Ohio History Journal






~~~~~A   ~PAGE

Abolition, Achilles Pugh publishes paper on ........................ 305

Scotch-Irish   sentiment  on .....................................                                                                                   297

"A Century of Statehood," Address, Nash.........................                                                                                 25

"Acolhuans, The," Review of .....................................                                                                                            104

Adams, John Q., Jeremy Bentham's works presented to Ohio by .... 365

On  W orthington,  Thomas .....................................  357

Addresses -

"A   Century  of  Statehood,"  Nash ..............................  25

"George Croghan," Williams ................................... 375

"Greatness  of  Ohio,"  W atson .................................                                                                                310

Kossuth before Ohio Legislature ...............................                                                                              114

Manly  at  Centennial  Celebration ...............................                                                                           1

McClintick at Centennial Celebration ..........................                                                                          6

"The  First          Constitution,"  Ryan ................................                                                                       11

Yaple, at            Centennial  Celebration  ...............................                                                                 3

'Adena," Worthington moves to ..................................                                                                                        348

Agriculture, Growth of in Ohio....................................                                                                                        27

Society of, in Scioto Valley..................................                                                                                      370

Allen, William, Scotch-Irish ancestry of ............................                                                                               305

"'American Indians," Leonard's lecture before Society on ............ 215

Americanists, Ft. Ancient visited by .........     ..................97, 190

Amherst, Sir Jeffrey, Gen. Gage succeeds .......................... 434

Sends Bouquet to relieve Ft. Pitt .............................. 433

"Ancient works at Marietta," MacLean     .    ................ ........ 37

Anti-Federalists, Position of, on Ohio's admission ..................                                                                    19

Archaeological Exhibit, Society's ..................................                                                                                     217

Archaeological History of Ohio," Criticism on .....................                                                                         214

Morehead's Review of (See Fowke) ............      ..............                                                                         326

Archaeology, Hopewell copper ornaments........................... 317

"Are the Hopewell copper objects Prehistoric?" Moorehead ........   317

Armstrong, Col. Wm., "The greatest living man," by ............... 105

Arnold, Benedict, Army of, in Cornwallis' Surrender   ...........                                                                       232

Tory leadership of...........................................                                                                                               231

Atwater, Caleb, Marietta earthworks surveyed by ...................                                                                      44

Mention of ..................................................                                                                                                     328



Banks, Taxing system of in 815. ................................... 360

B aptists,  first  in   O hio  ............................................  243



Index.                              447




Baughman, A. J., "The Divide" ..   ................................                                                                                          160

Baum    Village, Curator's  work  in ..................................                                                                                   215

Beatty, Gen. John, "The Acolhuans" by ............................                                                                                  104

Belpre, Earthworks at ............................................                                                                                                  62

Bentham, Jeremy, Works of, presented to Ohio.................... 365

Bibliography of Kentucky Revival .........        ........................ 282

Bibliography  of                Scotch-Irish .........     .............................                                                                     309

Bienville, Celoren            De, Expedition  of ...............................                                                                      410

"Bill of Rights," Ohio's.........................................                                                                                                   311

Changes made in ............................................                                                                                                21

Blast  furnaces,  Invention  of ......... ..............................                                                                                        307

Books -

"American Antiquities," Priest ................................   57

"American Philosophical Society," Marietta earthworks de-

scribed  by  ................................................  41

"Ancient Monuments in the Mississippi Valley"..............58, 306

"Archaeological History of Ohio," Review of ................... 324

"Biographical and Historical memories of the early settlers of

Ohio," Hildreth ..........................................                                                                                         46

"Butterfield Mss." presented to Society ........................                                                                           188

History of the Maumee Valley ................................ 122

"Journal of a Tour"........................................                                                                                                   42

"Life of Napoleon".      .............................                                                                                                      300

"Life of Washington" ........................................                                                                                            300

"Memoirs of American Arts and Sciences".....................                                                                          42

"Ohio and the Western Reserve," Mathews ..................... 101

Ohio Centennial, Souvenir, Volume of      .    ...................                                                                    189

"Pioneer history of the Ohio Valley," Hildreth ................                                                                    46

"Poets and poetry of the West". ...............................                                                                                  30

"The Acolhuans" ...........................................                                                                                                 104

"The greatest living man," Review of ......................... 105

"The Treaty of Greenville," Wilson ............................ 128

"W estern  Antiquities,"  Atwater ................................                                                                             44

Boone Daniel, visits Paint Creek Indians ..........................                                                                              176

Boston, Evacuation of ....................................... .......                                                                                             227

Bouquet, Col. Henry, Expedition of............................    430-435

Goes  to  relieve  Ft.  Pitt ........................................                                                                                    433

Portrait of ..............................................                                                                                                          432

Bowman, Capt. Cahokia campaign, in ..............................                                                                                  77

Expedition  of and  mention  of ...................................                                                                               322

Vincennes campaign, in .......................................                                                                                        87

Braddock, Gen. Commands at Ft. Duquesne ........................                                                                            411

Defeat  of  ................................ ...................                                                                                                     411

Bradstreet, Col. John, Expedition of, into Indian country............ 434

448 Ohio Arch

448          Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.




Brass, found in mounds ..........................................                                                                                                   57

British, Detroit  post  of ............................................                                                                                                83

Influence of, on Indians .......................................                                                                                           293

Loyalists  in  arm y   of ...........................................                                                                                         228

Policy of, in Revolution ........................................                                                                                        68

W yoming  M assacre,  in ........................................                                                                                       102

Brotherton, Alice Williams, Poem, "The Buckeye" ................ 180

Brown, Ethan Allen, elected Governor of Ohio ..................... 368

Elected  U. S. Senator  for  Ohio ................................  870

Brown Thos. J. "Kenton's Chillicothe" ............................ 322

"The Gateways to Fort Ancient".............................. 438

Butler's Rangers, Wyoming Massacre, in.........      .................. 102

"Buckeye, The," Poem, Brotherton ................................ 180

Burials at Baum Village ............       .......................                                                                                                  216

At  Gartner's  M ound .........................................                                                                                            216

Burnet, Jacob, Recollections of .....................................                                                                                          7

Burr, Aaron, Tiffin arrests........................................                                                                                                  15

Bushy  Run,  Battle  of ..............................................                                                                                                 433

Butterfield, Consul Wiltshire. "Clark's campaign," by.............. 188


Cahokia. Bowman's campaign to ..................................                                                                                          77

Fall        of    ........................................ .......                                                                                                         78

Map       of Bowman's  March  to ...................................                                                                                90

Mound        at....................................................                                                                                                  78

Campbell,       Alexander, Ancestry  of ..................................                                                                                 297

Camp Meetings in "Kentucky Revival" .............................                                                                                   246

Campbellites (See New Lights or Christians) .................... 277

Canada,  Invasion   of ...............................................  225

Refugees to and from ........................................ 219

Canal Navigation, Scheme for.....................................  350

Canals, Ohio asked to help build Erie .......................... 362-364

Worthington on ........................................        371

Capital of Ohio removed to Columbus .........       ..................... 360

Capitol Square, Improvement of ...................................                                                                                           361

Cary, Alice and Phoebe, Mention of................................                                                                                      30

Cass, Lewis, in Harrison's Army .................................. 388

Celoron, Fort Miami visited by .................................... 120

Centennial Celebration, Acceptation Speech at (Ohio's First Con-

stitution) ................................................                                                                                                 3

Distinguished  visitors  at ......................................                                                                                      5

Memorial Hall exercises at......................................                                                                                        5

Presentation  of  tablet at .......................................                                                                                        1

Ryan's address at .............................................                                                                                                 11

Centennial Commission, Ohio Day in Schools provided for, by ...... 186


Index.                             449




Centennial Syllabus. Society prepares for schools.................. 198

"Centennial tribute to Ohio," Poem, Hopley........................ 181

Centennial,  Ohio's  admission  ......................................                                    310

Central America, Mounds in ......................................                                        53

Chalcedony, Found in Hopewell Mounds .......................... 318

Chase,    Salmon  P., Ancestry  of .....................................                                307

Chiefs.    At  Greenville  Treaty......................................                                    130

Blue Jacket ...............................................                                                  169

Crane,  Speech   of ................................. ........  130-133

Leatherlips ........................................            30

Little     Turtle,  Speech                                                                              of ....................................  130-131

Chillicothe,   Agricultural   Society  at .................................                              370

Bar of, in 1840..............................................                                             10

Capital  of  O hio  ...........................................  311-345

Capital of N. W. Territory ....................................                                     2

Centennial of Ohio's first Constitution at .......................                            1

D istinguished   sons    of .........................................                                   4

H am ilton           County,                                                                           in ..........................................        342

Immigration   to  ................................................                                       14

Ladies of, present flag to Croghan ......................... 393-409

Laid out ........................................                                                             12

Ohio  Centennial  at  ...........................................                                       193

"Refugee Lands" attached to land office of ..................... 239

Scotch-Irish Governors buried at ............................. 305

Society makes appropriation for Centennial at ................. 200

Chillicothe Centennial. View of tablet unveiled at..................  24

Chillicothe. (The Indian "Chillicothe")

Frankfort at ................................................. 168

Kenton's ..................................................... 322

Little   M iam i,  on  ........................ .....................  168

Location of ........................................       167-323

M cDonald's    account  ..........................................                                    170

M cFarland's   idea   of ...........................................                                    172

Westfall, at ........................................      167-172

Xenia, near ........................................           173

"Chillicothes," Morgan-McFarland controversy on.................. 167

"Christian" Church (See New Lights)

Barton Stone's influence on..............................     277

Doctrinal  discussion   of ....................................  255-256

Growth of ...............................................                                                   260

M iam i  V alley,  in  ......... ....................... .......                                         263

Organization of ......................................  257-258-259

Present  extent    of,   in                                                                             Ohio ....................................         262

Shaker   inroads   on.............................................                                      261

450 Ohio Arch

450          Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.



