OHJ Archive

Ohio History Journal

Book Reviews
Summer-Autumn 2000
pp. 225-238
Copyright © 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society. All rights reserved.
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Volume 109


ABISAAB, Rula J., 93

Accounting for Growth: Information Systems and the Large Corporation, by Margaret Levenstein, rev., 114-115

Adams, Edward, 175-176 AFF. See Army Field Forces Master Training Program

African-Americans: in the Ohio National Guard, See 137th AAA Battalion, ONG; in WWII Cleveland workforce, 154,155-156,166

Akron Beacon Journal, 62-63

Alexander, Isabelle, 169. Illustration, 170.

Allen, Howard W., book rev., 219-220

Allen, William, 76, 77, 84

Amana Society. See Community of True Inspiration

Ambridge, Pa.. See Economy, Pa.

Americanism, "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186

"American Ideals and the League Program" (speech), by Newton D. Baker, 31

American Legion, 168, 181, 184

American Mayor: The Best & The Worst Big-City Leaders, The, by Melvin G. Holli, rev., 219-220

American Mercury, 135

Amin, Camron Michael, 188

Anderson, Mary, 146

Anderson, Michael J., book rev., 204-205; book rev., 216-217

Angel, William, book rev., 220-222

Antioch College, 43-44

Antwerp, Belgium, 77

Apel, Otto F., Jr., M.D., coauthor, Mash: An Army Surgeon in Korea, rev., 101

Apel, Pat, coauthor, Mash: An Army Surgeon in Korea, rev., 101

Apple, Lindsey, book rev., 194-195

Army Field Forces (AFF) Master Training Program, 54-55, 57-60, 61n.39, 62n.41

Army General Staff, 62 Arndt, Karl J. R., 82n.24, 86n.35

Asian Americans. See Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans

Atlanta Georgian, 140

Atlas of Kentucky, edited by Richard Ulack, Karl Raitz, and Gyla Pauer, rev., 194-195

At the Fire's Center: A Story ofLove and Holocaust Survival, by Jean M. Peck, rev., 98-99

Attie, Jeanie, Patriotic Toil: Northern Women and the American Civil War, rev., 223-224

Austin, L. L. H., 35, 40 AUSWV. See Auxiliary of United Spanish War Veterans

Auxiliary Army and Navy Spanish War Veterans, 169. See also Girls in White, The

Auxiliary of United Spanish War Veterans

(AUSWV), "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186

BAD PYRMONT Quakers. See Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): Bad Pyrmont (Germany) Quakers

Baker, J. Wayne, 93

Baker, Newton D., 31

Baker, Romelius L., 92

Baltimore Friends. See Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): Baltimore Friends

Banzhaf, Johann. See Banzhaff, Johann Gottfried Banzhaff, Johann Gottfried, 75-80, 83-85, 87

Banzhof, Johann. See Banzhaff, Johann Gottfried

"Barnyard Boys or Fun on the Soil, The," by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 137

Barry, Edwin D., 5, 12-14, 18-19, 21

Bartlett, Ruth Fitch, 140-141

Barton, Clara, 175

Bassham, Ben L., Conrad Wise Chapman: Artist & Soldier of the Confederacy, rev., 195-197

Bhumler, Joseph Michael, 74-75, 80-92

Beautiful and the Damned, The, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 131, 132, 133

Beaver, Daniel, 188


INDEX, page 226

Becker, Carl M., Home and Away: The Rise and Fall of Professional Football on the Banks of the Ohio River, 1919-1934, rev., 109-110

Beightier, Robert S., 48

Belasco (theater, Washington, D.C.), 31

Bergeron, Paul H., editor, The Papers of Andrew Johnson. Volume 15: September 1868-April 1869, rev., 200-201

Bimeler, Joseph. See Bhumler, Joseph Michael

Blackford, Mansel, book rev., 210-211

"Blaze 0' Glory" (Sono Arts feature), 139

Boehme, Jakob, 73

Bogue, Allan G., Frederick Jackson Turner: Strange Roads Going Down, rev., 110-112

Boisseau, Tracey J., 93

Bookman, 135

Borah, William E., 34

Boston, Mass., 10, 12, 12n.24

Boulard, Garry, Huey Long Invades New Orleans: The Siege of a City, 1934-36, rev., 197-198

Bowlus, Bruce, book rev., 213-214

Boyd, Elizabeth Grace, 130

Boyd, Peggy (pseud. Woodward Boyd), 129-136,140,142

Boyd, Thomas, "Thomas Boyd and F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Brief Literary Friendship," by Brian Bruce, 125-143. Works by: Dark Cloud, The, 135-136, 138; In Time ofPeace, 142; LightHorse Harry Lee, 139, 141; "Literary Libels: Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald," 131; "Long Shot, The," 139; Mad Anthony Wayne, 139; Points of Honor, 135, 136, 138, 139; Poor John Fitch, Inventor of the Steam Boat, 142; Sammuel Drummond, 125, 133, 136-140; Shadow of the Long Knives, 139; Simon Girty, White Savage, 139; Through the Wheat, 125, 132-138, 141, 142. Illustrations, 127, 128, 140, cover Summer-Autumn issue.

