Ohio History Journal

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proceedings, and looked forward with pleasure to his closer

connection with its work.

There being no further business before the Society, upon

motion it adjourned. The president announcing that the annual

meeting of the trustees would immediately follow.




There were present: Messrs. G. F. Wright, E. O. Randall,

E. F. Wood, D. J. Ryan, B. F. Prince, H. E. Buck, L. P. Schaus,

G. F. Bareis, J. E. Campbell, W. C. Hayes, W. H. Cole and

W. C. Moore. Absent, Messrs. Herrick, Treadway and Thomp-


The meeting was called to order by President Wright.

Mr. Randall acted as Secretary. Secretary Randall read the

minutes of the last annual meeting of the trustees, held in the

Society Building, June 29, 1914, which were approved as read.

Mr. Prince moved that the present serving officers be re-

elected. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried.

It was moved and carried that the President, Vice Presi-

dents, Secretary and Treasurer be authorized to appoint perma-

nent and special committees as follows: On Finance, Publications,

Museum, Library, Spiegel Grove, Serpent Mound, Fort Ancient,

Logan Elm Park, Big Bottom Park, Harrison Monument, His-

torical Sites, Necrology, and a special Conference Committee on

the matter of cooperation with the University in regard to the

collection and publication of manuscripts.

Mr. Randall said "In my report before the annual meet-

ing it was stated that we had a special appropriation for the re-

printing of the Society Annuals, of $8,500."

In this connection the Secretary stated he had received the

following communication from the Auditor of State:


"SEPT. 10, 1915.

"Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.

"GENTLEMEN:--At a meeting of the special auditing committed pro-

vided for in H. B. No. 721, held on September 9, 1915, the following

resolution was adopted:

"Resolved, That the appropriation made to the Archaeological and

Thirtieth Annual Meeting

Thirtieth Annual Meeting.              579


Historical Society in H. B. No. 721, for printing and distributing archaeo-

logical reports, in the sum of $8,500.00, be approved, and that the Auditor

of State be authorized to issue his warrant on properly itemized vouchers

from the Archaeological and Historical Society.

"Very truly yours,

"(Signed) A. V. DONAHEY,

"Auditor of State."

On motion the Secretary was authorized to enter into an

agreement with Mr. Fred Heer to reprint Volumes 1 to 23,

Society Annuals, and the method of their distribution was left to

the Publication Committee of the Society.

The Chairman of the Hayes Memorial Building Committee

reported that, so far as the work of that committee was con-

cerned, it had been completed. There were some minor defects

in the carrying out of the contract, some of which were of a

trivial nature and might be corrected, some of which were of

such a character that they could not be corrected; that the

contract as a whole was practically fulfilled, and he thought the

Society should accept the building and relieve the building com-

mittee. Objections were made to such acceptance by the Trus-

tees until final settlement had been made with the contractor, to

whom there was still a large sum due, and as the building had

been delayed many months beyond the time specified in the con-

tract for its completion, the question arose whether the Society

should impose upon the contractor the specified penalty for

delay. In behalf of the contractor it was claimed that the delay

was largely unavoidable on his part. A fter considerable dis-

cussion the Trustees by formal vote accepted the building from

the Building Committee, but continued the committee until final

settlement could be made with the contractor, and decided before

final payment was made the Chairman and Secretary of the

Building Committee should confer with the attorney general as

to the right of the Society to accept the building and pay the

contractor in full, without deducting all or any portion of the

penalty provided. The same question as to final payment of the

architect was referred to the Chairman and Secretary of the

Building Committee.

Mr. Schaus stated that the specifications provide that the

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people who put the roof on the building give us a guarantee for

ten years. He had that guarantee. The guarantee is to the Ohio

Archaeological and Historical Society.

Mr. Wood stated that he had a letter which encloses some

forms of contract for gas and electricity for the Hayes Memorial

Building. They seem to think we will probably want to au-

thorize the signing of a contract today. This should be looked

into with care in regard to rates. He moved that the signing of a

contract for gas and electricity for the Hayes Memorial Building

be referred to the Building Committee with full power to act,

and that the Secretary of the committee be authorized to sign a

contract, when satisfactory to said Building Committee, in the

name of the society.. This motion was carried.




For the Year 1915-1916.

G. FREDERICK  W RIGHT ........................................ President

GEORGE F. BAREIS....................... ............. 1st Vice President

DANIEL  J.  RYAN  ..................................... 2nd  Vice  President

E. 0. RANDALL. ................................................ Secretary

EDWIN F. WOOD ..................                                          ........................... Treasurer

W. C. MILLS ...     .........                                                       ...........................Curator





Terms Expire in 1916.

D. J. RYAN .................................................. Columbus

L. P. SCHAUS ..............................................Mt.   Vernon

F.  W.  TREADWAY  ............................................ Cleveland


Terms Expire in 1917.

