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Ohio History Journal





With the exception of a few pages, Volume Twenty-six is made up

of two articles, "History of Educational Legislation in Ohio," by Prof.

Miller, and "The Indians in Ohio," by H. C. Shetrone. These articles

are so foreign to each other that few of the subjects treated are identical;

hence an index covering both would possess no special advantage.             Be-

sides, these articles are of such value in themselves that there will be

undoubtedly a demand for their publication separately.            In this event

each should have its own index, which would prove a great advantage

to those interested in either subject and no real disadvantage to the

general reader.

Accordingly, the index comprises three parts: First, a general index

for such small part of the contents not contained in the two articles;

second, index to Prof. Miller's article; third, index to Mr. Shetrone's

article.                                                            C. L. M.




(General Index.)



A.                      Benton, E. J., 536, 272.

Bethel, 535.

Abbott, Harriet. L., makes donation toh        , B 535    .

Abbott, Harriet. L., makes d n to  lig Bottom Park, 513, 531; Committee on,

Society's Museum, 535.                     551

Ada, 272.

Ada, 272.                                 B Ilackmore                              Museum,  Ohio   prehistoric

Adams County, 512, 513.                                                                                       ,

relics in, 512.

Akeroyd, W. J. R. (Dr.), makes dona-        anchester, 535

.Blanchester, 535.

tion to Museum, 535.

*tion to Museum, 5353.                                           Boggs Monument at Logan Elm Park, 518.

Akron, 272; Municipal University, 536.                                          urneville, 535.

A 2ourneville, 535.

Alliance, 272.

Allan  „ , ce,   -_2  .                                                             Boyer, James, donation to .Mu9seum, 536.

American Red Cross, 272; time fuses 53                                  , 53n                   t 5.

Bradley, Glenn D., 272, 536.

Appleseed, Johnny, 513.

Appleseed, Johnny, 513.                                                            lBradley, John E., 536; 572.

Archaeology, Ohio, lectures on, 533;                                            row      ,   ,56.

BIrownsville, 535, 536.

specimens donated to Museumn, 535,,

.specimens donated to Mseu, 5,       3Burkett, H. F., 511; donation to Museum,

536.                                         .


Articles, "History of Educational Legis-

lation in Ohio," Miller, 143; "In-   Burns, Clara Russell, donation to Mu-

dians in Ohio," Shetrone, 274.           . seum, 535.

Athens, 272.                              Bushfield, Miss Minnie, 532.


Baldwin, C. C. (Judge), 512.                                 C.

Baptist, Frank, 534.                      Campbell, James E., 511; elected President

Bareis, Geo. F., 511; elected Trustee So-      of Society, 548.

ciety, 542.                          Campus Martius, proposed purchase of,

Barnhart, A. P., erects Logan Mont-            516; Society committee on, 552.

ment, 547.                                                                       ('amp Sheridan, 538.

Bawden, H. F., donates to Museum, 535.                                  Camp Sherman, 272, 537, 539, 538.


554 Index

554                                       Index.


Canal Winchester, 542.                                          D.

Canlton, 513.                                                                                Darby, E. H., 511.

Carlisle Station, earthworks near, 512.                                       Darke County, historical monument      ,

Catholic Educational Association of U. S.,       5

5:3'6.                                                                                Davis, Mrs. Lucy, 516.

Central Liberty Loan Committee Bulletin,                                Dawes,   eman G., elected Society trs-

538.                                        tee, 542.

Chetrone, John H., donation to Museum,                                   ]eavertown, 536.

535.                                                                                  Defiance, 272; college, 536.

Chicago University, 517.                                                           Donahey, Vic C., compliments Society,

Chillicothe, 535.                                541.

Cincinnati, 272; University, 536.Dover 536

Clark, J., donation to Museum, 536.                                           Deitz, August, 534.

Clermont County, 535.                                                               elaware, 272.

Cleveland, 272, , 513 , 532, 535, 538.                                        Denley, Thomas A., 543.

