Ohio History Journal




THE collection of Ohio prehistoric relics, made at Phila-

delphia and at New Orleans, attracted much attention, and

demonstrated the richness of Ohio archaeological treasures.

By common consent Ohio was given the first place among

the states in this class of exhibits. And yet the collections

were far from satisfactory to archaeological students, and to

those who made the collections and superintended the exhib-

its. The small amount of money appropriated to the exhibits,

and the brief time which could be given to making the collec-

tions, made it necessary to depend upon the generosity of

the owners of large collections, leaving large parts of the

state unrepresented, and compelling the management to put

on exhibition duplicates from the same localities, and speci-

mens of which a definite history was wanting, making them

of little value to the archaeologists.

The coming Ohio Centennial affords the opportunity-one

which will probably not occur again-of making a full and

complete exhibit of Ohio archaeology, and the publication of

a report which will be a credit to the State and the collectors

of its prehistoric remains. This can only be accomplished

by the hearty co-operation of the owners of all collections in

the State. They can, with but little work for each, make

this part of the exhibition a grand success, and secure for

each of them a report upon Ohio archaeology, which could

not otherwise be made, and which will be of inestimable

v lue to every collector and to every student.

If the owners of all the collections in the State, great and

small, will forward promptly to Mr. A. A. Graham, of Colum-

bus, secretary of the Archaeological and Historical Society, a

catalogue of their specimens of which the history is known,

designating in what county found, whether found on the sur-

face, in graves, in mounds or in rock shelters; and will give

him a right, upon proper precaution for their safe keeping, to



Archaeological Exhibit for the Centennial

Archaeological Exhibit for the Centennial.  171

select such specimens as he desires to put upon exhibition,

and will then, in ample time before the opening, forward such

specimens to him by express, the work can be accomplished.

As none of the specimens are to go out of the State, the risk

of loss is very slight, and if small printed gummed labels are

prepared, as was done at New Orleans, so that the owner's

name shall be conspicuously and securely attached to every

specimen, each exhibitor will get full credit for his share of

the exhibition, and all confusion of goods will be avoided.

Among other things, information should be furnished upon

the following points:

All the forms of chipped flint or chert, with the relative

frequency of each form.

All instances of the finding of caches of chipped imple-

ments; number in each find; description of the locality, and

a specimen or two of the find.

Descriptions of all known sites for the manufacture of

chipped implements.

All forms of Ohio pottery and places where found.

Descriptions of all known sites for the manufacture of


Descriptions of all explored rock shelters and lists of finds

in them.

All forms of grooved axes and hammers, and comparative

frequency of each.

All forms of ungrooved axes, hammers, celts, bark-peelers,

gouges, etc., and comparative frequency of each.

All forms of pestles and mortars.

All polished ornamental stones, badges, etc., with compar-

ative frequency of each.

All stone beads, all pipes, all bone and shell implements

and ornaments, all copper implements, beads and other orna-


All skulls from mounds, and all contents of mounds.

All Indian skulls the history of which can be accurately


All specimens inscribed or sculptured in any way, with as

accurate a history as possible of the finding of each.

172 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

172  Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.

All evidences of prehistoric mining for chert, oil, salt, or

any other substance in the earth.

Description of all mounds, and earthworks of all kinds, in

the neighborhood of each collection, and, if explored, a full

history of the exploration.

In describing a specimen, the exact condition of its finding

should be given, if possible, and it should be remembered

that unfinished specimens are among the most valuable of

all; as unfinished stone pipes, roughly blocked ornamental

stones, and ornaments partially bored, etc.

If from all parts of the State the information above out-

lined can be forwarded as indicated, and authority given to

draw upon every collection for a loan of the specimens which

best illustrate the archaeology of each section, an exhibit can

be made which would be highly instructive to all students of

archaeology, and which would keep several experts busy

during the entire Exposition making special preparation for

the final report.

In connection with the exhibit thus brought together, the

management should secure a full exhibit of the bibliography

of Ohio archaeology, putting in one of the cases, as far as

practicable, all that has been written upon the subject, with

a general index of all of it prepared expressly for the exhi-

bition. Artists should be provided to photograph or sketch

all specimens needed to illustrate the final report, the prep-

aration of which should be placed in the hands of a half

dozen or more Ohio experts, best qualified for the work.

The report should be published as a distinct and special


Such a work, fully illustrating Ohio archaeology, prepared

by Ohio men, and published by Ohio publishers, would be a

very fitting centennial mile-stone of the State, contrasting

with our history the history of those who occupied the land

before us, our civilization with their civilization, our arts and

mode of life with theirs. It will require considerable money

to do this work, and it should be done well if at all. It is a

matter that concerns the whole State, as it is securing from

a rapidly coming oblivion the primitive history of the State.

Archaeological Exhibit for the Centennial

Archaeological Exhibit for the Centennial.  173

The State should pay for it, pay generously for it, and should

authorize the placing of a copy of the final report in the

hands of every contributor to the exhibition, and in every

public library of the State, with a large edition over for dis-

tribution by the proper officers of the State and the experts

who prepared the report.

There are a few magnificent collections which ought to be

placed unbroken in the Exposition, and among the first of

these is that of Mr. Thomas Cleaney, of Cincinnati. His

collection should be placed where the archaeologists of the

State can study it in detail, and should then become the

property of the State by purchase. It would make a grand

beginning for such an archaeological collection as the State of

Ohio ought to have, and would doubtless draw to it many

other collections which otherwise would be lost or carried

out of the State. It would be well if all the owners of large

collections would put them on exhibition, but the real value

of the final report will depend upon the completeness of the

collection of typical specimens from all parts of the State.




THE Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society desires to

procure for publication, first in the QUARTERLY, a complete

list of all owners or collectors of archaeological and historical

specimens in Ohio,-especially those whose collections

illustrate Ohio antiquities. I will esteem it a favor if all who

read this will send me the names and addresses of any whom

they may know to be collectors. Blanks will be furnished,

if desired, on which to send such information.

We wish to secure this information, not only for use in our

regular Society work, but also that an exhibit may be made

by every Ohio collector in our coming Centennial Exposi-

tion in the autumn of 1888.        A. A. GRAHAM,