Churches, "Christian" ............................................  254

Cumberland Presbyterian ......................................253

Cincinnati,  First  in ............................................                                                                                           298

Ohio, First in...............................................                                                                                                      243

Ohio  in  800oo .................................................                                                                                              243

Shakerism in the West .....................................                                                                                              263.

Unitarianism            ........................................                                                                                                  274

Universalism            ........................................                                                                                                  274

Cincinnati, First church  in ........................................                                                                                             298

Growth of ......................................                                                                                                                    26

View   of,  i80o   .................................................                                                                                             257

Circleville, Earthworks at .........................................                                                                                              37

Cities  (Ohio)  General  law   for .....................................                                                                                       26

Growth of ........................................                                                                                                                  25

Civil War, Gov. Dennison, on Ohio's place in.....................                                                                             315

O hio    m en  in  ..................................... ............                                                                                              315-

Clark,              Geo. Rogers,  Ancestry  of ...................................                                                                           292:

A rm y   of ...................................... .............                                                                                                       72-74

"Butterfield Mss." of campaign of.............................                                                                                    188

Confers     with         Patrick  Henry  ...................................                                                                         70

Floats       down       M ississippi  .......................................                                                                         86

Fort       Sackville     taken  by .......................................                                                                                91

Hamilton, Col. parleys with, at Vincennes  ....................                                                                         92

Indians treated with .................... ......................                                                                                            82

Kaskaskia campaign ........................................ ..                                                                                            74

M arch  to  V incennes ..........................................                                                                                          86

Miami Chillicothe attacked by ..................................                                                                                  174

Militia organized by........................................ 71-72

Portrait of ..................................................                                                                                                        67

Relative to Croghan ........................................                                                                                                382

Result       of      conquest  by .........................................                                                                                94

Sketch      of      ....................................................                                                                                              68

Suffering of army of ..........................................                                                                                                87

Vincennes         re-captured  by  .....................................                                                                               85

Vincennes         taken  by ...........................................                                                                                     80

Virginia Legislature compliments ..............................                                                                                93

Voyage down Ohio ............................................                                                                                             73

"Clark's Conquest of the Northwest," Randall .....................                                                                              67

Clark's  G rant  ...................................................                                                                                                         72

Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Annual Dinner of................                                                                         25

Cleveland, Growth of ............................    ...........                                                                                                     26

Clinton, DeWitt visits Ohio ....................................... 372

Cole, Frank T. "Thomas Worthington"...........................                                                                                       339

Colleges,  built  by  Scotch-Irish  .....................................                                                                                     299


Index.                                                        451


Colleges - Concluded.                                                                                         PAGE

Ohio's .....................................................                                                    312

Columbus, becomes State Capital..............................                                          , 360

G row th   of   ................................................... 26

"Refugee   Tract,"  in         .........................................                                219

Commerce, Ohio's  progress      in  ....................................                               312

Connecticut, Ohio  influenced   by....................................                                 101

Constitutional Convention, (First) of Ohio .    .    .................. 19

M eeting   of  .................................................. 347

Men in .......................................

Recommendations for new ....................................       2

Worthington tries to secure new ...............................37L

Constitution (First) Centennial of..................................                                      It

Adoption and influence of ....................................                                       11

Not submitted to people .......................................                                       19

Views  of  Jefferson  on ...................................... ..                                      21

Weak place in ...............................................                                              22

Constitutions submitted to the people ..............................                                  20

Constitutions not submitted to the people .........................                                 20

Copper,  A xes       of ..................................................                                     319

Designs     of   ornaments  of ......................................                               319

Found at Baum Village..............................                                                  216

Hopewell Mounds at........................................                                           318

Mound   Builders  utilize  .............................                                                57

Pre-Columbian origin of, in mounds ........................... 320

Prehistoric ...............................................                                                 317

Sheets  of,  found  in  mounds ...................................                                 319

Tools of ...........................................                                                           .53

Cornwallis, surrender of ............................      ........                                            232

Corwin, Thomas, Mention of..      .   .................................                               313

Courts, Gov. St. Clair appoints (See Judiciary)....................                                 2

Creighton, William, Jr.  Recollections of ..........................                                  7

Croghan George, Ancestry of .....................................                                        381

Army   life  of ................... ...............................                                          395

Army officers justify disobedience of    .    ...................... 405-408

Battle of Ft. Stephenson reported by........................... 391

Battle  of  Tippecanoe  in ................... ..................  385

Birth and childhood of .................................... 383-384

Captain in army .       .3................................... .                                          385

Character of .............................                                                                   384

Children of ........................393

Chillicothe ladies present flag to .  .............................. 409

College life of .........................................        384

Congratulations to .............................     ...393

8 Vol. XII-4.

452 Ohio Arch

452         Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


Croghan, George - Concluded.                                      PAGE

Congress presents medal to .........     ........................ 396

D eath   of  ......................................... ..........                                                                                                   396

First military duty of ........................................                                                                                            386

Ft.     M eigs,  at          ................................................                                                                                     386

Ft.     Stehpenson       strengthened  by ..................................387

Harrison orders to burn Ft. Stephenson..........................388

Harrison relieves, at Ft. Stephenson ........................... 388

Jackson's  anecdote  concerning .................................  395

Letter of, to Chillicothe ladies for flag ......................... 409

Letter of, to Harrison ..................................... 399-400

Marriage of ................................................. 394

M exican   W ar,  in  .............................................  396

Official report of Battle by ......................................404

Portrait of ..................................................  375

Promoted to Major ........................................... 387

Relative to George Rogers Clark .............................. 382

Sketch of ...................................................   375

View of monument to, at Fremont ............................. 398

Croghan, Col. Geo. Sir William Johnson's agent ...................  436

Cumberland Presbyterians, Growth of, in Miami Valley............. 254

Origin   of  ......................................... .........                                                                                                    253

Cumberland Road .......................................                                                                                                              353

Currency, Worthington recommends laws for...................    366-370

Curry, Otway D., "Hesperian" edited by ..........................                                                                                  30

Curry, Wm. L. "Wyandotte Chief, Leatherlips". ...................                                                                            30

Cuyler Lieut., sent to aid Detroit.................................. 424


Dalzell, Capt. Jas,, comes to rescue of Detroit...................... 426

Daughters of Revolution, Tablet at Chillicothe presented by .........  2

"Dayton Daughters of American Revolution," Randall .............. 329

W ork               of          .....................................................                                                                                330

Davis,  Jefferson,      Ancestry  of ......................................                                                                                    309

Dem ocracy,  K ossuth   on ...........................................                                                                                         114

Dennison, Gov. on Ohio's place in Civil War ..................... 315

De Beaujeau, Capt., Commands French at Braddock's defeat........ 411

Delawares, Signature of at Greenville Treaty ...................... 147

Detroit,, Aid comes in siege of.................................... 425

Bradstreet comes to relief of ..................................                                                                                     434

Lieut.  Cuyler  sent  to  aid  of ....................................                                                                                424

Plan for defense of, in Pontiac's siege ......................... 422

Pontiac's        plan     for        capture  of..................................                                                                  420

Pontiac           raises   siege   of ........................................                                                                           427

Siege of .................................................                                                                                                           422

Settlem ent  and   Fort  at ........................................                                                                                     417


Index.                              453




DeWitt S., Survey of Marietta earthworks by ......................                                                                               59

Divide, The  ...................................  ............. ...                                                                                                            160

Dudley,  Col. Regiment  of,  attacked ................................                                                                                    387

Dunmore's War ..................................................                                                                                                          68

Duquesne,  Ft., Building  of  .........................................                                                                                           411



Earthworks (See Mound Builders).

