Ohio History Journal

576 Ohio Arch

576       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications





The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. W. J. Sher-

man, read the report as follows:



The Fort Meigs Commission has continued improvements

at this historic spot during the past year, devoting particular at-

tention to the landscaping and planting of the grounds where the

Pittsburg Blues are buried, and where the Pennsylvania His-

torical Society has recently erected a monument to their memory.

The Commission has also improved the roads and drives and in-

stalled electric lights for the night illumination of this old Fort.

The Biennial Legislative appropriation for these purposes was




An imposing monument on the bank of the Auglaize River,

four miles north of Wapakoneta, erected some years ago by the

State of Ohio, marks the site of this combined stockade for-

trees, shipyard, supply station, hospital and cemetery of the War

of 1812.

The cemetery is well cared for by the Township, while the

remaining grounds are largely in their natural state, which is

sufficiently attractive to draw many visitors from the country




There is nothing of importance to report in connection with

this ancient fortification, located on the left bank of the Miami

river, within the limits of the Village of Maumee. It is still in

private possession, but should be the property of this Society.



Your Committee is not a little concerned lest the Society

forfeit title to the land secured some years ago for a monument

to honor the memory of Mad Anthony Wayne and mark the

site of the most decisive battle ever fought on Ohio soil. Our

last report recorded an appeal to the legislature for $40,000.00

and their grant of $2,000.00. This is to be expended under the

direction of the State Architect and before June 30th, 1925, the

Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 577

Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting            577


end of the biennium, but the "improvement of the grounds" has

not yet been started.

We wish at this time to submit the following extract from

the deed of conveyance to the Society from Miss Clarissa C.

Moor of the tract referred to above:

"Provided always and these presents are upon this express

condition that the premises hereby conveyed shall be used for a

park and monument site and approaches. Said grantee, its suc-

cessors and assigns shall within a period of seven years of the

date hereof, improve said premises by grading, seeding to lawn,

planting with shrubbery and trees and fencing, by improving

in a suitable manner roadways upon the rights of way herein

granted and by the erection thereon of a monument suitably com-

memorating the Battle of Fallen Timbers, to cost not less than

$20,000.00 and further that said grantee, its successors and as-

signs shall provide for the upkeep and repair of said premises

and maintain the same in an attractive condition generally."

This deed is recorded on page 344, vol. 549 in Lucas Coun-

ty. It was executed Jan. 3, 1921, and recorded Jan. 28, 1921.

We believe it is of the utmost importance that the Budget

Committee of the Society be instructed by the Board of Trus-

tees to use their utmost endeavor to secure a suitable appropria-

tion from the legislature so that the conditions of the above deed

may be fully complied with.

"Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) W. J. SHERMAN,


On motion the report was approved and ordered

placed on file.



The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. W. J. Sherman

read the report as follows:

Your Committee respectfully submit the following report of

its activities in connection with the care and maintenance of the

Spiegel Grove State Park and the splendid properties therein


The Park itself has been maintained in excellent condition.

With its broad expanse of beautiful lawns and native forest

trees, it today presents an unusually attractive appearance.

There is, however, much work which should be done in the way

Vol. XXXIII -- 37.