A Question of Authorship: The
Ephraim George Squier-Edwin
Hamilton Davis Controversy
In 1848 Ephraim George Squier, a young,
ambitious eastern journal-
ist, and Dr. Edwin Hamilton Davis, a
prominent western physician
and antiquarian, laid claim to world
attention with publication of
their classic monograph, Ancient
Monuments of the Mississippi Val-
ley. As the first scholarly publication of the fledgling
Smithsonian In-
stitution, the appearance of this
"Great American Work"1 was a na-
tional cause celebre, conferring
recognition upon the authors, the
Smithsonian, and the newly emerging
sciences of archaeology and
ethnology.2 In exploring some
two hundred mounds and one hun-
dred earthworks in Ohio from 1845 to
1847, Squier and Davis pro-
duced the first systematic study of
American antiquities. Their
findings represent the leading edge of
knowledge in American ar-
chaeology at mid-century.
Curiously, no inquiry into their controversial
association and its af-
termath of enmity has been undertaken.
Although their contribution
to science is well-known, Squier's
subsequent archaeological renown,
diplomatic ventures, and stormy marriage
have received the bulk of
attention by historians.3 In
his own right Davis has been ignored, as
Terry A. Barnhart is a doctoral student
in history at Miami University.
1. Advertisement, Literary World, 3
(September 23, 1848), 680. For major reviews of
Ancient Monuments see "The Western Mound Builders," Literary
World, 3 (October,
1848), 767-68; [Charles Eliot Norton],
"Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley,"
North American Review, 68 (April, 1849), 466-96; and [Theodore Dwight
Woolsey], "An-
cient Monuments of the Mississippi
Valley," New Englander and Yale Review, 7 (Febru-
ary, 1849), 95-109.
2. Representative of the tenuous status
of archaeology and ethnology in this period,
the two terms were often used
interchangeably. Thus Ancient Monuments, properly an
archaeological work, was frequently
referred to as an ethnological memoir.
3. The early period in Squier's
archaeological career is examined in Gilbert Tax,
"The Development of American
Archaeology, 1800-1879," (Ph.D dissertation, Universi-
ty of Chicago, 1973), Ch. 5, "E.
George Squier and the Mounds, 1845-1850," 173-223;
Robert Silverberg, Mound Builders of
Ancient America: The Archaeology of a Myth
Question of Authorship 53
has the importance of his contributions
to the Squier-Davis research.
No doubt Squier's eventful career was
the more significant of the
two. A prodigious scholar, he pursued
his archaeological investiga-
tions with style and unabated zeal. The
beginning of that career,
however, resulted in no small measure
from his early association with
Davis, whose more modest achievements as
an archaeologist were
eventually eclipsed by Squier's
flamboyant personality and numerous
publications. Whatever their individual
attainments, their pioneering
scientific collaboration and the
resulting controversy over authorship
of Ancient Monuments justifies an
examination of their stormy rela-
Ephraim George Squier, journalist,
archaeologist, diplomat, and
entrepreneur, stands in the forefront of
nineteenth-century American
scholars. Consumed from an early age by
a relentless ambition "that
burns like fire in my veins," his
youthful resolve was "to leave at least
a name to the world." A
master opportunist, Squier possessed a
talent to turn most situations to his
advantage. The very embodiment
of enterprise, he kept a constant eye on
the prospects of "making
something handsome," and was never
far removed from pursuing his
"golden expectations."4 Awareness
of this blend of zealousness,
ambition, and vanity is fundamental to
understanding his character
and success, as well as his eventual
falling-out with Davis. For al-
though known for his wit, affability,
and charm, a telling comment on
Squier's variegated career is that he
made many personal enemies.
Born in Bethlehem, New York, June 17,
1821, the son of Joel
Squier, a local Methodist minister and
circuit rider of modest means,
and Catherine Kilmer Squier, Ephraim
Squier grew up in frugal cir-
cumstances. Unable to afford a private
education, he attended local
rural schools, and largely educated
himself during the leisure hours
on his father's farm. In 1837 he began a
short-lived teaching career
while also working on a local paper. But
the mundane duties of keep-
(Greenwich, Conn., 1968); and William
Stanton, The Leopard's Spots: Scientific Atti-
tudes Toward Race in America, 1815-1859 (Chicago, 1960). For accounts of Squier's
macy see Charles L. Stansifer, "The
Central American Career of Ephraim George
Squier," (Ph.D dissertation, Tulane
University, 1959); Mary Wilhelmine Williams,
Anglo-American Isthmian Diplomacy,
1815-1915 (Washington, D.C., 1916);
and her
"Letters from E. G. Squier to John
M. Clayton, 1849-1850," Hispanic American Histori-
cal Review, 1 (November, 1918), 426-34. See also Ira Dudley Travis,
The History of the
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1899). Squier's fashionable marriage
to Miri-
am Follin and their scandalous divorce
is chronicled in Madeleine B. Stern, Purple
Passage: The Life of Mrs. Frank
Leslie (Norman, Okla, 1953).
4. Squier to [Joel and Maria Squier],
June 24, 1842, March 18, 1848, Squier Papers,
New York Historical Society. Hereafter
cited as Squier Papers.
ing school proved unsuited to his
ambitions: he had no desire to
"live and die a despised and
miserable pedagogue-the most illy
paid and thankless of all
employments."5 Thus he taught himself
civil engineering, a skill that would
eventually serve him well. The
panic of 1837-1839, however, offered
little immediate hope to an as-
piring engineer, prompting him to seek a
livelihood through the pow-
er of the pen. It was in journalism that
Squier established a durable
career. Although rightly remembered as
an archaeologist, he was
first and last a journalist. Beginning
in 1840, he became editor of nu-
merous short-lived literary and poetic
journals, the names and num-
bers of which are less important than
the skills they imparted. He
soon developed the polished style of
writing that would distinguish
his scholarship from the ponderous style
of many of his contempo-
raries. Moreover, he early acquired the
superior organizational and
managerial skills that long
characterized his many-sided career.
