Ohio History Journal

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"Newcomers to the City: A Study of Black Population Growth in Toledo, Ohio, 1910-1930," Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 5-24.
... LEE WILLIAMS LEE WILLIAMS Newcomers to the City A Study of Black Population Growth in Toledo Ohio 1910-1930 Negroes no longer live in a few houses in a widely separated section They have come to constitute in themselves a good size city1 Beginning around 1915 increasing numbers of Afro-Americans pushed out of the south into northern and midwestern urban communities large and small The massive migration of blacks to the north is well known but has been documented chiefly for the largest ...

"Cholera in Cincinnati," Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 289-293.
... CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI By E W MITCHELL MD A worldwide epidemic of cholera beginning in far-off India in 1826 reached Russia in 1829 England in 1831 and was brought to this country in 1832 by immigrants landing in Quebec Dr Daniel Drake with characteristic foresight published early in 1832 a paper on cholera its causes symptomology and its treatment The first case in Cincinnati was that of a passenger on a steamboat from Portsmouth He had left Kingston Canada nine days ...

"Cincinnati as a Publishing and Book Trade Center, 1796-1830," Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 117-143.
... CINCINNATI AS A FRONTIER PUBLISHING CINCINNATI AS A FRONTIER PUBLISHING AND BOOK TRADE CENTER 1796-1830 by WALTER SUTTON Department of English University of Rochester Cincinnati was a frontier village with one newspaper and a population of 500 when the first book published in the territory lying north and west of the Ohio River came from the press of William Maxwell in 1796 The log-cabin settlement on a north bend of the Ohio River was only six years old Six more years were to pass before it ...

"Old Fort Industry," by S. S. Knabenshue. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 126-127.
... OLD FORT INDUSTRY OLD FORT INDUSTRY BY S S KNABENSHUE Editorial in Toledo Blade January 24 1903E O R Fort Industry existed that is there are men still living who can recall its remains But that is all we know about it In boyhood they saw the clay bluff afterward cut down which occupied the site of the block bounded by Summit Water Monroe and Jefferson streets On its summit some six or eight doors north of Monroe street was an excavation which had apparently been a cellar under a cabin and at ...

"General Edward Orton, Jr.," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 656-661.
... 656 Ohio Arch 656 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tees to go forward with the completion of this building and it has been decided to ask the Legislature at its next session for an appropriation sufficient to carry out that policy That having been decided the next step in the project is to prepare a tentative plan upon which to base estimates in asking for the necessary appropriation General Orton having done such a remarkable piece of work for this organization as Chairman of the ...

Volume 86, Number 3, Summer, 1977, pp. 204-223.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Blacks in Ohio History Edited by Rubin F Weston Volume IV of The Ohio American Revolution Bicentennial Conference Series Columbus The Ohio Historical Society 1976 44p illustrations notes 200 As the nation moves into its third century under the Constitution Professor Weston remarks in the introduction it is imperative that all groups who made America be recognized and that their contribution be included in the history books With this purpose in mind one in a series of ...

"Thomas Boyd and F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Brief Literary Friendship" by Brian Bruce. Volume 109, 125-143, Summer–Autumn, 2000, pp. 125.
... Thomas Boyd and F Scott Fitzgerarld Summer-Autumn 2000 pp 125-143 This article is presented page by page and footnoted according to the original print version If a sentence appears to be incomplete scroll down to continue with the next page Copyright 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Thomas Boyd and F Scott Fitzgerald A Brief Literary Friendship By Brian Bruce click to view full image In June 1925 F Scott Fitzgerald wrote a spiteful letter to his editor Max Perkins about ...

"Thomas Smith Grimke," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 301-312.
... THOMAS SMITH GRIMKE THOMAS SMITH GRIMKE BY C B GALBREATH Beautiful in winter when the earth is robed in white beautiful in the springtime when the grass comes creeping everywhere when buds open and the robin and the bluebird are heard among the trees beautiful in the summer twilight when the foliage is dense and green when the katydid in the tree top in staccato song answers to the chirp of the cricket below when the well-kept mounds are decked with flowers sweet prophecies of the resurrection ...

Volume 94, , Winter-Spring, 1985, pp. 116-118.
... LAURA RUSSELL LAURA RUSSELL Book Notes Choose You This Day The Legacy of the Hanbys By Dacia Custer Shoemaker Edited by Harold B Hancock and Millard J Miller Westerville Ohio The Westerville Historical Society 1983 xv 137p illustrations notes appendix selected bibliography index The publication of this book represents the final realization of Dacia Custer Shoemaker's dream to rescue the Hanbys from obscurity by preserving and recording many heretofore unknown facts about the famous father and ...

"Interurbans in the Automobile Age: The Case of the Toledo, Port Clinton and Lakeside," by Douglas V. Shaw. Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 125-151.
... DOUGLAS V DOUGLAS V SHAW Interurbans in the Automobile Age The Case of the Toledo Port Clinton and Lakeside From the first decade of the twentieth century until the early 1930s electric interurban railways connected almost all Ohio towns and villages of more than 5000 population With its numerous cities and market towns within reasonable proximity of one another prosperous agriculture and generally favorable topography everywhere but in the southeast Ohio provided ideal territory for ...

Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 285-318.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Lost America The Story of Iron-Age Civilization Prior to Columbus By Arlington H Mallery With the assistance of Mary Roberts Harrison Illustrations by Paula Mallery Introduction by Matthew W Stirling Director of the Bureau of American Ethnology Smithsonian Institution Columbus Ohio and Washington D C The Overlook Company 1951 xviii238p illustrations maps tables references index and appendix 450 This little volume has created a minor sensation in Ohio and other parts ...

"Frankfurt-Am-Main and Baldwin-Wallace College," Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 20-27.
... FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN AND BALDWIN-WALLACE FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN AND BALDWIN-WALLACE COLLEGE by F A NORWOOD Associate Professor of History Baldwin-Wallace College Without German Pietism John Wesley would not have had a warming of the heart He would have remained a devoted strict churchman somewhat bigoted fulfilling his ecclesiastical duties unflinchingly but he would never have gained access to the hearts of the multitudes he would not have kindled a fire that enlightened and warmed the hearts and ...

"Chief Little Jim, Great-Grandson of Tecumseh," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 510-513.
... CHIEF LITTLE JIM GREAT-GRANDSON CHIEF LITTLE JIM GREAT-GRANDSON OF TECUMSEH In volume XXXIV of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly pages 143-153 appeared a contribution entitled Tecumseh and His Descendants gleaned from authentic records furnished by Thomas Wildcat Alford scholarly and cultured gentleman one of the great-grandsons of the famous chieftain Tecumseh born in Ohio and later one of the most intrepid and resourceful leaders of the confederate tribes in their campaigns ...

"Role of the 'District' as a Unit in Organized Medicine in Ohio, The," by Robert G. Paterson. Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 367-377.
... THE ROLE OF THE DISTRICT AS A UNIT IN ORTHE ROLE OF THE DISTRICT AS A UNIT IN ORGANIZED MEDICINE IN OHIO1 By ROBERT G PATERSON PHD Use of the district as a basic unit of medical organization and administration is historically the oldest in the State It antedates the county city and state medical societies A district in the sense in which it is used here includes within its area two or more counties From 1811 to 1 90 2 the history of medical organization in Ohio is full of the trial and error ...

"Ohio History Conference, The," Volume 39, Number 2, April, 1930, pp. 411-468.
... THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE THE OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE In order to formally launch the new and enlarged program of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society particularly as it concerns local and county historical societies colleges and universities and juvenile interests a state-wide Conference was called for Friday February 7 to which all members of the Society and all others interested were invited Special invitations were extended to all the local historical societies in the ...

"Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship," by George W. Lasher. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 227-233.
... Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship 227 REJOICING IN DIVINE WORKMANSHIP Abstract of a sermon preached by the Rev George W Lasher D D editor of the Journal and Messenger Cincinnati Ohio in the First Baptist Church Text Psalm CXLIX 2 Let Israel rejoice in Him that made him let the children of Zion be joyful in their King There are two ways of writing history the one to refer every event to some over-ruling power superior to man and to human agency the other to find ...

"The Establishment of Dermatology and Syphilology as Medical Specialties in Northern Ohio: Dr. William T. Corlett and the 'Renaissance' of the 1890's," by Willard L. Marmelzat. Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 378-386.
... THE ESTABLISHMENT OF DERMATOLOGY AND SYPHILOLTHE ESTABLISHMENT OF DERMATOLOGY AND SYPHILOLOGY AS MEDICAL SPECIALTIES IN NORTHERN OHIO1 Dr William T Corlett and the Renaissance of the 1890's by WILLARD L MARMELZAT MD Department of Dermatology and Syphilology University Hospitals of Cleveland The rise of dermatology as a medical specialty in Ohio is of particular medico-historical interest for the evolution of the treatment of skin diseases with which this paper deals is not only of local and ...

"The 'Little Steel' Strike: Conflict for Control," by Michael Speer. Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 273-287.
... MICHAEL SPEER MICHAEL SPEER The Little Steel Strike Conflict for Control Historically strikes in the American iron and steel industry have been bloody affairs The 1892 Homestead strike and the 1919 steel strike stand as outstanding examples of industry's militant refusal to share the power of decision-making with labor representatives for steel management such strikes provided what amounted to an opportunity for crushing an incipient union movement By the mid-1930's however the conflict ...

Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 156-213.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews With Shield and Sword American Military Affairs Colonial Times to the Present By Warren W Hassler Jr Ames Iowa State University Press 1982 x 462 p maps notes selected bibliography index 2950 This book is the first comprehensive history of the American military past since Walter Millis's Arms and Men A Study in American Mlitary History 1955 T Harry Williams's The History of American Wars From 1745 to 1918 1981 might have claimed that position had not its author's ...

Volume 35, Binding Supplement, , 1926, pp. 671-688.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV Aboriginal Pottery of the Eastern United 33 111 Imitation bear teeth Mound States 1 26 25 77 92 94 General 154 156 158Abraham Lincoln The Prairie Years 1 62 Beaver teeth Mound 25 80 434 Fossil teeth Mound 1 17 Jaws 163Adena culture 553 164 Mound 25 76 Panther teeth Adornment Objects of personal 149-189 Mound 25 76 82 92 Raccoon teeth Altars 22 footnote Mound 4 34 154 Mound 25 68 154 American Anthropologist 7 Shark teeth Mound 1 18 Wild cat American ...