision, 217

Drowne, Solomon, 5-32 passim

Dubbert, Joe L., book rev., 170-171

Duer, William, 7

Duffy, Thomas J., 322, 325; illustrations,

323, 327

Duke, David C., book rev., 184-185

Dunlap, William, 133-134

du Ponts, the, 124; Blood Relations: The

Rise and Fall of the du Ponts of Dela-

ware, by Leonard Mosley, rev., 174-


Dyer, Thomas G., Theodore Roosevelt

and the Idea of Race, rev., 268-269


"EARLY Efforts at State-Level Law En-

forcement: The Failure of Ohio's Su-

pervision of Local Police Authorities,

1902-1925," by Stanley L. Swart, 141-


Economic change, "Market Integration,

Urban Growth and Economic Change

in an Ohio County, 1850-1880," by

Jack S. Blocker Jr., 298-316

Education, on the Ohio frontier, 17-18,



376                                     OHIO HISTORY

Edwards, Jonathan, 38

Ehninger, J. W., The Yankee Peddler,

129-130; illustration, 131

Elliott, H. L., illustration, 327

Employer liability laws, 319-320

Employers' Liability Commission, 320

Empire as a Way of life: An Essay on the

Causes and Character of America's

Present Predicament Along With a Few

Thoughts About an Alternative, by

William Appleman Williams, rev.,


End of the Russian Imperial Army: The

Old Army and Soldier's Revolt

(March-April 1917), The, by Allan K.

Wildman, 332

Engberg, George B., book rev., 363-364

"English" barn (three-bay barn), 231-

234, 236

English, Peter C., Shock, Physiological

Surgery, and George Washington

Crile: Medical Innovation in the Pro-

gressive Era, rev., 358-360

Enterprize Hydraulic Works, Midvale

Steel, 241

Ethnic/environmental background of

farmers as determinate in barn con-

figuration, 223, 229-233

Evans, Nelson W., History of Scioto

County, 335

Evans, Oliver, Oliver Evans: Inventive

Genius of the American Industrial

Revolution, by Eugene S. Ferguson,

bk. note, 291

Everman, Michael, book rev., 183-184


FALL of the Peacock Throne: The Story

of Iran, by William H. Forbis, rev., 78-


Fanning mill, 234

Farley, James A., 115, 117

Farm buildings, "The Ohio Farmstead:

Farm Buildings as Cultural Arti-

facts," by Donald A. Hutslar, 221-237

Farm implements and tools, 221-237

passim; illustrations, 226, 227, 228,


Fayette County (Ohio), "Market Integra-

tion, Urban Growth and Economic

Change in an Ohio County, 1850-

1880," by Jack S. Blocker Jr., 298-316

Feed grinder, 234

"Fellow-servant doctrine," 319

Ferguson, Eugene S., Oliver Evans: In-

ventive Genius of the American Indust-

rial Revolution, bk. note, 291

Ferrell, John and Robert Gruber, Mili-

tary Operations of the Civil War. A

Guide-Index to the Official Records of

the Union and Confederate Armies,

1861-1865. Volume V: Trans-

Mississippi and Pacific Coast Theaters

of Operations, compiled by Dallas

Irvine, rev., 163-165

Field, Phyllis F., book rev., 350-351

Filler, Louis, editor, An Ohio Schoolmis-

tress: The Memoirs of Irene Hardy,

rev., 282

Fillmore, Millard, 53

First Russian Women Physicians, The,

by Jeanette E. Tuve, 333

Flail, 233

Flatboats, 57; illustration, 59

Fleming, John E., book rev., 265-266

Fletcher, Alice, With the Nez Perces:

Alice Fletcher in the Field, 1889-1892,

edited by Frederick E. Hoxie and Joan

T. Mark, 333

Fogarty, Robert S., The Righteous Rem-

nant: The House of David, 333

Follett, Oran, 200, 201, 202

Foner, Eric, Politics and Ideology in The

Age of The Civil War, rev., 364-365

Foodstuffs, on the Ohio frontier, 66-67

Forage chopper, 234

Forbis, William H., Fall of the Peacock

Throne: The Story of Iran, rev., 78-79

Ford, Thomas, 211-212, 216

"Forebay," 236

Fort Frye, 68-69

Fort Harmar, 27, 30, 55, 70

Fort Pitt, 60

Foster, Lawrence, book rev., 273-274

Foundry, 241

Fox, Stephen, book rev., 88-89, 364-365

Free Democrats, 197-220 passim

Free-Soil Party, 52, 53, 197-220 passim

Fre'mont, John C., 214-218, 219

French, David, book rev., 173-174

Friedman, Renee and Harrison Goodall,

Log Structures: Preservation and

Problem Solving, bk. note, 292

Fry, Mildred Covey, "Women on the

Ohio Frontier: The Marietta Area,"


Fugitive Slave Act, 197-220 passim

Fugitive Slave Law, 215

Fuld, Leonard Felix, 145-146, 154, 157

Fundamentalism and American Culture:

The Shaping of Twentieth Century

Evangelicalism, 1870-1925, by George

M. Marsden, rev., 365-367

Index 377

Index                                               377

"GAMBLING Proclamation," (1923

gubernatorial proclamation), 152

Gallipolis Journal, 206

Gara, Larry, book rev., 176-177. Works:

War Resistance in Historical Perspec-

tive, 333

Garner, Margaret, 209

Garrett, John V., book rev., 93-94

Garrison, William Lloyd, 205, 207

Gaventa, John, Power and Powerless-

ness: Quiescence and Rebellion in an

Appalachian Valley, rev., 349-350

Gibbons, Theodore, 42

Gibson, William H., 216-217

Giddings, Joshua R., 33, 40, 44, 46-47,

50-54 passim, 200, 201, 212-213

Gidney, James B. and Philip Weeks,

Subjugation and Dishonor: A Brief

History of the Travail of the Native

Americans, 333

Gilchrist, (Dr.) J. G., 108-109

Gillette, William, Retreat from Recon-

struction, 1869-1879, rev., 85-86

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, Charlotte

Perkins Gilman: The Makings of a

Radical Feminist, 1860-1896, by Mary

A. Hill, rev., 171-173

Glacial Kame Indians, The, by Robert H.

Converse, rev., 283-284

Goldsmith, Jonathan, Jonathan Gold-

smith: Pioneer Master Builder of the

Western Reserve, by Elizabeth G.

Hitchcock, bk. note, 291

Gongwer, Burr, 116

Goodall, Harrison and Renee Friedman,

Log Structures: Preservation and

Problem-Solving, bk. note, 292

Good Neighbor League, 114, 119-121,

122, 127

Good Neighbor League Colored Commit-

tee, 120-121, 126

Gorman, James, book rev., 355-357

Gould, Lewis L., The Presidency of Wil-

liam McKinley, rev., 353-355

Government, of Marietta, 17-18

Governor, powers of Ohio's, 143, 146-157

Graebner, William, A History of Retire-

ment: The Meaning and Function of

An American Institution, 1885-1978,

rev., 345-346

Grain Reaper, 237

Grange and Farmers Union, 122

Grant, Ulysses S., The Papers of Ulysses

S. Grant. Volume 7: December 9, 1862-

March 31, 1863, rev., 177-179; Volume

8: April 1-July 6, 1863, rev., 179-181

Great Expectations: America and the

Baby Boom Generation, by Landon Y.

