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"Captain T. W. Rathbone's 'Brief Diary of Imprisonment,' July 1-November 21, 1864," edited by Louis Bartlett. Volume 71, Number 1, January, 1962, pp. 33-56, notes 79-80.
... CAPTAIN T W RATHBONE'S BRIEF DIARY OF IMPRISONMENT JULY 1 - NOVEMBER 21 1864 edited by LOUIS BARTLETT Thomas W Rathbone of Amelia Ohio was thirty-nine years old and a captain in an Ohio National Guard regiment on one hundred days' service when he was taken prisoner after a skirmish near North River Mills West Virginia on July 3 1864 Two months later while a patient in the Roper Hospital at Charleston South Carolina he began writing the diary which appears in the following pages To make it a ...

"Winthrop Sargent's Diary While with General Arthur St. Clair's Expedition Against the Indians," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 237-273.
... Winthrop Sargent 237 Winthrop Sargent 237 WINTHROP SARGENT'S DIARY WHILE WITH GENERAL ARTHUR ST CLAIR'S EXPEDITION AGAINST THE INDIANS Much has been written of the ill-fated expedition of Arthur St Clair against the Indians in 1791 While serving as Governor of the Northwest Territory he was appointed Major General in the United States army on March 4 of that year An expedition against the Indians was assembled and organized at Fort Wash ington Considerable difficulty was experienced in fitting ...

"Beginnings of Lutheranism in Ohio," Volume 23, Number 3, July, 1914, pp. 268-283.
... BEGINNINGS OF LUTHERANISM IN OHIO BEGINNINGS OF LUTHERANISM IN OHIO BY PROFESSOR B F PRINCE PH D By the treaty of Fort Stanwix made with the Iroquois Indians in 1768 a large tract of land was opened to settlement in Western Pennsylvania and other regions reaching as far south as Eastern Tennessee The lands in Western Pennsylvania were opened to purchase in 1769 They were much sought for by residents of the eastern part of the State and by adventurers from Maryland and Virginia There were also ...

"St. Clair's Defeat: As Told by an Eye-Witness-From Original Mss.," Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 378-380.
... 378 Ohio Arch 378 Ohio Arch and His Society Pu bli cations ST CLAIR'S DEFEAT AS TOLD BY AN EYE-WITNESS--FROM ORIGINAL MSS BY FRAZER E WILSON GREENVILLE O It is refreshing to read an original account of any important battle especially when the field of action is near at hand Of the 600 survivors of St Clair's unfortunate army probably quite a number wrote narratives which have been lost or destroyed in the wreck of time The General's own report and the description of Benjamin Van Cleve have ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1959-July 1960," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 379-393.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1959--July 1960 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE DODDS Gilbert F Early Horticulture in Franklin County Franklin County Historical Society Special Bulletin No 4 December 1959 1-15 ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT FILLER Louis Slavery and Antislavery Subjects in Search of Authors Ohio Historical Quarterly LXIX 1960 179-182 GARA Larry The Underground Railroad A Re-evaluation Ohio Historical Quarterly LXIX 1960 ...

"St. Clair's Defeat," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 30-43.
... ST ST CLAIR'S DEFEAT FRAZER ELLS WILSON GREENVILLE OHIO Author of the valuable little volume entitled The Treaty of Greenville published 1894-E 0 R Probably the most disastrous defeat ever suffered by the Americans at the hands of the Red Men was that of the army of Gen Arthur St Clair on the east branch of the Wabash near the present western boundary of Ohio November 4th 1 791 Both for the number of men killed and the blighting effect on the frontier settlements was this disaster noted and ...

"Extracts from Winthrop Sargent's Journal. 1793-1795," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 273-282.
... Winthrop Sargent 273 Winthrop Sargent 273 became adopted amongst them his head shaved painted etc as is their custom upon such occasions and has since by his own account been much in favor with them He relates that he has been with them to the British posts Michilmackinac particularly That they are there equipped with all the necessaries to come to war against the United States--march out upon these occasions under English colors and are received when they return with scalps with military ...