Moving from the poetic to the practical
in his writings, Squier took
up social causes as editor of the New
York Mechanic, a leading organ
of prison reform in Albany from
1841-1842.6 Characteristic of his un-
bounded energy, the same period saw him
translate some 360 pages
of William Beekman's official
correspondence as commissary and
vice-director of the old Dutch Colony on
the South or Delaware Riv-
er, while also delivering lectures on
modern civilization. More impor-
tantly, during this period he
co-authored his first book, The Chinese
as They Are.7
Ever restless in his early years, he
next immersed himself in poli-
tics. In 1844, in Hartford, Connecticut,
he became editor of the Eve-
ning Journal, a pro-Whig publication in which he vigorously cam-
paigned for Henry Clay for president.
The disillusioning effects of
Clay's defeat and the unexpected sale of
the Journal, however, led
the young Whig to entertain recent
offers of editorship with leading
papers in Baltimore, Columbus, and
Chillicothe. Convinced that
Clay's defeat would result in the
"prostration of our industry, and
the extension of slavery," and that
his zealous support of Clay would
5. Squier to [Joel and Maria Squier],
December 30, 1841, Squier Papers.
6. See also E. G. Squier, Reports of
the Committees on the Sing Sing andAuburn Pris-
ons (Albany, N.Y., 1843); Documents in Relation to State
Prison Competition (Albany,
N.Y., 1843); and "The Condition of
the Laboring Population of America, and Their In-
terests," in the Working Man's
Miscellany (Albany, N.Y., 1843).
7. See William Beekman Papers, New York
Historical Society. Squier added his own
notes, appendix, and index. See also
"Two Lectures on the Origin and Progress of Mod-
ern Civilization," (Albany, N.Y.,
1841-1842), in Squier Papers; and The Chinese as They
Are: Their Moral and Social
Character, By G. Tradescent Lay, compiled
by E. G. Squier
(Albany, N.Y., 1843).
Question of Authorship
now prod his "political and
personal enemies" to attack him, Squier
reluctantly determined to leave his
beloved Hartford: "There is cer-
tainly an excellent opening in Ohio for
a young man . . . Baltimore is
out of the question. I will not live
where there are slaves!"8
In February of 1845, Squier came to
Chillicothe, Ohio, as editor of
the Scioto Gazette, reputedly the
most influential newspaper in the
state. Here he made the first of many
acquaintances which would
prove influential in fostering his
unprecedented rise as an archaeolo-
gist, Dr. Edwin Hamilton Davis. Both men
shared an avid interest in
archaeology and ethnology, which served
as the basis of their
friendship. Although there is some
evidence Squier possessed this
interest before arriving in Chillicothe,
unquestionably his association
with Davis altered the direction of his
Like Squier, Davis possessed diverse
interests. The opposite of his
colleague in both personality and
stature, Davis was reticent, distin-
guished in bearing, and his tall frame
stood in marked contrast to the
short but ardent Squier.10 Ten
years Squier's elder, Davis was an ac-
complished physician, surgeon, and
"moundologist," who had
made the examination and preservation of
American antiquities his
avocation from an early age: "to
arrest from destruction the works of
a former age and peculiar people ... as hundreds are yearly
ploughed into the earth by our money
loving tillers of the soil." 11
Born in Hillsboro, Ohio, January 22,
1811, to Henry Davis, a promi-
nent Dartmouth-educated merchant and
banker, and Avis Slocum
(Towne) Davis, Edwin Davis grew up in an
area abounding with Indi-
8. Squier to [Joel and Maria Squier],
January 18, 1845, Squier Papers.
9. Biographical information on Squier is
found in Dumas Malone, ed., Dictionary of
American Biography, vol. 9 (New York, 1935-1936), 488-89; The National
Cyclopedia of
American Biography, vol. 4 (New York, 1897), 79; Samuel Austin Allibone,
ed., Critical
Dictionary of English Literature and
British and American Authors (Philadelphia,
2212-16; Appleton's Cyclopedia and
Register of Important Events, 1888, vol. 13 (New
York, 1889), 653; Edward A. and George
L. Duychinck, eds., Cylopedia of American
Literature, vol. 2 (Philadelphia, 1881), 671-73; Frank Squier, A
Collection of Books of
Ephraim George Squier ... (New York, 1939); Rafael Hilodoro Valle, "Ephraim
Squier (Bio-Bibliographical
Notes)," Hispanic American Historical Review, 5 (Novem-
ber, 1922), 784-89; and E. G. Squier,
"Our Foreign Relations," American Whig Review, 12
n.s. (October, 1850), 345-52.
10. One such acquaintance found Davis
"a very reserved and somewhat diffident
gentleman and of the highest
character." By contrast, he found Squier "an entirely dif-
ferent man ... a blonde, small and
boyish figure, but one of the most audacious spirits I
have ever known. ... He had a talent for
management and not withstanding his insignif-
icant presence could make his way
everywhere, with no fear of power, station nor weight
of intellect and character." See
Henry Howe, "Some Recollections of Historic Trav-
el. . .," Ohio Archaeological
and Historical Quarterly, 2 (March, 1889), 466.
11. Davis to John Davis, February, 22,
1847, Squier and Davis Papers, American An-
tiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.
Hereafter cited as Squier and Davis Papers.
an mounds and earthworks, his first
school being located near a
mound of the Circleville, Ohio, group.