Jones, rev., 346-347

Great Lakes Guidebook: Lake Superior

and Western Lake Michigan, The, by

George Cantor, bk. note, 192

Great Miami River Valley, 224

Greber, N'omi and David S. Brose, edi-

tors, Hopewell Archaeology: The Chil-

licothe Conference, rev., 188-189

Greek Revival architecture, 225, 236

Greeley, Horace, 42-43, 45, 208-209, 212-


Green Compulsory Workmen's Com-

pensation Act (1913), 324

Green, William, 320, 329

Grimes, James W., 199, 204, 209, 211

Grinding room, Buckeye Steel Castings

Company, 244-245

Groseclose, Barbara, "Itinerant Painting

in Ohio: Origins and Implications,"


"Groundhog" drum thresher, 234

Growth Amidst Struggle: A Ses-

quicentennial  History   of  the

Longenecker Mennonite Church, by

James O. Lehman, bk. note, 291

Gruber, Robert and John Ferrell, Mili-

tary Operations of the Civil War. A

Guide-Index to the Official Records of

the Union and Confederate Armies,

1861-1865. Volume V: Trans-

Mississippi and Pacific Coast Theaters

of Operations, compiled by Dallas

Irvine, rev., 163-165

Gubernatorial race (1857 Ohio), 197-220


Guild, James, 132, 138

Gutgesell, Stephen, book rev., 187-188

HAAS, Irvin, Citadels, Ramparts, and

Stockades: America's Historic Forts,

rev., 277-278

Hall, Kermit L., book rev., 81-82

Halstead, Murat, 214; Murat Halstead

and the Cincinnati Commercial, by

Donald W. Curl, rev., 355-357

Hamby, Alonzo L., book rev., 337-338

Hamilton, Alexander, 7

Hamilton County (Ohio), 298-316 pas-


Hamlin, E. S., 201, 214

Hammond, M. B., 325

Hammon, Jerry, George Arms and

Christoph K. Lohmann, editors,

Selected Letters of William Dean


378                                     OHIO HISTORY

Howells. Volume 2: 1873-1881, rev.,


Hammon, John, The Saga of John Ham-

mon, Revolutionary War Hero and

Owen County Kentucky Pioneer, by

Stratton Owen Hammon, bk. note, 191

Hammon, Stratton Owen, The Saga of

John Hammon, Revolutionary War

Hero and Owen County Kentucky

Pioneer, bk. note, 191

Hanks, Jarvis, 137

Hardy, Irene, An Ohio Schoolmistress:

The Memoirs of Irene Hardy, edited by

Louis Filler, rev., 282

Harmon, Judson, 155, 320, 322, 328;

illustration, cover Autumn 1981/Num-

ber 4

Harrison, William Henry, 222

Harris, Thaddeus Mason, 63

Harrow, 234; illustration, 227

Hartje, Robert, book rev., 80-81, 177-

179, 179-181

Harvard Medical School, 103, 108, 113

Hatch, Robert McConnell, Thrust for

Canada: The American Attempt on

Quebec in 1775-1776, rev., 167-168

Hatton, Augustus Raymond, 145-146,

154, 157

Hawkins, Edward, The History and Con-

fession of Young Felon Edward Haw-

kins, edited by Lawrence S. Thompson,

bk. note, 192

Hayes, Robert S., illustration, 327

Hay press, 234

Hay storage, 235

Hearst, William Randolph, 124

Heroic medicine/therapy, 101-102n.4

Heroult electric furnace, 243

Hevener, John W., book rev., 348-349

Hickok, Lorena, 114-115

Hidy, Ralph, 240

High, Stanley, 120

Hildreth, (Dr.) Samuel Prescott, 29, 65-

66, 68

Hillman, Sidney, 118

Hill, Mary A., Charlotte Perkins Gilman:

The Making of a Radical Feminist,

1860-1896, rev., 171-173

History and Civics of Dover Village, A,


History and Confession of the Young

Felon Edward Hawkins, The, edited

by Lawrence S. Thompson, bk. note,


History of Music in Tallmadge (1830

manuscript), 335

History of Retirement: The Meaning and

Function of An American Institution,

1885-1978, A, by William Graebner,

rev., 345-346

History of Reynoldsburg and Truro

Township, Ohio, by Cornelia M. Park-

inson, 334

History of Scioto County, by Nelson W.

Evans, 335

Hitchcock, Elizabeth G., Jonathan Gold-

smith: Pioneer Master Builder of the

Western Reserve, bk. note, 291

Hogland, William, 224

Home in the Woods, by Thomas Cole,

136; illustration, 137

Homeopathic Inter-Collegiate Confer-

ence, 108

"Homeopathic War," 102

"Homeopathy and Sexual Equality: The

Controversy Over Coeducation at Cin-

cinnati's Pulte Medical College, 1873-

1879," by William Barlow and David

O. Powell, 101-113

Hopewell Archaeology: The Chillicothe

Conference, edited by David S. Brose

and N'omi Greber, rev., 188-189

"Horse-power" or sweep, 234

House Committee of Thirty-three, 53

Housekeeping, on the Ohio frontier, 63-


House of Representatives (United

States), 33-54 passim

Housing, on the Ohio frontier, 61-63, 69

Howe, Henry, 231

Howells, William C., 232

Howells, William Dean, 232; Selected

Letters of William Dean Howells.

Volume 2: 1873-1881, edited by

George Arms, Christoph K. Lohmann

and Jerry Hammon, rev., 181-182

Hoxie, Frederick E. and Joan T. Mark,

editors, With the Nez Perces: Alice

Fletcher in the Field, 1889-1892, 333

Hoyne, (Dr.) T. S., 108

Hudson River School, The, 135

Hunt, Stella, 113

Hurt, R. Douglas, book rev., 189-190

Husbandry, as an important ingredient

in the founding of Marietta, 18-20

"Husking bee," 235

Hutslar, Donald A., "The Ohio Farm-

stead: Farm Buildings as Cultural

Artifacts," 221-237

Hutson, James H., John Adams and the

Diplomacy of the American Revolution,

rev., 351-353

Index 379

Index                                              379

ICKES, Harold, 120

Identification bureau concept, 146

"Ideology of Social Harmony and Effi-

ciency: Workmen's Compensation in

Ohio, 1904-1919, The," by Patrick D.

Reagan, 317-331

"Immortal fourteen," 33

"Implements and Tools," by Townsend

Sharpless, in the Report of the Com-

missioner of Patents, 1856; Agricul-

ture., illustrations, 226, 227, 228, 229

Inaugural address (Gov. Chase, 1856),


Inauguration of Territorial Government

at Marietta, Ohio, The, illustration, 9

Indiana State Journal, 45

Indian corn, 19th century storage of, 235

Indianola Park (Columbus, Ohio), 252

Indian Wars (1790s), 27-29, 68-69

Industrial Commission Act of Ohio

(1913), 324-330

Industrial Commission of Ohio, 257, 325-

330; illustration, 327

Insurance Federation of Ohio, 326

Intelligencer, 44

International Association of Chiefs of

Police, 144-145

Iowa Pilot Project of the Organization of

the American Historians-Library of

Congress United States Newspaper

Project, The, compiler, A Bibliography

of Iowa Newspapers, 1836-1976, rev.,


Irvine, Dallas, compiler, Military Opera-

tions of the Civil War. A Guide-Index

to the Official Records of the Union

and Confederate Armies, 1861-1865.

