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Index for Volume 111 |
“Abraham Lincoln, Man of Sorrow,” 24 Acid mine drainage, 48-49, 50 Adams administration, 123-124 Adams, John Quincy, 124, 125 Addams, Jane, 186, 187, 190, 191. Works by: “The Subjective Necessity of Social Settlements,” 187 Addison, Evert E., 53-54 African Americans, “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43 Agricultural Experiment Station, 53-54 passim Agriculture, “Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers’ Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s,” by Chad Montrie, 44-63 “Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers’ Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s,” by Chad Montrie, 44-63 Alexander, Roberta Sue, book rev., 92-93 Allison, John, 139, 142 Americanism, 128-129 American Abolitionists, by Stanley Harrold, rev., 92-93 American Civil War 1861-1865, The, by Reid Mitchell, bk. note, 95 American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era, by Anthony Rotundo, 147-149 American Midwest: Essays on Regional History, The, edited by Andrew R. L. Cayton and Susan E. Gray, rev., 202-204 American Monster: How the Nation’s First Prehistoric Creature Became a Symbol of National Identity, by Paul Semonin, rev., 67-69 American party, 128 Anderson, M. Christine and Nancy E. Bertaux, “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” 145-182 Andrew Jackson and His Indian Wars, by Robert V. Remini, rev., 209-211 Andrews, Richard H. L., Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves: A History of American Environmental Policy, 45-46 “An Ecological and Economic Study of Coal Stripped Land in Eastern Ohio,” by Charles Victor Riley, 49 An Explanation of the Map Which Delineates that Part of the Federal Lands Comprehended Between Pennsylvania East Line, the Rivers Ohio and Scioto, and Lake Erie, confirmed to the United States by Sundry Tribes of Indiana, in the Treaties of 1784 and 1786, and Now Ready for Settlement, 110-112, 113, 117-118 Annual Ohio Pastor’s Convention, 58-59 Appalachian Coalition, The, 63 Appalachian Ohio Research and Information Group, 62 Architects of Our Fortunes: The Journal of Eliza A. W. Otis, 1860-1863, with Letters and Civil War Journals of Harrison Gray Otis, edited by Ann Gorman Condon, rev. 70-71 Armstrong, John, 42 Ashtabula Sentinel, 134, 139 As Time Goes By: A Pictorial Journal of Athens, Ohio, by Marjorie S. Stone, bk. note, 95 Austin, Allan W., book rev., 224-225 Ayers, Chuck and Russ Musarra, editors, Celebrating Akron’s History in Picture Postcards, bk. note, 95
“Baker & Witt vs. Davis in Ethnic Wars, 1913-1915.” Table, 21 Baker, Newton D., “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24. Illustration, cover Winter-Spring issue Baldwin, Neil, Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate, rev., 204-206 Baranowski, Shelley, book rev., 91-92 Barbour, James, 125 Barlow, Joel, 109 Barnes, John, 37 Barnhart, Terry A., book rev., 202-204 Baron, Ava, editor, Work Engendered: Toward a New History of American Labor, 150 Bartley, Abel A., book rev., 217-219 Bath, Edwin J., 52-54, 55 Baugess, James S., book rev., 214-215 Be a Man: Males in Modern Society, by Peter N. Stearns, 147-149 Belknap, Jeremy, 101 Bell, James, 42 Belmont County (Ohio), 62 Bemis, Edward W., 10 Bender, Robert Patrick, book rev., 222-224 Benton, Thomas Hart, 127 Bergeron, Paul, editor, The Papers of Andrew Johnson, Vol. 16: 1869-July 1875, rev., 76-77 Bertaux, Nancy E. and M. Christine Anderson, “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” 145-182 Bicentennial scholarship, 101-120 passim Bindas, Kenneth J., book rev., 221-222 Blaha, George, 37 Blight, David W., Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, rev., 211-212 Blue, Fred, 121 Bogue, Margaret Beattie, Fishing the Great Lakes: An Environmental History, 1783-1933, rev., 71-72 Bohn, Ernest, 33 Boonville, Indiana, 44 Botany, 104-105 Bowen, Wayne H., Spaniards and Nazi German: Collaboration in the New Order, rev., 91-92 Bower, H. L., 50, 57-58 Bowery, Charles, book rev., 212-214 Boydston, Jeanne, Home and Work: Housework, Wages, and the Ideology of Labor in the Early Republic, 150-151 Brace, Charles Loring, 166 Bradford, [Dr.], 176 Bremner, Robert H., book rev., 227-228 Briggs, Paul, 36 Brooks, Preston, 139 Brown, Ethan, 123 Browning, Orville Hickman, 128-129, 143 Brown, Virgil, 42 “Bucklin” system. See Preferential Balloting Burnet, Jacob, 167 Burnet, Mrs. Jacob (Rebecca Burnet), 167 Burnet, Rebecca (Mrs. Jacob Burnet), 167 Burton, David H. and A. E. Campbell, editors, The Collected Works of William Howard Taft, Vol. 1: Four Aspects of Civic Duty and Present Day Problems, rev., 89-90; editor, The Collected Works of William Howard Taft. Volume II: Political Issues and Outlooks: Speeches Delivered Between August 1908 and February 1909, rev., 216-217 Butler, Fred, 34 By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans, by Greg Robinson, rev., 224-225 Byrne, Frank L., “Frank L. Byrne: A Gifted Civil War Historian (In Memoriam),” by Leonne M. Hudson, 198-199. Works by: book rev., 74-75
