Ohio History Journal





(June 5, 1903.)

The eighteenth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeo-

logical and Historical Society was held in the rooms of the

Society, Page Hall, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, at

2:30 p. m. June 5, 1903. The following members were present:

Judge J. H. Anderson, Columbus; Mr. G. F. Bareis, Canal

Winchester; Gen. R. Brinkerhoff, Mansfield; Mr. A. B. Coover,

Roxabell; Col. J. W. Harper, Cincinnati; Mr. W. H. Hunter,

Chillicothe; Rev. I. F. King, Columbus; Rev. N. B. C. Love,

Deshler; Prof. J. P. MacLean, Franklin; Prof. C. L. Martzolff,

New Lexington; Mr. W. C. Metz, Newark; Prof. W. C. Mills,

Columbus; Mr. Robert S. Neil, Columbus; Prof. B. F. Prince,

Springfield; Prof. E. O. Randall, Columbus; Dr. W. O. Thomp-

son, Columbus; Mr. E. F. Wood, Columbus; Gen. George

B. Wright, Columbus; Prof. G. Frederic Wright, Oberlin.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Gen.

R. Brinkerhoff. The Secretary, E. O. Randall, was called upon

for the minutes of the previous annual meeting, held June 6,

1902. The Secretary responded that the complete minutes of

the last annual meeting as set forth in his minute book were

very lengthy, and would require an hour or more for reading,

but a condensed report of that meeting is published in volume

II, Society's annual publications (page 71), consisting of some

twenty pages. He briefly outlined that published report, which

was duly approved as the minutes of said meeting.

In regard to the work of the year, which this eighteenth

meeting closes, the Secretary made the following report:




The Executive Committee, it will be recalled, is the repre-

sentative and acting authority of the Society. During the past

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year, ending this June 5th, meetings of the committee were held

at Columbus on June 21, July 18, October 6 and December 13,

1902; February 10 and April 7, 1903; and also in joint session

with the Centennial Commission November 14 and December

29, 1902, and March 6, 1903.   So the Executive Committee

has held during the past year nine meetings, including the

three held with the commission. The Committee, as you well

know, has been occupied largely during the past six months with

work in conjunction with the Centennial Commission, in pre-

paring for the Centennial at Chillicothe, hence the work of

the executive committee has not been as distinct as usual, but

it has worked with more than ordinary efficiency and interest,

and the result of its year's labors speaks for itself.




In January, 1903, volume eleven of our annual publications

appeared; that volume consists of the July and October Quar-

terlies for 1902, and an index to all the previous volumes, includ-

ing the index to the two Quarterlies this volume (II) contains.

This index comprises two hundred and twenty pages, and it

was thought best to make this volume consist of the two Quar-

terlies and the complete index, thereby making a volume of some

five hundred pages, the average size of our publications. The

closing of this volume with the October, 1902, quarterly, permits

the beginning of volume twelve with the January Quarterly,

1903, in order that the volumes may hereafter be contempor-

aneous with the calendar year. The preparation of this index

was assigned to Professor C. L. Martzolff, and it has been

done in a most satisfactory and thorough manner. It was an

enormous labor, and gives an added value to our publications

as the matter in each volume is now easily accessible by means

of this index.

We are just about to issue a volume of some five hun-

dred pages on the Illinois campaign of George Rogers Clark,

written by Consul Wilshire Butterfield. This manuscript was

completed almost the very day of Mr. Butterfield's death, and

is perhaps the most valuable production of his pen. It was

placed in our hands through the courtesy of Mr. W. H. Hunter,

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.            189


with the proviso that we publish it, otherwise it was to go

to Washington and Lee University. The Executive Commit-

tee decided that it was not within our authority to publish this

book. Finally Mr. Fred J. Heer, publisher for the Society, came

to our aid and agreed to issue the book upon his own responsi-

bility under the auspices of our Society. It will appear in a

short time, the Society to have credit for its appearance.

It was clearly understood that the appropriation by the leg-

islature to our Society of $10,000 for the Ohio Centennial was

to include the cost of issuing a souvenir volume of the com-

plete proceedings. That volume will be issued as soon as the

matter is fully in hand. It will make a separate and distinct

volume of our society's publications and will be without doubt

one of the most interesting books we have yet produced.

The appropriation of $6,500 which the legislature gave us a

year ago last winter for the reprinting of the then ten complete

volumes of our publications has been expended for that pur-

pose. Ten complete sets have been sent to each member of the

legislature and the officers of both the House and Senate. There

has been a great demand for extra copies by the libraries and

schools throughout the state, a demand we have been entirely

unable to supply.




This subject is our continued story. It is perennial. In the

session of 1902 the legislature passed an enactment enabling

counties, under certain conditions, to issue bonds for a memorial

building for the G. A. R. Franklin County, in accordance with

the approval of the voters, issued bonds for the erection of such

building to the extent of $250,000. The law authorizing this,

by its wording permitted "occupancy by any  *  * * histor-

ical society," etc. (95 Ohio Laws, 41). It was thought this

would include our society, and the county commissioners ap-

pointed by the Governor made overtures to our Society to unite

with them. They suggested co-operation in securing from the

legislature an additional appropriation which would permit the

building to be so planned as to accommodate both the county

purpose and that of our society. This plan was submitted to

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our Executive Committee in the fall of 1902. Pending that

idea, the trustees of the Ohio State University offered to re-

move our quarters from Orton Hall to the new Page Law Build-

ing. It was finally decided that the Memorial Hall project was

impracticable, and the proposition of the University trustees was

accepted. Curator Mills in his report will give an account of

the removal to the rooms which we now occupy, and in one of

which we are now meeting. There is nothing binding on either

our part or that of the University as to the length of time we

may remain in our present ample and suitable rooms. The ques-

tion of a permanent building is still open and may come up in

the next legislature. Certainly the day is not far off when we

shall have a building of our own, probably on the College campus.




Your Secretary has made several visits to the Serpent Mound

during the past year, viz: on July 17, September 12 and Octo-

ber 24, 1902, and April 1, 1903. In accordance with the appro-

priation for that purpose, we have erected a substantial and

commodious house in the park near the Serpent for the occu-

pation of our custodian, Mr. Daniel Wallace. We have also built

a barn, and purchased a horse, wagon and mower. We have

had the boundary lines re-surveyed and properly designated,

and new fencing has been erected where necessary. The park

was never in such an excellent and beautiful condition. It is

being visited by hundreds, visitors coming not only from all

parts of this country, but even from Europe to study this won-

derful relic of the Mound Builders.




Mr. Warren Cowen, the custodian of Fort Ancient, has

kept that property in fine condition. A competent family resides

in the residence within the Fort, and the funds for the purpose

have been economically expended by the committee in the preser-

vation of the property. On October 22, 1902, the trustees of

our Society visited the Fort with the International Archaeologists

as their guests. This interesting and unique event is fully de-

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

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scribed in the January Quarterly for this year (1903), begin-

ning on page 97. The distinguished foreigners from nearly all

parts of the world were profuse in their praises of the work

which our Society is doing in this state, and particularly in our

care of this property, the largest and most complete remains of a

prehistoric people.


