... Journal of Ensign William Schillinger 51 Journal of Ensign William Schillinger 51 EDITOR'S NOTE The original manuscript of this Journal was brought to the attention of the Editor by Mr James A Green a life member of the Society whose contributions have appeared in previous issues of the Quarterly Mr Green has for years been deeply interested in the history of Ohio and the Northwest Territory He has made a special study of the career of William Henry Harrison who was born in Virginia but who ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS FELIX RENICK PIONEER BY CHARLES SUMNER PLUMB Professor of Animal Husbandry Ohio State University The following historical contribution relates to the life of a man who became a notable figure in the pioneer days of Ohio The motive underlying the preparation of this sketch is to pay tribute to the memory of Felix Renick in recognition of the great service he rendered to the improvement of American Shorthorn cattle According to William Renick ...
... IN DEX IN DEX A PAGE Abolition Achilles Pugh publishes paper on 305 Scotch-Irish sentiment on 297 A Century of Statehood Address Nash 25 Acolhuans The Review of 104 Adams John Q Jeremy Bentham's works presented to Ohio by 365 On W orthington Thomas 357 Addresses - A Century of Statehood Nash 25 George Croghan Williams 375 Greatness of Ohio W atson 310 Kossuth before Ohio Legislature 114 Manly at Centennial Celebration 1 McClintick at Centennial Celebration 6 The First Constitution Ryan 11 ...
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA A RUSSELL AAUW See American Association of University Women ABC-CLIO Inc 61 Abolition Movement 162-176 passim Abramofsky Undated artwork Cover Illustration Winter-Spring issue Adams John Quincy John Quincy Adams A Public Life A Private Life by Paul C Nagel rev 93-94 Adelbert College 171-172 Ad Hoc Steering Committee on the Status of Women 48-49 AERA See American Equal Rights Association African-Americans John D Rockefeller's Philanthropy and Problems in ...
... 126 Ohio Arch 126 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications VALUABLE DONATIONS OF MSS The museum and library of the Society have been greatly increased by donations from friends interested in the progress and enlargement of the institution It is but a matter of justice to note the contributions recently made by Prof J P MacLean one of the trustees who has been a very active member ever since he joined the Society At different times he has given books on various subjects besides quite a selection ...
... THE SOCIETY OF SHAKERS THE SOCIETY OF SHAKERS RISE PROGRESS AND EXTINCTION OF THE SOCIETY AT CLEVELAND O BY J P MACLEAN PH D I PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS The communistic societies of the United States continue to elicit more or less attention and receive profound consideration from those engaged in sociological philosophy Whatever religious or sociological problem these communities seek to ...
... SHAKER MISSION TO THE SHAWNEE INDIANS SHAKER MISSION TO THE SHAWNEE INDIANS BY J P MACLEAN A B PH D INTRODUCTION It is but a slight exaggeration to state that the aborigines of this country have been made the objects of conversion from all the religious sects that have found a domicile within our borders Under the civilizing influence of the dominant exotic race the American savage has ...
... 566 Ohio Arch 566 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dealers of the kind in question with something of the nature of a certificate from year to year Yours respectfully DAVID BOYLE Superintendent Provincial Museum PAGE HALL COLUMBUS O March 25 1904 MY DEAR PROF MOOREHEADI feel that the dealers and so-called commercially inclined collectors are a great menace to our scientific museums in very many ways Many dealers collect specimens giving little or no attention to authentic data and offer ...
... medicines in general use in medicines manufactured in medicines and he secured his medicines these pills do not medicines The packaged garden medicines The material presented has ...
... THE KENTUCKY REVIVAL AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE KENTUCKY REVIVAL AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE MIAMI VALLEY BY J P MAC LEAN The Miami Valley properly embraces all the country north of the Ohio that is drained by the Great and Little Miami rivers and their tributaries In this paper it is used to designate the southwestern quarter of the State of Ohio or that territory lying west of a line drawn due south from Columbus to the Ohio river and south of another line drawn due west from Columbus to the ...