Cadiz (Ohio), 48-63 passim Cadiz Republican, 52, 55, 60 Cain, Carrie, 42 Calhoun, John C. , 122n.4, 123 Cameron, Simon, 130n.38 Campaigns and campaign promises, 7-24 passim Campbell, A. E. and David H. Burton, editors, The Collected Works of William Howard Taft, Vol. 1: Four Aspects of Civic Duty and Present Day Problems, rev., 89-90 Campbell, Lewis D., 127 Campus Martius, 113 Cantor, Milton, “Social Lodges and Fraternal Organizations and the Maintenance of Urban Community,” 150-151 Capers, Jean Murrell, 37-38, 40-41 Carey, Archibald, 118 Carnes, Mark C. and Clyde Griffen, editors, Meanings for Manhood: Constructions of Masculinity in Victorian America, 147-149 Carney, Thomas E., “The Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency,” 121-144 Carr, Charlie, 30-31, 41-42 Car Rider’s Car, The (Cleveland, Ohio), 11 Carter, George E., editor, The Story of Joshua D. Brefogle, Private, 4th Ohio Infantry (10th Ohio Cavalry) and the Civil War, rev., 222-224 Case Studies, “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182 Castel, Albert, Tom Taylor’s Civil War, rev., 74-75 Catholic Sisters of Charity, 165, 169n.40 Catholic Telegraph, 168 Cave, Alfred A., book rev., 209-211 Cayton, Andrew R. L., 107-108. Works by: and Susan E. Gray, editors, The American Midwest: Essays on Regional History, rev., 202-204 Celebrating Akron’s History in Picture Postcards, edited by Chuck Ayers and Russ Musarra, bk. note, 95 Central States Forest Experiment Station, 50 Century of Pirates: Stories, Photographs and Records of Bluffton High School Championship Athletic Teams and Players of the 20th Century, A, compiled by Fred Steiner, bk. note, 95 Charity and Charitable Organizations, “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182 Chase, Salmon P., 127, 139, 143 Cheves, Langdon, 122n.4 “Children Returned to Parents After Admission to COA.” Graph, 157 “Children Returned to Their Parents after Admission the Cincinnati Orphan Asylum.” Table, 152 Childs, William R., book rev., 81-82 Cimperman, John, 37 Cincinnati Children’s Home, 166, 169-170 Cincinnati Convalescent Hospital for Children. See Cincinnati Orphan Asylum Cincinnati Enquirer, 182 Cincinnati Gazette, 143 Cincinnati (Ohio), “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182 Cincinnati Orphan Asylum (COA), “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182. Illustration, 167 Citizens Organized to Defend the Environment (CODE), 62-63 “Citizens Rally for Lee-Seville Housing,” 42 City Council (Cleveland, Ohio), “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43 “City Council Take A Dangerous Road,” Call and Post, 33 City Hospital (Cleveland, Ohio), 23 City manager government, 22 City Planning Commission (Cleveland, Ohio), 36-37 Civil War, 145-182 passim “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43 Class warfare, “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43 Clay, Henry, 122n.4, 125-126 Clayton, John M., 133 Cleveland Call and Post, 33 Cleveland Citizen, 16 Cleveland City Council, 23 Cleveland Federation of Labor, 16 Cleveland, Grover, 9 Cleveland Leader, 18 “Cleveland Mayoral Election Results, 2 November 1915.” Table, 19 Cleveland Molders Union Local 218, 8 Cleveland News, 18 Cleveland (Ohio), “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24; “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43 Cleveland Plain Dealer, 18, 41 Cleveland Press, 17-18, 23, 24 CMHA. See Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority Coal Age, 47 Coal, “Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers’ Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s,” by Chad Montrie, 44-63 COA. See Cincinnati Orphan Asylum Cochran, Frances (Mrs. Lawrence MacDaniels), “From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels,” by Douglas Slaybaugh, 183-197 Cochran, Helen Finney, 184 Cochran, Mary, 186-187 Cochran, Mrs. Will (Rachel Cochran), 191 Cochran, Mrs. William (Rosa Dale Allen Cochran), 184, 186 Cochran, Rachel (Mrs. Will Cochran), 191 Cochran, Rosa Dale Allen (Mrs. William), 184, 186 Cochran, Will, 191 Cochran, William, 184, 186, 190 CODE. See Citizens Organized to Defend the Environment Cohen, Sheldon S., book rev., 82-83 Collected Works of William Howard Taft, The, Vol. 1: Four Aspects of Civic Duty and Present Day Problems, edited by David H. Burton and A. E. Campbell, rev., 89-90; Volume II: Political Issues and Outlooks: Speeches Delivered Between August 1908 and February 1909, edited by David H. Burton, rev., 216-217 College Football: History, Spectacle, Controversy, by John Sayle Watterson, rev., 72-74 Columbiana County (Ohio), 47-63 passim Commager, Henry Steele, The Empire of Reason: How Europe Imagined and America Realized the Enlightenment, 105-106 Common Lands, Common People: The Origins of Conservation in New England, by Richard Judd, 45-46 Common Law, 123 Community