Ohio History Journal

Reviews, Notes and Comments 101

Reviews, Notes and Comments       101

who figured in the stories and afterward led to an ap-

preciative study of life on the plains with scarcely any

depreciation in his estimate of the spectacular character

of Buffalo Bill.

A famous Iowa writer has declared that "nothing

lies like history" and expresses the opinion that we must

go to the imagination for realities. This is a part of his

apology for writing a romance of the famous "Johnny

Appleseed." While we are not prepared at all to accept

this dictum it must be admitted that such stories as "Into

Mexico with General Scott" appeal with peculiar power

to the young and are stepping stones to a genuine in-

terest in our history. As such they are to be recom-





The large collection of material relating to the World

War now in the library of the Ohio State Archaeological

and Historical Society has been substantially increased

by the gift of many volumes from the United States

government through Senator Frank B. Willis. In addi-

tion to these publications the Senator personally secured

for the Society printed and typewritten copies of all

official invitations, letters and documents relating to the

"ceremonies attending the burial of an unknown and un-

identified American soldier who lost his life in the World

War." These papers will make a most interesting

volume which it will soon be impossible to duplicate.

They will be added to the collection of bound clippings

from various newspapers of Ohio relating to the ob-

servance of the anniversary of Armistice Day in 1921.

102 Ohio Arch

102       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

Following are the most important bound documents

forwarded to the Society by Senator Willis:

America's Munitions. Report. 1917-1918.

Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1916-1920. 5 Vols.

Brewing and Liquor interests and German and Bolshevik

Propaganda. 3 Vols.

Navy Department. Office of Naval Records and Library

Historical Section.

No. I. German Submarine activities.

No. 2. The Northern Barrage and other mining


No. 3. Digest Catalog of Laws and joint resolutions.

No. 4. The Northern Barrage (taking up the mines).

Final report of General John J. Pershing.

Treaty of Peace with Germany.

Address of the President of the United States relative to the

Treaty of Peace with Germany.

Organization of the services of supply. American Expedi-

tionary Forces.

War Department. Annual Reports. 1916-1919. (II Vols.)

Abridgment. Messages and Documents. 1917-1918. (2


Grateful acknowledgment is made to Senator Willis

for this manifestation of interest in the Society.




Professor C. L. Martzolff, of Ohio University, has

recently published a very valuable list of questions under

the title of Ohio History Search Topics. These number

two hundred and eighty-one. The list is followed by a

brief bibliography of "Ohioana," including books relat-

ing to Ohio history which are accessible in the well

equipped libraries of the state. In the preface, Professor

Martzolff says:


"The interest in the study of our state history is steadily

increasing. The greatest handicap lies in the vast amount of