Addendum to the Minutes of Its Meeting
on April 18, 1953
The Ohio Academy of History at its
Spring meeting on April 18, 1953,
adopted the following resolutions, as
amended, which were proposed by its
Committee on the Teaching of History:
Whereas, the standards of instruction, especially in history, in
the public
schools of Ohio are a matter of concern
for the members of the Ohio
Academy of History, individually and as
a group, and
Whereas, the Academy has appointed a committee to study these
and the committee has studied them and
reported its findings and recom-
Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Ohio Academy of History that the
following statement of requirements of
college history courses represents the
minimum standards suggested and
recommended by the Academy of History
for teachers in the public schools of
1. For all college students preparing to
teach on the elementary level:
15 semester hours of history, including
6 hours of World Civilization or
European History, and 6 hours of
American History;
2. For all college students preparing to
teach courses other than history
on the secondary school level: 15
semester hours of history, including 6
hours of World Civilization or European
History, and 6 hours of American
3. For all college students preparing to
teach history courses on the
secondary school level: 27 semester
hours of history, including 6 hours of
World Civilization or European History,
6 hours of American History, and
15 hours of other history courses, 6
hours of which must be in advanced
or prerequisite courses;
Be It Further Resolved that the President of the Ohio Academy of History
is hereby authorized and instructed to
appoint a committee to present this
statement of suggested and recommended
standards to the State Department
of Education and to acquaint Ohio
colleges and universities and the Ohio
Education Association with the statement.