Fighters for Large Families, 35-36 Condon, Ann Gorman, editor, Architects of Our Fortunes: The Journal of Eliza A. W. Otis, 1860-1863, with Letters and Civil War Journals of Harrison Gray Otis, rev. 70-71 Confederation Congress (New York), 103-104 Confronting the Veil: Abram Harris, Jr., E. Franklin Frazier, and Ralph Bunche, 1919-1941, by Jonathan Scott Holloway, rev., 217-219 Conservation Committee (Ohio State Grange), 56-57, 60 Constitutional law, 121-144 Constitution, U.S., 101-120 passim Consumers in the Country: Technology and Social Change in Rural America, by Ronald R. Kline, rev., 79-80 Cooney, Terry A., book rev., 204-206 Coontz, Stephanie, The Social Origins of Private Life: A History of American Families, 150-151 Corwin, Thomas, 127 Couzens, James, 7 Craig, C. A., 51-52 Cutler, Jervis, 111 Cutler, Manasseh, “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120. Illustration, 103 Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA), 25-43
Dane, Nathan, 106 Daugherty, William F., 51 Davies, Clarissa (Mrs. Samuel Davies), 167 Davies, Mrs. Samuel (Clarissa Davies), 167 Davis, Harry L., 7-24 Davis, Samuel, 167 Dawson, [Mrs.], 191 Dawson, Virginia P., Lincoln Electric: A History, rev., 85-86 Dearborn Independent, 11 “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24 DeMatteo, Arthur E., “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” 7-24 Democratic Party, The, “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24 Demographics, 106-107 Describing Early America: Bartram, Jefferson, Crevecoeur, and the Rhetoric of Natural History, by Pamela Regis, 105 Diaries and diarists, 101-120 passim Dickens, Samuel, 124 DiClerico, Robert, 121 Difficult Reputations: Collective Memories of the Evil, Inept, and Controversial, by Gary Alan Fine, rev., 75-76 Dirck, Brian R., book rev., 208-209 Divided We Stand: American Workers and the Struggle for Black Equality, by Bruce Nelson, rev., 80-81 Division of Lands and Soils (ODNR), 60-61 Down and Out, On the Road: The Homeless in American History, by Kenneth L. Kusmer, rev., 227-228 Dred Scott case, 121, 134, 135n.61 Duer, William, 104, 109 Dulberger, Judith, “Mother Donit for the Best”: Correspondence of a Nineteenth-Century Orphan Asylum, 153 Dust Bowl: The Southern Plains in the 1930s, by Donald Worster, 45-46
Eckes, Alfred E., book rev., 88-89 Economics, 145-182 passim Educational Architecture in Ohio—From One-Room Schools and Carnegie Libraries to Community Education Villages, by Virginia E. McCormick, rev., 77-78 Edwards, Rebecca (Mrs. John McLean), 122 Elections, “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24; “The Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency,” by Thomas E. Carney, 121-144 Elusive Empires: Constructing Colonialism in the Ohio Valley, 1673-1800, by Erick Hinderaker, 107-108 Empire of Reason: How Europe Imagined and America Realized the Enlightenment, The, by Henry Steele Commager, 105-106 Environmental Center of Union College (Middleboro, Kentucky), 63 Environmental History, “Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers’ Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s,” by Chad Montrie, 44-63 “Era of Good Feelings,” 124 Erieview Project (Cleveland, Ohio), 27-28 Eubank, Damon R., book rev., 225-227 Evans, Herbert, 59 Ewing, Thomas, 143
Families and Family Life, “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182 Farms and Farming, “Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers’ Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s,” by Chad Montrie, 44-63 Fatherhood in America: A History, by Robert L. Griswold, 147-149 “Fatherhood in the Confederacy: Southern Soldiers and Their Children,” by James Marten, 151, 153 “Fathers’ and Mothers’ Direct Involvement in Reunion.” Graph, 154 Federal District Court, 40 Federalist, 16 Federalist party, 121-144 Federated Women’s Clubs of Ohio, 56 Female Auxiliary Bible Society (Cincinnati, Ohio), 164-165 Fichter, Joseph, 59-60 Field Guide to Projectile Points of the Midwest, by Noel D. Justice and Suzanne K. Kudlaty, bk. note, 94 Filene, Peter, Him/Her/Self: Sex Roles in Modern America, 185-186, 197 Fillmore, Millard, 130n.38 Fine, Gary Alan, Difficult Reputations: Collective Memories of the Evil, Inept, and Controversial, rev., 75-76 Finney, Charles Grandison, 184 Fishing the Great Lakes: An Environmental History, 1783-1933, by Margaret Beattie Bogue, rev., 71-72 Fletcher, Stephen J. and Sharon L. Smith, Life in a Three-Ring Circus: Posters and Interviews, bk. note, 95 Foote, Henry S., 133-134 Forbes, George, 42 Ford, Henry, 11 Forest City Investment Company, 17 Fort Harmar, 110, 116 “Frank L. Byrne: A Gifted Civil War Historian (In Memoriam),” by Leonne M. Hudson, 198-199 Franklin, Peter B. and William B. Saxbe, I’ve Seen the Elephant: An Autobiography, rev., 88-89 Frank, Stephen M., Life with Father: Parenthood and Masculinity in the Nineteenth-Century North, 147-148 Frash, Gilbert H., 51-52 Free Soil Movement, 121-144 Frémont, John C., 139-144 Friedman, James, 28 “From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels,” by Douglas Slaybaugh, 183-197 Fugitive Slave Laws, 135n.62, 137, 144
