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Ohio History Journal





A                       NArticles - Concluded.

"Robert White McFarland," 170.

Aborigine, use of word, 474.                                                             "Song Writers of Ohio," 62, 180, 291,

Adams, J. Q., Cincinnati, in, 464.                                                         428.

Agassiz, Louis, 83.                                                                             "Tarhe the Crane," 132.

American Historical Association, 219.                                              "Tarhe the Wyandot Chief," 313.

Account of, 219.                                                                        "The campaigns of the Revolution in

Society, at, 94.                                                                              Ohio Valley," 39.

Andrews, M. R., Big Bottom, at 467.                                                 "The conquest of the Indian," 139.

Antioch College -                                                                               "The  Indian   Mound, Miamisburg,

Building of, 17.                                                                             Ohio," 496.

Code of honor at, 16.                                                                 "The Ordinance of 1787," 148.

Dedication of, 17.                                                                      "The Shandon Centennial," 1.

Financial difficulties at, 20.                                                       "The Underground Railroad," 396.

Founding of, 13.                                                                         "Water Highway and C a r r y i n g

Rehabilitation of, 23.                                                                    Places," 356.

Sale of, 23.                                                                                 "William Allen Trimble," 225.

Archaeology -                                                                                    Atwater, Caleb -

Caleb Atwater's work in, 260.                                                   Ancestry and birth of, 247.

Growth in study of, 28.                                                              Archaeological work of, 260.

Society's work in, 337.                                                               Character of, 247.

Theories on, 218.                                                                       Comes to Circleville, 248.

Armstrong, William Jackson -                                                           Committee on s c h o o 1 s and school

"Homes of Mound Builders by," 28.                                            lands, 256.

Articles -                                                                                             Early career of, 248.

"A rock with a history," 328.                                                     Elected to legislature, 248.

"A station on.the Underground Rail-                                         "Essay on education," by, 269.

road," 164.                                                                              Favors internal improvements, 248.

"Bentley's Lake," 60.                                                                  Forest Preservation advocated by, 268.

"Caleb Atwater," 247.                                                                History of Ohio, by, 266.

"Colonel John O'Bannon," 319.                                                  Indian Commissioner, 261.

"Darnell's leap for life," 425.                                                     Popular education supported by, 250.

"Early Cincinnati," 448.                                                             "Prospects of Northwest," by, 264.

"Farewell Song of the Wyandot In-                                          Sketch of, 247.

dians," 442.                                                                             Washington City, in, 266.

"Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference,"                                      Avery, Elroy M., Portrait of, 216.

121.                                                                                         "Avery History of the United Stater,"

"Homes of the Mound Builders," 28.          Review of, 216.

"Horace Mann and Antioch College,"     "Aztecs of Mexico," Prof. Starr's lecture

12.                                       on, 350.

"Indian Boundary Line," 158.

"Navigation on the Muskingum," 408.                      B

"Ohio Day at Louisiana Purchase Ex-

position," 101.                                                                         Battles, Blue Licks, 56.

"Origin of Ohio Place Names," 272.                                          Fallen Timbers, 124, 132, 161.

"Origin of the phrase, "Keep the                                               Fort Stephenson, 130.

ball rolling," 444.                                                                    Raisin, The, 127.

"Powder Magazine at Fort Hamil-                                             Thames, The, 129, 130.

ton," 404.                                                                                 Tippecanoe, 125.



Index.                                    477


Baughman, A. J., 473.                       Bowman, John, leads expedition against

"Bentley's Lake," by, 60.                    Indians, 54.

Delegate to Am. Hist. Association, 94.                              Brokaw, Obadiah -

Beal, J. H., Addresses Society, 346.                                                   Big Bottom Blockhouse Site donated

Bedford, W. S., Conductor on Under-                                               to Society, by, 467.

ground R. R., 165.                                                                   Portrait of, 466.

Bennett, Emerson, 430.                                                              Brooks, F. S., "Robert White McFar-

Bentley, Robert, 61.                            land," by, 170.

"Bentley's Lake," Baughman, 60.             Brown, Col. R. B., Daguerreotypy dis-

Benton, Thomas H., 80, 157.                      cussed by, 70.

Bibliography, Water highways and carry-     Brown, Thos. J., "Origin of the phrase

ing places, on, 395.                        'Keep the ball rolling,' " 444.

Big Bottom Blockhouse--                                                           Brule, Stephen, 359.

Dedication of monument on site of,                                           Explorations of, 361, 363, 367.

467.                                                                                         Niagara Falls discovered by, 371.

Site transferred to Society, 467.                                        Buckeye Belle, Str. Explosion of, 422.

"Big Bottom   Massacre Dedication," 466.                                Buffalo Exposition, Society at, 347.

Big Bottom Massacre, Monument erected                                Burdell, W. F. -

on site of, 348, 466.                                                                Address of, at St. Louis Ex., 102.

Big Bottom, Settlement and massacre at,                                           Portrait of, 102.

466.                                                                                 Burgoyne, Gen., Military campaigns of,

Bissman, Peter, Address Richland Hist.                                             366.

Soc'y, 473.

Blue Licks, Battle of, 56.                                     C

Books -

Atwater's Essay on Education, 269.                                  Cabot, John, Explorations of, 356.

Atwater's History of Ohio, 266.                                         Cadillac, Explorations of, 392.

Avery's History of the U. S., 216.                                      Cahokia, Capture of, 57.

Dane's Abridgement, 156.                                                 Campaign Badge, 1840, 76.

Encyclopedia Americana, 95.                                           Campaign Songs -

Government of Ohio, 95.                                                           Campaign, 1840, in, 77.

History of Ohio, King, 149.                                                        "The Buckeye Song," 75.

History of Ohio, Ryan, 149.                                                       "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too," 78.

History of the Maumee R. Basin, Re-                               Canals, Influence on Cincinnati, 461.

view of, 354.                                                                   Carrie Brooks, Str., 421.

Old Northwest, 149.                                                           Cartier, Jaques, Explorations of, 358.

The Quest of John Chapman, 96, 337.                              Cass, Lewis, 131.

Water highways and carrying places,                                       Letters of, 242.

on, 395.                                                                           Champaign County, Cen. Cel. of, 471.

Boonesborough, 48.                                                                   Champlain. Explorations of, 358, 361.

Boone, Daniel, 45-                                                                             Portages discovered by, 360.

Blazes "Wilderness Road," 46.                                          Chase, Salmon P., Estimate of Ordinance

Capture of, 47, 425.                                                                   of 1787, 148.

Death of, 59.                                                                      Chesapeake Bay, Exploration of, 368.

Kentucky explored by, 41.                                                Chiefs -

Brinkerhoff, Gen. R., 473.                                                                 Black Hoof, 137.

Annual Address to Society, 331.                                                Cornstalk, 44, 226.

Bentley's Lake, at, 61.                                                                Crane (See Tarhe).

Big Bottom, at, 467.                                                                    Leatherlips, 133.

Society Building, on, 344.                                                          Logan, 44.

British -                                                                                               Ouray, 143.

Indian agents of, in Revolution, 46.                                           Pontiac, 39.

Plan of, in Ohio Valley, in Revo-                                              Prophet, The, 125.

lution, 43.                                                                                Red Jacket, 136.

