Francis Phelps Weisenburger, Ph D.,
University of
Michigan; since 1924 a member of the
History faculty
of the Ohio State University; now
assistant Drofessor
of history there.
Douglas C. McMurtrie is well known as a
grapher, his field covering the history
of early printing
in different states and cities. Mr.
McMurtrie's occupa-
tion in Chicago is the manufacturing of
ing machines and typeface matrices, but
his background
is that of a printer.
John Merrill Weed is assistant director
of the Engi-
neering Experiment Station of the Ohio
State Univers-
Eugene Van Cleef, Ph. D., Clark
University; since
1921 a member of the faculty of the
Ohio State Univers-
ity; now professor of geography there.
Reprints of any paper published in the
Ohio Archae-
ological and Historical Quarterly may
be obtained by
the contributor. Estimates of the cost
will be furnished
on request, and requests should be made
to the Editor
before the issue containing the article
is published.