Garden Valley Project (Cleveland, Ohio), 27 Gender Studies, “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182 George, Henry, 9-10, 11, 14 German immigrants, 145-182 passim German Protestant Orphan Asylum (Cincinnati, Ohio), 158n.18, 161n.22, 165-166 German-American Alliance, 17-18, 21 Gettysburg—The First Day, by Harry W. Pfanz, rev., 86-87 Gibson, Charles Dana, 185 “Gibson Girls,” 185-186 Giddings, Joshua, 127, 134-135 Gienapp, William, Origins of the Republican Party, 142-143 Gilliam, Warren, 42 Gillis, John R., Youth and History: Tradition and Change in European Age Relations, 1770-Present, 147-149 Gilmer v. Gorham, 136 Goldfield, David, Still Fighting the Civil War: The American South and Southern History, rev., 208-209 Goodyear Story: An Inventor’s Obsession and the Struggle for a Rubber Monopoly, The, by Richard Korman, rev., 206-207 Gordon, J. A., 51-55 Gordon, Linda, Heroes of Their Own Lives: The Politics and History of Family Violence, 153n.16 Gorn, Elliot J., Mother Jones: The Most Dangerous Woman in America, rev., 84-85 Graham, Herman, III, book rev., 87-88 Grano, John Stiles, 122 Gray, Susan E. and Andrew R. L. Cayton, editors, The American Midwest: Essays on Regional History, rev., 202-204 Greeley, Horace, 132, 134 Green, (Judge) Ben C., 40 Green, Richard, 30-31 Griffen, Clyde and Mark C. Carnes, editors, Meanings for Manhood: Constructions of Masculinity in Victorian America, 147-149 Griffon, [Mr.], 50, 57-58 Griswold, Robert L., Fatherhood in America: A History, 147-149 Guilford, Sherie, 34
Hackemer, Kurt, book rev., 76-77 Hamilton, Massachusetts, 101, 104-106, 111, 120 Hanna Coal Company, 60, 62-63. Illustrations, 62 Hanna, Marcus, 11 Harding, Warren G., 22 Hareven, Tamara, “The History of the Family and the Complexity of Social Change,” 147-149 Harmar, Josiah, 117 Harmer, Harry, The Longman Companion to Slavery, Emancipation, and Civil Rights, bk. note, 95 Harmody, Richard, 37 Harrison Country (Ohio), 47-63 passim Harrold, Stanley, American Abolitionists, rev., 92-93 Hayes, Max S., 16 Headquarters in the Brush: Blazer’s Independent Union Scouts, by Darl L. Stephenson, rev., 225-227 Heaphy, Leslie, book rev., 72-74 Henni, John Martin, 165 Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate, by Neil Baldwin, rev., 204-206 Herbert, [Governor Thomas J.], 53, 54, 57 Heroes of Their Own Lives: The Politics and History of Family Violence, by Linda Gordon, 153n.16 Hill, Baxter, 35 Him/Her/Self: Sex Roles in Modern America, by Peter Filene, 185-186, 197 Hinderaker, Erick, Elusive Empires: Constructing Colonialism in the Ohio Valley, 1673-1800, 107-108 Hirsch, Susan E., Roots of the American Working Class: The Industrialization of Crafts in Newark, 1800-1860, 149n.7 “History of the Family and the Complexity of Social Change, The,” by Tamara Hareven, 147-149 Hixson, Walter L., Murder, Culture, and Injustice: Four Sensational Cases in American History, rev., 221-222 Holloway, Jonathan Scott, Confronting the Veil: Abram Harris, Jr., E. Franklin Frazier, and Ralph Bunche, 1919-1941, rev., 217-219 Home and Work: Housework, Wages, and the Ideology of Labor in the Early Republic, by Jeanne Boydston, 150-151 Home for the Friendless (Cincinnati, Ohio), 176 Hornblower, Joseph C., 139, 143 House Bill 314 (Ohio House of Representatives), 54-55, 57 Householder, [Mrs. C. E.], 59 House of Refuge (Cincinnati, Ohio), 161n.22, 168, 169-170, 178, 188-189, 190, 195 Howe, Frederic C., 10 Howells, W. C., 134-135 Hudson, Leonne M., “Frank L. Byrne: A Gifted Civil War Historian (In Memoriam),” 198-199 Hull House Settlement (Cleveland, Ohio), 186, 187 Hunt, Harry T., 7 Hutchins, Thomas, An Historical Narrative and Topographical Description of Louisiana and East Florida, 103, 109-110, 111-112 Hyslop, James, 60
Illuminating Company (Cleveland, Ohio), 14 Images of the Ohio Valley: A Historical Geography of Travel, 1740 to 1860, by John A. Jekle, 109, 116 Immigrants, 145-182 passim In Memoriam, “Frank L. Byrne: A Gifted Civil War Historian,” by Leonne M. Hudson, 198-199 Indians, 113, 117, 118 Infirmary (Cincinnati, Ohio), 161n.22 Integration, “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43 In the Shadow of the Mills: Working-Class Families in Pittsburg, 1870-1907, by S.J. Kleinberg, 171-173 Ipswich (Massachusetts). See Hamilton, Massachusetts Irish immigrants, 145-182 passim I’ve Seen the Elephant: An Autobiography, by William B. Saxbe with Peter D. Franklin, rev., 88-89