Volume IV: Main Theater of Opera-

tions Except Gulf Approach (1861-

1863), continued by Edwin R. Coffee

and Robert B. Matchette, rev., 163-

165; Volume V: Trans-Mississippi and

Pacific Coast Theaters of Operations,

continued by John Ferrell and Robert

Gruber, rev., 163-165

Irvin, Helen Deiss, Women in Kentucky,

bk. note, 95

Isetts, Charles A., book rev., 358-360

Islamic Society on the South Asian Fron-

tier: The Mappilas of Malabar, 1498-

1922, by Stephen F. Dale, 333

Itinerant Painter, The, by C. B. King,

129-130; illustration, 130

"Itinerant Painting in Ohio: Origins and

Implications," by Barbara Groseclose,


Ives Case, The (New York Court of

Appeals), 320


JACKSON, Donald and Dorothy Two-

hig, editors, The Diaries of George

Washington. Volume V, July 1786-

December 1789, rev., 285-287; Volume

VI, January 1790-December 1799,

rev., 285-287

Jamestown,   1544-1699, by    Carl

Bridenbaugh, rev., 168-170

Janney, Frances, 105

Japanese on Trial: Allied War Crimes

Operations in the East, 1945-1951, by

Philip R. Piccigallo, rev., 87

Jarboe, Betty and Kathryn Ramsey,

compilers, A Bibliography of Theses

and Dissertations Submitted to Indi-

ana Institutions of Higher Education

for Advanced Degrees, 1902-1977. Stu-

dies on Indiana: Indiana History Re-

source Series, Volume I, bk. note, 191

Jaster, Mildred, 123

Jeffersonian ideals, in the founding of

Marietta, 5-32 passim

Jefferson, Thomas, 12, 24

Jennings, David H., book rev., 90-91

Jennings, Malcolm, 329

Jensen, Richard, Robert M. Sutton, Tho-

mas D. Clark and Thomas J.

Schlereth, Local History Today: Pap-

ers Presented at Four Regional Work-

shops for Local Historical Organiza-

tions in Indiana, June, 1978-April,

1979, bk. note, 95

John Adams and the Diplomacy of the

American Revolution, by James H.

Hutson, rev., 351-353

John Eliot's Indian Dialogues: A Study

in Cultural Interaction, edited by

James P. Ronda and Henry W. Bow-

den, 333

Johnson, Lyndon B., The Progressive

Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Wood-

row Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt,

Lyndon B. Johnson, by John Morton

Blum, rev., 161-162

Johnston Farm and Barn, John, 236

Joint stock corporation, 7

Jonathan Goldsmith: Pioneer Master

Builder of the Western Reserve, by

Elizabeth G. Hitchcock, bk. note, 291

Jones, H. G., Local Government Records:

An Introduction to Their Management,

Preservation, and Use, rev., 284-285


380                                     OHIO HISTORY

Jones, Landon Y., Great Expectations:

America and the Baby Boom Genera-

tion, rev., 346-347

Joseph and Feiss (Cleveland, Ohio), 241

Journal of A Tamed Bureaucrat: Nils A.

Olsen and the BAE, 1925-1935, edited

by Richard Lowitt, rev., 182-183

KANSAS-Nebraska bill, 197-220 passim

Keeran, Roger, book rev., 77-78

Kelley, Stephen, Landmarks of West Un-

ion Ohio, bk. note, 292

Kennedy and Roosevelt: The Uneasy

Alliance, by Michael R. Beschloss,

rev., 269-270

Kennedy, David, Over Here: The First

World War and American Society, rev.,


Kennedy, Joseph, Kennedy and

Roosevelt: The Uneasy Alliance, by

Michael R. Beschloss, rev., 269-270

Kenney, Alice P., Access to the Past:

Museum Programs and Handicapped

Visitors. A guide to Section 504-mak-

ing existing programs and facilities ac-

cessible to disabled persons, 260

Kentucky in the New Republic: The Pro-

cess of Constitution Making, by Joan

Wells Coward, rev., 278-279

Kerr, K. Austin, book rev., 345-346, 367-


Khatri, Linda A. and Christine Roysdon,

American Engineers of the Nineteenth

Century: A Biographical Index, rev.,


King, C. B., The Itinerant Painter, 129-

130; illustration, 130

Kirby, John B., Black Americans in the

Roosevelt Era: Liberalism and Race,

rev., 184-185

Knights of Columbus, 256

Know-Nothings, 197-220 passim

Know-Somethings, 203-204n.20

Kovaleff, Theodore Philip, Business and

Government During the Eisenhower

Administration: A Study of the Anti-

trust Policy of the Antitrust Division of

the Justice Department, rev., 344-345


LAFAYETTE, Marquis de, 31-32

Lake, Mary Bird, 70

Land division, methods of Ohio, 224-228

Landmarks of West Union Ohio, com-

piled and written by Stephen Kelley,

bk. note, 292

Landon, Alfred M., 117-128 passim

Landscape with Dead Trees, by Thomas

Cole, 135-136; illustration, 135

Lane, (Colonel) Henry S., 43

Lanius, Roger D. and F. Mark McKier-

nan, editors, An Early Latter Day

Saint History: The Book of John Whit-

mer Kept by Commandment, rev., 343-


Langley, Lester D., The United States

and the Caribbean, 1900-1970, rev.,


Language of Violence: The Blood Politics

of Terrorism, by Edgar O'Ballance,

rev. 338-339

Law enforcement, "Early Efforts at

State-Level Law Enforcement: The

Failure of Ohio's Supervision of Local

Police Authorities, 1902-1925," by

Stanley L. Swart, 141-157

Lawrence, Michael G., Make No Little

Plans: Architectural Drawings from

the Collections of the Cuyahoga County

Archives and the Western Reserve His-

torical Society, 332

Laws Authorizing the Governor to Re-

move Local and Municipal Officials in

Ohio, 1902-1925, table, 147

Lebanon Thought and Eagle, 39

Lehman, James O., Growth Amidst

Struggle; A Sesquicentennial History

of the Longenecker Mennonite Church,

bk. note, 291

Lemke, William, 116-117, 119, 120, 122,


Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-

1789, edited by Paul H. Smith.

Volume 3, January 1, 1776-May 15,

1776, rev., 288-290; Volume 4, May 16,

1776-August 15, 1776, rev., 288-290

Levine, David, book rev., 163-165

Levstik, Frank B., bk. notes, 95

Lewis, John L., 118

Liberty's Daughters: The Revolutionary

Experience of American Women, 1750-

1800, by Mary Beth Norton, rev., 287-


Lincoln, Abraham, 53; Snowbound With

Mr. Lincoln, by John A. Lloyd, bk.

note, 96

Lincoln, (General) Benjamin, 15

"Lining the ladle," 244; illustration, cov-

er Summer 1981/Number 3

Littick, Clay, William Oliver Littick:

Newspaper Publisher Extraordinary,

bk. note, 95

Littick, William Oliver, William Oliver

Index 381

Index                                                381

Littick: Newspaper Publisher Extraor-

dinary, bk. note, 95

Little Miami Railroad, 302

Litwack, Leon F., Been in the Storm So

Long: The Aftermath of Slavery, rev.,


Livestock and farm animals, 19th cen-

tury storage of, 235-236

Lloyd, John A., Snowbound With Mr.

Lincoln, bk. note, 96

Local Government Records: An Introduc-

tion to Their Management, Preserva-

tion, and Use, by H. G. Jones, rev.,


Local History Today: Papers Presented at

Four Regional Workshops for Local

Historical Organizations in Indiana,

June, 1978-April, 1979, by Richard

Jensen, Robert M. Sutton, Thomas D.