He excavated his first mound
in 1831, while pursuing a medical
education at Kenyon College in
Gambler, Ohio. There he presented his
early observations to the
Philomathesian Society, which, owing to
the general interest in the
mounds, he later expanded into his
commencement address on the
"Antiquities of Ohio,"
September 4, 1833. Daniel Webster, then on a
sojourn through the West, was present at
Davis's oration, and en-
couraged the young medical student to
continue his work in the
examination and preservation of American
antiquities. He even pro-
posed the establishment of a society to
purchase, explore, and con-
serve these remains. Webster's
enthusiasm inspired Davis to contin-
ue his explorations, and in 1837 he
assisted Charles Whittlesey in the
examination of several earthworks in the
Scioto Valley for the Ohio
Geological Survey. By the time of his
association with Squier, he had
already collected a cabinet of artifacts
from the mounds and had es-
tablished a regional reputation for his
After graduating from Cincinnati Medical
College, on March 3,
1838,12 Davis established a medical
practice in Chillicothe. In 1841,
he met Lucy Woodbridge, daughter of John
Woodbridge, a leading
citizen and banker in Chillicothe. Their
subsequent marriage and
Davis's successful practice secured for
him prominent status within
the community, and his performance of
the operation for strabismus
in 1841 established his reputation as a
surgeon.13 Davis claimed that
this was the first such surgery
conducted in Ohio, and the second in
the country by only a few days. He was
thus busily engaged in his
medical and antiquarian pursuits when
Squier became editor of the
Gazette. 14
At the time of their meeting, little was
known of the conspicuous,
myth-shrouded mounds of the Mississippi
Valley. Although much
had been written on the subject, most of
the literature was specula-
12. Davis also attended special courses
of medicine in Philadelphia, New York, and
13. See also E. H. Davis, "Report
of the Committee on the Statistics of Calculous
Disease in Ohio," Transactions
of the Ohio State Medical Society (Columbus, 1850),
14. Biographical information on Davis is
found in "Dr. Edwin Hamilton Davis," Pro-
ceedings of the American Antiquarian
Society, 5 n.s. (October, 1888),
368-69; The Edwin
Hamilton Davis Collection, Ross County
Historical Society, Chillicothe, Ohio; Dumas
Malone, ed., Dictionary of American
Biography, vol. 3 (New York, 1930), 113; James
Grant Wilson and John Fiske, eds., Appleton's
Cyclopedia of American Biography, (New
York, 1894), 96; Appleton's
Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events, 1888, vol. 13
(New York, 1889), 630; and The
National Cyclopedia of American Biography, vol. 13
(New York, 1906), 319.
Question of Authorship 57
tive, containing little factual value
worthy of trust. By the middle of
the nineteenth century, however,
romantic and fanciful indulgences
were giving way to the more exacting
demands of scientific inquiry.
This was an exciting, expansive time for
archaeology and ethnology,
which emerged as new disciplines from
their former existence as ap-
pendages of natural history and
geography. Beginning in 1838 with
the first report of the United States
Exploring Expedition, the found-
ing of the American Ethnological Society
in 1842, and the establish-
ment of the Smithsonian Institution in
1846, a new maturity and disci-
pline was imposed where before there had
been primarily much
conjecture. As the nation moved beyond
the old trans-Allegheny
West and American merchants and
missionaries penetrated new
world markets and cultures, new areas
were opened to explorations
and new aboriginal peoples were brought
under study. The result
was the stimulation of the
"infant" sciences of archaeology and eth-
nology.15 Amidst such
interest and growth, it is little wonder that
Squier and Davis's investigations
excited intense scientific curiosity.
Those researches began in the Spring of
1845. Excavating mounds
proved an expensive business, and Davis
provided the initial five
thousand dollars necessary for travel
and the hiring of labor. By
July, an exuberant Squier informed his
parents of his investigation of
"strange and mysterious squares and
crescents," articles of pottery,
carved wood, and metal unearthed in
their excavations. He reported
having already assembled a large
"cabinet of curiosities," which he
thought the largest ever assembled.
These finds soon led him to
contemplate a book on western
antiquities and to talk of "my discov-
eries," such as the recovery of one
hundred effigy pipes from a single
mound, along with silver, beads, and
precious stones.16
It soon became apparent, however, that
the necessary scope of
their operations exceeded Davis's
resources. In order to continue,
they sought financial support from
eastern scientific and antiquarian
societies. In eager anticipation of such
aid, both researchers sent let-
ters of introduction east. Confident of
their success, Squier vaunted
to his clerical father: "I will
show you some things you never
dreamed of in your philosophy."17
Their labors first came to the attention
of the American Ethnolog-
15. See John R. Bartlett, "Progress
of Ethnology: An Account of Recent Geographi-
cal, Archaeological, and Philological
Researches, Tending to Illustrate the Physical His-
tory of Man," Transactions of
the American Ethnological Society, 2 (1848), appendix.
16. Squier to [Joel and Maria Squier],
July 20 and November 6, 1845, Squier Papers.
17. Squier to [Joel and Maria Squier],
March 10, 1846, Squier Papers.
ical Society of New York in 1846. In
June of that year, Squier appeared
before the society with a presentation
of artifacts, maps, plans, and
sectional views of numerous mounds from
the Chillicothe area. The
exhibition made a lasting impression on
the secretary of the society,
New York publisher and ethnologist John
Russell Bartlett, and its
president, the venerable American
statesman, financier, and ethnolo-
gist, Albert Gallatin. Two of the
founding fathers of American ethnol-
ogy, Bartlett and Gallatin's New York
chambers were salons for eth-
nological discussion and speculation.
Both men took pains to focus
scholarly attention on Squier and Davis's
researches, and their
friendship would be an indispensible
boon to Squier's budding ca-
Armed with a letter of introduction from
Gallatin, Squier continued
his eastern trek, going on to Boston.
Received as a scholarly young
man with important work to be done, he
enthusiastically read his
notes and described his researches with
Davis to the Boston Acade-
my of Science and Art. The result of his
presentation was an honorary
membership and a tentative offer of
publication.18 Moreover, at a
meeting of the American Geologists and
Naturalists Society he read
the first paper based on his and Davis's
preliminary findings, "Ob-
servations on the Fossils, Minerals,
Organic Remains, etc. Found in
the Mounds of the West." Curiously,
the paper omitted any mention
of Davis's name. A brilliant coup, the
text of this address was re-
ported in the Boston Journal and
was later published in the Edinburg
New Philosophical Journal, thus introducing Squier into both Ameri-
can and European scientific circles.19
Squier met with similar success at the
American Antiquarian Socie-
ty in Worcester, Massachusetts. In 1820
the first volume of the socie-
ty's Transactions had been
devoted to what its vice president, John
Davis, called "the obscure and
dubious history of the tumuli of the
valley of the Mississippi," and the
Society now desired that the
mounds be brought under closer scrutiny.