Cole, W. Il., 511; appointed trustee ot                                       Derby, S. C. (Prof.), 511.

Society, 515; reports on    Serpent          Boards, 272.

Mound, 541; 542.                                                            Dresden, 535.

Columbia University, 516.                                                         Dunham, J. H. (Dr.), 511, 543.

Columbian half dollar, 535.                                                       Dunmore Treaty, monument, 546.

Columbus (O.), 272, 511, 534, 535, 536, 542.

Confederate States, postage stamps and                         E.

electroplate, 534.

electroplate, 534.                                      Earthworks, preservation of, 511.

Contributors, Miller, Edward   A., His-                                     Eckenrode, Edna, donation to Museum,

tory   Educational  Legislation  in         535

Ohio, 143; Shetrone, H. C., The        Education, history of legislation for in

Indian in Ohio, 274.                        Ohio, 143-271.

Coonskin Library, 534.                                                              Edwards, Martha I., 272, 536.

Cooper,   Albert  (Dr).,   donations  to                                       Ellis, Alston, quoted, 549.

Musenum, 534.                                                               Enders, George C., 272, 536.

Copley,  Mrs.   Francisco,  donation  to                                    Express and Westbote, files of, presented

Muscumi, 534.                               to Historical Commission, 538.

Copus Massacre, monument marking, 513.

Cornstalk, Chief, proposed monument to,

548.                                   Fallen Timbers, Society appoints commit-

Corwin, Thomas, "life" of, 535.                  tee on site, 552.

Cox, Isaac J., 272, 536.                    Fauler, James K., donation to Museum,

Cox, James M., (Gov.), appoints His-             535.

torical Commission, 272, 516, 532.     Filbert, Charles, donation to Museum,

536; appoints Society's trustees, 515.      534.

Craford, Wm. (l.) m   t m   -    Findlay, prehistoric village site, 535.

Crawford, Wm.    (Col.), monument mark-

Crawo. ( t.), mFisher, George W., donation to Museum,

ing execution site, 513.536.


Cresap. Association, 518; family erects     Flint Ridge, exploration of, 532; speci-

monument Logan Elm      Park, 546;          mens from, 535, 536.

Michael, 546; Society, 546; War, 547.                         Food Administration, 272.

Cribbs, George A., 272, 536.                                                    Ft. Ancient, 512, 519, 523; inventory of,

Croghan, George, (Major), monument to,                                            529; annual report to Society on,

513.                                                                                              542-543; stone gateway erected, 543;

Crowther, Elizabeth, 272, 536.                                                               Society committee on, 551.

Curry, W. L., 511;.reports on Civil War                                  Ft. Hill, "Fortified Hill", 512.

history, 543-544.                                                           Ft. Laurens, Society secures site of, 513,

Crystal Hill, crystals from  in Museum,                                                516; 531; 535; Society committee on,

535.                                                                                             552.


Index.                                    555


Ft. Meigs, monument at, 513; Society        Iayes, R. B., Memorial to, 513; Pro-

committee on, 552.                                                                     posed publication  of diaries, 518,

Ft. Miami, 513; Society committee on, 552.                                          545.

Ft. Stephenson, monument on site of,        Hayes, Webb C., (Col.), loans Hayes'

513.                                                                                               diaries to Society, 518; 519, 622;

Fremont, 513, 514; Society's property at,                                              Member Gen. Pershing's staff, 544;

530; 534, 544.                                                                              545; "Service" star proposed for,

Frey, Margaret, 532.                                                                              550.

Fuel Administration, 272.                   Hayes, Mrs. Webb C., Red Cross work in

Paris, 544.

CG~~. i~Hegler, Almer, donation to Museum, 511,

Gambier, 272.                                    535.

Card, D. H., 511, 529.                                                                 Henderson, J. N., 511.

Gardner, Mrs. R. J., donation to Mu-                                         Iistorical  Commission   of  Ohio, 272;

seum, 535.                                  Needs of, 539-540.

