THE following bibliography was prepared
by Mrs. Cyrus
Thomas, under the auspices of the
Smithsonian Institution, and
is published, by permission, from the
manuscript copy. Its
publication will serve two ends: In the
first place, to impart
information already obtained, and in the
second place, to so-
licit information supplementary to what
is here contained.
Any observers in the State who have
facts concerning the
earthworks of Ohio in addition to those
here stated, will con-
fer a favor upon the world by forwarding
such information to
Professor G. F. Wright, Oberlin, 0., the
member of the Ed-
itorial Committee in charge of this
department, and the facts
will be classified and published in
future numbers, making
our QUARTERLY by far the completest
depository of such in-
In locating ancient remains it is
desirable to note the fol-
lowing points:
The character of the works, whether
mounds, stone, graves,
burial places, enclosures, walls,
caches, etc.
Whether explored or not, and if explored
whether relics
were found, the kind of relics and where
such relics have been
deposited, if known.
The exact locality, as near as can be
determined, in town-
ship, county and State, and whether near
a town or stream of
any note.
Whether any notice or description has
been published, and
in what book, paper or magazine such
notice may be found.
In all cases where antiquities have
existed, but are now ob-
literated, they should be included in
the list and mention made
of their having been destroyed.
Great Serpent Mound, near Brush Creek,
on the land of
Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
Mr. John J. Lovett, Bratton [Franklin ?]
township. Described
and figured in Anc. Mon., pp. 96, 98,
pl. 35. Brief descrip-
tion by C. C. Jones, Sm. Rep., 1877, p.
279. Few addi-
tional particulars, 17th Rep. Peab.
Mus., pp. 348, 349, and
Proc. Am. Antiq. Soc., New Series, v. 3,
No. 1.
Enclosure near the north line of the N.
E. quarter, Sec. 9,
Mohican township.
Earthwork and mound, about two miles
southwest of
Jeromeville, on farm of Nicholas Glenn.
Mound on the right bank of Lake Fork, on
highest land
in the county, in the northern part of
Lake township. Re-
ported by H. B. Case, Sm. Rep., 1881,
pp. 595, 596.
Mound in the south end, on the farm of
Lewis Oliver.
Parr's Fort, a circular embankment, one
mile from Sham-
baugh's Fort. A large mound stood near
it on the east side.
Darling's Fort, a circular enclosure,
two and a half miles
from Parr's Fort, near St. John's
Church, on the north bank
of the Clear Fork of the Mohican River.
Described by
Geo. W. Hill, Sm. Rep., 1877, pp. 265,
Ramsy's Fort, a quadrangular earthwork,
on the southwest
quarter of Sec. 28, in Jackson township.
Two mounds in the north part of Perry
township. Exam-
ined; yielded specimens.
Metcalfs Fort, a circular enclosure on
Jerome Fork.
Winbigler's Fort, a circular enclosure,
on the opposite side
of the Jerome Fork, on the northeast
quarter of Sec. 9.
Described by Geo. W. Hill, in Sm. Rep.,
1877, p. 262.
Deposit of flint implements in Sullivan
township. Full
description, Geo. W. Hill, Sm. Rep.,
1874, pp. 364-366.
Stone mound, on high hill just north of
the junction of
Black and Clear forks. Explored. Hanover
Stone mound, on hill south of Clear Fork,
just below
junction of Pine River, Hanover
Cemetery of Delawares, in Green
township, on left bank
of Black Fork, east of county line.
Rock shelter, in the northwest corner of
Hanover town-
Bibliography of Ohio Earthworks. 71
ship, on right bank of Clear Fork.
Reported by H. B.
Case, Sm. Rep., 1881, p. 600.
Bryte's Fort, a quadrangular enclosure,
about a half mile
from Spratt's Hill. Described by Geo. W.
Hill, Sm. Rep.,
1877, pp. 264, 265. Reported by H. B.
Case, Sm. Rep.,
1881, pp. 593, 594.
Mound near Perryville, on the road to
Newville. Described
by Geo. W. Hill, Sm. Rep., 1877, pp.
265, 266. Reported
by H. B. Case, Sm. Rep., 1881, p. 599.
Mound just north of Loudonville, on the
summit of Bald
Knob, containing stone graves.
