Ohio History Journal

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"Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference," by E. L. Taylor. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 121-131.
... HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE COL E L TAYLOR COLUMBUS On the 28th of June 1 90 4 the Columbus Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution did themselves and their organization great honor by placing in Martin Park in the western part of the City of Columbus a large bowlder of igneous origin bearing a very handsome designed tablet in commemoration of the important council or conference which General William Henry Harrison had with the chiefs of certain ...

Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 78-84.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS A History of Kentucky By Thomas D Clark Prentice-Hall History Series Ed by Carl Wittke New York PrenticeHall Inc 1937 702p 500 To present in one volume a general history of Kentucky was the purpose of this book In a concise narrative of the political economic and social development of the state Kentucky has been viewed as an important factor in the larger life of the Nation and especially as a factor in the settlement of the South and West Each chapter has been well ...

"Indian Boundary Line," by W. S. Hanna. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 158-163.
... INDIAN BOUNDARY LINE INDIAN BOUNDARY LINE W S HANNA MILLERSBURG The Indian Boundary Line sometimes known as the Greenville Treaty Line or Wayne's Treaty Line had its origin in the closing events of the Revolutionary War As an historical land mark it has no equal in the early history of this country Around its history cling many of the most stubborn and sanguinary conflicts and border outrages that so distinctly marked the closing of the eighteenth century On every good map of Ohio it will be ...

"General John Graves Simcoe-The Canadian Governor Who Attempted to Make Ohio a Part of Canada," by James A. Green. Volume 43, Number 1, January, 1934, pp. 35-60.
... GENERAL JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE-- GENERAL JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE-- The Canadian Governor Who Attempted to Make Ohio a Part of Canada Annual Paper by JAMES A GREEN Historian of the Club American visitors to Canada are always struck with the beauty and charm of Lake Simcoe which is situated fifty miles north of Toronto in the midst of one of the most fertile regions of Ontario It is a lovely lake blue as Como Joined to it by a short and narrow strait is Lake Couchicing equally lovely In the city park of ...

"Origin of Ohio Place Names," by Maria Ewing Martin. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 272-290.
... ORIGIN OF OHIO PLACE NAMES ORIGIN OF OHIO PLACE NAMES MRS MARIA EWING MARTIN Paper read before the Fifth Ohio State Conference Daughters of the American Revolution held at Toledo October 29 1903EDITOR The Iroquois War on the Shawanese tribes along the Ohio gave white men in 1670 their first knowledge of that river La Salle's expedition down its waters to the Falls promptly followed but eleven years later when he stood at the mouth of the Mississippi and took possession for the King of France ...

"David Zeisberger's History of the Northern American Indians," edited by Archer Butler Hulbert and William Nathaniel Schwarze. Volume 19, Numbers 1 & 2, January-April, 1910, pp. 1-173.
... DAVID ZEISBERGER'S HISTORY OF THE NORTHERN DAVID ZEISBERGER'S HISTORY OF THE NORTHERN AMERICAN INDIANS EDITED BY ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT AND WILLIAM NATHANIEL SCHWARZE INTRODUCTION The present volume reproduces the manuscript written in German by the Moravian hero-missionary The Reverend David Zeisberger at his mission home beside the Muskingum River in Ohio in the years 1779 and 178 0 Though there is extant a most excellent biography of this noble man The Life and Times of David Zeisberger by ...

Volume 100, , Summer-Autumn, 1991, pp. 175-189.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSS E LL ABOLITIONISM Theodore Dwight Weld's Anti-Slavery Mission in Ohio by Vernon L Volpe 5-18 Abolitionist Actuarv Atheist Elizur Wright and the Reform Impulse by Lawrence B Goodheart rev 168-170 Abzug Robert Passionate Liberator Theodore Dwight Weld and the Dilemma of Reform 6 8 9 Adjutant General's General Order Number 12 1916 45-46 Adjutant General ONG office of 40-56 Agriculture Butter and Egg Business Implications From the Records of a Nineteenth-Century ...

"Historic Beginnings of the Ohio Valley," by W. J. Holland. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 406-415.
... 406 Ohio Arch 406 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HISTORIC BEGINNINGS OF THE OHIO VALLEY W J HOLLAND D D LL D Carnegie Institute Pittsburg Pa The Ohio River and the Ohio Valley are from the standpoint of the geologist of very recent origin There was a time when the greater part of the water which is discharged through this great stream found its way to the valley of the St Lawrence and thence to the Atlantic Ocean At the glacial epoch the great continental glacier creeping down toward ...

"Address of Hon. Samuel D. Dodge" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 18-26.
... 18 Ohio Arch 18 Ohio Arch and Hist Society P ublications Time like an ever-rolling stream Bears all its sons away They fly forgotten as a dream Dies at the opening day 0 God our help in ages past Our hope for years to come Be Thou our Guard while troubles last And our eternal home Thou who hearest prayer for Jesus' sake give ear to these our prayers and praises which we sum up in the words of our Lord Our Father Who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth ...

"Logan and the Logan Elm," by James E. Campbell. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 367-374.
... The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 367 The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 367 accomplishments of the Americans who came here and out of a wilderness carved a commonwealth Following this came the illuminative and interesting address by former Governor James E Campbell President of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society entitled LOGAN AND THE LOGAN ELM Ladies and Gentlemen Logan whose Indian name was Tah-gah-jute was the chief of the small tribe of Indians known as the Mingos ...

