Ohio History Journal

Reviews, Notes and Comments 581

Reviews, Notes and Comments      581

the entire list of the regiment before finding the name

of the soldier whose record is sought. If the name of

his regiment is not given, the quest is almost hopeless.

In such cases, it is a great saving of time to write at once

to the War Department, at Washington, for the record.

This will not be necessary in searching for the rec-

ord of a World War veteran. Any person having ac-

cess to this World War Roster can readily, without as-

sistance, refer to the record sought. Librarians, espe-

cially, will be thankful to the editors for the good judg-

ment exercised in arranging and publishing this work.

The ten volumes already issued run alphabetically from

Abb to Lucas, inclusive.







Several hundred Massillon citizens and friends at-

tended the unveiling of a boulder, Wednesday after-

noon, on the Massillon-Canal Fulton Road, marking the

boundary line created by a treaty concluded between the

Indians and the United States in 1785.

The line formed a boundary dividing the territory

of the United States and the Indians. It extended

through this city along the Tuscarawas River.

The local council of Boy Scouts selected the site for

the location of the boulder on a curve of the Massillon-

Canal Fulton Road near Crystal Springs. The Boy

Scouts also found the boulder upon which has been

placed a bronze tablet.

* Massillon Evening Independent, September 9, 1926.

582 Ohio Arch

582       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

The monument was erected through contributions

of Massillon school children to a fund created by the

Daughters of the American Revolution to mark historic

spots in and near Massillon.

The inscription on the bronze tablet reads:

This boulder overlooks the Tuscarawas River and commem-

orates the treaty concluded in 1785 with the Wyandot, Delaware,

Chippewa, and Ottawa Indians, whereby the River became part

of the boundary line between the United States and the territory

of the Indians.

Erected through the contributions of the children of the City

of Massillon, Ohio.  Stone and site located by the local Boy

Scouts of America, September 8, 1926.

Previous to the unveiling of the monument by two

Boy Scouts, the Massillon Band gave a short concert.

Paul R. Stewart, scout commissioner, introduced the

speaker, C. L. Baatz.

Captain Baatz said:


Primitive people in all lands always have definite trails or

paths leading from one favorite hunting ground to another.

Our Indian trails in Ohio were first made by great hordes

of buffaloes that were obliged to seek other grazing grounds --

like here on this trail, going north in early summer, then south

again before the cold winters came.

These trails always followed the highlands along streams

whose waters were deep enough to carry the Indians in their

light canoes, when large numbers of Indians made these north

and south trips, and when the rivers were frozen. Thus the trails

made by the buffalo became fine roads for our primitive Ameri-


When at war with the Indians, our military leaders, in going

into the wilderness, always led their soldiers over these well-

defined trails.

The trail we dedicate today is known as the "Portage Trail,"

and a brief description of its acquirement from the Indians is here

given. The first treaty concluded with the Indians of Ohio was

made at Ft. McIntosh, January 21, 1785, and was signed by the

Wyandots, Delawares, Chippewas and the Ottawa Nations. This

Reviews, Notes and Comments 583

Reviews, Notes and Comments             583

treaty, with the one entered into and signed by the Wyandots,

Delawares, and Shawnees in January, 1786, were really only

scraps of paper, as the Indians were continually on the war-path

until they were completely subdued by "Mad Anthony" Wayne

at Fallen Timbers, late in the season of 1794. Then on August

3, 1795, a new treaty at Greenville was signed by the following

tribes: Wyandots, Delawares, Shawnees, Ottawas, Chippewas,

Pottawatomies, Miamis, Eel Rivers, Weas, Kickapoos, Pianka-

shaws and Kaskaskias.

By this treaty the Indians gave up the land described as fol-

lows: Beginning at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River, thence

up this river to the Portage; thence over the Lakes to the Tusca-

rawas Portage; thence down said river to the crossing place above

Fort Laurens and opposite the Delaware Indian Village at the

mouth of the Big Sandy River; thence westerly along the Green-

ville Treaty Line to the Miami River; then westerly to Fort Re-

covery; thence southwesterly to the Ohio River opposite the

mouth of the Kentucky River. All lands east and south of the

above line became the land of the United States and this famous

trail was then used as a highway by our hardy pioneers to whom it

offered a great thoroughfare from the Lakes to the Ohio River.

Now, my good friends, we are especially privileged today for

the opportunity to participate in the dedication of this marker of

the "Portage Trail." We are under particular obligation to the

Daughters of the American Revolution who interested the school

children and the Boy Scouts of our city to raise funds to secure

this magnificent boulder and the bronze inscription plate; and

may I express our thanks to them, who this day behold a consum-

mation of their patriotic ideals.

The Eagle Scouts may now remove the colors from this

marker which we dedicate to our American Citizenship.