"Harmar's Campaign," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 393-396.
... HARMAR'S CAMPAIGN HARMAR'S CAMPAIGN Through the courtesy of Mr Frazer E Wilson of Greenville Ohio the author of several articles on Wayne's campaign and the Greenville Treaty we herewith publish from a duplicate of the original MS a letter written by one Thomas Irvin who participated in Harmar's advance and retreat The document has a double interest the first hand information which it imparts and the crude but direct style of expression typical of the scholarship of the pioneers--EDITOR Dear ...

"General Harmar's Expedition," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 74-108.
... GENERAL HARMAR'S EXPEDITION GENERAL HARMAR'S EXPEDITION BY BASIL MEEK FREMONT OHIO JOSIAH HARMAR was born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1753 and there died in 1813 He was a captain in the First Pennsylvania Regiment Continental Army Lieutenant Colonel of the same and served till the close of the Revolutionary War He was in Washington's army from 1778 to 1780 In 1783 he was made Brevet Colonel First U S Regiment In 1787 he was breveted Brigadier General by Congress and assigned to duty in ...

"Journal of Ensign William Schillinger: A Soldier of the War of 1812," introduced by James A. Green. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 51-85.
... Journal of Ensign William Schillinger 51 Journal of Ensign William Schillinger 51 EDITOR'S NOTE The original manuscript of this Journal was brought to the attention of the Editor by Mr James A Green a life member of the Society whose contributions have appeared in previous issues of the Quarterly Mr Green has for years been deeply interested in the history of Ohio and the Northwest Territory He has made a special study of the career of William Henry Harrison who was born in Virginia but who ...

"Diary of Amos Glover," edited by Harry J. Carman. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 258-272.
... DIARY OF AMOS GLOVER DIARY OF AMOS GLOVER Edited by HARRY J CARMAN Foreword Amos Glover whose diary is here reproduced was born in 1832 near Centreville Belmont County Ohio where his father Samuel Glover had a general store He attended Allegheny College Meadville Pennsylvania for three years 1853-1857 without taking a degree Upon his departure from college he returned to aid his father who had acquired a 300-acre farm near Powhatan Point and a couple of mills on Capatina Creek Observation ...

"Ohio Farmer's Account of Morgan's Raid, An," edited by Arville L. Funk. Volume 70, Number 3, July, 1961, pp. 244-245.
... An Ohio Farmer's Account of Morgan's Raid An Ohio Farmer 's Account of Morgan's Raid Edited by ARVILLE L FUNK A LTH OUG H OHIO contributed soldiers to all of the major battles of the Civil War the state itself was to know war only through an exciting thirteen-day invasion of its borders by The Thunderbolt of the Confederacy General John Hunt Morgan and his Confederate cavalry division The purpose of the raid through Kentucky Indiana and Ohio in July 1863 was to divert federal troops in these ...

"Bowman's Campaign-1779," by Henry Hall. Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 515-519.
... BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN-1779 BOWMAN'S CAMPAIGN-1779 BY HENRY HALL A Survivor Bourbon Co Ky From the Draper MSS in the Archives of the Wisconsin Historical Society Notes taken in April 1844 From Henry Hall of Bourbon Co Ky born near Phila 24th May 1760-Apr 1844 Mr Hall was in Wm Harrod's company of about 60 men from the Falls of Ohio Edward Bulger who was subsequently killed at the Blue Licks was ensign of Harrod's company Mr Hall does not think James Harrod nor John Haggin were out-recollects but ...

"Gen. Clark's Campaign, 1780: Official Letters," Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 500-501.
... GEN GEN CLARK'S CAMPAIGN 1780 OFFICIAL LETTERS From the Maryland Journal Oct 17 1780 RICH MON D Virginia Oct 4 Extract of a letter from Col George Roge rs C lark to his Excellency the Governor dated Louisville August 22 1780 By every possible exertion and the aid of Col Slaughter's corps we completed the number of 1 000 with which we crossed the river at the mouth of Licking on the first day of August and began our march on the second Having a road to cut for the artillery to pass for 70 miles ...