Atwater's survey of, at Marietta ..............................                                                                                     44

Belpre, at .................................................                                                                                                           62

Bishop Madison's opinion of ..................................                                                                                    44

Cahokia, at, ..........  ......................................                                                                                                      78

Central  America,      in ...................................  .....                                                                                          53

C ircleville,     at       ................................................                                                                                         37

Covered      way        at       M arietta ......................................                                                                       55

Destruction of, at Marietta ...............     ...............                                                                                         37

Earth required for ...........................................                                                                                                 57

First description of, at Marietta ...............................                                                                                    39

Frankfort, at .................................................                                                                                                      320

Gateways at Ft. Ancient ......................................                                                                                          437

Graded Way, investigated by MacLean ......................... 214

Hildreth's description of, at Marietta ..........................                                                                              46

Hopewell ............................................    .....                                                                                                      317

Marietta, at ..................................................                                                                                                      37

M arietta  Conical    M ound  ......................................                                                                                  49

M arietta, Sunmmary         of, at ................... .................                                                                                61

Mississippi Valley ............................................                                                                                             53

Parkersburg, at ........................................62

Plan             of, at,      M arietta  ..........................................                                                                            40

Pottery       found     in      ..............................................                                                                                 48

Priest's       description    of, at  M arietta .............................                                                                     57

Putnam's view of, at Marietta .................................                                                                                      45

Squier and Davis' description of, Marietta ......................                                                                        58

"The             Acolhuans,"  on ..........................................                                                                                104

Toledo         .......................................................125

Via  Sacra, view   of ............................................                                        56

Wells near .................         ......................   .                                                                                                     61

Ecuyer, Capt. Simeon, Commandant at Ft. Pitt ....................                                                                               432

Edison, Thomas   A.  Pamphlet on ..................................                                                                                      106

Editorialana -

Americanists  at  Ft.  Ancient .........    .........  .................                                                                              97

"Dayton Daughters of the American Revolution" .............                                                                     329

"Farrar's Ground Hog Speech" ................................331

"Homes of Ohio Governors"........................., .330

"Hon.  Charles  P.  Griffin"....................................  99

454 Ohio Arch

454         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Editorialana - Concluded.                                         PAGE

"Ohio and the Western Reserve" .............................. 101

"Ohio Day in the Public Schools," Randall...................   185

"Ohio Sons of the American Revolution"...................... 337

"The Acolhuans" .........................    ................. 104

"The Greatest Man an Ohioan"..............................      105

"The Heroes of Ft. Meigs"................................... 333

Education, Constitutional basis of, in Ohio, .................... 311-312

Scotch-Irish   interest  in  .......................................  298

Worthington's recommendation for system of .........362-364-366-369

English,           Character          of         colonies  of ..................................                                                           67

Claims    of,              in      New   W orld ....................................                                                                  410

Erie  Canal, Ohio    asked       to        help  build .............................362-364

Ewing, Thomas,       M ention             of ...........   ............................  299



Fallen  Timbers,  Battle  of .......... ..... ....................... ..  122

"Farrar's Ground Hog Speech," Editorial, Randall ............... 331

Federalists, Position of, on Ohio's admission .....................  19

Filson, John, Teacher-historian .................................. 298

Finley, Rev. J. B., Ministerial work of ........................... 301

Fitch, John, Steam engine model by in Museum ................... 218

Flags, Ohio ........................................           ..                                                                                                           29

Flint  Ridge,    Chalcedony  from  ....................................                                                                                     318

Indians            at               ...................................................                                                                             325

Fowke, on ........................................         ..                                                                                                     328

Forests, Scioto Valley, in ........................................                                                                                              12

Fort Ancient, "Acolhuans" at .................................. 105

Americanists  visit  ..........................................97, 191

Former appearance of ....................................... 438

Gateways  to  .................................................  438

Society cares for .................................      ..... 190

Fort Duquesne, Capture of ...................................... 414

Fort  Industry,          Erection  of ...................................... .                                                                                   126

Hopkins         makes   draught  of .................................                                                                             127

Location         of  ...............................................122, 126

Fort Le Boeuf, Indians capture, in Pontiac's Conspiracy ......... 430

Fort Ligonier, Indians attack, in Pontiac's Conspiracy. ............. 430

Fort Meigs, Appeal to make purchase of .......................... 333

Col. Miller at ............................................... 306

Condition of burial ground at ................................                                                                                   335

Government sells ............................................                                                                                              334

Heroes  of  ...................................................                                                                                                     333

Location of .................................................                                                                                                     333

Massacre of .................................................                                                                                                     334


Index.                                                       455


Fort Meigs - Concluded.           PAGE

Siege   of  ...................................................    386

Soldiers buried at ........................................                                                                                                  335

Worthington visits in disguise.................................                                                                                354

Fort  M iami, Capture          of.......................................121,                                                                                   429

Celoron   visits          ...............................................                                                                                       120

Surrender of ........................................          121

Fort Michillimackinac, Indians capture ........................... 428

Fort Niagara, Indians attack, in Pontiac's Conspiracy ............                                                                      431

Fort Pitt, Bouquet sent to  relieve .............. ..................                                                                                     433

Importance of ...............................................432

Indians attack, in Pontiac's Conspiracy ........................ 432

Indians at siege of ........................................  432

Fort Presque Isle, Indians capture in Pontiac's Conspiracy........430

Fort Sandusky, Destruction of .................................. 427

Fort Stanwix, Battle of .......................................... 225

Fort Stephenson, Anniversary of battle of ......................... 375

Battle        of       ..................................................  389

Croghan             defends  ..........................................380, 381

Croghan in charge of        ......................................  387

Croghan             reports     on  battle         of ...............................391, 404

Harrison  reports       battle  of                   ...................................  401

Result of battle of ........................................... 393

Scene  at  battle  of ....... .... ................... ... ....                                                                                                390

Fort Venango, Indians capture in Pontiac's Conspiracy ..........                                                                    430

Fort  W ayne,  Fort  M iami  at ......................................                                                                                         120

Forts, Industry ..................................................      126

M aumee             .....................................................                                                                                           120

Mentioned        in  Northwest  ....................................                                                                               123

M iami  .......................................................    120

"Forts Miami and Fort Industry," Slocum ........................                                                                                  120

Foster,  Stephen,  Songwriter  .....................................                                                                                          305

Fowke, Gerard, Age  of trees, on ..................................                                                                                        327

Dogm        atism          of,         in                                                                                                                    book ......................................       326

Flint          R idge,       on   ...............................................                                                                               328

M ention  of      ........................................ ........                                                                                               317

Moorehead's review of book of ...............................                                                                                  326

Opinion   on     M ound         Builders ...................................                                                                    324

Review     of       book        of ...........................................                                                                              324

Sarcasm    in      book        of ...........................................                                                                              325

W ork       in      building       mounds ....................................                                                                    327

"Fowke's Book Again," Review of, in Nation.........      ............. 324

Frankfort, Chillicothe at .........................................                                                                                                168

M ounds  at  ............................................ ....                                                                                                   320

Fremont (Ohio) Croghan monument at ...................3.....                                                                                     398

456 Ohio Arch

456         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.




French, Cahokia, at ..............................................   79

Claims of, at close of French and Indian War................ 414

Expected to aid Pontiac ....................................                                                                                          424

Fort Duquesne built by.......................................                                                                                         411

Kaskaskia, at .............................................                                                 76

La  Salle's  exploration  .......................................                                                                                        107

Mississippi Valley, in ........................................                                                                                         61

Settlements of, in Mississippi Valley ..........................                                                                            67

Vincennes, at .................................................                                                                                                 80

French and Indian War, First battle of ....................... 411

Principal events of ........................................... 413

Result  of  ........................................ ..........  414



Gage, Gen. Thomas, Braddock's defeat, in ........................ 412

Succeeds Amherst ...........................................                                                                                              434

Gates.  Horatio,  Braddock's  defeat,  in .............................                                                                                412

Gallagher, Wm. D., "Hesperian," edited by ........................                                                                               30

Gallatin Albert, Mention of ......................................                                                                                            288

"George Croghan," Williams .................................... 375

"General  Joseph  Kerr,"  Gilmore ..................................  164

Germans, Long Rifle introduced into Ohio, by .................... 309

Gettysburg, Scotch-Irish at battle of .............................  291

Gibault,  Father,  Jesuit  ...........................................77, 79

Giddings, Joshua R., Ancestry of ................................. 307

Gilmore, Wm., "General Joseph Kerr" ............................     164

Gilmore, Wm. J., trustee, mentioned ............................... 444

Girty, Simon, Mention of .......................................                                           294

Gist,  Christopher,  Expedition  of  ..................................                                                                                   410

Gladwyn, Major Henry, Commandant at Detroit..................420

Portrait  of  ..................................................                                                                                                    424

Governors of Ohio, Recollections of ..............................                                                                                    6

Graded Way in Pike County, Committee to investigate ............ 214

Grant, U. S., Ancestry of.........................................                                                                                                 309

"Greatest  living  man,"  Armstrong  ................................                                                                                    105.