Jackson, Andrew, 121, 125-126 Jackson, Clinton, 53 Jacoby, Karl, book rev., 71-72 Jefferson County (Ohio), 47 Jekle, John A., Images of the Ohio Valley: A Historical Geography of Travel, 1740 to 1860, 109, 116 Jewitt, Leonidas, 129 Johnson, Kenneth, 37 Johnson, Reverdy, 127 Johnson, Tom L., “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24. Illustration, cover Winter-Spring issue Jones, Elizabeth, 167 Jones, Samuel M. “Golden Rule,” 7, 9 Jones v. Van Zandt, 136 JPA. See Juvenile Protective Association (Cincinnati, Ohio) Judd, Richard, Common Lands, Common People: The Origins of Conservation in New England, 45-46 Julian, George W., 131, 132 Justice, Noel D. and Suzanne K. Kudlaty, Field Guide to Projectile Points of the Midwest, bk. note, 94 Juvenile Protective Association (Cincinnati, Ohio), 195
Kansas statehood, 140 Kaster, Gregory, “ Labour’s True Man: Organized Workingmen and the Language of Manliness in the USA, 1827-1877,” 151 Katalinas, Edward, 42 Kerr, K. Austin, book rev., 206-207 Kimmel, Michael, Manhood in America: A Cultural History, 147-149 King, Donald, 191 King, Edward, 167 King, Mrs. Edward (Sarah Worthington King), 167 King, Sarah Worthington (Mrs. Edward King), 167 Kleinberg, S.J., In the Shadow of the Mills: Working-Class Families in Pittsburg, 1870-1907, 171-173 Kline, Ronald R., Consumers in the Country: Technology and Social Change in Rural America, rev., 79-80 Knight, Alpha, 178 Know Nothing Party, 121-144 Koeppel, Richard, 7-24 Kohler, Fred, 10 Korean War, The, by Steven Hugh Lee, bk. note, 95 Korman, Richard, The Goodyear Story: An Inventor’s Obsession and the Struggle for a Rubber Monopoly, rev., 206-207 Kornblith, Gary J., book rev., 70-71 Kriegsfeld, Irving, 29-30, 32-33, 40 Kudlaty, Suzanne K. and Noel D. Justice, Field Guide to Projectile Points of the Midwest, bk. note, 94 Ku Klux Klan, 23 Kusmer, Kenneth L., Down and Out, On the Road: The Homeless in American History, rev., 227-228
Labor and Labor History, 7-24 passim; 145-182 passim “Labour’s True Man: Organized Workingmen and the Language of Manliness in the USA, 1827-1877,” by Gregory Kaster, 151 LaFollette, Robert M., 22, 23 La Guardia, Fiorello, 7n.2 Lake Erie Vacationland in Ohio: Revisiting a 1941 Travel Guide to the Sandusky Bay Region, bk. note, 95 Lakeview Cemetery (Cleveland, Ohio), 24 Land Speculation, “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120 Lausche, Frank, 55, 60 League of Ohio Sportsmen, 62 League of Women Voters, 42 Lebanon Western Star, 122 Lee-Seville Development Corporation (LSDC), 37 Lee-Seville Homeowners Improvement Association (LSHIA), 38-43 Lee-Seville Project (Cleveland, Ohio), “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43 Lee, Steven Hugh, The Korean War, bk. note, 95 Legal History, “The Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency,” by Thomas E. Carney, 121-144 Leone, Janice M., book rev., 77-78 Lepper, Bradley T., book rev., 67-69 “Liberty, Development, and Union: Visions of the West in the 1780’s,” by Peter S. Onuf, 107 Life in a Three-Ring Circus: Posters and Interviews, by Sharon L. Smith and Stephen J. Fletcher, bk. note, 95 Life with Father: Parenthood and Masculinity in the Nineteenth-Century North, by Stephen M. Frank, 147-148 Lincoln, Abraham, 139, 143 Lincoln Electric: A History, by Virginia P. Dawson, rev., 85-86 Linda [?], 195 Livingston, Jeffery C., Swallowed by Globalism: John M. Vorys and American Foreign Policy, rev., 219-220 Logevall, Fredrik, The Origins of the Vietnam War, bk. note, 95 Longaberger: An American Success Story, by Dave Longaberger, rev., 81-82 Longaberger, Dave, Longaberger: An American Success Story, rev., 81-82 Longman Companion to Slavery, Emancipation, and Civil Rights, The, by Harry Harmer, bk. note, 95 Longwood Project (Cleveland, Ohio), 27 Lowndes, Williams, 122n.4 Loyal Citizen, 18 Loyal Citizens’ League, 18 LSDC. See Lee-Seville Development Corporation LSHIA. See Lee-Seville Homeowners Improvement Association
McCormick, Virginia E., Educational Architecture in Ohio—From One-Room Schools and Carnegie Libraries to Community Education Villages, rev., 77-78 McCort, C. T., 52 MacDaniels Ellen Woodward (Mrs. Herman Nye MacDaniels), 192 MacDaniels, Frances Cochran (Mrs. Laurence MacDaniels), “From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels,” by Douglas Slaybaugh, 183-197 MacDaniels, Herman Nye, 192 MacDaniels, Laurence “Mac,” “From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels,” by Douglas Slaybaugh, 183-197 MacDaniels, Mrs. Herman Nye (Ellen Woodward MacDaniels), 192 MacDaniels, Mrs. Laurence (Frances Cochran), “From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels,” by Douglas Slaybaugh, 183-197 McLean, Fergus, 122 McLean, John, “The Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency,” by Thomas E. Carney, 121-144. Illustration, 124 McLean, Mary, 122 McLean, Mrs. Fergus (Sophia McLean), 122 McLean, Mrs. John (Rebecca Edwards), 122 McLean, Nathaniel, 122 McLean, Rebecca (nee Rebecca Edwards), 122 McLean, Sophia (Mrs. Fergus McLean), 122 McLean, William, 122 MacLeod, Donald, 130-131 McMahon, Sylvester V., 8-9 McNay, John T., book rev., 219-220 McQuerry, George, 137 Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves: A History of American Environmental Policy, Richard H. L. Andrews, 45-46 Manhood in America: A Cultural History, by