Ohio History Journal







Early in the spring of 1927, the Greenville Historical

Society, through the services of the Piqua Granite Com-

pany, transported to Greenville two large granite bould-

ers to be used as historical markers. The first was

about four and one-half feet square and is shown in the

illustration accompanying this article. It was found

along the Nashville Road, about four miles west of

Greenville, and was erected on a deep concrete founda-

tion, near the site of Tecumseh's home, on the north

side of the Winchester Pike, a few hundred feet west

of the Mud Creek bridge, and within the present limits

of the city of Greenville, Ohio. The other boulder is

about three feet square, and was transported from a

field near the Nineveh U. B. Church, about six miles

southeast of Greenville, and placed on a lot at the south-

east corner of West Third and Chestnut Streets, to mark

the site of the burial-ground of the soldiers of Wayne's

Legion, who died during the occupancy of Fort Green-

ville, from the fall of 1793 to the time of the abandon-

ment of the Fort, in 1796. Although comparatively

small in size, this boulder has a raised diagonal band

running across its face and makes a very artistic and

appropriate marker.

Since Major John Mills, the adjutant general in

Wayne's Legion, died at Fort Greenville, in July, 1796,


Tablets to Major John Mills and Tecumseh 157

Tablets to Major John Mills and Tecumseh  157

it is presumed that his remains were also buried on this

site -- just outside of the southwest bastion of the Fort

and overlooking the beautiful prairie to the west and

south. Major Mills had also rendered distinguished

services in the Revolutionary War, and the Fort Green-

ville Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo-

lution asked for the privilege of furnishing the tablet

for this marker, which was dedicated to the Major and

the brave officers and privates buried on the site.

The tablet is inscribed as follows:

In Memory of


A soldier of the Revolution

and Adjutant General

in Wayne's Legion.

And the brave officers and soldiers

Who died during the occupancy of

Fort GreeneVille

1793 - 1796

Placed by Fort Greenville Chapter, D. A. R.

158 Ohio Arch

158      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

A public-spirited nurseryman, Mr. E. M. Buechly,

who lives near Greenville, was granted the privilege of

furnishing the tablet for the Tecumseh Memorial. This

tablet is eighteen by twenty-four inches in size and bears

the following inscription, which, as also the Mills tablet

inscription, was drafted by Frazer E. Wilson, for many

years secretary of the Greenville Historical Society:

In Memory of


The Noted Shawnee Chief

and his brother


"The Prophet"

who lived on this site

1806 - 1808

Tablet donated by

E. M. Buechly.

Both of these beautiful and appropriate memorials

were unveiled on the afternoon of Sunday, October 2,

1927, with the programs which follow.

Tablets to Major John Mills and Tecumseh 159

Tablets to Major John Mills and Tecumseh    159

The services at the Mills Memorial were in charge

of the Fort Greenville Chapter, D. A. R., and were pre-

sided over by Rev. J. P. MacLean, president of the

Greenville Historical Society.



Invocation......Rev. L. D. Utts, Rector of the Episcopal Church

Patriotic Song

Brief Historical

Address.. Frazer E. Wilson, Mayor of the City of Greenville

Presentation of Memorial ................Mrs. Aurelia Rosser

Oration  of the Day.......................Hon. D. L. Gaskill


The spectators and participants then proceeded about

five blocks to the site of the Tecumseh Memorial, where

was rendered the following



Patriotic Song

Sketch of Tecumseh and "The Prophet"......Frazer E. Wilson

Presentation of Tablet.............E. M. Buechly (the donor)

Acceptance..........................George  A. Katzenberger

Address.......L. V. MacWhorter, North Yakima, Washington

Address.........."Strongheart," of the Yakima Indian Nation

Benediction.....Rev. O. O. Arnold, Pastor of the U. B. Church

The weather on the afternoon of the dedication was

pleasant and the affair was considered a decided success

by both organizations participating. Greenville now has

three appropriate historical markers within its limits --

the first being a boulder and tablet memorial placed on

West Main Street, near the Public Square, in 1906, to

commemorate the signing of the Treaty, under the

160 Ohio Arch

160      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

auspices of the local Historical Society. This Society

also secured a plot of ground, on the site of old Fort

Jefferson, built in 1791, by General St. Clair, about five

miles south of Greenville, and erected thereon a broken-

boulder memorial, with tablet attached, in 1907. This

monument is now in charge of the Neave Township

Trustees, since it adjoins the Township House Ground.

Early in 1927, the Greenville Historical Society pur-

chased about three and one-third acres of land adjoining

this site, including a rifle-pit and spring used by the

soldiers occupying the Fort. This tract will also prob-

ably be improved in the near future and incorporated

with the original plat. As there is a large tract of land

adjoining this, immediately on the southwest, which has

been worked over by the Greenville Gravel Company for

many years, and which contains two small lakes, it is

hoped that the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

Society will recommend that the State Legislature ap-

propriate funds for the securing of this, and also per-

mitting it to be set aside as a State Park in the near