"Greatness of Ohio," Watson .................................... 310

Greenville, Treaty of ............................................ 128

American Signature to .......................................    157

Boundary line fixed by ...................................... 138

Cessions  made  by  United  States .............................  139

Free passage to Americans allowed ........................... 140

Indian        dem ands at ............................................                                                                                      134

Indian        right         to     lands ..........................................                                                                        142

Indian        tribes        in     .................................... .......                                                                                  129

Land cessions of ............................................                                                                                                138


Index.                                                        457


Greenville - Concluded.                                           PAGE

M oney  paid  to  various  tribes ........ .......................                                                                               141

Prisoners exchanged at ......................................                                         129

Signing   of  .................................. ..... ......                                                 136

Signature of Indians ........................................                                            145

Trade rights     with      Indians ....................................                              143

Griffin,      Chas. P., Death    of .......................................                                   211

Portrait      and     sketch   of       .......................................                        99

Ground   Hog,    Farrar's       speech  on.................................                             331



Halstead, Murat, Ancestry of .....................................                                        306

Hamilton, Col. Henry, Commandant at Detroit.....................                            70

Parleys with Clark at Vincennes ..............................                                   92

Vincennes recaptured by ......................................                                       83

Harding, J. M. Poem, "The Centennial Ode".....................                                                                                 182

Harmar,  Gen.              Indian    expedition              of ................................                                                          174

M arietta           earthworks      described     by ..............................                                                          39

Harris, Dr. Thaddeus, Marietta earthworks described by ...........                                                                  42

Harrison, W . H., Aide  to  W ayne ..................................                                                                                    130

Correspondence with Croghan...............................388-400

Croghan's  letter  to  ............................................                                                                                         399

Ft. Meigs, at.............................................           386

General  of  the  Northwest .....................................                                                                                    386

Opinion of Marietta earthworks...............................                                                                                 61

Orders Croghan to burn Ft. Meigs .............................                                                                              388

Pays  tribute    to    Croghan ......................................                                                                                  392

Recollection           of     .............................................                                                                                         7

Report to War Dep't. Battle Ft. Stephenson ..................                                                                        401

Volunteers  called  for,  by......................................                                                                                      385

Hawkins, Sir John, Journey of, through America .................. 321

Hayes, R B., Residence of ......................................... 378

Heart, Capt. Jonathan, Death of ...................................  42

Marietta earthworks described by ................... ..........9-41

Henderson, Richard, Transylvania settled by .....................    69

Henry, Patrick, Clark commissioned by ...........................70-71

"Hesperian of the West," Publication of ..........................   30

Hildreth, S. P., Marietta earthworks described by ..................46-48

"Homes of Ohio Governors," Editorial, Randall ................... 330

Hopewell copper objects, Discussion of..........................    317

Hopewell Mounds, Altars of clay on ............................... 317

Antiquity of .............................    ...............      3 17

Copper found at .............................................  318

"Foreign material" found at ................................... 318

Hopkins, Col. O. J., Draught of Ft. Industry, by .................... 127

458 Ohio Arch

458         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.




Hopley, John, Poem, "Centennial Tribute to Ohio".................181

Hughes, Rev. Joseph, "fiddling" minister.........................                                     298

H ull,  Gen.  Surrender  of ..........................................                                          386

Hunter, W. H., "Butterfield Mss. presented to Society by............ 188


Illinois,  Clark's  capture  of ......................................  74-83


"Ancient works after De Witt," Marietta   .......   .............  59

"Ancient works after Whittlesly," Marietta ...................61, 63

Barton  W .Stone .............................................                                            278

Cincinnati       in         1802  ............................................                                                                               257

Col. Henry Bouquet ...................................                                                  432

Conical  M ound,  M arietta .......... .... .....................                                    65

Croghan, George ........................................                                                  375

Croghan Medal ........................................                                                    396

Croghan Monument ........................................                                             398

Fac Simile of invitations, Ohio Centennial ..................... 195

First church in Ohio.................................                                                     243

Fort      Sackville at    Vincennes ...................................                                88

George  Rogers    Clark ..........................................                                       67

Gladwyn, Henry ..............................................                                             424

Griffin, Charles P ....................................... .......                                          99

Leatherlips' Monument .......................................                                         30

M anly,  Robert  W  .............................................                                        2

Marietta Conical Mound ......................................                                        49

Marietta earthworks, Putnam   .................................                                   45

Marietta     truncated pyramid ....................................                                  51

M cClintick,W m.     T                                                                                 ...........................................         6

Meeting of Major Rogers and Pontiac ........................ 416

Mound in Mound Cemetery, Marietta ........................                                  38

Nash,  George  K  ................... .........................                                            25

"New" Malta-McConnelsville River Bridge ...................                               96

Ohio Flag, .................................................                                                   29

"Old Betsey" ..............................................                                                  394

"Old" Malta-McConnelsville River Bridge ....................                                95

Plan of Marietta earthworks .................................                                       40

P ontiac             .................................................. 410, 419

Ryan,   Daniel    J ............................       .  .......                                           11

Scene    at   Battle      Ft.  Stephenson ...............................                           390

Spiegel Grove ........................................                                                       378

Tablet unveiled at Chillicothe Centennial .....................                               24

Via Sacra, Marietta ........................................                                             56

Worthington, Eleanor ....................................... 352

Worthington, Thomas ....................................... 344


Index.                            459



'Impeachment, Cases in Ohio Judiciary ............................                                                                                   22

Indiana  Territory,  Organization  of...............................                                                                                     348

Indians, (See Pontiac) (See Chiefs) Aid British in Revolution....70, 224

Attack Bouquet at Bushy Run ............................... 433

Battle of Ft. Stephenson, in ................................. 402

Boone and Kenton attack, on Paint Creek .................... 177

Bouquet's treaty with ........................................ 435

British influence over .......................................                                                                                           293

Clark treats with in Northwest Campaign .....................                                                                         82

Expeditions against ......................................... 174

Fort Joseph attacked by ...................................... 427

Fort Michillimackinac captured by ........................... 428

Forts destroyed in Pontiac's conspiracy by .................... 427

Greenville treaty with ........................................ 128

Kenton captured by ......................................... 178

Language of ........................................                                                                                                            31

M assacre     of             M oravians .......................................                                                                        295

M ethod        ofburial of     .........................................                                                                                    320

Noted     fighters         of     ............................................                                                                                 294

Ohio's tribes of ..............................................31, 325

Oppose  English        possession  ..................................                                                                            417

Paint      Creek,  on    .............................................                                                                                        170

Pontiac  arouses         .............................................                                                                                        420

Pontiac's tribes of.........................................                                                                                                 415

Population of, in Northwest ................................. 414

Ross       County,  in  .............................................                                                                                        169

Side        with  French       ............................................                                                                                 413

Signature of, at Greenville Treaty...........................                                                                                   145

Simon Kenton kills ......................................... 176

Title to land in Northwest Ohio extinguished ................  364

Tribes of, in Braddock's defeat ............................... 412

Tribes of, in Pontiac's Confederacy ........................... 422

Withdraw from   Pontiac's Confederacy ........................ 425

Wyoming massacre by .......................................                                                                                          102

Industry, Fort ........................................                                                                                                                    120

Erection of ........................................                                                                                                               126

Internal improvements, agitated for ........................362, 366, 371

Building  of  National  Road .......................................                                                                                          349

Irish deserters in Revolution ....................................                                                                                            240



Jackson, Andrew, Croghan  anecdote  of............................                                                                                395

Jefferson, Thomas, Gov. Henry advised by ........................                                                                                72

Views of, on Ohio constitution ...............................                                                                                  21

460 Ohio Arch

460        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.