Michael Kimmel, 147-149 Mansfied, Mrs. Jacob, 167 Manson, Joni, bk. note, 94 Marietta (Ohio), 109, 116 Marriage, “From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels,” by Douglas Slaybaugh, 183-197 Marten, James, “Fatherhood in the Confederacy: Southern Soldiers and Their Children,” 151, 153 Masculinity and Fatherhood, “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182 Mason, David L., book rev., 85-86 Massachusetts economy, 101-120 passim Maternalism, 145-182 passim Matson, W. D., 58 Meanings for Manhood: Constructions of Masculinity in Victorian America, edited by Mark C. Carnes and Clyde Griffen, 147-149 Messer-Kruse, Timothy, book rev., 84-85 Migrants Against Slavery: Virginians & The Nation, by Philip J. Schwarz, rev., 87-88 Miller, [Mr.], 137 Miller v. McQuerry, 137 Mines and Miners, “Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers’ Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s,” by Chad Montrie, 44-63 Mitchell, Reid, The American Civil War 1861-1865, bk. note, 95 Molders Union Local 218, 16 Molders Union Local 27, 16 Monroe administration, 123-125 Monroe, James, 123-125 Montgomery, Rebecca S., book rev., 79-80 Montrie, Chad, “Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers’ Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s,” 44-63; book rev., 65-66 Moore, Leonard N., “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” 25-43 Morgan County Grange, 57 Morgan County Herald, 58 Morgan, Edwin D., 141 “Mother Donit for the Best”: Correspondence of a Nineteenth-Century Orphan Asylum, by Judith Dulberger, 153 Mother Jones: The Most Dangerous Woman in America, by Elliot J. Gorn, rev., 84-85 Mounds and moundbuilders, 117, 118 Mulcahy, Richard P., A Social Contract for the Coal Fields: The Rise and Fall of the United Mine Workers of America Welfare and Retirement Fund, rev., 65-66 Murder, Culture, and Injustice: Four Sensational Cases in American History, by Walter L. Hixson, rev., 221-222 Musarra, Russ and Chuck Ayers, editors, Celebrating Akron’s History in Picture Postcards, bk. note, 95 Muskingum River, 101-120 passim
National Conference on Strip Mining, 63 National Intelligencer, 138 Nativism, “The Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency,” by Thomas E. Carney, 121-144 Natural History, 104-106 Nelson, Bruce, Divided We Stand: American Workers and the Struggle for Black Equality, rev., 80-81 Nelson, Larry L. and David Curtis Skaggs, editors, The Sixty Years’ War for the Great Lakes, 1754-1814, rev., 82-83 New Orphan Asylum for Colored Youth, The (Cincinnati, Ohio), 161n.22, 166-167 “New Woman,” 183-197 passim New York Children’s Aid Society, 166 New York Tribune, 133, 134, 137 Noe, Kenneth W., Perryville: This Grand Havoc of Battle, rev., 212-214 Norman Hotel (Cleveland, Ohio), 17 Northwest Ordinance, The, “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120 Norton, Miner G., 7-24 Notes and Queries, 64, 200-201
Oberlin College (Oberlin, Ohio), 183-197 passim ODNR. See Ohio Department of Natural Resources Ohio Audubon Council, 62 Ohio Bureau of Labor Statistics, 162 Ohio Company of Associates, The, “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120 Ohio Conservation Foundation, 62 Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), 60-61 Ohio Division of Mines, 52-54 passim Ohio Farm Bureau, 55-63 “Ohio Fever,” “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120 Ohio General Assembly, 44-63 Ohio Gubernatorial campaigns, 22, 23 Ohio History 100-Year Index, 64 Ohio Reclamation Association, 50-51 Ohio Reclamation Committee. See Ohio Reclamation Association Ohio River, 101-120 passim Ohio State Grange, 55-63 Ohio State Journal, 129 Ohio University (Athens, Ohio), 120 Ohio Valley, “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120 Oliver, John, 37-38 Onuf, Peter S., “Liberty, Development, and Union: Visions of the West in the 1780’s,” 107; Statehood and Union: A History of the Northwest Ordinance, 111-112 Origins of the Vietnam War, The, by Fredrik Logevall, bk. note, 95 Orphans and Orphanages, “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182 Orr, Hector, 130, 131
Panics and depressions, 145-182 passim Papers of Andrew Johnson, The, Vol. 16: 1869-July 1875, edited by Paul Bergeron, rev., 76-77 Parental Roles, “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182 “Parents Directly Involved in Reuniting Families After Admission of Children to the Cincinnati Orphan Asylum.” Table, 156 Parsons, (General) Samuel Holden, 115-116, 117 Payne, Phillip G., book rev., 75-76 “Peanuts,” 188 Pendery, [Commissioner], 137 Perryville: This Grand Havoc of Battle, by Kenneth W. Noe, rev., 212-214 “Pete’s Pet.” See Car Rider’s Car, The (Cleveland, Ohio) Peter Witt Labor Club (Cleveland, Ohio), 15-16 Pfanz, Harry W., Gettysburg—The First Day, rev., 86-87 Phillips, Christopher, book rev., 211-212 Pierce, Michael, book rev., 80-81 Pingree, Hazen S., 7 Pittsburgh Gazette, 46 “Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency, The,” by