"A Letter from Colonel John Allen," Volume 36, Number 3, July, 1927, pp. 332-339.
... A LETTER FROM COLONEL JOHN ALLEN A LETTER FROM COLONEL JOHN ALLEN BY EDGAR B WESLEY John Allen author of the following letter was the son of James Allen and was born in Rockbridge County Virginia on December 30 17721 The family moved to Kentucky in 1787 and settled near the present Hustonville Lincoln County John experienced the usual excitements of the frontier and on one occasion pursued a band of Indians down Rolling Fork into what is now Casey County2 About 1790 the family moved to ...

"Story of Fort St. Clair, The," by Ralph B. Ehler. Volume 32, Number 3, July, 1923, pp. 515-519.
... Fort St Fort St Clair 51 5 For purchase of Site of Fort St Clair Preble County Ohio for historical and forestry purposes Title to be vested in The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for State of Ohio 10 000 Buildings 4000 Roadway 1000 Total Site of Fort St Clair 15 000 For this commendable action the good people of southeastern Ohio and tourists from other parts of the state are under lasting obligations to the General Assembly and especially to Honorable Harry D Silver State ...

"Celebration of the Surrender of General John H. Morgan: An Account by Morgan's Captor, Major George W. Rue," Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 368-377.
... CELEBRATION OF THE SURRENDER CELEBRATION OF THE SURRENDER OF GENERAL JOHN H MORGAN AN ACCOUNT BY MORGAN'S CAPTOR MAJOR GEORGE W RUE On September 2 1 1910 there was celebrated on the Crubaugh Farm South of Lisbon Columbiana county near the historic spot where the event occurred the 47th Anniversary of the Surrender of the Confederate Raider General Morgan Concerning the celebration the East Liverpool Tribune of September 22 1 91 O made the following comment Romance and intrigue combined to make ...

"'Affairs in Holmes County, Ohio': Report of Col. Wm. Wallace, 15th Ohio Infantry, Commanding United States Forces in Ohio, Columbus, June 1863," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 49-51.
... Fort Fizzle 49 Fort Fizzle 49 He made them a neat speech telling them of the obligations they owed to themselves and to their children and their country deprecating the necessity of bringing armed soldiers into the county and winding up by assuring them that he would not leave until the guilty were delivered into his hands and they promise to make no more resistance to the laws of the county We are under many obligations to Mr and Mrs Bowers and Mr Thomas Fetterman of Napoleon and Mr and Mrs ...

"Just a Little Bit of the Civil War, As Seen by W. J. Smith, Company M, 2nd O. V. Cavalry-Part I," edited by Robert W. Hatton. Volume 84, Number 3, Summer, 1975, pp. 101-126.
... edited by edited by ROBERT W HATTON Just a Little Bit of the Civil War As Seen by W J Smith Company M 2nd 0 V Cavalry-- Part I These are the memoirs of Private William James Smith Company M Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalry Smith the second of eight children in the family of Randall and Nancy Lyons Smith was born in a log cabin near Galion Ohio on October 25 1844 When he was two years old his family moved to Iberia Morrow County Ohio where his father worked in the Shunk Brothers Cooper Shop ...

"A Civil War Diary of William McKinley," Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 272-290.
... A Civil War Diary of William McKinley A Civil War Diary of William McKinley Edited by H WAYNE MORGAN IN APRIL 1861 news came to Ohio that secessionists had fired on Fort Sumter the long-dreaded civil war was at hand and the last hopes of compromise vanished in the smoke of battle Ohio home of so many conflicting forces had her share of southern sympathizers but she was prepared to stand by the Union cause even if it meant war Recruiting agents mingled with politicians and orators through the ...