Boquet's Expedition, MSS. of, 346.                                                    Skah-on-wot, 314.

Bourneville, Earthworks at, 32.                                                         Tarhe, 121, 132, 313.

478 Ohio

478           Ohio. Arch. and        Hist. Society      Publications.


Chiefs-Concluded.                                                                    Colleges-Concluded.

Tecumseh, 125, 130.                                                                Miami University, 13, 174.

Walk on the Water, 314.                                                         Ohio University, 13.

Chidlaw, Dr., 7.                                                                                Otterbein, 172, 182, 201.

Chillicothe -                                                                                      Oxford, 265.

Clarke's expedition to, 54, 55.                                                  Prejudice against, 265.

Chillicothes, 273.                                                                              Transylvania, 228.

Chinese Uprising, Ohio in, 468.                                                Columbus, First newspaper in, 121.

Churches,   T h e  Undenominational,   at                                Cowen, Benjamin R. -

Shandon, 7.                                                                           Harrison-Tarhe, Peace Monument un-

Cincinnati, 1831, 262.                                                                       veiling, at, 122.

Annexations to, 457.                                                                 Portrait of, 139.

Bathing laws in, 459.                                                                "The conquest of the Indian," by, 139.

Becomes a city, 457.                                                         Commerce, Western, in 1815, 238.

"Blue Laws," in, 459.                                                         Connecticut -

Bridges of, 462.                                                                         Ohio settlers from, 4.

Early history of, 448.                                                                Western lands ceded by, 150.

Early real estate value in, 456.                                          Connecticut Reserve, 449.

First banks in, 464.                                                             Continental Congress, Slavery question

First census in, 456.                         in N. W. Ter., 151.

Germans in, 456.                                                                Contributors -

Indian wars influence growth of, 456.                                     Armstrong, William Jackson, 28.

Incorporation of, 456.                                                               Baughman, A. J., 60.

Influence of canal on, 461.                                                       Brooks, Frank S., 170.

Land marks of, 458.                                                                  Brown, Thos. J., 444.

Lighting of, 461.                                                                        Cowen, Benjamin F., 139.

Observatory of, 464.                                                                  Evans, Nelson W., 319.

Original name of, 450.                                                               Galbreath, C. B., 180, 428.

Original plan of, 455.                                                                 Gilmore, Col. W. E., 148.

Population growth of, 456.                                                         Hanna, W. S., 158.

Railroads in, 462.                                                                       Hubbell, George Allen, 12.

Real estate growth in, 457.                                                        Knabenshue, S. S., 396.

Street paving in, 401.                                                                  Martin, Maria Ewing, 272.

Water supply of, 459.                                                                 Martzolff, Clement L., 247.

Circleville, Atwater comes to, 248.                                                   Meek, Basil, 328.

Clark County Historical Society, 99.                                                  Miller, Wm. C., 404.

Clark, George Rogers, 44.                                                                  Rankins, James, 441.

Campaigns of, 43.                                                                       Sessions, Juliette, 39.

Conquests of, 117.                                                                       Shaw, Albert, 1.

Detroit Expedition proposed, 55.                                                Slocum, Charles E., 313.

Expedition to Chillicothe, 55.                                                      Taylor, Col. E. L., 121, 356.

Expedition to Illinois, 49.                                                             Travis, Irven, 408.

Hamilton taken prisoner by, 53.                                                  Tuttle, Mary M. T., 225.

Illinois Campaign, prepares for, 50.                                           Wilby, Joseph, 448.

Last work of, in Revolution, 56.                                                  Wright, Florence Bedford, 164.

Results of campaigns of, 53.                                                Copper, Lake Superior Mines of, 370.

Treaty of with Indians, 51.                                                   Crawford, Col. Wm., 134, 137.

Settles in Kentucky, 48.                                                               Death of, 278.

Vincennes retaken by, 53.                                                    Croghan, Major, Siege of Ft. Stephen-

Clinton, DeWitt, 248.                             son, 130.

Coffin, Levi, 398.                                                                          Crown Point, French expelled from, 365.

Colleges-                                                                                        Curry, Otway, 75.

Antioch, 12, 27.                                                                     Custer Massacre, 144.

Dennison University, 172.                                                     Cutler, Ephraim, supports school system,

Growth of, in Ohio, 13.                                                                 257.


Index.                                    479


Cutler, Mlanasseh-                                                                          Editorialana-Concluded.

Activity of, in Ohio Company's Pur-                                       Centennial Celebration of Champaign

chase, 153.                                                                                County, 471.

Journal ext1act, 15.                                                               Clark County Historical Society, 99.

Ordinance of 1787, Part of, in. 149.                                            "Did the M o u n d    Builders have

horses?" 470.

Encyclopedia Americana, 95.

D                                                                First navigator of the Ohio River,

Dane, Nathan, Mention of, 118.                                                          224.

Slavery clause in Ordinance of 177,                                          First Ohio battle in 1812 War, 97.

157.                                                                                           Government of Ohio, 95.

1,,, ,    r   m-p " w                                                                      "Indian vs. Aborigine," 474.

"Darnell's leap for life," 425.                                                              "Indian vs. Aborigine," 474.

Daughters of American Revolution-                                                  Maumee Valley Pioneer and Histori-

Ft. Hamilton powder magazine pre-                                           cal Association, 222.

served by, 407.                                                                        New York Historical Society building,

Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference, 121.                                   221.

Harrison-Tarhe   Monument    erected                                      Noah's Ark, 100.

by, 139.                                                                                    Ohio Colonial War Society, 98.

Pickawillany monument erected by,                                          "Ohio in the Chinese Uprising," 468.

475.                                                                                          Richland County Historical Society,

Daguerreotypes, Invention of, 64.                                                     472.

Dearborn, Fort, Massacre at, 126.                                                    Society proceedings, 89.

Denman, Mathias, Surveyor of Symmes'                                          Story of Firelands, 98.

Purchase, 449.                                                                            The Quest of John Chapman, 96.

De Peyster, Commandant at Detroit, 54.                                           To raise Perry's flagship "Niagara,"

De Soto, Explorations of, 358.                                                          223

De troito Explor-     ofEducation, Atwater's advocacy of, 269.

Clarke's proposed expedition to, 55.                                         Cutler supports, 257.

De Peyster, commandant at, 54.                                         Eliot, 47.

Hamilton commandant at, 46.                                             Encyclopedia Americana, Review of, 95.

Surrender of, 126.                                                               England, Indians aid, in Revolution, 43.

Doughty, Major, Ft. Washington located                                   Evans, Nelson W., "Col. John O'Ban-

by, 450.                                    non," by, 319.

Douglass. Frederick, 401.

Drake, Daniel, 462.                                            F

Draper, Dr., Daguerreotypy by, 66, 70.

Dresden, "Great Whig Ball," made at, 81     Fairbanks, Charles W., Champaign Cen-

Dunmore, Lord, Motives of, 45.                   tennial at, 471.

Dunmore's War, Cause of, 44.                                                   Fallen Timbers, Battle of, 124, 132.

Results of, 45.                                                                     Filson, John, Aids in settlement of Cin-

cinnati, 450.