Burial ground of the Delawares, S. W.
quarter section of
the N. E. quarter section, Sec. 18,
Green township, a few
rods north of the Black Fork.
Fire places near south line of S. E.
quarter section, Sec.
18, Green township, on opposite bank of
the Black Fork.
Earthwork, half a mile east of burial
ground. Reported
by H. B. Case, Sm. Rep., 1881, pp. 597,
Mounds in the vicinity of Gamble's Fort.
Opened; con-
tained specimens.
Small mound in Montgomery township.
Opened; con-
tained specimens.
Norris mound, on Sec. 28, in Orange
township, opened,
contained specimens. Described by Geo.
W. Hill, Sm.
Rep., 1877, pp. 262, 263.
Large mound near the village of Mifflin.
Brief descrip-
tion by Geo. W. Hill, in Sm. Rep., 1877,
p. 266.
Stone mound, north of Perryville, on a
lofty eminence
overlooking the Black Fork valley to the
northeastward, and
eastward the valley near Loudonville.
Mound on S. W. quarter section, Sec. 18,
Green town-
ship, on the right bank of Black Fork,
above Perryville.
Earthwork near it explored.
Earthwork and stone mound, on summit of
ridge between
Black and Clear Forks, S. W. corner of
Green township.
Reported by H. B. Case, Sm. Rep., 1881,
p. 599.
72 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
Old Indian cemetery, near the village of
Orange, on the
premises of Mr. Jacob Young.
Shambaugh's Fort, a circular fort
enclosing a mound, on
the Black Fork of the Mohican River,
Sec. 18, Green Tp.
Described by Geo. W. Hill, Sm. Rep.,
1877, pp. 264, 265.
Gamble's Fort, a circular embankment
2,145 feet in length,
on a height near the town of Ashland.
Reported by H. B.
Case, Sm. Rep., 1881, p. 595. Explored and described by
Geo. W. Hill, Sm. Rep., 1877, pp. 262,
Two mounds on Sprott's Hill on the N.E.
quarter section,
Sec. 35, Clear Creek Tp.; in one a stone
grave containing eight
skeletons. Described by Geo. W. Hill,
Sm. Rep., 1877,
pp. 264, 265, and reported by H. B.
Case, Sm. Rep., 1881,
p. 595.
Ancient earthworks near Conneaut on
Conneaut river.
Described by Atwater, Trans. Am. Antiq.
Soc., Vol. I. pp.
124, 125. Described and figured from
survey of Col. Whit-
tlesey, Anc. Mon., p. 38, Pl. xv. No. 2.
Aboriginal cemetery near Conneaut.
Mentioned by Col.
Whittlesey in Anc. Mon., p. 38.
Seven enclosures or Forts and seventeen
conical mounds
on Wolf Plain. Explored and fully
described, some of the
articles obtained being figured.
Professor E. B. Andrews,
Rep. Peab. Mus., Vol. II. pp. 56, 74.
(Probably the works
mentioned by Howe, Hist. Col. Ohio, p.
"School House Mound;" contents
noted in 9th Rep. Peab.
Mus., p. 18.
"Beard's Mound;" contents
noticed in do., p. 18.
Mounds and embankments are to be seen in
every part of
the county. Several opened. Brown's Western Gazetteer,
p. 306.
Mounds and "ancient fortification
with gateways." One
of the mounds (now removed) was of
stone. Four miles
north of Athens. Howe's Hist.
Col. Ohio, p. 53. (Proba-
Bibliography of Ohio Earthworks. 73
bly the works explored and described by
Professor Andrews,
Rep. Peab. Mus.,Vol II., pp. 56, 74.
Described and figured
Anc. Mon. pp. 64, 65, Pl. xxiii. No. 2.)
Mound half a mile from the Ohio River,
Opened and
described. Coll. Hist. and Misc. and
Monthly Lit. Jour. II
(1823) p. 48; also in Ohio Monitor.
Probably same as that
mentioned in Rufinesque's Cat., 16 feet
high in which iron
and silver were found, Annals Ky., p.
Cave deposit near Decatur containing
refuse-heap. Am.
Antiq., Vol. I. (1879,) p. 186, from
Marietta Register for Oct.