Understandably, then,
Squier and Davis aroused great interest
when they reported that the
mounds were works of art, complete with
sculptured images, pieces
of wrought metal, altars, and other
artificial relics. Davis had previ-
ously written the society, requesting
financial support for their labors.
He now suggested that Squier include his
name, along with Gallatin's
18. Squier to [Joel and Maria Squier],
June 29, 1846, Squier Papers. Notably present
were Jared Sparks, Edward Evert, and
William Hickling Prescott, all of whom later
sponsored Squier as Charge d'Affaires to
the Republics of Central America.
19. Boston Journal, September 24,
1847; Edinburg New Philosophical Journal, 44
(October, 1847-April, 1848), 141-44.
Question of Authorship 59
introductory letter, lest such an
omission lead them to "think there
was some collision or competition
[between us] otherwise." The soci-
ety, however, deferred its decision on
financial assistance and pub-
lication. Desiring additional
information, it awaited a "reasonable
promise of credible results,"
presumably a manuscript.20 Undaunt-
ed, Squier remained determined to find a
firmly committed sponsor.
The next leg of his whirlwind tour took
him to the New Haven
home of Professor Robert Silliman,
publisher of the American Jour-
nal of Science and Arts. Established in 1818, Silliman's Journal was
among the first American scientific
periodicals to seriously examine
American antiquities, and was a
publication in which several of
Squier's early works would appear. Like
Gallatin and Bartlett, Silli-
man was also drawn to Squier and Davis's
work, and promoted inter-
est among others by publishing brief
accounts of their scientific in-
vestigations.21 He also
introduced Squier to the Connecticut
Academy of Science and the faculty of
Yale, who proved equally en-
thusiastic about what had been
accomplished; so much so, in fact,
that the faculty of Yale elected Squier
an honorary member of the
In New Haven, Squier made tentative
arrangements to publish a
preliminary abstract of the planned
definitive work on the mounds.
Davis advised him to give Silliman only
enough of a general sampling
to provoke his excitement and attention,
thinking it best to "reserve
our ammunition for the main fire."
Monitoring the progress of
Squier's sweep of great men, Davis also
expressed concern over not
receiving due credit for his
contributions, and reminded his col-
league that all "papers should
appear under our joint signatures-
author[']s name [Squier's] first. This
will be no more than justice to
each, as we expect to conduct the whole
matter jointly." Wishing
him continued success in his eastern
swing, Davis pointedly re-
minded Squier not to "forget your
friend at home. Meet [sic] out to
him equal credit and a due share of the
honours, etc."22
Davis further cautioned against being
"too sanguine," comparing
Squier's success to that of a conquering
general: "a la mode Taylor
20. Proceedings of the American
Antiquarian Society, 1812-1849 (Worcester, Mass.,
1912), 518, 520; Davis to Squier, June
14, 1846, Squier Papers, Library of Congress. Here-
after cited as SPLC.
21. E. G. Squier, "On Discoidal
Stones of the Indian Mounds," American Journal of
Science and Arts, 2 sec. s. (November, 1846), 216-18; his
"Hieroglyphical Mica Plates
from the Mounds," American
Journal of Science and Arts, 4 sec. s. (November, 1847),
145; and E. H. Davis, "Footprints
and Indian Sculpture," American Journal of Science
and Arts, 3 sec. s. (May, 1847), 286-88.
22. Davis to Squier, June 9 and 15,
1846, SPLC.
[you] carried them, horse, foot, and dragoon." Nonetheless, Davis strongly disagreed with his tactic of approaching several different so- cieties at once, believing it more prudent to concentrate on one or two, rather than risk producing jealousies of interest. He advised Squier "to cool down a degree or two,-and concentrate your mighty ener- gies..." Additionally, he could not countenance Squier's method of soliciting information from various correspondents far and wide. In sober earnest he urged discipline: ... don't attempt too much predicated upon the hope of exciting the same enthusiasm professed by yourself, in a hundred antiquarians scattered over the U. States by pen and ink batteries. My God! You might as well expect in- formation from the moon by addressing the man there. . 23 Davis continued to keep abreast of eastern developments while hosting the first of several distinguished visitors to Chillicothe, Dr. Montroville Wilson Dickenson. A fellow physician and antiquary, Dickenson's explorations of mounds in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas
23. Davis to Squier, July 7, 1846, SPLC. |
Question of Authorship 61 |
paralleled Squier and Davis's in the Ohio Valley. His investigations had made no less an impression in eastern scientific salons than had their own, and had particularly excited John Bartlett, who often spoke in glowing terms of Dickenson's discoveries. Dickenson visited Davis in Chillicothe for two days. Davis found his gracious guest unassuming and intelligent, and learned he had in- deed accomplished much. Davis was not, however, uncritical, and observed that Dickenson knew "more of astrology than mounds." After examining ten of Dickenson's books of notes and sketches, Davis characterized them as "all interesting . . . some wonderful." Nevertheless, he concluded, Dickenson had conducted his investi- gations over too wide a field, encompassing too many subjects. Cer- tainly he had something yet to learn of "moundology." His methods appeared "too loose," and at times unreliable, and his notes consist- ed of many "hearsay facts." The use of slaves in his excavations Davis found "very cozy" but also inefficient: "The negroes dig and he sketches." Although an inexpensive arrangement, it was suspect in exactness and thoroughness. Upon his departure, Dickenson arranged an artifact exchange with his fellow enthusiast, from what |
were undoubtedly the two most unique and
valuable private collec-
tions in the country.24
Having at last accomplished his eastern
mission, Squier returned to
Chillicothe in triumph. With the
official blessing and support of the
American Ethnological Society, Squier
and Davis expanded their in-
vestigations with renewed vigor. At
Albert Gallatin's request, Squier
busied himself in the preparation of an
introductory piece for the so-
ciety's Transactions. From New
York, Bartlett encouraged Squier to
forge ahead: "All who feel an
interest in removing the obscurity that
envelopes our aboriginal history must be
greatly gratified and
obliged by your zealous and effective
endeavours..." As for the
antecedent work, it would "be the
best feeler we can throw out. It
will soon show the world that we have
antiquarian treasure among
us. ..." Adverse reaction to the
introductory work would undoubt-
edly delay and perhaps prevent
publication of the larger study. Un-
derstandably, Bartlett was startled with
Squier's initial proposal of
three to four hundred pages of text.
