Ohio History Journal





To the Editor:

Marc Raphael has used his experience as an interviewer for the Columbus

Jewish History Project to write a short analysis of the opportunities and

difficulties surrounding oral history in an ethnic community (Autumn 1977).

Much of what Professor Raphael writes is solid and well-reasoned. In certain

technical areas, however, he stated as fact what is at best opinion or pre-

sented information which is less than accurate.

Raphael's most significant contribution is a thorough discussion of how a

good oral history program can overcome the problems inherent in any oral

history interview. He correctly warns the researcher that the veracity of aural

evidence, just like that of traditional historical sources, should never be

accepted without subjecting that evidence to the "normal critical canons of

historical research." Absolutely. He is also careful to point out that in any

oral history situation, the interviewer, as well as the respondent, is an active

participant, whose questions, attitudes, biases, and phraseology will in part

determine the success of the interview.

The key to a good interview is not so much an eloquent or glib respondent

as it is a well-prepared interviewer. Raphael relates how he structured his

sessions to include test questions to which he already knew the answers.

He also says, correctly again, that an interviewer can gain the confidence

of a respondent by starting an interview with the least sensitive matters.

Most importantly, he details his ingenious background research which mini-

mized the potential for pure reminiscence in any interview.

Unfortunately, this lively discourse is marred by several technical mis-

statements which should be corrected or at least amended. It is simply not

true, as Raphael writes, that "voices recorded on the finest tape at the

slowest speed (1-7/8) and then stored in a file drawer or cabinet will dis-

appear completely in a few years." Tape has not been around long enough

for us to know how long it will be before the recorded signal naturally

disappears, but a few years is well short of the mark. Moreover, it is mis-

leading to indicate that the speed at which the recording is made is the

paramount determinant of longevity. Improper temperature and humidity

will do great harm even to those tapes recorded at the fastest speed (7-1/2

ips). Anyway, many oral history programs now prefer to use cassettes

(rather than the Jewish Project's reel-to-reel method), mostly because of

cost and convenience, and all cassettes spin at an invariable, slow 1-7/8 ips.

Professor Raphael also argues that the problem of meandering or reticent

respondents can sometimes be solved by "turning off the recorder, chatting

informally," and trying to relax the respondent. Perhaps, but in many cases

the recorder itself is the source of the respondent's nervousness. Willa K.

Baum, a noted theorist and practitioner of oral history and author of Oral

History for the Local Historical Society (Nashville, 1975, 2nd ed. rev.), notes

that repeatedly switching the recorder on and off merely calls attention to the

machine. Better to turn the recorder on and leave it on, in the hope that it

will become unobtrusive. Then, too, keeping the recorder on avoids the chance

of receiving "off the record" information, a practice which, if repeated, can

rob the interview of both substance and flavor.

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The transcription of oral history interviews poses its own set of problems.

Raphael indicates that transcription is both time-consuming and expensive.

He argues that the cost of transcription should not interfere with an oral

history project since untranscribed tapes can be used by a researcher. This

is all true. But Raphael might have mentioned that there is an intermediate

answer to the dilemma posed by transcription and that is to index tapes. In

this relatively simple procedure, a tape is arbitrarily divided into segments of,

say, five minutes each or one hundred feet each, and a short descriptive of

each segment is written as a guide to the researcher. Indexing is a real help

to any user and a fine alternative to transcription.

Finally, Raphael asserts that "the goal of transcribing should be a faithful

reproduction of the oral record; any deviation from this record is an error."

He urges transcribers not to "improve" the record by inserting punctuation,

changing verbs to agree with their subjects, or omitting meaningless phrases.

How to edit a transcript properly is a subject of great debate among oral

historians, but Raphael here assumes a decidedly minority position. Willa

Baum, again, in Transcribing and Editing Oral History (Nashville, 1977)

argues that even those who view the tape itself as the primary record gen-

erally support the use of correct punctuation. Other oral historians edit much

more heavily for style and content. One consideration here is the arrange-

ment made with the respondent, who should know before taping begins how

and by whom any editing is to be done. Naturally, even the scrupulous editor

might some day be accused of distorting the record instead of clarifying it;

thus, the extent to which editing should be done is highly debatable. Never-

theless, a conscientious job of editing, within well-conceived standards, can

aid the researcher's effort to understand the tape rather than just see it re-

produced on paper. As Raphael notes, the tape itself should always be

available to help resolve any disputes.


The Ohio Historical Society                          Steven P. Gietschier