Group of mounds four miles north of
Ripley, two of them
surrounded by ditch and embankment.
Reported by Charles
M. Smith.
Ancient earthworks six miles southeast
from the town of
Hamilton. Surveyed and described in 1842
by Jas. McBride,
J. P. MacLean in Sm. Rep., 1881, pp.
600, 603. Diagram on
page 602. These works are located partly
in Fairfield Tp.,
Sec. 15, 8, and 16, and partly in Union
Tp., Secs. 8 and
"Fortified Hill," on the west
side of the Big Miami, three
miles below Hamilton on the S. E.
quarter section, Sec. 12,
T. 3 N., R. 2 E. Described and figured,
Anc. Mon., pp.
16, 18, Pl. vi; also by MacLean in Mound
Builders, pp. 184-
187, fig. 53, and brief notice and
figure by same in Sm. Rep.,
1883, p. 850. Explored, described, and
figured by John P.
Rogan, Thomas MS.,p.
The A. McCormick mound, Sec. 4,
Fairfield Tp., on farm
of Mrs. A. McCormick. Described and
figured by John P.
Rogan, Thomas MS. p.
The "Wm. M. Cochran Mound,"one
mile northeast of
Bunker Hill on Sec. 24, Reily Tp.
Explored, described,
and figured by John P. Rogan, Thomas MS. p.
74 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
The "John Hoffman group" of
mounds near the central
portion of the county. Explored,
described, and figured by
John P. Rogan, Thomas, MS. p. Probably
the same one
mentioned by John P. MacLean, situated
in Sec. 9, St. Clair
Tp., Mound Builders, p. 214.
The "George Warwick Mound,"
two miles north of Ham-
ilton, in St. Clair Tp. Explored,
described, and figured by
John P. Rogan, Thomas MS., p. Noticed by
J. P. MacLean,
Mound Builders, p. 216.
Large circular enclosure on the west
side of the Big Miami,
about seven miles below Hamilton, on
Secs. 27 and 34, T. 3
N., R. 2 E, Ross Tp. Described and
figured, Anc. Mon.
pp. 85, 86, Pl. xxx, No. 2; also by
MacLean, Mound
Builders. pp. 190, 191, fig. 55.
Group of six mounds, Sec. 21, T. 5 N.,
R. 2 E. in Ross
Tp., mentioned and figured, Anc. Mon.,
p. 170, fig. 57, No.
1. More fully described and figured,
MacLean, Mound
Builders, pp. 194, 195, fig. 56.
Mound on land of J. and G. Meescopf in
the southern
portion of the county; one mile east of
the R. Cooper
mounds. Explored, described, and figured by John P.
Rogan, Thomas MS., p.
Mound on farm of Robert Cooper, Sec. 9,
Fairfield Tp.
Explored, described, and figured by John
P. Rogan, Thomas
MS. Noticed by J. P. MacLean, Mound
Builders, p. 181.
The "Samuel Lamdon mound,"
Sec. 8, Reily Tp.
Explored, described, and figured by John
P. Rogan, Thomas
MS., p. Brief description by John P.
MacLean, Mound
Builders, p. 202.
The "Henry Schwarm mound," a
mile and a half north-
west of the village of Reily. Explored,
described, and
figured by John P. Rogan, Thomas MS., p.
Probably the
one on Sec. 17, Reily Tp., mentioned by
J. P. MacLean,
Mound Builders, p. 202.
Enclosure, ditch, and mound on Seven
Mile Creek, near
Somerville, Milford Tp., on Secs. 3 and
10, T. 5 N., R. 2
Bibliography of Ohio Earthworks. 75
E. Described and figured by MacLean,
Mound Builders,
pp. 207, 209, fig. 59. Brief notice and figure, Anc. Mon.,
p. 90, Pl. xxxi, No. 2.
Mound from which was taken a frog pipe
and charred
cloth. Reported by Thomas Dover.
Mound one mile south of Post Town
Station and two miles
north of Middletown in which were found
rolls of cloth and
other relics. Reported by John S.
Earhart, O. T. Mason,
Sm. Rep., 1880, pp. 443, 444.
Ancient work (enclosure) on Four Mile
Creek, N. W.
quarter section, Sec. 31,T. 5 N., R. 2
E. (MacLean says Sec.
36, T. 5 N., R. 1 E.) in Oxford Tp.