Garfield, James A., monument to, 513.

Garfield, James A., monument to, 513.                                    Hirsch, Gustave (Major), 538; Ralph, 538.

Garner, Albert, donation    to  Museum,                                     Hoover, T. N., 272, 536.

Hoover, T. N., 272, 536.

o„5  ,,.36.                                                                         Hope, Albert, donation to Miusneum, 535.

"General," locomotive, ,nodel of, 536.                                      Howard Francis W. 536.

„Howard, Francis W., 536.

German, newspapers, 538.

Gill, John, 533.

Glenn, Edwin P. (Gen.), 537.

Gnadenhutten, Moravian monument at,         Indians,  Christian, memorial marking

513.                                                                                              massacre, 513; Shetrone's history

Goldsbury, Judge, prehistoric stone image                                           of, in               Ohio, 518; relics of, in

found on farm of, 535.                                                               Museum,        534;   specimens   from

Goodbread, Harry L., 11; addresses So-                                               graves, 11535; art objects in Museu

ciety, 540, 541.                                                                            535; photographs of chiefs, 535.

Graham Brothers, archaeological collection

of, 533; 542.                                             J-

Grant, Jesse, workbench of, in Museunm,     Jones, Mrs. Howard, 511; report on Lo-

535.                                        gan Elm Park, 545, 546; 547.

Granville, 272, 535, 536.                   Justice, C. W., 511.

Gray, D. S., donation to Museum, 536.

"Great War," commission appointed to                           K.

compile Ohio History of, 272, 532,

Kenan, W. R., donation to Museum, 535.

_~~~~552~.                                  Kenyon College, 536.

Greenville, Historical monument at, 513.                                Knight, Mrs. G. W., 516.

Guitteau, W. B., 272.                                                                 Knights of Columbus, 272.

Krauss, Bertha H., presents Express and

H.                                                                 Westbote to Historical Commission,

Hall, L. B., 272.                                                                                      538.

Hamilton County, Earthworks in, 512.                           L.

Harmon, Judson, 540, 541.                   Lake Erie College, 536.

Lake Erie College, 536.

Harper, Grace, 532.

Harper, Grace, n532.                                                                "Lake Division News," 538.

Harris, Bishop W. L., Relics of, 535.                                        Latouretta  K  S. 272 536.

Latouretta, K. S., 272, 536.

Harrison, W. H., 512; Grave of, 513; So-,                        '

ciet,  '   .s  '           . .'     Laughman, John, donation to Museum,

ciety s committee on memorial for,


Hart, Elmer, 533.                           Leach, E. D., presents material to His-

Harvard University, 534.                         torical Commission, 538.

Hayes' Memorial Building, 514, 519, 523,                               Legislation, educational in Ohio, 143-271.

530; Repairs to, 534, 544; "Service"                              Logan, Chief, proposed   monument to,

Flags in, 545.                             518; 546.

666 Index

666                                   Index.


Logan Elm    Park, report on, 518, 545;                                    Mount Union College, 536.

519, 523; inventory of, 530; misun-                              Museum   and Library, visitors to, 533;

derstanding  concerning, 547; per-                                            gun display and inventory of 534;

mission to erect Logan monument                                            additions to, 536.

in, 540!; Society committee on, 551.                            Muskingum          College, 536.

Long, Byron R., 511.                                                                  Muskingum          County, Archaeological col-

Love, N. B. C., donation to Musezum,             lection from, 535.

535.                                   Muskingum River, 513.

Loyal Legion, relic of, 536.

Loy, H. W. and Mrs. Forrest, donation                          N.

to Museum, 535.

Negro, newspapers, 538.

McI                       Newark, earthworks at, 512.

New Concord, 272.

McCracken, Harold     W., donation    to    Newspapers, collected by Historical Com-

Museum, 534, 535.                           mission, 538.