Finley, Rev. James B., 133.

E                                                     Firelands, Story of, 98.

Earthworks-                                                                               Flatboats, 411.

Contents of, 34.                                                                  Flint Ridge, 83.

Explorations of, 32.                                                                 Early description of, 87.

Method of opening, 33.                                                     Foraker, J. B., Mention of, 105.

Newark, at, 470.                                                                     Tribute to Senator Trimble, 246.

Probable age of, 32.                                                          Fort Ancient, 347.

Scioto Valley, 29.                                                                    Condition of, 476.

Skeletons found in, 34.                                                            Excursion to, 351.

Theories on, 218.                                                                    Plaster cast of, 339.

Editorialana, 354.                                                                           Report of Committee on, 341.

American Historical Association, 219.                                  Society's Committee for, 335.

Avery History of U. S., 216.                                            Forts -

"Big Bottom   Massacre Dedication,"                                    Dearborn, 126.

466.                                                                                     Erie, Battle of, 234.

480 Ohio

480           Ohio. Arch. and        Hist. Society     Publications.



Hamilton, 404.

Erection of, 404.                                                      Hamilton, Alex., Fort named for, 404.

Harrison, 126.                                                                   Hamilton County -

Harmar, Indian treaty at, 160.                                                  Establishment of, 457.

Henry, Attack on, 47.                                                              Original extent of, 457.

Laurens, 159.                                                                    Hamilton, Gen. Henry, 313.

Loramie, 443, 476.                                                                    Clark captures, 53.

McIntosh, 159.                                                                          Commandant at Detroit, 46.

Meigs, 128, 328.                                                                        Military route of, 394.

Siege of, 128.                                                                         Vincennes retaken by, 52.

Second siege of, 129.                                                    Hamilton, Founding of city of, 405.

Miami, 128.                                   Powder magazine at, 405.

Ohio, 281.                                                                          Hanby, Benj. Russell-

Pickawillany, Monument erected on                                        Ancestry of, 183.

site of, 475.                                                                             Enters ministry, 200.

Pitt -                                                                                            Sketch of, 180.

McIntosh, Gen. at, 54.                                                           "Boat Song," by, 210.

Plan to capture, 43.                                                                "Come from the hill-top," by, 208.

Recovery, 161.                                                                           Death and burial of, 212.

Seneca, 328.                                                                               "Excursion Song," by, 210.

Stanwix, treaty of, 41, 153.                                                        "Gondola" by, 207.

Stephenson, Siege of, 130.                                                         "Little Tillie's Grave," by, 193.

Washington, Building of, 453.                                                   Musical composer, 205.

Francis, David R., Address of, on Ohio                                             "Now den! Now den!" by 197

Day at St. Louis Ex., 104.                                                           "Now to the Lord," by, 208.

Franklin, Benj., Illinois Colony discussed                                          "Old Shady," by, 194.

by, 40.                                                                                     Portrait and monument of, 213.

Franklinton, Harrison-Tarhe Conference                                         "Robin Song," by, 209.

at, 129.                                                                                     "The Holy Hour," by, 206.

Fremont, Gen. Harrison at, 127.                                                        "The Nameless Heroine," by, 198.

French, Ohio explorations of, 448.                                                     "Weaver John," by, 211.

Ohio occupied by, 272.                                                       Hanna, M. A., Mention of, 103, 105.

Friends, Interest in Indians, 314.                                                IHanna, W. S., Indian Boundary Line,

by, 158.

lHarmar, Gen., Indian expedition of, 161.

Hlarness Mound, Opening of, 475.

G                        Harper, Col. J. W. -

Nominates members to Society, 91.

Galbreath, C. B., "Song      Writers  of                                               Reports Serpent Mound visit, 92.

Ohio," by, 180, 291, 428.                                                             Society  represented  by, at White-

Germans, Cincinnati, in, 456.                                                              water Valley, 476.

Giddings, Joshua R., 97.                                                              "Iarrison Rock," 329.

Gilmore, Col. W. E., "The Ordinance of                                    Harrison-Tarhe  Peace Conference, 121,

1787," by, 148.                                                                         313.

Girty, Simon, 47.                                                                                  Account of, 123.

Gist, Christopher, Journey of, 273.                                                      Cowen's address at Commemoration

Goforth, W'm., 454.                                                                             of, 139.

Government of Ohio, Review of, 95.                                                  Indians represented at, 129.

Greely, Horace, 79.                                                                             Results of, 129.

Greenville, Treaty of, 124.                                                          IHarrison-Tarhe Peace Monument, 122.

Parties to, 132.                                                                              Cowen's address at, 122.

Results of, 161.                                                                             View of, 122.

Greenville Treaty Line, 158.                                                        "Harrison Trail," 328.

Course of, 162.                                                                     Harrison, W. H., 328.

Survey of, 162.                                                                             Battle of Tippecanoe in, 125.

Grenoble, Explorations of, 369.                                                           Early life of, 73.


Index.                                    481


Harrison, W. H.-Concluded.                                                            Illustrations-Concluded.

Greenville Treaty (Second) at, 131.                                         Brokaw, Obadiah, 466.

Letters of, on War of 1812, 233.                                               Burdell, Wm. F., 102.

Nominated for Presidency, 74.                                                  Campaign Badge, 1840, 76.

Peace Conference with Tarhe by, 121.                                    Hanby home at Westerville, 187.

War of 1812, in, 230.                                                                 Hanby's portrait and monument, 211.

Hayes, Webb C., "Chinese Uprising," Ac-                                       Harrison-Tarhe Peace Monument, 122.

count of, by, 468.                                                                   Herrick, Myron T., 108.

Hay, John, Mention of, 103.                                                              Herrick and party at Ft. Ancient, 349.

Henderson, Col. Richard, Colonizing plan                                        Indians propelling canoe, 394.

of, 45.                                                                                     Joliet's explorations, 376.

Hennepin, Father, Explorations of, 385.                                           Kinney, Coates, 428.

Henry, Patrick, Mention of, 117.                                                      Lake Erie-Ohio River Portages, 383,

Herrick, Myron T. -                                                                           384.

Address of at St. Louis Ex., 108.                                               La    Salle's Mississippi explorations,

Champaign County Centennial, at, 472.                                    389, La Salle's Route, 386.

Ft. Ancient visited by, 352.                                                        Main Street in Zanesville, 1846, 67.

Mention of, 105.                                                                         Mann, Horace, 12.

Portrait of, 108.                                                                                  Birthplace of, 15.

Society trustees appointed by, 224.                                                   Monument to, 25.

Highland County, War of 1812, in, 231.                                           Map of St. Lawrence Country, 369;.

Hillis, Dr. Newell Dwight, elected member                                     Marquette's explorations, 379, 381.

of Society, 94.                                                                        Miamisburg Mound, 446.

"The Quest of John Chapman," by,                                           New   Y o r k Harbor- St. Lawrence

96.                                                                                           Waterway, 364.

Iills, R. E., Trustee of Society, 91, 335.                                             Noble, John W., 115.

Hoar, Geo. F., Estimate of Ordinance of                                          O'Bannon, Col. John, 319, 323.

1787, 148.                                                                               Ohio Building at St. Louis Ex., 101.