"Jerks" accompaniment of "Kentucky Revival" ...................                             248

Jesuits at Kaskaskia .............................................                                                                                                    76

Johnson, Andrew, Ohio men in impeachment of ...................                                                                            315

Johnson, Sir William, Appoints Indian Agent ..................... 380

Pontiac's  speech   to  ........................................   436

Jones, Rev. David, Ross County Indians ............................. 168

Scioto earthworks described by ..............................                                                                                  37

Judiciary (Ohio) ........................................           313

Impeachment cases in .......................................                                                                                             22

Legislature conflicts with ....................................                                                                                       22



Kaskaskia, Clark's Campaign of.................................                                                                                           74

Fall  of          .................. ..................................                                                                                                 76

History        of  ....................................... .........                                                                                                76

M ap              of      Clark's  march  to .....................................                                                                      90

Keifer, J Warren, President Joint Centennial Commission .......... 193

Kenton, Simon, Capture and escape of ............................                                                                                   178

Family of ...................................................   175

Indian          experience         of ..........................................                                                                           170

Indians         killed    by         ........................................                                                                                 176

Joins             Clark's                army            ........................................                                                             73

M cClung's          sketch       of .........................................                                                                            176

M ention     of      .................................. ..............31,294

Runs gauntlet .....................    .........  .........   323

"Kenton's Chillicothe," Brown ................................... 322

Kentucky, County of, organized ..................................                                                                                       70

Settlement of .....................   ...........................                                                                                                69

"Kentucky Revival" ............................................                                                                                                     242

Barking exercise in ........................................                                                                                               249

Bibliography of ........................................                                                                                                     282

"Christian Church" originates in ............................ 254

Contagion of ........................................         246

Cumberland Presbyterians originate in ....................... 253

Dancing exercise in ........................................                                                                                              249

Discord  and  disunion  in......................................                                                                                     251

Doctrinal status of ........................................                                                                                                251

"Girl Preacher" in ........................................                                                                                                  247

Good results from  ........................................                                                                                                 279

Impossible repetition   of    ............................ .......                                                                                     277

Influence               on               Unitarianism                                                                                                ......... ..........................                    274

Influence on Universalism  ................................... 274

Laughing exercise in ........................................                                                                                            249

Methodism   in .......................................    250


Index.                                                       461


"Kentucky Revival" - Concluded.                                                                       PAGE

"N ew   Lights"  .............................................250, 254

New Sects originated from    .................................. 253

Origin of .......................................              244

Personnel of ................................................ 250

Physical phenomena accompanying............................ 248

Presbyterians  in       ...........................................244, 247

Rankin's  Account     of    .........................................                                  279

Rolling    exercise             in                                                                              ...........................................     250

Running exercise in ......................................... 249

Shaker  church   in  ...........................................  263

Singing exercise in .......................................... 249

Trances in   .......................................                                                         248

Kenyon College, Founding of ...................................                                         299

Kerr,  Gen.  Joseph,  Sketch  of .....................................                                    164

Kilbourne, Col. James--

Old printing press presented to Society by ..................                                218

President "Sons of American Revolution" ....................                              338

Knabenshue, S. S., "Old Fort Industry" .........................                                      126

Kossuth, Ohio panegyrized by ...................................                                        119

"Kossuth before Ohio legislature" ...............................                                       114



La Fayette, Opinion of Ohio ...................................    311

New Orleans visited by ...................................... 373

Land Grants and Surveys, Map of, in Ohio ........................ 220

Land Office, Tiffin preserves documents in.........................  16

Worthington introduces bill for ............................... 353

Lands, British Gov't. gives to Loyalist refugees .................... 234

Gov't. gives to Loyalist refugees ............................... 234

Granted for schools..........................................                                           302

Refugee .............      .........................                                                          219

Survey and sale of, in Northwest Ohio ......................... 364

Survey  of, for     Refugees ................... ...................                                   236

W orthington      surveys  .........................................                                  343

Language, Wyandot ......................................                                                     31

La Salle, Explorations of, Parkman's idea of......................                                 112

Fort  M iam i      built  by ......................................  120,                            122

M aumee explorations      of ......................................                                 107

Mention of ......................................                                                          75

Mississippi    discovered   by  ....................................                                 109

Route      to  Ohio    River                                                                          ........................................              113

Scioto     Mounds      notmentioned  by .............................                         320

"La Salle," Slocum, Chas E ......................................                                          107

Law,  General,  for  Ohio  cities ............................. .........                                  26

462 Ohio Arch

462         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.




Leatherlips, Monument to ..................................  ......                                                                                           30

Trial  and  execution  of ........................................                                     30

Legislature (Ohio) Centennial Resolutions passed by.............. 191

Judiciary  conflicts  with ..................................... ..  22

Kossuth before ...................     ........................114

Kossuth resolutions by .......................................                                        116

Power  of  ........................ ...........................                                              21

Second Territorial ..........................................346

Leonard, Dr. J. A. Lecture before Society on "American Indians"...                    215

Letters,  Croghan  to  Harrison ...................................399,                                400

Harrison to Croghan.........................................                                          399

Holmes to Croghan relieving him of command ................. 400

Library, Worthington originates Ohio State ....................... 363

Life members of Society, list of ....................................                                     444

Lincoln, Abraham, on Ohio soldiers ...............................                                   314

Literature,  Scotch-Irish   in ........................................                                      305

Little Miami, Chillicothe on ......................................                                        168

Livingstone, Col. J., Canadian Loyalist ...........................                                   225

Croghan marries into family of.........     ..............                                       394

Livingstone, Robert R., "Refugee descendant"...................... 238

Lochry Expedition, mention of ....................................                                    288

Logan, Benj., attacks Shawnee towns .............................                                   174

Logstown,  Conference     at ..........................................                                    410

"Lost Ohio Senator           "..............................................165

Loyalists. (See Tories and Refugees).

British army, in .............................................. 228

British gov't. makes provision for ............................ 232

South  in  .....................................................                                              230

Lytle,  Gen. Mention  of .................... ........................                                      305



Mac Lean, J. P. "Ancient works at Marietta, Ohio"...............     37

"Graded Way" discussed by ................................... 214

"The Kentucky Revival and its influence on the Miami Valley".   242

Madison, Bishop James, opinions of earthworks ..................... 44

Magazines "American Pioneer" Marietta Conical Mound described

in  ........................................................                                               48

Pyramids at Marietta described in ...........................                                   52

"Columbia" describes Marietta earthworks.....................                             41

"The Hesperian of the West" .................................                                   30

Malignant fever, visits Scioto Valley ............................... 373

Malta "Old River Bridge" at ......................................                                        95

Manchester (Ohio) founded ......................................                                        12

"Mandamus Council" .....................................                                                    227

Mandamus Counsellors ........................................... 222


Index.                              463




M anly,  Robt. W .,  Portrait  of ........... ...........................                                  2

Presentation address by (Ohio Centennial) ....................                               1

Maps. Basin of Great Lakes .....................................                                            110

Bowman's March to Cahokia..................................                                       90

Clark's March to Kaskaskia and Vincennes ...................                                90

Detroit and vicinity in Pontiac's siege .......................... 423

Franquelin's,             of    1684 ..........................................                                                                             112

Franquelin's, of  1682, of     Ohio  Valley ..........................                          109

Joliet's,  of  Ohio    Valley    .......... . . ...................                                       111

"Land Grants and Surveys" in Ohio........................... 220

La Salle's ......     .............................107

Springfield Township, Richland Co ............................ 161

M arietta,  Ancient   W orks  at .......................................                                   37

Atwater  surveys     earthworks  at................................                                44

"Covered Way" at ........................................                                               55

Description  of  Conical  Mound  at .........    .....................                           48

Destruction of earthworks at..................................                                      38

Earthworks preserved           at                                                                      ......................................              37

Earthworks, summary          of, at  ...................................                           64

First description of Mounds at ................................                                     39

Great    truncated   pyramid   at ...................................                                51

Harris   describes    mounds    at ...................................                                42

Hildreth's description of earthworks at .........................                                46

Plan of earthworks at.......................................... 40

Priest's description of earthworks at ..........................                                  57

Squier and Davis' description of earthworks at.................                              58

V iew   of  Via  Sacra  at ................ .........................                                    56

Martzolff, C. L., Chairman of Corn. for Ohio Day in Schools...... 185

Index for Society's publications made by ....................... 188

Massie, Nathaniel comes to Ohio ..................................                                      12

Recollections of ..............................................                                            7

Tiffin's associate .............................................                                             18

Masonry. Worthington, a member ................................ 372

Mathews, Alfred, "Ohio and the Western Reserve" by..............                           101

Maumee, Fort Miami on.........       ................................                                      121

Forts  on  .............................................. .......                                              120

La Salle's Exploration along......... .........................                                      107

McArthur, Duncan, Descendant of................................                                       4

Harrison's army, in ..........................................                                            388

Recollections of ..............................................                                             7

Scotch-Irish Ancestry of .....................................                                        305

M cClelland,  Geo. B.  Ancestry  of  .................................                                   309

McClintick, Wm. T., Centennial Celebration Address by............                         6

Portrait of  ...................................................                                               6

464 Ohio Arch

464         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.




