Historical anniversaries have a way of
reviving interest in events and
personalities-long forgotten or
neglected. Now that centennial observances
of the Civil War have run their course,
our national memory is turning to-
ward the last third of nineteenth
century American history. Already a major
reconsideration of these years is
A basic source for the study of the
period 1865 to 1900 is one of Ohio's
finest historical properties, The
Rutherford B. Hayes Library and Museum,
located in Spiegel Grove, Fremont, Ohio.
Opened in 1916 it is the nation's
oldest presidential library, but unlike
other institutions of its type which
are federally controlled and
administered, the Hayes Library is jointly op-
erated by the Hayes Foundation and The
Ohio Historical Society for the
State of Ohio.
This special issue of Ohio History commemorates
the dedication on
October 4, 1968, of a handsome new
building designed to better interpret
the life and times of President
Rutherford B. Hayes to the general public.
Another reason for greatly expanding and
modernizing the facilities of the
Hayes Library and Museum is to launch a
new research and publishing pro-
gram on the Hayes era. The articles of
this issue represent only a small
part of the many research projects
undertaken in recent years utilizing the
rich resources on deposit in Fremont.*
The ten essays treat a variety of topics
centering around the life of Hayes
and are arranged roughly in
chronological order. Each one deals with a
relatively neglected theme or offers a
fresh interpretation. Together they
range from the struggle of the young
Hayes to establish himself as an Ohio
lawyer to the final twelve years after
the White House when he devoted his
* See Watt P. Marchman and James H.
Rodabaugh, "Collections of the
Rutherford B. Hayes State
Memorial," Ohio History, LXXI (July 1962),
energies to numerous philanthropic and social endeavors. Lucy Webb Hayes, known to most readers of history only by a derisive nickname, ap- pears as a creditable personality, fond of family and flowers, and in many ways a distinguished First Lady in Columbus and in Washington. Contem- poraries of Hayes, men such as James A. Garfield and John Sherman, who like the President they served, are only now gaining proper historical recog- nition, are presented as forceful Ohioans who made their mark in national affairs. Today's desire for social justice is better understood against the his- toric backdrop of John Bingham's fight for the Fourteenth Amendment and Hayes's policy on race while Governor and President. Use of the presiden- tial veto power, thwarted once and successful once, is represented by refer- ence to the Bland-Allison Silver Act and a case study of Chinese immigra- tion policy. Much has been written about the clouded circumstances of the 1876-77 disputed election in which Hayes bested Tilden, but very little has appeared on the exciting circumstances of the Cincinnati National Repub- lican Convention which nominated Hayes after seven ballots. Finally, few Ohioans probably know of the key role played by Hayes in shaping the character and growth of The Ohio State University in its early days. These events are now recalled. An invitation to peruse the Hayes era through these pages and then to see and enjoy one of Ohio's fine historical research centers is cordially ex- tended to all. KENNETH E. DAVISON, Heidelberg College Guest Editor |