Holland, J. G., Letter of, 200.                                                            Ohio-Indiana Portages, 393.

Iook, Capt. I. N., 415, 418, 423.                                                        Otterbein University, 201.

Houston, Sam, 59.                                                                              Plan of Peking Walls, 469.

Hubbell, George Allen, "Horace Mann                                            Portage or carrying place, 360.

and Antioch College," by, 12.                                                Presidential (College)  residence at

Hudson, Henry, Explanations of, 366.                                              Antioch, 19.

Hudson River, Discovery of, 364.                                                     Ross, A. C., 84.

Hulbert, Archer B., Addresses Society,                                            Ross, A. C., and family, 65.

346.                                                                                         Ross, A. C., Home of, 86.

Hull, Gen. Court Martial of, 231.                                                       Route of Brul6 and Grenoble, 371.

Surrender of, 126.                                                                      Shaw, Albert, 1.

Humboldt, Ross composes song in honor                                           Schlup's log cabin, 137.

of, 85.                                                                                        Tarhe, The Crane, 133.

Hunter, W. H. -                                                                                 Thompson, Will L., 294.

Big Bottom, at, 267.                                                                    Home of, 311.

Marietta College students addressed                                        Travis, Irven, 408.

by, 476.                                                                                  Trimble, W. A., 227.

Tiffin Photograph presented to Society                                    Wisconsin carrying places, 375.

by, 90.                                                                                    Indiana, Underground R. R., in, 401..

"Indian Boundary Line," Hanna, 158,.

I                       Indians -

Atwater's impression of, 263.

Illinois, County of, 53.                                                                       Atwater's mission to, 261.

Illinois, Refusal of England to plant col-                                          Big Bottom Massacre, by, 466.

ony in, 40.                                                                              British aided by, in revolution, 43.

Illustrations--                                                                                     British agents to, in Revolution, 46..

"A Rock with a history," 329.                                                    British incite, in Revolution, 43\

Avery, Elroy M., 216.                                                               British influence among, 125, 313-

Bentley's Lake, 61.                                                                    Champlain finds, 359.

Vol. XIV.- *31.

482 Ohio

482           Ohio. Arch. and        Hist. Society     Publicationls.


Indians-Concluded.                          Jefferson, Thomas-Concluded.

Champlain's Battles with, 361.                                                    Part taken in Ordinance of 1787, 149.

Cincinnati's growth influenced by, 456.                                     Plans of, for Central West, 117.

Clarke's Treaty with, 51.               Jeffrey, Robert N., accepts Harrison-lai he

Conference of, at Tarhe's death, 136.         Monument, 122.

Conquest of, 139.                                                                Jesuits, Indian missionary work of, ;38.

Cowen's experience with, 146.                                          Johnson, Col. John, Account of Tarhe's

Delawares, 316.                              death, by, 135.

Farewell song of \Vyandot, 442.         Johnson, William, Military expedition of,

Fidelity to treaties with, 142.              365.

Fort Harmar Treaty with, 160.                                           "Johnny Appleseed," 94.

Fort McIntosh Treaty with, 159.                                        Johnny Appleseed, 94.

Fort Stanwix Treaty with, 158.                                                   Novel based on, 337.

Friends' interest in, 314.                                                     Joliet, Explorations of, 374, 376.

Governmen-t Amnity for, 316.

Greenville, Treaties at, 131, 132, 161.                     K

Hanna's expedition against, 161.

Harlison-Tarhe Peace Conference at,      Kaskaskia, Capture of, 50, 117.

129. Keelboats, 410.

Harrison-Tarhe Peace Treaty, 121.                                  "Keep the ball rolling," Origin of, 444.

Joliet's visit among, 375.                                                      Kenton, Simon, 44, 48, 171.

Lands ceded by, at Ft. Stanwix, 153.                                 Kentucky -

land titles of, 15S.                                                                        Carkc in, 48.

Le Caron's missionary work among,                                           Revolution in, 47, 54.

3y2.                                                                                          Settlemcnt of, 45.

Marquette among, 377.                                                       King, Rufus-

Modern traces of, 134.                                                               "History of Ohio," by, 149.

Navigation on the Muskingum by, 408.                                      Slavery clause in Ord. for N. W.

Number of, 218.                                                                          Ter. suggested by, 152, 155.

Ohio, 273.                              Kinney, Coates -

Ohio land rights of, 449.Frecdmcn's Battle IHymn, by, 432.

Ohio place names from, 273. 'Poems by, 430.

Ohio Valley, at opening of Revolution,                                      Portrait of, 428.

42.                                                                                            Rain on the Roof, by, 430.

Opinion of, of white man, 143.                                                   Sketch of, 429.

Reliability of. 143.                                                              Knabenslue, S. S., "The Underground R.

Shawnees, 316.                                R.," by, 396

Southwest, in Rev., 46.

Tarhe-The Crane, 132.

Trail of, from  Lower Sandusky, 328.                                La Fayette, Ohio, opinion of, 12.

Treatment of, 141.                                                             Lake Superior, Explorations around, 370.

T r i b e s represented  at Greenville                                Lands -

Treaty, 124.                                                                            Bounty, 59.

White man's cruelties toward, 144, 145.                                    Survey of, 321.

Wyandots, 314.                                                                           Western, cession of, 150.

"Indian vs. Aborigine," 474.                                                      La Salle -

Internal Improvements, Era of, 248.                                                 Character of, 380.

Iron, Price of, in War of 1812, 237.                                                 Explorations of, 382, 388, 390.

Ohio River discovered by, 272.

Route of, 383, 385.

J                                                     Law, John, Mention of, 112.

Jackson, Andrew, 59.                                                                LeCaron, Explorations of, 371.

Florida campaign of, 238.                                                 Leggett, Gen. M. D., 71.

Political schemes of, 73.                                                   Lewis, Andrew, Battle of Point Pleasant,

Jay's Treaty, 57.                                at, 44.

Jefferson, Thomas -                         Lewis, Dr. W. C., Account of "Nellie

Attitude of, on slavery, 150.                Gray," by, 185.


Index.                                    483


Liberty Bell passes through Columbus,       Maumee Valley Pioneer and Hist. Associ-

336.                                        ation, 222.

Liberty Bell, Society pariticipates in re-  McArthur, Duncan, elected to Congress,

ception of, 94.                             259.

Lincoln, Abraham, 59.                                                                       McCulloch, Samuel, Famous leap of, 47.

Liverpool, O.-                                                                                     McFarland, R. W. -

Description of, 312.                                                                   Aborigine, use of word, by, 474.

Thompson's home at, 311.                                                          Ancestry of, 171.

L. C. McCornick, Str. Explosion of, 422.                                                       College life of, 172.

Logan, Murder of family of, 44.                                                                   Early life of, 172.

"Log Cabin Campaign," Origin of name,                                                      Literary work of, 176.

72.                                                                                                       Miami University, at, 174.

Longworth, Nicholas, Cincinnati finan-                                                        Military career of, 175.

cier, 464.                                                                                             "Origin of Ohio Place Names," cor-

Lorena, Circumstances of writing, 435.                                                         rections by, 443.

Louisiana Purchase, Development of, 119.                                                  Scientific researches of, 177.