McClung, Sketch of Simon Kenton ,by ............................176

McConnellsville, "Old River Bridge," at ...........................                                  95

McDonald, John. Description Scioto Valley, by....................                              12

Sketches   by  ............................................... 169,                                      174

McFarland, Prof. Chillicothes of.................................                                        172

McGuffey, W. H., Mention of .....................................                                      299

McHenry, Jas., Sec. War. Ft. Industry not mentioned by .........                          123

Methodism in "Kentucky Revival" ............................... ..                                                                                   250

Mexican War, Croghan in.......................................                                                                                                396

M exico, Races    of .................................................                                          53

M iam i, Fort  ......................................................                                             120

Miami (Little) River, Ft. Miami on ...............................                                    121

Miami Valley, "Christian Church" in .............................. 263

Cumberland Presbyterians in .................................. 254

Geographical  extent  of  .......................................  242

"Kentucky Revival," influence on ............................. 242

Militia, Gov. Worthington's plans of ................  ...........357, 364

Gov. Worthington Major of.................................. 343

Gov. Worthington secures arms for Ohio ...........     ...........367

Mills, Worthington erects on Paint Creek .........................                                343

Mills, W. C., Baum Village explored by ...........................                                   215

Curator's report to Society, '02 ............................... 215

Fow ke's   book      on                                                                                 .............................................        327

M ississippi,    La          Salle                                                                              discovers ..................................... 109

Mohawks. Wyoming Valley raided by ............................ 224

Monroe, James, on War of 1812 ...................................   379

Visits Ohio ........................................372

Montgomery, Gen. Richard, invades Canada ........................ 225

Montour, Catharine, Wyoming Massacre .........            .......... 102

Monument, Leatherlips ...........................................                                          30

Moore, Clarence B., Archaeological work of........................                              317

Moorehead, Warren K.,

"Are the Hopewell copper ornaments Prehistoric?" .....    ..... 317

Fowke's book reviewed by....................................    326

Moore, Rev. Wm. E., Society vice-president, mentioned ............. 444

Moravians, Massacre of ...........................................  295

Morgan, J. B. F., "The Chillicothes" .............................. 167

Mound Builders, (See Earthworks)

Cahokia, at ..................................................                                               78

Circleville, at ................................................                                              37

Civilization of ...............................................                                             39

Fowke's opinion of .......................................... 324

Intelligence of ...........................................                                                 325

Marietta, at ..................................................                                              37

Misconceptions on ............................................ 324


Index.                                                        465


Mound Builders - Concluded.                       PAGE

Ornaments of ........................................57

S kulls   of  .................................................... 54

"The Acolhuans" ........................................                                                                                                     104

M ounds.           Conical       ................................................                                                                                      49

Earth        required      for  ........................................... 57

Gartner Mound investigated ...................................   216

Great  Conical,  M arietta      ...................................... 65

Hopewell .............       ...........................           317

M arietta,  Covered  W ay  ....................................... 55

Marietta, Summary of ........................................                                                                                             64

Mound Cemetery, Marietta, View of...........................                                                                               38

Priest's description of, at Marietta ...........................                                                                                 57

P yram id  .....................................................                                                                                                     52

Squier and Davis' description of, at Marietta .................                                                                       58

S ton e     ........................................................ 6 1

T em ple   ......................................................                                                                                                     52

"The Acolhuans" on..........................................                                                                                             104

Truncated   Pyram id  .........................................                                                                                           51

Work required in building ...................................327

Muskingum, Description of Valley of .............................     62



Nash, Geo. K., Address "A Century of Statehood". ................     25

P ortrait   o f  .................................................. 25

Proclamation of, for Centennial................................                                                                                  201

Nation, Fowke's book reviewed by .................................                                                                                   324

National Road, Worthington recommends .........         ................ 368

Navy, Popularity of, in War of 1812 .........      ..................... 379

Naylor, James Ball, "The old river bridge".........      ...............                                                                            95

Newark, Canal opened at ..........................................                                                                                             372

Earthworks at ............................................... 104

New England, Politics of, in Revolution ........................... 223

"New Lights," McNemar's history of .............................     250

Newspapers -

American Anthropologist .........      .............................  317

Chillicothe  News-Advertiser  ................................167, 208

Nation, The ................................................                                                                                                      324

Pennsylvania Gazette, Marietta earthworks described in.........                                                         41

Scioto Daily Gazette ........................................164, 208

Scotch-Irish                influence  on......................................                                                                       306

Toledo  Blade            ................................................                                                                                      126

Universalist               Periodicals  ......................................                                                                        275

Western Christian   Advocate. ................................. 330

New    York,  Loyalists      in ...........................................  228

466 Ohio Arch

466         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.




Northwest, Cahokia campaign in Clark's conquest of ...............                                                                   77

Clark's  conquest  of ..........................................              67

Result of Clark's conquest, on.................................                                    94

Vincennes  falls  in  conquest  of ................................. 79

Northwest Territory, Capital of, removed ...   ......................                                                                             2

Forts Miami, in .............................      ...........                   120

Plan  of  division  of .........................................343,      345



"Old Betsey," View of...................      .... ............                       394

"Old Fort Industry," Knabenshue, S. S. ..........................      126

"Ohio and the Western Reserve," Review of ....................... 101

Ohio,  Admission  of ......... .      ........................... 103,             310

Area  of  ..........................................                                     310

Bill of Rights, for ..............................     ........                   311

Centennial Ode to..................................                           182

Centennial  of  admission  of ....................................     310

Centennial Tribute to ........................................              181

Colleges  in  .........................................                              312

Commercial progress of.....................................               312'

Condition of, in 1800.........................................             242'

Conspicuous citizens from  ....................................        313-

Constitutional basis for freedom of press in .................... 311

Contest for admission of ......................................   18

Cosmopolitan people of ........................................ 104

Civil War record of .................................. 313, 314, 315

Enabling Act for admission of .................................     19

Factors of greatness ..........................................                315

First  capital  of ................... ...........................                   311

First church in ......................................                             243:

Geography of ...............................................                      310

"Greatness" of ................... ............................310

Growth of cities in ......................................                     26

Industrial development in....................................           27

Judiciary of ........................................                                  313

Kossuth on ........................................119

LaFayette's opinion of..........                                            .............. 311

Men and women of .........                                                   ................................. 27

National affairs, in............................................ 313

Native  Pennsylvanians  in.....................................        304

Noted sons of ......................................                               4

Part taken in Johnson impeachment ........................... 315

"Politics" in making it a state.........     .............              347

Presbyterian influence on......................................         296


Index.                                                      467


Ohio - Concluded.                                             PAGE

Scotch-Irish influence on. ...................  ...............                                      296

Secession of, impossible........................................                                      28

Slavery   in  ................................................... 28

State of society in 1800 .......................................  243

War record of ............................................... 313

Ohio Centennial, Account of ......................................205

Appropriations    by  Society  for .................................                              200

Commission appointed  for .........     ............................                              192

Commission thanks Secretary Randall ......................... 209

Date of .................................................                                                     193

Expenditures       for.........   ............................. ....                                     208

Fac  simile   of    invitations  for .................................194-195

Governor's proclamation for ...................................                                   201

Invitations  sent  out  for .......................................                                    202

Last meeting of Commission of ................................ 208

Legislative resolution for .....................................                                      191

Official  Program   for ..........................................                                     203

Proceedings of Joint Commission of.........................                                  192

Secretary's work in ...........................................                                          191

Speakers selected for .....................................                                             199

Souvenir Volume of .........................................                                          189

"Ohio  Centennial  Syllabus" ... ...................................                                      186

Ohio Company, Marietta earthworks preserved by ................                            37

"Ohio Day in the Public Schools," Editorial, Randall ............... 185

Ohio Flag, View of ........................................                                                    29

Ohio Governors, Homes of....................................                                            330

Ohio School Day, "Centennial Syllabus" prepared for ............. 198

Observance of .........................................190

Provisions made for, by Society.........................         196

Ohio Sons of American Revolution

Annual meeting of 1903.....................................                                        337

Editorial  on,  Randall ..........................................                                      337

Graves of Revolutionary soldiers marked by ...................                            337

Officers  of,  1903 .....         ........................ .....                                                                                               337

Ohio State University, Donates room and cases to Society.......... 217

Society   rem oves  to  ............................................                                    190

Ohio River, La Salle's Route to ..................................                                        113

Ohio University, Founding of    ................................ ..                                      299

Ohio Valley, Franquelin's Map of, I682 ............        ........                                                                                109

Parkman's idea of La Salle's explorations in ..............                                 112

Rival claims to ........................................                                                   411

Ordinance    of    1787.     Doctrines                                                                  in..................................                28

Ouiatenon,   Capture   of   Fort,    at....................................                              429

*9 Vol. XI1-4.

468 Ohio Arch

468         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.




