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"Index to Moravian Records, Vol. 2," Volume 21, Number 1, January, 1912, pp. 116-125.
... INDEX TO MORAVIAN RECORDS INDEX TO MORAVIAN RECORDS VOL 2 A Black Art Known by Indian preachers 78 Abraham convert assists Zeisberger 36 78 43 53-55 57 59 67 71 73 74 76 78 Bonn John goes west with Zeisberger 43 53-55 57 59 67 71 73 74 76 78 79 81 98 100 102-103 8 returns 9 Achgohunt see Echgohund Bread expensive 95 Africa entered by the Moravians 3 Bread and butter served at lunch by Algiers entered by the Moravians 3 Indian 44 Allemewi Chief influenced 61 65 sends Brukker Moravian missionary ...

"The Moravian Records, Volume Two: The Diaries of Zeisberger Relating to the First Missions in the Ohio Basin," edited by Archer Butler Hulbert and William Nathaniel Schwarze. Volume 21, Number 1, January, 1912, pp. 1-125.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical QUARTERLY THE MORAVIAN RECORDS VOLUME TWO THE DIARIES OF ZEISBERGER RELATING TO THE FIRST MISSIONS IN THE OHIO BASIN EDITED BY ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT AND WILLIAM NATHANIEL SCHWARZE INTRODUCTION THE MISSIONS OF THE UNITAS FRATRUM The ancient church of the Unitas Fratrum the United Brethren or Moravians as they became widely known from their original home-land was all but utterly destroyed by the persecutions that accompanied the Thirty Years' War Fleeing ...

"David Zeisberger," by John Greenfield. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 189-198.
... DAVID ZEISBERGER DAVID ZEISBERGER REV JOHN GREENFIELD Memorial delivered Sunday Nov 15 1908 in Nazareth Pa That ye be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promisesHebrews 612 Our congregation celebrates today a threefold festival We commemorate first of all the powerful experience made by our Fathers November 13 1741 that Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd and Head of the Church We celebrate in the second place our annual congregation festival for it ...

"David Zeisberger: Address of Rev. W. H. Rice at Sharon, Nov. 20, 1908," Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 164-173.
... 164 Ohio Arch 164 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications C L McIlvaine representing the New Philadelphia Board of Trade The announcement was made of the organization under the auspices of the Board of Trade of the Schoen-Brunn Monument Association and the names of the Board of Officers were announced as printed on the program President Wm A Wagner President Board of Trade Vice-President Rev Dr Wm H Rice Gnadenhutten O Financial Secretary Professor George C Maurer Treasurer James F Kildenbaugh ...

"A Scene at Zeisberger's Grave" (Zeisberger Centennial) by C. L. Martzolff. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 175-179.
... David Zeisberger Centennial David Zeisberger Centennial 17 5 A SCENE AT ZEISBERGER'S GRAVE C L MARTZOLFF From The Ohio Teacher January 1908 A beautiful November day it is One of those rare last days of the autumn time whose minutes pass too lightly for you want to keep them by you One of those days when you are watching the sun and calculate mentally how much of it you have yet to enjoy You know that you cannot have many more such glorious days and you want every bit of this one This is the ...

"The Establishment of the Second Moravian Mission on the Pettquotting," by Fred Coyne Hamil. Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 207-212.
... THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SECOND MORAVIAN MISSION THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SECOND MORAVIAN MISSION ON THE PETTQUOTTING by FRED COYNE HAMIL Assistant Professor of History Wayne University New Salem the original Moravian mission on the Pettquotting now the Huron River in northern Ohio was abandoned in 1791 after four troublous years In 1804 another settlement of Christian Indians was made close to the old site but it too failed after a few years and had to be given up This second venture had its ...

"Site of Lichtenau" (Zeisberger Centennial) by W. H. Rice. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 179-181.
... David Zeisberger Centennial David Zeisberger Centennial 179 Slumber on and may Christians of whatever creed Bow their heads to the altered condition And as years roll along with eternity speed Give thy tomb its deserved recognition Slumber on in the vale far away from thy birth Where pure beauty and plenty fail never Where thy victories were in the efforts put forth For the Race almost vanquished forever SITE OF LICHTENAU Regarding the location of Lichtenau founded by Rev David Zeisberger of ...

"Burials, Admissions to the Holy Communion and Marriages at Schoenbrunn," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 590-596.
... BURIALS ADMISSIONS TO THE HOLY COMMUNBURIALS ADMISSIONS TO THE HOLY COMMUNION AND MARRIAGES AT SCHOENBRUNN We are indebted to Rev J E einland of Dover Ohio for the following list of burials admission to the Holy Communion and marriages at Schoenbrunn 17721777 BURIALS AT SCHOENBRUNN 1772 CA THARINA -- Samuel's little daughter Baptized December 17th by David Zeisberger Went home December 28th 1772 aged 3 yrs 11 mo Buried in Schoenbrunn 1773 SA LOME - - Isaac Glikhican's daughter's child born ...

"Characteristics and Achievements of David Zeisberger," by William N. Schwarze. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 182-188.
... CHARACTERISTICS AND ACHIEVEMENTS CHARACTERISTICS AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF DAVID ZEISBERGER REV WILLIAM N SCHWARZE M A Professor of Historical Theology Moravian College and Theological Seminary Bethlehem Pa In the middle of the eighteenth century Nathaniel Seidel and David Zeisberger were deputed by the Board controlling Moravian activity in America to report to Count Zinzendorf and his coadjutors in Europe the character which the mission among the Indians was assuming as well as to explain its ...

