... TARHE-THE CRANE TARHE-THE CRANE EMIL SCHLUP UPPER SANDUSKY Probably no other Indian chieftain was ever more admired and loved by his own race or by the outside world He was either a true friend or a true enemy Born near Detroit Michigan in 1742 he lived to see a wonderful change in the great Northwest Being born of humble parentage through his bravery and perseverence he rose to be the grand sachem of the Wyandot nation This position he held until the time of his death when he was succeeded by ...
... THE CENTENARY OF SANDUSKY COUNTY THE CENTENARY O F SANDUSKY COUNTY BY BASIL MEEK Read at the centennial celebration of Sandusky county August 2 1920 Sandusky county has a wonderfully interesting history but only a few of the more important facts will be attempted to be given by me on this occasion of its centenary of years The time allotted will necessarily preclude the mention of many of the romantic incidents in its aboriginal and early civil and military history Reference to these is hereby ...
... MONUMENT AT FORT JEFFERSON MONUMENT AT FORT JEFFERSON On Thursday October 24 1907 through the efforts and under the auspices of the Greenville Historical Society a monument was erected to mark the site of Fort Jefferson and to commemorate the historic events connected with that military post The monument unique in form and material is twenty feet in height seven feet broad at the base with a shoulder about two feet from the ground and a gracefully tapering shaft as shown in the accompanying ...
... JAMES BACKUS CITIZEN OF MARIETTA 1788-1791 JAMES BACKUS CITIZEN OF MARIETTA 1788-1791 By JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS There are about 150 Horses Sixty Cows amp Seven Yoak of Oxen here The Emigrants that pass down the river for Kentucky amp other parts of the Western Country are amazing We have a militia formed who assemble every Sunday amp are fined for not attending We have preaching or service read regularly once a week likewise a school Thus wrote James Backus1 from Marietta to his parents in ...
... UNVEILING OF THE CRESAP TABLET UNVEILING OF THE CRESAP TABLET LOGAN ELM PARK-OCTOBER 1916 On Saturday October 21 1916 an interesting ceremony was held at Logan Elm Park under the auspices of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The program arranged by Mr Frank Tallmadge comprised the erection of a flag staff and the unfurling of the stars and stripes the dedication of a log cabin not a modern imitation but a well preserved relic of the real thing a left over of the pioneer days ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY On September 19 1904 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the rooms of the society Page Hall O S U with the following members present Mr George F Bareis Col John W Harper Mr W H Hunter Prof B F Prince Secretary E O Randall Hon D J Ryan Hon S S Rickly Prof G F Wright and Mr E F Wood The Secretary presented the resignation of Professor J P MacLean as Trustee of ...
... A JOURNEY FROM BALTIMORE TO LOUISVILLE IN A JOURNEY FROM BALTIMORE TO LOUISVILLE IN 1816 DIARY OF WILLIAM NEWTON MERCER Edited by EDWIN ADAMS DAVIS and JOHN C L ANDREASSEN Introduction William Newton Mercer surgeon and planter banker and philanthropist Unionist and Confederate was one of the most noted citizens of middle nineteenth century New Orleans He was born in Cecil County Maryland in 1792 scion of a well known family and after being educated in medicine under Dr Benjamin Rush at the ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XIX INDEX TO VOLUME XIX The index given below applies only to the last half of Volume 19 beginning on page 190 The contents of this volume previous to the above embracing the translation of the Zeisberger Indian History has a separate index beginning on page 174--EDITOR A B Abolition 267 State Convention of 267 Baber Richard Plantagenet Llewellyn i bAllegwi 331 Letter of to Senator Doolittle 375 Ames Bishop E R 429 Sketch of 370 -1 0 Anti-Slavery 266 Reconstruction on 376 ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 289 Second Vice-president Judge Simeon Eben Baldwin New Haven Connecticut Secretary A Howard Clark Esq Smithsonian Institute Washington Corresponding Secretary Professor Charles H Haskins 15 Prescott Hall Cambridge Massachusetts Treasurer Clarence Winthrop Bowen Esq 130 Fulton St New York Chicago was chosen as the next place of meeting December 1904 The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was represented at the American Historical Association meeting by ...
... EARLY JOURNEYS TO OHIO EARLY JOURNEYS TO OHIO BY B F PRINCE Professor in Wittenberg College The contest for the lands west of the Ohio river began centuries ago It was a goodly land in the eyes of the savages as well as those of the white man A short survey of the Indian occupation will help us to understand the fierce contest between the French and English for domination in this region There is a conflict of opinion as to conditions in that territory from about 1650 to 1740 A great war of ...