G. FREDERICK WRIGHT .......................................... Oberlin

W.O.THOMPSON ............................................ Columbus

WEBB  C. HAYES ...............................................  Fremont


Terms Expire in 1918.

GEORGE F. BAREIS .       ........ ... ................... Canal Winchester

H. E. BUCK ..................................    ............ Delaware

E. F. WOOD. ................................................. Columbus

Thirtieth Annual Meeting

Thirtieth Annual Meeting.                    581



Terms Expire as Indicated.

HON. JAMES E. CAMPBELL ............................... Columbus, 1916

HON. MYRON T. HERRICK ................................Cleveland, 1916

PROF. B. F. PRINCE  .................................... Springfield, 1917

MR. E. O. RANDALL. .................................... Columbus, 1917

MR. W. C. MOORE ...................................... Lewisburg, 1918

MR. W. H. COLE ............................................Sabina, 1918



Announced by the President, as selected by the Committee

appointed for that purpose at a meeting in the Columbus Hotel,

Friday evening, September 24th, 1915.



Campbell, Schaus, Ryan, Bareis, Wood.


Wood, Ryan, Randall.


Mills, Buck, Bareis, Hegler.


Ryan, Scott, Campbell, Knight, Curry.


Wright, Cole, Moore, Randall.


Hayes, Wright, Treadway, Ryan, Mills.


Prince, Moore, Mills.


Cole, Archer.


Tallmadge, Mrs. Jones, Roof.


Rosamond, Bozman.


Campbell, Ryan, Randall.


Wright, Cole, Campbell, Ryan, Randall.


Mills, Bareis, Prince.

* The former Spiegel Grove Building Committee will continue to

act on the building feature of the work until committee is discharged

by the Trustees. This committee is composed of Messrs. L. P. Schaus,

Webb C. Hayes, G. F. Wright, George F. Bareis and W. C. Mills.

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The following are life members, received into membership

by the Society since the annual meeting of May 30th, 1915:

Calvin M. Young, Greenville.

C. F. Strecker, Marietta.

J. W. Preston, Coshocton.

William W. Mills, Marietta.

Robert W. Manly, Chillicothe.

Lee R. Bonnewitz, Van Wert.

W. D. Brickell, Columbus.

William P. Palmer, Cleveland.

Wilby G. Hyde, Chillicothe.

F. A. Seiberling, Akron.

J. F. Baldwin, Columbus.

S. Casparis, Marble Cliff.

R. M. Voorhees, Coshocton.

John J. Admas, Columbus.

W. G. Brown, Lewisburg.

J. J. Jagger, Mt. Gilead.

C. D. Closson, Circleville.

Lyman H. Treadway, Cleveland.

James N. Gamble, Cincinnati.

J. G. Battelle, Columbus.

Edward H. Giesy, Columbus.

H. G. Dalton, Cleveland.

F. O. Schoedinger, Columbus.

H. E. Vance, Columbus.

C. Christian Born, Columbus.

Allen Andrews, Hamilton.

F. A. Miller, Columbus.

Eugene M. Parker, Columbus.

F. P. Brown, Dayton.

Barton Griffith, Columbus.

L. F. Kiesewetter, Columbus.

Henry Steube, Columbus.

Benjamin F. Gayman, Canal Win-


Erwin W. Schueller, Columbus.

Charles M. Wing, Columbus.

J. M. Dunham, Columbus.

R. C. Baker, Danville.

Hiram Payson Barnes, Clintonville.

Martin H. Fischer, Cincinnati.

Mrs. Charles A. Covert, Columbus.

John S. Fulton, Newark.

J. G. Butler, Jr., Youngstown.

Julius F. Stone, Columbus.

Mozart Gallup, Sandusky.

George D. Selby, Portsmouth.

E. L. Barrett, Springfield.

F. P. Thompson, Dayton.

Robert F. Wolfe, Columbus.

Charles W. Justice, Youngstown.

George W. Knight, Columbus.

Spencer B. Newberry, Bay Ridge.

Oscar F. Miller, Columbus.

F. P. Hills, Delaware.

Walter B. Wolfram, Lowell.

J. Bates McKinley, Harrisburg.

L. S. Sullivant, Columbus.

Benjamin S. Thompson, Columbus.

Clayton A. McCleary, Columbus.

F. M. Hughes, Lakeville.

Irvin F. Fangboner, Fremont.

G. W. Lorimer, Pickaway.

C. E. McBride, Mansfield.

J. Edgar Butler, Columbus.

Dean M. Hickson, Lancaster.

Fred Blenkner, Columbus.

W. H. Siebert, Columbus.

W. H. Cole, Sabina.

J. S. Bracken, Columbus.

Lowry F. Sater, Columbus.

Robert G. Kinkead, Clintonville.

William R. Lazenby, Columbus.