On Friday, February 27, 1903, upon the suggestion and

under the direction of our Society, "Ohio Day" was celebrated.

Some fifteen thousand of the Ohio Centennial syllabi, spoken of

elsewhere in this report, were sent to as many of the leading

teachers and superintendents throughout the state, and thousands

of school-children gave their thought and attention on that day

to the history and achievements of our great state. This cele-

bration is detailed on page 185 of the April Quarterly (1903).



Aside from the events noted above in which the Secretary

participated, it may be stated that he has prepared during the

past year several articles pertinent to Ohio history, has edited

the Quarterly, and in addition acted as Secretary of the Centen-

nial Commission. The latter duty required a large part of his

time during the last six months. The correspondence concern-

ing the Centennial was very great. Hundreds of letters were

received and answered, and several trips were made to Chilli-

cothe in arranging for the celebration, which was held on May

20th and 21st. Several trips were made to various parts of the

state in connection with matters pertaining to the work of the



The importance of this event is worthy of a detailed state-

ment of the work by our Society, aided by the Centennial Com-

mission. It will be recalled that on April 21, 1902, the general

assembly passed joint resolution No. 53, which read as follows:


WHEREAS, On the 29th day of November, 1802, the first constitution

of Ohio was ratified by the convention which framed it; and,

WHEREAS, On February 17, 1803, congress passed an act admitting

Ohio into the Union under that constitution; and,

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WHEREAS, On March 1, 1803, the first general assembly of Ohio

assembled and organized and Ohio thereupon became a state; and,

WHEREAS, The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society

proposes to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the above named great

and important events in the history of Ohio in a suitable manner; and,

WHEREAS, The general assembly of the state of Ohio recognizes the

importance and significance of these events and believes that they should

be duly celebrated; therefore be it

Resolved, That the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society be

requested to take charge of said celebration and conduct it, and that the

governor of this state be requested and empowered to appoint seven hon-

orary commissioners to represent the state in the preparation for and carry-

ing on of this centennial celebration.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


President of the Senate.


In accordance with this resolution, Governor Nash, on June

19, 1902, appointed the following commissioners to co-operate

with The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society: Gen-

eral J. Warren Keifer, Springfield; Hon. Rush R. Sloane, San-

dusky; General B. R. Cowen, Cincinnati; General James Bar-

nett, Cleveland; Hon. D. S. Gray, Columbus; General Chas.

M. Anderson, Greenville; Hon. Robert W. Manly, Chillicothe.

On October 22, 1902, during its extraordinary session, the

seventy-fifth general assembly appropriated to The Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society "for expenses of the cen-

tennial anniversary of the admission of Ohio into the Union

*  *   *  to be paid out upon vouchers approved by the Gover-

nor and Secretary of said Society," $10,000.





On November 14, 1902, in the ante room of the Law Library,

Capitol Building, at 2 P. M., was held the first joint meeting of

the Centennial Commission and the Executive Committee of the

State Scoiety. There were present of the Commission: Gover-

nor George K. Nash; Gen. J. Warren Keifer, Springfield; Judge

Rush R. Sloane, Sandusky; Hon. R. W. Manly, Chillicothe;

Gen. C. M. Anderson, Greenville and Hon. D. S. Gray, Columbus.

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Gen. B. R. Cowen of Cincinnati and Gen. James M. Barnett of

Cleveland telegraphed their inability to be present. Of the Ex-

ecutive Committee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

Society there were present: Gen. R. Brinkerhoff, Mansfield;

Hon. D. J. Ryan, Columbus; Prof. B. F. Prince, Springfield;

Hon. A. R. McIntire, Mt. Vernon; Hon. S. S. Rickley, Colum-

bus; Gen. George B. Wright, Columbus; Mr. G. F. Bareis, Canal

Winchester; Mr. W. H. Hunter, Chillicothe; Mr. E. 0. Randall

and Mr. E. F. Wood, Columbus.

Governor Nash was made honorary president of the Joint

Commission and Gen. J. Warren Keifer permanent chairman,

Mr. E. O. Randall permanent secretary.

The secretary explained the object of the meeting, relating

the history of the resolution of the legislature (passed April 21,

1902, 95 O. L., page 957), empowering the Governor to appoint

a commission and the subsequent appropriation during the Extra-

ordinary Session of $10,000 to the Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society for the Centennial Anniversary. The item in

the appropriation bill is given above (96 Ohio Laws, page 14).

After some discussion upon the relative status of their re-

spective authority it was decided, without opposition, that the

Commission and the Executive Committee act throughout in this

matter as a single committee, it being understood that the centen-

nial was to be celebrated under the auspices of the Society, but

with the advice and co-operation of the Commission.

Mr. Hunter offered the following resolution: "That the

centennial of the adoption of the Constitution of Ohio be cele-

brated at Chillicothe, Saturday, November 29, 1902, and that the

centennial of the organization of Ohio into the Union (that date

being March 1, 1803), be celebrated at Chillicothe, the first state

capital, on Wednesday and Thursday, May 20 and 21, 1903."

This date in May was selected because the date of March 1, this

year (1903) happens on Sunday, and comes in the season of the

year, when there would likely be inclement weather. The deter-

mination of the date in May met with the unanimous favor of

the meeting.

The celebration of the anniversary of the Constitutional Con-

vention, November 29, 1902, was to be entirely under the auspices

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of the local authorities at Chillicothe, but the Commission and

all members of the State Archaeologicol and Historical Society

were invited to be present and participate. (An account of the

celebration will be found in January Quarterly, 1903, page 1).

Upon motion an executive committee was selected from this

joint committee, which executive committee was empowered to

meet at the earliest possible moment and formulate a detailed

program for the centennial, said program to be reported later

to the joint committee for its action. The executive committee

selected consisted of Messrs. Brinkerhoff, Hunter, Ryan and Ran-

dall from the trustees of the Society, and Messrs. Gray, Keifer

and Manly of the Commission.

Governor Nash on being called upon for his views as to the

nature of the celebration, stated that it was his idea that it should

be a literary and historical event, with no attempt at an exposi-

tion; some prominent and eloquent speakers should be chosen

who would properly present subjects pertinent to the occasion.

The appropriation was not sufficient for any military or spec-

tacular display. If the people of Chillicothe desired to have an

exposition of historical relics or other attractive features fitting

and interesting to the occasion, they would of course be permitted

to do so. In this view the members of the meeting generally ac-


Gen. Anderson suggested that there should be a list of sub-

jects so designated and arranged as to practically present in

toto a history of the state from the days of the Northwest Terri-

tory to the present time.

Mr. A. R. McIntire presented the plan which had been pro-

posed by the State Society to have a celebration throughout the

state by the school children on some day, as near as possible

to the actual date, March 1. After much friendly discussion

concerning topics and speakers the selection of the same was

left to the executive committee.

Secretary Randall was authorized to have prepared and

designed a souvenir invitation and have charge of the engraving

and its printing and distribution to such list of names as might

be selected.