Described and figured,
Anc. Mon., pp. 29, 31, Pl. xi, No. 2 and
also by MacLean
Mound Builders, pp. 204, 205, fig. 58.
Ancient work (enclosure) on the bank of
Seven Mile Creek
on Sees. 4 and 9 in St. Clair Tp. about
five miles north of
Hamilton. Described and figured,
Anc. Mon., p. 29, Pl. xi.
No. 1; also by MacLean in Mound
Builders, pp. 212, 213,
fig. 60. The mound explored by John P.
Rogan, Thomas
MS., p.
Ancient fortification in Sec. 8, T. 2,
Fairfield Tp.
Described and figured by MacLean, Mound
Builders, pp.
177, 178, fig. 49. Brief description and
figure, Anc. Mon.,
p. 22. P1. viii, No. 2.
Ancient enclosure near by the preceding.
Brief notice
and figure, MacLean, Mound Builders, p.
178, fig. 50.
Enclosure with oblong mound inside on
the bank of Nine
Mile Creek, on Sec. 30, T. 5 N., R. 3
E., in Wayne Tp.
Described and figured by MacLean, Mound
Builders, pp. 217-
220, fig. 61. Briefly noticed and
figured in Anc. Mon. p.
90, Pl. xxxi, No. 3.
Square enclosure and mounds on east side
of the Big
Miami, about four miles below Hamilton,
on Sec. 10, in the
southwest part of Fairfield Tp.
Described and figured, Anc.
Mon., p. 85, Pl. xxx, No. 1.
Circular earthwork on east side of the
Big Miami in Sect
76 Ohio Archaeological and Historical
9, southwest corner of Fairfield Tp.
Described and figured
by MacLean, Mound Builders, p. 178, fig.
50. Brief notice
and figure in Anc. Mon., pp. 90, 91, Pl.
xxxi, No. 4.
Enclosure with double walls; mounds and
ditch on the
west bank of the Big Miami, four miles
southwest of Hamil-
ton, on Sec. 13, T. 3 N., R. 2 E. in
Ross Tp. Described and
figured, Anc. Mon., pp. 30, 31, Pl. xi,
No. 3; also by Mac-
Lean, Mound Builders, pp. 188, 190, fig.
54. The mound
explored, described at length and
figured by J. P. MacLean,
Sm. Rep., 1883, pp. 848, 849.
Mounds in Liberty Tp. (only ancient
works in this town-
ship) are mentioned by MacLean as
follows: In Sec. 20, on
the farm of S. Rose, one, and on the
farm of D. B. William-
son, one; in Sec. 26, on the farms of
Stephen Clawson and
C. Bandle, three; one in Sec. 15 and
another on Sec. 34
(Mound Builders, p. 176).
Group of small works (square and oval
enclosure and
mound) Sec. 14, T. 3 N. in Union Tp.
Described and figured
in Anc. Mon., pp. 91, 92, Pl. xxxii, No.
1. More complete
description by MacLean, Mound Builders,
pp. 171, 172, fig.
On the adjoining section (8), same Tp.,
is a small circular
enclosure described and figured by
MacLean, Mound Builders,
pp. 172, 174, figs. 47, 48.
Ancient Fortification on the east bank
of the Big Miami
about six miles above Hamilton on Sec.
16, in northeast
corner Fairfield Tp. Described and
figured, Anc. Mon., pp.
21, 22, P1. viii, No. 1; also by
MacLean, Mound Builders,
pp. 181, 183, fig. 52.
Maps and diagrams of Butler county
showing location
of signal mounds with explanatory notes,
J. P. MacLean,
Sm. Rep., 1882, pp. 752,758. A thorough description
of the various ancient works of this
county, a separate
description being given of each work
with fig. of most
of them. J. P. MacLean, Mound Builders,
pp. 153, 228,
figs. 46, 64 and map of the county
showing location of
Bibliography of Ohio Earthworks. 77
the several works. Those described by
others are mentioned
separately in this catalogue under
"Butler County, Ohio."
General description of the mounds of the
county with
special notices of the group on Sec. 21
in Ross Tp (same
group figured in Anc. Mon., p. 170)
figured, one opened.