McKinley, William, monument to, 513;        Niswander, Walter D., 272, 536.

Norris, Walter B., donation to Museum,

McKnight, John J., 521.                          536

McMullen, Ed C., 533.

McMurray, ---      , donation to Museum,    Nye, Minnie upper,   516.



Maelik, C. IT., donation to Museum, 535.                                  Oberlin College, 272, 517, 536.

Mansfield~, ~ 513.                                                   Ohio Archaeological and Historical So-

Mansfield, 513.

Marietta, earthworks at, 512;    13, 516,        ciety (see Society).

542.                                   Ohio, "The Indians in," Shetrone, 274;

Marks, Miss. --, donation to Museum,                                                    History Educational Legislation in,

535.                                                                                             143-271, 517; monuments marking

Marlatt, W. H., donation to Museum,                                                    graves of Presidents from, 513;

535.                                                                                             marking historical sites, 513.

Maumee River, 513.                                                                  Ohio Council of Defense, 272.

Medina County, 534.                                                                  Ohio Food Bulletin, 538.

Miamisburg, mound at, 512, 534.                                              Ohio Historical Commission, 272, 516, 530,

Miami River (Great), 512.                        532.

Miami University, 536.                                                              Ohio Northern University, 536.

Miller, Edward A., author History Edu-                                   "Ohio Rainbow Reveille," 538.

cational Legislation in Ohio, 143, 517.                          Ohio River, 512, 513.

Millersport, pioneer                  carpenter's planes                    Ohio State University, 516, 533, 535, 536,

Millersport,         pioneer          carpenter's  planes        v.538.

from        535.38

Mills, Helen H....... 532.                 Ohio University, 536; confers degree on

Mills, William B., donations to Museum,          E.  . Randall, 549

535-                                                                                 Ohio Wesleyan University, 536.

Mills, William   C., 511, 516, 542; fur-                                      Oldham, J.   ., donation to Museum. 535.

nishes inventory of Mzuseum    and                              Opp, Jacob, donation to Museum, 535.

Library, 529; inventory on Society's                              Otterbein College, 536.

Fremont property, 530; curator's                                  Oxford, 272; College for Women, 536.

Fremont property, 530; curator's

annual report, 532-536; 544.

Mississippi  Valley,  prehistoric  relics

from, 513.                                                                       Paddock, Wendell, war lectures, 538.

Montgomery County, earthworks in, 512.                                 Painesville, 272.

Moore, P. H., donation to Museum, 535.                                   Paint Creek, earthworks, 512.

Moore, Waldo    C., trustee of Society,                                      Peabody Museum, 534.

511, 5.15.                                                                                     Pearson, F. B., (Prof.) 517.

Morgan County, 513, 531.        Peirce, William F., 272, 536.

Mound Builders, relics of, 512; Shet-                                         Perrysburg, 513, 535.

rone's article on, 518.    Perry, Commodore, monument, 513.


Index.                                    557


Pershing, Gen., 544.                                                                    Shotts, S. E., donation to Museum, 535.

Philippines, collection in Museum, 534.                                      Siebert, W. H., 272.

Pickaway County Historical Society, 545.                                 Slavonic newspapers, 538.

Pipes, prehistoric stone, 535.                                                       Smith, Paul, donation to Miusennm, 535.

Pleasant Hill, and Valley, 535, 536.                                           Snavely, Charles, 272, 536.

Portsmouth, earthworks near, 512.                                             Society, annual             meeting   of, 511-552;

Prince, Benj. F., 272, 511; trustee of                                                     members           present, 511; President

Society, 515; report on Ft. Ancient,                                           Wright's annual address, 511-514;

529, 542-543; 536.                                                                      earthwork  explorations, 512; Mit-

Put-in-Bay, Perry monument at, 513.                                                  seum, 513; Spiegel Grove Library,

Putnam, Frederick W., 534.                                                                   513; "Quarterly," 514; Secretary's

annual   report, 515-518;  trustees'

R.                            meetings, 515; war activities, and

acquisition Ft. Laurens site, 516;

Radebush, L., donation to Museum, 535.