Clark and Thomas J. Schlereth, bk.

note, 95

Local self-government vs central govern-

ment, 151

Log cabins, 62-63

Log construction (of barns), 232-233

"Log House, The," 222

Log Structures; Preservation and Prob-

lem-Solving, by Harrison Goodall and

Renee Friedman, bk. note, 292

Lohmann, Christoph K., Jerry Hammon

and George Arms, editors, Selected

Letters of William Dean Howells.

Volume 2: 1873-1881, rev., 181-182

Long Bill, The, by James Beard, 138;

illustration, 139

Long Journey of Noah Webster, The, by

Richard M. Rollins, rev., 91-93

Longworth, Nicholas, 140

Lora, Ronald, editor, The American

West, Essays in Honor of W. Eugene

Hollon, 333

Lovell, S. D., The Presidential Election of

1916, rev., 266-267

Lowitt, Richard, editor, Journal of A

Tamed Bureaucrat: Nils A. Olsen and

the BAE, 1925-1935, rev., 182-183

Lucy Breckinridge of Grove Hill: The

Journal of a Virginia Girl, 1862-1864,

edited by Mary D. Robertson, rev.,


Lurie, Nancy Oestreich, Wisconsin Indi-

ans, bk. note, 191

Lutz, Donald S., Popular Consent and

Popular Control: Whig Political

Theory in the Early State Constitu-

tions, rev., 360-361


McCormick, Charles H., book rev., 287-


McIntosh, (Dr.) Nathan, 68-69

McIntosh, Rhoda (Mrs. Nathan McIn-

tosh), 68-69

McKiernan, F. Mark and Roger D.

Lanius, editors, An Early Latter Day

Saint History: The Book of John Whit-

mer Kept by Commandment, rev., 343-


McKinley, William, The Presidency of

William McKinley, by Lewis L. Gould,

rev., 353-355

McLean, John, 43-44, 48, 51, 52-54 pas-

sim, 208, 211, 212, 213, 214-215, 220

McLellan, David S., book rev., 87.

Works: and David C. Acheson, editors,

Among Friends: Personal Letters of

Dean Acheson, rev., 93-94

McMicken School of Design. See Cincin-

nati Art Academy

McNiff, W. J., book rev., 343-344

Make No Little Plans: Architectural

Drawings from the Collections of the

Cuyahoga County Archives and the

Western Reserve Historical Society, by

Michael G. Lawrence, 332

Manufacturing growth (Washington

Court House, Ohio), 304-316 passim

Marcus, Jacob R. and Abraham J. Peck,

Studies in the American Jewish Ex-

perience, 333

Marietta earthworks, 21-23, 26; illustra-

tions, 22, 23

Marietta (Ohio), "'A Quiet Independ-

ence': The Western Vision of the Ohio

Company," by Andrew R. L. Cayton,

5-32; "Women on the Ohio Frontier:

The Marietta Area," by Mildred Covey

Fry, 55-73

"Market Integration, Urban Growth and

Economic Change in an Ohio County,

1850-1880," by Jack S. Blocker Jr.,


Mark, Joan T. and Frederick E. Hoxie,

editors, With the Nez Perces: Alice

Fletcher in the Field, 1889-1892, 333

Marriage, on the Ohio frontier, 61

Marsden, George M., Fundamentalism

and American Culture: The Shaping of

Twentieth Century Evangelicalism,

1870-1925, rev., 365-367

Maslowski, Peter, book rev., 166-167

Matchette, Robert B. and Edwin R. Cof-

fee, Military Operations of Civil War.


382                                      OHIO HISTORY

A Guide-Index to the Official Records

of the Union and Confederate Armies,

1861-1865. Volume IV: Main Theater

of Operations Except Gulf Approach

(1861-1863), compiled by Dallas

Irvine, rev., 163-165

Mathers, (Dr.) Increase, 71

Mathias, Frank F., book rev., 185-186

Maurer, Harry, Not Working: An Oral

History of the Unemployed, rev., 185-


May, John, 18

Meade, Roger, bk. notes, 191-192

Mean Wealthholding of Work Force by

Vertical Occupational Category,

Washington Court House, 1850-1870

(in dollars), table, 313

Mechanical forks, 236

Medicine, on the Ohio frontier, 68-69

Medill, Joseph, 201

Medill, William, 206-207

Meigs, Return Jonathan, 25

Meier, August and Elliott Rudwick,

Black Detroit and the Rise of the UAW,

rev., 77-78

Metallurgical engineer, 242

Metallurgical labs, Buckeye Steel Cast-

ings Company, 245

Metzger Act (1910, Ohio), 320

Mexican War, "Tom Corwin's Speech

Against the Mexican War: Courageous

But Misunderstood," by Hal W.

Bochin, 33-54; illustration, 47, cover

Winter 1981/Number 1

Miami-Erie Canal, 230

Miami Extension Canal, 230

Military Operations of the Civil War. A

Guide-Index to the Official Records of

the Union and Confederate Armies,

1861-1865. Volume IV: Main Theater

of Operations Except Gulf Approach

(1861-1863), compiled by Dallas

Irvine and continued by Edwin R. Cof-

fee and Robert B. Matchette, rev., 163-

165; Volume V: Trans-Mississippi and

Pacific Coast Theaters of Operations,

compiled by Dallas Irvine and con-

tinued by John Ferrell and Robert

Gruber, rev., 163-165

Miller, Robert Balstad, City and Hinter-

land: A Case Study of Urban Growth

and Regional Development, 305

Millett, Allan R., Semper Fideles: The

History of the United States Marine

Corps, 332

Missouri Compromise, 200

Mixer, Isaac, 28

Monterey, Battle of (Mexican War), 39

Monterey Pioneer, 42

Morgan, J. P., 124

Morr, Lynell, book rev., 357-358

Morrow, Jeremiah, 49

Mosley, Leonard, Blood Relations: The

Rise and Fall of the du Ponts of Dela-

ware, rev., 174-176

Moulton, Mrs. Wiliam, 64

Mound Cemetary (Marietta, Ohio), 31-


Moure, Nancy Dustin Wall, William

Louis Sonntag: Artist of the Ideal,

1822-1900, rev., 357-358

Mowing-machine, 236

Mud sled or boat, 234

Muller, Edward K., 299

Municipal Potato Patch Committee, 256

Murat Halstead and the Cincinnati Com-

mercial, by Donald W. Curl, rev., 355-


Murphy, James L., book rev., 188-189,




NAACP Crusade Against Lynching,

1909-1950, The, by Robert L. Zangran-

do, rev., 339-340

Nash, Gary B., The Urban Crucible: So-

cial Change, Political Consciousness,

and the Origins of the American Rev-

olution, rev., 82-84

National Academy of Design, 130

National Association of Manufacturers,


National Civil Federation, The, 248

National Era, 205-206, 209, 213

National steel strike (1919), 152, 155

National Union for Social Justice, 116

National Whig convention (1848), 52

Nativists, 197-220 passim

Nelson, Daniel, book rev., 262-263

Nelson, Rachel West and Sheyann

Webb, Selma, Lord, Selma, as told to

Frank Sikora, rev., 183-184

New Deal, 114-128 passim

New Deal and American Indian Tribal-

ism: The Administration of the Indian

Reorganization Act, 1934-45, The, by

Graham D. Taylor, rev., 270-271

New York Academy of Fine Arts. See

American Academy of Fine Arts

New York Courier and Enquirer, 43

New York's Forts in the Revolution, by

Robert H. Roberts, rev., 342-343

Index 383

Index                                              383

New York State Court of Appeals, 138,


New York Tribune, 208-209

Non-Partisan Labor League, 114-119,

122, 125, 126, 127, 318

Northwest Ordinance, 208

Northwest Territory, 55-73

Norton, Mary Beth, Liberty's Daughters:

The Revolutionary Experience of

American Women, 1750-1800, rev.,


Norris-Mathews Act (1910 Ohio), 320

Not Working: An Oral History of the Un-

employed, by Harry Maurer, rev., 185-


Nueces River, 35-36

Nye, (General) Benjamin, 58

Nye, Icabod, 58

Nye, Minerva Tupper (Mrs. Icabod Nye),


O'BALLANCE, Edgar, Language of Vio-

lence: The Blood Politics of Terrorism,

rev., 338-339

Obidinski, Eugene E., book rev., 271-273

Occupation of Work Force by Functional

Category, Washington Court House,

1850-1880 (in percentages), table, 309

Occupation of Work Force by Vertical

Category, Washington Court House,

1850-1880 (in percentages), table, 311

Ocean-going commerce, 24

Ogden, George, 31

Ohio Columbian, 205-206

Ohio Company, "'A Quiet Independ-

ence': The Western Vision of the Ohio

Company," by Andrew R. L. Cayton,

5-32; 55-73 passim

Ohio Constitutional Convention (1912),


Ohio Cultivator, 1845 Index, illustra-

tion, 224

Ohio Department of Insurance, 325

"Ohio Farmstead: Farm Buildings as

Cultural Artifacts, The," by Donald A.

Hutslar, 221-237

Ohio Employers' Liability Commission,


Ohio Genealogical and Biographical Re-

sources Available at Rodman Public

Library, by Michelle Dillon, 334

Ohio General Assembly, 141-157 pas-

sim, 317-331 passim

Ohio Health and Old Age Insurance

Commission, 330-331

Ohio Historical Society, 236

Ohio Labor Non-Partisan League, Why

Workers Should Vote for President

Roosevelt, 118

Ohio Land Company, 223

Ohio Land Speculators, The, by James

Beard, 138

Ohio Liberty Party, 198, 220

Ohio Manufacturers' Association

(OMA), 253, 257, 317-331 passim

Ohio Prohibition Department, creation

of, 155

Ohio Repository, 42

Ohio Southern Railroad, 311-313n.37

Ohio State Federation of Labor (OSFL),

317-331 passim

Ohio State Journal, 54, 200, 206

Ohio State Medical Association, 330

Ohio Statesman, 205, 207, 217; illustra-

tion, 47

Ohio Supreme Court, 322

Ohio Whig Convention (1848), 51

Ohio Whigs, 197-220 passim

Oliver Evans: Inventive Genius of the

American Industrial Revolution, by

Eugene S. Ferguson, bk. note, 291

Olsen, Nils A., Journal of A Tamed

Bureaucrat: Nils A. Olsen and the

BAE, 1925-1935, edited by Richard

Lowitt, rev., 182-183

Olson, Robert, book rev., 78-79

OMA. See Ohio Manufacturers' Associa-


One Nation Divisible: Class, Race, and

Ethnicity in the United States Since

1938, by Richard Polenberg, rev., 271-


Onondaga County (New York), 305

Open-hearth operations, steel produc-

tion, 242-243, 252

Operation Sunrise: The Secret Surren-

der, by Bradley F. Smith and Elena

Agarossi, rev., 80-81

OSFL. See Ohio State Federation of


"Overbay," 233

Over Here: The First World War and

American Society, by David Kennedy,

rev., 340-341

Owen, James, 55

Owen, Mary (Mrs. James Owen), 55

Owens, John, 118

Owens, (Dr.) William, 107-113 passim

PARKINSON, Cornelia M., History of

Reynoldsburg and Truro Township,

Ohio, 334


384                                     OHIO HISTORY

Pain, William, The Carpenter's Pocket

Directory, 232

Panic of 1857 (Ohio), 217

Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, The. Volume

7: December 9, 1862-March 31, 1863,

edited by John Y. Simon, rev., 177-

179; Volume 8: April 1-July 6, 1863,

edited by John Y. Simon, rev., 179-181

Parsons, Edward B., book rev., 266-267

Parsons, Samuel Holden, 10-12, 14, 16,


Paul S. Reinsch: Open Door Diplomat in

Action, by Noel H. Pugach, rev., 90-91

Pattern shop, Buckeye Steel Casting

Company, 242

Payne, Henry B., 217-219

Passionate Liberator: Theodore Dwight

Weld & the Dilemma of Reform, by

Robert H. Abzug, rev., 350-351

Peale, Raphaelle, 132

Peck, Abraham J. and Jacob R. Marcus,

Studies in the American Jewish Ex-

perience, 333

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 130

Pennsylvania Insurance Department,


Pennsylvania Railroad, 311-313n.37

Perkins, Frances, 123

Peyton, Polly, 209

Philadelphia Convention (1856), 214,


Philanthropy, 255-256

Phoenix: The Decline and Rebirth of the

Indian People, by William E. Coffer

(Koi Hosh), bk. note, 96

Piccigallo, Philip R., The Japanese on

Trial: Allied War Crimes Operations

in the East, 1945-1951, rev., 87

Picketed Point, 28-29

Pierce, Edward L., 214

Pittsburgh Convention, 212

Pittsburgh Post, 41

Polenberg, Richard, One Nation Divisi-

ble: Class, Race, and Ethnicity in the

United States Since 1938, rev., 271-


"Police" authorities, the modern concept

of, 141-157

Politics and Ideology in The Age of The

Civil War, by Eric Foner, rev., 364-365

Polk, James K., 33-54; Correspondence of

James K. Polk. Volume V: 1839-1841,

edited by Wayne Cutler, rev., 176-177

Popular Consent and Popular Control:

Whig Political Theory in the Early

State Constitutions, by Donald S. Lutz,

rev., 360-361

Popular Justice: A History of American

Criminal Justice, by Samuel Walker,

rev., 274-277

Population Growth Rate in Washington

Court House and Fayette County,

1850-1900 (in percentages), table, 315

Population Growth Rate, Ohio and

Fayette County, 1810-1880, figure,


Population growth (Washington Court

House, Ohio), 303-316 passim. Tables:

301, 315

"Porkapolis," 223

Powell, David O. and William Barlow,

"Homeopathy and Sexual Equality:

The Controvery Over Coeducation at

Cincinnati's Pulte Medical College,

1873-1879," 101-113

Power and Powerlessness: Quiescence

and Rebellion in an Appalachian Val-

ley, by John Gaventa, rev., 349-350

Pratt, Daniel, 44

Presidency of William McKinley, The, by

Lewis L. Gould, rev., 353-355

Presidential campaign, "Auxiliary and

Non-Party Politics: The 1936 Demo-

cratic Presidential Campaign in

Ohio," by Thomas T. Spencer, 114-128

Presidential election (1840), 222; (1848),

50-54 passim

Presidential election of 1916, The, by S.