Boyd, Thomas, Sr., 126

Boyd, Woodward, The Love Legend, 132. See Boyd, Peggy

Boyle, Kevin, book rev., 107-108

Bricker, John, 67

Bruce, Brian, "Thomas Boyd and F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Brief Literary Friendship," 125-143

Bruck, (Mrs.) Freda Kothe. See Kothe, Freda

Bruno, Robert, Steelworker Alley: How Class Works in Youngstown, rev., 220-222

Bryan, William Jennings, 34

Bryant, Keith L., 93

Buckeye Division. See 37th Infantry Division, ONG

Buell, Don Carlos, Don Carlos Buell: Most Promising of All, by Stephen D. Engle, rev., 217-218

Buenker, John D., The History of Wisconsin. Volume IV: The Progressive Era, 1893-1914, rev., 207-209

Burrows, Terry, Visual History of the Twentieth Century, 94

Bush, Perry, Two Kingdoms, Two Loyalties: Mennonite Pacifism in Modern America, rev., 201-202

Byrne, Frank L., book rev., 108-109


Camp McCoy (Wisconsin), 53

Camp Polk (Louisiana), 53, 54, 56-60

Cayton, Andrew R. L., 187; coeditor, Contact Points: American Frontiers from the Mohawk Valley to the Mississippi, 1750-1830, rev., 116-117

Cayton, Mary Kupiec, book rev., 206-207

CCBA. See Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association

Celibacy, 80, 89, 91

Central Pacific Railway, 7

Chapman, Conrad Wise, Conrad Wise Chapman: Artist & Soldier of the Confederacy, by Ben L. Bassham, rev., 195-197

Charles Scribner's Sons, 132, 133, 141

Chicago, Ill., 126, 127-129

Chin Jack Lem, 10

Chinatown (Cleveland, Ohio), "Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," by Shirley Sui Ling Tam, 5-23. Map, 15. Illustration, cover Winter-Spring issue

Chinese Americans, "Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," by Shirley Sui Ling Tam, 5-23. Illustration, cover Winter-Spring issue


INDEX, page 227

Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA), 9, 11, 17, 18

Chinese Legation, 18

Chinese Residents' Association, 19

Chinese Six Companies, 9. See also Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association.

Christy, Thomas, 75

Churella, Albert, book rev., 99-100; book rev., 114-115

Cincinnati (Ohio), 49, 56-57

Citizens ofZion: The Social Origins of Camp Meeting Revivalsm, by Ellen Eslinger, rev., 215-216

Citizen Soldiers of the War of 1812, by C. Edward Skeen, rev., 205-206 "Civic religion," 175

Clan associations (Chinese), 9, 17

Clark, Mark W., 53

Clemenceau, Georges, 40

Clements, Barbara Evans, 93

Cleveland (Ohio), 168-169; "'Do the Job He Left Behind': The Cleveland Womanpower Committee, 1943-1945," by Julieanne Phillips, 144-166; "Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," by Shirley Sui Ling Tam, 5-23

Cleveland Bar Association, 19-20

Cleveland Call and Post, 155-156

Cleveland Legacy: The Architecture of Walker and Weeks, A, by Eric Johannesen, rev., 211-212

Cleveland News, 20

Cleveland Plain Dealer, 12n.30, 14, l8nn. 44, 45; 20, 63-64

Cleveland Press, 12n.30, 20

Cleveland War Manpower Commission, 144

Cleveland Womanpower Center, 154-155, 156, 161, 163

Cleveland Womanpower Committee (CWC), "'Do the Job He Left Behind': The Cleveland Womanpower Committee, 1943-1945," by Julieanne Phillips, 144-166

Collaborative Residency Program of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 188-189

Collins, J. Lawton, 52, 54, 61

Colonial revival, 173

Columbus (Ohio), 30, 35, 39, 41, 43, 48-69 passim

Columbus Chamber of Commerce, 30

Columbus Evening Dispatch, 54

Communal societies, "'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818," by Donald F. Durnbaugh, 71-92

Communist Party (of Vermont), 141-142

Community Helpers, 183

Community of True Inspiration (Inspirationists), 90-91

Concordia Historical Institute, 93

Conference on Archives and History (25th biennial), 93

Conrad Wise Chapman: Artist & Soldier of the Confederacy, by Ben L. Bassham, rev., 195-197

Contact Points: American Frontiers from the Mohawk Valley to the Mississippi, 1750-1830, edited by Andrew R. L. Cayton and Fredrika J. Teute, rev., 116-117

Cooper, Kenneth, 49

Cope, Thomas Pym, 78, 8!, 84-85, 87

Cox, James, 28, 33, 38-39, 44-46

Crane, Stephen, The Red Badge of Courage, 135, 142

Crawford, John W., 134

Cultures of Control, edited by Mirian Levin, 187

Cumo, Christopher, A History of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 1882-1997, rev., 197

Cuyahoga County (Ohio), 150-151

CWC. See Cleveland Womanpower Committee

DARK Cloud, The, by Thomas Boyd, 135-136,138

Darnton, Robert, 94

Davies, Richard O., Main Street Blues: The Decline of Small-Town America, 102-103

Dayton (Ohio), "Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-19201" by Aaron D. Purcell, 24-46

Deeds, Edward, 37-38

Defiance (Ohio), 126, 129

Del Corso, Sylvester T., 50, 61n.36

Detroit, Mich., 169

Dewey, Thomas E., Truman Defeats


INDEX, page 228

Dewey, by Gary A. Donaldson, rev., 204-205

Dickey, James, 142

"Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly, 47-70

Discontented America: The United States in the 1920s, by David J. Goldberg, rev., 218-219

Discriminatory legislation, 6-8. See also Immigration legislation.

Donaldson, Gary A., Truman Defeats Dewey, rev., 204-205

Don Carlos Buell: Most Promising of All, by Stephen D. Engle, rev., 217-218

Donnelly, WilliamM., "Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," 47-70

Dorland, Walter E., 33

Dos Passos, John, Three Soldiers, 132 "'Do the Job He Left Behind': The Cleveland Womanpower Committee, 1943-1945," by Julieanne Phillips, 144-166

Douglas, Davison M., book rev., 104-105

Dunbar, Alice, 126

Dunbar, Martha, 126

Dunbar, Sadie Off, 146

Dunbar, Samuel, 126, 139

Durnbaugh, Donald F., "'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818,"71-92

Durrill, Wayne, 188

Dying President: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1944-1945, The, by Robert H. Ferrell, rev., 103-104

EAGLES on Their Buttons: A Black Infantry Regiment in the Civil War, by Versalle E Washington, bk. note, 118-119