... HISTORIC WORTHINGTON HISTORIC WORTHINGTON MIRA CLARKE PARSONS One hundred years ago in the month of October the quiet of the wilderness where Worthington now stands was broken by the arrival of forty families under the leadership of James Kilbourne The journey had occupied more than six weeks They came from Granby and Simsbury Conn representing many trades and occupations and bringing the hope and courage needed in founding a new home in a strange land The previous year their leader and Nathan ...
... CENTENNIAL OF MINER FAMILY CENTENNIAL OF MINER FAMILY The celebration of the Miner family June 7 1 90 6 at the old homestead on Green Lawn Avenue was an occasion well worthy of permanent note Mrs Mary Wharton eighty-five years of age youngest daughter of Isaac Miner and the sole survivor of his children issued an invitation to her friends and neighbors in the following form 1806 Spero ut fidelis 1906 MRS MARY WHARTON REQUESTS THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY AT THE CENTENNIAL OF THE MINER FAMILY ...
... 314 Ohio Arch 314 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE REV JOHN HECKEWELDER BORN AT BEDFORD ENG MARCH 12 1743 DIED AT BETHLEHEM PA JANUARY 2 1 1823 AGED 80 YEARS LESS 50 DAYS BY THE REV WM H RICE VICE PRESIDENT MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIFE MEMBER OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND LIFE MEMBER OF THE OHIO ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY One hundred years ago to-day September 29 1898 Rev John Heckewelder then a man about fifty-five years old moved into the First House of ...
... CORNSTALK THE INDIAN CHIEF CORNSTALK THE INDIAN CHIEF BY MRS ORSON D DRYER Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top When the wind blows the cradle will rock A certain queer little cradle hanging from a limb of a tree in a great green forest about the year 1720 is rocking to and fro as the soft summer wind sways the branches above it It is a gay and pretty cradle soft and warm with the skin of the moose and gorgeous with bird feathers and brightly colored quills of the porcupine and from it shine out ...
... medicines they could procure He saw that most of them were unable to work and thus unable to support themselves as a consequence of their service in defense of their country He saw them going to the poorhouse broken in spirit pocketbook and body He knew that most of them were dying in squalor The situation was deplorable Romanis realized that something should be done about such conditions and as he weighed the problem an idea which might be ...
... OUTLINE OF FACTS RELATED TO THE BURIAL OUTLINE OF FACTS RELATED TO THE BURIAL PLACE OF JOHN CHAPMAN By WESLEY S ROEBUCK February 15 1942 revised July 3 19431 1 Location of Henry Cassel's land the burial place of John Chapman and others Description of land The N 12 of SE 14 Section 19 T 31 N of R 13 E and the S 12 NE 14 Section 1 9 T 31 N of R 13 E east of the St Joseph River Allen County Indiana 165 acres three miles up the St Joseph River from the confluence of the St Mary's River on the east ...
... LETTERS FROM DR LETTERS FROM DR JOSEPH STRONG TO CAPTAIN JOHN PRATT Edited b y LOCKWOOD BARR The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine Vol XIII No 4 March 1941 published extracts from the biography of Doctor Joseph Strong Yale 1788 written by one of his descendants Lockwood Barr Yale 1905 Since that publication there have been found in the Connecticut State Library fourteen heretofore unknown letters written by Dr Strong during 17931 795 while serving in the Legion of General Anthony Wayne in ...
... RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO RUTLAND-THE CRADLE OF OHIO A LITTLE JOURNEY TO THE HOME OF RUFUS PUTNAM E O RANDALL It was in the bright and cheery days of September 1 90 8 that the Editor left the palatial Pullman car at Worcester and boarded a trolley that bore him along a rambling route amid tiny lakes and quiet hills to the little burg of Jefferson Here the trolley was exchanged for a motor bus the electric wings of which fluttered with intermittent and uncertain rapidity till the passengers ...
... INDUSTRIAL BEGINNINGS IN OHIO INDUSTRIAL BEGINNINGS IN OHIO By WILLIAM ALEXANDER MABRY The abundance of fertile land was unquestionably the lodestone which attracted most of the early settlers to the Ohio Country But along with the pioneer farmers came numbers of skilled mechanics to build the boats and erect the little mills and shops that were so much needed to furnish those necessities that could not be profitably brought from the East No tariff was necessary to protect the infant ...
... Peter Cartwright's CIRCUIT RIDING Days in Ohio by CHARLES TOWNSEND A famous historian referring to the people on the American frontier once wrote Whether Scotch-Irish Presbyterian Baptist or Methodist these people saturated their religion and their politics with feeling Both the stump and the pulpit were centers of energy electric cells capable of starting widespreading fires They felt their religion and their democracy and were ready to fight for it1 Peter Cartwright one of the most ...