"Panisciowa-Jean Baptiste Ducoigne," Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 465-468.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 46 5 This quotation is a gem and the reader will thank the author for including it A wrong impression is left on page 288 by the statement that the senate finally voted 'yea' unanimously on this bill Seven senators at one time voted against it including Senator Brown from Ohio who opposed it in a speech While the author uses the correct spelling of the name of Lafayette she makes a mistake in the spelling of another name that occurs very ...

"Brady's Leap," by E. O. Randall. Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 457-465.
... BRADY'S LEAP BRADY'S LEAP BY E 0 RANDALL In what is known as Tract 29 issued in 1875 by the Western Reserve Historical Society the tradition-as the Tract calls it-of Brady's leap is related That a famous leap by Brady was made at the place generally designated as the site there is little or no doubt The time and attending circumstances of the achievement are much in dispute and wrote Mr L V Bierce in 1856 the numerous traditions respecting Brady's Leap across the Cuyahoga River and many other ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1957-July 1958," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 369-379.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1957 - July 1958 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT BUCKMASTER Henrietta Flight to Freedom The Story of the Underground Railroad New York Thomas Y Crowell Company 1958 217p For ages twelve and older JELLISON Charles A The Martyrdom of John Brown West Virginia History XVIII 1957 243-255 LOTTICK Kenneth V The Connecticut Reserve and the Civil War History of Education Journal VIII No 3 Spring ...

"Origin of Indian Names of Certain States and Rivers," by William E. Connelley. Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 451-454.
... ORIGIN OF INDIAN NAMES OF CERTAIN STATES ORIGIN OF INDIAN NAMES OF CERTAIN STATES AND RIVERS BY WILLIAM E CONNELLEY Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society Explanations of the origin of certain Indian names are varied and conflicting The writer submits the following authoritative statements relative to the derivation and meaning of the names of the states of Iowa Missouri Mississippi Ohio and Kentucky and the rivers Ohio Mississippi Missouri and Neosha IOWA The Iowa Indians called ...

"Reminiscences of A Pioneer," edited by Clement L. Martzolff. Volume 19, Numbers 1 & 2, January-April, 1910, pp. 190-227.
... REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER EDITED BY CLEMENT L MARTZOLFF B PED The following reminiscences are from the pen of a Highland county pioneer one Thomas Rogers who as the recital reveals was born a Virginian and at the close of the American Revolution moved with his family to Kentucky and thence in 1795 with the Massie party journeyed to Paint Creek vicinity of Chillicothe and there abided This recital of the scenes of early times in Ohio is worthy of preservation and ...

"'Wyandot's Bride, The,'" by N. B. C. Love. Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 182-188.
... THE WYANDOT'S BRIDE THE WYANDO T' S BRIDE N B C LOVE D D The poem The Wyandot's Bride written by Rev L B Gurley about seventy years ago is an epic of over two hundred lines It is in blank verse It describes The Sandusky River rolling outward into the Lake 'Mid leafy groves and prairies bright with flowers On this River the Wyandots A remnant of an ancient nation dwelt Which in its waning glory Was proud of its old name 'Wyandot' When the poem was written many old chieftains lived To tell of ...

"Address of Mr. Frank Tallmadge (Dedication of the Logan Elm)," Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 295-302.
... Dedication of the Logan Elm Dedication of the Logan Elm 295 chief Leatherlips who lies buried on the spot where he was killed about fifteen miles northwest of Columbus A significant feature of the program was an address by Mr Frank Tallmadge of Columbus a lineal descendant of Colonel Cresap the man that Logan believed to be responsible for the massacre of his family Mr Tallmadge sought to show that the Red Man was mistaken and spoke as follows ADDRESS OF MR FRANK TALLMADGE Roll back-my soul-to ...

"Fort Laurens-Its Site and Siege," Volume 17, Number 4, October, 1908, pp. 493-499.
... Editorialana Editorialana 493 FORT LAURENS--ITS SITE AND SIEGE The relation of the Ohio country and its pre-state pioneers to the events of the American Revolution has not yet been properly portrayed Until recently leading historians have either ignored it altogether or slightingly treated it It will ere long receive due attention Roosevelt in The Winning of the West Winsor in the Westward Movement and Moore in The Northwest Under Three Flags have given it more or less consideraton During the ...

"The Indian Tribes of Ohio-Historically Considered," by Warren King Moorehead. Volume 7, Number 1, October, 1898, pp. 1-109.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE INDIAN TRIBES OF OHIO -HISTORICALLY CONSIDERED A PRELIMINARY PAPER BY WARREN KING MOOREHEAD MEMBER OF THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE PREFACE In looking through a large number of historical and ethnological books recently I was impressed by the fact that we have no single work devoted exclusively to Ohio Indians and that the student of the tribes of the Ohio Valley in historic times must peruse numerous volumes and pamphlets in order to gain a ...

"Pittsburgh A Key to the West During the American Revolution," by James Alton James. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 64-79.
... 64 Ohio Arch 64 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and of course there is a constant demand for new vessels Further along after traversing a portion of the Ohio river the same author writes The boats which float upon the Ohio river are various--from the ship of several hundred tons burden to the mere skiff Very few if any very large vessels however are now built at Pittsburgh and Marietta but the difficulties incident to getting them to the ocean have rendered such undertakings infrequent ...