Economy, Pa., 91-92

Edmunds, (Dr.) William P., 151, 165

82nd Airborne Division, ONG, 62n.41

Elgin Academy (Illinois), 127

Elgin, Ill., 127

Elyria (Ohio), "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186

Endless Novelty: Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 1865-1925, by Philip Scranton, rev., 99-100

"Enemy Within: European Witch Hunts, American Lynching, and Soviet Terror, The," by Robert W. Thurston, 187

Engle, Stephen D., Don Carlos Buell: Most Promising of All, rev., 217-218

English Friends. See Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): English Friends

Eslinger, Ellen, Citizens ofZion: The Social Origins of Camp Meeting Revivalism, rev., 215-216

Euclid (Ohio), 156

"Exalting 'U.S.Ness': Patriotic Rituals of the Daughters of the American Revolution," by Barbara Truesdell, 175

Exclusion Act(s), 8-9

Executive Order No. 9139, 145

FEATHER, Carl E., Mountain People in a Flat Land: A Popular History of Appalachian Migration to Northeast Ohio, 1940-1954, rev., 106-107

Feminisms and Internationalism, coedited by Angela Woollacott, 187

Ferrell, Robert H., The Dying President: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1944-1945, rev., 103-104

Fetter, Caspar. See Vetter, Caspar

Few Small Candles: War Resisters of World War II Tell Their Stories, A, by Larry and Lenna Mae Gara, rev., 216-217

XV Corps Headquarters, U.S. Army, 60

Fifth Marines, Fourth Brigade, Second Division, American Expeditionary Force, 128

Fisher, Walter L., 36n.36

Fiske, Jo-Anne, coeditor, New Faces of the Fur Trade: Selected Papers of the Seventh North American Fur Trade Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1995, rev., 113-114

Fitzgerald, E Scott, "Thomas Boyd and E

Scott Fitzgerald: A Brief Literary Friendship," by Brian Bruce, 125-143. Works by: "Barnyard Boys or Fun on the Soil, The," 137; Beautiful and the Damned, The, 131, 132, 133; Great Gatsby, The, 126, 138



INDEX, page 229

Fitzgerald, Zelda (Mrs. F. Scott), 130-131

F. J. Heer Company, 63

Flandrau, Charles, 130

Flandrau, Grace, 130

Flood of 1913 (Dayton, Ohio), 27-28

Foreign Trade Committee, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 20

Fort Bliss (Texas), 57, 60

Fortna, Benjamin C., 188

Fort Riley (Kansas), 70

Fortune, 164

45th Infantry Division (Oklahoma National Guard), 57

44th Infantry Division (Illinois National Guard), 53

Foulkes, (Rev.) William H., 20

Fourth Army, 58, 60, 64

Frank, Stephen M., Life with Father: Parenthood and Masculinity in the Nineteenth-Century American North, rev., 202-203

Franklin County Democratic Party, 63

Frederick Jackson Turner: Strange Roads Going Down, by Allan G. Bogue, rev., 110-112

Friedensdale, Germany, 76

Frierson, Elizabeth B., 188

F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Crack-Up, edited by Edmund Wilson, 137

GAR. See Grand Army of the Republic

Gara, Larry, coeditor, A Few Small Candles: War Resisters of World War II Tell Their Stories, rev., 216-217; book rev., 201-202

Gara, Lenna Mae, coeditor, A Few Small Candles: War Resisters of World War II Tell Their Stories, rev. 216-217

Gates, William C., book rev., 192-194

Geary, Thomas J., 9

Geary Act, 9 Geertz, Clifford, The Interpretation of Cultures, 178

George, David Lloyd, 40

George Washington Slept Here: Colonial Revivals and American Culture, 1876-1986, by Karal Ann Marling, 173

Gephart, Ronald M., coeditor, Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789. Volume 25: March 1, 1788-July 25, 1789, with Supplement, 1774-87, rev., 95-96

German Americans, " 'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 18171818," by Donald F. Durnbaugh, 71-92

Germany, 34-44. See also German Americans

Getting Around Brown: Desegregation, Development, and the Columbus Public Schools, by Gregory S. Jacobs, rev., 104-105

Giants in Their Tall Black Hats: Essays on the Iron Brigade, edited by Alan T. Nolan and Sharon Eggleston Vipond, rev., 115-116

Giffels, David, coauthur, Wheels of Fortune: The Story of Rubber in Akron, rev., 210-211

Ginder, Philip D., 69

Girls in White, The, 168, 169

Glaab, Charles N., book rev., 102-103

Glamour Girls of 1943, The (WMC movie short), 159, 161

Goldberg, David J., Discontented America: The United States in the 1920s, rev., 218-219

Gold Rush (California), 7

Gooden, Randall S., book rev., 106-107

Goodwin, Robert C., 150, 165

Gordon, Herbert E., 51

Gordon, Lesley J., 93; book rev., 115-116; book rev., 223-224

Gordon, Stephen C., bk. note, 118; book rev., 190-192

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), 168

Graul, Jacob, 14

Gray, Michael P., book rev., 222-223

Great Gatsby, The, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 126, 138

Great Silent Army of Abolitionism: Ordinary Women in the Antislavery Movement, The, by Julie Roy Jeffrey, rev., 206-207

Grellet, Stephen, 76, 77

Griffin, Burt, 21

Grubermann, Barbara (Barbara Grubemann), 73

Gruenwald, Kim M., book rev., 116-117

Guide to the National Road, A, edited by Karl Raitz, rev., 190-192

HAAKE, Anna, 180

Haas, Edward F., book rev., 96-97; book rev., 197-198


INDEX, page 230

Haga, Gottfried (Godfrey Haga), 81-82

Halbwachs, Maurice, On Collective Memory, 174

Ham, Mark (Mock Hem), 11

Hancock, Kate Templeton, 188

Harcourt Brace, 132

Harding, Warren G., 31, 39, 44, 44n.61

Harmonists. See Harmony Society

Harmony Society, 72, 75, 82, 91-92

Harr, Jacob, 85n.33

Harrold, Stanley, book rev., 112-113

Haude, Sigrun, In the Shadow of "Savage Wolves": Anabaptist MUnster and the German Reformation during the 1530s, 188