Luccock, Rev. Naphtali, Prayer of, 102.                                                      Sketch of, 170.

Ludlow, Israel, 451.                                                                           McKee, 47, 56.

Greenville Treaty Line surveyed by,                                        McKinley, Wm., Mention of, 103, 109.

162.                                                                                         McKinley, John D. H., Addresses Society,


M                        Meek, Basil, "A Rock with a history," by,


MacLean, Charges of against Sec. Ran-                                          Miamisburg, Indian Mound, at, 446.

dall, dismissed, 334.                                                               Miami University, Founding of, 13.

Requests Society to return    Shaker                                          Miller, Wnm. C., "Powder magazine at Ft.

gifts, 91.                                  Hamilton," by, 404.

Resigns trusteeship of Society, 89, 335.  Millikin, Thomas, Ft. Hamilton powder

Trustee succeeding, 91.                      magazine preserved by, 406.

Mann, Horace -                                                                                 Mills, W. C., 347.

Colleagues of, 14.                                                                      Annual Report of, 337.

Death and burial of, 24.                                                                         Explorations of, 29.

Educational career of, in New Eng-                                         Harness Mound opened by, 475.

land, 14.                                                                                  Honorary Supt. Arch. at St. Louis,

Influence of, in Ohio, 26.                                                                      340.

Work of, at Antioch, 20.                                                            Honors received at St. Louis Ex., 93.

Mannington, Howard D. -                                                                             Society quarters, on, 345.

"Champaign County Centennial," by,                                                    St. Louis Exposition at, 90.

471.                                                                                         Mississippi River -

Marietta, Settlement of, 279.                                                              La Salle's exploration of, 387.

Marquette -                                                                                         Marquette's exploration of, 378.

Explorations of, 376.                                                                  Missouri Compromise, 241.

Missionary work of, 379.                                                           Money, Depreciation of paper, 237.

Martin, Maria Ewing, "Origin of Ohio                                              Montgomery. Gen. Robt., Military expedi-

Place Names," 272.                         tion of, 365.

Martzolff, Clement L. -                                                                     Morgan, Gen. John, Ohio raid of, 421.

Address Society on Big Bottom Mon-                                        Moravians -

ument, 348.                                                                             Massacre of, 278.

"Caleb Atwater," by, 247.                                                          Revolution, in, 56.

Instrumental in securing Big Bottom,                                         Morrow, Jeremiah, 454.

467.                                                                                         Mound Builders-

Serpent Mound Report of, 341.                                                  Burial methods of, 35.

Massachusetts cedes Western lands, 150.                                        Civilization of, 470.

Massie, Nathaniel, 454.                                                                     Food of, 38.

Maumee-Miami-Wabash Portages. 292.                                          Homes of, 28.

Maumee River Basin, Slocum's history of,                                        Physique of, 34.

354.                                                                                             Question of horses among, 470.

484 Ohio

484          Ohio. Arch. and Hist. Society            Publications.


Mound Builders-Concluded.                                                            O'Bannon, John-Concluded.

Skull of, 35.                                                                                 Irregularities in survey of, 323.

Starr's opinion of, 470.                                                                Later life of, 325.

Utensils of, 37.                                                                            Litigation arising from  surveys of,

Weapons of, 38.                                                                         324.

Mounds, Miamisburg, 446.                                                                 Military record of, 319.

Muskingum -                                                                                       Portrait of, 319, 323.

Disasters on, 422.                                                                       Sketch of, 319.

Early craft on, 409.                                                                    Surveys of, 323, 326.

First steamboat on, 412.                                                              Surveys of Virginia Military lands,

Flouring mills along, 416.                                                           320.

Improvements on, 415.                  Ohio, Admission of, 455.

Indian navigation of, 408.                                                          Boundary of, 453.

Keelboats on, 410.                                                                      Citizens of other states from, 112.

Navigation on, 408.                                                                    Constitutional Convention of, 454.

Packet lines on, 421.                                                                   Cosmopolitan character of, 111.

Pirogues on, 409.                                                                        Geology of, 267.

Prospect for improved navigation on,                                        Growth of, 4, 140.

424.                                                                                         Historical field in, 346.

Salt transportation on, 411.                                                         Indian occupation of. 273.

Soldiers transported on, 420.                                                     Michigan Boundary of, 454.

Origin of name of, 455.

N                          Part of, in development of Miss. Val-

ley, 104.

Navigation, Craft for, 409.                       ee    e      e    ,

Pioneer development of, 12.

"Navigation on the Muskingum," Travist of, 3.

Population, growth of, 453.

-408. " _  „.-.,        ,                                                                    Prestige of, 103, 104.

Naylor, J. B., Big Bottom, at, 467.                                                      Prge of,

Portages of, 390.

"Nellie Gray," History of, 185.                                                          Ryan's article on, in                         ncyclopedia

New England -                                                       Ryan's article on, in                         Encyclopedia

New England -

Sew_~ England-   ,                                        Americana, 95.

Change in population of, .                                                          Americana, 9.

Underground  . R. routes in, 401o    Ohio Canals, Atwater supports, 249.

Underground R. R. routes in, 401.                     .

Newspapers,  st in Columbus, 121.  Ohio Colonial War Society. Meeting and

Newspapers, First in Columbus, 121.                       .

officers of, 99.

"The Freeman's Chronicle," 121.            officrs of, 99.

Ohio Company of 1750, 272.

New York cedes western lands, 150.         Ohio Company of 1, 2.

Ohio Company, Organization of, 153.

New   York Historical Society Building,

New  York Historical Socety                                 Ohio Day at Louisiana Purchasc Ex., 101.

,221. 'T iT>                                                                               "Ohio in the Chinese uprising," 468.

Niagara Falls, Discovery of, 371.                                                   Ohio Place Names, Origin of, 22.

Ohio Place Names, Origin of, 272.

"Niagara," Perry's flagship, 223.

"Niagara," Perry's flagship, 223.                                                     Ohio River, First navigators of, 224.

Niagara, War of 1812 near, 234.                                                      Scenes on, 292.

Scenes on, 292.

Nicolet, John, Explorations of, 373.       Oo Society 114.

Ohio Society, 114.

Noah's Ark. 100.

Noah's ArkJ W. -                           Ohio State University, courtesies of to

Noble, John W.-                                                                                  Society 345.

Address on Ohio Day at St. Louis                                              o   ety, 345.

Ohio University, Founding of, 13.

P rx., 114O. Ohio Valley -

Portrait ofto, 115.                                                                        Americans' plan in, during Revolu-

Northwest Territory-                                                                          ton 4

Absence of slavery in, 149, 160.                                             .ti       .      r

British plan in, during Revolution, 43.

Colonial claimants of, 150.

Colonial cla s of, 1.           England's attitude toward settlement

Development of, 118.

Government established in, 160.

Indian land t s in, 5.          Indians of, at opening of Revolution,

Indian land titles in, 158.9

Original states to be formed from, 140.      4 .

Opening of Revolution, at, 42.

Revolution in, 39.

Settlement of, 41.

O'Bannon, John -                                                                              Ordinance of 1787, 118, 155, 167.

Early life of, 319.                                                                       Estimates of, 148.


