It is our pleasure in this issue to
present the newly
elected President of the Society, Mr.
Arthur Charles
Johnson, whose portrait appears on the
page opposite.
The death of James E. Campbell, former
of Ohio and in recent years president
of the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society,
left a vacancy
that was difficult to fill. After
canvassing the availa-
bility and qualifications of a long
list of eminent life
members, the man best suited in all
respects was finally
found in the Board of Trustees of the
Society in the
person of Mr. Johnson, who was
unanimously chosen
to the position April 10, 1925.
Arthur Charles Johnson was born on a
farm at Ira.
Summit County, Ohio, October 10, 1874.
He was edu-
cated in the Wadsworth, Medina County,
High School
from which he was graduated in 1891;
the Ohio Uni-
versity at Athens and Buchtel College,
Akron. He was
graduated from the last named
institution with the de-
gree of B. S. in 1900. He served in the
Eighth Regi-
ment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry as
sergeant-major at
Santiago, Cuba, in the War with Spain.
He was reporter and city editor of the Akron
Journal, reporter on the Washington Post, Washington.
D. C., and came to Columbus in 1902
where he began
work as a reporter on the Columbus
Evening Dispatch.
250 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications Soon afterwards he was made city editor, then manag- ing editor and more recently associate publisher and editor-in-chief, a position which he now holds. No testimonial of his success is needed. The evident pros- perous condition and high grade character of the Dis- patch is an all-sufficient tribute to his energy, good judg- ment and business sagacity in the field of journalism. Mr. Johnson, in 1902, married Miss Grace Reah of Athens, Ohio. They have two sons, Derrol, who was graduated from Dartmouth in June of this year, and Arthur, Jr., a student at Princeton, in the class of 1927. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson reside at 227 Preston Road, Co- lumbus, Ohio. |