Rasdall,     . Emilius O.,  t, Mau, r                                                         publications, contents 1918 "Quar-

Randall. Emilius 0., 272, 511; annual re-                                              tery" 517    Library and Museum

terly," 517; Library and Museum,

port to Society, 515-518; ,member                ,                            ,

pOrtio Hstorici, Com5-ss18. .         518, 528-529; receipts and disburse-

O()hio  Historical Commission, 532;

Ohio  Historical  Commisn,  5;                         ments, 518-519; State appropriations

536, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 545, 547;                                     m   s, 51-519; Sate aproprat      s

,nrr  dee        for, 519, 522, 524-527; Treasurer's

honorary degree LL. D. conferred                               ,

huponorary, 549. degreLannual report, 518-531; Auditor's re-

ud Cro, 4Society aids, 5, 53.                   port, 520-521; "trial balance," 521-

Red Cross, Society aids, 516, 533.                     „.                      ,

522; Summary, receipts and                         dis-

Reed, H. C., donation to Society, 53.522; Summary, receipts and     dis-

*„  .   ,,r  '. * ,   *     bursements,           522-523;             officers' sal-

Revolutionary War, Ohio's part in, 516.                                                                          ,                                            ; o       '

Richmeond, (Va.),   Oho'534.  patiaries, 526; "balance sheet," 527-528;

Richmond, (Va.), 534.

Ross County, 512, 53.                            inventories, 528-531; Spiegel Grove

Ross County, 512, 535.

_  . .   ...                        inventory, 530, 544; provides quar-

Roof, J. S., 511; criticises Cresap monu-                                              inventory, 530, 544; prov  s qr-

ters Historical Commission, 530, 532;

ment, 517.

Root, A. S., 536.                                Curator's report, 532-536; Museum

Root, A. S., 536.

Roumanian  ewspapers 538            at Serpent Mound, 542; elects trus-

Roumanian newspapers, 538.

Roumanian. newspapers, 53,                tees, 542; secures title Logan Elm

Ruggles, Elizabeth, life member of So-                                               P   ,

ciet, 545, 550. „Park, 545; trustees' annual meeting

ciety, 545, 550.

cietyp-, 545U., 550.o o3 .and election of officers, 548, 550-551;

Rupp, B. U., donation to Mnzseusm, 5.            Executive Committee abolished, 550;

Rushville, 512.

Russell, A5. P., "life" of, 35.                  standing committees of, 551-552.

Russell, A. P., "life" of, 535.

Russian time fuses, 535.                                                             South Lebanon, 513.

Ryan, D. J., 511.                                                                         Spiegel  Grove, 513-530; inventory    of

property, 534; report of, to Society,

S.                            544; Society committee on, 551.

Schaus, L. P., 534, 544.                    Splindler, C. E., 533.

Scbaus, L. P., 534, 544.

Schlesinger, A. M. (Prof.), 272, 511;                                        Srigfield 272.

chairman Ohio Historical Commis-                            Squier and Davis, relics collected by,

chairman Ohio Historical Commis-


sion, 516, 532; report to Society,

536-540.                                                                          Standing committees, Society's, 551-552.

Scioto River, earthworks on, 512.                                              Stephenson, Richard T., 272, 536.

Serpent Mound, 512, 513, 519, 523, 527;                                  Stewart, John J., 272, 536.

inventory  of, 530; archaeological

collection at, 533; Prof. Willoughby                     T.

visits, 534; annual report, 541-542;

Tallmadge, Frank, 518, 545.

Society Committee, 551.               Thompson, Elizabeth A., 272, 536; Harry

Sharp, J. P., interest in Logan monu-              ,       n t Ms           .

J., donation to Museum, 535.

ment, 518, 546, 547.