Such length was unnecessary for
"a recital of facts," and he
further cautioned against giving too much
away in his article for Silliman,
advising, as Davis had, to excite only,
not satisfy curiosity over their
By the spring of 1847, Squier and
Davis's investigations were essen-
tially completed, and it was obvious that
the cost of publishing the
entire manuscript exceeded the financial
resources of the American
Ethnological Society. The need to limit
the scope of their ambitious
project was averted, however, by the
timely counsel of Congressman
George Perkins Marsh, a member of the
Ethnological Society and re-
gent of the Smithsonian Institution.
Marsh suggested that Squier
would do well to submit the manuscript
to the Secretary of the
Smithsonian, Professor Joseph Henry of
Princeton. Henry was inter-
ested and, given the liberal endowment
of the Institute, likely to pub-
24. Davis to Squier, December 24 and 29,
1846, SPLC. Dickenson unsuccessfully at-
tempted to open a museum for his
artifacts, which were later sold to the University of
Pennsylvania. See Steward Culin,
"The Dickenson College of American Antiquity," Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania Musuem
Bulletin, 2 (1900), 113-68. Davis was initially no more
successful in placing his treasures,
alternatively known as the "Davis" and "Squier-
Davis Collection." In 1863 he at
long last sold these artifacts to William Blackmore of
Liverpool, England, who opened the
Blackmore Museum for their display at Salisbury
in 1867. Squier's name was not mentioned
in the transaction, he being then in Peru. See
Edward [Thomas] Stevens, Flint Chips:
A Guide to Pre-Historic Archaeology as
Illustrated by the Collection in the
Blackmore Museum, Salisbury (London,
1870). The
artifacts were later sold to the British
Museum, where they remain despite efforts to ef-
fect their return.
25. Bartlett to Squier, September 10 and
November 13, 1846, and February 8, 1847,
Question of Authorship 63
lish their findings in full. If
accepted, the work would appear in the
best possible letter press and
illustration, and would probably earn
for its authors liberal remuneration.
Publication under the auspices of
the newly established Institute would be
"a better honorarium for
your labors than you can hope for in any
other way."26
Marsh's wise counsel now urged Squier
onward to the final draft-
ing of the Squier-Davis manuscript.
Having been temporarily di-
verted from his writing by a short stint
as Clerk of the Ohio House of
Representatives, Squier now reported,
"I have scarcely been out of
doors for the past 70 days, except
perhaps to verify some measure-
ments. Since the legislature adjourned,
I have written not far from
800 foolscap pages, besides making
sketches and drawings." No
worse for the wear, Squier reported to
be in good health and spirits:
"Exercise is repairing the
exhaustion of five months of sedentary ap-
plication." With the Herculean task
completed, Squier now sought
release from any obligation to publish
exclusively with the American
Ethnological Society. Gallatin
enthusiastically agreed to publish only
the introductory article, the
Smithsonian to present the large work in
a folio edition. The initial estimated
cost of printing the engravings
alone amounted to $3,500, the manuscript
in toto from $5,000 to
Final consideration for acceptance by
the Smithsonian involved
the formation of an evaluative committee
to appraise the originality
and value of the manuscript, which was
initially entitled, "Archaeo-
logical Researches: An Inquiry Into the
Origin and Purposes of the
Monuments and Remains of the Mississippi
Valley." At Henry's re-
quest, Gallatin formed a blue-ribbon
committee from the ranks of the
American Ethnological Society consisting
of Edward Robinson, W.
W. Turner, Samuel George Morton,
Bartlett, and Marsh.28
Gallatin himself judged the work
superior to that of Squier and
Davis's worthy precursor, Caleb Atwater,
whose "Description of the
Antiquities Discovered in Ohio and Other
Western States" was previ-
ously the most significant work on the
subject.29 He concluded that
26. Marsh to Squier, February 23 and
March 26, 1847, SPLC.
27. Squier to [Joel and Maria Squier]
May 30 and June 9, 1847, Squier Papers; [Samuel
Foster Haven], "Account of the
American Antiquarian Society," Squier and Davis Pa-
28. Not dealt with here is Squier and
Davis's association with Morton and George
Robins Gliddon, leading lights of
"the School of American Ethnology." See "Progress
of Ethnology in the United States,"
Ethnological Journal (September, 1848), 170-85. For
a vivid account of the American School
see Stanton, The Leopard's Spots, passim.
29. "Description of the Antiquities
Discovered in the State of Ohio and Other West-
ern States," Archaeologia
Americana: Transactions of the American Antiquarian Socie-
ty, 1 (1820), 105-267.
"Squier and Davis are animated by
that thorough love of truth
which renders their researches worthy of
entire confidence." Galla-
tin's committee heartily concurred. They
were particularly impressed
with the narrative's clarity,
simplicity, directness, and aversion to
theory. Marsh deemed it the first
systematic study of American ar-
chaeology, and believed the Smithsonian
publications "could not
begin with a more appropriate or
credible essay." In similar praise,
Morton described the work as "by
far the most important contribu-
tion to the Archaeology of the United
States that has ever been of-
fered to the public." With the
enthusiastic endorsement of such illu-
minati, the Smithsonian officially
accepted the Squier-Davis
manuscript for publication in June of
It was precisely in their moment of
success, however, that Squier
and Davis's relationship began to
deteriorate rapidly. During the fi-
nal deliberations of Gallatin's
committee, both Squier and Davis had
traveled east to conclude matters with
Henry. Afterwards, Davis re-
turned to Chillicothe while Squier
remained in New York to superin-
tend the printing of their manuscript,
thereby ending his residence
in Ohio. Thus separated, Davis became
increasingly apprehensive
over Squier's failure to answer three
letters; his silence made agree-
ment on revisions in the preface difficult,
and Davis became pointed
in his suggestions and criticisms of
proof sheets sent him by Squier.