*    *   *

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Eighteenth Annual Meeting.             197


A meeting of the executive committee was held at Chillicothe,

November 29, 1902, in the parlors of the Warner House, at 2

P. M. There were present: Gen. J. Warren Keifer, Chairman;

E. O. Randall, Secretary; D. J. Ryan, R. W. Manly and W. H.

Hunter. The meeting was purely a deliberative one, in which

the speakers to be chosen and the topics to be assigned them

were considered.


On December 13, 1902, the executive committee again met

in the Public Library, City Hall, Columbus, at 2 P. M., with the

following members present: Gen. J. Warren Keifer, W. H. Hun-

ter, R. W. Manly and E. O. Randall. Messrs. Gray and Ryan

sent word they were unavoidably prevented from being present.

After lengthy consideration a list of subjects was decided upon

and speakers suggested for the respective topics. It was de-

cided to make the report agreed upon at the next meeting of

the Joint Commission.



On December 29, 1902, was held the second meeting of the

Joint Commission of the Centennial Commission and the Execu-

tive Committee of the State Society, in the office of the court

stenographer, Judiciary Building. The meeting was called to

order at 2 P. M., with the following members present: Gen. J.

Warren Keifer, B. R. Cowen, Rush R. Sloane, R. W. Manly, D.

S. Gray, B. F. Prince, W. H. Hunter, A. R. McIntire, G. F.

Bareis, Gen. G. B. Wright and E. O Randall. There were also

present Messrs C. L. Martzolff and F. B. Pearson of the com-

mittee appointed by the trustees of the Society on the school cele-

bration. Gen. C. M. Anderson notified the secretary of his inabil-

ity to be present.

Prof. C. L. Martzolff presented a program for the celebration

by the school children of the admission of Ohio into the Union,

said celebration to be held on February 27, 1903, that being the

nearest available date to the historical one of March 1. The

committee had prepared a complete program of exercises for that

day, the program being of a sufficiently varied nature to suit

the different grades of pupils and to cover points of interest in

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Ohio history from the Mound Builders to the present time.

The committee had prepared the material for a pamphlet of some

65 pages in extent, said material embracing excerpts from the

histories, biographies, works of literature, poems, etc., with ref-

erence list for future reading and study upon the different topics

pertinent to Ohio history. It was proposed that this pamphlet

be sent to the teachers as far as possible throughout the state:

These teachers, however, number some 27,000, and the expense

involved in the printing and distribution of the pamphlet, which

was to be called "Ohio Centennial Syllabus" would be very great.

This proposition met with some discussion as to its feasibility

and the legality of appropriating money for the purpose from

the centennial fund. The Secretary (Randall), gave the infor-

mation that this matter had been proposed in the trustees' meet-

ing of the Society, and there met unanimous approval; that he

had conferred with the Attorney General, who stated that it

would be a perfectly legitimate expenditure from the fund in

question if the committee so desired. The project also met the

approval of Governor Nash, and most hearty endorsement from

the School Commissioner, L. D. Bonebrake. It was finally de-

cided without a dissenting vote that the committee having the

matter in charge be authorized to proceed with the publication

of the Syllabus and its distribution to the teachers, as far as pos-

sible, the expense to be from the centennial fund.

The Executive Committee of the Joint Commission then

made its report of the topics and speakers for the Chillicothe

Centennial. (As there were subsequently many changes both in

the topics and in the speakers the report as made and agreed

upon in this meeting is here omitted, the program as finally

carried out being stated elsewhere.)

It was decided that the executive committee should have full

power to fill any vacancy which might occur in the list of speak-

ers or otherwise rearrange the program as necessity required.

It was determined that the speaking be held on both days

of the centennial, and that Governor Nash be invited to preside

and make the opening address upon the first day, and that Gen.

R. Brinkerhoff, President of the Society, be invited to preside

upon the second day.

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.              199


It was also unanimously agreed that Gov. Nash, Gen. Keifer,

Gen. Brinkerhoff and Hon. R. W. Manly constitute a commit-

tee to visit Washington and invite President Roosevelt, Senators

Foraker and Hanna of Ohio, Lodge of Massachusetts, Daniel of

Virginia and Gen. Grosvenor of Ohio, to be present and make

addresses at the centennial.

*     *     *

On February 23, 1903, the Executive Committee of the Joint

Commission met in the Public Library, Columbus, Ohio, at 2

P. M. There were present Gen. J. Warren Keifer; Gen. R.

Brinkerhoff; D. S. Gray; R. W. Manly; W. H. Hunter and E.

O. Randall.

Secretary Randall reported that he had communicated with

all the parties chosen to speak. That most of the appointees

had accepted; that there were some declinations and that there

would have to be some changes in the list of speakers, and prob-

ably some slight changes in the subjects assigned.

Gen. Brinkerhoff reported that on January 21-4, 1903, the

committee named for the purpose, had visited Washington and

invited the gentlemen selected for speakers, and that they were

informed by the President that he would probably be absent at

that time upon his trip to California; that Senator Lodge re-

ported he would probably be absent in Europe: Senator Daniel

was not in Washington and could not be seen. Senators Foraker

and Hanna and Congressman Grosvenor accepted the invita-

tion and agreed to be present.

Secretary reported that 15,000 of the Ohio Centennial Syl-

labus had been sent by the commitee to as many teachers, and

superintendents of schools throughout the state.

At this meeting the question arose as to just what the joint

committee was expected to do and what would be required of the

people of Chillicothe. After a full discussion it was agreed that

the joint commission was to secure the speakers, select the topics,

arrange the program of the speaking and of the exercises; pay

for the transportation and entertainment of the speakers and dis-

tinguished guests; secure the music; provide and have charge

of the issuing of the invitations and the incidental expenses of the

commission, such as those of the office of the secretary, typewrit-

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ing, postage, etc. That the commission should furnish a large

tent in which the meetings were to be held. The city of Chilli-

cothe was to do the rest. Messrs. Manly and Hunter advocated

that the commission ought to appropriate at least $2,000 from the

centennial fund to the people of Chillicothe for the purpose of

decorating the town. If that was done, they asserted Chillico-

the would do the rest. It was finally decided to leave this mat-

ter to the action of the joint commission.

*     *     *

On March 6, 1903, there was held the third joint meeting of

the Centennial Commission and the Executive Committee of the

Society in Room 40, Neil House, Columbus, Ohio. The meet-

ing was called to order at 2:30 P. M. with the following mem-

bers present: Gen. J. Warren Keifer; B. R. Cowen; Rush R.

Sloane; R. W. Manly; Gen. R. Brinkerhoff; Gen. G. B. Wright;

B. F. Prince; W. H. Hunter; A. R. McIntire; G. Frederick

Wright; E. O. Randall and E. F. Wood.

Mr. Gray was absent in California; Generals Anderson and

Barnett and Mr. Bareis sent statements of their inability to be

present. Mr. Ryan was absent in Florida. There was present a

committee from Chillicothe consisting of Mayor W. D. Yaple;

Gen. S. H. Hurst; Mr. D. H. Roche and Mr. W. H. Brimson.