Hay, John, 167

Hay, Robert P., book rev., 95-96

Hays, Harold, 50

Heckewelder, John, 82

Heer, Walter, Sr., 63

Heineman., Kenneth J., book rev., 218-219

Hemmingway, Ernest, 125, 134, 138

Henderson, Albert, 66

Hendrickson, Kenneth E., Jr., book rev., 197

Henrici, Jacob, 91

Herrick, Myron T., 28-29

Hickey, Margaret A., 146, 160

Hill, David Jayne, 25

Hinds, Willliam A., 91

Hinman, Scott, 184

Hip Sing Tong, 10-11,17

Historical Review of the Auxiliaries, A, United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary Department of Ohio, 168

History of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 1882-1997, A, by Christopher Cumo, rev., 197.

History of Wisconsin. Volume IV: The Progressive Era, 1893-1914, The, by John. D. Buenker, rev., 207-209

Holli, Melvin G., The American Mayor: The Best & The Worst Big-City Leaders, rev., 219-220

Hollywood, Calif., 141

Holt, Hamilton, 24-26; "A League of Peace" (speech), 26

Holy Toledo: Religion and Politics in the Life of "Golden Rule" Jones, by Marnie Jones, rev., 96-97

Home and Away: The Rise and Fall of Professional Football on the Banks of the Ohio River, 1919-1934, by Carl Becker, rev., 109-110

Hopkins, William R., 13, 19-21

Huber, Stephan, 73

Huey Long Invades New Orleans: The Siege ofa City, 1934-1936, by Gary Boulard, rev. 197-198

Hyeres, France, 135

IMMIGRATION: legislation, 6-10,13, 22; statistics. See U.S. Census

Immigration Department of Cleveland, 5

Imperial Bedlam: Institutions of Madness in Colonial Southwest Nigeria, by Jonathan Sadowsky, 187

In the Shadow of "Savage Wolves": Anabaptist Münster and the German Reformation during the 1530s, by Sigrun Haude, 188

In the Workers ' Interest: A History of the Ohio AFL-CIO, 1958-1998, by Warren Van Tine, C. J. Slanicka, Sandra Jordan, and Michael Pierce, rev., 107-108

In Time of Peace, by Thomas Boyd, 142

Independent, 25-26

Independent Woman, 160

Influenza epidemic (1918), 39

Inspirationists. See Community of True Inspiration

Interpretation of Cultures, The, by Clifford Geertz, 178

JACOBS, Gregory S., Getting Around Brown: Desegregation, Development, and the Columbus Public Schools, rev., 104-105

James, John, 88

Japanese Americans, 7, 11

Jeffrey, Julie Roy, The Great Silent Army ofAbolitionism: Ordinary Women in the Antislavery Movement, rev., 206-207

Jewell (Ohio), 140

Johannesen, Eric, A Cleveland Legacy: The Architecture of Walker and Weeks, rev., 211-212

Johnson, Andrew, The Papers of Andrew Johnson. Volume 15: September 1868-April 1869, edited by Paul H. Bergeron, rev., 200-201

Jones, Marnie, Holy Toledo: Religion and Politics in the Life of "Golden Rule" Jones, rev., 96-97


INDEX, page 231

Jones, Samuel L. ("Golden Rule"), Holy Toledo: Religion and Politics in the Life of "Golden Rule" Jones, by Marnie Jones, rev., 96-97

Jordan, Sandra, coauthor, In the Workers' Interest: A History of the Ohio AFLCIO, 1958-1998, rev., 107-108

KAMMEN, Michael, Mystic Chords of Memory, 173

Keenan,E.L., 150

Kellog, Frank B., 22

Kendall (Ohio), 87

Kerber, Linda, 93-94

Kindig, Everett W., book rev., 198-200

Kline, Wendy, 188

Korean War, "Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly, 47-70

Korth, Fred, 66-67

Kothe, Agnes, 175

Kothe, Anna P., 183

Kothe, Freda (Freda Kothe Bruck), 180

Kreber, Leo, "Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly, 47-70

LABOR and industry, "'Do the Job He Left Behind': The Cleveland Womanpower Committee, 1943-1945," by Julieanne Phillips, 144-166

"La Dame d'Esprit: the Daring Life, Tragic Death and Loss to History of the Marquise Du Chatelet," by Judith P. Zinsser, 188

Ladies Aid Society, 168

Ladies' Military Escort, 169. See also Girls in White, The

Lama, Doile, 61n.36, 64n.43

Lardner, Ring, 134

Lausche, Frank J., 152; "Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly, 47-70. Illustration, 152

Lausche, Jane (Mrs. Frank J.), Illustration, 152

League of Nations, "Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," by Aaron D. Purcell, 24-46

"League of Peace, A" (speech), by Hamilton Holt, 26

League to Enforce Peace, "Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," by Aaron D. Purcell, 24-46

Lee Kee, 18n.44

Legion of the Spanish War Veterans, 169

Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789. Volume 25: March 1, 1788-July 25, 1789, with Supplement, 1774-87, edited by Paul H. Smith and Ronald M. Gephart, rev., 95-96

Levenstein, Margaret, Accounting for Growth: Information Systems and the Large Corporation, rev., 114-115

Levin, Michael, 93

Levin, Mirian, editor, Cultures of Control, 187

Levine, (Judge) Manuel V., 21

Levy, George, To Die in Chicago: Confederate Prisoners at Camp Douglas 1862-65, rev., 222-223

Lewis, Sinclair, 130, 132

Liberty Loan campaign, 36

Life with Father: Parenthood and Masculinity in the Nineteenth-Century American North, by Stephen M. Frank, rev., 202-203