The final break in their association
came abruptly with release of the
report of Gallatin's evaluative
committee. Davis read the report on
September 22, 1847, and then angrily
penned his last letter to Squier.
He "was not only disappointed, but
grieved to find they [the com-
mittee] had stepped out of their way to
inflict severe injury on my
character." His resentment centered
on the original wording of the
committee's second resolution: "we
agree the work prepared by Mr.
Squier upon this subject is an object of
general interest . . . worthy of
the subject and highly credible to the
Author."31 Davis complained
of being unaware the committee had been
empowered to decide au-
thorship of the manuscript, and believed
the offending resolution
had been forced upon them. In pointed
fashion he charged Squier
with foul play:
To say the least, I consider it a breach
of our private understanding (an
arrangement of your own proposal as your
letters show), and that too, with-
30. "Correspondence Relative to the
Acceptance for Publication of the Ethnological
Memoir of Messrs. Squier and
Davis," Smithsonian Annual Report (January 6, 1848),
31. Gallatin to Henry, June 16, 1847,
Question of Authorship 65
out the slightest cause on my part to
justify the course. I have never publicly
or privately claimed the literary
honours of the work .... But my dear sir,
there are many other considerations no
less worthy of honour, connected
with the authorship of such a work. For
instance, the scientific portion, re-
quiring so much patient research into
all branches of geology, minerology,
conchology, and even natural history
together with many subjects too nu-
merous to mention here. Yet requiring
that archaeological acumen which is
alone the result of long experience in
conducting investigations . . . I can't
conceive that you desire to appropriate
the whole of the credit, as the resolu-
tion does to yourself, nor will I as yet
believe it was intended-I should re-
gret very much the occurrence of
anything that should disturb that friend-
ship which has sprung from several years
of constant intercourse.32
In prompt reply, Squier expressed
astonishment at the tone of
Davis's letter. He saw nothing
objectionable in the report, and
denied having any influence with the
committee: "I suggested noth-
ing, asked nothing, knew nothing of
it..." Taking umbrage at
Davis's seeming breach of friendship,
Squier resolved that justice
would be done to himself and his work,
and delivered the
"ultimatum" to Henry that the
title page and preface must reflect the
responsibility for the work as fully his
As for Davis's contributions to the
partnership, Squier considered
himself consistently generous in the
apportioning of credit, "al-
though the work was wholly and
exclusively my own, so far as de-
sign and execution are concerned."
It had always been his intention,
Squier added, to grant Davis equal
credit, even though Squier
claimed to have "made every
drawing, written every paragraph, and
personally surveyed every mound."
Beyond Davis's initial outlay of
money, Squier asserted, he performed
only perfunctory tasks: carry-
ing the surveyor's chain and cleaning
and arranging artifacts, chores
capable of being "performed by any
boy in the country possessing
ordinary intelligence." In these
circumstances, Squier considered it
an "excess of impudence" for
Davis to suggest that his name should
appear first on the title page.
Moreover, he was infuriated by the ac-
cusations made in Davis's letter to
others, which impugned his char-
acter by claiming he was
"endeavoring to rob him of honours which
he never earned."33
And accusations there were. Davis openly
sought allies among
those familiar with their association,
such as Samuel Foster Haven.
More than any other easterner, Haven
knew firsthand the mechanics
32. Davis to Squier, June 27 and
September 22, 1847, SPLC.
33. Squier to Davis, September 30, 1847,
and Squier to Henry, December 31, 1847, in
of their collaboration. He had first met
Squier and Davis in Bartlett's
New York office, and had been present at
their initial interview with
Henry. Additionally, as Librarian of the
American Antiquarian Socie-
ty, he had been sent on a fact-finding
tour of their field of operations
at the time of Squier and Davis's
application for assistance. There he
had examined the principal Ohio works at
Portsmouth, Marietta,
Chillicothe, and Newark, and learned
"the views of persons living
among the remains themselves, or who . .
. had made them the sub-
ject of study." Davis had hosted
Haven during his stay in Chilli-
cothe, and counted him among his friends.34
Accordingly, Davis's invective against
Squier is most clear in his
correspondence to Haven. Davis chafed at
the unequal share of hon-
ors originally granted Squier by the
American Ethnological Society:
"nice distinction indeed! to
denominate me a mere explorer, while
the whole credit of preparing the work
is given to another." He chal-
lenged their authority to determine
authorship of the manuscript
submitted under joint title, and
painfully recalled Haven's earlier pre-
science: "I have often thought of
your prediction 'that my little
friend would run off with the lion's
share.' It has been verified to the
letter and even further. He is now first
in research; all in preparing the
To bolster further his plea for redress,
Davis sought to enlist Haven
into his campaign of correspondence
against Squier, and submitted to
Haven a "history" of his
association with him. He held that Squier
knew little or nothing of mounds before
his arrival in Chillicothe,
"having never seen before an
ancient earthwork." Furthermore, giv-
en Squier's duties as editor of the Gazette
and then as Clerk of the
Ohio House of Representatives, Davis
incredulously wondered
"where has he had the time to do
everything?" For himself Davis
claimed much experience, knowledge, and
"one of the best collec-
tions of antiquities from the mounds in
the western country," before
ever having met his partner.
The beginning of that partnership, Davis
reiterated, was exclusive-
ly Squier's proposal: that he join Davis
as a "junior partner" in his on-
going explorations. Elated at having met
a kindred spirit, Davis ac-
cepted the proposal, saying of Squier:
"He came into the firm
bringing a ready pen and skillful
pencil, with some knowledge of sur-
veying." In tandem they opened and
surveyed antiquities for the two
34. [Haven], "Account of the
American Antiquarian Society," Squier and Davis Pa-
Question of Authorship 67
years of their association,35 "(and
almost entirely at the expense of
the senior partner)." At the end of
their activities in the field,
... the junior partner takes up his
abode in the library and cabinet of the
senior, where both toil almost day and
night for many months producing the
work in question. Now who is entitled to
the most credit? I am of a tempera-
ment to bear most things, but this is
beyond all forbearance.... I conceive
myself wronged by the last one who
should have inflicted an injury upon
At least in part, then, Davis implied
that Ancient Monuments was as
much a result of his years of solitary
research as of his association
with Squier. With such an open breach in
their relationship, all that
now remained of their association was
publication of the monograph.