Sherman, E. C. (Dr.) donation to     nu-                                   Thornville, 535.

serme, 535.                                                                         Toledo, 272, 513; University, 536.

Shetrone, II. C., "The Indians in Ohio,"                                    Treadway, F. W., 511; reports on Spiegel

574; 511; article on Mound Builders         Grove, 545; 550.

and Indians, 517.                     Tremper Mound, 512.

668 ' Index

668                     '             Index.


Trimble, Rachel, donation to Museum,             Westerville, 272.

535.                                                                                   Williams,  Charles   R.,  (Prof.)  edits

Trustees, Society's, 551.                        "Hayes diaries," 518.

Tuscarawas County, 516, 531.                Willoughby, C. C., visits Serpent Mound,

Tuttle, Judson, Asiatic butterfly collec-        534

tion, 535.

U.                       Wilmington, 535.

Wilson, J. A., interest in Logan monu-

Upper Sandusky, Indian Mission at, 535.          ment, 518, 546, 547

W.                       Wilson, Woodrow, autograph-photograph,


Wagner, R. E., 537.                         Wittenberg College, 536.

Walker, William, 511.

Wall,~ W.~ D.,~ 9'21Wittke, Carl, 538.

Walla, W.       D., 521.a             DneS              Wolfe, Charles, donation to Museum, 535.

Wallace,         Guy   and            Denver,          Serpent

e     Guy iand ,  ,S Wood, E. F., 511, 515; report to Society,

Mound custodians, 542.                                   . ,

MoudWar Che st, 272. o 2.                   518-531; Society trustee, 542; 549,

War Chest, 272.

War 1812, monuments marking sites, 513.          550.

Warner, E. F., (Prof.) Ohio history                  Wright Aviation Field, 538.

bulletin by, 517.                                                              Wright, G. Fred, annual address, 511-

Warren County, 512; "Serpent" Mound                                     514; retires from Society Presidency,

in, 513, 522.                                                                                 514; 541, 544, 545; elected President

.„~~~Warsaw, 535. „Emeritus, 548; 550.

Warsaw 535.

Warther, Ernest, donation to Museunm,


Western College for Women, 536.                  Yellow Springs, 543.

Western Reserve Historical Society, 532.       Young, Mary A., 272, 530.

Western Reserve University, 536.                                            Young Men's Christian Association, 272.





(Educational Legislation in Ohio.)

A.                            defectives, dependents and    delin-

quents, 194-197; education of teach-

Abstract, History Education Legislation          quents, 19-197; education of teach-

ers, 197-198; supplemental educa-

in Ohio from   1803-1850: Table of

in* O. fm      tional agencies, 198-211; index edu-

Contents, 5-6; sources Ohio Publictional legislation            21-265  bibliog-

cational legislation, 212-265; bibliog-

School System, 7-23; development of

Public School System, 24-68; School

Lands, 69-92; secondary and higher   "Academic Pioneer, The," 130.

education, 93-119; education defec-   Academies, beginnings of, 11, 12; provi-

tives, dependents and delinquents,                                 sions for support, 93; number, 95;

120-128;  supplemental  educational                             list, prior to 1850, 97-101; state con-

agencies, 134-137; general summary,                                     trol of, 104-105; laws incorporating,

138-142;   educational   legislation,                               153-171; co-education in, 157.

(1803-1850), 143-211; general school                          Adams County, 220, 237, 245, 250.

laws, 143-146; laws concerning public                         Adams, John, 8.

schools, including cities, towns and      Adelphic Society, 210, 245.

school funds, 146-150; laws concern- Addison Library Association, 204, 248.

ing  schools for dependents, 150;         Advertisements, subscription schools, 21-

school land laws, 150-153; acts in-         23.

corporating secondary   institutions,    Agricultural Schools, 113.

153-171; school associations, 171-174;                         Airington Lyceum, 208, 248.

concerning higher institutions, 174-     Akron, 243, 246, 259, 260, 261; school

191; professional education, 191-194;       sentiment, 139.