Ohio History Journal

Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 621

Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting         621


Outlines of Psychology, by Dr. Henry G. Williams, now Presi-

dent of Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio.

One lot of school publications by R. Heber Holbrook, in

the interest of the Lebanon School, to-wit:

The Reunion.

The National Normal.

The Home and School.

The National Normal Exponent.

Also catalogues of the school for the years 1873-74, 1875-76,

1882-83, 1883-84, and 1891-93.

Among the noted graduates from this school were Dr. T. C.

Mendenhall and W. H. Venable. Your committee hoped to

present to the society, at this session, the works of these emi-

nent scholars; but it has not yet been able to obtain the same.

Mr. Jerry Dennis of the committee is in charge of the col-

lection of Ray's Arithmetical Works. He will be able to report

on the same at the next session of the Society. In addition your

committee has many other old school books, not yet in shape for


Your committee has undertaken to restore the "Ohio School

Library," as far as possible. In the fifties and sixties, of the

past century, the State of Ohio installed in every township of

the State, a library known by the above name. The books of

these libraries circulated for a time but were finally absorbed

by the readers, scattered far and near. Your committee believes

that a set of these books should be in the library of the Society.

Hence, the attempt to restore the same. Already, fifty-three

volumes are in the hands of the committee. Forty-six other

volumes have been located but have not yet come into our pos-


Respectfully submitted:

(Signed)    JOHN R. HORST, Chairman.








Your committee on Fort Ancient and the Warren County

Serpent Mound asks the privilege of making the following re-


The Committee has had but one meeting at which the ma-

622 Ohio Arch

622        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications


jority of the members were present. Several other meetings were

called, at which only the chairman was present.

The sums of money expended at Fort Ancient for purposes

named are as follows:

Salary          of   Custodian.....................$                                        360.00

Repairs        ................................                                                          489.82

Fencing       ...............................                                                           275.86

Telephone  .............................                           17.90

Total ..........................$1143.58

At the meeting in June, last, your committee directed Mr.

Cowen, the custodian, to expend the funds, left to the credit of

Fort Ancient, in regraveling the roadway and repainting the

house occupied by the custodian. The amount thus expended

has not yet been reported to the committee.

Owing to the change of custodians, August 1, the usual

trimming up of the grounds was delayed somewhat, but the new

custodian, Mr. J. W. Satchell, is now on the grounds and is en-

tering earnestly upon his new duties. A mowing machine has

been secured to aid him in putting the grounds in good shape.

Your Committee recommends:--

1 -- That a new section of road be made to run from

the entrance gate to the custodian's house and re-

turn to the main road.

2 -- That a gateway be opened in the fence near the

front of the house, the object being to accommodate

the public in getting such information as they need.

3 -- That the present roadway be widened to allow cars

to pass each other with safety.

4 -- That the present road be extended to Lookout


The above recommendations, your committee believes, if

complied with, will contribute to the improvement of the grounds,

and meet the approval of the visiting public.

The following item, concerning the Warren County Serpent

Mound, will be of some interest. When the Committee met in

June, last, Mr. J. C. Smith, who shows much interest in the

Mound, was requested to visit it, and learn from the tenant there

whatever he could of the situation. He made a visit and then

sent me a report of certain facts. This report was sent to Dr.

W. C. Mills. It noted that the person who had a life interest in

the farm, had recently died. The heirs are numerous, and some-

what widely scattered; some are at present traveling in Europe.

Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 623

Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting       623


Mr. Smith thinks no executor has been appointed up to this time.

He will learn definitely in regard to this soon. If the Society

thinks it of sufficient importance to acquire the Mound, now is

the time to institute active measures.

(Signed)    B. F. PRINCE,




The situation at Fort Laurens Park, one mile east of Bolivar,

Ohio, has been unsatisfactory for a long time. Very little has

been done since the building, some years ago, of the park house,

which got in very bad repair, until it was learned early this sum-

mer that there was a balance of about $1400.00 of the last appro-

priation by the State Legislature, which remained unexpended.

Steps were taken at once to have these funds used for repair of

the park building and work on the driveways. This work was

done under direction of Mr. Harry Lash, local member of the

committee at Bolivar, in conjunction with Mr. Clarence J. Lebold,

of Bolivar, who was recently nominated for membership on the

committee to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Colonel W.

L. Curry.

The last Legislature made an additional appropriation for the

improvement of the Park through the efforts of the Representa-

tive, Charles T. Greenlee, of Tuscarawas County, which will put

the Society in position to lay the Park out with some landscape

gardening and beautify it with trees.

It is also planned to employ a caretaker at a moderate salary

who will occupy the park house and keep it in respectable condi-

tion. After the proposed improvements are made, funds should be

provided for the erection of an appropriate monument near the

highway and the site of the fort, bearing an inscription setting

forth briefly the history of Fort Laurens. It is probable that

aid could be secured from the United States Congress to this end.






While the restoration of Fort Meigs was initiated by the

people of the neighboring Village of Perrysburg, the preservation

and maintenance of this historic site is in charge of a special com-