Paris, Treaty of, Adjustment American claims by .................. 420

Parkersburgh, Earthworks at......................................     62

Parkman, La Salle's explorations discussed by ...................... 112

Parsons, Gen. Samuel H., Death of ................................                                    42

Marietta earthworks described by..............................                                  39

Patriotism  of Ohioans.......................        ...........                                             28

Penitentiary, Ohio. Building of..... .............................                                       361

Pennsylvania, Influence of, on Ohio ..............................                                   296

Noted  Scotch-Irish  from  ..................................... 292

Public men given to Ohio by ................................                                      303

Result of Pontiac's Conspiracy in .............................                                  431

Scotch-Irish come from, to Ohio .............................                                  293

Perry's Victory, Cannon balls for.............................                                           307

Piatt, John  J.  M ention  of ..........   ...................... ..                                        30

Pickering, Timothy, Ft. Industry not mentioned by................ 123

Pike County, "Graded Way," in................................... 214

Pioneers, Ohio ..................................................                                                25

Cosmopolitan character of....................................                                      316

Poems, "Centennial tribute to Ohio," Hopley .....................                               181

"The Buckeye," Brotherton ..................................                                     180

"The Centennial Ode," Harding ..............................182

"The Old River Bridge," Naylor .............................                                     95

Point Pleasant, Scotch-Irish in battle of ...........................                                 290

Pontiac, Birth of.................................................                                               415

Braddock's  defeat,  in.....................................                                             412

Bouquet's expedition against ..................................435

Capt. Campbell murdered by ...............................       422

Cause of Conspiracy of..........................418

Conference of, with Rogers ..................................415

Dalzell's forces attacked by ...........................  ........ 426

Death  and  burial  of  .......................................                                          437

Divulging of plot of.....................................                                               421

End  of  Conspiracy  of................... ....................                                       434

French expected to aid ...................................                                            424

Forces  of  .............................41...... .......... .421 , 425

Ft. Le Boeuf captured in Conspiracy of...................... 430

Ft. Ligonier attacked in Conspiracy of......................                                  430

Ft. Miami captured in Conspiracy of .........................                                 429

Ft. Niagara attacked in Conspiracy of .......................                                  431

Ft. Pitt attacked in Conspiracy of ............................                                  431

Ft. Presque' Isle captured in Conspiracy of ................... 429

Gage's plan in Conspiracy of ................................    434

General success of Conspiracy of.         ....................427, 430



Index.                                                         469


Pontiac - Concluded.                      PAGE

Headquarters                   of    ......................................... ...                                                                              420

Indians withdraw                  from  Conspiracy of ........................ 425

Last days of ................................................  437

Meets Rogers at Cuyahoga River ............................. 415

Method   of            arousing  Indians ......................... ........  420

Persistency           of  .................................................425

Plan of Conspiracy of ....................................... 419

Plan  of, for            capture  of  Detroit ................................  420

Portrait  of             ................................. ............. 410, 419

Remorse of ...........................................         435

Result of Conspiracy of ................................ .... 431

Siege  of  Detroit  raised  by ....................................  427

Speech of, to Sir William Johnson ............................ 436

W ar        speech  of  ...............................................                                                                                          420

"Pontiac's         Conspiracy,"  Randall ..................................                                                                                 410

Poor Houses, Erection of .....................................366,369

Poor Laws ................................... ....                  59

Pottawattamies withdraw from   Pontiac's Conspiracy .............. 425

Pottery  found  in  earthworks ......................................                                                                                         48

Prehistoric Men, Scioto Valley, in ...............................                                                                                        13

Prehistoric Works (See Mound Builders) -

Baum    Village     explorations ....................................                                                                                216

Circleville,  at      ...................................... .........                                                                                             37

Covered Way, Marietta ......................................                                                                                           55

H opewell  Group  ......................................... ...                                                                                             317

Marietta, at ........................     ...................                                                                                                        37

Marietta, Summary of .......................................                                                                                               64

Priest's  description  of, at  Marietta ............................                                                                              57

Squier and Davis' description of Marietta .....................                            58

"The Acolhuans" on ........................................                                                                                               104

Prentice, George D., Mention of ..................................                                                                                         30

Priest, Josiah, Marietta mounds described by ......................                                                                             57

Presbyterians, Doctrinal discussion of ............................. 254

First in Ohio                  ........................................... 243244

Influence  of,  on            Ohio........................................  296

Origin of the "Cumberland" .................................. 253

Press,  Freedom   of,  in  Ohio ..................... ................  311

Proctor, Gen., Ft. Meigs at ..................................334, 386

Ft.  Stephenson  attacked  by ...................................                                                                                   389

Hatred toward .............................................                                                                                                    393

Pugh, Achilles, Abolition  paper  of ................................                                                                                   305

Puritans, Influence of, on Ohio ...........................3.... 02, 305

470 Ohio Arch

470         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Q                                                                                       PAGE

Quebec,  Fall  of  .................................................                                              413

Montgomery's assault on ....................................                                                                                        226

Result of Battle of ............................................                                                                                              68


Races, Prehistoric  ................................................  54

Raisin, Battle of .................................................. 386.

Randall, E. O., Centennial Commission thanks ...................... 209

"Clark's Conquest of the Northwest".........................                                                                               67

Editorials; "Americanists at Ft. Ancient ...................                                                                           97

"Dayton Daughters of American Revolution"...... 329

"Farrar's Ground Hog Speech"................... 331

"Homes of Ohio Governors"........................                                                                330

"Hon. Charles P. Griffin".........................                                                                     99

"Notes," ......25, 67, 114, 116, 128, 164, 167, 324, 326, 375

"Ohio and the Western Reserve" .................                                                              101

"Ohio Day in the Public Schools" .................                                                          185

"Ohio Sons of American Revolution" .............. 337

"The Acolhuans"................................                                                                             104

"The Greatest Living Man"......................                                                                    105.

"The Heroes of Fort Meigs".....................                                                                     333

"Pontiac's Conspiracy" ........................................                                                                                        410'

Secretary of Joint Commission..............................                                                                                      193

W ork  of,  for  Centennial ......................................                                                                                      191

Randolph, John, Mention of .......................................                                                                                           288

Ray, Joseph, Mention of ...........................................                                                                                              299

Reed, T. Buchanan, Mention of ................................... 305

Refugee  Lands. Claims  for, filed ...................................                                                                                      239

Confiscated           ..................................................                                                                                          226

Survey  and           location  of ........................................                                                                              237

Refugees, (See Tories and Loyalists)

Congress passed Resolutions for .........3...............                                                                                   334

E xodus  of  ................................................225,                                                                                              226

Government makes provision for ............................... 233

Number of .................................................. 229

"Refugees to and from Canada and the Refugee Tract," Taylor...... 219

"Refugee Tract" Location of ...................................... 219

Religion, (See churches).

Constitutional  basis  for ......... .. ...................... .  311

Ohio in   800oo.........   .......................................... 243

Present status of, in Miami Valley ............................                                                                                277

Scotch-Irish disposition toward ................................                                                                               297

Revolution. Bounties offered to English deserters, in .............. 240

"Daughters of"    .............................................  329

Influence of Clark's conquest on................................ 94


Index.                             471



Revolutionary War. Croghan's ancestry in ........................ 382

Deserters in ........................................      ..                                                240

New    England  politics  in......................................                                    223

Refugees in ........................................                                                         219

Religious   feeling      .............................................                                     224

Soldiers     of, buried  in  Ohio ....................................                                 337

Tories in .....................................................                                               220

Whigs in ........................................          ..                                                221

Whig-Tory conflict in .........................................                                      223

lRichland  County,  Altitude  of ......................................                                   163

Ohio water-shed in............................      ............. 160

Rivers,  Navigation  of .................... .......................  3680

Worthington's plan for better navigation, of .....................360

Road  Building,  Funds  for .........................................  359

Roads, Worthington's recommendation for in Ohio................. 366

Rogers, Maj. Robt., Pontiac's conference with .....................                              415

Reaches  Cuyahoga  River ......................................                                    414

-Ross County, Establishment of....................................343

Ryan,  Daniel J.,    Portrait  of .......................................                                    11

"The  First     Constitution" .................. ....................                                11



Sandusky    River,  Source  of ........................................  161

Sanky, Rev., Influence of ......................................... 291

Sargent, Col. Winthrop, Marietta earthworks discussed by..........                        42

Schools, Ohio ....................................................                                                28

Ohio Day in .................................................                                              185

Scotch-Irish interest in ................................... 299

Worthington on ......................360, 362, 364, 366, 368, 369, 371

Scioto,  Age  of  M ounds  on .........................................                                   321

Chillicothe on ....................................                                                        173

Indians of ...................................   .                                                            170

Leatherlips  executed  on  ......................................                                    34

Mounds of ...................................    .                                                          320

Scioto  Valley,  Agricultural  Society  of ..............................                              370

McDonald's description of ....................................                                      12

Prehistoric   m an   in  ..................................... ......                                   13

Scotch-Irish settle in ........................................                                          293

Scott, Effie. Tablet at Centennial unveiled by.....................                               3

Scotch deserters in the Revolution ................................. 240

Scotch-Irish, Abolition sentiment among ........................... 297

Bibliography of .............................................. 309

Came to Ohio.................................................293

Commercial activity among ....................................307

472 Ohio Arch

472         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Scotch-Irish - Concluded.                                           PAGE

Education among ............................................. 298

Indian         fighters        among .........................................                                                                           294

Influence    of,       on      Ohio .........................................                                                                             296

Literature,  in                  ................................................                                                                                 305

Noted ones in Ohio ........................................292, 301

Noted military men of ........................................ 309

Noted     ministers          among ........................................                                                                            297

Ohio       governors        from  ..........................................                                                                             305

Point      Pleasant           ...............................................                                                                                  290

Pub;ic men among ....................     ..................... 303

Scientists  among  .............................................  302

Settle Ohio previous to Marietta     ...............................293

Versus Puritans .............................................. 296