Index.                                    485



Ordinance-Concluded.                                                                Place Names, Origin of-Concluded.

Influence of, 4.                                                                           Scotch-Irish names, 283.

Men responsible for, 149.                                                          Scriptural names, 283.

Sixth article of, 148, 155.                                                           Vi-ginia names, 281.

Slavery clause in, 149, 156.                                                       Zanesville, 282.

"Ordinance of 1787," Gilmore, 148.                                          Poems-

"Origin of Ohio Place Names," McFar-                                            "Freedman's Battle Hymn," 432.

land's corrections of, 443.                                                      "Rain on the Roof," 430.

Orton, Mrs. Edward, presents Harrison-                                   Point Pleasant, Battle of, 44, 226.

Tarhe Peace Monument, 121.                                            Political Campaigns -

Otterbein University, View of, 201.                                                  Songs of, 77-80.

"The Whig Ball," in 1840, 80.

Portage or carrying place, View of, 360.

P                       Portages -

Lake Erie - Ohio River, 390.

Patterson, Col. Robert., 450.                                                              Maumee, 392.

Paul Vane, 434.                                                                                  Miami, 392.                 /

Perry's Flagship "Niagara," 223.                                                        Scioto-Sandusky, 391.

Pennsylvania, Underground R. R. in, 401.                                         W\abash, .392.

Petroleum, Ohio, in, 267.                                                            "Powder AMagazine at Ft. Hamilton," 404.

Transportation  of, on   Muskingum,                                  Prince, B. F.-

419.                                                                                         A\ppointed Society trustee, 224, 337.

Pickcring, Timothy, Slavery in N. W.                                               Ft. Ancient Report of, 341.

'Tcr. on, 151.                                                                           Ft. Ancient visited by, 476.

Pioneer boatmen, 416.                                                                Proctor, Gen., 123, 133.

Pioneers -                                                                                           Siege of Ft. Meigs, at, 128, 129.

Development of country, by, 3.                                         Putnam, F. W., Archaelogical work of,

Life of, 73.                                                                                 347.

Products of, 9.                                                                     Putnam, Rufus, 153, 454.

Tribute, to, 120.

Pirogue, Building of, 409.

Place Names, Origin of--                                       Q

Auglaize, 276.

Bucvrus, 286.                           Quakers, sympathy of, for fugitive slaves,

Cincinnati, 280.                             165, 398.

Classical names, 284.                                                         Quebec Act -

Connecticut names, 282.                                                            Colonists' opposition to, 42.

Coshocton, 273.                                                                          Nature of, 41.

Cuyahoga, 277.                                                                   Quebec, Founding of, 359.

Eastern names, 282.                                                           "Quest of John Chapman, The," Review

Fort names, 281.                             of, 96.

Forest names, 284.

Gallipolis, 280.                                           R

German names, 283.

Hock-hocking, 275.                                                            Railroads, Cincinnati terminals of, 462.

Licking, 275.                                                                       Randall, E. 0., 347.

Maumee, 276.                                                                            "American Historical Association," 219

Miami, 276.                                                                                Annual Report of, to Society, 322.

Military names, 287.                                                                  Appointed trustee of Society, 224. 337.

Mineral names, 285.                                                                  "Avery   History  of the   U n it e d

Muskingum, 274.                                                                        States," 216.

Natural position, names from, 285.                                           Big Bottom, at, 467.

Newcomerstown, 274.                                                               "Big Bottom   Massacre Dedication,"

Piqua, 274.                                                                                  by, 466.

Revolutionary names, 280.                                                        Centennial Celebration of Champaign

Sandusky. 277.                                                                           County," 471.

Scioto. 276.                                                                                 Champaign County Centennial, at, 471.

486 Ohio

486          Ohio. Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Randall, E. O.-Concluded.                                                         Revolutionary War-Concluded.

Clark County Historical Society, 99.                                         Moravians in, 56.

Delegate to American Historical As-                                       Nature of, 39.

sociation, 94.                                                                          Ohio Valley, in, 39, 42.

"Did the Mound Builders have                                                  Quebec Act, cause of, 42.

horses?" 470.                                                                          Results of Clarke's campaign in, 53.

"Encyclopedia Americana," 95.                                               Results of War in the west, 57.

"First navigator of the Ohio River,"                                          Southwest in, 46.

224.                                                                                         Vincennes taken, 51.

"First Ohio battle in War 1812," 97.                                          Western men in, 58.

Fort Ancient visited by, 476.                                              Richland County, Bentley's Lake in, 60.

Fort Laramie visited by, 476.                                             Richland County Historical Society, Meet-

Fort Pickawillany visited by, 475.           ing of, 472.

"Government of Ohio," 95.                                                Rickley, S. S., Annual Report of, 342.

Harness Mound visited by, 475.                                        Robertson, James, Settles on Cumberland,

"History of the Maumee River Basin,"          54.

Review of, 354.                                                              Roberts, Senator, Estimate of Ordinance

"Indian vs Aborigine," 474.                                                       of 1787, 148.

Itinerary of, 475.                                                                        Roosevelt, Captain, First navigator of

Maumee Valley Pioneer and Hist. As-          Ohio River, 224.

sociation, 222.                                                                 Ross, A. C. -

Mention of, 134.                                                                         Death of, 86.

"New York Historical Society Build-                                        Discovers daguerreotypy, 66.

ing," 221.                                                                                 Family of, 88.

"Noah's Ark," 100.                                                                     Flint Ridge described by, 88.

"Ohio Colonial War Society," 98.                                              First telegraph operator at Zanesville,

"Ohio in the Chinese uprising," 468.                                          70.

"Richland County. Historical Society,"                                      Home of, 86.

by, 472.                                                                                   Musical talent of, 71.

Society exonerates f r o m  MacLean's                                     New York experience of, 72.

charges, 334.                                                                          Patriotism of, 71.

"Society Proceedings" by, 89.                                                    Picture of, 65.

"Story of Firelands," 98.                                                             Portrait of, 84.

St. Louis, at, 90.                                                                          Sketch of, 62.

"The Quest of John Chapman," 96.                                           "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too," by, 78.

"To raise Perry's flagship, Niagara                                            Versatility of, 71.

223.                                                                                 Ross County, Exploration of earthworks

"Watershed Barn," visited by, 473.           in, 29.

Rankins, James--                                                                        Ross Elizabeth B., Poetry by, 83.

"Farewell Song of the Wyandot In-                                   Russell, Henry, Authorship of "Tippeca-

dians," by, 442.                            noe and Tyler, too," claimed by, 81.

Religion, Great revivals of, 13.                                                 Ryan, D. J. -

Renegades (See McKee, Girty).                                                       Big Bottom, at, 467.

Revolutionary War--                                                                          "History of Ohio," by, 149.

American plan, in Ohio Valley, 43.                                           Ohio article in Encyclopedia, by, 95.

Blue Licks, Battle of, in, 56.

Bird's expedition across Ohio, 55.

British agents to Indians in, 46.                          S

Clarke's campaign in, 49.                                                   Salt -

Clarke's last work in, 56.                                                            Revival of industry in Muskingum

Clarke's treaty with Indians, 51.                                                 Valley, 419.

Continuation of, in Ohio Valley, 404.                                        Transportation of, 411.