Thomas E. Carney, 121-144 Politics and Politicians, “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24; “The Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency,” by Thomas E. Carney, 121-144 “Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182 Populist Party, 8 Pottinger, Albert, 36 Potts, Louis W., “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” 101-120 Powell, Harry, 35 Preferential Balloting, “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24 Presidency, “The Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency,” by Thomas E. Carney, 121-144 Prettyman, James, 129-130, 131 Prigg v. Pennsylvania, 136 Probasco, Julia, 167 Professionalism and Social Change: From the Settlement House Movement to Neighborhood Centers, 1886- to the Present, by Judith Ann Trolander, 187 Progressives and Progressivism, “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24; “From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels,” by Douglas Slaybaugh, 183-197 Public Housing, “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43 Public Utilities, 7-24 passim Putnam, Rufus, “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120
Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, by David W. Blight, rev., 211-212 Reemlin, George, 132, 134 Reforestation, 50-51 Reform and Reformers, “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24 Regis, Pamela, Describing Early America: Bartram, Jefferson, Crevecoeur, and the Rhetoric of Natural History, 105 Religion, “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120 Remini, Robert V., Andrew Jackson and His Indian Wars, rev., 209-211 Republican Convention (1856), 139-142 Republican Party, 121-144 Rich in Good Works: Mary M. Emery of Cincinnati, by Millard F. Rogers, Jr., rev., 66-67 Riis, Jacob, 188-189 Riley, Charles Victor, “An Ecological and Economic Study of Coal Stripped Land in Eastern Ohio,” 49 Rittenhouse, David, 101, 103 Robinson, Greg, By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans, rev., 224-225 Rogers, Millard F., Jr., Rich in Good Works: Mary M. Emery of Cincinnati, rev., 66-67 Ronsheim, Milton, 52-54, 55 Roots of Appalachian Christianity: The Life & Legacy of Elder Shubal Stearns, The, by John Sparks, rev., 214-215 Roots of the American Working Class: The Industrialization of Crafts in Newark, 1800-1860, by Susan E. Hirsch, 149n.7 Rose, Kenneth W., book rev., 66-67 Ross, Steven J., Workers on the Edge: Work, Leisure, and Politics in Industrializing Cincinnati, 1788-1890, 146 Rotundo, Anthony, American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era, 147-149 Ruthenberg, Charles E., 7-24
St. Aloysius Orphan Asylum (Cincinnati, Ohio), 161n.22, 165-167 St. Clair, Arthur, 117 St. Clair, Jr., Arthur, 122 St. Joseph’s Orphan Asylum (Cincinnati, Ohio), 161n.22, 165-167, 168 St. Peter’s Orphan Asylum. See St. Joseph’s Orphan Asylum (Cincinnati, Ohio) St. Vincent Project (Cleveland, Ohio), 27 Salem The Anti-Slavery Bugle, 137, 138 Salen, Charles P., 7-24 Santa Maria Institute (Cincinnati, Ohio), 169n.40 Sargent, Winthrop, 106, 110 Saxbe, William B. with Peter D. Franklin, I’ve Seen the Elephant: An Autobiography, rev., 88-89 Schenck, Robert, 141, 143 Schoeler, William, 143 Schurtz, Carl, 54 Schwarz, Philip J., Migrants Against Slavery: Virginians & The Nation, rev., 87-88 Scioto Company, The, “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120 Scott, Winfield, 130 Segale, Justina, 169n.40 Semonin, Paul, American Monster: How the Nation’s First Prehistoric Creature Became a Symbol of National Identity, rev., 67-69 Senate Bill 344 (Ohio Senate), 52 Senate Conservation Committee (Ohio Senate), 53-54 Settlers and Settlement, “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120 Seward, William H., 134, 135, 143 Showtime in Cleveland: The Rise of a Regional Theater Center, by John Vacha, bk. note, 94-95 Sierra Club, 62 Simon, Henry, 43 “Single Tax” reform, 9-10, 14 Sixty Years’ War for the Great Lakes, 1754-1814, The, edited by David Curtis Skaggs and Larry L. Nelson, rev., 82-83 Skaggs, David Curtis and Larry L. Nelson, editors, The Sixty Years’ War for the Great Lakes, 1754-1814, rev., 82-83 Slavery issue, 121-144 Slaybaugh, Douglas, “From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels,” 183-197 Smith, Caleb B., 143 Smithfield (Ohio), 48 Smith, John, 178 Smith, Sharon L. and Stephen J. Fletcher, Life in a Three-Ring Circus: Posters and Interviews, bk. note, 95 SMSC. See Strip Mining Study Commission Snead, Mrs. Henry, 42 Social Contract for the Coal Fields: The Rise and Fall of the United Mine Workers of America Welfare and Retirement Fund, A, by Richard P. Mulcahy, rev., 65-66 Social history, 106-107 “Social Lodges and Fraternal Organizations and the Maintenance of Urban Community,” by Milton Cantor, 150-151 Social Origins of Private Life: A History of American Families, The, by Stephanie Coontz, 150-151 Social Work, 183-197 passim Soil conservation, 44-63 Spalding, Rufus