These gentlemen all made addresses requesting the commission

to appropriate at least $2,500 to the people of Chillicothe to be

expended in local decorations. They argued that it would be

difficult for the people of Chillicothe to raise funds unless they

were somewhat assisted by the commission, the people of Chilli-

cothe feeling that a portion of the centennial fund should be

placed at their disposal. The matter was finally disposed of by

the adoption of the following resolution: "That this Joint Com-

mission allow the citizens of Chillicothe, from the said appro-

priation, a sum not to exceed $2,000, this sum to be expended

by the proper local authorities and itemized bills for expend-

iture to be made out in a form of voucher signed by Col. Rich-

ard Enderlin, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Mr. R.

W. Manly, Chillicothe member of the Commission." These

vouchers of course to go to the Governor and Secretary Randall

who were to honor them by proper vouchers on the state treasury.

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.              201


Upon request secretary Randall stated to the meeting that

it must be clearly recalled that this centennial celebration was by

and under the auspices of the Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society, and that the appropriation of $10,000 was to

the Society for that purpose and not in any way to the people of

Chillicothe, although that city had been properly selected by the

Society as the place for the celebration; that the Finance Com-

mittee of the legislature made the amount $10,000 with the dis-

tinct understanding that out of it was to be paid the expense of

issuing a volume giving in full the proceedings of the centen-

nial, and that the publication of such volume would probably be

in the neighborhood of $2,500.

The Secretary gave a full statement of the state of affairs

to this time; of his numerous correspondence with the proposed

speakers and also gave the "tale of woe" of his troubles in dealing

with aspiring individuals who desired to be upon the program.

Their names were legion; all sorts and conditions of men and

women; also various classes of citizens and professions who

wanted to be represented.


On May 8th in Room 40 of the Neil House was held a

meeting of the Executive Committee of the Centennial Com-

mission.  It convened at 2:30 P. M. and there were present

Messrs. J. Warren Keifer; D. J. Ryan; R. W. Manly; W. H.

Hunter and E. O. Randall. Gen. Brinkerhoff was in Atlanta,

Ga., and Mr. Gray was in Pittsburg, Pa.

Secretary Randall reported that on May 5, Governor Nash

had issued a proclamation announcing the centennial, which proc-

lamation read as follows:




"On March 1, 1803, the first General Assembly of Ohio met and

organized at Chillicothe, Ohio, and at that time the State of Ohio entered

its career of statehood.

"The centennial celebration of this event will be held at Chillicothe,

May 20 and 21, by authority of the General Assembly of Ohio and under

the auspices of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society.

"The growth and development of Ohio during the century of its

statehood has been one commensurate with the greatness of our Nation.

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It is fitting that its achievements be properly observed, to the end that

the commemoration of its great deeds and the lives of is founders may

be not only perpetuated for the benefit of generations to come, but may

be a source of inspiration to the living of to-day.

"Now, therefore, in behalf of the State, I invite its officials and the

people thereof to assemble at Chillicothe on the dates aforesaid and par-

ticipate in the celebration there to be observed."

GEORGE K. NASH, Govrnor.

L. C. LAYLIN, Secretary of State.

Secretary Randall reported that invitations had been sent

to all the leading newspapers in the state; to presidents of all

colleges and universities; hundreds of leading teachers and

superintendents; officers of leading labor organizations; mayors

of all cities and chief villages; superintendents and trustees of all

state institutions; all G. A. R. Posts; all chapters of the D. A. R.,

of the S. A. R. and Colonial Dames; all Societies Ohio Federa-

tion of Women Clubs; all members of the State Archaeological

and Historical Society; Members of Ohio Society of New York;

all county, state and circuit judges; all U. S. judges in Ohio;

all officials and employes in the State House and Judiciary Build-

ing; all members and employes of the Ohio Legislature; all

members of the incoming and outgoing congress; governors of

all states and territories; the president, cabinet, supreme court

and chief national officials; the leading citizens of Columbus;

all city officials of Columbus; 500 to the chairman of Commit-

tees in Chillicothe, 50 each to each member of the Centennial


Secretary reported that during the previous week he had

visited Chillicothe to inspect the arrangements there being made,

and they were entirely to his satisfaction, and he felt sure would

be pleasing to the commission. A tent which would seat some

5,000 people had been secured from Springfield and had been

erected in the park at Chillicothe, and that music would be sup-

plied by the 4th Regiment Band of Columbus; the Neely Band

of South Salem; Veteran Drum Corps of Columbus; a Young

Men's Orchestra of Chillicothe and a Massed Chorus and a

Children's Chorus organized in that city.

The Secretary further reported he had had the last word

from all the speakers and with the exception of Senator Massie,

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

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they had notified him they would be present to perform their

respective parts, and the following was the program finally agreed

upon after consultation with the Chillicothe officials:





Reception of guests.

9 A. M.- Presentation of plaster medallion of Governor Edward

Tiffin, Ohio's first governor, to Ross County by Mr. William H. Hunter;

exercises to occur in the Common Pleas Court in the Court House on the

site of the first capitol, Judge J. C. Douglass to preside. Rev. R. C. Gal-

braith will deliver the invocation; Miss Anna Cook, a great granddaughter

of Governor Tiffin, will unveil the tablet. The presentation address will

be made by Hon. Archibald Mayo for Mr. Hunter, and the acceptance to

be made on behalf of the county by Mr. Horatio C. Claypool.

10 A. M.- Centennial celebration of Ohio's statehood opens in audi-

torium in the City Park, Governor George K. Nash presiding.

Selection by the Fourth Regiment Band, Columbus, Ohio.

Invocation, Rev. A. M. Courtenay, pastor of Walnut Street M. E.


Address of welcome, Hon. W. D. Yaple, Mayor of Chillicothe.

Response in behalf of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

Society, General J. Warren Keifer, Springfield.

Music by chorus of school children.

Opening address, Governor George K. Nash, of Columbus, Ohio.

"The History of the Northwest Territory to the Marietta Settle-

ment," Hon. Judson Harmon, of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Music, chorus of school children.

"The History of the Northwest Territory from the Marietta Settle-

ment to the Organization of the State," Prof. Martin B. Andrews, of


"The Date of the Admission of Ohio into the Union and the Great

Seal of the State," Judge Rush R. Sloane, of Sandusky.

"The Star Spangled Banner," by the Fourth Regiment Band, of



Music by the Fourth Regiment Band.

2 P. M.--Invocation, Rev. H. Bene, rector St. Peter's Catholic


"Ohio in the American Revolution," Hon. E. O. Randall, Columbus.

"The Military History of Ohio, Including the War of 1812," Gen-

eral Thomas Anderson, U. S. A., Sandusky.

Music, "The Hills and Vales Resound," mass chorus.

2 Vol. XII-3

204 Ohio Arch

204        Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


"The Military History of Ohio from the War of 1812, Including the

Civil War and Spanish-American War," General J. Warren Keifer, of


"Ohio in the Navy," Hon. Murat Halstead, Cincinnati.

Music, "Old Glory," solo, George U. Sosman and mass chorus.

"The Governors of Ohio Under the First Constitution," Hon. David

Meade Massie, Chillicothe.

"The Governors of Ohio Under the Second Constitution," Hon.

James Campbell,.of New York City.

"Ohio in the United States Senate," Hon. J. B. Foraker, Cincinnati

Music, "Centennial Hymn," mass chorus.