Fort Henry captured, 47.                                                    Sandusky-Scioto Portage, 391.

Indians and Britisl in, 43.                                                    Sandusky (Upper), Indian Farewell ser-

Kaskaskia taken, in, 50.                     mon at, 442.

Kentucky in, 47, 48. 54.                                                     Schools -

Last expedition in West of, 56.                                                  Atwater proposes system for, 250.


Index.                                    487


Schools-Concluded.                                                                           Society-Continued.

Centralization of, 8.  American Hist. Society at, 94, 219, 336.

Committee for proposed system     of,                                       Annual meeting of trustees of, 348.

256.                                                                                         Annual report of Secretary to, 332.

Early, 229.                Archaeological work of, 337.

Establishment of, 14.                                                                 Beal's, Prof., Address to, 346.

Lands for, wasted, 250.                                                             Big Bottom Blockhouse Site, secured

Shandon, 8.                                                                                 by, 467.

Schlup, Emil, 442.                                                                              Big Bottom Monument dedicated by,

"Tarhe, The Crane," by, 132.                                                     467.

Scioto-Sandusky Portage, 391.                                                         Buffalo Exposition, at, 347.

Scioto Land Company, 279.                                                              Building project of, 344.

Scioto River, Earthworks along, 29.                                                 Centennial Volume of, 333.

Scotch-Irish, 398.                                                                                Champaign County Centennial, at, 471.

Serpent Mound, 347.                                                                         Curator's report to, 337.

Report on, 92, 341.                                                                    Distribution of publications by, 333.

Society committee for, 335.                                                       Election of trustees of, 343.

Sessions, Juliette, "Campaigns of the Rev-                                        Executive Committee of, 348.

olution in the Ohio Valley," by, 37.                                        Meetings of, 89, 91, 334.

Shakers, Gifts of, to Society, 89, 91.                                                  Governor appoints trustees of, 224, 337.

Shawanese---                                                                                     Growth and work of, 331.

Boone captured by. 42.                                                              Hills, R. E., Trustee of, 91.

Iroquois war against, 272.                                                      Hulbert Addresses, 346.

Landus wced  agt, 152.                                                              Legislative appropriations for publica-

Trety, "178" with, 15.                                                                 tions of, 333.

Sliaw, 1);. .llbc, t  \ddress at Shandon                                               ILiberty Bell reception, at, 94, 336.

Cet,,n -  ' . y ,     .MacLean resigns trusteeship of, 89.

iCer-tm l i'                                                                             ionof. 103,.                McKinley, John D. H., Addresses, 346.

Shermanr           iF:                                                                         ELItion of. 103.

..Sh.rmT., 197oof                    Members, new, elected to, 94, 224.

Shertan, \\V. I·, ei.,

Sieber-t, '. Il., "Cover-nent of Ohlio," ..Members present at 20th annual meet-

~by,~~~ 015. ~~~~ing, 330.

Sl byavery, (Z"                                               Memorial Hall (Columbus), dedication

Slavery-                                                                                              at, 92

Absence of, in N. W. Ter., 150.Museum of, 332, 338.

Article on in Ordinance of 1787, 149,                                      Officers of, 348.

156.                                                                                         Organization of, 331.

Atwater's position on, 269.                                                         O.  .    U. courtesies to, 345.

Jefferson's attitude toward. 130.                                                Praise received at St. Louis Ex., by,

Land cession, not mentioned in, 150.                                        92

"Nellie Gray," protest against, 191.                                           Prs. Brinkerhoff's Annual Address

Slaves, fugitive, 3.97.                                                                         to, 331

Constitution on, 402.                                                                  Proceedings of, 89.

First attempts to aid, 402.                                                           Publications of, 333, 347.

Laws enacted against, 402.                                                               Demand for, 333.

Legal penalty for aiding, 399.                                                   Quarters of, 332.

Legal status of, 398.                                                                  Requested to return Shaker gifts, 91.

Number of, 399.                                                                      Richland Co. Hist. Society, at, 473.

Sloane, Rush R., elected trustee, 343.                                               Revision of Constitution of, 350.

Fugitive slaves aided by, 401.                                                   Secretary exonerated from MacLean's

Slocum, Charles E.-                                                                        charges, 334.

"History of the M a u m e e River                                            Secretary's itinerary, 335.

Basin," by, 354.                                                                   Serpent Mound Report to, 92.

"Tarhe, the Wyandot Chief." by, 313.                                      Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Hall

Smith, Col. Jas., Scioto-Sandusky explor-                                                 dedication, at, 336.

ations of, 391.                                                                      Standing Committees of, 335.

Society-                                                                                                  Starr, Prof., Addresses, 347,

Additional life members of, 336.                                              Starr's, Prof. lecture to, 350.

488 Ohio

488           Ohio. Arch. and       Hist. Society      Publications.


Society - Concluded.                                                                  St. Clair, Athur - Concluded.

St. Louis Ex., at, 339, 347.                                                         Washington Co. established by, 160.

Awards to 340.                                                           Steamboats -

Tiffin photograph presented to, 90.                                           First on Muskingum, 412.

Treasurer's report to, 342.                                                         Improvements in, 413.

Trustees of, 344.                                                                St. Lawrence--

Twentieth Annual Meeting of, 330.                                          Explorations along,

Songs -                                                                                                New York Harbor waterway to, 364.

"Boat Song," 210.                                                               St. Louis Ex.-

"Come from the hill top," 208.                                                   Awards to Society, 340.

"Drifting with the tide," 299.                                                      Development represented by, 110.

"Excursion Song," 210.                                                              Educational value of, 107.

"Gathering shells from the seashore,"                                       Francis,, Pres., Address at, on Ohio

295.                                                                                         Day, 104.

"God save our Union," 303.                                                       Herrick's, Gov., Address at, 108.

"Gondola," 207.                                                                          Mills, W. C., receives honors at, 93.

Hanby's political, 205.                                                                Mission of, 113.

"Holy Hour." 2C6.                                                                      Noble's, John W\., Address at, 114.

"I am king o'er the land and the sea,"                                        Ohio Building at, 116.

306.                                                                                     Ohio Commission at, 101.

"Little Tillie's Grave," 193.                                                        Ohio Day at, 101, 102.

"Lorena," 437.                                                                            Ohio Exhibit at, 106.

"My first music lesson," 302.                                                     Prayer on Ohio Day at, 102.

"My home on old Ohio," 300.                                                    Society at, 90, 339, 347.

"My sweet heart and I went fishing,"                                        Society receives prize at, 92.

302.                                                                                         Value of, 109.

"Nellie Gray," 188.                                                            Symmes, John Cleves, "Purchase," 449.

"Now den! Now den!" 197.                                                       Survey of, 449.

"Now to the Lord," 208.

"Old Shady," 194.

"Paul \'ane." 4:9.                                         T

"Robin Song," 209.

"Shoulder to shoulder," 304.                                              Taft, Wm. H., Mention of, 103.

"Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,"                                T a y 1 o r, Col. E. L., "Harrison-Tarhe

387.                                                                                         Peace Conference" by, 121.

"The harvest time is passing by," 308.                                       "Water h i g h w a y s and carrying

"The midnight fire alarm," 305.                                                 places," by, 356.