D. Lovell, rev., 266-267

Pries, Nancy, Marcia Reed and Laura

Arksey, compilers and editors, Amer-

ican Diaries: An Annotated Bibliogra-

phy of Published American Diaries to

1980, 260

Progressive  Presidents:  Theodore

Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin

D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, The,

by John Morton Blum, rev., 161-162

Progressivism, 141-157 passim

Prohibition, 141-157 passim

"Prohibition Enforcement," 142-154

Propertyholding Incidence in Work

Force by Vertical Category, Washing-

ton Court House, 1850-1870, table,


Public Good: Philanthropy & Welfare in

the Civil War Era, The, by Robert H.

Bremner, 333

Public proclamation, as an administra-

tive tactic, 151-154, 156-157

Public Works Administration, 120

Pugach, Noel H., Paul S. Reinsch: Open

Index 385

Index                                               385

Door Diplomat in Action, rev., 90-91

Pugh, George, 199

Pullman Palace Car (Chicago, Illinois),


Pulte, (Dr.) Joseph H., 107

Pulte Medical College, "Homeopathy

and Sexual Equality: The Controversy

Over Coeducation at Cincinnati's

Pulte Medical College, 1873-1879," by

William Barlow and David O. Powell,

101-113, illustration, 105

Putnam, Ezra, 64

Putnam, (Colonel) Israel, 9, 71

Putnam, Rufus, 7-32 passim, 55-73

passim; illustration, 29

"'QUIET Independence': The Western

Vision of the Ohio Company, A" by

Andrew R. L. Cayton, 5-32

Quilting parties, 72; illustration, 71

RAILROADS, 238, 239, 298-316

"Rainbow Fliers," by Women's Division

of Democratic National Committee,


Ramsey, Kathryn and Betty Jarboe,

compilers, A Bibliography of Theses

and Dissertations Submitted to Indi-

ana Institutions of Higher Education

for Advanced Degrees, 1902-1977.

Studies on Indiana: Indiana History

Resource Series, Volume I, bk. note,


Ranson, (Bishop) Reverdy, 121

Ravanche and Revision: The Lique des

Patriotes and the Origins of the Radi-

cal Right in France, 1882-1900, by Pe-

ter Rutkoff, 333

Reading class, Buckeye Steel Castings

Company, illustration, 254

Reagan, Patrick D., "The Ideology of So-

cial Harmony and Efficiency: Work-

men's Compensation in Ohio, 1904-

1919," by Patrick D. Reagan, 317-331

Recorded Gubernatorial Ousters of Local

and Municipal Officials from Office in

Ohio, 1908-1924, table, 149

Reed, Marcia, Laura Arksey and Nancy

Pries, compilers and editors, American

Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of

Published American Diaries to 1980,


Rees, Abraham, Cyclopaedia, 232

Reform of Oaxaca, 1856-1876: A Micro-

history of the Liberal Revolution, The,

by Charles R. Berry, 333

Reinsch, Paul S., Paul S. Reinsch: Open

Door Diplomat in Action, by Noel H.

Pugach, rev., 90-91

Religion, on the Ohio frontier, 17-18, 69-


Reports of the Commissioner of Patents,

1856; Agriculture, "Implements and

Tools," by Townsend Sharpless, illus-

trations, 226, 227, 228, 229

Reps, John, 30

Republican Party, 197-220 passim

Retreat from Reconstruction, 1869-1879,

by William Gillette, rev., 85-86

Revolutionary People at War: The Con-

tinental Army and American Charac-

ter, 1775-1783, A, by Charles Royster,

rev., 84-85

Revolution Remembered: Eyewitness

Accounts of the War for Independence,

The, edited by John C. Dann, rev., 280-


Rice, Otis K., book rev., 278-279

Righteous Remnant: The House of

David, The, by Robert S. Fogarty, 333

Rio Grande, 33-36, 37

Rise of the Italian State, The, by Ivan

Scott, 333

Robertson, Mary D., editor, Lucy Breck-

inridge of Grove Hill: The Journal of a

Virginia Girl, 1862-1864, rev., 173-


Roberts, Robert H., New York's Forts in

the Revolution, rev., 342-343

Robinson, Joseph T., 124

Rogers, (Captain) Joseph, 7

Rogers, Thomas

Rollins, Richard M., The Long Journey of

Noah Webster, rev., 91-93

Romasco, Albert U., book rev., 349-350

Ronda, James P. and Henry W. Bowden,

editors, John Eliot's Indian Dialogues:

A Study in Cultural Interaction, 333

Roosevelt All-Party Agricultural Com-

mittee, 114, 121-122, 126-127

Roosevelt-Davey Clubs, 124-125

Roosevelt, Eleanor (Mrs. Franklin Del-

ano Roosevelt), 116

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR), 114-

128 passim; The Progressive Presi-

dents: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow

Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon

B. Johnson, by John Morton Blum,

rev., 161-162; Kennedy and Roosevelt:

The Uneasy Alliance, by Michael R.

Beschloss, rev., 269-270

Roosevelt, Theodore, The Progressive

Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Wood-


386                                     OHIO HISTORY

row Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt,

Lyndon B. Johnson, by John Morton

Blum, rev., 161-162; Theodore

Roosevelt and the Idea of Race, by

Thomas G. Dyer, rev., 268-269

Rorabaugh, W. J., The Alcoholic Repub-

lic: An American Tradition, rev., 88-


Round-log cabin, 222

Rouse, Bathsheba, 69

Rowland, John Kenneth, book rev., 84-


Roysdon, Christine and Linda A. Khatri,

American Engineers of the Nineteenth

Century: A Biographical Index, rev.,


Royster, Charles, A Revolutionary Peo-

ple at War: The Continental Army and

American Character, 1775-1783, rev.,


Rudwick, Elliott and August Meier,

Black Detroit and the Rise of the UAW,

rev., 77-78

Russell, Laura, bk. notes, 95-96, 291-292

Rutkoff, Peter, Ravanche and Revision:

The Ligue des Patriotes and the Ori-

gins of the Radical Right in France,

1882-1900, 333


SAGA of John Hammon, Revolutionary

War Hero and Owen County Kentucky

Pioneer, The, by Stratton Owen Ham-

mon, bk. note, 191

St. Clair, Arthur, 17-18, 28, 70

St. Clair, Louisa, 72-73

Salvation Army, 256

Sanders, (Dr.) J. R., 108

Sargent, Winthrop, 7-32 passim

Schenck, Robert, 49-50

Schlereth, Thomas J., Richard Jensen,

Robert M. Sutton and Thomas D.

Clark, Local History Today: Papers

Presented at Four Regional Workshops

for Local Historical Organizations in

Indiana, June, 1978-April, 1979 bk.

note, 95

Schoolhouses, on the Ohio frontier, 69-70

Schurz, Carl, 220

"Scientific Management and Welfare

Work in Early Twentieth Century

American Business: The Buckeye

Steel Castings Company," by Mansel

G. Blackford, 238-258

Scioto Company, 7

Scott, Ivan, The Rise of the Italian State,


Scott, William B., book rev., 274-277

Scott, Winfield, 43, 52-53 passim

Sears, Cyrus, 69

Selected Letters of William Dean

Howells. Volume 2: 1873-1881, edited

by George Arms, Christoph K.