Light-Horse Harry Lee, by Thomas Boyd, 139,141

"Literary Libels: Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald," by Thomas Boyd, 131

Literary Review, 135

Literature, "Thomas Boyd and F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Brief Literary Friendship," by Brian Bruce, 125-143

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 31, 42

Long, Huey Pierce, Huey Long Invades New Orleans: The Siege of a City, 1934-1936, by Gary Boulard, rev., 197-198

"Long Shot, The," by Thomas Boyd, 139

Lora, Ronald, book rev., 97-98

Lorain County Historical Society, 185

Love Legend, The, by Woodward Boyd, 132

Love, Steve, coauthor, Wheels of Fortune: The Story of Rubber in Akron, rev., 210-211

Lowell, A. Lawrence, 26, 41

Lowenthal, David, The Past is a Foreign Country, 173-174

Lusitania, 34


INDEX, page 232

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 93

Lutheran Women's Missionary League, 93

MC AFEE, Ward M., Religion, Race, and Reconstruction: The Public School in the Politics ofthe 1870s, rev., 112-113

McClellan, Keith, The Sunday Game: At the Dawn of Professional Football, rev., 192-194

McCormick, Robert W., coauthor, New Englanders on the Ohio Frontier: The Migration and Settlement of Worthington, Ohio, rev., 209-210

McCormick, Virginia E., coauthor, New Englanders on the Ohio Frontier: The Migration and Settlement of Worthington, Ohio, rev., 209-210; book rev., 214-215

McKee, Alexander, A Man of Distinction Among Them: Alexander McKee and the British-Indian Affairs along the Ohio Country Frontier, 1754-1799, by Larry L. Nelson, rev., 213-214

McLaughlin, Louise, 173

McLaughlin, Mrs. Mary, 173

McNeill, William H., 94

McNutt, Paul V., 145, 148

McWilliams, Bruce McKinley, 182

Mad Anthony Wayne, by Thomas Boyd, 139

Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 25

Maine, "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186

Main Street Blues: The Decline of Small Town America, by Richard 0. Davies, rev., 102-103

Major Woodworth Auxiliary Number 23 of Elyria, Ohio AUSWV, 171-186

Man of Distinction Among Them: Alexander McKee and the BritishIndian Affairs along the Ohio Country Frontier, 1754-1799, A, by Larry L. Nelson, rev., 213-214

Marburg, Theodore, 24, 26

Marling, Karal Ann, George Washington Slept Here: Colonial Revivals and American Culture, 1876-1986, 173

Martin, Scott C., book rev., 202-203

Mash: An Army Surgeon in Korea, by Otto F. Apel, Jr., M.D., and Pat Apel, rev., 101

Maslekoff, Barbara, 188

Mathews, (Dr.) Shailer, 36n.36

Mathias, Frank F., book rev., 207-209

Mayer, Charles. See Meyer, Charles L.

Meeting House and the Counting House, The, by Frederick Tolles, 92

Meinke, Annette, 181-182

Meisse, David K, book rev., 103-104

Memorial Hall, Columbus, 43

Memory and ritual, "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186

Mencken, H. L., 131, 134

Metropolitan, 131

Metz, Christian, 90-91

Meyer, Charles L. (Charles Mayer), 91

Miami Conservancy District, 27, 40, 41, 43,46

Miami Conservancy Law, 28

Miami River (Ohio), 27, 28

Middle Innings: A Documentary History of Baseball, 1900-1948, by Dean A Sullivan, bk. note, 118

Minden, Germany, 77

Minneapolis Daily Star, 129

Minneapolis, Minn., 129

Minneapolis Tribune, 136

Minton & Balch, 139

Minton Balch Putnam, 142

Missouri Valley History Conference (44th Annual), 189

Mitchell, Otis C., 188

Mock Hem, See Ham, Mark

Moffet, Richard, 184

Montgomery County (Ohio), 30, 46

Moraine Park School (Dayton, Ohio), 37, 43

Moravian Church, 81-82

Morgan Engineering Company, 28

Morgan, Arthur, "Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," by Aaron D. Purcell, 24-46

Mountain People in a Flat Land: A Popular History of Appalachian Migration to Northeast Ohio, 1940-1954, by Carl E. Feather, rev., 106-107

Murdoch, Norman H., book rev., 215-216

Mushkat, Jerome, 93


INDEX, page 233

Muskingum River, 81

Mystic Chords of Memory, by Michael Kammen, 173

NAIRN, Frank R., 60

Nation, 12, 12n.31, 21, 134

National Auxiliary of United Spanish War Veterans, 169-170, 183n.36

National Guard Association (NGA), 49

National Guard Bureau (NGB), 52

National Guard of the United States (NGUS), 70

National Road, The, edited by Karl Raitz, rev., 190-192

Nativism, "Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," by Shirley Sui Ling Tam, 5-23

Negro Women in Industry subcommittee, WMC Women's Advisory Committee, 154

Nelson, Daniel, 93

Nelson, Larry L., A Man of Distinction Among Them: Alexander McKee and the British-Indian Affairs along the Ohio Country Frontier, 1754-1799, rev., 213-214

Newel, Stanford, 25

New Englanders on the Ohio Frontier: The Migration and Settlement of Worthington, Ohio, by Virginia E. McCormick and Robert W. McCormick, rev., 209-210

New Faces of the Fur Trade: Selected Papers of the Seventh North American Fur Trade Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1995, edited by Jo-Anne Fiske, Susan Sleeper Smith, and William Wicken, rev., 113-114

Newsweek, 64-65

New York Friends. See Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): New York Friends

New York, NY, 12

New York Peace Society, 26

New York Times, 64, 134

NGA. See National Guard Association

NGB. See National Guard Bureau

NGUS. See National Guard of the United States

987th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, ONG, 53

Nineteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 172, 186

Nolan, Alan T., coeditor, Giants in Their Tall Black Hats: Essays on the Iron Brigade, rev., 115-116