Scouts, Wayne's ...............................................                                                                                                        130

Sells, Benj. Leatherlips' execution seen by.........................                                                                              33

Senators, First from  Ohio........................................311

Serpent Mound, Society's care for ................................190'

Shakers, Bibliography of ......................................282, 286

Converts    to        ............................................... 265,  2690

Elements    of        success  of ........................................ 271

Influence of .......................................272

"Kentucky  Revival,"  in ........................................ 263

Make inroads on "Christians"................................261

Persecution  of  ............................................... 268

Present Condition of.........       ...................                                                                                                  273

Send Missionaries to Ohio...................................                                                                                      263

Standing  of  leading  converts .................................. 267

Shawnees, Characteristics of .....................................                                                                                             320'

*M ethod                 of       burial  of...........................................                                                                     320

O rigin        of        .................................................... 32

Signature of, at Greenville Treaty .............................14&

"Sheridan's Ride" Author of .....................................                                                                                              306

"Sieur De La Salle," Slocum, Chas. E .........         ............                                                                                     107

Sigourney, Mrs. Mention of ................................30

Skraelings  .......................................................   104

Slaves,               Bequeathing  of  ..............................  .......... 383

Tiffin       frees        .................................................. 15

W orthington       frees  ........................................... 341

Slavery, Fear of provisions for, being changed .................... 371

Forbidden  in        O hio  .........................................  311

O hio,          in        ..................................................... 28

Pamphlet in defense of ......................................    292

Scotch-Irish  on  ............................... ..    ........ 297

Slocum, Dr. Chas. E., "Forts Miami and Fort Industry".........       120(


Index.                                                        473


Slocum, Dr. Chas. E.- Concluded.                                                                       PAGE

Historical research of ........................................ 126

"Sieur  De  La  Salle"  by ................... ..................                                      107

Society, "Americanists" entertained by............................                                   97

Appropriation to Chillicothe for Ohio Centennial ............. 200

Archaeological exhibit of ...............    ................217

Curators report to, for 902 ...................................                                                                                        215

Eighteenth annual meeting of .................................                                   187

Executive Committee's work for 1902-03...................... 187

Fort Ancient cared for by...................................   190

Library, of ....................................................218

Lecture, "American Indians" before. .......................    215

Museum of, removed ........................................ 217

New members of ............................................ 211

New trustees of, appointed by the Governor ................... 211

New trustees of, by ...........................................                                          213

Officers  for  1903 .............................................                                        215

Ohio School Day provided for, by ............................                                  185

Ohio  Day  under  auspices  of ................................191,196

Permanent building for ...................................... 189

Proceedings of, with Centennial Commission.................. 192

Publications  of  902  .........................................  188

Removes to Ohio State University grounds ................... 190

Secretary's work in ......................................... 191

Serpent  M ound  cared  for,  by ................................                                 190

St. Louis Exposition, part in, by .............................                                    210

Treasurer's Report of, for 1902-03 ............................ 212

Trustees' annual meeting, 1903 ............................... 214

Trustees  of     ......................................... .....                                             213:

W ork     of,    at                                                                                         Fort  Ancient  .............. ...................             437

Soldiers. Appeal to for purchase of Fort Meigs ................. 33

Graves of Revolutionary, marked in Ohio .................... 338

O hio  .............. ............. ........................ 313, 314

Revolutionary,  buried  in  Ohio ...............................                                  337

Sons of Revolution, Tablet at Chillicothe presented by............                              2

Spiegel Grove, Ft. Stephenson anniversary at..................... 375

View of ..........................................       ...                                                  378

Squier and Davis, "Ancient monuments of the Miss. Valley," by..                          58

Fowke   on  ..................................................                                              328

Marietta earthworks described by ..............................                                     58

Prehistoric altars described by ................................ 318

St.  Clair, Arthur,  Burial  place  of .................................  298

Charges preferred against ................................... 347

Court appointed by .........................................                                               2

Indian expedition of ........................................                                          174

474 Ohio Arch

474         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


St. Clair, Arthur - Concluded.              PAGE

Opposition to, as Governor ...................................                                                                                    345

Public Career of ...............................       ........                                                                                               16

Quarrel  of,  with  legislature .......................... .....                                                                                     18

Resolutions for monument to................................. 206

Sad end of ........................................                                                                                                                 330

Worthington protects ........................................                                                                                          346

St. Joseph, Indians attack fort at ...................................                                                                                        427

St. Louis Exposition, Ohio Commission for ......................                                                                              210

Society takes part in ........................................                                                                                             210

Statehouse,      Ohio's first ............... .................... .....                                                                                                1

Old,         Recollections  of ......... . ............................                                                                                        8

O ld,        Sale   of ..................................... ............                                                                                               10

Stebbins, Daniel, Marietta earthworks surveyed by...............                                                                        39

Stone,  Elder  Barton,  Portrait  of .................................                                                                                      278

Sketch of ........................................ 277

Stone Mounds .....................................61

Surveys, Northwest Ohio ........................................ 364



Tablet, Dedication of, at Chillicothe..............................                                                                                          2

Unveiling of .................................................                                                                                                       3

Taverns, Regulation of...........................................                                                                                                  369

Taylor, Edward L., "Refugees to and from Canada" ...............                                                                          219

Teachers, Prominent Scotch-Irish .................................                                                                                      299

Tecumseh, Ft. Meigs, at ........................................                                                                                                  334

Indians  stirred  by  ........................................                                                                                               385

Mention of ........................................                                                                                                              415

Temperance, Worthington, on ............................         367, 369

Terraces, Muskingum, of ..........................................                                                                                                   62

"The Centennial Ode," Harding ..................................                                                                                         182

"The       Divide,"  Baughman,               A. J ....................................                                                                      160

"The       First  Constitution,"                Ryan ....................................                                                                        11

"The Gateways to Ft. Ancient," Brown ...........................                                                                                   438

"The Heroes of Fort Meigs," Editorial, Randall...................                                                                             333

'The Kentucky Revival and its influence on Miami Valley," Mac-

Lean  ........................................................                                                                                                         242

"The Old River Bridge," Naylor ..................................                                                                                              95

"The towns called Chillicothe" Morgan ............................ 167

"The  Treaty  of  Greenville,"  W ilson ................................  128

Thomas, Dr. Cyrus, Shawnees discussed by ....................... 321

"Thomas            W                                      orthington,"  Cole .....................................                                         339

Thurman,          Allen  G.  M ention  of..................................                                                                               305

Tiffin, Edward, Associates of ...............    ..................                                                                                                18

Comes to Ohio..........       ..........................     .14, 342


Index.                                                      475


Tiffin, Edward - Concluded. PAGE

Contests for Ohio statehood ...................................                                       18

Descendant of ...............................................                                                 4

Public   career  of ...................................... ........                                            15

Recollections of ........................................                                                     6

Sketch of ....................................................                                                   14

Tippecanoe, Croghan  in  Battle  of ..................................                                38S

Toledo, Earthworks in........................................... 125

Ft.  Industry   in  ................................................  124

Tories, (See Loyalists and Refugees)

Cornwallis sends shipload to New York........................                               232

H anging   of  ..................................................                                           230

Number of ........................................ 229

Proclamation  of British, aided  by .............................  239

Revolution, in ............................................... 220

W yoming        M assacre,                                                                          in.......... .............................          102

Transylvania,     Settlement of ............................ ..........                                   69

Treaties, Fort Harmar..................................      ......                                          130

G reenville  ....................................................                                            128

Paris       .....  ...................................................                                          420

T rees,  A ge  of .......................................... ..........                                           327

Trent, Captain, sent  to       forks  of  Ohio ..............................                        411

Trimble, Allen,  M ention    of........................................                                   331

Trimble, Col. Wm. A. U. S. Senator from Ohio .................... 369

Tuttle, Mary McArthur, on St. Clair............................... 330


Universalism,                      U

Creed of            ..................................................                                        275

Periodicals  of  .............. ..........................                                                 ..275

Upper Sandusky,

Croghan  at  ...................................................  387



V allandingham,  C. L.  M ention   of.................................                                 302

Veto Power, Ohio's governor denied ..............................                                    20

Via Sacra, View of............................................                                                 56

Vincennes, Fall of  ................................................                                             79

Hamilton retakes .............................................                                          83

Citizens of, renew allegiance to England........................                              84

Clark re-captures .............................................                                           85

Ft.  Sackville  at  ...............................................                                         88

Map of Clark's March to .....................................                                       90


Im m igrate to  O hio  .............. ....................... ......                                   14

R oute     to O hio         ................................... ...........                               342

476 Ohio Arch

476         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Virginia Military Lands.                                                                                     PAGE

Boundary of ......................     .............. .                                                    349.

Settlem ent  of  ................................................. 341

"Virginia Party."

Form ation   of  .................................................  345

Wabash, La Salle's Explorations along ............................ 107

Wade, Ben, Scotch-Irish Ancestry of............................ 307

War, Ohio in ........................................                                                            313

O hio  privates  in...............................................                                        314

War of 1812-

Benefits of ........................................             379

Conduct     of  ......... .............   ......................... 377

Inactivity  of  first year ......................................... 380

M onroe    on        results                                                                           from  ....................................... 379

Opposition            to                                                                                  ................. .................3............. 77

Reason   for    .................................................. 377

Reverses of ........................................380

W oodrow    W ilson  on  ........................................ 380

Worthington opposes .......................................353, 35

Ward, J. Q. A., Scotch Irish Ancestry of .........................                                  307

Washington, (D. C.)    British burn ................................                                   1

Washington, George-

Braddock's  Defeat,  in ............... ........................ 412

Greenville Treaty signed by ..................................                                     159

Logstown Conference, at .........     .........................                                    410

Refuses to treat with forces of Arnold at Cornwallis' Surrender.. 232