"Ohio in the National House of Representatives," General Charles-

H. Grosvenor, Athens.

Music, "America," mass chorus.


7:30 P. M.- Music, Kipling's "Recessional," mass chorus.

Invocation, Rev. S. N. Watson, D. D., rector of St. Paul's Episcopal


"The Judiciary of Ohio," Judge Moses M. Granger, Zanesville.

"The Industrial Progress of Ohio," Senator Marcus A. Hanna, Cleve-


Music, "The Red, White and Blue," solo, S. A. Roach and mass


"The Public Schools of Ohio," Hon. Lewis D. Bonebrake, Columbus.

"The Universities of Ohio," President W. O. Thompson, O. S. U.,


Music, "To Thee, O Country," mass chorus.

"The Achievements of Ohio in the Care of Her Unfortunates," Gen.

R. Brinkerhoff, Mansfield.

"The Part Taken by Women in the History and Development of

Ohio," Mrs. J. R. Hopley, Bucyrus.

Music, "Star Spangled Banner."

"The Ethnological History of Ohio," Gen. B. R. Cowen, Cincinnati.

Benediction, Rev. J. L. Roemer, pastor First Presbyterian Church.

Music, "Hail Columbia."

After the close of the exercises the speakers, the distinguished guests

present and the members of the State Centennial Commission, the State

Historical Society and the visiting representatives of the press and the

Executive Committee in charge of affairs in Chillicothe will be entertained

at a banquet under the auspices of the Press Club of Chillicothe, in the

Eintracht Hall.


Second Day's Session.- General R. Brinkerhoff presiding.

10 A. M.- Music by the Fourth Regiment Band.

Invocation, Rev. Joseph Reinicke, pastor of German Salem Church

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.                  205


"The Ohio Presidents," Thomas Ewing, Jr., New York City.

"The Press of Ohio," S. S. Knabenshue, Toledo.

Music by the Fourth Regiment Band.

"Ohio Literary Men and Women," Prof. W. H. Venable, Cincinnati.

"Religious Influences in Ohio," Bishop C. C. McCabe, Omaha, Neb.

Music by the Fourth Regiment Band.

Introductions and congratulatory remarks by distinguished visitors.

Benediction, Rev. G. H. Schnur, pastor of Lutheran Calvary Church.

Music, "The Stars and Stripes Forever," Fourth Regiment Band.


2 P. M.- A grand parade of all military and civic societies in the city

and of visiting delegates, to be reviewed by the governor, distinguished

speakers, etc.

Band concerts at different localities during the afternoon.

7 P. M.- Band concerts in the City Park, the Fourth Regiment Band,

the Veteran Drum Corps of Columbus and the Neely Cadet Band of

South Salem.

An elaborate display of fireworks will close the ceremonies attending

this celebration of Ohio's one hundredth birthday.

The speakers will necessarily be limited to twenty minutes in their

addresses before the audience. They are, however, expected to prepare

papers fully and accurately treating their respective topics; these papers

will be published in a souvenir volume by the Ohio State Archaeological

and Historical Society.


The committee then adjourned and in a body called upon

Governor Nash and paid their respects to him, and expressed

satisfaction over the preparations made for the coming cen-



The exercises of the Centennial were held on Wednesday and

Thursday, May 20 and 21, 1903 according to program. All of the

speakers were present as advertised except Hon. D. M. Massie,

who was absent in Havana, Cuba, and wrote that he would for-

ward the manuscript of his address, and Governor James E.

Campbell, who telegraphed the morning of the first day, that ill-

ness would prevent him    from  leaving New    York, but that he

would forward the manuscript of his address. There were some

other minor changes in the program. Secretary Randall gave

his allotted time in the program to Judge Moses M. Granger, in

order that the Judge might be heard by the members of the Ohio

Supreme Court, who were present at that time, and were com-

206 Ohio Arch

206        Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


pelled to return to Columbus later in the afternoon. Rev. Cour-

tenay of Chillicothe read, on the morning of the second day, a

Centennial Ode. The program at the last session of the literary

exercises was closed with extemporaneous speeches by Ex-Gover-

nor Charles Foster and Bishop B. W. Arnett.        Hon. Albert

Douglas offered a resolution that Governor Nash in his next an-

nual message to the legislature, suggest an appropriation to our

Society for the erection of a monument on the State House

grounds, at Columbus, to Governor Arthur St. Clair.

The resolution is as follows:

Recognizing that the people of Ohio have for one hundred years

done injustice to the name and fame of Major General Arthur St. Clair,

valiant soldier of the Revolution, beloved friend of Washington, presi-

dent of the Continental Congress, and for fourteen arduous, formative

years the devoted governor of the Northwest Territory.

Believing that, whatever his mistakes or faults, his work and his

accomplishments in that critical period of our history deserve our

gratitude, and should receive formal acknowledgment from the men of

our time and,

Encouraged by the just and eloquent utterances from this platform

of our present governor, Geo. K. Nash; therefore,

Be it Resolved, by us, citizens of Ohio, assembled at this Cen-

tennial celebration of our statehood, that the State Historical and

Archaeological Society, and the governor of Ohio, be, and they are here-

by most earnestly requested to urge upon the General Assembly of Ohio

at its next session, the propriety and advisability of erecting, in the

State House grounds at Columbus, a bronze statue of General Arthur

St. Clair in recognition of his great services to this commonwealth,

whose firm foundation he helped to lay.

This resolution was unanimously and enthusiastically en-

dorsed by the entire audience.

A dramatic ending to the program was rendered by Bishop

McCabe playing upon the organ and leading in "The Battle

Hymn of the Republic," accompanied by the vast audience rising

to their feet.

The proceedings in full of this centennial will be published

by the Society in the souvenir volume, the publication of which

is provided for in the centennial fund. The event in every respect

was an eminent success. From 3,000 to 5,000 people occupied

the tent at each of the literary sessions. The people were greatly

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.                                           207

interested and patiently sat through the long program.                                   The

weather was delightfully pleasant and every one seemed happy

and content. Vast crowds, perhaps 40,000 people, frequented

Chillicothe, and were most hospitably cared for by the good

citizens of the town.

Visitors, speakers and members of the Society without dis-

sent agreed that our Society had arranged and carried out the

program with very great credit. It was a fitting achievement

along the work of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

Society. There were present at these exercises; of the Trus-

tees: Bishop B. W. Arnett, Mr. G. F. Bareis, Hon. A. R. Mc-

Intire, Gen. R. Brinkerhoff, Hon. M. D. Follett, Hon D. J. Ryan,

Rev. H. A. Thompson, Mr. W. H. Hunter, Col James Kilbourne,

Prof. J. P. MacLean, Judge J. H. Anderson, Rev. N. B. C. Love,

Gen. George B. Wright, Hon. R. E. Hills, Prof. B. F. Prince,

Mr. E. O. Randall, Col. J. W. Harper, Mr. Edwin F. Wood and

W. C. Mills. And of the Commission: J. W. Keifer, Rush R.

Sloane, D. S. Gray, R. W. Manly and B. R. Cowen.

Governor Nash presided at the morning session of the first

day, Secretary Randall, at the request of Gov. Nash, presided at

the afternoon and evening sessions of the first day and Gen. R.

