Ohio History Journal




Contributors to This Issue.

WELLINGTON G. FORDYCE, instructor in history at Euclid

Central High School, Cleveland, received his master's degree from

Ohio State University. This is his second article on immigrant

groups in Cleveland.

CLARENCE H. CRAMER, is a member of the history faculty of

Southern Illinois State Normal University.

JEANNETTE PADDOCK NICHOLS, of the Library of Congress,

and her husband, Professor Roy F. Nichols of the History De-

partment of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, are

preparing a biography of Senator John Sherman. They are in

great need of more information concerning him and his activities,

personal as well as political, and earnestly request all who have

letters and other material to make them known. Loans of such

material will be handled with care and promptly returned.

MURIEL KINNEY is the grand-daughter of John Carey and a

resident of Woodbury, Connecticut.

LEE NEWCOMER, a native of Bryan, Ohio, did graduate work

in history at Ohio State University and is now a candidate for a

Ph.D. degree at Columbia University. His article is part of a

larger study of the Wabash and Erie Canal.


Reprints of any paper published in the Ohio State Archaeolog-

ical and Historical QUARTERLY may be obtained by the contributor.

Estimate of the cost will be furnished on request, and the request

should be made to the editor before the issue containing the article

is to be published.


For a complete list of the publications of the Society, apply

to the Secretary.