Lohmann and Jerry Hammon, rev.,


Selma, Lord, Selma, by Sheyann Webb

and Rachel West Nelson as told to

Frank Sikora, rev., 183-184

Semper Fideles: The History of the

United States Marine Corps, by Allan

R. Millett, 332

Senate race, United States, (1849), 201,


Senate (United States), 33-54 passim

Settlement patterns, topographical, 225

Sevier, Ambrose, 40-41

Seward, William H., 204, 208, 213, 214

Sex in Education; or, A Fair Chance for

the Girls, by Edward H. Clarke, 103

Sharpless, Townsend, "Implements and

Tools," in the Report of the Commis-

sioner of Patents, 1856; Agriculture,

illustrations, 226, 227, 228, 229

Shays' Rebellion, 7, 14-15

Sheridan, George V., 330

Sherman, John, 216, 219

Sherman, P. Tecumseh, 325

Shock, Physiological Surgery, and

George Washington Crile: Medical In-

novation in the Progressive Era, by Pe-

ter C. English, rev., 358-360

Shultz, Richard, book rev., 338-339

Sikora, Frank, Selma, Lord, Selma, as

told by Sheyann Webb and Rachel

West Nelson, rev., 183-184

Simmons, David A., book rev., 277-278,

279-280, 342-343

Simon, John Y., editor, The Papers of

Ulysses S. Grant. Volume 7: December

9, 1862-March 31, 1863, rev., 177-179;

Volume 8: April 1-July 6, 1863, rev.,


Simrell's Ferry, 57

Skaggs, David Curtis, book rev., 285-287

Skinner, Beverly O., 122

Slavery, as political issue, 50-54 passim,

197-220 passim

Slosson, (Dr.) M. H., 104-113 passim

Smith, Bradley F. and Elena Agarossi,

Operation Sunrise: The Secret Surren-

der, rev., 80-81

Smith, Caleb B., 50, 51-52

Smith, Paul H., editor, Letters of Dele-

Index 387

Index                                               387

gates to Congress, 1774-1789. Volume

3, January 1, 1776-May 15, 1776, rev.,

288-290; Volume 4, May 16, 1776-

August 15, 1776, rev., 288-290

Smith, Robert Freeman, book rev., 263-


Snodgrass, Ann, Soldiers of the Revolu-

tion in Clark County, Part II, 334

Snowbound With Mr. Lincoln, by John

A. Lloyd, bk. note, 96

Sobel, Robert, The Worldly Economists,

rev., 363-364

Sobering Up: From Temperance to Pro-

hibition in Antebellum America, 1800-

1860, by Ian R. Tyrrell, rev., 89-90

Social Fabric: American Life from 1607

to the Present, The, edited by John H.

Cary and Julius Weinber, 333

Social insurance legislation, 317-331


Social life, on the Ohio frontier, 7-72

Social Security Act, 120

Soldiers of the Revolution in Clark Coun-

ty, Ohio, Part II, by Ann Snodgrass, 334

Sonntag, William Louis, William Louis

Sonntag: Artist of the Ideal, 1822-

1900, by Nancy Dustin Wall Moure,

rev., 357-358

Southside Industrial YMCA, 257; illus-

tration, 254

South Side Settlement House (Col-

umbus, Ohio), 256

Spencer, Thomas T., "Auxiliary and

Non-Party Politics: The 1936 Demo-

cratic Presidential Campaign in

Ohio," 114-128

Spoat, (Colonel) Ebenezer, 11

Sponholtz, Lloyd, book rev., 361-363

Spooner, Thomas, 206, 207, 211

Squatters, 26-29

"Starving year, the," on the Ohio fron-

tier, 67-68

"State bureau of police," 145

State canal system (Ohio's efforts to

lease), 218

State catastrophe fund, 324

State Liability Board of Awards, 321-

325; illustration, 323

"State police department," 145

Steel castings, 244-245

Steel castings industry. See Buckeye

Steel Castings Company, The

Steel "doctor," 242

Sternberger, Estelle, 120

Stevens Institute of Technology, 240-241

Stevenson, Thomas, 49

Stillman, Charles, 115-116

Stock, Albert, 244, 250-251, 253

Stock sale (Washington Court House,

Ohio), 314

Stone, Benjamin Franklin, 56-57

Strong, Anna, 63

Stronks, James B., book rev., 181-182

Structuring of a State: The History of

Illinois, 1899-1928, The, by Donald F.

Tingley, rev., 361-363

Stuart, Gilbert, 134

Studies in the American Jewish Experi-

ence, edited by Jacob R. Marcus and

Abraham J. Peck, 333

Sturnick, Judith Ann, book rev., 171-173

Subjugation and Dishonor: A Brief His-

tory of the Travail of Native Amer-

icans, by James B. Gidney and Philip

Weeks, 333

Sumner, Charles, 50, 52, 199, 213-214,


Sully, Thomas, 134

Sutton, Robert M., Thomas D. Clark,

Thomas J. Schlereth and Richard Jen-

sen, Local History Today: Papers Pre-

sented at Four Regional Workshops for

Local Historical Organizations in Indi-

ana, June, 1978-April, 1979, bk. note,


Swart, Stanley L., "Early Efforts at

State-Level Law Enforcement: The

Failure of Ohio's Supervision of Local

Police Authorities, 1902-1925," 141-


Sweeney, Martin, 116

"Sweitzer" barn, 231

"Symmes' Purchase," 230-231

Syracuse, New York, 305

Szasz, Ferenc M., book rev., 365-367

"TAPPING the heat," steel process, 244;

illustratiaon, 245

Taylor, Frederick, 240-241

Taylor, Graham D., The New Deal and

American Indian Tribalism: The

Administration of the Indian Reorga-

nization Act, 1934-45, rev., 270-271

"Taylorism," 240-241

Taylor, Zachary, 35, 46, 48, 52-54 passim

"Temporary Inspectors," Prohibition De-

partment, 153-154

Terre Haute Wabash Express, 34

Texas (and the Mexican War), 33-54

Thayer, (Dr.) David, 108-109

Theodore Roosevelt and the Idea of Race,

by Thomas G. Dyer, rev., 268-269


388                                     OHIO HISTORY

Thompson, Lawrence S., editor, The His-

tory and Confession of the Young Felon

Edward Hawkins, bk. note, 192

Threat of Peace: James F. Byrnes and the

Council of Foreign Ministers, 1945-

1946, The, by Patricia Dawson Ward,

rev., 160-161

Three Million Bill, 34

Threshing and winnowing, 233-234

Thunder on the Right: The "New Right"

and the Politics ofResentment, by Alan

Crawford, rev., 163

Thrust for Canada: The American

Attempt on Quebec in 1775-1776, by

Robert McConnell Hatch, rev., 167-


Tingley, Donald F., The Structuring of a

State: The History of Illinois, 1899-

1928, rev., 361-363

Tobacco houses, 230

"Tom Corwin's Speech Against the Mex-

ican War: Courageous But Misunder-

stood," by Hal W. Bochin, 33-53

Topeka constitution, 210

Topography, as determinate in barn con-

figuration, 223-229, 230

Tool-house, interior views of 19th cen-

tury, illustrations, 226, 227, 228, 229

Townsend, (Dr.) Franklin, 116

Town Street Methodist Church (Col-

umbus, Ohio), 205

Traveling conditions, on the Ohio fron-

tier, 55-57

Treasury scandal (1857 Ohio), 216-217

Tremble, Allen, 206

Tupper, Benjamin, 9, 10, 14-15

Tupper, Rowena (Mrs. Winthrop Sar-

gent), 58, 59-60

Tuve, Jeanette E., The First Russian

Women Physicians, 333

Twohig, Dorothy and Donald Jackson,

editors, The Diaries of George

Washington. Volume V, July 1786-

December 1789, rev., 285-287; Volume

VI, January 1790-December 1799,

rev., 285-287

Type of farming, as determinate in barn

configuration, 223, 230, 233-237

Tyrrell, Ian R., Sobering Up: From

Temperance to Prohibition in

Antebellum America, 1800-1860, rev.,



UNION Party, 116

United Mine Workers, 118, 320

United States and the Caribbean, 1900-

1970, The, by Lester D. Langley, rev.,


United States Chamber of Commerce,


United States Steel Corporation, 243

Unity from Diversity: Extracts from

Selected Pennsylvania Colonial Docu:-

ments, 1681 to 1780, in Commemora-

tion of the Tercentenary of The Com-

monwealth, compiled and edited by

Louis M. Waddell, bk. note, 292

University of Michigan, The, 103

Urban Crucible: Social Change, Political

Consciousness, and the Origins of the

American Revolution, The, by Gary B.