Brinkerhoff presided at the session on Thursday.

It is difficult to conceive how the celebration could have

been more successfully carried out on the part of the local au-

thorities at Chillicothe. Great credit is due to Mayor Wallace

D. Yaple and the committee chosen by the citizens of that town,

namely: Chairman, Major William Poland; Secretary, Burton

E. Stevenson; Parade, A. R. Wolf; Entertainment, Albert

Douglas; Finance, Richard Enderlin; Music, F. C. Arbenz;

Program, E. S. Wenis; Decoration, Henry H. Bennett; Badges,

Burton E. Stevenson; Fireworks, William H. Hunter; Con-

struction, Joseph Gerber; Information, Capt. E. R. McKee;

Grounds, Ferdinand Marzluff; Transportation, W. H. Brimson;

Reception, Wallace D. Yaple; Publicity, Burton E. Stevenson;

Relics and Museum, William B. Mills; Floral Section of Pa-

rade, Mrs. John J. Nipgen; Women's Committee, Miss Alice


208 Ohio Arch

208        Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


The scheme of decoration in the city was most artistic and

appropriate, for which Mr. Henry H. Bennett should be ac-

corded all praise. The thanks also of the Joint Commission is

due to the local papers, the Scioto Gazette, edited by Col. G.

W. C. Perry, and the News-Advertiser, edited by Mr. W. H.

Hunter. The chorus led by Capt. McKee was one of the most

attractive features of the program. If there were ever any doubts

about the wisdom of holding the centennial at Chillicothe, these

doubts were completely removed by the fortunate outcome.




[In order to complete the history of the Centennial we add to

the report of the annual meeting, as related above, the proceedings of

the meeting of the Joint Commission held June 30.]


The Fourth meeting of the Joint Session of the Centennial

Commission and the Executive Committee of the Society, was

held in the rooms of the Society, Page Hall, Tuesday after-

noon, at 2. p. m., June 30. There were present of the Commis-

sion: J. Warren Keifer, Hon. David S. Gray, Hon. R. W. Manly,

Hon. Rush R. Sloane; of the Executive Committee: Mr. G.

F. Bareis, Mr. W. H. Hunter, Prof. B. F. Prince, Mr. S. S.

Rickly, Hon. D. J. Ryan, Gen. G. B. Wright, Prof. G. Fred.

Wright and E. O. Randall.

The Secretary stated he had called this meeting as a final

wind-up in which he could report the outcome of the Centen-

nial. Every one present was sufficiently familiar with its his-

tory and the preliminary proceedings leading up to the cele-

bration, the great success of the celebration itself, and the sat-

isfaction which seemed to prevail on the part of everybody; the

speakers, the local managers in Chilllcothe, members of the So-

ciety and the public at large.

The Secretary stated that from the $10,000 appropriated by

the legislature the special expenditures had been:


Ohio  Centennial    syllabus  ............................ ........                                  $653 49

Tent andchairs       for the    meetings ............................                            712 95

M usic   ................... ........................:.........                                                  706 03

Livery   service  for speakers  and  guests .......................                              81   00

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.                  209


Expense of Secretary's office, including clerical and stenog-

raphic  assistants,  postage,  etc .............................                               $675  15

Archaeological Exhibit .................................. ..                                            22 00

Printing  of  Programs  ......................................                                          25   25

Entertainment and railroad fare of speakers and Commission-

ers  .............. .................................... .                                                  852 99

To  Chillicothe  for  decorations................................                                   2,000  00

Invitations  (engraved)  ......................................                                         588 00

To Trustees and Commissioners for expense at meetings.....                         137 35

Total  ..................................................                                              $6,454  21


Mr. Randall explained that these expanditures, which were

lumped in this report, were all covered by itemized receipts signed

by each separate individual payee to whom any money had been

paid. These receipts were all deposited at the state auditor's of-

fice, being attached in each instance to the voucher drawn for

their payment, and signed, by the governor and the secretary of

the society.

The Secretary stated that as all bills had now been paid, or

ordered paid, and nothing remained to be done but the publication

of the souvenir volume, and that would properly come within the

province of the Publication Committee of the State Society. It

must be remembered that the $10,000 approperiated was, not to

the Centennial Commission, but the Ohio State Society, therefore

the publication would legitimately belong to the Society.     The

amount left from the appropriation was in round numbers $3,500.

After some discussion it was the sense of the meeting that the

book should be issued uniform in size, type and binding with

the annual publications of the Society. The Secretary was au-

thorized to proceed with the publication of the souvenir volume

with the advice of the Publication Committee. Copies should

be sent to all members of the legislature.

Hon. Rush R. Sloane introduced the following resolution,

which was unanimously adopted:


Resolved, That Hon. E. O. Randall, the Secretary of this Joint

Committee in the Ohio Centennial Celebration, is entitled to our sin-

cere thanks as member of both the "Centennial Commission" and of

the "Executive Committee," for his faithful, laborious and efficient ser-

vices which so largely contributed to the complete success of that

210 Ohio Arch

210       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


grand Centennial, and that this resolution be made a part of the pro-

ceedings and record of the Centennial celebration.


The Secretary expressed his sincere thanks to the Joint Com-

mission for their expression of appreciation of his labors, and for

their courtesy and assistance in the discharging of his duties.

Gen. Keifer also thanked the commission for honoring him

with the chairmanship, saying he had never been engaged in a

more pleasing work and never connected with a body of men

who were so harmonious and happy in their joint efforts. Mr.

Gray moved a vote of thanks be extended to the people of Chilli-

cothe for the hospitable and gracious manner in which they

had entertained the thousands of visitors in their city. He also

thought that the gentleman in charge of the local affairs in

Chillicothe deserved great praise.

The Joint Commission then adjourned sine die, leaving all

further matters pertaining to the joint commission to the exec-

utive committee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical




The seventy-fifth general assembly in its appropriation bill

of May 12, 1902, gave our Society "for exhibit of The Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society at Louisiana Purchase Ex-

position, including packing, transportation and care of same

while there, $2,500." In accordance with the proper legislation,

Governor Nash, on June 11, 1902, appointed Hon. Stacy B.

Rankin of South Charleston, the Executive Commissioner of the

Louisiana Purchase Commission, and on November 28, 1902,

appointed the following commissioners: Hon. D. H. Moore,

Athens, Hon. N. K. Kennon, St. Clairsville, Hon. Edwin

Hagenbuch, Urbana, Hon. L. E. Holden, Cleveland, Hon. W. F.

Burdell, Columbus, Hon. M. K. Gantz, Troy, and Hon. David

Friedman, Caldwell.

When the Finance Committee of the Legislature decided to

make the appropriation for our Society it was with the expec-

tation that we were to have our exhibit in the proposed Ohio

Building. When the Ohio Commission, however formulated

their plans for the Ohio Building it was found that provision

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.            211


for our exhibit would interfere with the proper design for their

building. This proposition, therefore, to have our exhibit in

the Ohio Building was abandoned, and we are now negotiating

with the Exposition authorities for proper quarters in the de-

partment of Ethnology and Archaeology. It is probably better

that we be located with the same class of exhibits.