... THE TOWNS CALLED CHILLICOTHE THE TOWNS CALLED CHILLICOTHE In Volume XI page 230 of the Society's Publications was a valuable article by Prof R W McFarland of Oxford Ohio on the Chillicothes This article led to an interesting discussion in the Chillicothe News-Advertiser of which Mr W H Hunter one of the trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is editor We reprint the articles which speak for themselves The communications by Dr Morgan and Prof McFarland appeared in the ...
... medicines The doctor's books were a curiosity He would often ride a dozen miles furnish the medicine needed and charge one dollar Visits in the village were fifty cents When many of his people came to settle the credit side would read by so much corn or oats or Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting 2 55 potatoes or cash as the case might be and by discount for the balance Frequently the by discount was the larger ...
... medicines The doctor's books were a curiosity He would often ride a dozen miles furnish the medicine needed and charge one dollar Visits in the village were fifty cents When many of his people came to settle the credit side would read by so much corn or oats or Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting Minutes of Fifth Annual Meeting 2 55 potatoes or cash as the case might be and by discount for the balance Frequently the by discount was the larger ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY Since the annual meeting of the society held on June 5 1903 the proceedings of which were published in volume twelve pp 187-218 the meetings of the trustees have been as follows that of the executive committee held June 30 1903 in the rooms of the society Page Hall Ohio State University After the determination of the compensation to be accorded the different salaried officers of the society the standing committees for the year were agreed ...
... THE TREATY OF GREENVILLE THE TREATY OF GREENVILLE The following article comprising the statement of facts and the reprint of the wording of the treaty was prepared by Frazer E Wilson of Greenville Ohio The material is found largely in his little book The Treaty of Greenville The reproduction of the signatures and the symbol signs inscribed by the chiefs to the treaty is from a photograph in exact size taken from the treaty itself now carefully preserved in the archives at Washington D C The ...
... EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 5 1903 The eighteenth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the rooms of the Society Page Hall Ohio State University Columbus Ohio at 230 p m June 5 1903 The following members were present Judge J H Anderson Columbus Mr G F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R Brinkerhoff Mansfield Mr A B Coover Roxabell Col J W Harper Cincinnati Mr ...
... INFLUENCE OF PENNSYLVANIA ON OHIO INFLUENCE OF PENNSYLVANIA ON OHIO BY W H HUNTER The celebration of the Centennial of the State has led to much discussion regarding the ethnological history of Ohio As a contribution to this subject we present the address delivered by W H Hunter of Chillicothe at a banquet given in Philadelphia several years ago by the Pennsylvania Scotch-Irish society which has for its object the preservation of historical data - E O R THE PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN - While in ...
... BEGINNINGS OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD BEGINNINGS OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN OHIO by WILBUR H SIEBERT Professor Emeritus of History Ohio State University The presence of fugitive slaves in Ohio was evidently one of the reasons for the enactment of the Black Laws by the General Assembly in January 1804 These laws provided that any one harboring or secreting such objectionable intruders or obstructing their owners in retaking them should be fined from 1O to 50 for each offense It was also ...
... 300 Ohio Arch 300 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 TRUDE CHRISTINA ANNA CHRISTINA ANNA SALOME and ANNA ELIZABETH Besides these there were five adults one man S CHAPPIHILLEN the husband of Helen together with four women and thirteen babes not yet baptized and the following members of the Mission at Schoenbrun who happened to be at Gnadenhutten to-wit NICHOLAS and his wife JOANNA SABINA ABEL HENRY ANNA and BATHSHEBA the last two daughters of Joshua the founder of Gnadenhutten in all ...
... medicines and supplies he needed for these purposes he bought at Dr Lincoln Goodale's store up the street jalap and calomel as cathartics ipecac to induce vomiting several types of lancets with which he would cut the patient's vein to drain the prescribed amount of blood blister plaisters to raise blisters and cantharides blister beetles or Spanish flies also for blistering There were several other pharmaceutical items he made constant use of ...