Continuation of their personal dispute,
however, and the related is-
sue of due credit to contributors,
delayed its appearance and threat-
ened severe consequences for the authors
and the Smithsonian.
During their investigations, Squier and
Davis made use of several
surveys of James McBride of Hamilton,
Ohio, Charles Whittlesey of
Summit County, and a few from Dr. Samuel
P. Hildreth of Marietta
and Dr. John Locke of Cincinnati.37
Much of the same stripe as
Davis, all had distinguished themselves
in antiquarian avocations.
Early in their collaboration, Squier and
Davis had turned to Mc-
Bride for advice in the printing and
illustrating of their projected
work. Davis had been particularly keen
on examining McBride's col-
lection of drawings, hoping to select
the best for publication with
their own. Writing to "Father
McBride," Davis obtained permission
to use his drawings and notes,whereupon
several of the "old man's
sketches" were incorporated into
the Squier-Davis manuscript. Fur-
thermore, Davis was insistent that
McBride's name should clearly
appear on all selected surveys,
understanding that McBride had ex-
pressed concern over receiving due
credit for his labors.38
Davis's uneasiness proved well-founded.
Shortly after his own
35. Davis claimed to have joined Squier
in the excavation of over one hundred
mounds, and to have personally surveyed
about fifty earthworks. See Davis to John
Davis, February 22, 1847, Squier and
Davis Papers. Elsewhere, however, he allowed
that his medical practice at times
prevented him from accompanying Squire in the field.
See Davis to Bartlett, October 27, 1846,
Bartlett Papers, John Carter Brown Library,
Providence, Rhode Island.
36. Davis to Haven, October 12, 1847,
Squier and Davis Papers.
37. See James L. Murphy,
"Authorship of Squier and Davis's Maps of the Marietta
Earthworks: A Belated Correction," Ohio
Archaeologist, 27 (Summer, 1977), 20-21.
38. Squier and Davis to McBride,
September 10, 1846, McBride Papers, Cincinnati
Historical Society; Davis to Squier,
June 15, July 3, December 29, 1846, and July 1, 1847,
break with Squier, the issue of
crediting contributors to their re-
search became a matter of contention.
The controversy centered on
the appearance of Squier's preliminary
article for Gallatin.39 In a letter
appearing in the Cincinnati Gazette, Squier
was charged with unjustly
appropriating credit for McBride's
labors. The author, identified as
"J. W. E." and a friend of
McBride, objected to Squier's manner of
crediting McBride's surveys, which
required the "aid of good
glasses." The writer hoped the
situation would be rectified in the
forthcoming Smithsonian publication.40
As a regent of the Smithsonian, Marsh
was deeply troubled by
this allegation. Marsh believed that if
McBride had indeed made
his surveys and drawings independently,
he had a right to expect
his name would appear as the author
instead of merely the surveyor.
McBride eased tensions by informing
Squier he had full confidence
in his honor and integrity, and denied
having ever doubted he
would receive anything but his full due.
He claimed not to have seen
the letter in question, and was unaware
his name had been men-
tioned. McBride did acknowledge,
however, that Charles Whittle-
sey had written him, stating his
apprehension that Squier would not
give due credit for several of the
former's surveys of Miami County,
Whittlesey began his archaeological
investigations as Topographi-
cal Engineer for the Ohio Geological
Survey in 1837, and had known
Davis at least since that time. In a
curt letter of complaint to Squier, he
too objected to the "spirit"
pervading his introductory article, and
protested Squier's tendency to refer to
all other explorers as anony-
mous: "A reader not otherwise
acquainted with the fact, would infer
that before you there were none worthy
of notice . . . that you are
the original and principal source of
information." Whittlesey could
not believe Davis would ignore such
worthy predecessors as Thad-
39. E. G. Squier, "Observations on
the Aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi
Valley," Transactions of the
American Ethnological Society, 2 (1847), 131-204; and pub-
lished separately as a pamphlet (New
York, 1847). Squier's briefer abstract for Silliman
had also appeared by this time. See
"Observations on the Use of the Mounds of the
West with an Attempt at Their
Classification," American Journal of Science and Arts, 3
sec. s. (May, 1847), 237-48; also
published separately as a pamphlet (New Haven, 1847).
Although these articles were clearly
based on Squier-Davis research, Davis receives
only passing mention in them. In a
footnote to the introductory work for Gallatin, Davis is
identified as co-author of the
forthcoming Smithsonian memoir, and as an "associate"
in the abridgement for Silliman.
40. Cincinnati Gazette, December
30, 1847. "J. W. E." was in all likelihood J. W.
Erwin, Engineer of the Miami Canal and
McBride's assistant in several surveys of Ohio
41. McBride to Squier, January 25, and
27, 1848, SPLC.
Question of Authorship 69
deus Mason Harris, Rufus Putnam, Daniel
Drake, Caleb Atwater,
John Locke, and James McBride.
Furthermore, he had fully ex-
pected that his own contributions would
be granted more recogni-
tion than they had so far received.