The Secretary reported the decease, at Toledo, December 18,

1902, of Hon. Charles P. Griffin, who had been a trustee of the

Society since 1891, having been first appointed by Governor

Campbell, reappointed by Governor McKinley, by Governor Bush-

nell, and by Governor Nash. The last appointment would have

continued until February, 1903. He was therefore in continuous

service as trustee by appointment twelve years, the longest en-

cumbency of that kind by any trustee. He rendered conspicuous

service as member of the legislature to our Society. A sketch of

his life appears in the January Quarterly (1902), page 99.

On March 2, 1903, Governor Nash appointed Colonel John

W. Harper of Cincinnati, a trustee for three years as the successor

of Mr. Griffin. The Governor also appointed Rev. N. B. C. Love

of Deshler, Ohio, as trustee for three years to succeed himself.




The following life members have been taken into the society

during the last year: Hon. D. S. Gray, Columbus; Col. E. L.

Taylor, Columbus; Prof. Frank B. Pearson, Columbus; Mr.

Frank H. Howe, Columbus; Mr. A. N. Whiting, Columbus; Mr.

Harry P. Wolfe, Columbus; Major W. F. Goodspeed, Columbus;

Mr. Emil Schlupp, Upper Sandusky; Mr. S. S. Knabenshue, To-


The Secretary then proposed the election by this meeting

to life membership the following gentlemen: Hon. Myron T.

Herrick, Cleveland; Colonel Webb Hayes, Fremont; Hon. Albert

Douglas, Chillicothe; Prof. Frank T. Cole, Columbus; Mr. G.

W. Lattimer, Columbus; Mr. W. N. King, Columbus; Hon.

Henry C. Taylor, Columbus.

212 Ohio Arch

212          Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


They were duly elected.

In conclusion, the Secretary congratulated the members of

the Society upon the successful work of the society during the

year just closed. It had undoubtedly been its most fruitful year.

He thanked the officers and trustees, and particularly the exec-

utive committee, for their uniform courtesy and consideration

and hearty cooperation with him in the direction of the affairs of

the society.    Mr. E. F. Wood, assistant treasurer, then made

the following report in behalf of Mr. S. S. Rickly, the treasurer:




Balance on hand Feb. 1, 1902 ..............................       $824 17

From State Treasurer -

Appropriation   -   care  of Ft. Ancient .........................                                                                               294    35

"           Repair and care of Serpent Mound ..........                                                           20 75

"          Field work, Ft. Ancient and Serpent Mound                                                 3,027 04

"                                         Current  expenses  ..........................                                      2,436     08

"                                        Publications                                                                           ...............................         2,527             00

"          Reprinting            publications  ....................                                                     5,500     00

Active Membership dues ...................................                                                                                             102 00

Life  m em bership  dues ......................................                                                                                            125    00

Provisions         sold    (field  work) ................................                                                                              3       80

Interest  ...................................................                                                                                                             84       93

Subscription           ...............................................                                                                                               24    00

Books  sold        ................................................                                                                                                 145    75

Total     ................................................  $15,114                                                                               87



Publications  ...............................................  $2,583  32

Reprinting publications ....................................                                                                                            5,500 00

Field      work     ......     ..................................                                                                                                    614    11

Care        ofFort    Ancient .......................................                                                                                         611    33

Care        ofSerpent  Mound  Park ...............................                                                                                   336    10

House in Serpent Mound Park .............................                                                                                        837 00

Barn (in part) in Serpent Mound Park ......................                                                                                  100 00

Well, pump, etc., in Serpent Mound Park ..................                                                                                  88 60

Expenses of trustees and committees ........................                                                                                   177 70

Salaries  (3)  ........................................            1,800  00

Museum and Library ......................................                                                                                                 384 35

Office expenses .........................................      100 00

Permanent fund ........................................      661 83

Fire  insurance  .............................................                                                                                                     66      00

Postage  .............................................  .....       82                                                                                               04

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.                                       213


Express and drayage ......................................                                               $63 65

Job   printing   .. ........................... ...............                                                   37 50

Sundry        supplies          ...........................................                                  5              35

"     incidental       expenses .................................                          126         29

Balance on hand February 1, 1903 ..........................                                 939 70

Total  ......................................... ......  $15,114  87

The report of the treasurer was received and approved.




The Secretary reported that the Trustees whose terms ex-

pire at this meeting were the following: Hon. Elroy M. Avery,

Cleveland; Bishop B. W. Arnett, Wilberforce; Hon. S. S.

Rickly, Columbus; Hon. A. R. McIntire, Mt. Vernon; Mr. G.

F. Bareis, Canal Winchester. Upon motion the Chair appointed

a committee of five upon nomination, viz: Messrs. Martzolff,

Neil, Harper, Wood and Coover. The committee, after a con-

ference, reported in favor of Hon. J. Warren Keifer, Spring-

field; Bishop B. W. Arnett, Wilberforce; Hon. S. S. Rickly,

Columbus; Hon. A. R. McIntire, Mt. Vernon; Mr. G. F. Bareis,

Canal Winchester; these to serve until February, 1906, or until

their successors were elected and qualified. Upon motion the

Secretary was authorized to cast the ballot of the society for

the gentlemen named by the committee. The board of trustees

therefore now stands:




(Terms expire in 1904.)

GEN. R. BRINKERHOFF,                                                              .                Mansfield.

HON. M. D. FOLLETT,               .                                                   .                Marietta.

HON. D. J. RYAN,         ..                                                                  Columbus

REV. H. A. THOMPSON,                  .                                                             Dayton.

MR. W. H. HUNTER, .      .                                                                               Chillicothe.


(Terms expire in 1905.)

PROF. G. FRED. WRIGHT,                                                           .                Oberlin.

COL. JAMES KILBOURNE,                                                         .                                                    Columbus.

PROF. J. P. MACLEAN,     .                                                                            Franklin.

PROF. C. L. MARTZOLFF,                                                             .                New Lexington.

JUDGE J. H. ANDERSON,                                                             .                                                    Columbus.

214 Ohio Arch

214       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


(Terms expire in 1906.)

HON. J. WARREN KEIFER,              .    Springfield.

BISHOP B. W. ARNETT,   .   .   .Wilberforce.

HON. S. S. RICKLY, .                                                                                       Columbus.

HON. A. R. MCINTIRE,                .                                                                  Mt. Vernon.

MR. G. F. BAREIS,      ..                                                                                    Canal Winchester.



(Terms expire as indicated.)

GEN. GEORGE B. WRIGHT, Columbus, 1904.

HON. R. E. HILLS, Delaware, 1904.

PROF. B. F. PRINCE, Springfield, 1905.

MR. E. 0. RANDALL, Columbus, 1905.

REV. N. B. C. LOVE, Deshler, 1906.

COL. JOHN W. HARPER, Cincinnati, 1906.




Prof. J. P. MacLean called attention to the Archaeological

History of Ohio by Gerard Fowke, stating it contained many

errors, more than could be easily corrected. It should not be

understood, however, that the society stands sponsor for the

statements in that book. Its authority rests upon its author,

but he thought that this Society should appoint a committee to

investigate the disputed question as to whether the graded way

in Pike County is a natural or artificial work. After some dis-

cussion it was voted that the Executive Committee appoint a

committee of five, among whom should be a geologist, an ar-

chaeologist, and a topographical engineer, of repute, to investi-

gate the works in question, examine them, and report to the

society the result of their investigation. There being no fur-

ther business of importance before the meeting of the Society

it was adjourned.