North American Review, 139

Northeast Ohio Restaurant Association, 161

Northwest Ohio Quarterly, 93

OAH, See Ohio Academy of History

Office of War Information (OWl), 159

Ohio Academy of History (OAH), 93, 187

Ohioana Awards, 188

Ohioana Library Association, 188

Ohioana Quarterly, 188

Ohio Court of Appeals, Eighth District, 21

Ohio Military Institute at College Hill, 126

Ohio National Guard (ONG), "Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly, 47-70

Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans Home, 183

Ohio Valley History, 188

On Collective Memory, by Maurice Halbwachs, 174

O'Neal, Angela K., "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966,"167-186

182nd AAA Gun Battalion, Battery A, ONG, 67n.51

183d AAA Gun Battalion, ONG, 52

148th Infantry, ONG, 61

148th Regimental Combat Team, ONG, 68

145th Infantry, Company D, ONG, 64

147th Infantry Regiment, ONG, 57

134th Field Artillery Battalion, ONG, 57

137th AAA Battalion, ONG, 51-52, 57, 59-60

136th Field Artillery Regiment, ONG, 49

112th Engineer Battalion, ONG, 68

ONG. See Ohio National Guard

On LeongTong, 10-11, 17

Orlando, Vittorio, 40

"Our Ohio Story," United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary Department of Ohio, 169

OWl. See Office of War Information



INDEX, page 234

PACE, Frank, 53, 66

Pagan, Walter E., 18n.44

Panic of 1872, 7

Papers of Andrew Johnson. Volume 15: September 1868-April 1869, The, edited by Paul H. Bergeron, rev., 200-201

Papers of Robert A. Taft. Volume 1: 1889-1938, The, edited by Clarence E. Wunderlin, Jr., rev., 97-98

Papplein (a Quaker merchant), 90n.45

Paris, France, 135

Paris Peace Conference, 40

Party Spirit in a Frontier Republic: Democratic Politics in Ohio, 1793-1821, by Donald J. Ratcliffe, rev., 198-200

Past is a Foreign Country, The, by David Lowenthal, 173-174

Patriotic Toil: Northern Women and the American Civil War, by Jeanie Attie, rev., 223-224

Patriotism, "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186

Pauer, Gyla, coeditor, Atlas of Kentucky, rev., 194-195

Peace societies: American, "Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," by Aaron D. Purcell, 24-46; Chinese American, 10

Peck, Jean M., At the Fire's Center: A Story of Love and Holocaust Survival, rev., 98-99

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 188-189

Perkins, Max, 125, 132, 136-138, 141, 143

Perrin, Annie Elliott, Soliloquy of a Farmer's Wife: The Diary of Annie Elliott Perrin, edited by Dale B. J. Randall, rev., 214-215

Philadelphia Friends. See Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): Philadelphia Friends

Philadelphia, Pa., 26, 38, 77-79, 86-88

Philanthropy: of the Major Woodworth Auxiliary of the AUSWV, 183-184; of the Quakers, "'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818," by Donald F. Durnbaugh, 71-92

Phillips, Christopher, 188

Phillips, Julieanne, "'Do the Job He Left Behind': The Cleveland Womanpower Committee, 1943-1945," 144-166

Pickenpaugh, Roger, Rescue By Rail: Troop Transfer and the Civil War in the West, 1863, 108-109

Pierce, Michael, coauthor, In the Workers' Interest: A History of the Ohio AFLCIO, 1958-1998, rev., 107-108; book rev., 109-110

Pitcavage, Mark, book rev., 205-206

Points of Honor, by Thomas Boyd, 135, 136, 138, 139

Police and Immigration Department (Cleveland, Ohio), 5

Police raids, "Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," by Shirley Sui Ling Tam, 5-23

"Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," by Shirley Sui Ling Tam, 5-23

Pomerene, Atlee, 39, 44n.61

Poor John Fitch, Inventor of the Steam Boat, by Thomas Boyd, 142

Pope, Sylvia, 180, 185

Pope, Virginia, 175

Portage Pathways, by Loris Troyer, bk. note, 118

Porter Military Academy (South Carolina), 126

Purcell, Aaron D., "Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," 24-46

"Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," by Aaron D. Purcell, 24-46

Putnam, Dale E., 50-51

QUAKERS. See Religious Society of Friends

Qeen City Heritage, 188

Quota Act, 8

RACE relations. See African-Americans, Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans



INDEX, page 235

Radcliffe, Herbert, 56

Radical Pietists. See Society of Separatists of Zoar

Rafuse, Ethan S., book rev., 217-218

Raitz, Karl, coeditor, Atlas of Kentucky, rev., 194-195; A Guide to the National Road, rev., 190-192; The National Road, rev., 190-192

Ramusack, Barbara N., 188

Randall, Dale B. J., editor, Soliloquy of a Farmer's Wife: The Diary of Annie Elliott Perrin, rev., 214-215

Rapp, Frederick Reichert, 85-86

Rapp, Johann Georg, 72, 82, 85-86

Rappites. See Harmony Society

Ratcliffe, Donald J., Party Spirit in a Frontier Republic: Democratic Politics in Ohio, 1793-1821, rev., 198-200

Reading, Pa., 84

Red Badge of Courage, The, by Stephen Crane, 135, 142

Reinhard, Christopher, 85n.33

Religion, "'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818," by Donald F Durnbaugh, 71-92

Religion, Race, and Reconstruction: The Public School in the Politics of the 1870s, by Ward M. McAfee, rev., 112-113

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): Bad Pyrmont (Germany) Quakers, 75-77; Baltimore Friends, 79; English Friends, 75-77, 79, 81, 83-84; New York Friends, 77, 79, Philadelphia Friends, 76-84, 86-88; "'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818," by Donald F Durnbaugh, 71-92.

"Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186

Reno, Nev., 140-141

Rescue By Rail: Troop Transfer and the Civil War in the West, 1863, by Roger Pickenpaugh, rev., 108-109

Ridgefield, Conn., 140

Rike, Frederick H., 29-30

Rocke,Alan, 187

Rockwell, Norman, 160

Rogers, Archibald, 65

Rogers, W. P., 32n.26

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 46, 145; The Dying President: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1944-1945, by Robert H. Ferrell, rev., 103-104

Roosevelt, Theodore, 34

"Rosie the Riveter," 160

Rotch, Thomas, 86-88

Rothenacker, Germany, 73, 74, 75

Rottenacker, Germany. See Rothenacker, Germany

Royal Porcelain Factory (Ludwigsburg, Germany), 75

Rutlinger, Johann Jakob, 89

Ryan, Daniel J., 39-40

SADOWSKY, Jonathan, Imperial Bedlam: Institutions of Madness in Colonial Southwest Nigeria, 187

St. Paul Daily News, 129-130

St. Paul, Minn., 130-140 passim

Sakmyster, Thomas L., 188

Saltonstall, Alice (Mrs. Leverett), 148

Samuel Drummond, by Thomas Boyd, 125,133,136-140

Sandburg, Carl, 130, 131

San Francisco, Calif., 9, 12, 22

Santa Barbara, Calif., 10

Saturday Evening Post, 160

Schauffler, (Dr.) Mary, 153, 165

Schiele, George C., 50

Scholars in Residence Program of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 188-189

Schrager, Bradley, 187

Schultz, Delbert E., 50, 56

Scranton, Philip, Endless Novelty: Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 1865-1925, rev., 99-100

Scribner, Charles, Jr., 133

Scribners (magazine), 135, 139

See America First: Tourism, American Landscape and National Identity, by Marguerite S. Shaffer, 187

Seebohm, Benjamin, 75

Selective Service System, 145-151 passim

Sentilles, Renee, 187

Separatists. See Society of Separatists of Zoar


INDEX, page 236

Shadow of the Long Knives, by Thomas Boyd, 139

Shaffer, Marguerite S., See America First: Tourism, American Landscape, and National Identity, 187

Shapiro, Herbert, 188

Shaw, Ronald E., book rev., 209-210

Shevitz, Amy Hill, book rev., 98-99

Short, William H., 26, 29-30

Simmons, David, bk. note, 118; book rev., 195-197; book rev., 211-212

Simon Girty, White Savage, by Thomas Boyd, 139

Skeen, C. Edward, Citizen Soldiers of the War of 1812, rev., 205-206

Slanicka, C. J., coauthor, In the Workers' Interest: A History of the Ohio AFLCIO, 1958-1998, rev., 107-108

Smith, Harrison, 132

Smith, Margaret "Peggy." See Boyd, Peggy

Smith, Paul H., coeditor, Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789. Volume 25: March 1, 1788-July 25, 1789, with Supplement, 1774-87, rev., 95-96

Smith, Susan Sleeper, coeditor, New Faces of the Fur Trade: Selected Papers of the Seventh North American Fur Trade Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1995, rev., 113-114

Society of Separatists of Zoar (Separatists), "'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818," by Donald E Durnbaugh, 71-92

Soliloquy ofa Farmer's Wife: The Diary of Annie Elliott Perrin, edited by Dale B. J. Randall, rev., 214-215

Sono-Arts, 139

Southam, Annette, 175

South Woodstock, Vt., 141

Spanish-American War Veterans, The, 169

Spanish-American War. See United Spanish War Veterans

Spanish War Veterans, The, 169

Standard Oil Company of Ohio, 151

Steelworker Alley: How Class Works in Youngstown, by Robert Bruno, rev., 220-222

Steinberg, Theodore, 187

Stilson, Alden, Jr., 61n.36, 64n.43, 67, 68n.52

Stilson, Alden, Sr., 67-68

Stouffer Restaurants (of Cleveland), 161. Illustration, 162

Stowe, Christopher, bk. note, 118-119

Stradling, David, 188

"'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818," by Donald F. Durnbaugh, 71-92

Strong, George E., 144

Sturge, Thomas, 75

Sullivan, Dean, editor, Middle Innings: A Documentary History of Baseball, 1900-1948, bk. note, 118

Sullivan, (Judge) John J., 21

Sunday Game: At the Dawn of Professional Football, The, by Keith McClellan, rev., 192-194

Sunderland, Willard, 188

Sussex pledge of 1916, 34

Swedenborg, Emanuel, 73

Szorady, Anthony E., 51

TAFT, Robert A., The Papers of Robert A. Taft. Volume 1: 1889-1938, edited by Clarence E. Wunderlin, Jr., rev., 97-98

Taft, William Howard, "Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," by Aaron D. Purcell, 24-46

Tam, Shirley Sui Ling, "Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," 5-23

Taylor, Bruce M., 187

Tennessee Valley Authority, 45

Tersteegen, Gerhard, 73

Teute, Fredrika J., coeditor, Contact Points: American Frontiers from the Mohawk Valley to the Mississippi, 1750-1830, rev., 116-117

Third National Peace Conference (1911, Baltimore, Md.), 26

37th Infantry Division (Buckeye Division), ONG, "Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly, 47-70

"Thomas Boyd and F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Brief Literary Friendship," by Brian Bruce, 125-143


INDEX, page 237

Thompson Aircraft plant (TRW, Inc.), 156. Illustration, 157

Thompson, William Oxley, 29-30, 32n.26, 35-39, 45-46

372d Infantry Battalion, 52

372d Infantry Regiment, 51

Three Soldiers, by John Dos Passos, 132

Through the Wheat, by Thomas Boyd, 125,132-138,141,142

Thurston, Robert W., "The Enemy Within: European Witch Hunts, American Lynching, and Soviet Terror," 187

Thwing, Charles F., 32n.26

Tipton, Lovell B., 51, 60

To Die in Chicago: Confederate Prisoners at Camp Douglas 1862-65, by George Levy, rev., 222-223

