Princeton University will sponsor and
the Princeton Univer-
sity Press will publish a definitive
edition of the writings and
correspondence of Thomas Jefferson in
approximately fifty vol-
umes. This project is made possible
through a subvention of
by the New York Times Company as a
memorial to
Adolf S. Ochs. The editor is Julian P.
Boyd, Librarian of Prince-
ton University, who states that the
enterprise contemplates the
publication of all letters, memoranda,
account books, commonplace
books, legal opinions, addresses and
miscellaneous papers of Jef-
ferson, together with his public and
other writings, such as the
Notes on the State of Virginia, the garden book, etc. The edition
will also include listings, summaries,
or full printings of letters
to Jefferson. Mr. Boyd will be assisted
by a small staff.
An appeal is being made to archivists,
librarians, scholars,
collectors and dealers to cooperate with
the enterprise by notifying
the editor of the existence of isolated
documents--especially those
in private hands--to the end that the
edition may be as complete
as possible.
The undertaking is under the supervision
of an Advisory
Board consisting of: Douglas S. Freeman, chairman, Fiske
Kimball, vice chairman, Randolph G.
Adams, George A. Brakeley,
Solon J. Buck, Gilbert Chinard, Henry
Steele Commager, Harold
W. Dodds, Carter Glass, Archibald
MacLeish, Dumas Malone.
Bernard Mayo, Samuel Eliot Morison,
Charles Scribner, Datus
C. Smith, Jr., Howard W. Smith, Iphigene
Ochs Sulzberger, Carl
Van Doren, Lawrence C. Wroth, and
Breckinridge Long.
It is hoped that members of the Ohio
State Archaeological
and Historical Society and readers of
the Quarterly will send to
Mr. Boyd any information they may have
about archival or manu-
script collections containing Jefferson
documents or items of Jef-
ferson interest, particularly those
owned privately.