The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees was held im-

mediately upon the adjournment of the annual meeting of the

Society, and the following trustees were present: Judge J. H.

Anderson, Mr. G. F. Bareis, Gen. R. Brinkerhoff, Col. J. W.

Harper, Mr. W. H. Hunter, Rev. N. B. C. Love, Prof. J. P.

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.              215


MacLean, Prof. C. L. Martzolff, Prof. B. F. Prince, Mr. E.,

O. Randall, Gen. George B. Wright and Prof. G. Frederick


Letters regretting absence were received by the Secretary

from Judge M. D. Follett and Bishop B. W. Arnett. Prof. G.

Fred. Wright acted as temporary chairman, and Mr. E. O.

Randall as temporary secretary. The election of the various

officers of the Society for the ensuing year was then held.  It

resulted as follows: Gen. R. Brinkerhoff, President; Gen.

George B. Wright, First Vice President; Mr. George F. Bareis,

Second Vice President; Mr. E. O. Randall, Secretary and

Editor; Hon. S. S. Rickly, Treasurer; Mr. Edwin F. Wood,

Assistant Treasurer; Prof. W. C. Mills, Curator and Librarian.

The following were selected as members of the executive com-

mittee: G. Fred Wright, W. H. Hunter, B. F. Prince, A. R.

McIntire, D. J. Ryan. With these as ex-officio members, will

serve Geo. F. Bareis, R. Brinkerhoff, E. O. Randall, S. S. Rickly,

George B. Wright. The Board of Trustees thereupon adjourned

with the understanding that the Executive Committee would

meet at the call of the Secretary.




In the evening, under the auspices of the Society, in the

auditorium  of the Ohio State University, a lecture was de-

livered by Dr. J. A. Leonard, of Mansfield, on the American

Indian. Dr. Leonard was for many years United States In-

spector of Indian Tribes, and is perhaps one of the highest

authorities in the country on the subject of the modern aborigine.

His lecture was intensely interesting and profitable.




The report of Prof. W. C. Mills, Curator of the Society,

was as follows:

It gives me much pleasure to make my annual report upon

the condition of the Museum and Library and on the Archaeo-

logical explorations of the Society.

During the first part of last year the field work was car-

ried on at the Baum prehistoric village site where for two sea-

216 Ohio Arch

216       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


sons prior to this, work had been carried on. The object of

a further examination was to gain some idea of the extent of

this village and to further examine the burials and refuse pits.

The northern portion of the village was examined and here

very interesting burials were discovered. Heretofore no burials

having pottery placed with them were found, but in this section

quite a number of burials had pottery placed in the graves. Of

the hundred or more skeletons removed from this village prior to

this examination not a single piece of copper was found, but

this year a single grave rewarded us with two copper beads

and many objects made of bone and shell. The examination

of the village during the present year has somewhat enlarged

the former boundary lines. At present the village extends

almost one-fourth of a mile along the terrace due north, and

about the same distance south of the mound and almost the same

distance directly east of the mound. The part west was no doubt

uninhabited by aboriginal man as the land was low and swampy.

A complete report of the animal remain burials, and imple-

ments will soon be in press.

The latter part of the season was spent in examining the

Gartner mound, which is situated about six miles north of

Chillicothe. It is located upon the line between the farm

of Mr. Gartner and the farm of Miss Elizabeth Leevy. The

mound was 71/2 feet high with a diameter of 75 feet. This

mound contained very many interesting things that were new

to science. Of the 44 skeletons unearthed, 18 were placed below

the base line; all the others were buried on an average of

31/2 ft. above the base line. This mound was made up of three

distinct mounds; the first or original mound having no burials

beneath the base and only six that were placed on an average

of 31/2 feet above the base. However, six inches above the base

line was made a platform of earth which seemed to be made

from puddled clay firmly tamped into a level floor, which upon

examination proved to be 23 feet wide by 43 feet in length.

Upon this floor were placed ashes, varying in depth from 6

inches to 21/2 feet. Beneath the floor was found the remains

of an old home, the fire places, refuse pits and post holes of

the tepees being plainly visible. With the burials in the other

Eighteenth Annual Meeting

Eighteenth Annual Meeting.              217


portions of the mound were found pipes, ocean shell gorgets,

beads, perfect pieces of pottery and large quantities of per-

forated teeth of various animals. But perhaps the most inter-

esting of all the things taken from these graves was the pud-

dles and tempered clay ready to be made into pottery. This

clay was placed in a nitch in the grave near the head. In

several instances small boulders accompanied the clay and were

piled over it in a small heap. These were no doubt used in

cooking their food. In another grave was found a small shell

gorget with a hole in the center in which was inserted a fresh-

water pearl.

During the winter 1902-03 the Ohio State University ten-

dered to the Historical Society rooms in Page Hall. These

rooms were accepted by the Executive Committee at the Jan-

uary meeting and I was instructed to proceed with the transfer

of the collection of the Society as well as that of the University

from Orton Hall to Page Hall. But it was the first week in

February before the work could begin as the basement rooms were

not quite ready for occupancy and the floor in the main Museum

had to be put in shape; and it was almost the first of March

before the specimens could be removed.

The University during the year supplied the Museum with

upwards of $745 worth of cases; some of these were for new

cases while $578 was in lieu of cases that could not be removed

from Orton Hall.

At the present time the Archaeological exhibit occupies a

room containing 4,000 square feet and the Library and office

occupies about 1,800 square feet, the Historical room and Photo-

graph Gallery on the first floor, each 900 square feet, and about

2,500 square feet of basement room which will be used for

storage. Although we have a very large room for the archaeo-

logical exhibit yet at the present time I find that this room is

crowded and it will be a very short time until we will be com-

pelled to have more commodious quarters. I would respect-

fully recommend that the Legislature be asked to supply us with

a new building to take care of the great number of collections

that are coming to us unsolicited. I further recommend that

218 Ohio Arch

218       Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.

this building be placed on the University campus as the most

available site.

During the year several thousand specimens have been added

to the Museum and a new card catalogue is now being made.

It will take about a year to complete this catalogue as each

specimen of importance will be labeled as well as drawings made

and placed upon the card. An historical file is also being made

in which the history of each collection of specimens is carefully

preserved. The library has made quite a growth during the

past year and 325 volumes have been added to our list. We

have received about 300 pamphlets in exchange for our publica-

tions. We have 138 exchanges but hope to increase them dur-

ing the coming year.

During the year specimens and material that was stored at

the State House and various other places throughout the city

have been gathered together and placed on exhibition in the

Museum of the Society. The most interesting historical object

procured during the year is the model of the John Fitch engine,

presented by Mr. A. N. Whiting. Another interesting gift is the

first printing press ever used in Franklin county, presented by

Col. James Kilbourne. We are now in a position to receive many

historical relics and we hope the members will take it upon them-

selves to add to the collection.