P., 140-144 Spaniards and Nazi German: Collaboration in the New Order, by Wayne H. Bowen, rev., 91-92 Sparks, John, The Roots of Appalachian Christianity: The Life & Legacy of Elder Shubal Stearns, rev., 214-215 Stanton, Jim, 25-43 Statehood and Union: A History of the Northwest Ordinance, by Peter S. Onuf, 111-112 Stearns, Peter N., Be a Man: Males in Modern Society, 147-149 Steiner, Fred, compiler, A Century of Pirates: Stories, Photographs and Records of Bluffton High School Championship Athletic Teams and Players of the 20th Century, bk. note, 95 Stephenson, Darl L., Headquarters in the Brush: Blazer’s Independent Union Scouts, rev., 225-227 Steubenville (Ohio), 46 Stevens, Thaddeus, 141-142, 143 Still Fighting the Civil War: The American South and Southern History, by David Goldfield, rev., 208-209 Stille, Caroline, 167 Stinchcomb, W. A., 52, 55 Stokes, Carl, “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43. Illustration, 27 Stokes, Mrs. Carl (Shirley). Illustration, 27 Stokes, Shirley (Mrs. Carl Stokes). Illustration, 27 Stone, Marjorie S., As Time Goes By: A Pictorial Journal of Athens, Ohio, bk. note, 95 Story, Daniel, 120 Story, Joseph, 135n.62 Story of Joshua D. Brefogle, Private, 4th Ohio Infantry (10th Ohio Cavalry) and the Civil War, The, edited by George E. Carter, rev., 222-224 Strip mine control bills (Ohio House of Representatives), 44-63 Strip mining. See Mines and Miners Strip Mining Study Commission (SMSC), “Agriculture, Christian Stewardship, and Aesthetics: Ohio Farmers’ Opposition to Coal Surface Mining in the 1940s,” by Chad Montrie, 44-63 Stubbs, Robert, 122 “Subjective Necessity of Social Settlements, The,” by Jane Addams, 187 Sugar Creek (Ohio), 48 Sumner, Charles, 137, 139 Supreme Court, Ohio, “The Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency,” by Thomas E. Carney, 121-144 Supreme Court, U.S., “The Political Judge: Justice John McLean’s Pursuit of the Presidency,” by Thomas E. Carney, 121-144 Swallowed by Globalism: John M. Vorys and American Foreign Policy, by Jeffery C. Livingston, rev., 219-220 Swayne, Noah, 141-142, 143
Taney, Roger B., 135n.61 Tax laws and reform, 7-24 passim “Tax School” (Cleveland, Ohio), 10 Teamsters Union, 56 Teesdale, John, 129, 132 Thompson, Clarence, 25-43 Thompson, John E., 57 Tom Taylor’s Civil War, by Albert Castel, rev., 74-75 Traction issues (municipal transit reform), 7-24 passim Trolander, Judith Ann, Professionalism and Social Change: From the Settlement House Movement to Neighborhood Centers, 1886- to the Present, 187 Trumbull, Lyman, 139 Tupper, Benjamin, 110 Tuscarawas County (Ohio), 47, 48-49 Tyler, John, 124
United Trades and Labor Council, 16 University-Euclid Project (Cleveland, Ohio), 27-28 Unknown Landscape: A History of America’s Wetlands, The, by Ann Vileisis, 45-46 Urban Renewal, “Class Conflicts over Residential Space in an African American Community: Cleveland’s Lee-Seville Public Housing Controversy,” by Leonard N. Moore, 25-43 U.S. Forest Service, 50 U.S. Public Health Service, 50
Vacha, John, Showtime in Cleveland: The Rise of a Regional Theater Center, bk. note, 94-95 Van Pelt, Linus, 188 Van Ryhn, Mark, book rev., 86-87 Varnum, James, 118 Verhoff, Andrew J., bk. note, 94-95 Vileisis, Ann, The Unknown Landscape: A History of America’s Wetlands, 45-46 Virgil, 104 “Visions of America, 1787-1788: The Ohio of Reverend Manasseh Cutler,” by Louis W. Potts, 101-120
Wahrheitsfreund, 165, 168 Walker, William O., 33 Wallace, Matthew, 122 War Hawks, 122n.4 Washburne, Elihu, 140-143 Washburne, Israel, 141, 143 Water supplies, 48 Watterson, John Sayle, College Football: History, Spectacle, Controversy, rev., 72-74 Wayne Coal Company, 49 Wellsville (Ohio), 48, 51 Western Tuscarawas Game Association, 57 Whig Party, 121-144 White, (Judge) George, 24-43 White, Ray, 53 Whitlock, Brand, 7-8 Whittlesey, Elisah, 127 Wilkens, Ross, 131 Williams, Isaac, 117 Witt, Christian, 8 Witt, Hazel, 14 “Witt in Cleveland’s Top Ten Ethnic Wards, 1915.” Table, 20 Witt, Peter, “Death Knell for Progressive Leadership in Cleveland: Peter Witt and the Mayoral Election of 1915,” by Arthur E. DeMatteo, 7-24. . Illustration, cover Winter-Spring issue Women and Women’s History, Poor Men But Hard-Working Fathers: The Cincinnati Orphan Asylum and Parental Roles in the Nineteenth-Century Working Class,” by M. Christine Anderson and Nancy E. Bertaux, 145-182; “From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels,” by Douglas Slaybaugh, 183-197 “Women’s Wage Work, 1860-1890.” Table, 163 Woodbury, Levi, 135n.62 Work Engendered: Toward a New History of American Labor, by Ava Baron, 150 Workers on the Edge: Work, Leisure, and Politics in Industrializing Cincinnati, 1788-1890, by Steven J. Ross, 146 Worster, Donald, Dust Bowl: The Southern Plains in the 1930s, 45-46 Wunderlin, Clarence E., Jr., book rev., 89-90
Youth and History: Tradition and Change in European Age Relations, 1770-Present, by John R. Gillis, 147-149
Zone, Michael, 37 |