"A Canoe Journey from the Big Beaver to the Tuscarawas in 1773: A Travel Diary of John Heckewaelder," Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 283-298.
... A CANOE JOURNEY FROM THE BIG BEAVER TO THE A CANOE JOURNEY FROM THE BIG BEAVER TO THE TUSCARAWAS IN 1773 A TRAVEL DIARY OF JOHN HECKEWAELDER Translated and edited by AUGUST C MAHR Professor of German Ohio State University By 1772 due to circumstances beyond their control the missionaries of the Moravian Church among the Indians in Pennsylvania had found it inevitable to abandon their two mission stations on the upper North Branch of the Susquehanna Friedenshiitten about one mile down the river ...

"Moravian Records, The," by Archer Butler Hulbert. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 190-226.
... 190 Ohio Arch 190 Ohio Arch and Hist So ciety Publications I HIS DECISIVE CONVERSION David Zeisberger's conversion stands out as clearly and strongly as does that of John Wesley in January 1743 a little company stood on the deck of the James ready to leave for Europe It was a group of Moravian Brethren most of whom had come to take leave of their beloved leader Count Zinzendorf Belonging to this company was a young man twentytwo years of age who had been appointed to return with the Count to ...

"John Lewis Roth: The First White Child Born in the Moravian Mission at Gnadenhutten," by Harlow Lindley. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 250-257.
... JOHN LEWIS ROTH JOHN LEWIS ROTH The First White Child Born in the Moravian Mission at Gnadenhutten1 By HARLOW LINDLEY The Ohio Society Daughters of the American Colonists at least must be given credit for arousing a group of Ohio's citizens from an unusual state of disinterestedness to one of profound interest and concern as to who was the first white child born in Ohio and some of these seem to have gone out of their way to misinterpret what it is all about I hold in my hand a clipping ...

"At Zeisberger's Grave" (Zeisberger Centennial) by John Milburn Harding. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 178-179.
... 178 Ohio Arch 178 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications MEMORY OF ZEISBERGER A poetical tribute by John Milburn Harding New Philadelphia Ohio November 17 1 90 8 AT ZEISBERGER'S GRAVE One hundred years after he died There are tombs of the high there are graves of the low There are sepulchers sacred in story But the grave hollowed here just a century ago Has a halo of unselfish glory 'Mid the scenes of thy triumphs and direst defeat Near the spring rich in savage tradition Here you gave up the ...

"Grave of Zeisberger," by J. W. Yeagley. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 173-174.
... David Zeisberger Centennial David Zeisberger Centennial 17 3 signified his great satisfaction and comfort when his Indian brethren who watched with the dying saint sang some of the Delaware hymns for the dying which he had rendered into their vernacular years ago And thus on the afternoon of November 17th he fell asleep amid the prayers of his brethren and the singing of his converts after the benediction had been spoken in the name of the church On the following Sunday at noon after funeral ...

"Diary of a Moravian Indian Mission Migration Across Pennsylvania in 1772," translated and edited by August C. Mahr. Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 247-270.
... DIARY OF A MORAVIAN INDIAN MISSION DIARY OF A MORAVIAN INDIAN MISSION MIGRATION ACROSS PENNSYLVANIA IN 1772 Translated and edited by AUGUST C MAHR Professor of German Ohio State University The travel diary presented in these pages deals with the migration of Indian convert members of the Moravian Church from northeastern to northwestern Pennsylvania in the summer of 1772 Undertaken as a measure of extreme necessity and directed by two competent missioners this expedition carried out only in ...

"Fairfield on the River Thames," Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 1-19.
... FAIRFIELD ON THE RIVER THAMES1 FAIRFIELD ON THE RIVER THAMES1 By FREDERICK COYNE HAMIL The name Moraviantown is well known to students of the War of 1812 for it was near this place that General William Henry Harrison defeated Colonel Henry A Procter and the famous Indian Chief Tecumseh was killed The Battle of the Thames is also known as the Battle of Moraviantown American histories of the war following official accounts usually omit to mention the sequel to the battle the plundering and ...

"William Henry Rice-In Memoriam," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 133-135.
... Editorialana Editorialana 1 33 scription of the Western Country given by Generals Putnam and Tupper amp others it appearing expedient to form a settlement there a Motion was made for chusing a Committee to prepare the Draught or Plan of an Association into a Company for the said Purpose for the Inspection and Appropriation of this Convention - Resolved in the Affirmative--Also Resolved that this Committee shall consist of five-General Putnam Mr Cutler-Col Brooks Major Sargent amp Capt Cushing ...

"David Zeisberger Centennial: November 20, 1908," by E. O. Randall. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 157-181.
... DAVID ZEISBERGER CENTENNIAL DAVID ZEISBERGER CENTENNIAL NOVEMBER 20 1908 E O RANDALL As the result of the plans of a committee appointed several weeks previous to the event by the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society a celebration was held commemorating the Centennial Anniversary of the death of David Zeisberger which occurred November 17 1808 at Goshen Tuscarawas County Ohio The day selected for the celebration was Friday November 20th 1908 It proved a most ...

"Ohio-Origin and Significance of the Name," Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 472-474.
... 472 Ohio Arch 472 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications who had an opportunity to be present at the sessions or read the reports in the public press Colonel Galbraith was elected Department Commander at the first state convention of the American Legion held in Ohio He was elected National Commander on September 29th two years to the day after he performed the act of heroism which won for him the Distinguished Service Cross His citation for this honor reads For extraordinary heroism in action ...

"New Trustees of the Society: Rev. William Henry Rice, Albert Douglas," Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 350-352.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA NEW TRUSTEES OF THE SOCIETY REV WILLIAM HENRY RICE D D Among the historic characters who played a thrilling and imperishable part in the early annals of Ohio were the three Moravian missionaries Christian Frederick Post David Zeisberger and John Heckewelder From the last named in direct descent is the Rev W H Rice for many years past a life and active member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and at the last annual meeting February 26 elected a ...