Nash, rev., 82-84

Urban growth, "Market Integration,

Urban Growth and Economic Change

in an Ohio County, 1850-1880," by

Jack S. Blocker Jr., 298-316

Urban planning, 21-26



Van Buren, Martin, 52

Van Deman and Dews Wollen Mills

(Washington Court House, Ohio), 307-


Varnum (Major-general) James, 10, 14,

15, 26, 28

Veterans, of American Revolution, 5-32

passim, 55, 58

"Veto power," of Ohio governor, 148

Vieth, Jane Karoline, book rev., 269-270

Village: A History of Germantown, Ohio,

1804-1976, The, by Carl Becker, 333

Virginia Military District, 225, 228, 230-


Virginius Affair, The, by Richard H.

Bradford, rev., 165-166

Vogt, Herbert H., 156-157

Voll, John, 329

Vorys, Arthur, 325-326


WABASH Express, 45

Waddell, Louis M., editor and compiler,

Unity from Diversity: Extracts from

Selected Pennsylvania Colonial Docu-

ments, 1681 to 1780, in Commemora-

tion of the Tercentenary of The Com-

monwealth, bk. note, 292

Wade, Benjamin, 201

Wages, steel laborers, 248-249

"Wagon Boy" (Thomas Corwin), 35

Walker, D. 0., 121

Walker, Samuel, Popular Justice: A His-

tory of American Criminal Justice,

Index 389

Index                                              389

rev., 274-277

Wallace, Henry A., 122

Wallcut, Thomas, 17, 25, 27, 28

Ward, Patricia Dawson The Threat of

Peace: James F. Byrnes and the Coun-

cil of Foreign Ministers, 1945-1946,

rev., 160-161

War Resistance in Historical Perspective,

by Larry Gara, 333

Washington Court House (Ohio), "Mar-

ket Integration, Urban Growth and

Economic Change in an Ohio County,

1850-1880," by Jack S. Blocker Jr.,

298-316; illustrations, 305, cover Au-

tumn 1981/Number 4

Washington, George, 6

Washington Park (Columbus, Ohio), 252

Weatherford, R. M., bk. notes, 96

Webb, James Watson, 43

Webb, Sheyann and Rachel West Nel-

son, Selma, Lord, Selma, as told to

Frank Sikora, rev., 183-184

Webster, Daniel, 52-54 passim

Weed, Thurlow, 214, 219

Weeks, Philip and James B. Gidney,

Subjugation and Dishonor: A Brief

History of the Travail of the Native

Americans, 333

Weinber, Julius and John H. Cary, edi-

tors, The Social Fabric: American Life

from 1607 to the Present, 333

Weisbrod, Carol, The Boundaries of Uto-

pia, rev., 273-274

Weld, Theodore Dwight, Passionate

Liberator: Theodore Dwight Weld &

the Dilemma of Reform, by Robert

Abzug, rev., 350-351

Welfare work, "Scientific Management

and Welfare Work in Early Twentieth

Century American Business: The

Buckeye Steel Castings Company," by

Mansel G. Blackford, 238-258

Welles, Gideon, 208

Wells, Michael, book rev., 160-161

Western Art Union, The, 140

Western Empire, 50

Whipple, (Commodore) Abraham, 12, 24

"Whistle stop" campaign (FDR in Ohio),


Why Workers Should Vote for President

Roosevelt, by Ohio Labor Non-

Partisan League, 118

Wildman, Allan K., The End of the Rus-

sian Imperial Army and Soldiers' Re-

volt (March-April 1917), 332

William Louis Sonntag: Artist of the

Ideal, 1822-1900, by Nancy Dustin

Wall Moure, rev., 357-358

William Oliver Littick: Newspaper Pub-

lisher Extraordinary, by Clay Littick,

bk. note, 95

Williams Bill, the 1904 (Ohio General

Assembly), 320

Williams, Lee, book rev., 339-340

Williams, William Appleman, Empire as

a Way of Life: An Essay on the Causes

and Character of America's Present

Predicament Along With a Few

Thoughts About an Alternative, rev.,


Wilmot, David, 49

Wilmot Proviso, 49-54 passim

Wilson, Henry, 199, 212

Wilson, M.L., 122

Wilson, (Dr.) Thomas P., 104-113 passim

Wilson, Woodrow, The Progressive Presi-

dents: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow

Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon

B. Johnson, by John Morton Blum,

rev., 161-162

Wisconsin Indians, by Nancy Oestreich

Lurie, bk. note, 191

With the Nez Perces: Alice Fletcher in the

Field, 1889-1892, edited by Frederick

E. Hoxie and Joan T. Mark, 333

Women and Temperance: The Quest for

Power and Liberty, 1873-1900, by

Ruth Bordin, rev., 367-368

Women in Kentucky, by Helen Deiss

Irvin, bk. note, 95

"Women on the Ohio Frontier: The

Marietta Area," by Mildred Covey

Fry, 54-73

Women's Division of Democratic Nation-

al Committee, 122-123, 127

Women's Division of Democratic Nation-

al Committee, "Rainbow Fliers," 123

Women's Temperance Crusade, 1873-75

(Washington Court House, Ohio), 314

Woodhull, Morris, 322; illustration, 323

Woodward, Bob and Scott Armstrong,

The Brethren: Inside the Supreme

Court, rev., 81-82

Workers in Industrial America: Essays

on the 20th Century Struggle, by David

Brody, rev., 262-263

Work force (Washington Court House,

Ohio), 308-311. Tables: 309, 311, 312,


Working conditions, steel laborers, 248-


Workmen's Compensation Act of 1911


390                                      OHIO HISTORY

(Ohio), 320-324

Workmen's Compensation Division of

Industrial Commission, 328

Workmen's Compensation, "The Ideolo-

gy of Social Harmony and Efficiency:

Workmen's Compensation in Ohio,

1904-1919," by Patrick D. Reagan,


Works Progress Administration, 115

Worldly Economists, The, by Robert

Sobel, rev., 363

World War I, and its effect on steel in-

dustry, 238-258 passim

Wortman, Roy, book rev., 182-183

Wright, Silas, 36

Wulker, Clare, book rev., 282

XENIA Torch-Light, 51

YANKEE Peddler, The, by J. W. Ehnin-

ger, 129-130; illustration, 131

Yaple, Wallace D., 322, 325; illustration,


YMCA. See Young Men's Christian


Young Men's Christian Association

(YMCA), 251-257 passim

Young Women's Christian Association

(YWCA), 256-257

YWCA. See Young Women's Christian



ZANESVILLE Express, 133

Zangrando, Robert L., The NAACP Cru-

sade Against Lynching, 1909-1950,

rev., 339-340