Brief description of the group on the
Miami described in Anc.
Mon., p. 30, Pl. xi, fig. 3; one opened
and figured. J. P.
MacLean, Sm. Rep., 1883, pp. 844 851.
Roberts' Mound, on Buck Creek.
Excavated. Described
by Professor Thomas F. Moses, Proc.
Central Ohio Sci. Ass.,
Vol. I., pp. 32-36. Illustrated.
Mound on the farm of the late Judge
Dallas, four miles
below Urbana. Explored. Described by
Professor Thos. F.
Moses, Proc. Central Ohio Sci. Ass.,
Vol. I., pp. 43-44.
The Baldwin Mound, on a hill lying
between the north
and east forks of Buck Creek, about
eight miles southeast of
Urbana, on the farm of Judge Samuel
Baldwin. Described
and illustrated by Prof. Thos. F. Moses,
Proc. Cent. O. Sci.
Ass., Vol. I., pp. 36-41.
A mound, on the ridge northeast of the
Baldwin Mound,
on the farm of Mr. Wilson. Excavated.
Described by Prof.
Thos. F. Moses, Proc. Cent. O. Sci.
Ass., Vol. I., p. 42.
Deposit of bones in the northeast corner
of this county,
on the east side of Buck Creek Valley.
Mentioned by Prof.
Thos. F. Moses, Proc. Cent. 0. Sci.
Ass., Vol. I., pp. 44-45.
Small mound a few rods distant. Noticed
by same, same
article and page.
Deposit of skeletons at Catawba Station,
on the C., C., C.
& I. Railroad. Described by Prof.
Thos. F. Moses, Proc.
Cent. O. Sci. Ass., Vol. I., p. 45.
Mound containing a cache of flint
implements. Men-
tioned in Proc. Cent. O. Sci. Ass., Vol.
I., p. 43.
Ancient remains, consisting of lines of
embankment and
mounds, at Haddix Hill. Described and
diagram given by
Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
Professor J. E. Warren, Proc. Cent. O.
Sci. Ass., Vol. I.,
pp. 53, 56; mentioned also by Prof.
Thos. F. Moses, Proc.
Cent. O. Sci. Ass., Vol. I., p. 30.
The large mound at Enon. Mentioned by
Prof. Thos. F.
Moses, Proc. Cent. O. Sci. Ass., Vol.
I., pt. 1, (1878) p. 30;
also on p. 56; also by Prof. J. E.
Ancient burial ground-skeletons in a
sitting posture-in
Columbia, on the line of the C., C., C.
& I. R. R., near
Lagonda River. Described by S. D. Peet,
Proc. Dav.
Acad. Sci., Vol. II., pp. 138-140.
Mound on the Foley farm, about four
miles east of Spring-
field, on a ridge midway between Buck
Creek and Beaver
Creek. Explored. Described by Prof.
Thos. F. Moses,
Proc. Cent. O. Sci. Ass., Vol. I., pp.
Singular earthworks, consisting of
numerous lines and
curves, on East Fork of Little Miami,
about twenty miles
above Milford. Mentioned in Anc. Mon.,
p. 95, and figured
Pl. xxxiv, B. No. 2. Was surveyed by
General Lytle, and
a plan of it appeared in Williamson's
work on the Climate of
America, pp. 9, 195, Fig. No. 1.
Ancient works, near the western border
of the county,
near the junction of East Fork and
Little Miami, one mile
east of Milford, known as the Milford
works. Described
and figured, Anc. Mon., pp. 94, 95, Pl.
xxxiv, No. 1. Brief
notice, with reference to present
condition, 17th Rep. Peab.
Mus., p. 350; also figured in Hugh
Williamson's Obs. on
Climate, p. 197, Fig. No. 3.
Remains of several ancient
fortifications, near Milford, on
the east bank of the Little Miami, two
miles from its mouth.
Western Gazetteer, p. 293.
Small rectangular earthwork, on the
East Fork of Little
Miami, about four miles above the
Milford work. Men-
tioned, Anc. Mon., p. 95. Survey was
made by Gen. Lytle,
and published in Worden's Appendix to
Dupaix's Antiq.
Mex.; also figured.
[To be continued.]