Ohio History Journal





Deshler-Wallick Hotel

Columbus, Ohio

April 21, 1950


The Ohio Academy of History met in Columbus April 21, in con-

nection with the Ohio College Association. The morning session, at

10:00 A. M., was attended by nearly one hundred persons. This session

was devoted to a panel discussion conducted by the members of the com-

mittee on the teaching of history in Ohio colleges, of which Frank L.

Esterquest of Western College is the chairman. Robert L. Jones of

Marietta College spoke on the "Application of the Problem Method in

Lieu of Term Papers," Dr. Esterquest talked on "Visual-Audio Aids in

the College History Classroom," and Everett Walters of Ohio State Uni-

versity, the third member of the committee, discussed "Stimulating In-

terest in History Outside the Classroom." The open discussion which

followed was concerned largely with the question of the comparative

values of the "objective" and "essay type" examinations.

About sixty members attended the luncheon session at 12:30, pre-

sided over by Stanton L. Davis, Case Institute of Technology, president

of the academy. Jacob C. Meyer, Western Reserve University, the

speaker at this session, addressed the academy on the subject, "The

Dilemma of the Historian in a Democracy."  His address was followed

by an informal discussion. The 2:00 o'clock session was devoted to a

report of the committee on the teaching of history in the Ohio high

schools. The committee, composed of Duane D. Smith, chairman, Uni-

versity of Toledo, William E. Smith, Miami University, and John W.

Long, Jr., Western College, submitted a comparative study of the require-

ments for the certification of teachers of junior and senior high school

history in the forty-eight states and the District of Columbia and a tenta-

tive questionnaire to be sent to Ohio high schools to determine the

status of history in the secondary schools of the state. The committee

stressed the need for action, and urged members of the academy to aid


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Ohio Academy of History                   311


in getting the questionnaire into the proper persons' hands. During the

discussion period which followed, a point was made of the advisability

of cooperation with the English section of the Ohio College Association

in requesting the state board of education to raise the educational re-

quirements of teachers in these fields. Dr. Esterquest was appointed to

ascertain what was being done by the English section. He reported that

the English section would not make a representation to the state board

at this time but would be glad to work with a committee of the academy

on a joint resolution to be presented to the board in the future.

Approximately fifty members remained for the business session at

4:00, at which Dr. Davis again presided. The reading of the minutes of

the last meeting was dispensed with inasmuch as they are printed in the

July 1949 issue of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.

In the absence of the secretary-treasurer, James H. Rodabaugh, the treas-

urer's report was read by Henry J. Caren. The necessity for raising more

funds was pointed out by the president, and the academy passed a motion

by A. P. Rosselot to raise the dues to $1.00, to bill members for their

dues, and to make membership contingent on the payment of dues.

The report of the committee on publications was read by Wilfred

J. Steiner, University of Dayton. The publication of this report in the

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly was requested. The

committee on awards (William Fisk, Reginald C. McGrane, and Robert

S. Fletcher) announced the selection of Foster Rhea Dulles for the acad-

emy's fourth annual award of distinction. The award, presented by Dr.

Fisk, was in recognittion of Dr. Dulles' book Labor in America: A

History, published in 1949.

Duane Smith proposed that a council of the Ohio Academy of His-

tory be created to give continuity to the program of the academy. In line

with this suggestion and on motion of Dr. McNiff, the academy voted to

create a council of five appointed by the president with the requirement

that one of the five be a representative of the high school field.

Dr. Davis commended the work of the committee on the teaching of

history in the Ohio high schools and the committee on the teaching of

history in Ohio colleges. Both committees were authorized to continue

to function, and on resolution proposed by Duane Smith, the former was

authorized to contact the state department of education concerning the

requirements for teachers of history. A resolution was passed also to

authorize Dr. Esterquest's committee to cooperate with the English

teachers' group.

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312 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly


Dorsey Walker, chairman of the committee on nominations, made

the following nominations for officers of the academy for the year


President--William J. McNiff, Miami University

Vice President-Lowell J. Ragatz, Ohio State University

Secretary-Treasurer--James H. Rodabaugh, Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society

On a motion of Robert L. Jones the report of the nominating committee

was accepted, and the secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot

for the nominees. A resolution of thanks was voted for the work of

Dr. Rodabaugh and his assistants, and the president expressed the grati-

tude of the academy for the work of the committees without entertaining

a formal resolution of thanks.

Dr. Pershing opened a discussion of the conflict in the date of the

meeting of the academy with that of the Mississippi Valley Historical

Association. On motion of Dr. Pershing the officers were instructed, in

case of a future conflict in the dates of the meetings of the Mississippi

Valley Historical Association and the Ohio College Association, to

arrange for the meeting of the academy on another weekend than that of

the college association.

The question of a fall social meeting was raised by Dr. Davis, and a

suggestion was made by Duane Smith that it be held in one of the "rural"

colleges. Dr. Rosselot extended an invitation to Otterbein College, where-

upon the academy voted to authorize the executive committee to look into

the desirability of having a fall retreat at Westerville.

These minutes were taken and prepared by S. Winifred Smith of the

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society.

Respectfully submitted,