Accordingly, he could not be so
accommodating as to allow his labors to
be appropriated by another,
and desired the return of his
contributed plans and descriptions, to
"abide future events." It was
only after receiving a full explanation
and assurances of Squier's intentions
that Whittlesey agreed to their
further use and apologized for any
injury to Squier's feelings or repu-
tation. He nevertheless regretted that
he and Davis had not joined
him in producing an account of all
surveys to date.42
Such controversies were a source of
frustration to all parties con-
cerned. Apart from their potential to
besmirch Squier's reputation,
they also threatened to forestall or
prevent altogether his plans to
publish a second Smithsonian monograph
on the antiquities of his
native state.43 Moreover,
Marsh and Henry were wary of the possible
consequences of Squier and Davis's
continuing feud. Marsh had as-
sumed the existence of a private
understanding between them rela-
tive to authorship, was aware that
Squier had drafted the manu-
script, and further assumed that he had
also made collateral
investigations with Davis. Urging
generosity as the best course,
Marsh counseled Squier that "the
whole literary credit will in the
end redound to you, and that you can
well afford to spare a crumb to
those who have occupied a humbler rank
than yourself in the field
of labor." He advised an easy
corrective to the situation: Squier
should arrange the title page, preface,
sketches, and plans of contrib-
utors so as to clearly give full credit
to all concerned.44
Henry also desired a speedy and
equitable settlement of griev-
ances. He could not tolerate the very
real possibility of a public fray
over authorship and contributions to the
Smithsonian's initial publi-
cation. Accordingly, he attempted a
carrot-and-stick solution to the
problem by delaying the release of Ancient
Monuments on the one
hand, and directly appealing to Squier's
ambition and vanity on the
42. Whittlesey to Squier, December 6 and
20, 1847, SPLC. For a supplement to
Squier and Davis's Ancient Monuments see
Whittlesey's "Description of Ancient Works
in Ohio," Smithsonian
Contributions to Knowledge, 3 (1852).
43. E. G. Squier, "Aboriginal
Monuments of the State of New York," Smithsonian
Contributions to Knowledge, 2 (1849).
44. Marsh to Squier, January 7, 1848,
I consider your [Squier's] present
prospects superior to those of any other
young man of my acquaintance and with
proper prudence and a continued
and laborious use of your talents you
will secure a lasting reputation and com-
mand not only respect but funds
sufficient to providing your researches over
the whole american continent [sic] . . .
Such future success, however, depended
on a change in Squier's cur-
rent manner of dealing with Davis:
"You must make up your mind to
act not only justly but perhaps
generously towards Dr. D."45 Private-
ly, however, Henry confided his
exasperations to the noted botanist
Asa Gray: "The attention which
Squier has received from some of
the great men in Boston and New York has
nearly turned his head
and caused him to give me considerable
Squier resented such importunities and
what he felt to be the mis-
takenly neutral position of the
Smithsonian. Moreover, he was further
incensed by Davis's unexpected
appearance in New York, and could
not comprehend why Henry and the regents
demanded Davis's
presence during the final printing:
"He had done nothing, will do
nothing, can do nothing." Seeking
an end to his vexations with
Davis, Squier submitted his own account
of their relationship.
Predictably his rememberances ran
counter to those of his estranged
colleague, and were far more begrudging
than his public acknowl-
edgement of Davis's contributions in the
controversial preface of An-
cient Monuments.
Squier claimed to have had an interest
in American antiquities prior
to his arrival in Chillicothe.
Dissatisfied with existing accounts of the
mounds, he had already determined to
conduct his own inquiry. It
was then, he recalled, that he met
Davis. Their mutual interest fos-
tered a working relationship, and he was
"gratified" that Davis
agreed to accompany him on visits to
local works. He further claimed
to have allowed Davis to make copies of
his notes and plans; Davis,
he maintained, had made no previous
surveys, maps, or plans, "nor
has he opened a single mound, or if he
had, certainly could tell
nothing of their contents." Davis's
medical practice, he avowed, al-
lowed him little time to do more than
add specimens to his cabinet,
the contents of which Squier claimed
half-ownership.47 Such dispu-
tations became a matter of litigation
between the authors, and talk of
45. [Joseph Henry to Squier, ca. November
24, 1847], Joseph Henry Papers, Smith-
sonian Institution Archives.
46. Henry to Asa Gray, January 10, 1848,
in Nathan Reingold, ed., Science in
Nineteenth-Century America: A
Documentary History (New York, 1964),
47. Squier to Henry, June 8, 1848, SPLC.
Question of Authorship
lawsuits continued for some time.
Despite such controversy, however,
Ancient Monuments finally made its public appearance.48
In after years, Squier's integrity would
continue to be assailed by
his detractors in Ohio.49 For
his part, Davis would ever regret "my
ill-started connection with Mr. S."
He remained indignant over
Squier's habit of referring to Ancient
Monuments as "my" work; this
"worse-than-egoism" was a
recurring source of irritation to the em-
bittered Davis. Moreover, he continued
to fear for his future reputa-
tion, "because efforts have been
made to appropriate the results of
my labors for the benefit of
An attempt to determine the relative
weight of Squier and Davis's
contributions is difficult at best.
Unquestionably there would have
been no Ancient Monuments but for
Squier's ambition, relentless
drive, and superior managerial skills.
The finished product bears his
indelible stamp. Nonetheless, Davis's
familiarity with western antiq-
uities and antiquarians, his knowledge
of natural history and scientif-
ic training, his prized collection of
artifacts, and his willingness to in-
vest time and money into the
explorations were of inestimable value.
With such generous aid the talented and
ambitious Squier indeed
accomplished much. That he could have
done so without Davis's
collaboration is open to historical
48. Also published separately from vol.
1 of Smithsonian Contributions to Knowl-
edge. E. G. Squier, A. M. and E. H. Davis, M.D., Ancient
Monuments of the Mississippi
Valley: Comprising the Results of
Extensive Original Surveys and Explorations (New
York and Cincinnati, 1848). Of the
separately published edition, appearing at the exor-
bitant subscription price of $10.00,
Squier received two-thirds of the meager profits.
Squier to [Joel and Maria Squier], March
10, 1848, Squier Papers.
49. One such partisan was Col. James F.
Wharton, a contributor to Ancient Monu-
ments. He later recalled, in another context, that Squier
"knew nothing of archaeology"
before his arrival in Chillicothe, where
he "got hold of Dr. Davis's collection and notes,
skimmed over the state of some,
collecting what notes he could, and in 1847 went east to
publish .. ." Wharton to J. P.
Maclean, June 19, 1879, in [John Patterson] Maclean, The
Mound Builders (Cincinnati, 1879), 98-99.
50. Davis to Henry, September 21, 1848;
Davis to Haven, March 29, 1858, Squier and
Davis Papers; and Davis to Jas.
McCormick, November, 1853, Archives of the Kenyon
College Library, Gambier, Ohio.