Ohio History Journal

632 Ohio Arch

632          Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications



Wages ......................................                                               5.60

Office Supplies ...............................                                        1.00

Printing  .....................................                                            13.00

Building Materials ..........................                                      42.90

Taxes .......................................                                              9.58

Cash Advanced to H. C. Shetrone, Director...                       386.82        458.90




Wages ......................................                                           306.12

Landscaping .................................                                       229.42

Improvements ...............................                                     1,582.53    2,118.07



Cash advanced:

Geo. Rogers Clark Memorial Commission..                   151.11

For sundry purposes and later refunded...                       2,509.26

For sundry purposes to be refunded .......                       291.32          2,954.69


Transferred to Permanent Fund...............                                                 425.00

Cash on Hand December 31st, 1929

Current Fund ...........................                                     3,407.58

Battlefield of Fallen Timbers Fund .......                        1,745.62

James E. Campbell Park Fund............                               23.61

Endowment and Foundation Fund.........                        5,175.00       10,351.81


TOTA L  ........................................                     $190,558.84


On motion of Mr. Hinkle, duly seconded, the report

of the Treasurer was accepted and placed on file.

Secretary Galbreath read the following Memorial

Resolution on the death of Mr. Claude Meeker and

moved its adoption.




WHEREAS, Since the last meeting of this Society, Providence

has removed from  us and other earthly associates our fellow

member and friend, Claude Meeker, who departed this life De-

cember 6, 1929, and

Report of the 44th Annual Meeting 633

Report of the 44th Annual Meeting        633


WHEREAS, Mr. Meeker was deeply interested in the work

of this Society, liberal in its financial support, and for a number

of years a member of the Board of Trustees, therefore

Be it Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Meeker this Society

has sustained the loss of a generous patron, the State and City of

Columbus a public-spirited, upright citizen, and all who were so

fortunate as to know him a kindly, sincere and faithful friend,

Be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be

engrossed and sent to the surviving members of his family with

assurances of our sincere sympathy with them in their very great


The motion was duly seconded and the resolution

was unanimously adopted.

After the adoption of the resolution, Chairman

Bareis stated:

It has been truly stated that Mr. Meeker was a liberal mem-

ber of our Board. At one time, I remember, he bought a library

for this Society for which he paid $5,ooo.oo and presented it to

us; and I know of other benefactions.

Mr. Goodman, Chairman of the Nominating Com-

mittee, reported the following nominations: For term

expiring in 1931, Mr. Albert Spetnagel; for terms ex-

piring in 1932, Dr. W. O. Thompson, General Edward

Orton, Jr., and Colonel Webb C. Hayes.

On motion of Mr. Hinkle, the report of the com-

mittee was adopted and the Secretary was directed to

cast a ballot for the candidates named. This the Secre-

tary did and the nominees were declared elected, the

entire membership rising to their feet to emphasize the


Mr. Goodman raised the question in regard to no-

tices of the Annual Meeting. The notice had been

printed in Museum Echoes but it was his opinion that a