"The nameless heroine,' 198.                                             Taylor, Zachary, 126.

"The old tramp," 301.                                                         Tarhe-

Thompson's.     l.. .., 25.                                                              Friends meet, 315.

"Under the moonlit sky," 306.                                                    Grave of, 135.

"Weaver John." 211.                                                                  Honesty of, 133.

WTyandot Indian farewell. 442.                                               Peace Conference of, 121.

Sons of Revolution. Prize offered by, 39.                                          Wife of, 134.

"Song Writers of Ohio," Galbreath, 62,                                             Youth of, 313.

180, 291. 428.                                                                  "Tarhe- the Crane," Schlup, 132.

Song writers of Ohio-                                                                 "Tarhe the Wyandot Chief," Slocum, 313.

Kinney. Coates, 428.                                                          Teachers, Early Ohio, 8.

Webster H . D. L., 433.                                                      Tecumseh, 124, 125.

Spiegel G-ove. Indian trail through, 328.                                           Death of, 130.

Starr, Prof. Frederick-                                                                        Tarhe opposes Confederation of, 132.

Address of to Society. 340.                                                Telegraphy, first at Zanesville, 70.

Lectures before Society, 350.                                            Tennessee, Settlement of, 54.

Mound Builders. on, 470.                                                    Thompson, Will L. -

Visits Ft. Ancient, 3.52.                                                               Birth and early life of, 294.

St. Clair, Arthur-                                                                                 Business career of, 310.

Governor of Nor thwest Ter., 404.                                            Home of, 311.


Index.                                     469


Thompson, Aill L. - Concluded.                                                  Underground R. R., The-Concluded.

Musical Methods of, 309.                                                           A station on, Wright, 164.

Patriotic songs by, 303.                                                               Episodes of, 166.

Portrait of, 204.                                                                           Establishment of, 397.

Sacred songs by, 307.                                                                 Indiana, in, 401.

Sketch of, 291.                                                                            Litigation arising from, 167.

Tiffin, Ed., 454.                                                                                   Management of, 397.

Photograph of presented to Society,                                           Nationalities interested in, 398.

90.                                                                                            New E.ngland in, 401.

"Tippecanoe and Tyler, too"-                                                            Ohio, favorite route of, 390.

Author of, 62.                                                                              Operators of, in Ohio, 400.

Rival claimants for authorship, 81.                                             Origin of name, 307.

Writing of, 7.                                                                               Pennsylvania, in, 401.

Tippecanoe, Battle of, 125.                                                                Quakers assist, 165.

Tood, John, County Lieutenant of Illi-                                               Routes of, 164.

nois, 53.                                                                                   Stations on, 165.

Tories--                                                                                                      Ohio, in, 400.

Influence of, 47.

Revolution, in, 54.                                         V

Transylvania, Plan of, 45.

Travis, Irven-                                                                             V\cr-azano, Explorations of, 364.

"Navigation on the Muskingum," by,                                 Vincennes -

408.                                                                                         Capture of, 51, 117.

Portrait of, 408.                                                                          Clarke recaptures, 53.

Sketch of, 408.                                                                           Retaken by British, 52.

Travis. John, Pioneer boatman, 416.                                         Virginia cedes western lands, 150.

Treaties --                                                                                  Virginia land claims, 448.

Fidelity to Indian, 142.                                                       Virginia Military Lands-

Fort Iarmon, IGO.                                                                      Discrepancies in survey of, 321.

Fort Mcintosh, 159.                                                                    O'Bannon's surveys void in, 323.

Fort Stan\\ix, 41, 153, 158.                                                         Revolutionary soldiers' warrants in,

Greenville, 124, 131, 132, 161.                                                 322.

Halrrison-Tarhe, 121.                                                                Survey of, 320.

Results of, 129.

Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference, 317.                       W

Prairie du Chien, 263.

Shawnee Indian, 159.                                                        Wallace, Gen. Lew, 462.

Sioux of 1867, 143.                                                            Walpole Company, Colonial plan of, 40.

Trimble, James, Military record of, 225.                                  War of 1812, 230.

Trimble, W. A. -                                                                                First Ohio battle of, 97.

Ancestry of, 226.                                                                       Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference in,

Death of, 244.                                                                                   121.

Education of, 228.                                                                     Highland County in, 231.

Family of, settle in Ohio, 228.                                                   Indians in, 316.

Foraker's tribute to, 246.                                                            Ohio in, 268.

Friends of, 240.                                                                          Reverses of, 126.

Grave of, 225.                                                                           Taylor, Zachary, in, 126.

Portrait of, 227.                                                                          Trimble, in, 233.

Sketch of, 225.                                                                          Winchester's defeat in, 127, 128.

U. S. Senator from Ohio, 239.                                           Washington County -

War of 1812, in, 230, 232.                                                        Establishment of, 160, 279.

Tubman, Harriet, Escape of, 398.                                            Washington, George -

Tuttle, Mary   M. T., "William     Allen                                            Interest in Ohio, by, 3.

Trimble," by, 225.                                                                     Land warrant in Va. Mil. Dist., of,


U                                                             Loss of western lands to estate of,

Underground R. R. The, 396.                                                                   326.

490 Ohio Arch

490           Ohio    Arch. and     Hist. Society     Publications.


Washington, George-Concluded.                                              Wood, E. F., Annual Report of, 342.

O'Bannon's survey for, void, 324.                                      Wright, Florence Bedford, "A station on

Opinions of Ft. Stanwix Treaty, 41.          the underground Railroad," by, 164.

Plans of, for central west, 117.                                         Wright, G. Frederick-

"Water highways and carrying places,"                                           Archaeological research of, 352.

Taylor, 356.                                                                    Wyandots, 133.

Water highways, Military uses of, 365.                                            Farewell sermon preached to, 442.

"Watershed Barn," 473.                                                                    Farewell song of, 442.

Wayne, Gen., 161.

Wayne Treaty Line, 158.

Webster, Daniel, 157.                                          Y

Estimate of Ordinance of 1787, of,

148.                                  Yellow                                   Springs, "Darnell's Leap," near,

Webster, H. D. L. -                                                                           426.

"Loecna" written by, 433.                                                         Antioch College at, 17.

Sketch of, 433, 441.

Welsh -

Influence of, in Ohio, 7.                                  Z

Settlement of, in Ohio, 7.

Western lands. Sl-!\.trr not mentioned in                                  Zane's Trace, Mention of, 63.

cession of, !53'.                                                              Zanesville--

Westerville, ITallly' hIonme  at, 180.                                                Daguerreotyping invented at, 66.

Whigs, Convention cf, in 1840, 74.                                                   Early settlers of, 63.

Whipple, Bishop, Opinion of Indians, 143.                                       First telegraphy at, 70.

Wilby, Joseph, "Early Cincinnati," by,                                              Home of "Lorena," 441.

448.                                                                                         Main St., 1846, View of, 67.

Wilderness Road, 54.                                                                        Ross, A. C., Family at, 62.

Boone blazes, 46.                                                                                Home of, in, 86.

Winchester, Gen., Defeat of, 127-128.                                    Zeisberger, David -

Woman, Civic functions of, 139.                                                       Influence among Indians, 46.