Ohio History Journal

548 Ohio Arch

548      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

The little band in homespun suits,

To whom our ancestry we trace

With pride, were Freedom's first recruits --

The heroes of a noble race;

They heard the call of Paul Revere --

His rousing cry: "To arms! to arms!"

And eager flocked from far and near,

The stalwart yeomen of the farms.

Hail to the men that made us free!

Hail to the stainless swords they drew:

A thousand years will never see

Forgetfulness of men so true;

Their deeds will live while grandly waves

The flag of a united land

Above their scattered, sacred graves,

From mountain height to ocean strand.




Beautiful tree how well you have fared,

And for many more years we'd have you spared,

Standing alone through all the years,

Have you been lonely, have you, shed tears?

Will you lend today a listening ear?

For this page is written for you to hear.

As a bit of God's handiwork, stately and grand --

You're here where he placed you and secretly planned

To give you a place in His hall of fame,

Are you not proud of the honor, proud of the name,

Attracting to you the once savage Chief?

You listened, I'm sure, to his story brief,

And he sought you out among others to be

The Logan Elm, the history tree.

Yes, days long ago, but somehow 'tis sweet

To go back to the Indian's happy retreat --

Back to his once happy hunting ground.

But "Lo The Poor Indian" no longer around

My Indian is here and every day

I see him back in the same old way.

But no: that day is forever gone now --

The day when Logan sat 'neath your bough;

For Bow and Arrow days have fled.

Reviews, Notes and Comments 549

Reviews, Notes and Comments          549

We mingle now the white and red.

Oh! ancient tree, could you but speak today,

We're wondering what 'twould be you'd say;

Yes, Honored Elm, we feel and know

You first would greet these friends

And bid them welcome ere they go;

Then tell the story of the Indian and his song,

The story buried here in Nature's trunk so long;

The story of the Indian tall,

Whose hunting ground was here --

And that not all --

You'd tell us much of what you saw

About the Indian chief, papoose and squaw,

Describe their raiment and their ways,

Tell all the happenings in those days.

Then of yourself we'd ask to hear

What, as a tree, you held most dear.

Your answer we'd anticipate to be

That nature's haunts meant most to thee.

In taking leave we'd all agree

That you were such a friendly Tree.


Mr. Frank Tallmadge formally accepted two young

elms that were planted, one by the Sons of the American

Revolution and the other by the Daughters of the

American Revolution.

Mr. Langdon T. Williams closed the exercises of the

afternoon with a strong plea for the restoration and

preservation of our forests.

Mr. Boyd B. Haddox, president of the Franklin

chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, presided.

Reverend Clayton W. Eldridge invoked the Divine


In the absence of Governor James E. Campbell,

president of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical So-

ciety, Secretary Galbreath briefly welcomed the assem-

bly. Mrs. Vander Veer Taylor, regent of the Columbus

chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, grac-

iously responded.