Tolles, Frederick, The Meeting House and the Counting House, 92

Tongs and tong wars, "Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," by Shirley Sui Ling Tam, 5-23

Trogdon, Gary A., book rev., 101

Troyer, Loris, Portage Pathways, bk. note, 118

Truesdell, Barbara, "Exalting 'U.S.Ness': Patriotic Rituals of the Daughters of the American Revolution," 175

Truman Defeats Dewey, by Gary A. Donaldson, rev., 204-205

Truman, Harry S., Truman Defeats Dewey, by Gary A. Donaldson, rev., 204-205

TRW, Inc.. See Thompson Aircraft plant

Turner, Frederick Jackson, Frederick Jackson Turner: Strange Roads Going Down, by Allan G. Bogue, rev., 110-112

Tuscarawas County (Ohio), 72, 81, 85

Two Kingdoms, Two Loyalties: Mennonite Pacifism in Modern America, by Perry Bush, rev., 201-202

ULACK, Richard, coeditor, Atlas of Kentucky, rev., 194-195

United Nations, 46

United Spanish War Veterans (USWV), "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186

United States Employment Services (USES), 148, 149

University of Nebraska at Omaha, 189

University of Southern Illinois Press, 142

U.S. Army, "Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly, 47-70

U.S. Census (Chinese American population), 8, 11, 17. Table, 16

USES. See United States Employment Services

U.S. Senate, 40-46

U.S. Supreme Court, 9

USWV. See United Spanish War Veterans

VAN BOLT-KREBER Electrotype, 49

Van Ness, Cornelius, 131, 135

Vanderstel, David G., book rev., 113-114

Van Tine, Warren, coauthor, In the Workers ' Interest: A History of the Ohio AFL-CIO, 1958-1998, rev., 107-108

Vaterlandsliebe, 77

Versailles, France, 39-40; 41n.51

Versailles Peace Treaty, 42, 44

Veteran Army of the Philippines, 169

Veterans' Camp, 184

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 168

Veterans' organizations, "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186

Vetter, Caspar (Caspar Fetter), 80, 83-85, 89

VFW. See Veterans of Foreign Wars

Vickery, (Judge) Willis, 21

Vipond, Sharon Eggleston, coeditor, Giants in Their Tall Black Hats: Essays on the Iron Brigade, rev., 115-116

Visual History of the Twentieth Century, edited by Terry Burrows, 94

WADHAMS, William H., 36n.36

Walker, Frank R., A Cleveland Legacy: The Architecture of Walker and Weeks, by Eric Johannesen, rev., 211-212

Walker, Robert, 55n.20

Walpole, Hugh, 131

Ward, Earl, 55

War Labor Board, 151


INDEX, page 238

War Manpower Commission (WMC), "'Do the Job He Left Behind': The Cleveland Womanpower Committee, 1943-1945," by Julieanne Phillips, 144-166; Diagram, 147

Washington, D.C., 30-31

Washington, Versalle F., Eagles on Their Buttons: A Black Infantry Regiment in the Civil War, bk. note, 118-119

Weeks, Harry E., A Cleveland Legacy: The Architecture of Walker and Weeks, by Eric Johannesen, rev., 211-212

Weinland, Ernst, 75

Weston, Stephen F, 39

Wheels ofFortune: The Story of Rubber in Akron, by Stevel Love and David Giffels, rev., 210-211

Whitcomb, Cecil, 49-50, 55-56

White Bear Lake (Minnesota), 130-131

Wicken, William, coeditor, New Faces of the Fur Trade: Selected Papers of the Seventh North American Fur Trade Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1995, rev., 113-114

Wilde, Eleanor, 127

Wilde, Marion, 127

Wilson, Woodrow, "Pursuing Peace: Arthur Morgan and Ohio's League to Enforce Peace, 1915-1920," by Aaron D. Purcell, 24-46

Wing, Marie R., 165

Winkler, Allan M., 187

Wirthlin, Robert, 67

WMC. See War Manpower Commission

Wolff, Gerald W., book rev., 200-201

Women's Advisory Committee of the WMC, 146-148

Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, 146

Women's issues, "'Do the Job He Left Behind': The Cleveland Womanpower Committee, 1943-1945," by Julieanne Phillips, 144-166; "Remembering the Maine: Memory, Ritual, and Women's Roles in the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary of Elyria, Ohio, 1922-1966," by Angela K. O'Neal, 167-186;


Women's Relief Corps, 168

Wong, H. Kingsey, 13

Wong Sing, 10

Wood, Sharon E., 189

Woodward High School (Cincinnati), 126

Woodworth, Charles, 171

Woollacott, Angela, coeditor, Feminisms and Internationalism, 187

World War I: in Literature, "Thomas Boyd and F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Brief Literary Friendship," by Brian Bruce, 125-143; and the Ohio National Guard, 47, 48, 49. See also Peace societies

World War II: and the Cleveland home front, "'Do the Job He Left Behind': The Cleveland Womanpower Committee, 1943-1945," by Julieanne Phillips, 144-166; and the Ohio National Guard, 48, 49, 50

Wratton, Myrtle, 180

Wrobel, David M., book rev., 110-112

Wunderlin, Clarence E., Jr., editor, The Papers of Robert A. Taft. Volume 1: 1889-1938, rev., 97-98

Wurttemberg, Germany, 72, 75-77, 89

XENIA Orphans Home, 182

YEE Chock, 5, 11

Yee Hee Kee, 10-11

Young, (Dr.) Clarence Kuangson, 18n.44

Youngstown Vindicator, 64

Yowell, Fern, 183

ZINSSER, Judith P., "La Dame d'Esprit: the Daring Life, Tragic Death and Loss to History of the Marquise Du Chatelet," 187-188

Zoar (Ohio), "'Strangers and Exiles': Assistance Given by the Religious Society of Friends to the Separatist Society of Zoar in 1817-1818," by Donald F. Durnbaugh, 71-92